vvC r. v' -"**^" yc j ..< * '' *" -V?i ^K* V Hp*> m LOCAL ORDER WILL HOLD SORROW < E.L.Cnnn1gh?m of Newport tor. Only one Member John R. keattnger. On next 8under afternoon at the .New Theater at 3 o'clock the Washington Lodge No. !$. Benevolent end Protective Order of Elks will per its annual tribute of respect to Ms deceased members. Only one brother of the order. Mr. John R. Kissinger, ha# gone to his reward since the last annual lodge of sorrow. , Next 8nnday the Elks will again write the faults of their brothers apon the sand and tlieir virtues apon the tablets of love and memory. The order this Tenr Is more than fortunate in the selection of their orator for their memorial ser rice In the person of Mr. E. L. Cunningham' of the Neyport News ledge mo. 815 or Newport Newt, a. lfr. Cunningham It one of ! the shipbuilding city's best known and highly esteemed citizens and hit emlng to Washington is hailed with pleasure not only by the members of ttie Elks lodge but the entire city. He will receive a warm and cordial welcome. The exercises Sunday afternoon will be presided over liy Exalted > Ruler William H. Ellison. Other officers of the lodge will be stationed at their respective positions In various parts of the theater. An Elks lodge of sorrow as the annual memorial exercises are commonly called is a'way* looked for. ward to with unusual interest by all true Elks and by their families and ail the public In general: All over the United States on Sunday the members of dhe Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks will SEVEN HOURS NEW YORK mumum Not many of our amusement-loving citizens will miss the opportunity of seeing the latest musical ^ comedy succeb* Set en Hours In New York." wh.u. .no s to the New Theater WTeuuw a.y. December 10. A number of it* . e .or seats have come from out-of-t a parties, and all Indications port t to a packed house. It will be wise to secure scats tarly. Really good entertainments have been scarce this season. \ j* Handy. Mrs. Knlcker?"I suppose you're ' missed your husband terribly since .he's been away?" Mrs. Bocker?"Oh, dreadfully! He makes such a splen/did fourth at bridge." Most of Them Do. I "So & genealogist Is looking up that "politician's family tree." "I dare say the kind his patron would prefer would be a plum tree."?Baltimore American. Diet of Ancient Athletes. ? The athletes of ancient Greece trained on a diet of new cheese, flgt . and boiled grain. Their sole drink was warm water, and meat was never ai : ^uvnd Hum: | Quite the Contrary. "Hare you seen Mamie's engagement ring?" "Of course! Did you have an Idea that she was making an ^effort to hide it?"?Detroit Free t ,Press. ' f Innocence and Knowledge. I InnAMIUMk la what mo Iron a ?4rl B?lr h '"Why?" at the wrong moment. '.Knowledge of the world Is what # |makee a girl ask "Why?" at the right . (momenta-Taller. I Removing GreaSe. , Eucalyptus oil will remove grease or oil from any fdbric. no matter how delicate, and best results are obtained jby gently sponging the soiled parts. [ With His Blushing Honors Thick. * ; When a to an gets his first nominai ftlon for office he-Imagines tbat "Hail fco the Chief" Is a- brand new tune jdedicatod to him. What la fair Aim! I It la not enough to be Industrious; |so are the ants. What are you ln!'' 4 'Jdhftrtous about??1Thoreau. Booroe of WorW'e Emery Supply. |t The world's supply of emery ootnes ^ from Greek Islands and from Asia rASHI V- ~ ' ' OF ELKS ~~j LODCE OF 1 NEXT SUNDAY News, Va, will be the OrUi Died During the Year. I pay tribute to their dead members, la this city the local lodge, number, about 140 membeea and is doing a great work for the poor and destitute. The Bilks always respond generously to every call for the. kood and uplift of the community. The following order of exercises for the services Sunday afternoon have been arranged by the committee: , - v Program. Choir "Ancient of Days." Prayer. Rev: B: A. Rayner. Opening ceremonies, roll call. Opening ode, "Great Ruler of the p Umiverse." Invocation. B. W. Taylor. N Solo. "My Soul is Athlrst for God.