, a 7^7""*^* * i USE 1011 DO 1 WEEKS jf.T ; . . . jgy "'ih-'M .-. 4kLJ . North Csrolhas Day Wss Fittingly < Celctawted Both ll tlo O) at ^ Throughout the Cotsntry. Bsglnnlog today tlio Washington - Public Schools will hats holiday fob /* a psrlod'M ' two V . . ton, tMnklng that Wdthlngton fa an j; ideal point in Which to cast his lot has decided to open an olflce here. He will receive a cordial welcome Vmm IK? An?l- r . ? - .in irn?i> / th*fr^not satisfactory return it and get your monfey. J. B. Adams. 12-TS-Stc f ' " ~ - ' TRIAL BULL IN PROGRESS. ThS dnut< ?nlt of W. B. Morton * Co.. ?? the Washington Light end * Wafer 'conptir, Is till* In progress * St the coOrt house. The case at Jlhls writing looks as If It will require the" enure week to flnleh. There are a large number of witnesses ret to be examined. The enpea la < being atubbofnlr fought on botT sides. ? ? 1 -. % Mine Katie Bborn, of Barmlds. and Mies Rath Credle. of PaatSgn, Si. '' C.. who are students at the-. Salem Female College, Wlnston-Balem, passed through th. eltr last evening ?n routa to^^r to apen<) die IVEIERftN IF S 1 STAGE ; mm Harry Lindfry Dies at Suffolk, Va.. After Lingering Illaeaa of Several Weeks, Y " ' l^iwry Llndley, the veteran actor, woIUktiown In Washington and throughout North Carolina, passed away at Suffolk, Va., on December If. He bad boon confined In I*k*. view Hospital In that town for several.. Weeks. The funeral took place in that town and was In charge of lbs Knights of Pythias. Mr. Undley wag, also a member of Mystic Lodge1 No. *1, 'Toronto, Cahada.'Besides thej itnignts or Pytbl&a officiating the Ha*. J*Ohn F. Coleman, of S^ Paul's EpfacdpM1 offlotated. ' Mr. " Lindley for-a quarter;'-^*.. century i MttaOt onr Of the inoat popular actora On, the ^age^Tlsltinx tijjs ?ect!6n. He was a brave confederate soldlor and always took a great intereat ^"anything IgoVfhg towards the Sunny South'a development and uplift. IIo waa between seventy pnd eighty jrtaro of age.^-Thq news of hte'3l&t?. wilf be learned with regrot by many in Washington. ^ , :f .. , ~ WOO J, SWEATERS, LSOG1XS. CAPS. nOoks. ETC., FOIl GIFTS, j See the table of knit gOods we' offe- at special prices. J. K. HOYT. SEALS INSTEAD OF SLED, A little boyof Houston, Tex., ha* been so"^kqrouKtly imbued with;, the rncij^g ami significance of the! Rt_d C$3 goal Campaign that he anno <*31 t.U intention Saturday of foregoing all the pleasures he expected to gain from a new cart, which,boOafceoded to p?$fcp??e with ; I the nlekelsvhe has'bcoA^mving* and i i of buying m worth- of--Bed Croos i Christmas 8eala Instead.'He says'bej believes ho would rather* buy Red CrAas Seals, and In thtft way help1 some / ? CHARLES M. JLITTLE FOR FIRE-; wotks, now on display". 12-18-Stc NEW THEATER : -v.# Pleasing Program Rendered. j "Russell & Wood," a singing, talking and dancing tegm, opened, at the New Theatre yesterday fori the last half of the week, filliftg the'' boards for a three-day engagement ' The above artists presented last evening a very pleasing and fully amusing act aa has.been given during the season, and one that received a good many laugh^. Another feature of tho evening's program was the excellent and well baAnc^l class of motldn pictures thai greatly appealed to the many after-supper amusement seekers. The Motion Pictures last nlg^t received the loudest 'praise .they have been given in some time. Next week's attraction the management has slated a very pleasing musical comedy, with a chorus of New York beauties, gorgeous costumes and special scenery, remaining here for the entire week, giving a cynpiste change ever/ day running for one hour and thirty minutes. The admission prices for next week will be children 15c.. general admission 85c. reserved seats 85c. :?-? am a box or wrrxburhosk for fabel Ricks, U**ie Uar<$y. Margaret Wells, Mary Fountain All?