I f~~. EXPENDITURES AND ^ RECEIPTS FOROOfOBER JtocrtpU and DhbnrMmenU of County CommlskloBPn, for Kuveaib?r, 1013. SUBCBOMENTS, rTf;;k- Deficit as shown In October statement, lees vouchers Issued against Bridge fund as ltsmlxed In October statement . . .V. v,. : v .. v . . , $ 3.35*.19 Claims audited and allowed Nor. 3, (see list). .. .<3.339.65 I . Poor list allbwed Nor. 3. (see list) 175.76 Krcjpy \J,' A j jtV , ? 4,?8?.69 RECEIPTS. I |T. Geo. A. Paul"fees. 8 168.09 4 Geo. A. Paul, examining Insane 6.75 ? S Geo. A. Paul, court cost 7.09 ' V . Geo. E. Ricks, fees 85.10 I Q. Rumley. fees 178.90 G. Rumley, marriage license.... ... 23.00 J. A. Leigh, recorder court, cost 12.60 t Hp E. o. Westoa, C. RVc,?courtTc?te-. 68.99 ? W. A. tjankard, recorder court cost 8.06 ' W. H, HOOkSr. recorded court, cost.. 16.70 I Geo. E. Rcks, sheriff, taxes -..r.-.i 1,426.00 . 1 L Geo. B. Rleks, sheriff commissions 75.00 - .. u t_ *"***' 2.064.27 , A deficit of la account with Bridge Fund: ! RECEIPTS. 1 Virginia Truat Co., Richmond, Va., loon .. $ 6.000.00 Planters National Bank, Richmond. Va., loan 5.J00.00 First N^tlop&l Bank, Richmond, Va., loan i 5.000.00 ' American National Bank, Richmond, Va., loan 6,000.00 1 Hp''/*' ^Merchants National Bank, Richmond-, Va., loan 6.000.00 : National State and City Bank. Richmond, Va 6,000.00 ! Kfer- 4 * 30,000.00 ' ft V <^ . DISBURSEMENTS. J 1 Claims audited and allowed aa shown in October statement and .deducted from deficit shown In statement of General Fond 93,328.67 . Claims audited and allowed against Bridge Fund, * Nov. 3. ^see list) 6,940.86 B&y'- ^ 9 10,269.53 ( ^H4'* Balance cash on hand 8 19,730.47 < Claims Audited and Allowed Nov. 3, 1013. 1 Hp To Whom. For What. Amunt. 881. W. E. Swindell, chairman county commissioners $ 16.66 1 Bjk; V % 883. W. S. D. Eborn, county commissioner 3.10 J 883. W. 8. D. Eborn, extra service county commissioner. . . . 4.0^ , 884. C. P. Aycock, county commissioner 5.10 , HKp'886. H. C. Bncav, county commissioner 2.75 I 886. W. H. Whitley, county commissioner. 5.60 W "8K7.' H. G. "D. Hill, keeper Washington bridge f5.00 1 888. J. W. Crawley, keeper Bath and Back Creek brhlgen 16..00 , K i? 650. J. B. Keech, keener Belha^n bridge. 25.00 i 891. L. E. Toler, keeper Blount's Croek bridge 15.60 ! 892. J. W. Brantley, keeper Aurora bridge...... 77^ 20.00 > 893. H. G. D. Hill, cash paid for oil for Washington bridge . ... 1.80 894. Eureka Lumber Co., lumber for Waahington bridge 167.58 H 896. R. 8. Neal, part payment An Washington bridge confact. . 3.500.00 896. NcKeel-Richardson Hardware Co., red lantern, globe for Washington bridge 1? 897. McKeel-Rlchardson Hardware Co., rope for ferry 1.49 898. Eureka Lumber Co., lumber for ferry . . 15.00 IjTffi 899. J. O. Proctor ft Bro., for use of flat two months for ferry. . 60.00 900. W. E. Swindell, cash advanced to ferry account 22.21 901. W. M. Parvin, pay roll for ferry account . 168.00 908. O. Rumley, use of gas boat for ferry 68.00 *03- Dave Hill, ub?b of gas boat for ferry 204.00 i-\ 904. W. O. Miller, pay roll Jack's ?reek bridge account 73.39 906. W. O. Miller, work on Jack's Creek bridge 13.2^ B&" 906. C. M". Brown, sand for Jack's Creek bridge 11.75 IK 90T. R. E. Hodges, hauling dirt far Jack's Creek bridge 141.00 908. W. E. Swindell, transfer hire Jack's Creek bridge account 3.10 909. 8. R. Fowle ft Son,^material Jack's Creek bridge 33.75 | 910. Euerka Lumber Co.. lumber tor Cherry Run bridge 8.90 B, 911. "Eureka Lumber Co., lumger for Aggie's Run bridge. ... 32.10 912. W. E. Swindell, cash advanced on Runyon's Creek bridge b.0') 913. W. E. Swindell/telegram on Belhaven bridge matter. ... .31 914. Cash advanced oh bridge repairs at Blount's Creek 20.7 5 |gy 4^*". 915. L. A. Taylor, repairs to bridges Chocowinity township. . . . 