| NORTH CAROL I WILL BET FRIDA' State Board of Educat on ] tive Program for the Pu Prof. N. C Newbold. N7-* ' -!ln? D?t 1? to b? ob Mr feu -/ _e public schools alt ovei , Worth Carolina next Friday. Th< publio schools of Washington' wll hot hare ngy public exercises bu , . .'__^eaeh has arranged a program to b? carried In each grade of the school It is stated that the county psblk 'aohoola will hare public exercises The State "Department of Educattoc has sent ont a very attractive bulle BjP&SfcT* lip giving the program to he used It was complied by Professor N. 0 New bold, formerly superintendent ot the Washington Public Schools. Th< following comment on the bulletlt will prove of interest to many read era of this paper: . The moet delighted and useful col lection that haa been Issued by the State Department of Education It years ia the bulletin giving the pro gram-of exercises for North Caroline Day in the public sdbools of th< State, which has just been sent out to the. county superintendents. ;v The lew of the State provides thai North Carolina Day shall be cele brated every year in the publi: , schools, with exercises devote 1 * le the consideration of some topi? ot topics of our State history, to b< seiccted by the State Superlntenl euL" This year Superintendent Joy ner has decided to vary custom bj - V -?. turning the uctrntfon 'of the schon children, on F-iday, December 1Mb 'i \ i rr to past history, but to the living . u'flrs of rural life, making 1* ar ngi'cultural and Knopp Memoria Dgy. Vt Tho ma*or*rl df the No-th Cnro Una Day bulletin d'rocta the chlld'f natural InenlBttlvomc-n toward tht ^ magic wonderland of hip own fath er's farm, lsv-ds bin to score*' fo: -Aand to lovo Its enchantments, ehowf him how to mastr-r tba' wordc-!?h-1 . Jo* <o dovelop and'r.t t'. rn-ur * tlmrf hwakens in h'ra a dcldc 'o de - ' velqp himself <o th" riPpc?* of the Mature of n rocd farrjpr, that hr may in duo time efl'e'rntfy reign p*. . . . j over Ho father'o d^n-iorne. To quote R?perlntrn'!*nt j^nT'1 own words, "It is tvf ruml terrhe**' ' duty (o b^p en^n the'- "h* ? sp'l?) '>TC? to 1*0 gflvJPVIH - ??! ? -".J *hpir ^ < * to the heavenly harmonies aboul tfh'cm. In the country In a museum filled with living r.reelmcns of an * #ort3 Qj- xjy#,;-whOUT WkPir are the if \ boundless horizon, whom roof Is tbr *, arched rky. Then our voting people ?' would not be so anxious for the ar" t tf.leialities of 'the "city. 4ts moving picture shows and oth?r things. Train tfcenr to see and understand Ood'i . . ^ great moving picture show, which begins with the setting thereof, and in jSr."" J- which the scenes are shifted every hour by the b&ad of God for the de lectation of His people. With Shalcespeare, then, they would fine" Tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons In stones, and good x lt In everything.' " . . The-bulletin is brimming ove* ... -^%ylUi information and lnsnlration fot country dKJd, which 13 wot thy u permanent place In the sehoo1 - les, and .which will bo cf hardly valuo to chiKir- n of the titles * . v ' aro articles from the pot of C.urericc Poo, which he preacher tfxc gieat propaganda of farm lm, _ jrr.'