-] good, Messrs. Selby, Jones, Harry; Rear, Frank WHght, Claud Jordan, Louis Simpson, Charlie Ricks. Cha#i Ho Wright, and Mr.^Burbage, Alien Chauncey. All left for their respective homes carrying with them mom-j orles of an occasion over which the Btar of memory will ever lingor. CONFERENCE ON POTATO DISEASE. Washington, Doc. 19 ?To protect the United States from-foreign potato % dl^gase and to find a way la nlhich some of tha foreign' crop mayJ be brougjit-ia beoauee ot -ttrftr year's scant native supply, estimated to bo almost 100,000,000 bushels abort. Secretary of?Agriculture Houston has called a conference today to discuss the subject. The meeting will be public. The call directs particular enquiry as to whether "It is posrjlblo to safeguard this country from known foreign potato disease by introduction under permit*>f potatoes which have been inspected and pronounced free from Ipfectlon by foreign experts. A feV days ago Secretary Houston announced that public hearings would be given also today as to why the present quarantine against the potato wart would not be extended after Januarv 1 to all Canada and Europe, to certain parts of which it now applies. .Nursery stock found free of infestation la allowed to enter this country .Under the-plant quarantine act' it is necessary for the secretary to call a public hearing before this. c?njld be applied to potatoes. GAS COMPANIES OPPOSE NEW KATE. Charleston, W. Va., Dec. 19.?The natural gas companies operating In West Virginia have secured a temporary restraining order from the supreme court of the state enjoining the West Virginia Public Serclve commission from putting in effect the new rate of 22 cents a thousand cubic feet for natural gas to private consumers, fixed by the commission some weeks ago, when it held a higher rate to be excessive. The suit In whlcif the order was granted questions the authority of the commission to fix rates tor thp sale ef gas and t? the first time the authority* of the oommisaloih has been questioned in the Courts afasdb it was established. ? -5i,: PEART TALKS TO BLIND. New York, Dae. 18 ?Re*r Admiral Robert E. Peary described bll trip to too North Role to en audience of blind people today. Ha bee been engacdAtby the American Haeeom.of Natural lUatory^ which la cond vetted cpeslal work, tor tea blind aader the Jonathan Thorpe Memorial rani of MPAdO. * * **" ' " ! ia*' A U'tli* Next Month. # I I Unless something unforeseen hap- 0j I lift Bishop Robert Strange of the IS loceee of East Carolina, wiy be H i ?leta re nine his duties ;n the dlo- E : Me.eonio time In January. Bishop E ile attending the gon- Iffi ritl convention of the Episcopal fe * hurch in New York, wa?-taken ill |e i nd had to be carried to St. Luke's K i ospital ^for treatment where he re- ^ | najned tome Httle time. Subsequent-! Ir he went' to "western New, York [ Rt And now It in Virginia Visiting at I fr jie h?m.e of Mrs. Strange, wheye he' th Jp fast gaining himself. That he is 8Q pn the road towarda recovery will ae hailed witfi pleasure not only by the members of his church but the tJj generally throughout East-' rc orfi Carolina. He has been ^bishop tJ| for the past nine years and no man gj, has ever /occupied this high place In his church who was more popu- w F* ' " 11 (sVtMT VOIT SAVE -t>N ONE PI R- *' i ' chase helps to pay for the next * ?' one: we fcave the goods and .frlsro. M JE. Adam9. 12-18-3tc W fev. Broom ami Family El St 1 ert This Morning for r? Pi V. arrenton, N. C. -( !V. ?? c< . Rev. It. II. Proem and family loft thjs morning via the Aaltnlc Coast Line for Warrenton, N. C., where 5C Mr.. Broom wah assigned as pastor by Bishop McCoy at the recent session of the North Carolina Confer- 1?' ence held at Oxford, N. C, Mr. Droo~m. has been pastor of the First Methodist church here for the past ^ three years and prior to bis coming CI to Washington was presiding elder of thfr Elizabeth City district. 