J. t FBlUirS HELLS Finn m *IK> XHAckebs AND I IREwotfr. of all kind.; wholeaala price. will be made on larg. a*if . quanlltlee; til, . hlpment of M?l5 *? grapes at He a pound. Galeeby's Caadj Kitchen. 12-lS-gtc FOOTBALLK AT BUSS' VARIETY Store. l?-22-Stc ' ' . " CAMEO RINGS, HCARF FIJ*& A XT brooches arriving dally at Bell's, - the Jfeweler. 12-20-Uc XMAS CAKK8- FRUIT CAKC4, plain pound cake, raleln cako, clt- < ron cake, mixed cakes, right fresh. , Joe. P. Tayloe. Phones 123 and 1H. , 12-18-tfc BKJ 'CUT rKICKS ON .ALL CHRIST- ' mas goods?All holiday mercban- ' dlse must bo closed out by closing -< time Christmas eve, and we have < made big price reductions to ac- I Ka&t complifeh this purpose. Sea add on ] 1 back page. J. K. Hsyt. - ? ?? ? : OUR KOD.\l?S AND CAMERAS have como. All those who. placed i special orders with us can now got them. Kodaks mado a vVfy i , pleasing and suitable Christmas , present. Call and look over our Ifcock. Standard sire film* and - plates, chemicals and (developing , ' . outfits in i stock, i At Buss' Bros Variety Store. r2-22:jtfc i . XMAH CANDIES?THE VERY BEST and freahest line of candles from 10c to 50c per pound. Phones, 123 , ? - end 124? Jos. F. Tayloe. 12-18-tfc XMAH PRF1TS? IUKAKAS., AT- ) ploe, oranges, grape fruit, beat | quality; cheapest price. "Phones . m rad 124. Joe. P. Tayloa. .*> . 12-18-tfc 1 - . JBXG RAVING FREE AT BELL'S " the Jeweler. ( w 12-20-Uo Lj -PIVTCT1 \nrrvT to ni,-Pl ' resent tbo Xational Life Insurance Company of Montpalier. Vermont, on salary or commit . ^ aion; experienco unnecessary; reference required. 11. Humphrey, Stato Manager, Goldaboro, X; C, 11-21-1 mcc MOBT REASONABLE PRICES AT Bell's, tho Jewoler. 12-20-4tc X FOR SAL!:?CULLY JERSEY Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield Succession- and Rod "Dutch Cab^" ~ bago Plants, frost proof grown from D. J-andrtth & Son's Pure ;* '**. Seed by N. B. Dawson, Conetoe. N. C. . 12-10-304e ; _ nATpiWLVTTs pi.Aivwnnlvtw. ?r-~. "* ? cdlery, cranbcfrleH. Just received. ^. . . . ' Phonos 123 and 124.* Jos. F. Teyloo. 12-W-tfo SHY RKLL'ft I'IRST. 12-20-4U* . |U8T lUPCRlV RD?ma I.OT XMAB v candy in boxes-at', prices lower than you ever know before; plenty of boihe-mado iattdy to be sold at 10 cents per priuud; Bpeclnl price t | for holidays; jjocd mixed nuts at > 15 cents per pound; new crop tfafed figs, .15c per-pound; apples - at 10 cento per#doxcn and up; , per barrel. 54.00 and 24.50; orV nngos, 20e'3a3ea and up; raisins. good ntco ?T;otk, at 15 cents per . ? - -pound. All kindrf ofnew crop nuts guaranteed to-be fresh stock. Phone 420, Saleeby'6 Candy"Kitchen. tc_ FOR -RENT?VALUABLE TRUCK farm of airout 3 0 acre? ciearca U?4 with tarn limnmt ' buildings. Immediately adjoining town of Washington. Possession Jan. 1. Apply to W. C. Rodman. 12-5-tfc _ = PAItTY WHO TOOK UMBRELLA U, from Dally Np\vs office Saturday morning will please return. FOR RALE?^R. *P. WALL RESI, dence.Thlrd street, See Harry Mc^ Mullen. 12-22-tfc WANTED?CARRIER BOYS FOR the Dally New?. Apply' at New? Office. J. T. Kllllngswbrth la homfl on a visit. WISHED SHE ' 5>. COULD DIE kni Be Free Frois Her Trouble*, ^ lot Finds Better W?y. ??T8S%fir - i wished f would die lad be refieved nouseworic. The leMt emoturt M werk Bred me aornMe&|ng^to"gquiet"thE"wm? ?Md Majority of States Nov Use Prison LaDor. UStyRD CONTRACT SYSTEM I?""*." 3 tho Present Year ."fffirteeri States Have Passed Laws Allowing ? tho Uas o* Convicts In ths Construction ?n9 Repair of Roads. 'j'-*.i Thirteen states have passed laws luring the present year allowing tbe nae 'of convicts' in tbe construction and repair -highways, according to TompllrtUo^by Dr. B. Stagg Wbltin, wsUtnut in social legislation In Co luiublu university and chairman of tba weoutlvo committee of the national fomruitteo on prison lnbor. They are Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, [ndinna, Kansas, Maine, New Jersey. Sari- Dakota. Pennsylvania, Vermont, IVe.