" ftii v otJITP lira ill I \llllr i ^ - r _ I Chapel Bill. Dee. |U.-.la the " wake of the final game deciding the 1 |?S high school fpotball ehsmploosbop of North Carolina, h there natulan? , arises the question of an all-date ' high- school team. Got of the large *-e nnmher ofthe high schools In'thfs r stfte It Is. Ql chnrae. Impossible, to consider all; therefore'ohi? the men on the throe teams oh-tred at the k_ naml-ftnals are green places on the F- altntate Mam. Thle .alfatt.te hlglt school team area picked bp Coach "Doggte"- Trenchard (Princeton); D? Witt Klui* (Davidson), and Frank IV Graham (CnjroMJ^ ot Raleigh, center: Hownrd. of HSV v~ Washington gaard. lllcka, of WU-j ' mtnglon, gaard; Weathers, of Rai-1 .. elgb, tackle. Jones of Ralelgb.1 tackla; Moore, of Washington, ood|;' Ft' -"SShfaMsw. ot Raleigh, end: Jphagtjik of Raleigh, qoart.r end aerUla; _ - GJ. TLhimLrA laaJ -?v- ? j.; v Bowen, of Raleigh, halfback; tn? i v Thompson, of Wihgtngton, fullback. hTe sophomore Junior 'debate between the two literary ftociftie\ was held In 0errad flail Wednesday evening.. The query for d bate was, ReeolVed. "That the labor unions are Jtfactlfled in demanding thye closed shop." B. R. Holder, of KernersvUle. and J. F. Hackler. of Sparta, representing the Dialectic Society. nphe?0 the negative. The flpen^srs for the X'hUanthroptc Society were W. U. ! Uinstead, of Bahama, and > H. Woolsett, of .Ral?1 rh. T^e negitlvo/V * ."j %on the debate. ; ,^ 1^ " The short story contest conducted t i by the tw^ literacy sodeties calhe to a close December lf.>A cash prise of 916 waa awarded to'W.'-T. Folk, Of Warrington. N C . for writing the Js beat story. MUor -dam puxaal class smoker In the T. M. C. A: bWlBy Wednesday evening Ftan9 for comt menoement and junior week were ,>> - on December 16 the University I / basketball team defeated the quintet of the Durham Y Nf C. A. by tl>? acore of 17 to 84. The same was played In Chapel 1IIH. The fell term m the University f closed FYiday, D? np-nber 19. The sprtaf term opens January 6, with the mid-year examinations coming two weeks later. ?: Marriage at fli* ' **rian ; Church Tomorrow Morning I ; ; * Jomorrow morning at 10 o'clock -at the Christian . t jrfch. this city. 1. Mr. 8amuelT#Barrcse. of Creeewell. & N?C.? #1U he*-married to Miss Jlda -AlHgood. The cerenjttMr "w'ttl, h&jQigje* _ formed by ' the pastor. Rev. R, Y, r. Rope. Immediately after the_ consummation of the n?vitlals Mr! and Vre. Borgeea wfU lowc? for a torn: jgjfSft of northern cities, ^kfter their return they will reside at CtwmwcII. N. C., i, * ??* kotta-ar the rrnCm Thl. paper ?- piteede iMMt ' i i ARKANSAS TO HAVK DRT" ggg&-- " ' 8PKI.K ; ' Little Rock. Ark., Dap, jr.?TL. ?"VS ' ***** *?k *iU b? lut H a "wefljE state. lor a time at least. Wlth^he prat of .tho rear the Going anti-liquor law *111 some Into operation end thereafter It *111 be aacaaaary (or a saloonkeeper to obtain the consent of a majority or Ah adults of Ms- so id inanity befpre he will be permitted. to sell Honor. 'h-.3r- -1 The attorney ganeral baa decided that no county lodge can grant a lleeose before the now -law comes / Into effect, which means that all of the saloons In the state wiu^go out of business at least temporarily when the clock strikes the midnight hour on Daeaabar II. That caabarntlrely few of them will srer' reopen enema absolutely certain, ta View of thb- stringent consideration that malt be compiled with before a i" iiV .mis sn BerUn. Dee. II.?BwUo l? alike high tide or the Chrletmai ??on vet'DOw, and there'l*_not, ooe gau he quite gare. e more lntareatlng elty o Europe. There Is no feeutre ot Gormen lire which ehewe eo Utile change as ihe Chrtstmae celebrutlora. Ercept. perbepa, thet the given of presents become more 1 uxorious "and the receiver* more .crit'co! or exaetng, one Christmas' la .precisely like another. Family piety alsd-essential conservatism till prevail _ evdty?