)?r & U&. j . 'L'T^-* ?^Swg I KSTj -7 . ^""^^^555-^ ff?f&K 'i^^tof~-aL T^Saai^ r*-? ; ,- .. I m \ ^ -^' ^s*v _ ^ j^?a fr, m ' r" ~^" ~ # (e?r jlm i m 1 ^t^jm v vicrx ^ ict ^ /flu ]WL/ 11|H BfliBI fffM yB wff Special Notice to Dealers If , , f . i Jfflbj, UtOH WOOd-IMn No Yak 1*1? W. OOtt ( t ] J. LEON WOOD & CO. / E \NKERS and BROKERS. ( RAJ \?ki, Ooafe. UM Or la aatf raomaaa,, TO w?? num. Ij W IMUdla* Norfulk Va. I I to N.w Vor Mak W*ii|i, Cfal?a?o M ? v*'<, *!?' ' ' ^ '^fi'r'i 3, w T/ To Ever1 " of OMAR These Tie Gasps a can picture them! T id marvelous tracery c off by the pure, soft 3 this Tie Clasp um , jewelry standards, s you wonder. Ulis the answer! < i, most satisfying Tu market that we feel ji e you to try a packag ' -V. ^i*;;' - . * Bk. jSm wB ^wBr fll TURKISH B Q AH " The Joy o R b the most ctupan \ cigarette history ? le sales of any other 11 it higher, better q delightful flavor?a ains. OMAR is una i cigarette ever offered Take advantage of awarded by a new jej lost satisfying, delighl L Large Navajo ? Blanket (5Xx8X in.) With Each Puokage N We want every dealer in Wa Clasps All dealers who hav< * OMAR headquarters, at the wonoB f :? ) Notice la hereby tires that bids I wl'l be received br the undersliaed . to be opened 6n November 10th, ror ' ibe biro ot the eonvtete (or the ' months of Deoember sad, - January. , Re bid all! be received for lees than lid par try and all runalas eipanaee ot Mid terse. Br order ot the Board ot Ceaatr qhi Lf I H!^ i 3I^E THE. SUPPLY mine E::: IE CLA y Purchaser of a Turkish-Blend < re better than an/ he wonderful, delicz if the famous Clotsor gold lustre of all n iisuaUy attractive, The evident value e: OMAH is so unmix. rkish-blend cigarett istified in offering thi e. j f&Jm MX LEND ITTES f Life" 'doits, amazing snce and is rapidly ad cigarette in the wo] zlity of Turkish-blen nytning you will ? a uestionably the big the American puMi this opportunity and r in smoking, by disc ;ful cigarette you ev 3 for 15? 3 (Sill Take advantage oftins? (9 avnirl ' 3 |8?3 a limited supply cf ch< cannot obtaih more. < mmm cmar?ie<j ask for < FREE OFFER SIGN ON A DE/ THE AMERIOAN TOBACCO COM i sMugton to be supplied with C t r.ot yet secured a supply of t Louise HoteLE. J. Relihan, froi Kaemn nnd Itrlilae Cmrod. The toothing,' bealius aoedlcofcioB Is nr. Hobm'i Besoms Olotmoai penetrate. rnrj tlsy pore of thai sklu, elosra It of oil lmpbrMee?1 topi itching tnitaatly Dr. Hoboon'i Kcsemo Olsus.st li lamM' tc| ipudlly heol Mumi. rathe., ribs torro, totter and othor nsatsktly eruption. Eciemo Olntmaet Is doctor' prescription, sat sa erperimeat. All d^-S?ll<S OS hy moll * l**- J,r fi ' - '1 . ' ?e | I NE ENAMEL LAST3 ' O TT3 1 ' J *.sp : . Package I Cigarettes \ description ; ite coloring me Enamel, > letal parts, judged by f this Clasp takabl'ifV(\Q~ ;e ever put s> expensive ft I ess ever revancing to -Id. dr^ew, difind the fact gest hit of . . yon will be overing the er smoked. Ii2 i rca ?f'sr tor? ?.y and Dealers have only ?ee Tie Clasp* and let a package of 1 FREE Tie Clasp. I [ kLER'SW^CrOW - II FAftr renulnc Cloisonne Enamel Tie heae Tie Clasps can do so at n ft to 7 o'clock on 11*10, 1C1C. Many of Ch* olfgrual dnncultles* in oonstraeting silo and t* operating It here lar??ly disappeared. 811os , are comparatively simple in construe- 1 tioo. muck tan costly, much mors ?f- 1 flclent Own formerly, end with the < modern machinery for chopping up Milage sad tor filling the alto, they Are much essler to-operate. Puil.iillfln V,AM tviwiivii 9 rorr, nvQ^v, * (ood Ms* 00 (& vwt ui ; outh l( MM pmddoclr tod taurutmd mmkm tt am. cmfortabt. Mr luck ?nd hi Wdtow. u> md Nomjr ?* y\ [SOCIETY ^ * PERSONALS. . Z. T. Benson urnl wife, of Rocky Vlount, are registered at Hotel Louise. E. A. Davenport, of Mackey's, S\ C.f registered at Motel Louise a< night. W. A. Tankard, of Uatli, X. s here today on business. Deputy Sheriff Claude '{oIht011. id' Aurora.* was on our -tre.-ts esterday. d. hn A. 1! u.t-r. of Wlh.n. X. i- here today on Im-ii,- --. ..T. AV. Ih 11. ..f Jlell'tivrt. X. . i> IIIJKJ V fri. llfU. S. Gardner. '.I' !'ath. i- in the ity .today. <1*. Diilar.ey. of Wil-on. wall <?nr wet- thi- moriiiiiir. 1'. I". Martin. of Roval. is a ruest ui Hotel Louiso. * K Mrs. W. J. Ferroll. of Grccn ille. N. ( who has Iw?mi visiting J1-. .John II. Small, lias returned o her home. blisses Mav Roll ami Catherine Mnall accompanied their father. Hon. John II. Small, .to the Inand Wutcrwav convention. Mrs. small lias receive! a wire from hem. Tlicv report several courteies shown tliem by the city of racksonville. >KIFF FOUND ? WENT ashore during the storm near Ilroud Creek. Owner can secure same by first paying for this notice and applying to C. Can-, dv, R. F. D. No. 2. 