p> I V ?L? 1 f ' ^wSStaamSwmtrnmmSImmmS^' W?V r ' ~IProj Hew T ~ " Ciihc.1" fSSCE 5c SBhu Talking J her 12th z BH1 8MB | al?MlHMhkHML Kn SID-1 will r < fcw her suceessfaf teB iastruet'oew M aa mhj, but write her tadap lev data trouble yea' t? this maw~ daaX Ihm the child.1 tha rd in help it. This , treadacad deoot dolts and aged punpie mIM vdk prlaa difficulties hi ifarsreitW Mi ^' f?' ?MB or balic. Under sad la Mrtae of a power or soli eMdui Mr a deed of trust ncBcStai ? tta aadiiiii.iiml by D. IX 111 lies, ?a April 11th. 1905, and raaasdad la tha Otttr? of the RociMsr af Dais of Beaufort CM* to tot 111. w. 1*8, the | anairnvM M am Ftii&j, Decern- I ( her inn. nu. at 11 o'clock. noon, | , mi A tk* ooooft Una door in the , < tow* of VaMackMi Co tie highest < hJdOar for oafc Oo foDowimg do- 1 aaM gi Ml tj. ftooit: CD A. toast. of load bounded by ] th? ? ? ?f CL I*. Rhw, W. M , Khh. M. PL lkooom mod located , ao - Q? mot mftftm of Durham's Crook. ooMhMog ft* aeren more or ! (SKA M of fcuM ra the vest , sHo afPho o*m Mod loading from J G. W. ftHM OkOBO to B. B. ' Rook- l mm* the * Imasfo tf CL V. Boooor. eoofhlolng J i ?-?M. MM- Mid ** * ^^lr' * wart* ftniartiBk oaf invra to ;] Mftai hkgkoMa, oh d mil *' lip Pft BpPk Pv of Korembed, * >*" ?, amuN. i IFi- TnwtM. i >.* **/ *. 'rtfOa ' i!^??>^^?!Sr? mSSiliJLS^ mH^ZS? ZaktB " flBft ymm tirtlj that yam vfli "IMaM ymm m mm wa?ar. air. thai fci vttkpmC maOly. **Drtr? oo, ?i k kte in* 'xrrss ff IT IB1HIII SJST^n?;TW ' *~i MBkMKO AUTO H ENQJtH LORD . >. Bt*avw& Co. heater j a a and 10c. Pictures Decern- ; utdiaih. : 3 - u m a A ?bsiiihj ft* surgical adene* k r*il I I W the greatest since U? p bar tmited unll?ptlo surgery, has fc be?* made by Professor Leduc, a J * prominent Preach scientist. and la t4 now being exhibited in London. The parpoee of the discovery la to render tl a patient locally Insensible to the pain p if aa operation by applying an eteo Lric current to the part of the body 0 be operated upon. Its action la laid to be such that even when only 1 small amount of current Is applied teedles may be stuck deep Into a nan's flesh without his feedng any lensation of pain whatever. This lo- . *1 anesthesia oonststs of a series >f electrical Impulses to the number if 100 to the second, each shock last* j ng one-thousandth part of s second ' [*hcse brief and rapid galvanic cur enis coming at regular Intervals renter the particular part to be oper- i ited on quite InBsnsible to pain with- i mt producing any 111 effects. The , mrrent is applied by two metal pads K severed with wash feather and made 1 set before the operation and pressed igalnst the flesh. The apparatus irorks on & roltago of 60 and for or- 1 Unary operations a strength of cur- [ rrat of two millV-amperes Is conalderMl sufficient. Getting Even With Hubby. A young married couple of BaltV m no re recently had a dispute concern- ^ ng the biscuit sereed for breakfast, the husband offered certain tart ob- f lerratloas touching his wife's collar . try ability, referring, of course, to the . -kind that mother uaed to make." ? This sally mo-red the wife to action, . nth the resrult that the eeo* men log ihe pet iMore the eompletntag hue- % mad dJfUtm qt hot MeeuMa alleged _ e W #e real thing. Z "Now you're ML HI* smlelwiil he k ifter disposing of owe Mecett. "Tlhi', tkm&ta are exactly me the soft my I other used te see be How did fss tuppeu is hit upew the seslpur % -I ass happy to Mrs m" ?sU 4 He wife, wM? gtttusfeg SMf. "thai J employed elee Is* butter, used ceU- ? torspoagps, Uiiiiish?qffatumj ? sgsa.'KS: JHPthh%iW?