\.??u-nt,. inspiring the boys and } . girls iu remain on the farm and tc m il e i'.a "development tf-elr ilfa work and gt>ing practical lns'ructi ?u ato .tow t'.lsr^ "Fd flMid fclsaiV * tit :? wc i. ynrayexp - -r u ? -1r '" \ \ successful oorn club toys and cm nfhlf 'club g'.rls cf tie Slate are also used : One of tbo mo?t rpg^g'.eg of tbc * artfoles In the bulletin 1* the letter ")l to the boys and girls from Professor i Benjamin F. Sledd, of Wa'w Forest on the subject of boohs nnd reading In Inimitable genuineness cf style, h' leads his young readers oyer thf long and winking Journey of hi own childhood' end youth, throng#* the misty realms of romance am' the flowered meads of fiction, from i the time when he hid out behind thr haystack to staal delloious hours ? with "Mother Oooee." "Ortmm," H( T "Xrasttn NTrhti," though the iter' " :.i\ *1 Beatt, Oooper, Heoty, B4 tnmreon, to the ttaee. when, aa e young nea. he devoured Olbbon, eld OroU < 1 add, finally, Bhakeepeare. had la , noat valuable poet aerlptam h? ay Ball a choice bibliography of ent J i. INA DAY CELEBRATED if, DECEMBER 19 ias Prepared a Very Attracblic Schools. Compiled by I V -V' < - hundred books selected tor the r young from the world's best. 1 > C. R. Hudson, Farm DemonstraI Uon Agent, preaches from the text t of Dr. Seaman A. Knapp's Ten Com ? m&ndments of Agriculture, telling o( . the work of that great father of th< . DnnMP. -~I < . , ?a?icuwBwince, ano of how to fdflow his commandments i T. ft. Brown, State Agent In Bo ye* Corn Club Work, tells of the cluL work, while Mrs. Charles 8. McKlmmon tells of the gills" demon [ stration work. A.- L. French sees x * | vision of our future agriculture, and , , W. H. Booker, of the State Board o'. 1 Health, writes an instrctlve papei , on "Oood Health on the Farm," glv Ing practical methods of farm sanl , . tation. , ( President D. H. Hill, of the A \ and if. College, tells of "Farm Op ( L portnnltlee"; Miss Minnie Leather ] , man, of the State Library Comml | ( slon, of how to secure a traveling i library; H. H. Brlmley, Curator of < , ti?e State Museum, of North Carolina birds and the necessity for their pro- | tec lion; hi C. Brooks, of the history , ( of corn; M. E. 8herwin, professor of soil*. A. and M. College, of the history, and development of agriculture machinery; R. W. Collett, of methods of selecting and preparing farm crops for exhibit; and W. N. Hutt 8tato Horticulturist, of how to make a fruit and vegetable exhibit on North Carolina <\Day. The last two call attention to" what Dr. Joyner urges as a prime feature of the celebration, the local crop exhibit. to be prepared by the children with the aid of their parents. An ->ther of the most Important feature; of the celebration is the Knapp Me . *orial exercises, which It Is desired be held In every North C&rolin school as .unfitting tribute to tfbe mar who did." perhaps, more than any -etfcsr ftfr the agriculture of Ihl'r State. Collections are to be taken tr go to the establishment of th' "uopii r arm ana scnool of Country ^ , Life" In connection with Peabod ^ College for Teachers at Nashville ar j a "working living memorial of Dr ( Knapp." Valuable suggestions for , the use of the bulletin are given bj Professor N. C. Newbold, of ifce De ' , partment of Education, who did thr ^ work of collection and arranemcnt ^ HOVT8 FOR CHRISTMAS BOLLS ] Everybody says we show the pret Ueat dolls in the city for the prices 1 You can buy a pretty dressed doll as * low as 25c and prices range up to ^ j the finest large kid body doll with 1 real hair, a beauty for $2.98. 