I at ofcci u >M win tall fov DAYS la raadlnc the palm and aha %Safe -' - reads the palm of rear Mm* ' ' . j like an open hpok.' She Ik a . t 111 |/\ " eclentlflc palmlak I lA 11J 4# A Bow many unhappy panple, ' 11 A SI 1 M?. Jf are there In this city whose f> ' a \ 21 -lil #V u ere arkened by the acta V V >Ur\5l ~ ?y / ? Of others. Is your Ufa nearly % Yk\ n rf 7 j a wreck becauee you cannot .\J.?.U^ W Y ^ overcome troubles of a domesJ tic nature or otherwise?. Are _ t *on *OT?* " *? 3rou I "jl^T A *ke one ot y?ur choice ?row^^UyC^^v\ 1 **** 001(1 ? 11 80 CODaalt Ma4wn >y/1 ^XwjKynr* * >h? hM k*^ VUv, 4\WF i thousands of people from sor& J V/jR I row and sadneea, so why not V I-*n -\ you. ThU la the last chance to R' 1 * V see her as ehe^will be here cmVftWWlH^ jy a few more days- Bo why w ^ not have youe hand read.? * [CALL AT J. F. TAYLOEJS I FOR FRESH BUCK WHEAT I BOTH PLAIN AND SELF RISING JOS. F. TAYLOE Phones 123] and 124. DAILY NEWS WASHINGTON". N. C. M- EXCI/U&IVE, LOCAL AG?NT>S fpffj? FOR. THIS E>X&LUnS1VE. LINE/.- j?<lf( MAUI fAt^nin I ihau R /. M? J AI A ncn ucs lam livci neiiKuy Ufdl Puts Calomel Out of Business from Hot Springs, Ark., where the ach and Bowel ailments that famous Best Medical Brains in America are physicians In -Hot Springs, Ark., preLocated?Nc More Constipation. scribe them because they know of nothing better. To relieve constipation with violent They are a grand tonic. They build remedies that simply force their way you up: make you eat, sleep and work, through the bowels is easy?but how better. They drive sallownese. pimples about the after effect of such strenuous and blotches from the skin and are trvatment? splendid for headache, dizziness and The people of America are now nf- nervousness, fered a Liver. Stomach and Dowel rem-. All real drug store* carry HOT edy by name HOT SPRINGS LIVER SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS?2i cts. BUTTONS, that is a certain cure for 7our money back if they arc not Just constipation. They are gentle in their srand. action and give speedy and blissful Free sample and 100 of our 17.000 tea* relief. tlmontals from Hot Springs Chemical They are so good for all Liver, Stom- j Co., Hot Springs, Ark. ISelz Waukenphast Mode . Eb9| Very I airrt (or Women V, This is one of the newest models out by the Selz factories. The popularity versal satisfaction given by the Selz Wau for men. suggested a similar model fo L' ==s and children. They were introduced thi I for the first time. The factory at Chtcagc t P Ing day and rAght to supply the demand Let us fit you with a pair and you will tl |' \ why Selz shoes are so popular. SH ggn We also have many other styles HHP for men, women and children C. A. Tumage'?| ?"c^S Am mtMtwwr GUN S . Wlnchester'and UJF1 , | both stinaard quallty^ai i ) quantities. ^ ^ ' J ? We are prepared ~to , ! wholesale or retail 1 1 SWThe hunting season ' | should purchase a supp i I . I Harris Har | J WASHING!* HZ Gladdens Sore Feet IV hen Your Feet Feel Happy, Joy Shows in Your Fact. TIZ Glrss Instant Relief From Foot Troubles. Tbitiki, for Your Introduction of TIZ.' TIZ in :li04 ft-ot tfoyle Vlth comfort ntl di'iblit ?itoibcs iw-.if all f'H<t-(icliM m;?1 : w.-uin^s la a rca.ful. Comforting OVt'liatb. Corns, bunions, calluses and chilblains arc -o.le.sd at once by TIZ?Use positive, anl itnz.foot remedy.?o different f rem anything you'vo tried. When j'ou ask for TIZ. 0 sure you pet TIZ. Look for "Walter 1 uthvr Potltr* A Co.." printed on the bo*. ..1Z Is on sale atdru?stt:s' and deportment -tores everywhere. I*ric? So. If yonr drelef won't supply TIZ, wn will send by rami ..n receipt <f f?r<eo. Walter T ruber l)o<lgo A Cc? its Mo. IVaba.