-' ^ Mlso Ruth Butler. ' p! Address, E. L. Cunningham, (l Newport News. Va. Cl In Memorfam. Brother John R. gl Kesslnger: g Closing ceremonies, choir, "In the Hour of Trial." g Doxology. . % t .Benediction. Rev. E. A. Rayner. y, .Since the lodgo was organized in y, Washington about 15 yearB ago the p, following members have passed j, away: A. M. Hawkins, C. E. Hard- q lng. J. J. Laughinghouse. C. W. a Tayloe, L. R. Mayo. F. Q. Paul. ^ W. P. Baugham. Richard Bragaw. O. B. Hardy. C. E. Stancill. W. E M. Williams and John R. Kessln- p ger. F All the citizens of Washington are n cordially invited to attend the serv- ^ ices Sunday at the New Theater. j fi DELIBERATELY GO TO DEATH i Cases of Suicide Among the Lower An- ^ Imals That Are Seemingly Well Authenticated. ^ According to the humane society of i Spokane a horse deliberately committed suicide thero the other day. The ifi animal was decrepit and had been deserted. Too weak to eat solid food, he was tethered in front of a patch of clover. He samplod the clover, and then, according to the report, dellberatel plunged headlong off a bluff overlooking the river a few feet away and was later found dead. E Naturalista havo frequently related the suicide of animals through grief. Probably the oddest one of all is that told by Dr. Ezeklel Henderson, the a traveTer, of a tigress whose cubs had been taken away from her by the * nagerles of the United States. The > party came upon the tiger's den while o hunting Asia for exhibits. They took t four cubs and crossed a nearby river c with them; "destroying the primitive tree trunk bridge after they had reached the other side. The tigress, returning, and finding f her cubs gone, bounded by scent down v to where the party had crossed the \\ stream. She knew of the tree trunk, having made use of it herself before. When she saw it was gone she uttered the most piercing and lamentable 1 Jiowls and cries. The party with her v cubs came back to the river bank, attracted by the noise. The tigress, i when ahasaw her -cubs, gate vent to , an unearthly shriek. Then crouching, rising and recrouchlng again several tlmos, she deliberately sprang from c the river bank. The river was five 1 times wider than she could have been expected to .leap, and leaping animals are close calculators. She fell twentyfive feet into the stream. She came up once, turned toward the distant shore, throw her lfead back and sank for good. A clear case of suicldo the doctor called It What He Means. When a man says the world won't take him at his true value, what he means is that tho world won't accept his own exaggerated opinion of him self. . i Another Way to Prolong Life. ' The statement has been made that 1 life would bo prolonged if persons would acquire the habit of stooping by the hips, instead of bending the badk bono. , To Heat the Entire Room. CaUfornlnn has designed a fire place that eends out its heat *th all directions, the chimney being supported above the grate by steel col ntnnw i ? ,?__i OUR FLOWER POTS HAVE ' fome. We now have ?ny ?iie yam w*nt K. Willie. ll-181tfo ? .'i. ijiiii'tfiMi-i tir NGT ~y wk*TH| ' WASHINGTON, N. 0 IT 1 FIGHTING mm adies of City Yesterday Appointed Committees for the Warfare Against Tuberculosis * Responding to a request of Miss lachel Rumley quite a number of irnest, Interested women met with , [rs. Frank Kugler yesterday afteroon for the purpose of forming lans to help in the fight that Is be-, ig waged in the state against tuber-1 iuobip. Remembering the value our avlor placed on the "widow's mite" o one doubts but that this noble ork will meet with approval ners that were well received and vent fatrTy weTT"wtth the audience. Today's program offers another ine, consisting of an entire change n motion pictures. fTTESTS OF MRS SMALL Mrs. John H. Small is eatertainng Mrs. 1>. P. Foley wife of Capaln Foley of the United States revinue service, and Mrs. L. B. Laidar. wife of Mr. L. B. La Mar. of he United States Navy, at her home, ornor of Main and Bridge streets. Explained. "I don't understand Smith. He says things are awfully dull in his business and yet he has just bought a new au toraoblle." "Well, you see, sharpening Itnlves is his profession." _ Slight Correction. Fourthboll?"Your cook has been with you for & long time, has she not?" Brownstone?"We have been with her for five years."