3 J. K. HOYT. 1 " t Chief of Police Nye of Belhaven Brings 1 Prisoner to Roads i i i Chief of Police O. J. Nye, of Del ! | haven, arrived here this morning wringing David Dee, colored, wlu , was committed to the county Jal . for a term of 30 days and to serve ] on the county roads. His sentence was due to 'hSs failure to pay hie r.ne and cost recently Imposed by Justice of the Peace George V. La ' iham. Victoria Clark, colored, war- 1 , also tried before the fjistlce for the effense but paying her fine and coit was discharged, i Oi.let Nye, la returning to Bel l:&ve? this afternoon, carried with f iiioi Beii Barrows, whb- baa seryed i 0 road sentence but Is" to answer ( 1 fcr? the, mayor of Belbaven for 8 fa-.lure to pay hla flno and oost for 8 disorder.'/ conduct, amounting tc 1 v APPRECIATION. , i Tbo Civic Club desires -to than* the Jefferson Furniture Company fpr the use of -their dishes at the luncheon Saturday. It will ever be c remembered. l re* : I BLANKETS AND COMFORTS. I Whether you wish them for your t 1 own uee or as a Christmas gift, you | will find them here at v?fy special prices. We also have some' attractive baby crip blankets and oomtorts at 1 very Jew prices. y X. BOTT. 1 WASH! IRS.J.L. Fill mum: AT IRE TODAY Funeral Takes Place Wednesday Afternoon. Was One of City's Oldest Citizens. (By REV. R. b! SEARIGHT.) Mrs. JamM L?. Fowle, one of Jur most venerable anil beloved citizens, passed away at her home on West Main street this morning at 6:30 O'clock. While She had been in fall Ing health for some months, and ?w 1..& wj uct uuvai^vea age trie ona I ft as.not unexpected, still tt came a* I shock and grief to her family and numerous friends, . We bow in silent submission tc the will of our heavenly Father, and lorrow not as those who have nc hope, knowing that our loss is her sternal gain?a release from the burdens of the body,' an entrance nto everlasting reat, and a blessed reunion with frlendB and loved sues In the fair heavenly home. , Mrs. Fowle was Miss Caroline Blackwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Black well, of NewJBern; and ( was born In that city April 28th 1827. On May 12th, 1852, she was , narried to Mr. James L. Fowlo, of . Washington, and removed to thif , !ity, where Bhe .spent the rest of . ler long and useful life.-Their wed- led life was an Ideal one. and their J lome a model of Christian slmpllcty, hospitality, and happiness. Thry : w?wl tn nrlnhrattt ?tinlr fin 1 Hon . iing. and tc see their chllir?.**| ritildren. lhoy were lovely ?!<* tleasant in their lives, and in death ire not divided. Mrs. Fowle was endowed by na are with unusual faculties of mind ind body. Sho was a woman of stronf ( nind, remarkable memory, firm wll*. ( ind positive character, nnd retained i ( heke faculties to the very last. Sb*- i j vas of a serene and cheerful spirit j ind never lost the zest of life, bu' j ook an active interest in everythirr 1 , ibout ber. We believe this to havi I | >een to a largo degree the secret o i, ler long- life and raro youthfulner. J j >f mind and heart. While advance'" , n years, sho never became reall: , >ld?the vigor of her immorta" , iplrlt triumphed over the increasinr niirmitles of the flesh. Such su , jremacy of mind over body is r . >ledge and a proof of our immortal ( The d-co.i?ed was a conselentiou: md devoted member of the Presby erian '*hi?rch. of which her husband was for many years an honored and nfluentfal ruVnsr elder. She feared !oved His church and endeavored by. ill the means In her .powor to pronote His kingdom ef rlchtoousnes- . ind peace. Therefore wo feel sure hat it is well with her soul. "Dies' ;d are the dead, which die in tlr Lord." For her the prayer of the >enutlful evening hymn was rea* zed, 'Should swift death this night o'er take us, ?And our couch become our tomb May the morn In heaven awoke us Clad in light and deathless bloom." The funeral will take place