li' ? A, '* j I (Special to The Daily No...) Bath school district Is large .ad iBco'a ran lastly laid amt; Voi school hoass ja sotortuaataly k> 8K- sated. 1- one oorner of the dlstrtcl '^***aad oat bf the town; old prejudice fro.log out o! the laying o? of th. district exist all this hds Impaired her cadency aatfl the Iowa, th. ooenty super la tan Scat and the Board at Education ware almost la the "aleugh ot desgoad" whaa the time (or the assMea ot A new committee tall ot aathC* :: Bloom aad public spirit was aa^ojr la My. Hlrtsg two teadhcrs Whom U.7 thought sag all. 01 helplag tr. than with this task, they from tall are. Penahadoa was gleee I | e the Ssarhers to go to oae ot the local storaa tor whatorar might ha aeeded tor adlclaoey. while they hegan early to sagage winter wood. The letter 1s now la a sawed pile behind Iks *111 hewee. "Is gaaatlty sat deleat.- said oas onlooker, "to tear 1* The Is. .hers aad students hare stalaad the fleers ead the old deeka Wrtlhi, pat i| Mvi bulletin Ward. The Mbool iroudi arj good, W: t$y f lM Iftrtt part trow and part open ' JW needed draining. ah robbing > filling in In pfcaoes. \ rally day -for doing ail thlt on Not. 5. Four ?wu I |k|^fd off trash and In dirt dur^Vtho whole day; women and Had ran and aome laborers, sent by | Km of the town, ahrubbed and P^Wrake* and dltchedj Nightfall n? \lean Inviting grounds, with two Win swings, seats between trees. Ae beginning of k tennis court. In Adltioa-U the ball diamond already / November 10 Meawp. C. W. WllW. Of tli trathmi tKMK-rr*m Moore, gt the Farm Demonstration work, fBdgecombe icounty; W. L. , Vaogban, county snperinondent, and ' J. F. Latham farm demonstrator for Beaufort county, gave a -rally whose good effects are still with ue 1 . particularly from an inspirational l v | view point. These gentlemen talked both aftornoon and evening. After the evening session they, the 7 tedchers, and" a few others, were charmlbkly entertained by Mrs. T A. Brooks In her lovely home. We are hoping to have some oi all of the gentlemen again before the' school session closes. I * One of the movements for town and school upltft Is a reading room m opened- in the historib house ol t Bath?the Marsh house: Its large ! front room and most of the furnish . ing was given by Mrs. Mattle Marat Draper- Mr. T. A. Brooks gives the firewood and the merchants of th< ""n uti uar uuuy wnu HIUWI when needed. The room la f*trnieh0< v with * large library, table, two sroal tables, a writing desk, two eete o Late Planted Cot "Washington, D. C., Deo. It.?Oo ^taaionally the theory is annonnce< ^ hat the boll weevil can be controller Vt>7 (he late planting better than b ^P^P'eaily planting of the crop. The Bn f rean of Entomology has oondactei ereny eipaslm?H to - OeUrmln L Whether late planfeed cotton will ^ v dtoe a satisfactory crop. The resolti Lare all been negative. The edvo rates of late pier ting, however, hay contended that the experiments o the department hare not been c m ducted on % violently large scale 0> this attovnt-hn anaenally larg experiment nhl% was prov'ivl l] aateral awdH one hi Louisiana is o hiewit whkdt here S?e< . ... r or BAAi v fc ' * - MS?? '.'%"Z-- " L-f-.yrATLttSMF%T?T:li-^*?V;,_ , *L?