?Puck. Dally Thought. More helpful than all wisdom is our draught of simple human pity, thai will not forsake us.?Georgo Eliot. Dally Thought. I am a part of all that 1 have mat -Tannjion. - - - " '.. ? ' J . L: .. .-JA ON E fe-fiflr toniiht 0 frUllatartay. 1 FRIDAY AFTERNOON. DBCEMB1 5ftl 11 Emu in Upon Occasion of Meeting Here December 13, Mrs. R. R. Colten Will Make ai^ Address. The Woman's Civtt Club of this city will entertain tl|b county teachers when they meet'here Saturday, December 13; also the heads of the different clubs In the county will be entertained at tfci, frame time. It is planned to compqfta the organization of the countj|-clubs here on that date. The organisation was begun two weeks ago&afc Fantego by I Mrs: R. W. Carter thiB city: The nfBiuru oi toe occwto win oe an I address by Mrs. R.i'R. Cotton, of Bruce, N. C.. who inf. honorary prea ident for life of the State Federation of Clubs. She ia oaf of the best, known club women ia the South and no doubt her addveeir will be profitable and full of food for thought. Saved by HI* Whisker*. "Long years ago, whfn 1 was a student, I gathered vert*bf*te specimens for the university on 'the plains of western Kansas," sald^poctor Moody in the University Kantfn. "One evening while I was on of"1 an expedition I lay in my tent sleeping. Little did I dream of the Impending danger. J It was a dark and gloomy night. The | wind whistled through the pine trees. | The camp flre burned low. My beardhad not been shaved for weeks and' my beautiful brown whiskers reached almost to my belt. "Suddenly I awoke. I seemed to feel tho presence of other human beings in my tent. 8everal minutes | passed, but before I had time to move a muscle a huge Slcux warrior dashed bis cigar lighter and held the little blue flame not more than three Inches i from my face. "My friends, for th* flrst time in my life I knew the meaning of the word fear. My whiskers fairly quivered. Bttt-hickily ttif-me was spared. "The bloodthirsty savage took one glanee at my features and whispered to a companion: 'We are foiled. Tho villain has escaped. Only the hay for his horse remains.' "My trusty whiskers had saved me. Then and there I resolved never again to clip a single whisker: Can you blame me?" Butcher Wouldn't Believe It, Health Commissioner P. A. Kraft of Milwaukee tells a good story on a Sixth ward butcher, whose market is one of those that worry the chief food Inspector into sleepless nights and who was cited to appear before the health commlssolner. He was told that his market was a disgrace to the neighborhood and his methods too filthy to tolerate. - Prosecution and & probable fine was suggested. After voluably protesting his good Intentions and promising improvement. his eyes, according to Doctor Kraft, fell upon a picture of a model butcher shop erected by & North side butcher. The man studied the picture critically, 'and not without reverence for some time. "Study it," finally said the commissioner. "You need the example." The butcher showed some bewilder ment, then said slowly: "Ya-ast vot iss it?" "What is it! Why, what do you think It is?" "Oh, I think maybe It's a church." At the Shore. Henry R. Law, Denver sociologist, was lecturing in Atlantic City on eugenics. "It's a bad thing for eugenics," he said, "when a rich old man like Gobsa Colde marries a young and beautiful chorus girl, it's bad for eugenics?it's also bad for the rich old mam "Gobsa Golde sat alone on a windswept pier the other night when two gossips from tho hotel joined him. " 'Mr. Golde,' said a gossip, 'I'll tell you, If you wish, the names of all the men whg have kissed your wife dur lug juur unci jsiay acre. " 'Htimph,' said tho agud plutocrat, 'how fnany names do you know?' " 'Six,' the gossip* answerod in a chorus. " "Oh, get on with you,' said Gobsa Golde. 