20.25 916. David Gurgaaus, repairing bridge at Chapel branch. . . . 7.21 r* 917. C. B. Paul, contract for Smith's Creek bridge 200.00 918. C. B. Paul, contract for Smith's Creek bridge 300.00 919. W. A. Blount, on Blount's Creek bridge contract 75 00 920. W. A. Blount, account of Bath bridge draw 100.00 9SI. Tankard ft Tyjr, Bath Creek bridge contract 640.00 922. The Malconer Co., books and stationery for C. S. C. office. . 17.26 yjfr '- * - 923. Edwards ft Brougbton, supplies for C. S. C. office 8.29 924. Edwards ft Broughton, blanks for register of deeds 8.25 925. Worthy ft Etherldge, ink for register's office; "? r?o 926. Harrison & Phillips, toilet paper for court* house 1.00 927. Southern Sanitary Co., sleeping compound for court house 4.50 928. R. E. Hodges, ifrood for court house and Jail 9.80 1- 929. 8. B. Forbes, repairing court house jjoof 3.00 jfe* > 930. M. L. Cherry, wood for county home ; . 13.00 ?821. E. Q. Bright, superintendent CblifiTy home? 172.50 932. L.; C. Warren, county attorney, salary 12.50 983. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, salary....,.., 333.00 pp1 834. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, chain gang account 11.00 ' & 935. .Geo. E. Rcks, sheriff, jail account 33.11 j 936. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff, cpurt cost ? .... 88.00 j 937. Geo. E. Ricks, sheriff (for puse of county) court cost.. ?.?ip 938. Geo. A. Paul, C.' 8. C.. salary. 175.00, V, 989. Oeo. A. Paul, C. 8. C., expense account 5.00 940. Geo. A. Paul. C. 8. C. use of county fees recording Jurors 2.60 941. Geo. A. Paul, C. 8. C., use of county, examining Insane. . 2.00 948. G. Rumley, register of dead* salary .200.00 * 948. O. Rumley, expense aacouat. . .v.-.-4 ,7.8# . > 944. G. Rumley, cash paid for freight on tent 3.13 948. G. Rumley (use of county), clerk to board 21.70' rv 948. C. O. Cratch, making statement, etc 12.50 Continued on Third Page. " " *T JTO* RROKITKD AT THK BAZAAR, L. Vwn Burtou Wlnatoid ui T ?? ? '?U lln. of | ladles and misses' sample auita, I 8. Payne, of Wlnsteadyllle, are regis- latest ?tyUe and oolors; will be LrW .t Hotel LouIm. ' ?'* *kU* ** IT-. ... . ^ .IddPs"" Hp; ^ ; - -jja WASIItNOVOH/k c. i ibbS? OF WMUjjE The Board of Cltjr Aldermen m i n tegular monthly session at rl.c , tjr hall last night with Mayor ''rank C. Kaiser presiding. All the members of the board were present. Edward T. Phelps tendered u:s i esigaatlon tcrittn* beard as k;ep or < ii Oakdale Cemetery and Mr. A J* I. tpencer wa^ named as his auocexuor. ; !r Phelps has bjrr f r the , >a?l fve years. Mr. Spencer take' j in'if 'i once. 'I l?e hoard dec "1 .o i;!w ? traf? I iwiceman at the. ; .:cr or Ma:r? j l\?: .M rket stre-? Palurduy after-! I. At this po!.'. . 1;j bc< mRg r ?e congeste I till : \ Ml h' 1 r - i Mermen have devuU'd io ha*.* i u-ierly police', iv board o'rdeie t1 .v ?.. specific ; ml dog tar Bhould be collected aud i b.'Mi by 'Janua *-i. Mr A. M. Dusnay, ' ? shier of the 1 r r?i National BanK, appeared hei?m ard relative to the purchase f i' - Myers property on ISast Water I for a public wa^r/. The IcrIhature several years ago passed a raw r i?5 the city *r. r-g'n f> Issue' "?* .i wnen iou cu . ens bad signed ie ?t!tlon calling a e . s o.? i 1.1 I v - was plac; 1 .?mcrre b> tut i-i., who ax^ to s euro tlx IOC (.'cuti-sB calling f." an election ' i 11. purchase o* t'-.y property. I With the Invalid. A nursery Ice bos in the sick room d a convenience not only to the invalid but to the nu: 30. A. bottle of water can always be kept there on band Toe drinking. Milk, boo, can be kept an tap, and other food oan be stored there from day to day1. Any Un box :an be made to servet as a nursery Ice box. If you have an old bread box, iibo that. Put a pan In ^tbe bottorb Of; It, and lay a wire cake-tray, the sort that you put In the oven .to hold