> 2H00L APLISHING THAT SECTION book sbelree mod* by one of On students, school library and a piano Oa one table He such masaaine as Century, Harper's Masasiss Harper's Weekly, American Boy Country Life In America, Etude Popular Mechanics and The Dull: News sad Procrass. The two lattr complimentary snbaerlptlona tron the editors. ~^ . ,1 Friday and Saturday erentnss tin reading room is open; the first h :u Is eulet before reading, the sowai la spabt In stasias and costs'is Hon. The school slrls and boys an the youns men and woman of th town particularly hsem to appro elate this room. Oa Friday eranlat In aaeh month a prosram la siren? sonsa, piano, read in sa A Thanks firing'prosram bronchi more thai the toom eoald seat Daeamher lftl a CMIstmas prosram will bo si rat Nest Friday, Deeambsr IS. a de hater's dUk will ha orsaniasd St tb. rend las room !a response to a de stand from the r? t as men of th. tiwa. Poetess annouaelas this an new betas In the shot windows. another date to which we tr looking for war J a .th Interest la T ! oetnber If, when Mm. H. W. Car tar and Miss Ly,1e Rodman all leak to the Wc. man's Club at th leading room. This woman's club with Mrs. F A Brooks as prfldent, la dolor i great work. A cvnieat closed tola; < December 3) in a hick prises fo the moet cans and bottles colle t-}l.ionght out the 1< 'lowing: "Wm. Brooks,?trill. first. pi 1ms ?1.50; Victor Hughes, 1,149, sec ond price, f 1; Roeece Tankard. 1. 514, third prise, 50c; James Garrov had 1,175 and b^'ause of w>rth reasons bystanders made up i prise for him. A woman ws- beard to remarl "If a fellow wanted to go flahini he couldn't even find a c?n for hi 5 worms." The paper Is being removed froi the streets, boxes, chicken coopi etc., are disappearing and the eli canopied main street stretches 11 broad, beautiful dray to where Bac ;and Front Creeks join to r%eet th brimming river. The club ie considering offerin a, prize of |30 for the;, best key i premises during 1014. i Bath is one of the most' ldeall located of eastern towns. On seems to feel as he enters the croe u from the river the" joy and rssttu i ness which.must have filled the hear o# the early settlers as they Bejocto i this bluff for their homes. In "b uiiumn m* colors gioag tno ?ree hiuiit are iho loveliest; in tha wild, ducks and geese anmii plentiful; *t *' times nature most lordly. in Bath. "So we'll clean and beautify and loi Old Bath town on the bay UHtil every one both tar and near Shall rejoicingly say ''We love old Bath for what she i And what aha fa to be." :on and the Wevil Experimen bale wan made o? tbe tide th it w I not orerflowed where -the y',atli I ?tt#-Trrly wttie the opposite el' ' wllfch was late planted yielded mat leas. A few lllastratlou oat ol mat I that t t re obtained will be (1t? 1.11b pounds ot seed cotton from i crop planted on April 16 while tl crop planted across the bayon < May IS yielded ?I0 pounds ot est I cotton per acre. Mr. O. P. Conrlllh planted an May H and obtained on . fourth of a halo par acre la It > oa tbe eama laid be prodaeed a he a beta per acre TUj 11'aetreUone that base be ?>wdp tbee the general Mtwa i bate pen tbe eerty aad late plain , action, the sheet latlome. therefor 1'dt I* a rery dsflnlto way. t lue ylantad oropa are earn to ll , Want Mett tererelr thaa whel t plait,-d early. | BTAMMMQ SATCHDAT MORH1W i Wa Will Make a ynlek dlapoeel of a 1 beaee'fm^ Noat^ent ea aj I proral aad an oltornOona) ' >-K-ll LEAVE FOB CHAPEL 1L . ... . . J Will Play the Raleigh High* Saturday Afternoon For the | State Championship. TO* Washington football sleren t Is ft last night on the Norfolk Soathr srn lsts trsln (or Chapel Hill. M. 1 c.. where on tomorrow they am to face the strong Raleigh Highs for 1 the championship of the state. Qslte c a number of rooters and friends of - the local team aspect to tears toI night tor Chat tl J lin to be present at the oontest. Lest Setnrday WU- mlagton and Raleigh lilsfid al ~ i Chapal KU1 aad U Wilmington had J i won