MOND/ i ~ "'> ' ' " " Was Gather'ng Misletoc an< Surmise Is He Was Taken Body Found by His Child Mr. L. M. Town, of Mwnrd. N . C . ?H drowned la the mlU pond at that town but Monday ' OMmMMK while encoded In Catherine mlctletoo tor the purpose of shipping It to i northern marhetx for the holiday wP?0?e </*- T f IT-' ' f '"* Mr. Tuten and hie bore were out In the pond In their boat and whoa ther had (atharod enfflclont of the mistletoe to fill the boat, Mr. Tatea remained at a tree to pother mora hrhttwhte bore rowedthe boat ashore. When ther retarnod to the (pee nothing conld bo mm of their fether except hie bet wee floetlep so the water. Ther becaa to search for him end within a little while found hie hodjr drowned ta three foot of water. The senates la ' that while ho wee et the tree pothering the mistletoe he wee .tehee with rertlpo or apoplexy tad fell la the water end being helpless B ' ' drowned Mora neet stance conld lien aim. jar. men wm? ftOOOt ? J'fc' wn old dad loaves a wife add area children. Re Is the oldvpt eon of Mr. C. . To ten and was highly esteemed Is hie oommastty. A boot Peer years aaoKr. Tuten met with the misfortune In have hie, tnse horned and one of hie children. The different Soaday schools of the ally are making preparations for styles their esaal Christmas parties and entertainments. They will inks f place darlac the holidays tsOowtag Chrjetmssday. WIT FOR DAMAQBS. ggjg'the W*t? *~ZnWt Co^ay for faUnre tp have Mi resetted ps seven of water when their store was horsed last J nty a year age. The plaintiffs are asking tor damages .te the earnest of II.IH. This salt la engaglag the attantloa of the tapertor court new la session. The case tn ell probability win not he concjanea oerore Friday. Mum. Small, Maclean ud Bryan. Daniel and Warm repi Hunt Morton ? Co.. Rodman and Boour ?*>C>P Rodman, Jr.. represent theS^ii-eompany. NEW TOEATER , Yeadmrille and Motion Plctnroa. ?* hgaln tut craning tb? No. Theamosomont mkori, and tt)o bill offer ad the tare* ud appreoietlre andleaoo waa a]] that eoatd be aaked for the amall admission prion. Nerer before haa tha public baan glren tha adraataca of a high claan motion plotara program together with three oomplete raoderllle acta fit; than that no. ottered at thla plana of amaaement. Tomorrow's' program offers new artiste for the last half of the weak, gtring a maateal act of staging, talking ud daaedag. Tha maw manager of the Mm - Theater has arranged for a special Chrtsteeu week offering beginning Monday, "Mack * Hastings," maaloal eomedy, with a bery of beauty chorus, together with special aeenf ' j aad elaetrieal effects. Bach attractions b Ull lew asrfe: terprlee Is bo. OtteHag Is tally worth tha patronage ef the public, hartag la etore for the remainder ef tha see so a spatial attractions thai atasU iweetwa liberal natron -Vj /' ??.* - w.vS w ."I''-*:' ' Piortt Is pracnsslur ropldtr on tho ?l*rrem?nt of tho WlUUm Brosso * Co.'o worohoooo SB wort Kola oOroot. Whoa flntokod tt wlU aot ontr W * isolltS ffriuowiMBt to thot nasi of the city hat.will ho one of t too tmrtmt worohooooo to stOtoiu mm. wai mriuw n sum ' TUs IS a gift soosssUsa from tho |jiiM yoo4i department ud anyone will inntkU rwiHiai ?llk wmint Y AFTERNOON 1 Fell in Water From Tree. With Vertigo or Appoplexy ren" "'ili. ] HEM II El ~ cwss snisj Red Cross Christmas Iwli er? the beat Investment In health any on* can make. Belance haa demonstrated conclusively that tuberculosis, the world s greatest plague, of which re bow hare over l.OOO.OOO cases In the United States alone, can be prevented It these oonauaspttvaa an properly oared tar. la other words, every aanaamptlvs. properly cared tor, tea area your Ufa against tuberculosis by the prevention ot further Infection from Wat source. Red Cross Seals kelp to provide hospitals. wrong, uywin^ for tba euro, mm and yrarentlon ol lutprculoala In this community JSW-IB! 700 kny, then, U eound inyeatment la iw ova health and In 'Jut ol your family. Bay roar Rod Croao Senla now aad naif to yrotoct your homo from IHna'l p In mU of collar sad cuffs to match. ; Silk embroidered designs on velvet, deed with fur. One of these sets would make a beautiful gift. Priced special at $1.75 set* J. K. HOTT. FUlfGO HEWS. Christmas is* drawing hear at hand, only a term more days off, aad how many of us are ready or prepared for it? How many of us have turkeys, geese, chickens, etc., fat for Christmas? EM. Daniel W. Topping filled his church Sunday. Mr. Thomu C Sawyer U home frott Belhaven, N. C. Be attended church at this place Sunday. Many of ohr young people attended church at Mount Olive, Hyde oddhtj. BflUif, and i^wrt a pleae! ant trip. Mteeee Margaret Tuten and Millie Spruill, our efficient teacher*, attended a county teacher* meeting Saturday. Mr. L*. B. Paul had the misfortnn* of losing one of his horses Sunday. Moat of our farmers are most done housing their crops and are now engaged In killing hogs. D. Kramer, that noted egg trader from Belhaven, M. C., was on our streets this week. Memorial Windows Were Consented Last Sunday ' Mr*. W, -h. Lmughlnghoaee ha* placed la St- F*tar'? Episcopal church, tela city, two manorial window., on* to th. memory of h*r lata brothar, Mr. Tkomaa W. Latham, aad the sthar to bar grandparents, [ John Tx and Mary A. Hawk*. Tbay ara rary baadaoma. On. rapraaanU I the Aaoanaloa aad the other Qe?aamina. Thar ware aanaaarwlad with ftaff?Nethaelel Berdto*toat Sudir Nomas. ! ; It to remote* that there will be a lot or b?ime oiuw to ooear la WaaMafton Urn *nt ?I the year. "C-i?" ' t.'-i ' 1 man mn thread silk The beet relaee el lie pair. We Show a hi* line of theoe extra quality boee la Wee-, tea. white, pink, ekr blee. ehampelsoe, aary, . re?. I I J m' I I ft I I CT>^Ui|Hb? _?^^sX:-\^'.v-.' . - ,./ '=-->i--?v\ . _ j"' y 1 " . f 1 ' "~ 1 * s WASHING KtKI SUM It *u announced through the columns of the Dally New. yesterday that Superintendent W. U Vaughan, of the public schools of the county had tendered hla resignation to the Board of Education, Shore la muoh speculation among the citizens as to who will be his successor. While a number of names hare been suggested, no oae will be able to spot the man until the board of education meets in regular monthly eeesion the flret Monday In January. The resignation of Mr. HVaaghan eraa quite a surprise not .Only In Washington but throughout the county. He has made an excellent superintendent and the board will hare no easy task in securing . . _ . _ _ .... w -iirmrr ' FAD OF RICH FANCE FOR POOR. New York, De?.17.?TweWe years ago Miss Lillian Pascal Day, now social Hostess of the Hotel Imperial, writer of short stories sad settlement worker, originated the idea of a Christmas fand and dressed the first doll for It and collected the first contribution from ex-Senator Clark, of Montana. Toda^ Ike fad has grown so that nearly every woman of social prominence and stage celebrity Has contributed her dressed doH for this year. At the Hotel Imperial all of the ladles contributed, including Mrs. Copeland Townaend, wife of the msnsjger, Mrs. L. H. Green, now at Palm Beach; Mrs7 A. < V. Rice and Mrs. Day. In addition to this they are preparing a special tree at the Imperial for the newsboys of Herald Bqaare. RIVER ROAD STATION BRIEFS. the editor, faapljy and I mas end a happy and pnlepdf6hs Hew Year. large congregation attended the service* conducted by Rev. J.. B. Warren at Anbury Methodist Church Rer. Mr. Warren and two gentleman friends of the Washington In stltnte were guests at dinner Sunday f Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bheppard at Holly Glen. Mrs. R- M. A 111 good and children