- , I -I . .. ? -" ;r NewpArrivals Today./ Women's and Misses SAMPLE COATS * h die most popular material* and styles. Colore are Black, Navy, Brown, Gray, etc. Some have novelty velvet collars and cuffs, others have collars and cuffs mt same material Not all sixes in the let but if your size is here you have the opportunity ot securing one of these sample, coats at a very Special Price. Notice Show Window: New Rufflings and Marabout Trimming Today's express also brought us many new pieces of net and chiffon ruffling in white and earne and the very latest effects of narrow and wide at USc tj> S1.25 Yd. New Marabout in white, Pink, Black, Gray 59c Yd F ' ' " . > j- k. hoyt rATTKBNS. Washington, N. C. For Mcn Insurance Aaainst Fire Why not get it today while you need it? Tomorrow you may not have the chance to insure. Wit*. Bragawk Co. Phone 59 or 266. First Insurance Agents In Washington. N. C. * * New Theater Motion Pictures Tonight _ Program. "THE INTRUDtlR" A Two Keel Yiu Urania. featuring Maurice CostoMo. tile 11 mo>t popular an.; ki^lust salaried motion picture actor I f Lssnn*: Stu l1. i< Life and His Wife's Friends. TWO SFI.F.NDID COMKDIBS. II Forbes' Orchestra vill ploy during the wee!.; Per1 a tormar.ee from 7-CO to 11. \J:n:s*>lon .? arid to Conls. ? it-gr t i* z 'i 'm i miibiib n iiwhi ^ .'Jtfj?ir. 'w V rtKXH: Zi.Tf^TT.. w - " " n.?ii. r. ... You Will Find ,, -: ; r -r a r r Nothing Better. of -.1.. 1 ;i m*?mI of t:\i-r : . , , . ... ... i ( ... KL.i.rcBu.j i> i>.| to heat your bed room c t?. ika?.r. ..n A.... i-.-'j. iIiatli room than a. ;* I r* corded -ii I ho Otl'.ce of the J County in Hook irui. i,?$. thel ' *" ? u:-..:.t?!irr.. .1 will ..i; H'.du>. IWl. ..llj 7^ ?7 ?U_ L h.-r 1 2:1:. 1".at 12 o'clock, noon, j / _ n, "sell at the court tio.i=p'floor in -th^r jj " r -M".:??\ town of Warh'.iitinn to the highest | I. . > . /.;i. i! ^ ^ ^ >! bidder for cash the following dt?-' V. *?_ jj'_ t* ' ?'?/ ' srrihed property, tow it: | . '? Ii A tract of land bounded by ? 'J. the lands of t\ I.. lthem. W. M. . ' ? ' | Kie.s. M. K. Thoma>on and located' . . t |Ij 2 ] o!i the ?o"t sde of Durham's' /sr*""' 'a 'l'c ''I-? '-ontainluu .".it acres more or j I f i * 1 ?>! ^ 12) A tract of land or. the west g5^i*T' \f. j stele of the ma n road leading from j *- !' ~ c w ?.?? . ?..? to M. B. A Gas Heater. 3 cenl Ko*s house, and bounded by the ?? lands of C. W. Bonner. containing P^l* "Olir IK all It will COSt. Washington Light & '^TaJC'rono?i?fe .nitfej Water Company of real and personal property, to-1 wit: A telephone line running from ORAXfiES. A1TI.ES, CiRAPES, ltd the town of a.shir.jrton by Ed- nanas, Cocoanuts, best quality ? wards. Bonnerton. and Aurora to Jos. F. Tayloe's. Bayboro. together with all wires. 11-10 tfc. insulators. telephones, and all branch wires and connections and awitch boards. Mothers: Hare Your Children Thai th? 10th day of Novembed, "Wor***? 1913 Ar* ihey feverish, restless, ne wit rv r nnnuiM vcug, Irritable, dizzy or constlpatec Trustee 1,0 tljey c00*'11"*1'? Pick their no 11-11 4wc or ?r,Qd their teeth Have^ th< cramping pains, Irregular and rave ???????????? ous appetite? These are all signs f m **=" n m /*. worms. Worms not only can Re yo MADE chill suffering, but stunt its mix and gowth. Give "Klckapoo Wor IV SMOKED Killer" at once. It kills and remov / the worms, improves your child'4 a / Q* 7C TT O 2\ T7* petite, regulates stomach, liver ai ?\. vJ x"\. Vj Hi bawels. The symptoms disappear at yuur uiuiu is inane nappy ana m ailt PHONE " nature Intended. All druggii.s < by m?41. 