'I know eight myself.'" Large, Baffling Words. "What Is your idea of tho nebular hypothesis?" asked the erudite worn an. ! "I can't say," replied Mr. Cumrox ! with great embarrassment. "I have no doubt'my wife could give you some views on the subject. But I haven't had time to give much attention either to psychic research or social hy giene." JUST RECEIVED AT THE BAZAAR, on Market street, & foil line of lad lea and mlases' sample suits, latest styles and colore; will be sold cheap while they last. u-M-m fffPW'iM'. 1 '"'UUI )A1LY JtU* ctoiSj. ;r LOCAL HIGHS 1 " WILL PLAY mm If Raleigh Wins From^ a victory for the Raleigh I team Saturday as their team is considered much stronger than Wil- pr mlngton. Mr. A. A. McKoy was the xc representative of Washington at the irl meeting held in Goldsboro. At this tin | meeting Monday last nothing was f?* mentioned by the Raleigh represen- E3 | tative about any unfairness of the ^ I officials in the game here Thursday Jt | last. It Is supposed due to their de- to j feat, this was the only excuse the hi Raleigh team could render their In home people. Through the News and Observer the Releigh team claims their downfall was due to the work of the officiate here Thanksgiving ne day. Any fair-minded witness of the nl game knows better than this and m: is certainly an unfair one. The truth is the officials deserve much credit ^ the plea put up in the Raleigh paper jn for the fairness shown to both sides, of Vhe saying is. if you can't stand n be whipping don't play. I'i ar b? TO ATTEND MEETING Rev. E. A. Lowther. president of the WMhlngLOfl^CgUeKiate Institute. ^ accompanied by hla family and Mr. ca Charles A. Flynn secretary of the al Chamber of Commerce, and member tb of the Harris Hardware Company fr leave Saturday for New York to ai J11 tend the annual meeting of tlio ^ | hoard of education of the M. M. | 8l I church, which is to bo held from ' x December 8 to 12. Rev. E. A. Loh-i ther and wife will spend the ho!i-| I days with relatives and friend-;. I> j High Prices for Gruesome Relics- 8< Gruesome relics were sold In a ^ Paris auction room the other day. i ^ I One was that of the petrified body of I J1 a Patagonlan slain in battle several "] I thousand years ago. The price was cj $1,640. Head of Indian cut ofT in bat- K tie. $265; two book6. one bound in the i stain of a white woman, the other in the skin of a negress, $100. a Fear Always It Handicap. n Fear never did any good to any- s body. Even when cause for fear is d real, a man must uot give up to it. If tl you can Just bolster yourself up to the u point of nerve that will enable you to a master your fears, you will add 60 tl per cent, to your results and a like .d percentage to the Influence for good it you can bring to your house. j d I a SUM Up. |" Crawford?"I never thought him an; t! educated man, but 1 see he's Just re-j ^ celved an honorary degree from one! 0 of the colleges." Crabshaw?"Oh, bo's j 0 probably done something that would, t] get htm a vaudeville engagement."? n Judge. p t' Order of the Bath. The Order of the Hath is an Eng- ? Tlsh order of knighthood, traced to1 f the refgn of Henry IV*. and consisting1 ' | of three classes. Initiation is preced-! 1 ed by a bath, whence the name. In! token of the purity required of the! members by the laws of chivalry. ! c Protecting Telegraph Poles. j j To protect telegraph poles from rr.t j ? I ting in the ground a now French prae ' | tice is to sjirround their ends with ^ | earthware pipes and fill the- pip ? v : with melted resin and sand, wind- ^ j auiiuiues una oecomes waierprou:. | ^ ??