\ k* i -v. . a BBSS?** ^ ? ,f 1 >r p Bl l ^B^2SSSSSSp|| mmmm iu ?, jjtnmmtiimmmmmtom* , WHY SHE WIS BETKST | ?y ALICE MOCK. 1 It was as tinmiarnwt party. At- , Br the exeKemeat wm om tka (lri? fttorad around to talk. I "Goodness! How dM yoo ewr keep t ao quletr* asked the |irl la the ( spe (ray drees. "I lass. of wm. . hat you and Frank wore owe toafter a good deal, tat yarn newer ( C*r? the least sign." . 1 know It!" broke tn the atri taa , he white lingerie is tea. "1 new , boomed ft was serines." The br1de4o-be smOad happily. "And yon didst even wear year dag!" exclaimed the (tit with the j teenage bosquet of sweet peas *1 ill Hi if that something weald ooae j if * tat though I watched peer halve every time I happened to see j me etahhty nothing appeared. "Won. she was good and wtea. I ted . roe. girls!" asserted the girl la the ' ettov-mado eulL "Tf she'd goes tresosd tolling aroryone aha kaew stat would have been the fun of aa 1 maouaeeeaeat party, anyway f She raa wise and sensible, and I (tops earn all follow in her steps!" "la that your Intention V shyly eked the demure high school girl. Ao somehow m?n?ttxl to get In. ^ 1 >erv expect to fill the rote," re- u Breed the girl la the tailor-made enlt, ^ "Tee." admitted the bride-to-be. " Pre always hated to heer e girl eontantly talking a boot her letanded. a* ^ hough he were the only man on * arth! And I firmly made up my mind at to harp on Frank before people! I ? kink It*a such poor taate to talk about p man as thongh you'd obtained the ] tek of them all?it aounda aa If yon J rere-elamming the other girls of your * equalntance for being leea attractive " t*an you. "Now. Frank says that he know* all " tie other girls are nice, too, but he W 1 mac If choae me from ail the others. I1 to said It wasn't that all the othere l> uJced the charms be wanted, but? p >ell. It would be embarrassing for me ! > repeat what Frank eal \ **' ^ la "I remember when Corrte?reeaem- f er Carrie??woe in | | 1 Bhe die- l, nated no en wtth her talk ehent Baa. . 'on one rent aaeenf that yen wont . ear ma taBdaff aboet Beak an the Ime. I teamed my teooea thaa! ? -Now. Beak In no f ll let tram lea. He Beeeeit went an to be eff , 7 en readme an the ttmm amd hh ! oeeet eaat ne to alio ny all am ! Heads. Ha eaye m >aet ail ea Ma 1 Heads and hall add ea alaei lean . kat a lemty IdaaT J -HO-e as Ml sf M" HI Maw Bka ' had. ,We lam Mk aad toft, aad 1 1 '"a. - 1 v ngl ? CIIMimh. 4| ? J ns Kind You Hbvq * | |r iir . 0S8 J For Over i Thirty Years j ASTORIA "Tls Vi4^s">imS*tr~ni6~-jam ? b?