oat then it woald ha to da. barred "Washington lv?tt glaring - Raleigh. Inasmuch ss Raleigh Old i the trick to the tame of 11 to ? ? - Washington now hat s chases aad It P la to ha hoped that the tors from ct > here will corns home nlmrera. Tin b r tram here to one at the bast rat la tarnsd oat br the Washleiten School d r and l( thcr gat dsfssul tomorrow S It oalr moans that Raleigh has the T ? letter team that's tIL kttry cttlaen a ? v.ishee the home boys good lack. A r Srbn Cotton Tayloe Is 'tu captain. U *Tl>e bo ye expect a royal rood time t> . t hether they win or lose. ai KMMB i ; *rr| 8 xmkta xarrj McHuiion. or this x a city, and John G. Tooley, of Bel- ^ haven, "N. "C.f* Oh" yesterday brought * a suit against tho Norfolk Southern c ~ Railway and the John L. Roper 1 k Lumber Company for damages oc- ( e caaloned by the killing of two Aua- ^ g trlans on the-Norfolk Southern road, ^ t\ Pine Town Cutoff on-the morning or ^ December 6. The Bulls are for |10,? i J. 000 each and are brought in the. < P name of Nykolaj Hraboweec and Te- 1 ^ c ^ muf BurdingJ. Both of these men ^ Vwere- killed as a result of tho col- j tf Union between the Norfolk Southern. t labor train and the John L. Roper j k Lumber Co. log train. The Austriana * >i had only been in that section (or a < few day and they with about forty t Ir others were on the log train bound ] to the log woods for work when \ e snatched Into eternity. i THE LYRIC , : = I Vaudeville Artists a Great Feature. The Lyric program offered Its t patrons last evening one of the strongest and highest entertaining bills they have presented during the i* season. That d&lnty little singing '6 and dancing comedienne. Miss Mamie te Elmore, was the hit of the evening, h and proved herself to be a feature iy on any bill, seldom do we see a a. more oharmlng artist on any larger Bf -bill that makes herself more popular a than that of Miss Elmore, her single ing and charming personalities are n one of her many feaares. her gorge'<3 oas costumes were in full evidence as to her ability to make a higher e- mark. I "Bllle," the black faos comedian. If waa beard from on the roar end of the MIL wKUt Btllle waa one of those laugh-prod itolag kind, be can Be be mentioned as a verydever dancer d and Ids song was wall handled. ?. thronroaI feature mstlon pteke tare waa eautfcar that dmsrvss cooa meat an tha avsalag MB. and a class * of motion pictures that greatly npToday's program offers new fee9 tares that Wfll prove equally as II stroe* a MO aa that of yesterday. >7 And Ike vaudeville bill is one eC ? thom UM tkM uk? fm earn* WILL FIIAOH RIMT, A Mur. jr. H. turn ?111 KM* the WMhfeftaa' Collegiate lastttnte anday tfrsntag at Ml .'dock, .... ' '' 'rv DM E . WHATHBR: fctlr tonUM M UNOTOH, N. Cj,^BWir AFTER ' ' ;" = Muticai BUtckfm/th'g. E iNOTHQR EDI The my name "Talking Picture" IUMU the lmpoaaltAg. How can etnree talk? Who w^eM ever conilrethe Idea of ! *! them talk at the (rest InTentoJSdieon? That what the Wlaard kw succeeded tn 3Inf. The lateet protect at his sniuB will he exhibit# at the New heater tonight and flfeardnr night, 1th matinee Saturday afternoon, t thle time the peoplfc of WMhla*n will hare the ftnA opportunity r wltneeetng the greataei Taederille traction of the veer) in the leedig renderlHe honaeajjot the great Itles, Edison Talking JPlctures hare lystlfled and dellghtid th4P*ands nd tbonsands. In Bngfend the fame f the Talking Pictures spread so xpidly th*t thm icina m and Qtisan roke one of the rigid traditions of he royal family and attended a prlate performance of tie Talking let urea before they Ipd