- li Ave.. Chlcn-p, Cl'rf Pnllc. Bau ttt.ll | The supply of good poultry hai. I never yet equaled the demand. Clt> j folks prefer poultry products dlrec I from the farm and will pay any pric?' you ask for them. If you are near town, become acquainted with thos? ! who use poultry products and try tc I supply their wants. There will bo i money in your pocket for such a i _ ; , # e j WANTED;?SECOND HAND FIKFProof safe, about 20x?0 inside measurements. Wlf. BRAGAW j & CO. 10-30 ltc. brought \ fAg and unlkenphast I r women > is workfor them. >en know .. K K I I 11 R HiBMBNiKnl I * ^ ty . yJ*"'' f 1 H E L S | Shells. j ! e carried by u*tn large J Ml*youi^rder!?ielther ? wUlfsoon'opea'and you ^ ly early. ' = c dwareTCo., ? I 3N, N. C - J ?MMMMM1 llti i II KjL | It te'a pleaaaro Id ?uap <wyw m fully ob the praise of Prof. Walte j Sargent of CWfl^llsr the .Chines* ^ custom of "one ejijblisfihd style of dress for women." Lite might be cheaper under such a dull tray provision of costume. But it would certainly not be worth lis* lug. The whole trouble with costumes today is that they are too much alike. Instead of designing a dress that Is. becoming to her own dimensions, preportions and other endowments of nature, the average woman accepts the fashion of the hour, whatever it may be?large sleeves, small hips, no waist or v. batever' 1he fashion gods decree. What is needed Is not more standardisation. but more individuality in dross. A declaration of isdependence is the crying feminine need of the hour?not a uniform designed by any iloard ef economists.?Nsw York Tribune. * Watehlng the New Horses. Horse owners should he partldo-larty?watehfnl of new horses taken"" lata the stable, as they may have a mild form of glandeis or farcy, both of which are incurable, deadly and extremely contagious to horseB and to human beings as well. A horse with a running nose may be as daugeroub as a mad dog. ^ Litter for Ducks. Keep the Utter in the duck house dry by freqaeut changing. The duck>fare great musaers. mm Y. <. t| ?"j \\ 'f/Jcit* \ . I HERE' A ONEnSIDI FOR NC Straight !to*4 frock* are cteanS*agtf suited to either the decorative mate rUie bow modish or the plain fabrioa The oddly patterned crepes, etlke and novelty stuffs deed little trimming, none unleee It be a collar and ouffa of plain material to offset the too decorative appearance or for contrast. The plain materials map- be collared and cuffed most effectively with the brocages and figured silks. AllliuuKh?w hare draperies?an* overdrapertea. the plain, straight skirt with iu accompanying plain blopes la A well-eqf. one-piece druse la shown, in 7099. 6a# of the clinging silks In a targe Oriental pattern, richly colored, would be appropriate for this model, ae well ae thS plaid trimmed ratine in which it is hare developed. to obtain etther pattern It Inst rated fi:l { inT* Pw clUt'oXdl'"" J I haro a four-bursa eren.r pomso- 0 Froaartch, of IVwadom. OhU-. m tha J 14 Inch pip, I fMt 10 IndMaS km*, with a hoi. T Inch,, from wtU tad for brrnc. rod. and two moral C tola, 1H lnchea tram Mcb end fori* loubl. tm darUea. B k u nt ^ Wck 1ft tnobee long. Inches wtftal ? and about ft inches thiek. Om ads* 3 a bellowed out for tba main tree and J Om otbar Is rounded off to conform 1 with the braca rod. Holes ara drHled f aalls driven through thpm Into tba J Mds cot In each and. Tba ja pot through the boles In the J l>.?w ?ud tightened op with nnts on- f til the pipe la slightly bant. This ? holds the block tight at all times. The m last thing is to oovsc the pipe. Mock m and all with a plate of Iron bent over It and- bolted or screwed down. Small doubletrees mast be used. If made right this evener wlU pull a threeton load through mud hole# or up a 80 par. cent grade. There are no square , corners, everything works freely, and there is ne chanse of either team shirking. Disposal of Mamirs. The most important part of the stable sanitation from the other fellows's standpoint Is the disposal of manure. The liquid manure should be ab* Borbed by the bedding and ths bedding changed every day. The Solid manure should be cleaned up morning . and evening and thrown In a fly-proof box or vault. If possible, have It hauled away dally. Cutting Out the Weeds. 4~ If It is desired to make the place *.6ok tidy and neat and keep the weeds from obtaining a more determined hold, they should be cut at the earliest opportunity. A mower will undoubtedly cut nearly all or them. 4 scythe will be found necessary only tn /-lit ?Ko and in the corners.' ^ 7656 ^ ID TUNIC MAKES VELTY An afternoon frock after this design require# for else 18, 4V6 yard# of 18 inch materiel with % ef a yard o< contracting el lk. A half-tunic and a clever blouae arrangement make Mi distinctive. The mart effect of a plain duvetyn In a oft dark ifcirpie relieved by touches of vividly colored embroidery may readily be perceived. Bit# of bright green; cerise and gold make the em- h( *Uw "im^ '$!uiikimwi!,Ttt? "2 ambroldary* add, furtbar oblo to tba ,, trtx-k. ?rr- - ? " Thta drtaa mar ba ooplad In alia la J* with ttt Tarda of If Inch material and ' * of a rard of contraatluc material. # No. 7????alaaa It to <4. ? T1 No. fan alaaa ?