*, gtrts," she Mid. -he *u afraid < that Pi talk abort kin to yam today. ? Be Mid the last thin* Mors bs kit , hart night thai I mustn't talk about Mm! Thaa ha called dm mp on thi I fxhono this morulas sad repeated It! )i km If I dldol know oaoosh not to do ! Chat, after hearing Oarrts! \ "Wh? are you and Jack joins to ? to married. Alios? WoukSnt ft be iplendld tf yoa oould bars 70or vto ? tins at the MM time we do? Freak J kdmlree you eo naoh! He really has iwfstty good JedsnMt to reading f sharaater! Aad you'd laash at tbs say ha foes |t the question at worn an's olatheal You'd thtak that he res an old kand (torn the adetoa hs llieal j. ,v t -Oh. there's Weak. Pea beea dy ns to ten them 70a vera niimtoj. .1 frank, hut you said net to talk about rou. aad I was minding! My. tt vaa lard! "?Chicago Daly News. i DECUNE Of GOQO REAOtNQ ; faint Mads at Edweetleael AsutistlM 1 ru ib? Umm afMChilf iLaww ? Ikon at Um reewt O?SUtl? of ?ko felt Lake CHy. Mr. Rico. aisle ttWary desk of WHnaaMa. taftd how toot (tote ?hmm ttsts of hHiMi 5 Moka for rtrml Ubsariea. tad offer. ' he books si H.f par oooC dleooent j tt also leq aired teacher. to poos an ?xa ml nation is librarj training, which Mr. Rloo cdMUoro wore lamortas* hat algebra. though tho comparlsoo 1 looms odd. Mr. Caxton. United Btotoo iommlasloaer of education, who totowed, dodarod literature tho moot 1 mportant of ah school subjects. and iboorrod that any man who wfli toad 1 houghtfully four good books a yeat 1 rill bo a well-educated man by tho line ho has road 100. That may do Kmd somewhat on tho books, for not ill good books reward that kind of wading, thosgh tho greatest usually 1 la It is, at any rate, a ldnd of reading | 00 much out of fashion nowadays, nalnly because there la so much to wad that It la difficult to let the mass J to and concentrate on ena author, one * look, one page, one .word. fine old rlasslcal professor used to grow In- i Ugnant at proposals to teach boy* to ? ead Greek like English; It would be nor? to the point, he said, if ws could each boys to read English like Greek. No can hardly expect them to forget heir mother tongue for the sake of earning to pay proper attention to the 1 stalls of a good book, yet there Is lomethlng in this riew; much of the ^ leneflt of the classics comes from hang forced to pay attention to details. * Such careful study is quits possible in English, but the temptation la to skim irer the surface. : a JHASED AWAY THE INTRUDERS Clever Devfos of Young Art gtudaait { Saved Her Frees Piikskli Lang The little art etedent nt iy to before IdMt'i -Olrl With * Ptr- , Hnd worked awmy iadaetrloeely is ibtorM quiet. Pimatly two rcmxvs tWa. about Ml eehool affe. ?f ! ] he gallery, l'H*f' I j "Oh. there Is a etade!" mI4 Om. They drew Mar. The ertfet WM j Mr With tha UH which laellhM , HUhtl; u th* MM. - , J -Pen* whluM'ii Tw?. -mlan ?h? ax WriNr , In tht Mil IMh" HoM Om 'Aiat that j" ' Mr ? tMllh, . -**. mmr *hm4TM* MM M*** MB M mi II * aka j wM mm th? Ml MlklMTtwrtiM 1 TMtTlmm MlhS | S^^SSsS\ emiw JIiiiiioMiiM 1 kith ~?1 ? ?- - w i j* ' ^Jv't^^5r4Pv/y1 "1 'iygvv *? -? ?> *mr * * M >!UI!S*JS J fell* mttaNi M a* MM] Aafe iiMttni SsijSli MuLvZatw^ltiCf"1' ' k^tMhrMrtaM.