&W. ?!Wl hew over little definite religion may remain in the. celebra-j tlons nothing Is stranger than" thel contrast between the actual temper aid op^uphtion of tj*e public vftd the railing and blasphemy of the goctallet press. The return of the Crown Prfcce I to Berlin it taken to mean that allJ| (inferences In the Imperial family, H; any serious differences really have existed, are to be forgotten during the yuletlde festivities. The Etnperhr and his entire family will celebrato; Christmas with all the traditional customs. For several weeks the, leading shopkeepers of Berlin bUve been summoned to Potsdam almost every afternoon, in order that their! majesties might have opportunity to! select their gifts. In addition to many valuable presents for the members of his family and his favorito relatives among European royalty, the Emperor has gathered together t ruolllKlaus store of eportIng guns, saddlery outCiU, scarfpins, jewelled card cases and other appropriate arttclea to he presented at Christmas time to the many ladies and gentlemen attached to hie household* / I ^^ : r' * ' ?? THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF "flfSashinetoiLD. C-. ? Last night waa the longest of * the year In the northern hemb sphere, the time between sunset ? and sunrise being fourteen boors and fifty-four minutes. Astronomically winter began , in this vicinity at 5:27 o'clock this morning, the.sun and earth * at that time being ?t. the'mtnt mum pointy of separation. Begin ning today the nights will be come shorter. z~ : oim bixE OP CHHIHTHAS GOOD. ies is complete. Call us if you want j?he best in quality and service. B. K. Willis. it-22 fciG DOG SHOW? :r ? , Pittsburgh, Dec 22.?The dog show^hich opened at Old City Hall. lite largest ever held In this city., The xiyalry between lovers of dogs between- Pittsburgh and Cleveland has always been great; and Cleveland has sent a splendid exhibit of dogp in Pittsburgh and Cleveland, anl ? number of good dogs have been Yoj'wardef rrom'thelattercity. Thie meeting of the English bulb dogs. Crouchy Dick, owned by John 8. Detwellerr and Crumpsall Stym II. owned by Dr. Jphn Lehner, ii looked upon with InteaesC. The'farmer dog wop first ih all of his classes at the Western Reserve Show. Cleveland, last year, taking the cup foi the best, dog of the show. Lovtng cups jrlll be offered In all classes, with specials. end cup for the best doc of the show. Classes will bo held for eolllee, bulldogs, buH-iertiern Bolton terrier*, French bellSoga cooker mantels, baggies end mlecellaneoua. The Aaeoelatetf Speclaltr Ctabe U oomposed of-the folloerlag membere: Ptttebprg Collie Cf?h, Bulldog CWb of Weeterh PenneylraBtp, Boeton Terrier Clah of Weet.m Fennsjlranla and. the Cooker Spaniel Club of Wee tarn Pennsrtranle. Soffyo. N.^bcoST^ThetrtaJ of the Aiaerioan Redemption Socletj Indicted br the federal grand Ian oil a charge or being the malt* In a engine to defraud, cornea before fudge Havel tpdar. It Is claimed that the concern swindled thousands of ?er?oo? throughout the Cnltud Btatee bt an lareetateat sdheme. - - - toehwed . ' ' -r yjf j \ . z=^====== Frank Br&oks By (Jus A on Sai Frank Brooks, colored. who has 1 been driving a.elty transfer for aqmo i 'time, was shot by Gaa Alexander, also coloredr~5n~-MeNalr street.,.atj I what la kpown %s "Blood Corner," t Saturday night between 10 and il:rV o'clock. Brooks was struck In the" , left thigh. The major portion of the \ shot entered the thigh on the fh; I side and went through his leg. j piece of his shirt was dbot through , (M wound. Atter the shootingLBrooks was carried- to the office of Dr\ John O. Blount, where tolm wounds were dresdsd. Unless tetanus develops, his obancos for recoreij are said to ' 3fca.bright, although he is a very sick man today. i | ? It seem8 that" Brooks had engaged a turkey to Alexander for Christmas and'so on 9aturday night he. started to Uie home p'f Alexander on McNair street in his transfer, accompanied K- V?