cake or bread tins, over the pen. Put thai Ice on the tray, and the melting water' will drain into the pan; This, of course, must be emptied whenever It Is full. Put mi^c and water In the bottom of the box, and put other1 things around tl?e ice, on the wiro tray. There is an Ice blanket which , helps keep the. ice "from m si ting end . so reduces the cost of ice, and one cf ' these would be useful in the nursery Ice be*. It Is wrapped about the ice or spread (?ver It, and it la said that It Is as durable as it Is convenient. r.uss'an Czar's rrivate Mr. The private car of the czar of Rus-, si a la safel to be practically dynamite ' proof, and owing to Its weight it could not be run on the mr-inr mrt nt t>m European hnea. The car is elegantly furnished and also contains a chapel, I whtre payers are offered for bis safe-1 '.jr. The czab travels with ouly one ?hef. Hi HONOR IS BESTOWED 1 HOME HOY For live first time In the history of L'nivorslty athletics a sophomore has been elected to the high position o( raptain of the football team for the coming year, this higa houor has been bestowed upon a Washington boy In the person of David T. Tav?~?? son of Dr D. T. Tavloe. who ya sophomore at this well known state institution of learning. Our young townsman was named by his associates -while in Richmond, Thanksglvng day, when the University of Virginia played their annual game on t^ie gridiron. The election was had In the Jefferson hotel at a ban quet gtven the team. That Dave will deliver the goods is the prophecy not only ot hie friends at home but abroad. No member of the University teen has made the rapid strides towards the goal as he and his promotion is one yfrhich he has Justly won over his competitors. No doubt under his guidance and ieadehthlp the University team will give a good account of itself. Dave has the very best wishes of his home town and everyone here leoks for the greatest football season In the TJnlveralty's career. Luck to Dave and his teamOUR FLOWER I^OTS HAVE' Gome. Wa now have any size fm want E. K. Willis. 11-lSltfc J - - < - M." - Ave.* - ??.? "Mm&L. ... ... . jpt# * -i^gflLai^^ J a- fgl -tw b ' * "^. >?. *ffp The local order of EUb will hold | T heir annual lodge of Borrow on r?n next Sunday. Thla occaslojt ?a always lJ** ooked forward to by not oaly. the MQ nembers of the order bub the entire whe sity. The program fa one Jntere^t ;Uc: Later on in the w^ekibe?atty News piu< crill publish the full piOHRtn. cnlj '' ' ijg r NEW UKOCEKY OW8. w.|l J ' 'eat fia Arm m? A H 0>*^? > '' have opened a new groctJy^torc in J mot the Tayice building on ynt Mali'will street. They will handle only the cltii ve:-y best of everything lit tiie ero- eicc eery line. Mr. A. R. Styroli, the bra J tbei of the firm, was saivsm&njloi E. K. | V.'I Ills for a number of yoan and int. many friends wish him Mry sweet 1.8 in his new enterprUK^" i ? Cre EXPRESS OFFICE HOVE!). trex ' J W. The Southern Express > Company ?ve t.sve moved their office from ?he ! ^id< ouilding in front of Bowers-Lewis ne Company, to the store nbxt to .he! ft?! Brown Drug Company. ROBERT HANCOCK EAI) Mr. Robert Hancock, of N-?? Peru. v as found dead in his bod .Sunday Clal t tgtat. The deceased was tha lathe? ?f , of the late Seymour Hancock, who tp? wiac aresident of this city* for years | and who married Miss Rosa Jordan. I Mr. Frank Jordan, of thji city, attended the funeral this s morr.irg. ^ which took place this ntOrninc at wp; jo-jo o'clock, conducted by Rev. j ^ Mr. Huskc, of Christl ! Episcopal ; church. He was well known In ,he Washington.* V Mat , - 0? " "Iff" * * | 1? IMY8 MORE I XMAS smWlNT. 1 ft** - > w---*Tlf Today is December; 2. But * 19 more shopping days until ; Christmas. Let's cot put oo * j shopping any ionger but g-;t * j right down to business and - ! no it now. ^snop early and j avoid the rush. * { * * -l COVXTV COMMISSIONERS. I Tlie Board o? County c >mnjl?sion- P'0 ors met in regular monJily serf ion & at the court house yesterday had to- w,t day. !