to norrow afternoon at 3 o'clock frorr :he Flrs? Presbyterian church. MASONIC MEETING. There will bo a regular cnmmnnl- _ at!on of Orr Lodge No.' 104 A. F. tc A. M. tb1a evening at their lodge, iorner of "Third and Bonner streets it 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren ire cordially Invited-to be present, business of importance. O. M. WINFIELD, Sec'y. 8. C. CARTY. W. M. UROAIN TABLE OF WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, CHOICE FOR 8c. We have pat ont for quick cleanrpa lot of odds and ends and siighty soiled lace eollara, jabots, etc. lome pieces In 10c and 76c adflHH he McUo-Bothlii^l 1? sure you thfH BY OUR NEW oowmaf MMLTkwanskw. E. K. Willi.. I mmmmamtu*. N(iTO*N I^H Tenders resignation as head Schools to take effec Superintendent W .L. VaugUanjof the Beaufort county schools, has tin. dered his rcsifin&tion to the CoqgLy Board of Education. His letter lot resignation was mailed to the dif rerem members of tt? board yesterday, a copy of which is given below He resigns to form la copartnership with N. L. Simmons for tho practice of law. which is effective January 1. rbt n? ws of Mr. Vaughan'e retirement curies v/ith it genuine regret for ro man baa ever filled the position more acceptably: To fee County Board of Education: 1 WWWr I HWrty U nil i n? osigr.aUon as County Superintendent Sxtmina-iud I'uf e r Rural Mai! l.a.ricrst jessama Ja; aary 10 I The United states Civil Sdrvicoj Jontml^dcn announces an open i competitive c-^nnt-iwlon for tho po-! rft on ot rural carrier. \\ C.. this crnnty. r-.i I:eu;.ry'ic/r 1014. "-'.le u~u.il feu'-r-'t fn-. rural cairlcis .s Crc.u J*?i> io $1,CtOo per annum. AM apprca:u;? mu? \ hav.i th;ii aciucl do :.ic'lv,- ir. t'ac t:r i rltory supp'ted (rem the po-toJ.lc j In ttao county for which tl.c c::an: ( Ra^.on u an o'.mced. The e-pm'ua j t'un opvn tc all ntn'c cVcn v.". t can < otnp'.y tv!*Iv t :c re . Vr*v.c*ir ; Applicants rduf- b? h,'.~ n '.> rse* L>f 18 10 in '?.-? o oC <*U" i Irattec. Mr. J*. If TTo&; t Is''I ? 1, j, cal secretary o: /*c ee . ;r.r*h.r.- i 3!Tl. DEMfilE i'itlMIhi II.T. The f:;rnds el i . TVc: 1-Dotrnie Crijan v.M -tp !-;V* ?na? hr ' 1 oul.o aj.'K at 'i'home | near this city. It is to bo hoped thai ; he wx.. .on recover. NORWOOD 1 rvho has formed co-partner for Practice of Law. I . >A1L\ I tomorrow. KJX, DECEMBER 16. 191S. VAVG^AN =] Ilof Beaufort County Public It January-1314. of Beaufort county, to take effect the first of January, or as soor thereafter as my successor can be secured. The work Is becoming so heavy that one person cannot do it efficiently, and 1 would be unjust tc the people and myself to do it otherwise. With the lengthened school term under additional local tax districts and the six months' school law, the increased traveling expenses under the necessity for more travel have made the salary inadequate. I shall bo glad to render any service 1 can in assisting my successor to learn the work of the office. ! ? Respectfully, W. L. VAUOHAN. 000 m , 9 m , P 1 TIED CROSS SEALS ?, ' ? ARE SELLING FAST 1 * The fu'itvrlr^ c'.tircns ha*.-! purchased Red Cros*. S :il> ?| r since- the ".as*, list r.a- pu? 11: l.etl * J In liilr. paper. The cnrtraU soliciting is campo c.l c f -U v. * J i^Ce3i?C Uackficy,. Mr... J. v.'. * , l^alT.fy. Mtt. M. A" Ft. lit-, s ; 1 - j Str*. 7. II. Clar*;. IU * i lov.- : Va-'.'ico C'oorcrag1 Co- mr.:*. c j , ** 7* CO, J P. Ai' . in:, ".c. J r ' hH'.'pG, !? ; 7*. " In -\ * 1.'**> ' "..ljJn f Wi ?]-?.1. S-"-j Ja-.e < Rllitoff & C->. 5".