- " " "j wuw, ror the purpose of completing tfc? sale. Stopping his horse at "Blood earner" he got ont o, his transfer and began to walk towards ' Alexander's house. When ^ within * few feet of'the home Alexander *sa!d to Brooks, "Who Is that?" Brooks replied, "It's ms, I have come, toi eell you the turkey." "Who an you." , t again. Inquired Alexander?" "Brooks again repeated his first -statement. Alexander then fired $ds gun with the reeulCthkt Brooks Was" seriously wounded In the left thigh. After the' . gna fired Brooks screamed to Alex-! andpr and said: "Gus, you ought to be ashamed of yourself to eboot me , like'this." Alexander went to . him and said, "Why, Frank, I thought ypn ware someone else."--The wound-J: ed man wap then taken to Atexam-, , den's house and Alexander'requested ; Brooks not to say anything about, - the shotting. A Inrnn'^r. believing. . that Brooks would keep the affair i sufr rosa came on down the street: i and Brooks was. carried home'and I ( then brought to Dr. BJount's offtce.t Alexander was" arrested by the po-1 i lice on Main street and lodged lif JaH to await the result of Brooks', wounds. Alexander has been in.the| limelight rejyatedly for retailing ; and doing other things In violation' . not to bo of tbo boot. Ho U botwoonj J5 ud 40 ntn or 0(e. Brooke, the men who 111 wounded. In e cote red nun ot between 50 end 65 end hel elweye enntelned e (ood npntetlon in the commnnitr. The eheotlng oeceeioned odkae Uttle eroltement et the time Whether Brooke* wonnde will prore fejel rennot et thle time be leerned but es eboVo eteted. unleee tetenue derelope, hie; cheneee ere ferorebte tor loourot>. ' 'V'V * "?-? ' .?- . JOtW RIBBONS, NBW ItOCCHJNO end other eew morchendlet )uit reeedred by todey*! ezpreee. J. K. Sort. , - ' !?-?? JI?mk fob XMhih';". Mr. Alien Moore, who le etedrtnl medicine ot IM Univereltr of North Corollne. le-Komo Her the porpoee of wendtn* the hoMdeye with Me >' ? ; . -r-' : __ ' l J ' I Shot Jexandert turday Night NEW THEATER Mack * Hastings M osteal Com My. Today opens the engagement of luaca *r Hastings Musical Comsdy at the New Theatre for the entire week, presenting egch night ane hour and half of staging and lancing^numbers. Mack & Hastings needs no comment uom tneir attraetions. They have received the loudest of praise throughout the South aad are jrell known to be among the moat well L/ailed performers now on the road. Mack, & Hastings present-, today ttetr stroageat art "The- ishfr trfrtriw? consisting of one of the funniest comedy acts that e'vor appears behind footlights. The manager of the New Theatre was' ^prjr fortunate in securing the service of this company and no v,oy wtll be gggjj here wjtjj pleasure. . !?s the taboid there will be ih-oe eeetp of motion pictures every nigH thgf will ndd greatly to the ?v?niug'?> entertainment. The prlceB for -tiiw-VrHfwSi >?? iSr^fi and 85c. CHFM BOIVS SPORTING TALK v New York, Doc,- 22.?Christmas week brings a "lull In the spotting life of the metropolis. Although several of the minor clubs of the. city and vicinity Jiavo stage matches, they are between "hopes" of various weights wljo have-hardly more than.! local reputation. Thefe are enough doinga at the lusty ttew rival of the New York^ Athletic r.luh, Hn rHeh-Amerirnn Athletic Club of New York city?