25c. Central Market ~r TSS5 MB^Pi * Royal Baking pensable to fine the comfort an< modern house Baking Powder: cakes and pa? Perfectly leave mentation. Full instructions in th try Cook" book for m biscuit and cake with Gratis to a POVAL BAKUM *D To Maka Llttla Folka Happy. " - > There may be no ohiMrsa la yoof r household, but It la wise to save, nerI erthelesa, those trifles that children I like, and when you have some little guests you will be able to produce something that will entertain them. It is surprising, too, how little It takee to give pleasure to a child. Odds and ends of ribbon, a pretty card, some pictures cut from catalogues, bits of colored string, tinfoil, all will be appreciated. A box kept for the purpose, in which all such "treasures" may be stored as they are picked np from time to time, will be a help, amd when ' one box is full, fill another. It is safe to say that your little friends will remember their visits long after you have forgotten them. Great For Your Liver and Bowels | I-raises oi Hot Springs Liver Buttons~ M&ks You Feti Fine in s Day. | Den't fool with Calomel or Salts 01 1 ' ....i "li pui L'uiM'j -that - art vMoutly. many times injuring the lining of 1 bowels, and causing serious lilne&s. i HOT .sPltlNGS LJVBH BUTTONS ' are mild, gentle, yet absolutely certain. , 'i hey always act. blissfully on the i bow-Js and never fail to unciog the I stubborn Iiv? r, and compel it to do it* work properly. t ? i Physicians in Hot Sprlngr*. Arkanraa 1 lyrcscrlVe 'hem because they know that j'. vse is nothing better they c.;n pre/ scribe. T. ac HOT SPRINGS LIVER | I ik'TTONS .is directed and r-t rid ot iccnstipnti r., .lirvrirew, biliousness, sick headache. .- .i-v. pimply skin. They ire a fire irri . for they drive impurt t matter from the b!oo<1, make the bow el/ and stutr.ach antiseptic, and glvt j one a fhearty appetite. All drug. j.-ts 21 cent*, and money back It thej I .'.re not Jus: what you have been look[ ins for. Sample free and 100 of 17,0G< testimonials from Hot -Spring* Chemj i?.il Cf., Hot Springs, Ark. NOTICE- or t?.\l K\ IU '>.? and by v-ric oi a power oi i '.tit utnincd is?a?,i r. ;o ce, [sated by D D. Bonner ou the 20tl' I corded in the office of the Hcslstet j of deeds of Beaufort County in Book 165, page 112, the undersigned j will offer for sale to the highest i bidder for cash, the following dejscribed property: Beginning at Edward P. Bonner'# second corner of the land deeded tti jhiut by his father, thence S. 58 1-2 IE. lt? 4-10 poles to said Edwards P Bonner's third corner of said land [? t'.if-nee South 3" 1-2 West 100 68-lot i poles to the fourth corner of tht hand at the canal,, C. W. Bonner's [r! Ine. thence up the canal North 57 [West ~9 S-10 poles, thence up sate canal North 52 1-2 West 16 poles Ithene* up said canal North 53 3-4 ? West 51 4-10 poles to D. D. Bonners's corner, thence with a ditch C. W lt Bonner's line North 31 1-2 East 62 1-5 poles, thence South 54 East 2-c cf a pole to Lizzie Bryan's south most corner, tbence with" Li??.i? Bryan's line North. 29 8-100 poles ft I.'lla Bonner's beginning, thenc-i r. South 9 1-4 CiiKt to the Beginning Containing 4 6 3-4 acre?, being nl ge the land allotted to *,he petitioners it ey Specal Pi j^eeding Numb*;* 611 ?! D. the Superior Court of Beaufoi of County Qr Also the following personal prop id erty., viz.: One black mula known at m Katie. es The said Bale will be made at th< p. court house door, on Wednesday id December 17th, 1913, at 12 o'clocl id icon. ?y This the 14 th day of November ir 1913. W. H. WHITLEY, \ Mortgigrv. a H15 4 vi Thanksgivi IGH HIGH SCH( HOME BOYS DESERV1 - .. : v.: uL Mi MB H w ' I V v*Sj" l'l rAk/RiamA Hly l#l|ni I iwl/ Kj I " *w ^MWWMPWUP^M T*"*- ' ?. .^iSBHKWvMS^H Powder i3 indisst cookery and to 1 convenience of keeping. Royal makes hot breads, try wholesome.v ins without fere "'Royal BakerandFaaoking all kinds of bread, Royal Baking Powder, iny address. mm co.l*Nawvomc Wh, Ymi Ctrl not Swim. , The noMwimner. tearlnc the water. i very naturally tenaea hi* muscle* as ha struggles to kaap hla head bar* the water, until he la aa hard aa a rock, and like a rock ha sinks; whereaa the Trimmer, having no fear, relaxea hla muscle*. and hence beoomes buoyant. The explanation la a simple phyaloal one. Tense, taut muaclea Increase the sfeclfle gravity of the body and make It alnk In water; loose, relaxed muscles (given an ordinary supply of air In the lungs) win make the |x>dy float.?Outing. me