. nnviT U B| VI11 *1 Klnetoa. M. C., Dae. ?.? mamhor el the Worth Carolina board of midlnal exantura. Tba board of titala.i ? atapnil of it member, and white It la known that the" aaaUmaat la . dlTided among the beard an to the ataatlaa of a angariataedent all i facta to aaeattaln how the vote .load hae proved utile. The ten of Klaatoa gawa tba atta for tka laatltatlaa and rat vhea the board of traattee who am id Klaatoa wan not given a Tfpfeeaatatlve?thla atata of thlnga lag aroaaad the oitlaaaa hare to a high plteh. Thar axolalm opealp that ham net baaa glvaa the aqaara deal. , roatdrdar Ua Klaatoa ohambar if t ?ill|i)i drafted a raaolatlaa ??. V' wIhSTiItiMfbea for to him novo dun anyone is d?l tba wwbuhjivii wn jaacm-Bwaw lnstKjttlOBj --v * Both aides fought every Inch for hours and this mors Ins between f sad i o'clock the trustees adjourned without 'an election. What the final eutooid* WUI Wis not known. Kluatou Is hotter Hardy. Dr. Hardy Is a former realdas'- of this city and bis many friend* here wish for him success.?Bd. HBW8 KROM FUXGO. J , . <~ f. Host of our farmer? are still busy harvesting their crops, el*'/ though most of our crops are short, there is still much mere eotton and corn la the fields. Mr. D. W. Smith wick was a business visitor to Belhaven Thursday. Miss Nets Harris rsturned Monday from Piae Towa, N. C., where she has been, spending some tijp? among her many friends and rela? -- tires. Miss Margaret, our efficient school teacher, returned Monday from her borne in Edwar?, N. C., where she spent Thanksgiving. * J Miss Millie-, Spruell our asststant teacher, returned Monday from her - < home in Boperf> wher she spent Tlieiifr?I rlns We are eery-glad to not# that Jfre. D. 0. Oatrta, who .(or the laat tew dare baa been eery nick with pneamenta, la now lmprbrtng. Meaare. L. F. Allan and B. 8. Elite i wan buelneae rial tore to Balharaa Saturday. ? Many of one people attended the PrtmKlre Baptlet Union meeting aar Pine Tatra Friday. Saturday aad Sender. Among thane were Mr. and Mre J. w. Paul. Mr. Betid Paul aad Mlaa Eatelle Carter, and M.r Ranry Carter aad mother. They alt report a good time. " ' * ierwm nnjy bmke r mmen MraL eeearaa Me laleber ea time ? the Weahtngtoa brtdMW>-bo_Odjp, ' fe ? Commissioner, LSgf^ Term S I^ Y . v . jf *' I To try Joshua Mills,Indicted For murder Board SttffgeMe the First Week m January as there WiO be no Crimnia] Court In 1 hit District at that I ' ' % The Bo?rd of County Commissioners at their session this week decided to request the governor to ^alll a ayarial term of criminal court for dhfcs county to convene on the first Monday In January next. The resolution as passed by the board of commissioners la as follows: "Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Beaufort County: Whereas: The solicitor has- requested a special term of the superior Court of Beaufort county for the trial of crlalmaT cases to be called for the purpose of trying Joshua j W.MtUs, now oonfined in the eem-j{ son Jail of Beaufort county, charged I with the crime of murder, and it ap- jl pearlng to the board that the next t term of criminal oourt of Beaufort 1 county at which time said oaure mmld be beard In regular or^er will net eoniens until May. ltll, and In the opinion of the board the nature of the case Is such that Justice do- \ mends#? more speedy trial, and lu|< Its opinion Us board thinks that a I special term ought to be bad. h Mom therefore; the Board of Coun- i ty Commissioners of Beaufort coun-L |ty respectfully requests His xseP-I; Isnsy. the governor of North Cwj tha kotM inire?U that said court fi be called for the first Monday In i January. It being the 6th day of January, 1914. aa at that time there la ao court in the first Judicial die- 1 irlet. /.