rapp**?"' low to I UmnBakii "Which are "the al km can 1 a Toad them ui asks a housekeeper. Here is one way: ta priced powder in you pi iti ill clause upon t law requires that a the that (act must be thee cac of the ingredients phate of aluminum, you taking powder. There is another am dart hare to know th puwdui. Use Royal that assures you a ere and the purest and i pwafa beyond questio Faotidiouo. 1 owtl to dli*rncffnl" declared invcr at the mining camp bo- | aid the dilapidated colored erest? five own dune wiped i mm dat towel dla t?tt mawnm la dr Ami one to complain." New*. Knowing Him. How to It that yon never ^Bb*o Jowfl now? Ton used to be ^BfrfnOy with bhn at one time. Well. yoo see. lfh like this. Kl kww htm I didn't know him, r> that 1 do know hitn I don't hte. H Perfectly Tame. man has a wonderfully well He eaa make it remember anyefcoo?.?'Waglilngton Star. ^B Fieh and Tebacco. nttar aroma Is given to the toV nikwd In the n?ntnnn reglou. hp the noe as fertilizer "f Kl tab called ham si Nothing on Him. | ^PtWckar-Tkp camel can go elchtBJtLtys wttbowt water. Freddy ?So could r If mm weotd let me.?Philadelphia r ??* jr. CAKHY SMALL PA( W Good advice lor Chrutmi f heat mall packages to have other-times iaaa Insurance I tm m the order and we wi] yum do not want to carry it Wn Phone { ">re Insurance iW WE HAV1 - 2* Ever shown Silverware a Ladies, Gent \ Everytl . . j Meet the ng Powder um baking powden; sless they ?re named?** ike the can of a lowr hand and read the he back labeL The powder contains alum e stated. I( you find Darned alum, or sul* hare found an alum 1 a better way. You ie names of the alum Baking Powder only; am of tartar powder, nost healthful baking n. Cimali In Water. Tbe camel ta about tbe only antmn that cannot swim. It ta an extrnordl ary fact that tbe moment the ungaln ly creature loses Its footing In a btreea It tarns over end mokee no effbrt ti save Itself from drowning. ? Londoi Answers. Obeyed Orders. Wife?Didn't yon hear me ask yoi for $10? Husband?1 did. Wifei Then wby do yon give me only $5 'Husband?Because yon told me yestttf day to bellere only half what 1 bean 8oarea Him. We are not surprised that a man get nervuus at bis own wedding. It t probably tbe first time be ever saw al tbe bride's kin Hued op. ? Ohlcag News. Ha Shone Once. Theaple?When were yon a leadlm Foyer?When tbe company had p walk back from Chicago.?Brooklyi Ufa Pertinent Query, Teacher (describing her enronnte , with a trampi ? And thro?I falntet Little Johnnie Jeffrie*?WP yer left a I wl' yer right ma'am??London Tat lei ZKAGE5 WITH YOU. ts shoppers. And one of the during the holidays and at all 'olicy,either Fire or Life. Just [1 mail the package to you if rt. Bragaw St. Co. >9 or 266. Agents In Washington. N. C. 1 R. L.S t Watci I and. ^ Washington, N. C. ) Watch Inspect A. C. L, 5 THE LA& t mas m the city. 1 nd Novelties, lemen and Ch \verythirUj Free of king Ouarani mP? mmjiimmmmmmmmmm V * . i' V % ' A CLEVER BANcJjG < MAKESIFOF ' i Odd touches mark many of Mm new * ' B^vna and suits this season, Br h as aq effective girdle or a muHBMkr de>) signed vest or a shaped t^kmlng j band on coAt and skirt. Injtts In" "l stance both costumes shodjn novel touches. On one there is s^iniiire ? vest with pointed ends ext?*t?ig bea low the girdle. The other JttS shows a coat gathered Into a ahapflefcand at the bottom and a similar at the 0 bottom of the skirt. 8011 shows several other JBkrt features. among them a pcg-tSBktrt, a drop-shoulder and an effectli^Kuar. 2 Black velveteen Is the used, with tho pesf and- UdmmllnVands of 0 To obtain either psttcn^^^Krate^nu 0 out this scupoa sad sacloJWKcents In stamps er ooln. Be tore tbjflfctj number j of pattern and size, meastflpg lover the fullest part of the bust AflreMLPsttern Department, care of this paper, j fl "i _ Closed Door. i " Bans von Bueiow. the pianist. A one time posted on his door a nudnetbal was quite In the l-ondon vein: "Hkfore Noon. Not Receiving; Afternoon. Out/ Plenty of Room at tha Top. Ja Knlcber?There's plenty of cuogyi the top. Bockef? Yes. lets you hn?? only tberOuttttBt.- Wy jfe drawer.?New Vork Bus. . J | a iiKi.iv id uii?; u** ii , than mncB la another.. tewart | h maker it Jeweler == Jf 'Market St. - jS tor for N. S. &'j'i Railroads. GEST -ASj?q I GiB everything in i J All Kjndsro # ildren. j 1 Engrmxc Charge* ~ 3 53,... OF COAT AND SKIRT;' [ NOVELTY j Roman striped faille. The clrdle le of . black satin. This design may bo copied In site It with 8% yards of 42 inch material. ' 7810-7811 la developed In fawn color- 4 ed ratine and trimmed with self color 1 silk. A frill of tete de negro chiffon at throat and cuff offers effective re- ' lief. I For this costume In size IC it requires for the coat (7810) 8% yards of 36 inch material and for the skirt (7811) * 8% yards of material for sise 14. No. 8011?elsaa 14 to 18. No. 7818?olses 24 to 42. No. 7811?slses 22 to SO. Each pattern 16 cents. No. Bias Address Spiteful. Belle?I don't see why you call her spiteful. I thought she was paying you a compliment Clara?Oh. you 1 don't know her. Belle?Why. didn't she tell you you were looking quite yourself again? Clara?She said quite my "old self."