W?ry mwcT "Let me see some of your black kid ; gloves," replied a-lady to a shopman. "These are not the latest style, aid] they?" she asked, when the gloves !. were produced. "Yea, madam," replied the shopman; "we have had them in stock only two days." "1 didn't lhink they were, because the fashion paper says black kids have t tan stitches and vice versa. I see k1 the tan stitches but not the vice Versa." < i- ' GIH Is e Vleltlng Cnok, An English girl has adopted the profession of visiting cook', and will de. vote herself to teaching thevlndispensoble art. She believes that "It kitchens were beautiful, and not the atufty, stodgy dungeons that they so 1 often are, and that if women dressed for their work in them with the care that they dress for a hall, cooking Would no longer be regarded as drudgery and a monotonous business." A Post-Impression. George Luks, whose paintings of Children and old people made a recent sensation In a Fifth avenue gallery, ; was talking about the poet-impres. | slonists. "But Luks." said a maeazlne I editor, "what 1b a post-impressionist?'' ( With his jolly laugh Mr. Luks replied: j "A post-impressionist, my dear fellow, 1b an artist who alms to give you I the poet-impression that he haa orders j tor more pictures than he can paint" i<G? ;''h ;;i ; : yOUR. spa i or guests roor 1 furnished?its comfort n , as a hostess. It is not ne< sum on this room, but should be in good taste a ' your guests. We have s kind fo furnishing and c SOUTHERN Z>de WacQf* Washing tig Day, )0L vs. WASHIN J YOUR FINANCIAL / from ROM, Italy, of a large ossuary. I or place Cor the deposit of the boaee of I the dead, near the port of Telamon.fl The discovery le on the eoene the I battle of Telaxaon. fought In the year I ?B.C, during the invasion of Italy I by the Genie, when the Inradiagll horde* were defeated by the Ro-ll nana. The ruins of a Temple of Thanksgiving, erected by the Roman. In memory of this victory, were unearthed la 1S?4, Further lxnportaat dlaooverlea are ecpeoted as a result of the present excavations. It should be (he rule ndver to W die manure more than onoa. When re* moved (rem the ham or feeding shed It should be loaded at ones into the spreader and hauled to the field. If the farm la small and the amount pro* duoed la only at the rate of one or two loads a weak, the ooBvenleeee and Improvement of taking It directly from the stable an# spreading tt at ones on the field will certainly Justify driving the manure spreader slowly.?Or* sn Manor* and Molttum. Maaara Iran Um bara k^adda W mm to tha aoll, and bumua acta Ilka a aoodca, ntalntng the molatara and maklag more rain fan or holdlac M toagar. More* Sara and canftUy apraad all barnyard maaara orar the held*. Maaara, properly otlllaad. gala doilara to the faamara' packata. CONSUMPTION STILL TIE GREAMESTBOYEB Can Be Prevented if Treated in Time?Remedy DeaanbedBelow Provea Suoceaafnl WTilU consumption to still proving on* of , ILj ctmmi destroyers of life It Is no lonftr the larrifylni diteMd it once WO*. Thf? to largely duo to lbs discovery uf uataial . remedy which hag been proved by thousands 1 of trial* t reliable and effective preventive. Cod liver ?U and other similar preparation* Kmultioa has recently been marketed which ha* been known as Dear'* KmaUion, and 1 which U proving highly successful, wherever introduced. This Emulsion soothes sad hesia the irritated long tissues. It atrengtheAe and .tones the entire system and actually olds diI grstion and assimilation. To all those af| dieted with woak lunge or who catch cold | easily this Emulsion has proved a veritable I boon enabling them to auiektv retrain normal health ant] baft 1 strong vi guru us bodies lu a surprisingly short time. < Physicians and irnjfiiti, the country over. Lavs quickly aciied upon thli remedy sod are recommending it to all patlents^and inquiries with very beneficial results. It mar be purchaaed at local dru^ stores at |1.