I ? ' ? WTO DAILY NEWS S?' ond Struts. Entered as. second-class matter \,. August 5, 1909, at the postttfic? at .Washington. N. C., under tho act o< March 3. 1870. '* One Month 8 .16 i . Four Months... 1.0C Biz Mentha 1.80 tsy One Year l.OO fcv . Subscribers desiring the, paper dis\7continued will pleat? notify this of_ - -Bee on date of expiration, otherwis< W Will be continued at rctular sub acrlptlou rates until notice to stop li received. [XV* 'JTw . If you do not get tho Dally- Newi | promptly telephone or writ? thi [ manager. and the complaint will re | eeivo immediate attention. It is oui L -desire to please you. All artlciea sent to tho Dally Ncwi for publication must be signed b] the writer, otherwise they will noi be published. ^ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913 r.MI UOAl) xorts. The Chicago, Burlington am Qulney reports a _b!g reduction ii &bor cost for conducting transpor - .. tat jon over its lines. Tlf? V.i-:.:v.nnian Chamber o Deputies lia-< unanimously voted .credit o? ST'.TOO.hOO for an exton 8lve rc'aohie of railroad construction ^Bt^~ N A merry war Is nntlcipntod~te u tween the Interstate Commerc Commission and .the Louisville am Nhshvllle Railroad as a result o ^? tuv i.uvrut,1 roiusai i open his fl!-s to tho commission' exnmlnors. It {3 n-thv.atc.1 l' ;:t tl;o Pnl.i /noro o; O'. Jo railroad b. tx'.r. lcrfn: almost a million tlor-.v r>. iv. ;:;h dvr r"'t three ivc P Many f1 r : n ! r r t * V . c' c' * . ] . - C: \ T ' 'V " ' ' : % 7 ' *' ? r \ '! f ' r - . ?'-L:''UMLT r/-ovc t"-.' * The ? - : stj fo-x lrnjc x'rv "i { v; :j ti> *:. i or m&aonry p.nft 212 f 'it? :rc: i 1< ion of the eopiug t? 1 of tho orr<-k, It is comr.vM r.f i . t:N AV\'AY FRI i'o? One Day Wednesday, Dec. An biconditional Guarantee F with Every Fen." 1 A SUITABLE CHRISTJ 1 SPECIAL PEN FOR L, Also Beautiful line of Stationery, ' And Cigars. j BROWN'S DRUG * ' ,AXD King Alfonso wants Spain's Jg -w-^ -w- -y (? 1 scfeool modelled on the American 4S 1^-|-|YT I | pATll I ?? 5 on, villa, the Mexican leader, | g For your Christmas shoj objects to being called the "Robin , g gestions?Clauss Scissors, Pi Hood" of Mexico. He says he is not ( g Carving Sets, Nickle Ware in robbing the rich to give to the poor, ^ but Is fighting for Justice for all ^ J CHAFING DISHES. Mexlco' COFFEE AND Much ^Importance Is attached to I I the mission of shuaoke state, I ? Razors and Shaving Sets, Bl distinguished Japanese scholar who J ^ ToogS, Lap Robes, Saddles, is on his way to the United states as j $ Rifles, Ammunition, Huntini exchange professor, because it is be- j | Watches. Let U9 put Up a lleved his visit will tend to promote , | COOK STOVE Or RANGE ' wider knowledge of the Japanese { . ffQod things we have tO C among Americans and ta remove , ,LJ1- nQ| 8t uuh of mlsnnderatanding. Bboank. P9T?Onal Vlglt Will W you an, Bnlo la professor and dean of th? 1 J , . Agricultural coiicg. of Tohoka uai-1 i McKeel-Richardsoii versity and one* studied at Johuujl I Hopkins UnlTOralty, + "M> til wx. WBSE^. NOTICK.OF HIMMONS. Beaufort Cpuntr-^-hr'th v Superior Court. , J. W. Dalley against Southern LtmeAFertiHaer Works, Inc., and Dr.'Jno. L Prnraitfl / SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Beaufort County? Oreoting: You ar? hereby commanded to uuiinon Southern Lime & Fertilize! Works, Inc., (a corporation) the defendant above named, if it be found within your county, to be and appear before the Jud?e of our Superior Court, at a court to be held for the County of Beaufort, at th? 15th Monday after the first Monday court honee in Washington, on the of September, 1913, It being the 15th day of December,. 