11-19-.lt UAbI UK IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of urunxen Bears couldn't Run. Four big bears were killed near tfarlington, W. Vs., by a gunning party who came upon the animals after they had destroyed a "moonshine" still and lapped up a large quantity of the lllclt whisky. The bears were so visibly intoxicated that they could not ran and fell easy victims to the gun icrs. Comparative Worth. ? " Scribbler?"Now, dear, I cant come and take the baby. Don't you see 1 am very busy on this po?m? Call the servant?" Mrs. Scribbler?"I'll dc nothing of the kind, Henry. Just re-| member that the servant girl's time Is worth exactly four dollars a week." ?Puck. Appendicitis Known 30 Years. As a disease, appendicitis became known about thirty ysars ago. Since that time It Is estimated that fully 200,000 people In this country have undergone surgical operations as a care. Strictly Up to Data. 8even-year-old Peggy was drawing the picture of a house and Anally announced It completed. "But where are the chimneys?" she was asked Peggy's Cace fell for a moment as she noticed this Important omission, bxn she'quickly recovered her presence cf mind. "Oh. this kind of a house doesn't need chimneys," she answered calmly. "It is heated by radiators." Wells Should Be Deep. Experiments have proved tha. shallow wells contain twenty as many dangerous germs a* are contained in the deeper well*, and considering that the watet supply usuall" Is stronger as th* depth 'stresses. the putting down 01 deep wells ought to -appeal strongly tc every farmer.?The Homestead. Food From the Sea. Nearly 5,750,000 crabs were landec In England and Wales last year, according to the annual report on sea fisheries, while over thirty-three million oysters, between si* and seven hundred thousand lobsters, and some twenty-six thousand tons of other shell-fish were taker. , -t American Forests the Best. The original forests of the United Mates contained timber in quantity tnd variety far exceeding that found a say similar traot ta the world. Remarkable. Frost?'Sometimes one runs across lis friends In the most unexpected Oaoss." Snow?-True. Yesterday I bund Agues at home." k^DaUy Thought. . 1 m i n 1 m H r Tr.gjar banking . g "HOME? ' / 4 If not; this bank, strong and accommodating cordially in- i vites your account The personal service extended, makes every depos] iter feel at home here, wtule SECURITY for deposits makes !h<"m feel safe. Start vnur account to- . s - | L = ^ i Bank of W cshington Washington, N. C. - 3 n e \v i .< >f "i > k ladies Sr.,.i-t f\-..t- ? : 1 *** , ... . ...... j . . mu-u. ??U uri? <>tT?*rm?r lin n, at a sacrifice prirf. Call early f..r the last ft'lectinti. Jiriw. Variety Store. ll-10-2tc * FOR SUCCESS WITH POULTRT Essential That the Male at Head of Flock Is Pure Bred?Uniformity Increases tho Profits. ' (By H. M. LAMON.) Be Btire that the male at tho heftd of the flock Is pure bred. Puro-brod poultry means uniformity of products. Uniformity of products means Increased profits, if products are properly marketed. Given the 8ame cars and feed, pure-bred fowls will make a greater profit than mongrels. Uniform products command the best prices. Pure-bred fowls produce form products. ? In order to obtsln eggs It Is neoessary to have healthy, vigorous stock. ; i Brood Coop* With Hon* and Chickens on a Well-Managed Poultry Farm. properly fed. A splendid mixture for I laying hens is equal part* of cracked j corn, wheat and oats, which should be scattered In the Utter, ^ran or middlings and b?ef scraps jnld be kept In receptacles to which th? fowls have access _at alLiimea. Plenty of exercise Increases the cjg yield. Provide four or five feet of good, clean. Utter In which to scatter the grain. Cabbages, mangels, Tf\atoes, etm, make excellent green feed. When wet mashes are fed, I. sure they are crumbly and not sticky. For the first three days chicks may be fed a mixture of equal parts hardboiled eggs and stale bread, or stale bread soaked in milk. When bread and milk are used, care should be exercised to squeeze all milk out of the bread. From the third or fourth day until the chicks can eat wheat and cracky corn, commercial chick foed Is a good ration. Plenty of pure, freeh water, grit, shell and green feed should be available from the flraO-dsy. Feed the chickens about fire times daily and only what they wlU eat up clean In a few minutes, sasspt at nig^t. when they should receive ill '.h** want. A Delicate Nut-like Flavour I j Crane - Nuts FOOD and alone v ith the d< 1 dons taste,there's all the rich nourish ment of whole wheat and malted barley, for build in? sturdy bodies and keen brains. Ready to eat direct from packages?fresh, crisp and clean. A <rood part of any meal, served with cream or milkhot or cold. "There'a a Reason** for

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