< to <1. tr Bach pattern It cahta. c in ?8 __ Yon know that on inn [Know tnat OU. " Be sure to coml in ten drys.J'You can fully before'yoirbu> I ! "' v^~ *"** "* I These'are $20.001 j/amed<QA T^THE HIGH-ART rl-WXTT B'Tr Vtni ' " INOT TheJ Great^D SfegSg Con fr" "Will clcse; Dtcirrfcci bcr 1st aa advertised. \\ get the Pony outfit deliy< con teat on November 1st. I- " The Poney jnjf" Pti . week.each merchant wil cash purchases and'on from now until close oSc i' Save Your Votes a Southern Furniture Company. ^ Lewi & Calais. Gents' Outfitter*. E R. L. Stewart, Watchmaker and c JewVjer. P<- P.zfn*well. Blcarclee & Sun- dries. I Willis Bakery. C. M. Willi? Prop I ' . 1 IICKHAIIES }F~THE~BREAlj' loted Men, tike Prise Winners of th? Turf, Have What Might Be Celled , **Stable Names." nined my divorce aad^eeaeed to toll, am going to derate -my leisure to thesaurus of the stable names of ' he great. Too know what a stable amo is. of ooutee. Tou know that a scing mare called Czarina Olga .Fed-, rvna in the dope sheets Is noTCzar-~ la Olga Fedorovna la the sUMe. nor ven Czarina or Olga, but usually Iain LU or Jlnnie. And you know. jo, that a prise bulldog called Chamion Zoroaster 4l. on the bench is ften plain Jack'or Ponto In the kenel. So with the eminent of genus omo, Owen Hatteras writes In the mart 8et The offiolal style and ipellation of the late King Edward VIZ. as Edward, by the Grace of God. of le United Klngdam of Great BrlUln nd Ireland; and of the Dominions Be-, c,uu-?u0-??7-?iflirainp"or ot ina?but his wife called him Bertie, nd the wife of Keleer Wllhelm cells J lm Willie. But what Of oreq greater men? I rhat was Ibsen a stable name? Did m wife call him tfenrik formally, trshly?or did she tone It down to I en, Henay, Harry, Rik or Hank? nd Bismarck? Did the furstln ever HI him Ottchen? Or Otllly? Both J Torltee at the Oerman hearth! And * olstoy? By Roeelan custom he was I so NlhakOerltch to his friends?tott I as he ever Lee or Nicky to the cbun- I e? What wds. Oraat to hip wife? nrtalnlr not Ulraooa, an lahamaa. sponsiblemma! And Napoleon I T nd Wolfgang Aroadoua gouRt And onarn BatacT And Robot Brown- ! g? Wna ka ..or Bob? And John ealrr? Was he ornr Jnok? And x*f nnsal Bwadanborg? Wan bo wrar iiipl or cromation. A No. M of th? -Tmaoaetloos- of thn ramaMon gocisty of England, which u Juat bona pnbUihod. atataa that mw WW, un Uiwmnuum lu Oral rttnin hi i?u, compared with 1.0JJ In M. A H,t tt gfvon of tho w,II town persona who warn cremated ring thn year.-including tho BUhap : Truro and Rov. Chart OS Voroaf. A Kara ara It cramatortM In this conn-:. r, of which irs ara municipal. Bum , arias ara ,trar of tho progrow < ffi amotion abroad. Bams "Short Re. 11 I i . .v , - _ M | and try em one of our *? , within the next gt t on. We ma?t ?tt 1? Mi order to reduce [our J |fel CLOTHIERS^ J 1 If. r I n ' n ^ .'t ^j unlap^ [Pony testae. {[letgfcFteedQf Novtir'e have been -unable to ;red in time to dose the 1 give bonus votes on pryznenta of accounts am est nd Winthe Pppy J Vortiqt St Etfcerldse. Dnjgk -., \ . \ !. K .Willis, Grocer end Skip ftaatfpir. ? " < t 7 7r . Ki jHoyt, Washington's Great , ' 9t Store. entrai Pore Pood Ma rite', larrla Hardware Co., Hardware 'lumMng. ' Baal Watch a-specialty at 74cURUSS BROS., Variety Store. 10-?0 2tc. 9mT ''JLTJliU " 1 ? UTTTTi' '' 1turJii in?7<rwr?ni El 111 H gggllH |L #M ^ssawy?q |lf| -A? won dson Ol tWM ?M pao HBAMVlVja it jail PliP ?n<?n....P l inXY LAMOKT8 AND TBS 81NO1NO OIRL I VtOTlON PICTURES (fl WHEN LINCOLN PAID \1 Two Haw Feature \ THE PEDDLER'S FIND \ I Oo?4, Drawa M CORING Taeeday, Norember 4U> I l DACGHTRH OF THE CON FED. r?v'4*": * I Wadnaaday. Nor. ?<h. 'V THEODORA?* KEELfl ^ \l

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