| these ' days to attract attention. Track and field sports are to be the main object of the new club, and it is reported that some of the biggest athletes of the country will become affiliated with the organlza-J tlon. It is believed that with the advantages the club can offer a membership of . 2,600 may be attained before the opening of the outdoor fteason. Brooklyn's chance for the pennant glows brightly with two of the smartest and brainiest players In the league at short and first. Daubert and Tinker, both, hard .300 hitters, haw is a youngs tor from whom much will be beard next season. Chortle Dooin. manager of the Phillies., has released Ben Tlncup, yie moneyed Indian pitcher, to the Lowell club, of the New;. England League. Followers of rafting w^ir watch with Internet the action' of the Maryland legislature thta winter, becoute the rebolldlnn ot the recently burned Mem de Qreee track will depend .epon tie raeeeen of the bill wMch propose, the eetnblMtoacnt of e renins commission oa the Kentoofcr plan. It It lp conatructed. the sew Mud will be of steel end ew-l erete aad will eoet 415,00t. A new club house ot Ms bpapalow type U also planned. Walter Caap'l Ali-Amerlean foot. on >MardAy Uuntc moo >ON, DECEMBER 21. tflt. THM mm _^. On Christmas day iho people cf Washington will have an epportunity of aelng o~o of the best football tPanw in the etato attacking each other on Co checkerboard. The Washington High School will} nehrngo punts With ^ho"Washington | ' I .Stars. The High School lads were in* championship form this year am! | v.-ill j&sks w > All Stars tight eviryj inch. Ttb /.ll Stars arc composed of r.uch -well known college athletes as Thylod of Carolina. Fowle of Ran dolph Macon. Charles Moore ol Curnllnn / " ' lxumi*. School. Allen Moore of Carolina, Co w?U of Carolina and Midrap of Nebraaka. The game will be called at 2:30. a WKATHKIt THIS W'KKK ? WILL BB UNSETTLED _ _____ 0 Christmas weather will Ye " unsettled over much of the * United States, tho weather ex perts say, and frequent Valns are predicted for the Pacific coast. Temperatures 'will be near or * below the aeaaonal average gen erally and the skies will be over- * ' unsettled over much of tlfe * United 8tatee, the weather bu reau experts say, and frequent Tains are predicted for the Pa cific coast. Temperatures wiil be near or below tho seasonal av " efage generally and the skl?s will bt over past almost entirely .? throughout the week. "A dirt urban ee now develop lng In the southwest," the week ly bulletin of yesterday said will e advance northwestward, attend ed by ralns^and snows, and cross the great central valleys about j f .Tuesday and the eastern states * j Wednesday yr Thursday. "^^"AnotTibr disturbance 'off the noVth Pacific coast will cause general rains and Bnows on the * Pacific slope during the next * several dajra. It will reach the 9 middle west. Thursday or Frt *- day and the eastern states near * the end of the week an 1 will ,be preceded by a general chaAcn # to warmer weather and be fol * I * lowed by considerably c-'Iir * y * weather. * | "There are at present no in- * | dications of a severe cold wave during the week." TODi?V*8 BIRTHDAY HONORS. Hon. A. M. Adair, mouib? r r.r congress from the Eighth Indiana on a farm in Jay'CbuntyT 'lhd. He district, was born December 22. 