'Mr. Rl Broom is succeeded as pastor hero by Rev. Eh M. Snipes, who last year " was pastor of tho M. E. church at C. Mr. Snipes and famlly probability wi^l not come to city until after Christmas kf PajTilr. Broom and family carry with them the be#t wishes of our th people and a warm and cordial wel- he corae la in store for Rev. Mr. Snipes and family.* HAY! HA Y! 7 %V?BEST HA Y: | cotton seed meal and hulls, corn ta meal and hominy, salt, etc., at R lowest prices. J. E. Adams. . , . 12-lS-3t(U lc 01 _TO CONSIDER TORPEDO PRAC- ta TICK MATTERS. .. 7 j ji Washington. Dec. board tJ> ^ consider matters in connection with yt torpedo practice is meeting today in j,, the office of the director of target n, practice and engineering competi- m tlons. The board consists of Lleuten-' b] ant Commander T. T. Craven, Lieu-' ^ tenant Commander J. R. Defress, w Lieutenant John B. Babcock and m Lieuienant "F. B. McCray.' "7? bl v Shelled Almonds, pecans and Eng- .y. Tlsh wainiits Just received, E- K> t, '"Willis.^ ^ r< al MOBE NEW RUCHING IN TODAY. w ;? tc All the daintiest kinds In net and tt chiffon ruchlng In oream and RhUe* XJ narrow and wide, priced special f6c. ^ to 6J0 yd. J.K.HOtT. eg V* >-* ? SPENCER HAS HOPES. I Mt Chicago, Dec. 1? ?Heniy Bpencer, convicted of the martier of Mre, Jill- t? dred AlHeon-Retroet, doee not at, . pent to be hgaged tomorrow, -g|i thoefe mwtWhe'^b**, ^ jj nounced open him and motion in for e new ttlnl and a etay brarrWd by " ,'udge Manner at Wheeton. .? , It taken a lace It will be the first bans- % tag in th^ mamory-hrlha oldeet inhabitant of Dbyaada county. There ...4;: to ' ; .J*j.., ?AIL\ ' V" Rlalag taznyeralore. ON. DECEMBER It. 1111. ODD SALES OF ID CROSS SGjLLS 1RF. Large Number poeed of by the CoW^uw of' Lmtklea in Charge. I The selling ol Red CroRS Seals Is 111 going oh In Washington and om ih^ present prospects everyIng points to a record breaking' lo^botween now and Christmas. j 10. following citizens have pur-i lased seals todrfy as reported by | -committee In addition to those J ported through the columns of ie' Daily News from day to day \ nee the campaign started: John Bragaw. $2.00; Bank of ashlngton. $1.00; 8. P. Win Is.1 1.00; McKeel-Richardson Hardare Company, $1.00; Claud IJttle, i 1.00; Sushln & Berry, $1.50; Joe' ayo. 50c; Miss Golston, $5.00:1 'ashington Buggy Company. $2.00; swls & Callals, $1.00; Worthy & Iheridga, $2.00; D. M. Carter's ore, $1.00;-Walter Credle & Com-j my, $1.00; C. G. Morris. $2.00; tul Bros., $1.00; G. A. Phillips, >c; Washington Light & Water >mpnny, SI.00; Atlantic Coast no. $1.00: S. R. Fo\vle fr Son. .00; Cherry Furniture Company, c; W. T. Hudncll, 50c; S. P. W'lli, $1.00: l*. Tr?hhli, 20c; Miss., ary Fowler, 10c; "Rev. J. D. "Mane, 0c; N. L. Sawyer, 25?. The committee reporting the iovo are Mrs. Gcorgo Hackney, rs. W. T. Hudneil. Mrs. T. H. ark, Mrs. M. A. Smith, Mrs. J. W. illey, Mrs. Giles and Miss Rachel imley. flLDREX'S INITIAL IMXDKKRIIFFS?-HOX OF THREE FOR 13c One of these fancy boxes of hr.nd>rchiefa will make an afflictive id Inexpensive gift for children.t See ,ese and our other big Christmas indfcercbief specials. J. K. HOYT. ' GEMS FROM RED SAUNDERS. ! Tte following arc romp yni?" ken from Henry Wallace Phillips' cd Saunders rtcries in the Amer-j an Magazine: "Don't you ever cuss the devil" it; he's bad. but he's' able; you rt." "'He-was a quaint lookin' Jigger, lat Hfcfary Clay! He had a half>ung, "half-old face; ho wore his itr'-Uke'the famous gent he was tn)?4,ryh>t? and be copied him in' annjH* and" talk as close as possi;e. II ain't a^iqare fleal to put a id in debt the past that way, here ther^^hU^ one chance in a illion of M?j?