-: C. "f. T av . ?, ' Zl r*i ITonl Lo".f* f- . c " t' ro-s'.i Cwyr j;a- '..a,;.*, "i " 1 tX-Q C:>rriT.CY Si'IT'XC at 7:Ir t ?r.D,. 11 .* v. -y fir.) cj-w : Iiy of corduroy zj in severs! good shades to out at 73e instead of $1.00. An opportunity to got a suit pattern or length for baby's coat for Christmas. J. K. HOYT. SIMMONS 'i' ' fci.. . * . - % - , %SM 'j|H ihip with W. L. Vaughan Iffectwe Jan. I, 1914. ...... 'aJ ' NE^V HEW LAW HI IS FflBJED W riimTiiurj OFLAW Messrs. Simmons and Vaughan Form a Co-partnership. Takes Effect January 1. Messrs. Norwood L. Simmons and W. L. Vaughan have formed a coniirtnprKhln for ??-?' ?- -* ' ... yinvkiw VI ia>X in this city and county. The partnership goes Into effect January 1 Mr. Yaughan. as will be noticed elsewhere in today's paper, lender: hio resignation as*""County superiu tendent of schools. The new llm [ will be known aB___?iniDiQns i \ Vaughan. ' Mr. Simmons Is a son of (he lat: | lamented E. S. Simmons, who for years was an honored member o: the local bar. and who for the pasi | seven years lias been among the rising young attorneys of the first district. He is a young man of promise r.nd enjoys a large and lucrative practice. As a criminal lawyer lie stands among the very first and his future is a bright and promlsdnj one. Mr. Vaughan came to Washingtoi: In 190S from Scotland Neck and in 1909 was made county superintend ent of schools. The Improvement and progress of-tho schools throughou Beaufort is to him a monument more lasting than brass or stone He is a graduate of Wuke Fores' rolloge and with his partner is a man of parts. The firm of Simmons r; Vaughan is u valuable addition ,o the bar of Wellington and thi* '.opcr predicts for them a bright T.d promising future. Fores Keep Open From Now t'ntil After Christmas 'Jtgirning last night the different i?L!>re.-> df the city began keeping open' the Christmas holidays . . i- done in order to afford all ; hojirxis who are denied the privilege m day time to purchase th^ir "i r. io~ Clirifituias after supper. AlI . it was not KOnernllv know thai the stores would keep open last I uight all th? stores were filled with I would-be purchasers. NEW THEATER Entire Chunge in Yuudcvillc? ! "%< I-1 lent Hill. Quite a swrpri?" was #-i?? :? 11 | many attendants at the N\ w Thcac-r i last evening when the bo.'.rds w. i.t j up for three acts, and a class of mo- j Hon pictures that appealed to tliel large and apprc riative au-liontc. Among the fiuturcH on the evening bill was Esther Crc n, a singing and dancing coj i^dtei.ne, who w-.t.t fair with the audience. Sol Plan"; the Yiddish comedian, kept his audience in a roar, and warh_il veil tj j_ g number wits that of Arthur T. Wilson, the strong man. who wes en ? of the main features or. the Today's program offers the above irtlsta in new chanses, furthermore t new act has been added to niak t more appealing to the public. The Motion Pictures are emcne e evening's features that wir dro Lava, weight ..to. halar.ciiic an Lvcninp's^entertaininent. for a murep'.t.J neokcrs. three acts ttcv arc offering. Admission prices 10 and 15c. UUY XM.XH H.WRKEItCIIIEl S HERE. from the largest assortment In iVashington, and the vest values. >ur h-.Mday handlkerchiefs emb-ate everything from a pure linen at 5c tp to ienl hand made, princess Im'C tdge at $2.98. Also a big showing of nitlal handkerchiefs in boxes. See is for those Xmaa handkerchiefs. J. K. HOYT. GIVE HER Fl'Rfl FOR XMAS V gift that la lasting and always appreciated. Our furs are of the most lependable quality, and we are of Faring now as an Inducement to gift buyers. All furs it a special discount. Match sets and separate pieces J, K.HOYT, ^ ... vs J No. ?