=? jiar SHOP EARLY. [A-I I cor The National Consumers' Leasee . of New York City desi-e* that the 1 women of America determine to fin- *rn jlsh their Christmas shopping by Dc- *M0pQ Shown m New York at I Vs ^ ' A - f jLjfcjtijB:-< JE v a^l -5r -'r-- ?J '&rj H ailHSiHF^ ^\\ I PBpc J he city Electric Light and Water 1 ipany la to give away another at- yes live price this month, being an ^ i-tabte reading lamp. Tlila la* the i? prize given awhy laat mouth n Mrs. E. S. Simmons heid the l"orl ty number. The drawing takes 1 o on the 10th of the month nod f?u ' those paying their electric llaht hse water bil e prior to the 10th haa be cntltied to enter the f.->n-|tiri . E,yer wince this trove was start- Ijcts 9Y manager Charles It i.ea grown *-0i e popular each month. There : be a handsome pr.ze for some the ten to win on the 10th. Pay ycur at i trie light ar.d water bill and the eby get in the contest. ' wit ,?! wheel by a run w ay horse attached to a wagon he- ' dc ig.ng to Mr. J. H. Loon. The 01 eel he was riding was smashed all nieces and hi* clothing literallv | ly it from his body. Not only was ' ci i clothes slaahed but Ills body was ! w uised painfully in several different tees and when lie rcaebed his nie was in a alaie-of nervous pros- a[ i* ion and in cons::juonc? he has n< nn in bed ever since. The runaway 1 rse also damaged the automobile re leaging to Mr. Fowle. It is to he 18 ped that he will soon he ablt to sume his busness duties. It wat? a p, rrow escape. I V| ?=?" 1 V THEATER J b! ^ Nn ! ?u[ m wl -rrc oj to *i,uu \ \ \ .. . Tjjfimi Vaahlncton * Dec. *.? C urfcj.wlHd dow? re ft wh?t>- ^'he | KVtt .0 in rh? reJSflrDecember sertion.! lowing without ? break upon the la of tha long ex'.?-i n lu.it j i run since April 7. brought to' td* lawmakers a new host of prob- j u and the prospect of steady rk for many months. There was to be formality about 1 u UVring In 01 the new congress . aoon. Its advent was signal 1 hy j fall of the gavel in each ''ott?e h the announcem-nt of the pre;ng officer that the second ?psa of the Sixty-third congress hua un. 1!0\RD OF EiU't'ATlON. 'he county boa~d of education I yesterday and transacted busis for the past month. ? i is yiriTE SICK. *he many friends of Mrs. Lewis. ! ther of .Mr. J. T. Lew's, will r?- 1 i to learn of her critical iliu-: \ the home of her son on Fourth I ?et. It Is to he hoped t! at she ' I Boon he on the road to toward5 ' overy. HOME FROM HALKKill. .1i-s Maude Hodges ha? return- .1 no tro:u Raleigh, N. C. fH/NTINd VOTES. r* e pony contest came tn a > ?o?c ir.L< ; 1 and since t'.-.r.t ?i:.te Vic selected to r.-.o ?s irten busy at their V. will Iv several days before i'.e of t4te v. ijM?er it ?naoun,'Si OO.NE T ? Itll I1MOM). ieft this morning for Itr*or 1 purchase a large stock rj- fo.- his stores, witich v>... . . <.-ukl!e at a L-artfuit.'. UW TO PLACE THE MlRRf : D? U !? ? f"? - -L- It" Wnera It Will Serve a Triple ( Purpose. | Air. ays place a mirror In a dar'1 ill. if It can be eo placed that it rt >cts tbo opening lr.to the living o . f,win?r. Another mirror can be placed i a wall opposite a window and sc 111 reflect the garden or tree* or sea street ar.d give the room apparentanother window. Another mirror in be placed at such an angle that i' 1U not necessarily reflect the Qenple ttlng about the Are. The object ol riag room mirrors Is not to give reL-ctions of the persons in the room, d such reflections are sometime* auaylng. In bedrooms and dressing rooms mlr>rs caunot be too many. A pier glass convenient, and especially desirale because it can be placed across a >mer of the room or In some other jsr.lon which makes