- TJ Mt- *? WW* ? WMl L a t Mor |QM>? w?? fMr?, thlo Mr ?Mm ItaM forty, I I bod foot antra* M tkto ooaoio too m the beoadiotlec wu preaoaaoed, aad awohe from a dalletoma dream What waa tola lovely yeaa# widow to me. that I abould make a tody of herf MiWl Mi I Mllj and IniMi via* oar vie* that Ma Lao had ottiht oar futot TlUa#e Cor change ot air. WO were latvedaoad to her aent. ao rididy lady, who look oharso of the little hoaaehold. leerta# her nleee to perfect quiet aad root, aa preearthed. Mre Lee l&eoired toe name of oor phydntoa. aad wea toM Dr. Philip Ilia#?my PhUlp. u the# all called him. Why dldi wtah hehadaotbeea At parttac, she proceed me to call CroqoeaOy. Bhe krred ywaa# loHta. lie caM; aad how oftoa did 1 Aad my. calf mahi oeer dmrla# too cammor that followed. A few days altar my Aret oaH 1 waa oarprtoad to aae Philip open toa ytm that led to the nottapo. aad. after Ho#** the doorbell, he iamaatlf adaHtifl Later la the day ha told me Bra Lao waa rmr in. aaf Ammnody ao. hat wtfh ma of fear old altooha. na aha aot torelyr I aafced. -Van Ha larala.* bm will Hilai kaa Mar la tha itn??i Nan I tMI too -*W Wlaail M naltrn km lor tua mnifai on u too >a?.aH?lkalMail?; Ha and waaahlM, kla altar aatfaM at aM triaaHT Ma ?Ua tlaaa ha vaa haa oaaataat ?ulna ha Mm aai watta. aMah maaa fnaaaal. AO Ua an In ill. aa4rat I eaaU aoc Man Ua, for I mm lwri?l to Im M tee. I MV that people witrttl and saw ther pttkd mi jot l vMatiui* tj trnmm viu i MI t? Mem MM should ever know. And so the mmgar puMj and BopUmbtr MfMeM. She wotU Imti OS to Ronaber. What kU the sunt mer brought to Mf samolsss pels ?a joy ?M MIIW Mffii Tonight. howevw. 1 bU proolMd ta Oka too at the cottage. Dufi| the erasing ?he played, and we sang a few da eta. what a rtch. clear veloe aha bed; bow well oor roloea blended my own being a fine oontralto. "Now for a eosy chat." she said. rising from the piano. She told me of the two lovely boys laid away la the churchyard. of her beloved haa band, loved ae dearly, monrned so deeply, laid to reel by their aide Ave years aco. of the disease which might at any moment call her to Jotm them ta the spftrHland. of the happy summer fast passsrt. which my friendship had gladden ad. I felt at this moment 1 would have been willing to make any sacrifice to hare kept her with us. Philip earn# in dating the evening. At half past tea I krone to say good nlfiht. She followed as to the door. Turning Impulsively, 1 threw my arms arooad her. and biased her. 1 had never done so before. What prompt* ed M to do so aowf She returned my embrace, exclaiming warmly: "God blees yon. darling!" Turning abruptly to Philip, As said: ?? "Take good care^of Nellie; She is a true sure. Oood night!" r1 vis mrprlsod hot moraine by u early rtait from Philip. Ho told mo that Mm Loo was doad; ho had bo?a sent tor toward moraine, to fimd bar djlac. Wo otood tocotbor, and cuod on tho baler ad lead laraHW am la doath than la tlfn; * porta* wktto fuD-btown rooo naotiad la bar booom. My own floral gUt I plaood wttbia bar pavfoet hand. 0?tar?inmtnnrnn?.? r**Ud is as; vto* qssl K *?*totoM s Ml tor |UM. sttkn W low. TWy |sM ksr to r**t *f to* Ms *> >'?'? i ? SBja Weeme? * AIt they feverish. mttaat. Bar oua, Irritable, ditty or constipated! Do tbfj con tin u si ly pick their noM r grind their tooth Hit* tk) ramping pains, Irregular and raven 001 appetite? Theee an all slgas el worms. Worms not only cause yoar kill goffering. Vet stent Its elal and gewth. Olra "Kick a poo Worm Killer" at onoa. It kills aad removal Che oscms. Improves your klM's appatlta. regelates stomach* Brer and bawela. The symptoms disappear aad poor child is mads happy aad healthy as nature Intended. All druggist or by mall. Me. KICKAPOO DVMAK MKDICIlfBOQ Philadelphia* Da.... .PC. Lenta* Me oticb oe 9.tiJ U do* and by rirtcj oi a power ot salt nntalned Is a mortgage exe - - * * B " - - ??