- |" Reason for It. | d Grandma?"Iu my day girls w?ki a morn modest and reserved than the} v are now." May?"That's because you were taught that modesty and reserve n were more alluring to the men."? . Judge. COTTON MARKET. w Reed cotton, $4.50. lc Liht cotton, 12 l-2c. *3 Cotton seed, $31.00 per ton. * > . 1 . .. i . . A NEV ;ank of wash directors e b. ro! -~npr: tv PSr CONFERENCE I COMK8 TO WASHINGTON Th* next session of the North Carolina Annual Con- * ference of the M. E. Church. South, will meet in Washing ton. At the session of the j conference, now meeting In * Oxford, N. C.. a vote was taken this moaning and that * religious body decided unani mously to come to this city next year for its 78th annual session. A wire to this nonup ? from Mr. C. F. Bland.who ts I a lay delegate to the confer- u ence, conveys this welcome ti news. T 1 " t? V Tooko's Taste In Tombs. j Nelson provided bis own cofDn. but 0 ere have been men who carefully y spared tbelr own tombs. Horn* oke was one. A large block of black " sh marble, specially procured for. b e purpose, was Its most striking [ II iture, and it was to be placed in hiB c, fden at Wimbledon, wrhere be do- a ed to be burled. But all bis prepa- Q tlons were vafn. for after bis dcatb was decided that the presence of a 81 mb would "deteriorate the value of tl s estate." and he was burled in Ealg churchyard.?London Chronicle. y it And Minister Had to 8m(te. In order to neutraJlxe the surlons- h BR of marriage a bridegroom left a a ce;TBl?kT>* wadded packet for the j t, Inlster who officiated. "This." euiXd , e happy bridegroom, "is yonr feoj >ctor." The minister thanked him artily and some time later on open- a g the "fee" found It to be a bundle t? wrapping paper skilfully folded and it sarlng this message: "Well, old boy. ti n married now, so don't wish roe' a ly hard luck, even If you are set ' ick a little. Yours In a rush.". Sugar. I a Almost all the sugar In the world c: imes from two sources?the sugar j. >ne and tliS sugar beet ' There Is j ' so maple sugar, sugar made from Ia o sap of date palms and from dried ! ? uits. Rut the sugar we uso in huge | g lantities. the loaf sugar, the granu- j le cane or the beet. Fifty years ago igar was more or less of a Luxury, oday It is a necessity. Able to Identify the Excelalor. A Fort Scott woman was packing a j it glass bowl for shipment and sent I ^ er small son to the basement to get >mo excelsior. "What's excelsior?" 1 iked the boy. "Oh, hurry," replied ; le mother. "It's that stuff that looks ke hay." The boy'e faee brightened. [ know what It la. mother," he exlalmed. "It's that long sawdust."? anaaa City Star. Modern and Ancient Literature. Modern literature, compared with ' nclent literature, is careless, slipshod. , ot wholly grown up; It has little , ense of responsibility. The chief uty it sets before itself Is to hold' lie mirror up to nature and reflect the nintelllg'.ble happenings of life, in 11 th;*ir confusion, their Inconsistency, ; heir Inanity. Ancient literature was ominatod by a very different purpose. ; had a profound sentiment of high Uty. The creation, so it seems to the nclents, had boon left Incomplete, and " lan, as the creature most divine, was! harged with the labor of carrying on|i he uncompleted task. With bold' carts the Oreeks set to work to piece i , ut the Incompleteness with literature,!' specially with poetry, to make up for lie neglect of the gods by human i chievement. I look on those ancient j| Iroeks as I. do workmen who fill in! lie marshy shallows of our river J routs, put earth upon the spongy; ozo, sow grass, set out trees, plant! owers and create a garden where beore was merely mud and slime.?At-1 mtic. Made Him Cautious. J: A lawyer tells the following story, ; oncoming a client, something of a rag in his way. with whom lie had pug kept an account. When the lav ' i r was huiilly made up the bill, most-1'! f for trilling services. cov.