- ,j Wajl Street Expec Times Belief f ?ar 9 . I New "York, Dec. 4.?Certain . of the leading financial Institutions of I Wall street are preparing circulars M be mailed to their customers within a few days, putting forth business conditions In a very rosy light, lit is believed that the coming of the new year will see a vast Improvement along all lines. Although I the year just closing ha# been one of the most disastrous In many seaSons, even for big firms,' the lack of I investment demand has not been entirely a question of the scarcity of funds for Investment as much as the PROVED HE WAS ELIGIBLE , effective Demonstration Cenvlnosd Jayhawker That He Had a VaftubKU neenj ix. , Robert Thorpe, an old Mlseourl stags driver, Who recently died In Texas, used to tell a story of how Anderson, the Jayhawker, fcot ooe of hie recruKa. The Anderson boys held up Thorpe's tags near Glasgow one day. Amoui tha ptiwanw wu a nv^oitd toui | Mliaoulas who looted about u tooth MM tte Jajtewkara tlwhw. "otr? dm yor raTaMoo," AiMnoa it?ti< of tte yooth m te v?t dm tte Uao. I L'-Am .mmT awj tte ; TH""!*!***To |h lilnnl Jerteitee." TklNMWI<>lMII(? "Kfc to ?? 1W1 11 j rtrorTWMfcotUm. ^ ^Cortd 70 MB ? ?o.T- I twjS;/SIS JwliwSir So e*S ' wywi w im o? W? <( M-. r *' J ^ ^ 52L^^ji2 I" _ "' ' * w?tw. nic ?> WA*JINOTON, M. C " A V '=T\ 3 Ask ^ j uperior Court ' ' , Bragaw&Co. Will Move Their Office J ( Sereral bwrtn? houw are to make changes la their places of business wlthli\ the next few days. The firm of William Bragaw 4 Go. . are to mbr* their offices from the Baugbam building to the Hodgw building. They win occupy one-half of the store next to Dr. P. . Nleoot- .1 son's office and Mr. Harris. T. Is- C (ham will occupy the remaining half * or a stationery and book store. e H. M. Jenkins 4 Co.. wholesale ( grocers, at present located in the J building in front of the Atlantic Coast tine depot will more to ihe tore moated by William Bragaw ft ? * ' * ATTRACT! VB PROGRAM. The committee of arrangements of * he local order of Elks is busy maklng arrangements for the annual ^ lodge of sorrow which is scheduled io lake place in the New Theater i text Sunday afternoon. The orator kill be Mr. Cunningham, of Newport Mews. Ta. PROPERTY PURCHASED. n Mr. P. Orleans has purchased the * property of the late Roes Cox at the oorner of Second " and?'niadflrm c lGreets and proposes to make axten- v are improvements at onoe. The ten- % unent houaee on the back of -the lot tare already been altered and repaired and work is now going on aJargtng^tk^ re^isn^dn^Jhynd | m the back and a new porch built ta front. When completed It will mhanoe -greatly the residential part frf the city. Mr*. C. 8. Whlchard. of Vande- p taere. N. C., waa In the city yester- t day. ? , ~ I .ts Better I of Knowina Ones t extreme caution displayed by invest- | or*. Railroad* are bow making ? money, speaking broadly, because t they are unable, owing to opposition of the Interstate Commerce Commissioners, they say, to charge remunerative rate* for the transportation of merchandise^ Dividend* of Important stocks have been reduced and this has had Its natural effect , upon the price level of euch eecurl- | tie*. Now that the bhklness Interests ] feel that they understand the Presi- | dent better, clearer sailing Is expected after January 1 next. BROTHER KILLd HIS BROTHER BY ACCIDENT. - Clinton Qlbbs accidentally * killed his brother, James * Qlbbs, while hunting near their home at Ransomvllle ? yesterday. While loading his gun for the purpose of shoot- * lng a hawk the gun fired with the result that Janft* *- was . shot In the breast and death was almost Instant Br. J. T. I Nicholson, of Bath, vru called 1 but. arrived too late to save ^ the young man's life. a * . S _ e W . w % LONGEST CRUISE BT U. 8. SUBMARINES. j Washington, Dec. 4.?Tbs Nary t Pepartment is oompletlBf plans tor a a three toonths* ernisa in Southern 1 Niters by submarlfaea of the seeoad 1 division. which" wHl"be the hmseet J fines mi th? U. S. nary. The trip be- ] iv*. b-i. at. ud a* mi*, m * To?op*k. 4 OOB FLOWER POTS HAYS ' mm Wi vtr.km tmj Sn ' rXmmi .