- - ??-' vuiou irw v w. "uuuor on u>? iUlc day of February, 1911. end duly recorded In the office of the Register of deeds of Beasfort Coaaty la Book Iff. pace lit. the anderstgnsd will "offer for aale to the highest bidder for eash. the following desert bed property: Beginning at Edward P. Bonner's second corner of the land deeded to hits by his father. Usees B. it 1-1 E. It t-lt poles to ssid Edwards P. Bonner's third corner of said land, thanes South, 80 1-S West ltt 88-10? poles to'the fourth corner of'the land at the canal,. C. W. Bonner's lne, thenos up the canal North 17 West 9 8-10 poles, thenos up said canal North St 1-1 West It poles, thence up said canal North 68 8-4 JtVest 61 4-10 poles to D. D. Bonnsrs's corner, theace with a ditch C. W. Bonner's line North 81 1-1 Blast 68 1-5 poles, thence South 64 East 1-S of s pole to Llssie Bryan's southmost corner, thence with Llssie Bryan's line North 19 8-100 poles to Ella Bonner's . beginning, thence South 9 1-4 East to the beg1nalng> Containing 46 8-4 acres, being all the land allotted to the petitioners in Specal Pi acceding Number 611 of the Buperlor Court of Beaufoit County Also the following personal property,, Tlx.: One black mule known as Katie. The said sale tyUl be made at the court house door, on Wedpesdsy, December 17th, 1918, at 11 o'etbdl toon. " % i This the 14 th day of November, 1413. # W. H. WHlTLET, V ;i Mortgige^ li lt 4w# ( Ts Osrs Bee Msfa I A physician advises that the best remedy for bee stings Is to apWy ofl of dSBiasos with a small brash. It ,Wtll slightly Mist sr. bat I til III/ draw oat Us poison. AMtaamauaoti-a (onea. Harloc qualltlod u a&nlaiatntor of tho ?UU of Kirfant A. Ctuanoor, firiMil. UU of Baas fort too. t7. North Carolina, thla la to aotlfr an parooaa hartac elalma acalaat thaootata at tho aayt '"mil to *UMt tho. to, tho udarotcood at tin roaMoaha at _t%a u'anf|oa4 aa ar WlWo tho 14th 4ay of Noroaohor, 1*14. or thla aotloa will bo ?laado? la bar of thafr roaotory. AH paroooa lod^tad U tho .aia aatata will i)MM m*ke imnnfllitn unBtot . - - "V" 1' TWO tho I4U ?ar of Norambor, wii. * ' ? B. T. CHAUWOBT. 'V HALL, MACLBAN * BBTAJt, Atttnan, . f-i asv-?i j L - - rlfi ^ j - I ' -ii:. lollIIflj 4| lie motors n i can't pick out gift that 1? ^ be to well received and at S 1 tame time to practical a. M Kudlfd Ol AfltO GklTf nnolilf cHB. -' r g??*5&f?! I mnd ??. Nolkloc flterle flonl otferiegi thin oa MJTle*. B U L?BS sSSRaesag } Hell. teleyk..* | J. L J'OIIHW 4 CO. RALEIGH, N. C. ===== | MOVIE IV4A.DE SMOKLfcD SAUSAGE. PHONE t Central Market i i ? * ? n i omu. The eooth 1b a. healing medication U Dr. Hobaoa'a Boou Ointment penetrates mry tiny pore of the kin. clears it of ail impurities? ' i tope Itching Instantly, Dr. Hobson'a Eczema Ointment la guaranteed to peedtly heal ecaama, rmshee. ringwarm, tetter and other unsightly eruptions. Bcsezna Ointment ia a doctor's prescription, net aa mperlmeat All drrgglala or by aaO v 60c. Pfelder Chealeal Co. Philadelphia and 8t. LmU. * > 11 thr inn at u. world. J VaMarift. "^p Btootrteal piw HfT.itr ^ ^ .u.d