been exhibited to the British puMic. We had ceased to taflrvel at the (oving pictures and jSkfc come to egard it among thoi codKponplace JtertistaTtrMitSi T J'1 of renins has transformed the silent flcturo to a living thing in which ivery person has received the breath ?f life. The mysterious wall of slence is broken down and the charicters speak in tlielr own voices. Phey are living beings! Not content simply to show . his vonderful Inventive genius by derising a series of tricks, .Edison has prepared d large number of scenes >f Grand ClpeVa; Minstrel Shows, dramatic agid''domic playfeta and rthers, whioh add greatly to the Inmerest and enjoyment of the perormance. If you are one of thoBe whothlnk hat the day of thrills Is past and .hat the inventor can no longer proluce anything that will cause you o: marvel, see the EdiBon Talking Pictures. Nothing so novet and mystifying has been offered the public ilace the invention of the first mov ng picture. i. heWbook cloiwith iis. h. w^cflsieb On Thursday afternoon the D'Henry Book Club was entertained U the home of Mrs. H. W. Carter. Chla club. Of recent organisation. Is composed of the following ladles: Iflse Rodman. Mrs. H. W. Carter. Mre. W. H. Williams, Mrs. W. A. Blount. Mlee Mary Blonnt, Mrs. A. If. Dumay. Mrs. J. K. Hoyt, Mre. A. D. McLean, Mre.- J. B. Moore, Mre. #, U 81mmone. Mre. J. O. Blonnt. ire. W. A. Branch, Mre. Qtoary. Km. Hathaway, Mre. Leach,' Mm. U. H. Mann. Mre. C. H. Richardson. Cm J. H. Small, Mlee Laughinglonee and Mre. O. M. Brown, Jr. rbe membere regretted exceedingly he ebeeaoe of the president, Mlee Rodman, who la quite ill. The dent rice preatdeng. Mm H. W. Tarter, preelded, most graeloeety. Phe club baa taken up the studr of American Anthem end Mm Carter ned aa tniereetlag paper on the ltd* md works of J. Pnlmors Cooper, liter mnaic end a lively discussion >f the new books. Mre. Carter ear red lelightfnl refreehmeata. The next meeting of the club will >e beld with Mre. W. H. Willlama. 4-/"jkewi'H < u sjifl !11. Jv - L. J Jtmlih PMlllpe returned .1* hie kcmy pr Itontfcit Week ytrtardar, * . i tw ' HHict >AlL\ NOOK. DECWBIR IS. If IS. K^| cbeon Talking Pictures. SON MIRACLE * RED CROSS BBAL8 * ARB SEUiINQ FAST * Red Ctom Seals are going at * * a rapid pace. Tbe committee of * * ladles recently appointed to no * licit the tale of the eeala are * meeting with success. We gave * * a list of those who "had par- * * chased seals yesterday and to- * - aay we give an additional list: Jackson ft Rdherson. 60c; * Mpb. H. C. Br^gaw, 25c; Ed ward Mallison, 25c; Harris Hardware Co., $1.00; J. F. . Buckman, 76c; Greek Cafe, 6c Carolina Telephone Co., $1.00; Johnston Printing House, 20c; Mrs. H. P. Brldgman, 26c; Robt. * Rumloy, $1.00; Washington T Progress, 26c; W. Gray Willis, 26c; Howard Wlnfield, 50c; Wright Steam Pressing Works M. 25r; C. H. Sterling, $1.00: Globe Furniture Co., 25c; Gay ITaru'ng, 25c; Mr. Johnson, 2->n.; Brown Drug Co., 25c; A. J. E. ?. mt- * sens, $1.00: D. R. Cutler, 20c: ' Electric Light Office, 25c; C. M. Little. 10c; P. Orleans. 23c: Savings ft Trust Co., $1.50: R. L. Stewart. $2.00; K. John j* $1.35; Ilassel Supply Co . 