* * m Jr ll-WItfc n 1111 m 3ND ' i THURSDAT 1>KCS1 ZoDpUments theJfcducatlI . oaal Edition ?d says Issue was Inters! Ing add i Informing. I This psper scknowledfl* with sp- P raJstlon th? followlngjfetter from | \ longreesman John H. %mall. who V efers to the educational edl?'on re-| \ ently issued. The lottery Mr Small I, > )Qowi and explain* itself: j* Id 1 tor Daily News: I wish to thank youjipr what 1 j B lay call the Educatlona^Sdltlon of y tie New* on the 28th lnlft. Tour ac-1 onnt of the dedication jigercises cf I 1 tie Washington OoUegfniT Institute. lie articles by Presideak Lowther | 1 nd members of hi* ftMVv and Hie < sreefnl article of flnpai^hamli nl C. "I L Campbell of our Puhftc School*, r rare all most lnterestlnf * and in- 'C arming. Ton did not too ^ Ighly the Importance of^lbo Wash- e igton Collegiate Institabp to this ol a mm unity and state. Oil gttisens In ooperation with the boWd of edu-j 1 atlon of the M. E. have ftx lade a fine Investment "Which will ield Urge dividend* la Sam an bet-N* scment. _ M. T |4 1 regard your edition ao highly 2j, hat T hare filed it awfiUtteng my l aluable collections felf future refrence. Respect!*!*, JNO. U. SMALL. mmmrnmlm ^5 mm occur dec. 13 * The auction sale of the Hackney n roperty, which was advertised in his paper to-take place November 28 . ra* postponed to Saturday, Decomcr 18. Thi? step was taken duo to J he failure of the Atlantic Coast lealty Company auctioneers to arlve here on time. They were unavoidably detained in Raleigh, hence he postponement. This property is ery attractive for factory and bo!!tl* rg sites and no doubt when the 1 ale takes place_the i?tg will have aJ# eady sale. 3 1 -? t OONTINUE8 TO IMPROVE. 1 I The friends of Mr. J. C. Overton* * Dt South Creek, will be pleased to learn of his continued Improvement.. ^ He was recently operated upon at t the Washington hospital. I HAVE MOVED. a Mr. Edward Jennette and family \ and Dr. R. T. Gallagher and wife j i.aio iouwu iuc r' * fibk+ti Joshtut W. M ' Have to 1 ' Liberty ? feven Hours In New York Here Dec. 10 The New York theatric*! prolucig ftrm of Wee ft Lainbert struck imethlng good In their maeical >medy called "Seven Honrs In New ork," which they produced last sea>n. From the first performance, iccess has perched on the banner ? this venture. Business has been i lrprisingly good, and the audiloes, managers and newspapers f aye voiced their approval of the Efering in no uncertain way. There a steady stream of requests for ' sturn dates, and managers volunurlly write or wire ahead of the . 1 icompany, sincere endorsement ofl j i? performance. In these days of * rer-production, the success of p Seven Honrs in New York" Is most:* etlfylng. There isn't the slightest I a >ff-color" act or suggestion in the i* Mrm performance, which is in it- fi If a passport to favor. The songs, 'p ! which there are eighteen, are all tw and fit into the action of the Is ay. Which' ig the.tenglleh manner, |? id a commendable feature of the srformance. 1th the big original JB impany, sincere endorsement of Iff New York" will be seen at the to sw Theater here on Wedneaday t ifct, December 19. a FOR NORTHERN MARKETS * N. E. Saleeby left yesterday for MW York to pardhaae a Mock of is holiday trade. jb I MOVES LAW OFFICE C 1 Senator Oeorge J. Studdert has t loved his law office to the building a sxt to Norwood L. Simmons', on ] Parmele Institute 1 From Pht William C. Chance, principal of he Pannele Institute for the edu- 1 ctlon of the colored people, has 1 ust been notified by the true tees of he Phelps-Stokes fund that they 1 lave decided to donate $2,600 to he Institute for the erection of suit- >' hie buildings and also for the our- 1 tose of