(H the bottle or a full treatment of six bottles for 95.00 and the manufacturer, Tfr. John D. Bear, chemist of Elkton, Vs.. guarantees beneficial results or will refund the purchase pries. A valuable booklet of Important information regarding the scientific treatment of conaumption will be sent on request. Write to Dr. John L?. Po*r. Elkton. Vs. 5S|5 loom re bedrot m' n should be wetf leans reputation fpi you :essary to spend a large whatever'you do spend nd all for^the comfort o? great experience in this an help you. [ FURN.CO. Good rcsihllCifQ ton. N.C. Thursday GTON HIGH SCI UD AND MORAL SUP On Satttrday. * 3 Our Fur Manilla ctui S. Bronson, will be to' er 100 new styles In'Neck Piea And C Our Furs have a j rendering satisfactory 4'of purchase and afte: made only of the flnea skins and of the hlghe ship possible. I ' I. JJarneA S. i THcbtiuim ossified Advertisements. VO MYFRIKNDS?IT IS A Mistake about my being out of the race for the pony, as Is being ctr4 TO la ted around town. 1 am work ' ag just as hard as oyer, although ? i have to attend school and don't j have as much time. Please ask 1 for your votes in the pony con- | testT let me know and I will call j ror them.??our little?frlendL ^ ZOPH POTTS. JR. | iisrtr pay aiw> VQR RrTTBt_ < when you can get new sweet Dut- 1 teriue at SOc at E. K. Willis'T ' OR RENT?A 2 HOR1JE FARM ' with six room house," throe and one-half miles from Washington. ] For information apply to MI8S . LENA BROWN, 431 Market St., Washington, N. C. j 10-bo moc. )R SALE AT A 'BAKtiAIN?ON I account of failing health, 1 am | obliged to sell my entire stock, | con&'atlng of plain and Zancy gro- : | cerlee. Notions and warts. Also i! all store and ol?>? eclpment, accounts optional. This is ope of the best stands In Washington for such business. A bargain that you can't miss. Write "Bargain,care Daily News, Washing 11-1 tf. FRESH CEREALS OP ALL KINDS Oat Meal, Puffed WkeaUaadJSJtce. Big Hominy, Breakfast Grits at Jos. F. Tayloe'a. / 11-10 tfe. 2 MILES BEI/OW WASHINGTON I hare fine turkeys for sale, ajao Pure Bred Poland china Pigs and Pure Bred Essex Pigs, 'male and female. Let me fill your orders. LOUIS T. McGOWEN. 11-0-2 W. C. FOR BUCKWHEAT. SELF RISING and old fashioned call J^s. F. Tayloe's store. ' * 11.10 tfe. FRESH LINE OF BEST CANDIES I 26c to 40c pound at Jos. F. Tay- j Joe's. 11-10 tfe. - j FOR SALE?1 E. M. F. 80 H. P. five passenger auto in good condition; new tires; full equipment. Harris Hardware Co. y OYSTERS ? STERLING'S FISH House have opened their oyptef sea*on; best oyatera obtainable wijl be handled and sold dry measure. 11-10-tfc u>at> c 11 i' Ann A?ni i innr wood and cedar posts in any J quantity upH to 1,000. Address Jayasr Allftood, Jeasama. N: 0. 11-14-1 wp * - ?| L-. NEW OOENXD HAMS AT S. K. Willis'.^ , Noveml HOOL = PORT. er'a Agent, Mr. B. I ? g; our store with, ov\? t, 'ft- '?25*1 > rm*nerit value? service at the time rwards. They are it quality, selected st grade workman- I" 1 I When In the City See T. J. LATHAM Cub Eit?tei. Endowments iiouaaaax \ = DRINK HALL'S 1 Java and Mocha \ ' Coffee S555~ < II' . OLALfTY GROCERY I WALTER CW I CO. Pko.? SO * 92. FOIl KENT We have for rent a small farm. ;S containing about 25 acres, about ff miles from Washington, an In Wash- j lugton township, with honse and lecessary outbuildings. The land s said to be particularly well adapt, ed for the culture of tqAMg. Terms; Cash, or on shares to^waat wbo \ can run himself. WAon a nnrsrya \i 10-28 ln^oc. m. a- Daniel Jr. Lindsay . Warns DAKIKli * VARin ActonMj, ? lam Wuhlaston. North Cw.lt*. ? ? j We practice Is all the Marts. ar s s ? W^ley C. Rodman John H. Bonner RODMAN A BONNER, ? Attorneys-a t-L?w, Wasl'-xgttx North Carolina. " M . " e l? - LYRIC THEATRE. Exclusively Motion Pieturea Ta MOTION PICTURES ===== E EXTRA FEATURES TODAY. 'WORLD'S SERIES BASE' BALL PICTURE8" GIANTS VS. ATHLETICS. % (In Two Reels) - "HALF A CHANCE." . ? r\ Magnificent Three-Reel \ Fea- J ttire Full of Life. ' f ; J COMING: *->sEB6 " ? v Admission: 10c and 20c. , yer 27th. ? : .x I. ' d 3

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