J; t _ 9 Ifflr WlljlfE ?pt<g' kmW ' ^Mr b?4i mt ( An |M " oOT-halt aritoa lr? Wattdoa 1 f? Information ifllT to HIM ?i - '< * UVA bkown. wr ?MM 33 1 ' wapblmtoa. N. a. IMM N?iU*-* ?>?.' WiUUMHM U* 1U1* ko? aheat of 1* #. Ap?Ir to H& UM> MNj'at K. Uv. U4M?k ? .? fF?J)K XOT HOME-MADS B0m4 Trari i*at rwtftyeA, AS ?*.. .JL X. WiSU. I. .> . nis-afc . "SIT u*? HS , !*-? ?c. fc .- -J IMIi OBIAI4 W AU, KtNM 9mt u??i. Ft(>l Wtnt u? RIot, H( Kmlw, Bruktut onu at J?. T. T?Jlqa'A IMt "? roR mlb?i a. m. p. a* a. P. Ire pasftencer a Mi la good coadldoa; S?v tire.; fell eqmlp. Mt Harris Hardware Co. .t OYSTER* ? BTEHMNU'8 PMH House have opened their oyster season; beet oysters obtainable will be handled ar' ' sld dry Measure. 11-lS-tfc -- '. f. "ORAJ??B8, iPTLW, OKAPES. BAa abas, Cocoanats, beet qoatity at Jee. F. Tayloe'a. ^ , " *- U-10 tfc. . , WABTTED?AGEKT TO REP^ resent the National Ufa InAurana? Company of lifontpelier, Term out, on aalasy or oemiais, sion; experience unnecessary; ? ref^xepoe required. H. M. Humphrey, State Manager, GcJdsboro, N. C. li-21-Lmoc IFOR BICKWIHAT, ?BU> RIMING and eld faSMoaed call Jos. F. Taylee's store. . ^ * "* lbl tfe. 1 llSfal All tears Will be for cash. Po6<tiy?l: toys will be held foi one unless some pay is made on them. Toy Plaeos all sizes. ^ ii mteiboo II AntomohOts. All sices II . v m OoCmUmi OuTlMt WMoMlrn n^Vm UM Stove#, iron toi tin 10c Irlah lUBa, lonble an " " " Igfab t - . EFfl^X > ' 3i ' .?, t,g".I. ?>. , ;-^i m ' Va4ar mm* ?r rtrtua mt tka powar t aato aaatal* !< la a wt* mart ua aald'aiartaac* ta'raeardad'to Mnn4 la ar parUealaaa, tuuK > *' Xia mada la moaarwut to rna ?a*t amil kj .aid la.l.iaadt. ma aa?Mllu J aataaaa wtlJL *a f W>tatotay. CM "?* da* of Pma C fcar. 1*11. at 11 o<aloak aooa. aftai jl ? * aata to tka klpkaat, bid dor fori auk at tk. Mart koaaa door la| aaalaat Oatmty. m? foUowtaa 4a- 1 ??* "??>***:- . f Bttaaaa t*a* and kaiaa la Maa-1 (Bit CtfaaO. Nartk Corona n. atal In 1 Vaaklaitaa Tovaaklp, aM aura altr deoerlbod aa foBow.: not*?aolap 11 1-lfaat aaat af Mk 1 aoraar of tka Pata Una la tkr Pau < aaa, kalar tka dlTlaloa Baa katwaaa 1 ma Marrow load aad tka Pita load. Ill faat to wkat la kakmHal to ka i Blam an ?>t. rttnaloa tkaaoa aaat aim Ntatk atraat.?*.?? faat: lkaaaa ' la oqkara aaa wit* Nta* . atraat laak paaalM wttkaold hit It.75 laat to tka Matnatoa; katou Uu ' aaiaa laad eaavapal .la a tkrto from Go?tb? Wilkrc*- ud vito to Kate rd Joha H-Jttv Jor?or, -ded la 1 Book Mo; H, r?#? 111: RefUter'* t?floe olBoo^-rt Coaaty Tkia Not'rabw It, 1*12. a ROBERT MITCHBLIk 9 Mot*. v?fee. WARM S URIMBd, I *?' - ' orneyg. t 1115 >w? ] FfOTlCB?THOSE WISHING TO take dancing lessons will please apply to Miss Llxsle Hill at Armory Thursday afternoon 3 o'clock. The armory will also be open Thursday evening at 8:30. ll-4-8tc WANTED?TEN GOOD MOULDERS for general foundry jvork. Ad.dress R. E. Atkinson, P. O. Box 584. Norfolk, Va. 18-4-6tc IFOR SALE?GROWN AND SPRING chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys. Also cabbages In sacks. Prices low. H. B. Mayo. 11-4 lte WANTED?A GOOD FARMER TO manage 4-horse