completing the purchase of and, to meet the requirements of hiB worthy institution started sev- 1 fral years ago by Professor Chance. I )ne of the conditions of this gift to he Institute is that the existing lnlebtedness of about $1,000 be raised >y donations from among the citl:ens of North Carolina. Professor Chance Is now endeavoring to raise imount and Is at present engaged in ircnl&ttng a petition. Already $225 las been subscribed for this puriose. The Dally News urges the clt-' sens of Washington and the entire tate to subscribe something toMAIUON McKKXZIK DEAD. Marlon McKenzle, the two-and-aalf-year-old child of Rev. and \IrF. J . M. McKenzle, passed away yes- 1 erday morning at 9:30 o'clock at 5 he home of his parents, No. 40b farket street, of diphtheria. The lit le fellow was taken 111 Sunday lght and while everything known ? the tklll of the pbyeleian and * >ved ones was done God kissed his ' jrellds down and he fell on sleep. " or two and one-half years he was * lie snnshine and joy of father and * lother'a heart and now that the 1 radle alta silently In the corner the * ome la dark and gloomy. The Lord * are and the Lord hath taken away, 1 leased be the name of the Lord. 1 he funeral was held from the res- * lance yesterday afternoon at 4:30 * 'clock, conducted by Rot. R. "L. 1 ay. padtor of the Flret Baptist hurch- and the Interment was In akdala. Mr.' McKanaie, t*e grieftrfcksa father, to the pastor of the ptfet oharches at Cbooow|hltr. lastown,1 Pac tolas. Aurora and oath Croak. He and family hare I pan residents of this city since Jan < krr to*. Mtta? 1mm (MM Ml* 1 ? ? . . .. .v. Aflu 'ip^ny i ills will | *ight for and Property Damage Suit billing ^jBenj.Ormand c Amount of Damage Asked Is $15,000 and Sheriff has Levied on all Property of Mills. Suit Brought by Brother of Dead man. ? u Josh Mills, who Is now In Jail ft waiting trial (or killing Ben Or- ?? Qond, will hare to fight both for bls)^, Iberty and property. 8uit hat* been pfc rought against him by th? brotherly f Ben Ormond, as administrator, to a mages and attachments have been y( laued to the sheriff to 1 evy on all Is property. It is understood that tie lawyers who brought the dam-1 ge suit will also prosecute Mills pa nd if they convict him they may | lso recover a big amount of dam- ?r gea. To the average layman, law is crmetlmes peculiar in its working, j ' Mills should be convicted and ( l?o made to pay heavy damages, he g0 111 indirectly be furnishing the mJ loney for his own prosecution. Suits f this sort, we are Informed, are A nusual In this siate and this Is the ^ rat one of the kind we know of in dR eaufort county. Mills la closely m) anflned in Jail and we could get no 0a atement from him but his friends ^ iy that if the damage suit sue- ? aede it will take all his property ^ nd handicap him in making his fense. Pr FLAY SATURDAY WEEK. _ YghShtnftoai.High Behest foot- ^ all eleven will play the RaielgtT . j lighs at Chapel Hill Saturday week. ^ In next Saturday Wilmington and ^ l&lelgh will be the contestants at he University. Theee three teems .re fighting for the state cham>lonship. R *0 deceive $2,600 B ?lps-dtokes Funds* A ir&rda liquidating this debt and fj thereby enable the Institute to w- ^ ture the amount donated by the Phelpa-Stokea fund trustees. The ' Parmele Institute Is doing a great rj work for the colored race In Eastern North Carolina. While Professor * Chance has had a hard pall for ex- ^ Istence the future seems bright and 11 promising for the Institution. Ex- ^ Congressman William P. McKlnley, ' of Illinois, has kindly consented to ^ give (1,000 to the Institute upon the condition that Professor Chance sue- ^ ceeds In raising the amount ncces- ' sary to pay off the indebtedness. The Institution Is in every way worthy of ^ the Bupport of the people of North A Carolina. Mr. J. G. Godard, cashier ^ Of the Dank of Martin county, at Williamston, is treasurer of the inatltute and subscriptions may bo * sent to him payable when the full w amount Is subscribed. a p WH.D GEESE Several ^ozen dead wild geese fl killed in the sound were brought to this market today. They met with a ready sale RED CROSS MEETING. The meeting announced to be held a1 it the residence of Mayor F. C. Rug- F' er Tuesday afternoon to devise ways ?' ind means looking to the sale of ?