1863, moved to Portland in 1862 and bisults; was elected clerk of the came engaged In the mercantile purconnty of Portland In 1888; clerk r f Jay County In 1890; was admitted to the bar in 1895, but since his ejection tcT the presidency of tho First National Bank of Portland in %1904 has given his time principally to the banking and ~manufacturtng business. He was elected to the Sixtieth Congress and has been reelected to each succeeding congress. i HELD FOR Ml'RDKK OF FOUR CHILDREN. Meridian, Miss., Dec. 22.?The trial of Mrs. Ellen Etherldge, wife of n stockman living near here, charged with the^nurder of her four children, Is expected to begin today. In addition to killing four children, it la claimed that Mrs. Etherldge attempted to murder another ctoild by giving It poison. It is boUeved that .her mind Is unbalanced. ?J? . ? COTTON MARKET. Lint cotton, 111-lc.. Cotton aead, 98.SO to 84.60. Oottoa pood, par ton. 918.00. tha afenal honor wtn Hosaott. of Dartmouth; BalUn, Of Prlaostoo; Brown of tho NaT; MorrlUat, of tho Amy; Hantlattoa. of OOlaau. who wan pickwl far tho all-lmporunt poat of qaartorback, and two Woman plarars, Cralt of Mtehlsas. and Dap.Jardlan, of Chicago. ' IT WlIX RAY TOO TO BBS (Mm Una of ewnaTO aUrar. K. K. WUlta. 18-19 , S-iVJ'' L;^ ^ * - ' a'. -1 ?4L? yr { >j 4 I - 1?*'. * ^.,',r '*? "" ? V?- ' "* ! T.. - M MGivri miM Wail Mlaa Kei* of the efficient and pp iv -chere in the Washington Schools, was made to feel nmro than haypy on Friday last when rha was presonted with a lavaller by the members of the athietlc association. This gift cams In token of the high esteem in which the mamKaM "?> ? V- ? " A.-U Miss Kelly for she has dono conspicuous work for the association this year. In addition to the gift from tho athletic association Miss Kelly was presented by tho members of her grade with a desk set. Not only did Mis* Kelly receive a Christmas gift from h-er grade but*all tbe other teachers Were remembered by their pupils?ell going to show that the Washington Public Schololv harp a faculty this year that la In' every way giving universal satisfaction. REDlisr SEAL SALE ElUGES The ladtgp who are conducting the Red Cross ?rusad?\ are pleased and encouraged'^rith the interest the aui t>?" iittetidHff." teachers and children i of tho graded school. hVe taken In the sale of the stamps. Mr. Campbell, who fas only been j among us a short time, but has taken j vital interest In all that pertains to 4 the uplift of the school and commit* , nlty, most cordially cooperated with I mo uwuiHiiuce. The amount cold by the children j wan $20.52. , Miss Dalyrumple's class. First High School. Section A. soldv the greatest number of stamps, amounting to $2.75 -Miss Hugh?*. 4 A 2.70 Miss Winftcld, 6 D 2.18 Children selling most stamps were Vivian Hudncll. First High Sc' ool. section A. sold 1.85 I Kirkwood Elsworth, 6 IJ 1.78 | It is net out-of-place here to I mention ihs fact that for years some of the tsachers instead of making each other presents at Christmas 1 hare rent the- amount to our Chair, man of Associated -Charities and I begged her to use it for the benefit j of the needy, and when the children j have their Christmas trees in the different graded schools they give all toys and presents received to "h1i'ir?'n fortunate than themselves. Think what such training means. While the heart is tender the mind is plastic. How simple, how unobtrusive, how powerless one of these little stamps are to accomplish any good. But in unity there is strength and the thousands and thousands balng sold are bringing hope and courage to many hopeless men and women. As Tetters and packages arrive from our friends from far and near, oaclf bearing a little Nseal they seem to say See! Wo are winging our way over hill and dale arousing all to battle striving by united effort to destroy our common foe. A NICK IJXK OF OLARSWARE TO elect your presents from at E. K. WIIIU. % 12-12 ? * ! Washington, Dm. 11?Preal damt