*?r foot In' one bill! ; " 'She covJNhlk Henry into rob-j ing his owTfr grip; she could talk te diamond pin oXFn a hard-luck n-hom gam; she could talk roses >ses onto ^ bu 11 berry, bush j Why, I l Injuns comes by talk; natural. | id that thero girl's got tfcVthalnlng boot. Talk to Henry? Why you'll tlnk the good old language of thg nlted States has made Its positively ,st pubtic appearance when thatjglrl t'i go te tt.' U jartere of on Inch high. Hef had * srtect education and one ok thepl llttln'-needle Dutch muaa-tachee.' v i" 'She getn n letter front' home feklg' -her out the worat female Qaln atone Cleopatra, old., gal, wak pkarl-orfcer^ocktalls and Hone* to pterin"ThWeSl h* a- Hot Time In the' Id Town Todfght." or vhataror ft u that took place.' " 'Helpfm' people alwapa peta TOO debt to 'eaa. II Ton do a man a Advene poo owp htm another?ha .AdtMdyy tertttl " Meeera W. M. Ward and tL.t. rtneen. el New Bern, were Wedbgton Tleltore lent erentag on buai* - ,v,- . Oar Una of Chilli i gee Hie la jhll Can ne II pan wnat the ml S.wjjlr Si. eerrtee. % fc, m.r.ra 9 ' ; I Modes For M Dress M .(By Maude Hall.) Dec- 18,?Th? *44" ||nai finds its many dot.*. '' . the market as though the were'resplendent with their ^.\.t or spring openings. As a matter of fact, spring fabrics are beginning to make their appearance in anticipation of the Southern season. Notably among these are new aatijvflnished cloths, soft, pliable texture that are easy to manage and delightful to make. Tailored suits for spring wear are to take on very much the same Tines I that are characterised the . suits for winter and mid-winter. Very plain effects are to be adopted, but the materials to be used are very ele &uui. oiwuue rciuurg una oiner ncil I fabrics are to be replaced by cloths that are none tho less expensive, for in many instances they are patterned with flowers, slightly wuised and outlined with metal threads. They are-very handsome tailored suits developed all in ono material and 1n two materia^, tho skirt being of plaid, and the coat of plain j cloth, or vice versa. Skirts that are, pldlted at the side, with, a box plaitl* somewhat wider than tho side plait. at the front, are extremely fashion-1 able and will likely continue in vogue < for some months. Tho full effect that is gained at the hips is very' much liked and it is really graceful, when made correctly. Over such' skirts ii jacket of al-J. most any shape may be worn, the; cutaway and Russian blouso models' being especially called for just now. | There Is a certain style to be a Ercat demand for separate collars and cuffs, because so many of the netvj coats are plain, especially thoco de-j signed for street wear. Borne fancier coats are among tho latest models, but. n; !y h; f no tl ^ur liu'"- i!.,m Hie jackets tl.at have reigned for tlio. past season. Til aw "ft HI'' beginning to take more prominent place among the fashionable colors. Probably U I? _ because they are being selected for;. frocks for Aiken. Palm Peach., Miami, ctcr The newest tor.oa are j very cheerful in effect. Wsdpnwood. blu:' i.< always popular and although; it is used now principally far evening * WATEIl fiOOD. " 5up< :intcndcnMI. B. Charles * * has just received another analj* * sis of the city water front tho ] * Siato Chemist at Raleigh. Tho * ? consumers will be pleased to * learn that the report of tho * * water is good. The report of * the water last month also show * ed good. ' . i FANCY NECKWEAR AND KNITTED SC ARFS FOR GIFTS. j The newest styles and best colors' prices. See these attractive neckwear1 novelties at J. K. HOYT'S. j SAYS MORPHINE DOES NOT GIVE PLEASURE. In the October American Magazine appears a rtory of a woman who waS a morphine fiend and then saved herself. The story appears as; the second of a series of articles by J Peter Clark Macfarlane entitled "Those Who Have Come Back"? showing how men and women, fail-1 ures pr disgraced, at forty, havei taken a new hold on life and are to-' day helpful members of tho com- ( munity. Following *ls an extract of ^thre woman's own experience wlthj morphine: "Morphine does not give