5uc: through Mrs. N. L. Simmons. *| $10.00, and through Mrs. S. C Bragnw and Mrs. John H. Small * $12.20. . mmE SELEGIED FOR W MEETING The next sessivi ot the Seaboatd Medical Society for Virginia Nirth Carolina is to meet in tlie town of Goldsboro, December, 1914. The association, which has been in session at Norfolk for the past chert days,, adjourned yesterday. Drs. H. W. Carter and Josnut Tayl-M Attended the meeting from this city and they report a very pleasant session being among the best in the association's history. The following officers were named for the ensuing year: President, Dr. J. R. Parker, Goldsboro, N. C.; first vice president, Dr. G. J. Vanderslice, Phoebus, Va.; second rice president, Dr. C. P. Griffin, of Winston, N. C.; third vice president, Dr R. E. Whitehead, KempsYllle, Va.; fourth vioe president, Dr. W. J. Harrell, Aulander, N. C.; secretary, Dr. Clarence Porton Jones, Newport News, Va.; treasurer. Dr. George A. Caton, New Bern, N. C.; orator. Dr. Jamea H. Culpepper, Norfolk. Va. Rector's Aid Society to Serve Oysters on Saturday The Rector** AM Society of 6t. Peter's pleuupal church will serrc araun la uj aty)? anlnJ li It. Mm form?rl7 oorapUd br tka iNlkm m m Company, Iron tin, tk* kntnUik ?Un, Mow tlUnm u4 nlckt. Tkt* li for a trartky aaaaa u4 It la to k* kapad tkat tka aaatatp win ka pnaioatly patnalaad kr aU tka aitlaaaa at tka **Ti ouux aurtmm cuuxn ^ ntkiMH " NEV Tiin anmern I Mi HUiMjU Ml ^ uiiibSIIED Met at the Home of Mrs. J. D. Grimes Yesterday Afternoon. Was Last Meeting for 1913. "Music 1b evidently h necessity of our existence, and the more the taste for it in developed in its highest form, the greater will be our appreciation of the good and beautiful. ' In the sketch of "mimical women'' read at the meeting of the Addhro Hook Club, held at the home of Mrs. Junius D. Grimes, on Thursday afternoon, the lltb, Mrs. F. C. Kugler delivered in musical language their marvelous gift, and the high plane cf thought that gift had developed in the women of the past and pros eut. who have held the world spell bound by the melody of song. At thlB last assembly for 1913, the dub looking backward on the year now passing, feels that a wider interpretation of life, a deeper rjvei?hce for Intellect, genius, talent and vorth, has been impressed upon that mind, which is to each, a kingdom. A most cordial greeting was extended the O'Henry Club recently organised. An additional pleasure to the afternoon was the presence of Miss Fuller, of New Jersey, the Inu ??J guest of Miss Harvey. The items, t * always, were interesting, and" *ht oyster course served by the gracious hostess enjoyed immensely. Each p'ate contained a miniature fi.-iua Clause wishing the guests a merry ymao ' j ? ?Miva vtaa CCUUCU U) IIIC recipients for the charming hostess. 19th Anniversary of Short Mill Explosion 1? j-iwrr-agj \tas a m.mor | .able one to Washington ami while! a great number of the citizens have I allowed December 12tli. ISiM. icJ slip from their memory' but when J called to their attention they will i remember this morning If' years ago well. This morning. December I2.| I 18H4, .about 7 o'clock, the boiler c C, t;.? E M. Short Dumber Company e\;i!r,dcd a.:il the consequence \:u~ ' iiat 'Mr. Short and several oolorol j men were snatched Into eternity. C^Sheriff E. O. Spencer ??* 5lv !? county, was a welcome visit :>? L > ; hcity yesterday. Official Program Boys and Gi Washington. D. C., Dee. 12.?The Department of Agriculture has Issued an official program for the annual reception of the champion members of the boys' and girls' agricultural clubs which will be held in Washington this month. The itinerary Includes a reception by President Wilson, the awarding of diplomas by Secretary of Agriculture Houston and attending sessions of both the senate and house and hearings before the senate and house committees on agriculture. There will be a champion member of the Boys' Corn Clubs from each of the southern states; champions of the Qlrls' Canning Clubs from the southern, northern and western