of Bath road rlstted In Washington Saturday. Mrs. . J. Sheppard, of Banyan, made us a very pleasant call Satur day. Miss LUlle Alligood, of Magnolia, is spending this week in Washing ton. Two class rooms of the new Magnolia school house have been oora plated and the school is being taught there. The whole of the buildlnt has not been finished on account of all work having been retarded by the storm In September and the general inclemency of the weather. When completed it will be the most msg nifloeat rural school building In this county if not In the state. Mr, and Mrs. H. . Alligood. of Bath road, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. L. Alligood, of River Road. ? Mr. J. B. Sheppard and family, of d children, of Rlter Road, visited Magnolia, and Mrs. J. A. Alligood. friends at Hall Swamp 8unday. " Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Congleton, of Magnolia, visited friends at Slatestone Sunday. Mr. L, M. Sheppkrd and sons, M. L. and W. R. Bheppard. of Holly nit. ? - f ?ODI .KWV H WtBDISRton Park 8 on day arming. . ?Mra. iornatna AHfgood, of Dtp nolle. waa a rial tor In our village Monday. ' . _ . Many of our Tillage realdenta win go to Waahlsgtoa thla week to purrlhaii gooda for Chrtatmaa. Mlaa U. M. Cherry, ot RIra? Road StaUon. apant one day lent weak wltk frlenda at Bnayan, uom to BORTOLK.'; 1 Mlaa Llda T. Rodman haa COM to Norfolk, where (he will if led auroral weak* aa the goaat ot knr brother, Colonel W. B Rodman, general aoMaltor tar tha Norfolk goatbem Rall**' ; 1 rmmrrr oim kjhoxas, hm to gat* A beautiful lamilmaat ot aalore aad flguraa. A Chrtatmaa gut that win glaaaa bar. J. * HOTT. - - ' ? They are aloe K K. Wmta. Xl-g-tfo TON, a. C.. WgDNBSUA?.ArBMHI< mm I , Beldame, N 0.. Dec. IT?(g?octnl.J?Betvrdar night jicob Pat- J tenon n> before Recorder Heigh charged with eagreacJ. He was fined ?> and coat or 30 dfos on the county roeda. <jj Baturday aonMone entered the a tore ot Mr. i. Btahop bat did not get may booty u be waa JCrigtitened away by tho poHce, It l? Oidaght. I Nearly everyone in tfcvr^; has lost This does not look goodi tor the police m some seem to (fish he Is bound to be everywhere ?*the seme time and catch the thtevi|l. Or late there fets been a robbery, of some kind in Beiheven every Bight. W.. W. Cutrell's store vrtjs entered last week and the consequence was he is now mis us of a nie$ coop of chickens. The following Might Engineer John Green's hom^was visited and he was relieved ,41 a hen house full. Frank Swlndetfe henhouse was not overlooked tpf he Is a loser to the number of tvttiity-two. The county bridge acrosd Pantego creek la~ completed with the exception, of the draw, which vembpe will not be delayed very much longer. Several of the large drefges that are under construction here tor the work of draining Mattdmuskeel Lake are finished. They are some barges, too. REPORTED BETTER. The condition*of little 10m Anna Phillips, the bright and Interesting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fenner Phillips, who bas fever, is reported to be some better today. CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS FOR ALL. \ A^MrtwiiU njxd^th bows for nm. women and cbtldren. The Craftiest values In holiday handkerchief* we're offered at 5c, 10c, 15c, 19c. 25e, 29c. 89c, 50c to $2.98. See those pore linen Ulan d kerchiefs at 5c. J. K. HOYT. Man Wanted in Craven County is Captured Walter Lawrence, colored, wanted In the city of New Bern for escaping from the chain gang of Craven county, was captured?here Monday at the head of the Washington bridge ' by Policemen Howard and Roberts.' Lawrence was convicted of highway robbery in Craven county court and sentenced to the roads for a term of one year. Several weeks ago he made his escape and has been at large ever since. When the policemen attempted to first arrest him >he broke and ran hut waa finally captured at the bridge. Policeman Bryan, of New Bern, arrived yesterday and took his man back to Craven county to finish his term on Oils roads. MISS ISABEL BROOM ILL. The friends of Miss Isabel Broom, daughter of-Her. and Mrs. R. H; Broom, will regret to learn of her Ulneas. For the past week she has been confined to her bed suffering from lacrin. Her mmr friends wish her a speedy recovery. OBSERVE AEROPLANES BIRTH. DAT. Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 17.?The tenth smitvereaxy of the ftret aeroplane flight made by the Wright brothers, of Dayton. Ohio, ig.being generally observed throughout Ohio today. Especial prominence la being given the event here when an aeroplane exhibit has been arraajmd at the Toledo Antomoblle Show by Harry M. Atwood. MISSES' RATE COATS WITH CAPS TO MATCH. Hem's a Sift that em sorely pleeee any gtrl. Made of extra quality material and absolutely rainproof Priced Cape gae. See theee at J. K. HOTT'S. nwauoKimu. nnftr atttlas tro tarn luAm rtatter. from tfc. ooratrr urtmr CM *? mtll hoUtera don I AM dtr *111 to thrift*. A 1L\ Mi* rala TkmrXsr. X)tt, DBCBMBBR IT. 1?U. BISHOP KIIGO RA! HOVE TO PUTTE Yesterday's Charlotte Observer | carries a story which no doubt will be of Interesting reading to the Methodists of this city and also former students of Trinity College residing here: That BMhjsp John C. Kilgo. of Durham, former president of Trinity College, and one of the best known and' most Influential churchmen in the South, is seriously considering; moving to Charlotte Is an announcement that will be of extraordinary Interest not only to Charlotte people but to the State at large as well. Several years ago, shortly after 31shop Kilgo was elevated to the loftiest position In the gift of the Southern Methodist church. It was stated that there was some posslbil IV v* U1B UC1UR lUUUCHU Ul 111UTO w Charlotte to live but this proved to t>e a mistake. Since that time bishop Kilgo has continued to reside in Durham where he has a host of rrlends and where he Is close in loach wltii the Institution to which ie gave many of the best years of lis life. Recently, however, he has found hat owing to the district to which ie has been assigned by the Colege of Bishops and the amount of raveling that fcto has to do, some >ther point would be preferable as a place of residence where he could teeure better train schedules than ire the case within his present locaion. This Is said to be one ol thr 'actors entering Into the shuatlon hat has caused him to consider a shange. Another consideration ts the fact hat Charlotte Is rapidly growing as i Methodist stronghold and this piedmont territory is regarded as a fertile field for enlarged effort, there Is pot a member of the Colege of Bishops fa ttUa section and t la believed that the presence of >ne of them here would have the ?ffect of stimulating the cause that Is already In such flourishing and gratifying condition. This would bring Bishop Kllgo closer to his native State, than of 8onth CarolinaBind to Rock Hill where he labored for several years, and it wonld add to the fellowship of his associations with the past. HAWHJN8VILLE NOTES. We are glad to learn that the Dally News has made its appearance onoe more after moving to new quarters. Ml Bscs Mdttie Wlnfleld, Mattle P. Woolard, Alice Woo lard and illllle 1 eo attended the meeting of the Beaufort County Teachers' Association at Washington Saturday M?. Wh>. jJ.lavls and children, who hare been residing In Georgia, are here vtrlting relatives and friends. We werv ?omewhat disappointed In not having Rev. Q. E. Durham with us Sunday afternoon to conduct divine service at this place. Sunday school, however, was well attended and we trust there will be services here next second 8unday