?London Tit-Bits. I Behind ths Procession. Hopkins (to his wife)?Ton might tell Susan that this steak isn't done enough. Mrs. Hopkins?Ton are three i girls behind. Charles; this one's name 1 la Belinda! g | RTMENT I EM EWELRY f Gifts for I j v ' j V .?? fwS5n? jour mind to "work on^e matterauJ let me henr from yon if --Chicago Record Bcrald. It la mSTthlt'thT'to^h^ii of the Breentrlcb ol?ervMorr baa nerar been wrnnir rTrent nine dar h-m when It na n half aecond lateHnreaa and Qraaa. Oman la the natntal food of tl? hone. On no other food will 11 keep to hanlthj, become ao at rung or lire ae long. -X " - T- - ' -I " r*i Paots Fee Millionaire*. ' J A billion In Great Britain la a alllion'of millions. In ' Franca and the United fttatee a billtin la a thousand millions. 1 .000,000.000.? Boston Globe. We would rather hear a man with an Impediment In (Ha speech talk than cam with ao lmpedlg?ent In Ma HOW TO GET COWS OP THH BIGHT KIND. The right kind of cows cannot be found?and the needed number newer hue been?the dairyman hue no other reoouree than to ralee them. How la he tit make sure that the heifer calf he feeda and carta for for two years or more in order to set a rood cow will really be that kind of a cow ? Perhaps he can't make abeolutely euro of It; but he can come wery near doing to. If he knowa the cowa he haa?that la. If he baa kept toa orate record of their breeding, he ran tell which cowa are moat likely, to produce ealwee that will trow up Into good milkers. If he eelecU the calves of auch cowa and feeda and cares for them properly, he Is almost certain to raise cows of the right kind?if they hare been aired by the right kind of a boll. Right here is where many dairymen fall In their efforts to ralee eows of the right kind. They eeem to Chink that the function of the ball la simply to aire the calf, and that almost any old bull will do for that. Such an idea la all wrong. In a m&loritv of cases the bull has more to do with determining the mllkproduclng ability of the heifer than has the cow. If It la worth while to nave calves from the beet cows available, It Is doubly so to have these Jtalves sired by the best ball available. It Is the boll that mnst pass on down the line the milking qualities fixed in his breed by all the years of careful selection and purposeful development. This he cannot da un rlees he la a purebred animal of good Individuality and of good ancestry on both sides. He may not be a show animal, or have fancy points, but If he Is not of true breed type, and If he bas not back of him blood lines of real merit, he Is not fit for any dairyman to use on any herd. Good cows are not always available, bnt good bulls can be had by any progressive dairyman. The bull of quality. In short. Is to the herd of the future what the Babcock test is to the herd of today?the one ro of insuring It to consist only 6f cows of the right kind.?The Progressive Farmer. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. To All Creditors of Washington Motor Car Company, and All Others Whom It May Concern: You will take notice that the Washington Motor Car Company, a co-partnership heretofore existing between C. B. Bell and I. 8. Flemmlng, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. (' B. Bell becomes tbe sole owner of the business, and this Is to give notice that the undersigned Is not hereafter In any way connected with said Washington Motor Car Company, and wttl not In any way become responsible for any Indebtedness contracted by said Washington Motor Car. Company. This 20tb> day of December, 1913. I. 8. FLEMING. EDWARD L. STEWART, Attorney. 11-30-4 wo rr _ = Do Yo THE Holidays are net - buy the things yt m Men's and hoys Cloth Ladies Silk J A large lot of Ladies, M assortment of Rugs and Atili Pe Storm Serge. SO and 75c fust received a new stoc win be sold at one-fourth complete. WRIGH K The Man Who Saves You i i-i nny mm 5 V %tie Spirit of Christmas . II easy for some?hard for nnected with a rruRiNG co." lot Blast Stove.) >e made on any other hettiog I real home comfort, come in u tell yon one of thocitore*. rris Hdw. Co. g Now until the hut minute to cehent bargains to of far ird off the regular price. ues at $2.19 ate and Cloaks. A nice V_X ? iSc per yard. We have Children's Shoes which and Children's Hats is EAR-BSc. ' fi ig Company's Old J k. "? ' ? -t wjill