states, and Girls and Boys' Potato Club champions from Massachusetts, Ohio, Utah, Iowa and Michigan. Colorado will send a Sugar Beet Club boy as the champion sugar beet grower of the state and the solo representative of this club work j which has recently been started by thet Department. These champion boys and girls will represent an organisation of over 150,000 boys and glr la. While the department will officially have eharge of the program Tor the reception, the expenses of the trip are ^etng defrayed by the different states, counties, municipal authorities and private citlxena. The members will arrive in Washington December llth and will be given a "get acquainted" reception at the ChbHt Hoeee. The president will receive the delegates on Winds? morning, December ltth. nt 11:11 o'eleek. . The preginm for the ltth theludes a visit to different points of Interest ** , - , , - " . v. \ i ? iffi3 V /v'-' , r ? > ** Jfl Hackney Property S.ile Place Tomorrow MorniH 11 O'clock. Tbc big auction sale of T.ey property cornea off morning and every Indication to oru cf (ho greatest sales iugtcD dirt in the city's historj^H will be under tlie auapie-H I tU j Atiantio Coast Realty Coa *it'. famous Burton Bros. a^H tionocrs. The property to b? auction to certainly very for building and factory sitae duo to its attractive location I doubt the lots will be easily Tir.r, 13 an opportune time for wishing to purchase ideal bai^H is that the be purchased can secure a tot^H easy frms. The All Star Band | r.r.K'i music ror the occasion. window display of prison now to K'8ti it the Jefferson Furniture pony's window are attractive sot-?' ne is going to be more CTUV It-cky. Real estate valuee In Wan - I iiigfo*. ie increasing all the time tid^ i veryone has a chance. ItenoMLcr the hale starts promptly at 11 o'clock. The plat is known as tfcar Simmons place, or part of the oldGrist property. The All Star Band will give an open-air concert uu Main sliest Just before tho sale begins. Everyone cordially invited to attend the sale. Doth profit and pleasure await* i;lL ^ Serious Fire Was Averted F.arly This Mornhjg Tnere came near being a ertl.-ur ihp. 11*is morning between l n! ? u'lloc!:. Mr. John llorr'.* whfl*? i^#irr 'house, occupied by Mi:e ,'(? !II. 424 Wet Finn ?tr? 'if*- cover? burned in the cc-il* fl inc and the mantel pi*?< was totally 9 d> slroyt-d. I5u? for the timely appear - s j ance of.Mr. Harris on tho scene no' 9 I doubt but what the house would ^ j have been bumud to Ibo gT6linfl. * 1 National pis Club Reception i I Houston will present the champion winners with diplomas, attar wbicft moving pictures of the party will be taken. They will theu visit the: different departments and oiutuaB. A theater party will be given in the evening. Sunday, the 14th, will be given to rest and attending churches and meetings of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. On the following day the party will be. taken down the Potomac to Mount Vernon, to visit the home and tomb of Washington. On the 16th a visit will be made to the rapitol where congress will bo In s*nfiop; hearings before the committees on agriculture will be attended: a visit will be made to thy government printing offtas and ymr.J, and a theater party wUl n ClYfA In the evening The two days, the 17th and 18tb, wtl^Xe*r taker, up with visits to the pf^:Araerlcan Union Building. PotyBmrPmrk, Corcoran Art Gallery and dtr dtff*.*?Ob lbgatlons, an ?V*' tfcsL- A coatiaues and we wool ftp M . all trimmed hats and ; Christmas. Yon uhooldsSE|^^^^^^^^^V " your new hot at * muh y*im -Az^i^SaP' if ii 'in'f iftjiiii