>r<-d several 1 ards of foolscap, as the items cnu-!j io rated the most minu:e tin ails. ji wnen u." cM-nt cnr. rounl to sot-!, lo he refuted to enter the cr <:o, but . tond in the doer. nnd. lioldin-r one f-Jiri'' t tin- till, unrolled the voluminous , ocumetit. in the direction of his N sal dvi?er, with tho request that ho .mild receipt It. "Come ip,** ssid the lawyer, la his lost cordial tones. I "Xo, thank ycm." replied his client; you'd charge me rout if I did." What Dolly Lacked. One day small Alice was playing 1th her dolly. Stopping suddenly, she toked at her lovingly and said: "Dolyou Is Just awfully beautiful, but an Ain't got a bit of sense." fj mL --3B No. 81 ;9 :lect jesse j >s as cashier^fl Vt the Meeting Jfl of Directors M I las Been Connected WiflH Bank Since 1002 motion a Merited One. the ashler of the Duuk of Washiugto^H lis election took place ut the r?H the ;>rs at the banging house last nlgh^^H 11 news of Mr. Ross' good fortunl^^ :.J the wise selection of the diiA^H I r > carries with it gratification Measure to the entire city. When . -K .?Dough ton resigned ns casl^H | f the bunk, a few months bac^H lr. Iloss was appointed acting rash^H r until a permanent cashier coui^H u selected. From the very first .vfl :oss was prominently mentioned fr^H ashler und today his many friend4^J iul trey are legion, are rejoiciri{^H | ver the fact thai he is promoted to^H ticli a high and responsible posi-^^^H The new cashier is anionc the oungest in the state and is a Washigtoii boy to the manor born?hnvig been born and reared her? and ere it is where he is best known ud udiuired not only as a citizen ut too as a iKssinetW man. He bean work with the Hank of Washing>u in li'02? accepting the position 9 s teller and since that time and up B > now he has filled every position i tills well-known business iustltuon. His promotion is a merited one 2 ml under his administration the auk of Washington's future is cerx'.nly propitious. He has stood the test in the bust- a ess world. No young man in the Itv enjoys a wider circle of friends. Lc .Utt.f won his promotion by close ttention to his duties and courtesy f manner to patrons and citizens enerally. He enters upon his new luties carrying with him the very est wishes of the city in which this a per gladly Joins. NOTICE The annual meeting of the shareholders of the First National Hank j Mil be held at their hanking house at 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, January 12th. 1914. A. M. Dl'MAV. Cashier. Dec. 5th.. 1913. ~ 12-fj-lmc AIIKIYK TONHiHT. Mrs. Doane Herring and Mrs. T. VV. Tiighman. of Wilson. N. C.. Bre expected this evening and will spend a few days with Mr. and l!rs. Ri'th Kridgman at their home on East Main street. , Vew Theater. lb-gin* Saturday. I>ec: ?. Ends Friday. lb* :?? First, Second an| Third Prizes will he awarded to the or.o holding the lucRy _qumbers. Gifl> are-now on display in the show windnv of Hell, the Jeweler. Rave your coupons, "ou might be the winner. I, a nillllnn Tft ? nn nnnn t. ft. KAIPtH IU AUUKttS THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY Those who attend the First Mothiilist riiiir.-li Punday ? v<"r>.: will be ,itii]>1 > r?Taid as a feu*: c m- .>?!* is tt hoduh il to lake pint- . Ti.e Woman's Mi*:-iatjary Society c.:' the hurcl: will have chart e of th? hour uid the la.lU nre nrrar.srlns a very i;truet!vc< iir.ner, prlr.r : 5 f t!j?? lS*;i u;; i .>Iloplai?: I. :iv:*- . will vuk i. i- fc?iilre*s. The t-:o;r of Iho -*t!- is arrantxini? vprr-lai rr.ustc. Vli cordially imUe.i t:> attend. wwTi.n?IVIY. ,\r. ply r.t i' Telegraph ( nV.rnny'a -'ft Office. lil-H-tfc . * OK lU ' KWHF.AT. SEI.F P.ISINO and old fashioned call Jos. F. Tayloe's store. 11.10 tfe. )UR FLOWER POTS HAVE :J come. We now have i^ny sine yon want. E. K. Willis. 11-lS-lfo ; J