farm. Very near Washington. Address Box 157. Washington, N. C. 12-4 -i n c FOR SALE?THREE MULES, the property of the John Cox 1 estate for aale for caah^ Administrator of Emma Cox, Chooowity, N. C. 11-33-ood 8 to " \ A _ *5 Washi Santa Cla day Decer & explosion the talk oi Toy Land single Girl ment to ask him Pr,c** Toy Gum, the e ?h6ot SI He to Toy rnrnlhifM 4 Mr to P?uh Qui; wM back, pricell i n . t. ??k to M-00 VELOCD I ?We have the hi k. t>een brought to i + her tire and wtfh< 0 siao totUs r . ' * , ' x j ' * '- ' *?-* jj^n/ .. 1 I I HI .III. If I . u . . k SOCIETY * ~ . ? F9B80NAL6. C. W. Parker, of Aaleadmr. N. C.. she spent Thanksgiving. ae the meet of Bit. and Mrs. R. L. Gay, etorned to hie home Friday laet. V e director of music la the A?lander atah School, epent from Thursday o Monday aa the gueet oi Rer. emd Kre. R. L. Gay. Mleeee Adeline Mayo and Kath en Koiler epent. Toeeday wilh he Mleeee Daren port, at Pactplaa. 4. C. - f m K. John returned from Richmond, fa. last night where he purchased holiday goods, etc., far hi# Jtwo Korea. H. O. Parker ef Elisabeth City; le ecletered it Hotel Loulee. V i.e., J. M. Parker of Qnstonla. ft. C., e a heats see riHw te the dty. 8. E. Conn Qf Salisbury, X. C.. Is | i guest at Hotel Loniae. * f: *- C. Pottwr, traveling freight and passenger. agent of the Norfolk Southern, waa a guest" of Koiel ^oalea today. ^ Greatest Chicken Farm. Meechea farm, Poole, England, la aid to be the greaieat chicken farm In the world. Experiments made there In the forcing of the growlV of chickena by electrical lnflmenceg are re-! ported aa showing remarkable re an It a. I In fire weeks electrically treated! chickens hare attained the normal' weight of chickens three months old. The experiments may have possible corollaries in the treatment of subnormal children.?The Outlook. 7 ; CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Ths Kind Yon Han Always Bought SigT.toro of TOR RELIABLE SERVICE IN transfer call A. R. Styron A Co., grocery store. Phone 474. 12-4-^wc | VF.l ngton Boys a us. We will 1 fiber 4 and 5tl of guns the li : the grown-i from now i an d Boy in \ l questions, to k" : mea that win The tolJO I kinds 10c to > Cet . . , . j them by f all Klnfe the W< equaJh) < Ji ReveralMe JltstUt 'EDES , - - ' u- W# he city. Rub- but a j DUt, price $110 j0^ [tat 4$u* V-' >>J ^fll? rHE HOM1 HHMiiHHitiSi . .: > / . REA1 ; - .<v\ ~ putting an mterist bet the Chib and tee wan wilt induce hie neighbo U i : r?T f {H- ^ r v . - * f * | 5P;. V,,'> >?*? , . Foetere the Saving Hi tone?the teieon of a , there it no euch dun SUCCESS WAY. D * -i ' ' ? V? k =V . B? rVlain Street,. /. ^ .a- ' k- Naw AiiMnfr I lfe Cory la mtly gi?ua to tthwly. m woe, uie coemasy, miw reads I ^ at att. BW 4om, ioww, occasionally tak# down a volume In order -to show some sympathetic Interest la her husband's tevarifca yinoaeK. Ooe dark* breakfast, Mm. 1 Gory remarkad~. ' -I took down a book yesterday by 1 an author named VoHv. * bo eoaei* ] rod a good writer?" ' # "V?4W, my dear?" queried the boo- 1 band. In perplexity. "Voliv, did yon 1 1 "Teak" she replied. "Til get