1918, and answer the complaint, which will l>< depoBltcd in tho office of the Clcrl of the Superior Court of said county within the first three days of sail term; and let the said defendant take- notice, that If he fall to answer tho complaint wltliin the Um< required by law. the plant!ff wil apply to tho Court for the relief do manded in tho complaint. Jloreof fail not, and of. this sum mous make duo return. Given under my hand aud scol ol said court this 1st day of December 1913. GEO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. Should President Wilson decide to take a trip to Panama, It ii plannied to h$ve him po as far through the canal as possible during his stay. ar?d Get a i rut!:; | o.tain I j!j ^ g5 s:ss ' Only | 21. I or One Year \/r \ c r*TT7Ti h yxno uir I \DIES Toilet Articles STORE >WtW*tl*M ' I Presents ); >ping we have many sug- | |ocket and Table Cutlery, ^ \ , PERCOLATORS TEA POTS. rass Andirons, Shovclland | | E Lcggins, eta, Ingersoll | nice' HEATING STOVE. , | Will give an Xmas bargain, i , iffer are so numerous your | | 1 help in your selections, i | i Hardware Co. J [' IttMIUIIf* . >*?. ? \ . : . ; ^ . -PRFSFNTINC Tltn\Y ^ "The Isle of Nowhere." Funny Comedians. Pretty Girls. Singing, Talking and Danck "RETRIBUTION"? Kaleip Dramatic, 2 Reels. "THE HONOft OF THE FORCE"-VitagraphDramatic ! Thursday, Friday and Saturday Bobby Fqantaia and his Educated Pony Prices?Ghiidren 15c, Baleony 25c, Orcjiestra 35c. GUN SHELLS| Winchester and V. M. C, New Club Shells, J I j both standard quality are carried by us in large j i ? quantities: __ ?j We are prepared to fill your orders; either ' wholesale or retail. * 1 ^ The hunting season will soon open and you ' 1 J should purchase a supply early. j , I ^5 T-T o-ve^jyirrywa/A ^ ; ximuwaic v,u., e | WASHINGTON, N. C jj ' ' ' W Nott> is the time to select your TOYS before the stock is broken. We have thejargest assortment of dolls m town? Prices range from 5c to $5.00 ' ' ". ? r MECHANICAL TOYS AND OTH-- \ ER THINGS THAT WILL PLEASE *} -JTHE CHILDREN. - ^ ' - ; ! SPENCER BROS. THE HOME OF SANTA CLAUS. % .. ^ ~ 'iS Own Your A NEW SERIES OF THE ; Home Building and Loan Asscciaiton OPENS ON JANUARY 1, Wi4. Office at Banking House of Savings & Trust Co. - SEE US ABOUT IX. W. E. Swindell, Pres. J. B. Sparrow, Set "The purest treasure mortal times afford. Is spotless reputation." . % King RICHARD 11 '^^n^ivcis Bacor^^j ^^XEstablisKed 1759/|^^ - THE BACOSI'PLSO'COMPANY 1 UJ Ewt 138(h Street New Yor* j m r---j.lv '' : = ? - ^ t ^ Wllnj O. Rodman * John H. Homier ( ROHM AN A BONNIER, I Attorneys-at-Lair, * I * -Washington. North' OnroBna. * I '? < \ * W. B. RODMAN, JR., * L i?rr? JRioiUtj . .J ? ; f " Washington, N. c: * I V Oflloe Ratings St Tmat Building ' * M I. m I O. A. PHILLIPS 3 BRO.) V. FtRB INSURANCE. m Hi I f* WASHINGTON, N. C. H i * * - ? < W D GRIMES, KI Attorncy-at-Law, i__2?^ Wasliinglon, North Carolina, Practices, in all the Courts. .* . is ""? V* ? S EDWmn h. HTEWAKT, Attorney-at-havr, ' Washington, N. O.j * ^ * ' - * v ? Jobs II. Bmnll, A D. jlirUu, I'rr-nlt II Hrynn, smai.i,, mwia:as-? nnvAir, Attorneys.ft- haw, \^?shlngt0P, NwrtU'Csroltea.' * ? ? . * #- * - j* ' A. 1>. x.Tr - I in, Washington, N. O. . * -4 -*?1 Vf-.?A. nutmpfop. jm I ^ Aurora, N. C.j ^ : 1 ? McIJiAA' A tWmTSO*, J * A1torney?-at-jUan*,* I Aurorn'aini Wr.slilnjlou,;!^ . C. 1 ** ?" ? . *?,. ? ? I _J . GEO. J. STTDDEIM, ?. *. Altcrney-at-Ijaw, Next to hen-is r& Calais, ' | Market .l * I S WasJiiu^ioTi, "!S*. Cfi*' ^ - - - e ** * ! % ' HARRY MrMULLAV,' . Attorncy-at-La^-, ^ i Dr. Rodmau R|dg.,TS. Mala 84. Washington, North Carolina. ^ =4===H ! . COLLIN H. If AUDI NO, Attorney at Haw, Office Barings St Trust Co., Bldg - Rooms 3 and 4, s, * ^ - Washington, N. C. ? __ -? " H. 8. Ward, Janlos D. Grimes ' WARD * GRIMES Atto*peys-at-Lanr, Washington, N. O. ' I Wo practice In the Court ef the First Judicial District and j the Federal Courts. * 9- m * ? * *- ??. - I I 1 . * P. .?__ 0 .0 . II i"*1 'I NonwooD i>. snofOn^ J 4 WiuMnaton, N. O, I ........ a > ??i ?^1 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, Having: qualified m administrate* of the eetaU of Maraaret A, Ghaoaeey, Imtiri, Itto of Beaufort huty. North Caroltsh, thla I* t* eotlfy II pereona barinc claim* aialnst " the MUt* of th* *!? decMMd to exhibit them to the underelgped et the reeldenbe of the TladerxS*oed on *r J A before the 14th day of Noeemberk _ to her of their reooeery. -jfupareon* I 1 pteeee make Immediate payment. I Administrator. 2 imui, jfAOueAu * br^n. M