afternoon. Messrs. L. K. Plnkham, W. F. WodTird and J. B. Woolard, who are employed near Raleigh .spent Sunday here. 8orry to note the continued Illness of Mrs. John Hawkins. We trust she will soon be well again. Mrs. Harry Wallace and children, of Hunter's Bridge, were the guests of Mrs. C. L. Sparrow Sunday. Mr. -and Mrs. B? B. Plnkham and children and Miss Chiissy Hawkins spent Saturday witJr relatives near Acre. Misses Millie Dee end Mattle Wlnfleld attended services at Old Ford. Bandar. Mrs. M. H. Cutler and children and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tetter ton were visitors at Mr. J. B. Wallace's Bandar. The public 1s cordially Invited to be present at an entertainment and party to be riven at Hawkins' school house nasi Friday mifht, December 19, 1919, bydnalng at 1 o'clock. Come and lets enjoy the occasion. Harvey Way returned to bis Nmm in Belhaven this afternoon. HSU QUALITY RJBAL HAIR MUUBM, m mmm MHO, SPROIAIi $1.79. Beautiful wavy hair. In dlflsrent shades, and u ?aaUty the! Is worth ssush mere. Boa thsse at the speetel Vt*n.n, /. k bott, ^ iHiia rni HI r NE\ 'EBTT f FINED m BY RECORDER Last week Recorder William B. Windier had before him W. H. Leary. colored, charged with running a gambling house at his place of business on Fourth street. Although Leary was found guilfy by the recorder, no decision in the case was rendered until yesterday. Leary was fined |S00 and sentenced to the county roads for a period of siy montliB. but the road sentence was suspended upon Leary's good behavior and the revoking of his pool license. FiiuT IRS.J.L.FQWLE HELD TODAY V The last tribute of love and respect was paid to tLe late Mrs. Jamee L. Fowle who passed away at her residence on West Main street Q&rlr TMtflrilav mnrnt"" TV? *> ' neral took place this afternoon from the First Presbyterian church, of which she was an honored member for years. The services wore, conducted by the pastor. Rev. H. B. Searlght. The choir rendered suitable and appropriate hymnB and the floral tributes were profuse. The interment was in OnkHnio Thw f?i. lowing acted as pallbearers: Honorary: M. F. McKeel, C. M Brown, R. W. Wharton, A. M. Dumay and Dr. D. T. Tayloe. Active: Frank A. Moss, Beverly G. Moss, Freak O. KuMr. FWyd J. Bur . Frank H. Rollins and Dr. E. ^ M. Brown. MID-WEEK PRAYER SERVICE. [ There will be tne usual mid-week prayer and praise service in all the different churches of the city this evening at the usual hour to which mo smerBi puuuc is mvuea. PRAYER MEETING. Rev R. H. Broom, toy special request, will hold prayer meeting services at the residence of Mr. N. L. 8awyer, on Weet Third street, ThursI day evening at 7:30 o'clock. All cordially Invited to he present. HOYT8 MEN'S DEPARTMENT Offers the widest assortment of useful gift articles for men and boys. Handkerchiefs^ ties, gloves,?hose, suspenders, house slippers, and many other useful gift suggestions at the most economical prices. J. K. HOYT. One Fourth Previ Is Trace Figures, of the kind that do not lie, Bay that one-fourth' of all preventable deaths can be traced to tuberculosis. That's a challenge to the people to use a quarter-of the funds appropriated to public health work and expend a quarter ol the effort for better sanitation In special educative and preventive work to cheek the rave fee of this one dieEducation Is the main thing. That Includes prevention. The central idea of North Carolina's policy toward tuberculosis Is that of education. The scheme looks to the State Sanatorium, near Montrose, which opened December 1, as a sort of central training school, and to a Bureau of Tuberculosis, to be established at Raleigh In connection with the genera) health work, as a correspondence school for those who, for one reason or another, cannot go to the Sanatorium. By thh trs*. of the new year there