tt and , show yon." ** : Leaving the table, aha noon return- 1 ?d, bringing a book whloh she banded ( him. It waa a volume Of Browning's ( poetry and had been bound with no name on the baok, simply bearing the legend, "VoL IV." C _U11L1Z 1 Common Oriental Head wear. The fez or tarbuab la limited by no 8 considerations of nationality or faith. It la the almost universal head cover- e log of the eastern and southern lands i of the Mediterranean and has been widely distributed In the still active 1 diffusion of Mohammedanism. This i type of felt hat without brim Is of j the atmost antiquity and Beems to have undergone no marked change, save the tassel, from the early monumeatal reeerd ef the Euphrates valley. Tbe designation fez, comparatively modern in flb application, derives 1 frpm the oaate the only source of dyestuffs which could give' the peculiar shade of red most favored. LCC nd Girls to t lave our open 1. Amid the i aughter of hui ips. He'll sti mtil Christma Washington wl shake his har Prettiest Doll in 1 our prices 'before buying, 1 the thousands, consequently M prices seed feu purcka* miom. Prices range from 5c > rG *J 3omes of AP Kinds couldn't begin to name all th llrmpac of the assortment wi . I'm ' '' : er E OF SA.NT. HINGTON, h ' 1 WHY >Y MO rtojmm. THEMEABYJH ' " a ? *.. Si*. ecember 8th. 1912 ink of W KOTICE! 1 r? n>. TJ.?i- -t i)???' ?-<?? ^ - ? w <. vupiu VI WIWUH WUU" tj-' You are notified that the com- ^ ralaory period for Beaufort couay, as designated by the county toard of education, will begin an \ tfonday, November 24th, and coninue for four consecutive school nonths?80 days. During this >eriod all children not under ight and not over twelve years of lge are required to attend school jvery day, unless excused under exceptions named in the act It is the duty of the attendance >fficer for your townshin to force this law, and the duty of rour teacher to assist him in doing o. We sincerely hope every per- t ion will give this measure his P learty support and encourage- 1 nent. It is not unreasonable and " ve anticipate no difficulty in enforcing it. E. W. AYERS, Chairman, Z W. M. BUTT/ m T. R. HODGES, \ County Board of Education. . iV. L. VAUGHAN, |4 County Superintendent I 11-17 ? tc jj >MF he wonderful to ing Thursday loise of horns ldres of dnU ind each aftei s ready fogrei ho wishes. In id. 1 - ive ge*. U 9MB t dbem 11 r piicw U UmiBm Br c fa jt^Aiw N. Ca t,t cV? '( .i i'W *V?i} '-'. * TMK NET C KOMSTOOB wWftfiM jjr "1S?EL..jf A "^mer. 3 ???j er knm Ail ? cast. loo* VadanpBR Light & . ? WatoConpMy t" .. g I = lc^ - f. laal m Fri- ;p I and the f [re? mod *4$S hoqq ia ? e?*y ^ see WIH i eey Hy6ci ISH I.J !I fcW> ^ Z= V? law i ST"11** SSSfeEn * ' ? loiiJ n 9 |> C JM J m Jiuri I S SforSc^ | I wuunaoanr I BftlBt OHK 3 BL - mmmm wki AT #>w ?" - / & tew Jtor not * nwli ten* i-rri'Ta(>i(ijM. u ia WWk oo tew AV4^ ?rttto atacj^ . id 9k tow f it>f ilBit> ??t/ adapt, tar tfca aattax* ?T ftofcaacn fana: m fcUjpoIL . " ^ WjAjcd a citunea. _ 3 Vmaa." =? ^ -j T K- ' 1 r , j?| . 1.. "' 'I -* ^V''

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