pleasure.! creates pain. This fs its ultimate fend positive effect. The pleasure it fcf itapvoscd. to produce Is a mere tepjporalr form of anesthesia. The ex^laVatlng effect ta the first thrill of pain- vibrating so rapidly one. does not .recognize it as such. Let that be wfitten^^n letters as tall a* the mountajili.'Worphtne la a palnfpro ducer. Morphine la . a . nerye deatroyer. It weakens the will. It disrupts the foundations of the mind." ;v - ? >? ' - . J. R. KKTXY NEW HEAD OF THE .A.C.I*. /Kfm York, Dee. It J. R. Ranly. third rice president of the Atlantie Coast Line Railroad Company, waa today elected president of the company so speeding the late T. If. Eneraon. Mr. Kenly'a will MT. PWJIW, NUTB, CANDY Pi lowest prices at att times. Don't force* on. I. & Adams Phone f. Ih-lh-tto Q L-y^ a Or Of flirmi SsSf-Me VS ' f' Uf Ilk* 13 f " ' Uo.tr " 3 | id-Winter * " m w ~ * any Novelties I wraps. It will be In demand later tOf tailored costumes and tor sem!-t*4- I lored dresses in silk sad linen.- j Certainly It Is a seazca ef rlcb . materials and richer trimmings. Th# dress that is made from goods fhat costs $5 Is nothing uuusnal, there are many of the velours thftdfl ran as high as $25 a yard. metal gauzes are simply prohibitl^^H for any except the woman of I ited means. These gauzes make lightful wraps, however. But | are not sufficient iu tliomsekysgj^^J I spite of their rlchty dccoratfjh^H feet, for they arc so sheer tllifl I lining is required and * trim^M fur added to afford the A number of smart;"froq^^| made of Mack, dark other sombro colored velvetihti^^J trimmed with collars and'cA^H rich embroidery. A stunnlnst^H black, 1>:ib a girdle ending long ends reaching to the lieo^H thfl rovoro aro nf 1 red trimming Is also used collar and underaTceves.'' Dame Fashion has the fever this season, if such'.l^^J presslon Is permissible, seems to stand straight anj^H The head erect, knees-back, ders-baclc. h'*els-togctht r p lira.1 lolL In fact the vililri'.iU.QStf.. .M^k nn nt of tlio bo.ly In ..a.h'ug i.s otiO of extreme losincsa. f the Pari:n .1- rikerf t tending for 1'." r. .urn cf the bustle, and the coiusnuan':" ?>t' the i'uli kip tffcel ree'r - to i . l.iate ? ilcTni!n'.y ;n mutter. The t-.i-.-tle ^ a !m?: of siU'fl hideous m? snory Al^at i/.ur.y leader^ of fashion rise in r?- ..it at the vcrf mention of the nam-!. Cnly Four Sho;i| iut? Day> Between Now ar.d Xtna* Only four ricre dry* r:: v.,, (i t*> do Christ a'. 26 shopping. Y.'LUc a. lar**? -'jam number have appri-i at.-.! the position of the clerks au.l O-.-iie their limited ar. I pre still waiting for lltO "very last. flay. Shop carl} 7r TTTe VfoSun of War-hin^ton and the citizen? should fi-'t bu.-y and av.?j the rostl of next week. Shopping -ariy meant "satisfactory purchase?, better atwn? tlou and bolter bargains. Aid th#* | gifts nt once. Don't put it off aiw ; other day. STAR HAMS, KM.l.tSU AYI> country shoulders; big line salt and smoked meats; .salt fish ai low prices. J. E. Ad&3M.? Curios Arriving By , Parcels Post Daily t xM For Many Citizens Many unique Christmas rtyninder? are being received in Washiogt#** this yuletide season duo in a groat measure to the parcel post depart^ ment recently installed by J;he gov* eminent. Only yesterday Miss HattiO Slzer of his paper was presented wi?2? j a curious looking package and t!W entire office force ,jwaa called (nt<7 -play to aaeertaiw* what It was. FInally the editor-in-chief waa con* suited and he, without hesitation .-. gHj aid, why don't yon all know a 00* coanut when you see It?" Yho rf ceiver is very proud, of It^antf fm* tends to place it among heJ carlo# KID OLOVBR MR XHM ^ A pair of kid sIovbo for Oil# > moo sift lo oiwoyo dp# nki# V# on bow offorlks mm **J rolu la wdmoa'o fkmo la ' ill# ' J block odd tbo boot ibodoo ot |LH- '1 ii.st. V-? j. K. kort T P Bnrroo. of FWrO^StC^t# vfl roclotorsd at Koto] loolm. ^ ^ I