Wllaon Saturday made the following nominations: Franda D. WJnrton, United States 'Attorney for Eastern * North. Carolina. W. T. Dertoh, United State* marahal for eaatara North Car olina. Charles X. Wsbh, United ttatna w^nhal for Western North Carottaa. a k. a a Si * . * IUIR ?i suns. II is n. | I Tho civil suit of W. Q. Morton JF" * \ H;o., vs. The Washington Light aaM )w>44 HWater. Company for (.amagea mdf yfljH Htuiued by the plaintiffe occasion*# by the burning of their store on Hatif I. 4 Hat roe t, July one year ago, and wbUtf " | ^B'talnied the attention of the superM^^^I ^Boodrt for Bevera^lav|^a|^^|MB^^^^B came to a close Saturday artogSBBB j in favor or the plaintiff, w. 8. MOf* ton was Riven damage to the amtmaT* . iffj of $1,000 and the lnteroat <i4 Charles L. Morton was given dirt or $2,500 and In tore s t. mKJ \i:\V VOItK DRAMATIC IJCTTfOr New York, Dec. ?The # ending tonight goes down in | riral history as b?-ing orm wHWd^^^B I single novelty. Monday night, Mtifl ever, brings the promised five-year engagement between 1RMH I 11am H. Crane and Douglas I banks. "Th^ New Henrietta" name of the first play In these noted actors will appear gether. They also have a repertdk wt.ich includes "The Merry Windsor," "The Rivals," and Stoops to Conquer." ( On Tuesday evening jrcancos H comes Lo the Balance Theatre ia InI^H new play, "The Secret." Thlf Bernstein's greatest drama and ws# produced In Paris with great SS0??^H eess. Mme. Simons, acting * lesdl^M^| I ^ole. In the company with Miaa Staff -*^1 are Bafil Gill, Robert Warwick, Cecti Tapp. John F. Brown, Margnaritf .i-tM Leslie, Harriet Daller.baugh and * I Beatrice Reinhardt. l"s:o FergUHon leaves the L ceum Theatre tonigU and beginning on Monday evening will coatinn*? t# JS hppear in "The Strange Woman" *t>the Gaiety Theatre. Miss FetfcUftUf ,'Jj >b doing excellent work this oeaioo ; J and she and her managers ongbt UT feel flattered by-the large audhmcd which havo been present at ^ .3 performance of "The Strango Ladvvf The last two wpvkn of OhrIgtt0 MatDonaUl in her cav oriAiwda. "Sweetheart," will begin Monday 4#- <J the Liberty Theatre. Following tu*f lM Christmas and Nov. , Year's holiday# '^JjS "Sweethearts" will take the now im* '''Sb mo us Victor Herbert melodies tUiS the piquancy of speech and actios c# the Smith-da Grerac story out u?vf the country that'has been dc:i<. audio# them so long. Among the <virr< u- attractiou# drawing big audiences are: "General John H?-c;vn," an aunts* .*0 ing comedy...of itish_Jif?,_by CanuM _* ) James Owen He.nnay. at the Hudson, "The Little Cafe," a tuneful au4 -J-j bright musical comedy, with I^ttzd Dawn, at the New Amsterdam. s "The Madcap Duchess." u delight* ful comic opera, by Victor Herbert with Ann Swinburne, at the Globe. "The Man Inside," a new type mi '* "crook" play, by Roland B. IftfS* ^""v ncux, at the Criterion. ?*? vi "Tante,*' a comedy, by Tladdml Oliambers. from the novel of AntMl- ^ Douglas Sedgwick, at the Empire with Ethel Barrymore. "Oh I Say," a musical como4f founded on a French face, widl music by Jeromo D, Konv at tfcw .ji -Casino, , . . INDIANA TEACHERS MKKT. Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 22.?"li* crease the association membership t#. 10,000" is the keynote of the lunf ural address of A. C. Neal, iniW ing president of the Indian T?Iidl# Association, which begins here tM? evening at Tomllnnon Hall. HW i Association of Connty Ruperlot?d and County Institute Instructor* fl? meeting ?t the i'jp HERB F<>K HOLIDAYS. ' Jj Mr. Stephen Fowler la ho? HT | the Christmas holidays. His ? friends are glad to shake his howdL *** KA? GI!T " -* |j Xiu? mi

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