* '3 msm i MS BURDENS" "J SEW) TO J ' I Intends to Rijrlit Wronj: of People, lie R ili/.cs 1 >bIem?J^B :r.) jfl H W'ashlng'.cn. Per !C. dent ylis?' Ahra:i:i':i l.lae ' - .??' Tlils Is true >c4;;\au-c.'' LbA^^H il.^H of lighting the grrat w'onr-' I nppifHa t!i<? poop!" of this CAIlfl j i -' ' : . realize, the r>rfl to bo His | '.i i*.. figitilul magnitu id \\\ .'on IH-s awake aft1 " :ht. to q l"5, menu Hy te/tlng certain . i u* solution. No prosit! > " nets^B coin has facet! ho grrat a 'as^H It is thla pr.-bloiu whkv 'ho^H congress. with all the int<-'. r-rnct^B its leaders and member:* *"li I guidance of the president, -n-.l will the aid of many men of , rt-foun]^| thought, will try to solve. I^B Tho probli m 4 ' 4B ?o definition is fiometliin;: more fV;,n 1 lorn, for thing to d".t.-*wc ^ trusta which it rft? r.od. I: tan best lie describe-.'. vagu??;y ijH a? the money power, a financial tie I spot Ism w hich, permitted ly ccw- w^H | placent and controlled government VjH | to thrive, has ho fastened itfwlf ta- | morllko in the economic flesl. cnu I bone of t!i? republic that .' liwK Ik-- ^^B rome as strong as the covers rawnta^ ^1 organs the mac Ive?. if r..>t Ftron&L-t The people vagtldv feel fv? C.\V"V er.ee. If is uaLife?ted ?o . c.utu Aj mon mar. :i tiat .-rn- \ h'.rm' cancel th?> im rctcd en-I . ?.p That is ih?? way t'.. v.. ,irz.-r lakes ils lull, thrruaii - I tribute lull] upon ell tin* . ' t lie pr. Iflf. t k-i? - -i'? directly from tin- |.? -:? torn wo".l l ilro'vu t !t?- atr> blood ?-f a tb'sper.tt- n lorr. This is t h > fiu'tt ] f?.-Ii 1' ' u.*r,[ I -"m .po>:cru.nxeiii..-:w*4-4^-t-?o -"?t.t.-ibt ^ now fa?vs. Ib? :1: l ! h to a I t I .-t .s... 'i " p-.r. "**, rrsHivni and .. ,.rf. ? ' < *? MTU:ip?-tj.. *. ..f.vjr Way. Ti.' ; ,1V ! r ; f, 'Me rv.>". y . ? only will !..i\ , >r tr j,: ihllity. The ' r- . ?. -t tfviT". intern 1u ra:. '.f j r iron nr. } i ns well ar at, . < : , t*-rt ; rnliy ?h/t; ?% : :? , *t?. : - :r..k live tl: ;l ?. r>h? TUo: V \ ': > i till . -?r? power w 1 i l.- v- ? , r . i\.-l YJr u!r? v rn? t oiled r-iti I ors mid; rjr-^i n.en ran : r.io uonn lit- m. Tho fi.'rt*.. i- !i It wl\: i,o a t : .x jv*r cat* I.:.*ure- ;? n'.tk f'vm in tt?<* president for ?J:o use rf t!i pis'lv caucus or any r-j-or vvyii (y.ni conies to III: Let 1 to force tliroujtt. lf.rht-rn :n t: r o -1 .i . ' frcr.it,duo > oppos!: ;o:r. To'4 jv-nil# j Hi' the r l>y roruftfc* t.ot by itc r..v.' o lo. Mo-rover. ftto p? *;.'% nviof o\?:Tb:t 4nLtieji. f. Tj-r. tnoney jirrT xns Ttnt built in a day. nor can It be ilwtrfyl by a rltiplr- art of onnpress. The enactment of a low tariff has liurT'-tJ one or tne ramparts protecting tlio enemy's position. The new ccfreney bill. designed to remove mnch of the hanking reserves from Wall street. wilt he the flrrt solid shot .j into the hostile eamr. But both r these measures ty>ll not destroy the money power. Kadlee.l trust lerfalft* tion will he a heavy Mo*v, p?rhm* vital. The legal prohibition of Interlocking directorates should do mvKfh to scatter the people's enemy. Rot ft will take all these things to loue , effect., and as the investigations jww ceed It is hoped that the way wtff open up for the complete solution ?f" the problem. In succeeding articles I win trf- --9 to show some of the ways in wtfef/ J the money power has grown, and analyze some of the means propoon# for 1U destruction. , y<| ' _. _____ *; _ ! t'?.

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