It of decorative iftte. But far mare practical In a nail room?and cheaper, loo?is the Irror fastened to ihc door. It shot' ? held In place by the wooden pan i *"Pleased to M*ot You." The Americans have a polite habit i being presented to a new acquaintice of uttering the words, "Pleased > meet you,*' although upon what the leasure can rent, or how they know tat It Is a pleasure, or why an ordltry Incident which Is not the fulfilllent of any anticipation and whloh iay turn out to he very disagreeable, lould he pronounced at eight to ho leasant. I have never been able to aderatand. ? Londdn Saturday Relew. ANTED ? PTRXIRHKD ROOM, or bdard and room; would conelder unfurnished room over store. State price. Address Furnished Room. City. COTTON JIARKET. Seed cotton, $4.75. Lint cotton, 12 3-4. Cotton seed, $29 per ton. - V ' rs ^1 nj. pin j The Board of Stewards of First Methodist Church have voted ? j unanimously to Invite the next, sea- j ?!on cf the North Carolina Confer- Ak | ence of the M. B. Church. South, tp ' me^t io Washington. The Invitation/ S^H v M be extended in the name of 'ce church at the conference this week. at Oxford *by Pastor R. H. Rrojin und Lay Delegate C. K." Eland. Th^r conference met here about 12 year* ago at which time It was presided pvor by Bishop 13. R. Ji.-i-.r's. n D. J L.L.D., of Kansas City. Mo. The present church edtti *o at that ?>.ie ' jjl pvcs cl'-O dedicated by r; hop Henmrlx. If the conference ctces dr-r!ie VffiM o co*::? to wacbingiou :cr ItB 1S14 Jt'M so**ion It will l?o ente'tair.' J .n royal h> .'or as hor/.fc of V.'a-ihlasio.i r' '-i'ly are not excelled y where. A VVli'tiln^ion will also extend an invitation .but the conference has con- lfl voncd !n thai c!ty_ alnce it me? in tlsls city. ' HI HISS rap a. A ! "~r rnneyoprtlT Tir-v. E. A., i.owthp;'. pre*;aaday evening and as usual tl.o.-e present sere simply charmed with the disburse. It was comprphPC'.!'.'? in scope, couched in language which '.VU-I clauit' .in i1* r'.unnw?B ? ?nd simplicity and deliver-,* with a fervency which found ready re spouse. Not once was then- a UBver:ng of im-Toci and the sum total of the was sin h us catmo: he adequately indicated by e\ n r.n outline. Dr. Lowther is fast paining the lu-arts of our people, both as a I. readier of the Word and a- a ra?D. MASONS. ATTENTION! ?? ' 'J There will lie a regular * or.tr; ut:Scition of f rr Lodge No. l< j A.'T*. .v. A. M. this evening nt T :> <;Vl-?rU, \ silim; hrntiiri'ii -urd n . i* t j attend and members ?u:v ! to attend. . . 'i O M. WIXFIELD. .- L-t'y. S O. CARTY. W. M. LESTER A HI! MoviNti. Mr. and Mrs. t!enr.' ? ft- d;:::.n i..e moving front P!r-re *:r. *: to tLt- ? residence on East Water stroet formerly occupied by .Mr. H. N. D.ciu t !*\u family. Mr. and Mrs Je*;-? ilaririnpton ere to occupy tve rotid r.? e racated by Mr. .Prdq-ren w.rcji theyvpurchased sometime ago from . fnc Messrs. Bowers. | HOLLY IN l*l>?T I The 1'nited SuttB buoy t.e ' ier Holly, Captain^ Isaac Outtn In com-. and. is moored M the govor!i.n?oEt , wharf on West Main street. VICTORY TOXI(ilVT% I One of the greatest motion pictures in the country is billed fr?r tne Now Theater tonight being Victory in 5 reels containing G.0?0 thousand feet. This picture is producetj by permission of the U. S. Navy and such noted men as Secretary of Navy Daniels. Admiral Badger and Captain Benson will be seen. This la a stnpendous production in Ave acts. Victory is one of the world's greatest spectacular war dramas and should be seen by a large audience. It w'H stir the patriotism of every |Ameri'*n. See this marvelous plc-? ture without fail. It will be worth' | while. | In addition to this high class program Mr. G. Morris will sing an illustrated and character song. )UR FLOWER POTS HAVE ooroe. We now have any size yon want E. K, Willis. ' jfl