will he ItS patients In thn sanatorium, or tit in the year, the average stay heing stx months. These people will be taught by personal contest, by Illustrated lectures, and by the rales and praotloss of the Institution, how to .aedjnat their iron to nahnmfe laws and no secure a new lease en life, and how to Urn wttfc ethers ohfeost Infesting them, i vs - " , .r V'.'i " Mm. ** CIIT HOLDS OPTION FOR ITERS IHF J ? y JH | Tbe city has an option on. tb^ A | Myers property at the foot of Botfter I street for 90 days. 11 purchaseiTit fl will be used for a public dock and wharf. Tha owners are folding It dfcvg $30,000 but the city has onlyth.*" authority to upend $2fi,90t as b^Al* .JH act of the General Assembly umr fl time back they were given the 1 liege of Galling an" election and ing bonds to the amount af The question is how to eeci^ja^H | additional five thousand a^H I the property. Several soJ^J have been made. The proper^^ukPv^H I frontage of 316 feet and a deptl^jjH I about 250 feet. WANT AEROPLANE MAIL ll Washington, Dec. forts of the Acre Club of Ame^H are successful delivery of mai^H nernnlunn will onnn ha a United States postal eervlce.^lH committee on poBtofficee and roe^J of the house has reported favorab^M on a bill appropriating $100,000 the carrying of mall by aeroplai^J and the Acre Club is working have the bill passed by the hfl^f today, which is the tentTTannirex^J of the first flight made by Wright brothers. The Idea is to the aeroplane in such places as Philippines, Utah, Arizona and Col^| I orado. tj lis C. F. Bland Returns From Norfolk, Va.; a ia 1 ?i i> a Aitfliaea uinqott C. F. Bland returned last night from Norfolk. Va., where he went to meet Mr. B. R. Benson, general Corporation of Detroit. Mlcfe Mr. Bland alBO ^attended the meeting: . of tbe Tidewater Automobile Ai*e?' elation, which was concluded with banquet at the Jdonttcello hotel. Mr. Bland says he Is very enthusiastic over the Studebaker Idea. Ho ettJoyed hie trip tmmenBeiy and say*that the meeting of the asaocjailon * . - , was great. : CORN* CROP. I - The Department of Agriculture liF giving final estimates of the production and raluo of corn crops for the I year 1913 and 1912, gives the folj lowing information for North -CarflK I lina up to December 1: Number of j bushels, December 1. 1913, 56,281; . i price, 88c; value 248,648. For the I same period 1912, bushels, 51,100? ! price, 83c; value, 242,428. The many friends of J. N. Dell, of Ocracoke. N. C., a former resident of Washington, are glad to see him in the city. zntabie Deaths d to Tuberculosis , This training will bo carried by these "graduates" to their home .nmunities, and its Influence cauiot fall to be of great benefit to >eir fellow sufferers at home. Provision Is made in a recent act of the General Assembly for reporting to the Bureau of Tuberculosis 76 to 80 per cent of all recognisable canes or tuberculosis in the state. There will be 9,000 to 10,000 vie tima of the disease who will be matriculated in this way as members of a correspondence school. At the head of the Bureau of Tuberculosis will be a man who will write strong, personal letters to the correspond' ents, seeking: in an unofflctous war to make all his distant patients feel the interest taken in their individual cases. f Another important work for tk# bureau will be the investigation pf the claims of deserving Individual patients. In order that they may W supplied with the neoossittes of tbefr cases. Boards of county commissi go era. churches, lodges or ether or- mag ganlsations will be called wpoe IT JH help when advisable. One of J9 chief alms of the bnreaa wlB he W seed to tsm sanatorium psttesfe eW | oould aet by themselves pay >sr ttdf I treatment, but whe would he e^ MlM U HTt 4vlM IMr KV If 9

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