* led Cross 8eals In Washington, due fch o the Inclemency of the weather, ? was postponed until this at- to ernoon. The meeting Is called for * n ('clock and every lady In the city nterested In this great work (s urg d to be perscnt. There are 10,003 eal# sent here fer consumption and hey must he sold by the time the F' wlldays cloee. ~ -7? - ft . M COTTON MARKET. W SI Seed cotton. $4.SO. er Lint cotton, 12 l^c. " * , Cotton seed,' 2^1.00 per ton. F tomatenlly Is theirs In this their sad low. .' . ' ^: V' .L * , > , . ' * ..-I.-/ No.tir M 10. BRIDGE BIDS Ij ARE SOLO TO CHICAGO M mna 1 lounty Accept Bide ojfl Bolger, Mouer & WillM mail with Premium 1886.60. V The eonnty commissioners at th?r cent session accepted the h.d jet , ifl | >lger, Mosser A Willaman, of Oh I- Jjffl I to. for the $50,000 bridge b^lpi ley glTe a premium of 9J8I.59 hn4 7 all expense ^attached le bids for the bridge boada last Monday according Atr ertleement. The following Bras ide bids for the bonds: I ell Roth A Co.. Cincln- * natl . f49.50|p9 W rat National Bank, I Washington, N. C. ... iillUt ? rson Son A Co., Chicago 110.00 ovldent Shvlngs Bank Trust Co., Chicago... 50.000.p0 C. Speer A Sons Co., Chicago 50.900.hh ilger, Mosser A Wills- .^H in, Chicago Eo.3*t?0 I The bid of Meaara. Bolger Mower WUllman, being the highest, thdlr ..." 1 was accepted. The bonds are ted December 1, 1013, oad wit* iture on December 1, 1943. wifht option of prior payment, bearing tar?t at the rate of 5 per cent Oar nds ar? In a denomination of H,0 each and the county receives a mlum of fStt.tt. It will be noted that amoig (ho Iders waa the Piiwt National Bank Kbeet bidder*. Their bid vai onto few dollars below that of the *in" """I"LIST OF UBITIBB ? emalnlng uncalled for la thia otftctr r the week ending Nor. St. 1113: Gentlen&?u?Alston, Mr. Alston; Ulklej, Mr. K. J; Csthrelt. Mr. omalus; Deal. Mr. J. T.; Deal, Mr.. T.; Grieve. W. M.; Lacy. R. 9. A . B.; Lathan, Mr. Dan; Mills, My. N.; Honing, Mr. G. C.; Moeller, r. Otto; Mills. Mr. Robert; Maris, r. Rufus; O'Farrow, Atlas; Perry, io. R.; Phillips, Mr. T. B.; Powell. T. T. 8.; Roberta, Mr. James S.j Ice, Mr. Lonnle; Smith, Mr. Floyd; mi?h. Mr. Willie; Santee, Mr. * rank; Tyler. Mr. Mather; Whiturst. Mr. Luther; WhaWy, Mr. Ichard S.; Williams. Mr. J. W.; rinfleld, W. H.; Warmer Feather I o.; Williams, Mr. Milton. Ladies?Bunting, Mr* Lncy; lark, Mrs. Susie; Forehands, Mrs. . C.; Gurganus, Mrs. Lizzie; Go m. Miss Gole; Jarman, Miss IJaryT [oore, Miss Susan; Riggsbee. Mrs. nnie; Wheeler, Mrs. C. B.; Ward, :rs. S? A. These letter* will be sent to the* ead letter office December IS, 913, if not delivered before, la illin fgorthoaevb illing for the above, please sayAdvertised," giving date of list. HUGH PAUL. P. M* ?* 'MYERAND PRAISE SERVICE AT PAYNE IEIORIAL There will be a eer-rice of yrayor id bouk at the Payee Memorial resbyterian Church tonight at 7:*0 clock led by Mr. Edward L. Stew1 assisted by the male quartet ?t e First Presbyterian church. These rvices are provlhg rery eajoyable all who attend. All ste eordielty rited to be present. , " " " 1 " m , v CRITICALLY ILI. The friends of Mrs. James 1^. owl* will regret to learn of her mttnued critical illness at her home a Weet Main street. She Is oae of 'aahington's oldest efUieua and eryone wlahea her a speedy reeor* T to her accustomed health. , , w uu ? iuu mar W?k.?*ld c*Mw?* Plull, pan* ? ^ M^-la?