-i Virginia and Wisconsin. As nnny other states bad previously passed similar legislation, but few of -he forty-eight states have not adopted he policy of using prisoners to build lod maintain pptille roads. West Virginia and Iotva are the two itstea whose laws regarding the working of convicts on highways stand out uost prominently. So anxious .wus be governor of the forniet; state to secure tin effectlvo law that he went to few Yorlc and with the assistance of epresentalives of, tho national comnitteo on prison labor, of tho road demrtment or;Columbia..university and ?f tlio legislative drafting bureau vorkud out hills making compulsory fdil "The Snuggest, \ Most Comforta Boot M - That's what all the fieherme I canse the "Hab-Mnrk Warrior fishermen?of the toughest an I ' I her are made extra strong. Bn 1 1 c?OT1' ) ou J< XM / - i ??? \ , ... _ f Buy 1 PA In M ' v V "\ Large Reed, , w* - v\ ;vy : ? v I V ?^ ft. muiofmcni of ciTrici. to H* rt?d>. Th. West Vlrsinl* bl settlor I iua the county courts to make appro p nations out Of road funds for eonylci > -work; It state* that the court shall sen | tence any malo-persou over sixteen tc road work Instead of to the count] jail; persona charged with mtadeweaa or? tfnable to furnish bail shall wori 1 ' = " r *l| L i, jjfr * I j OOffYIOTS AX. WOZLK Oft STATE BOAD. I ' on tho roads fitld If acquitted when I tried shall he paid 50 cents ft day for I each day's work they perform; justices I of the peace shall sentence to work on I the roads persons convicted of crime II whom otherwise they would send to I tlio county jail. Another feature of the West Virginia I law Is the establishment of a state I road bureau to supervlso any plans I proposed, by a county for using prison I labor In road building. The plans apI proved, tho county shall apply to tho I board of control for tho nnmber of I prisoners required and shall state tbe I length of time they shall bo needed. I The board shall, as far as possible. I give equni servje? jo each qf'tho cQpnVear-Resisting /g&Bb. jblaJFishing- gffl a My?The r?a*on is bof* Brand Boot is made especially for d most wear-reacting material*. tough and durable. 'Hab-Eark Wnnioe" Brand Robber Boots \MOtJ9 PRODUCT OF THE >N RUBBER SHOE COMPANY Sit BOOTS t Craie o( Fias Pars Robber?Hill ol hick-v fUudorced ct Every I\,kt. lakn mbj "Hok ^'itrlor'' Bnlila BooU M (L?u U cut; its U? of >STON RUBBER SHOE CO. MALDEN, MAS3. pMr_ T'i ,,;iis^iLJ..i i * v.. ^rni~<vrt!at~-'J!tr-r3ZMm i-ii ^arfyyur ? m a p . i.. _ nh AS L-i One of O RLOR ahogany, ist Line Oak a BESU SEE son Fi . ? ' JGTifir shall determfis wblcE~prison- 1 . ? may bs Udfaal to such wort, J I Tho warden to to provide suitable and J . morable quarters, which shall be built, I > where possible. by convict labor. Tbe > r' conTlctB shall remain tinder direct eontrol Of tbe warden, their work, bow- 1 ; erer. being under tbe snperrtafon of j the road bureau. i .In Idwa the board of control of the I ' state institutions with the advice of I tbe warden of any penal Institution, may permit able-bodied male prisoners ' to work on tbe roads. Tb* law fpe| clflcally states inch labor shall not be leased to contractors. A prisoner op- ( ~ P0?id to sacfa work, or whose character : he would attempt escape or be unruly, to not to be worked on tbo highways. * Although tbe prisoners are under tho Jnrladlctton of the warden whllo building or repairing road a. their work to ( supervised by the state highway com-1 , mlssloner. Prisoners employed on the highways of Iowa receive such part of their earnings nbovo the cost of their keep ns tbe board deems eqaltable. the a earnings either being funded or given to tbelr dependent families. Before Iowa passed her present prison labor laws, George W. Cosson. attorney gen- c ernl of the state^made n thorough In- a vestlgation of tbe prisons of his own t and other states, and strongly denounced the contract system, under "Which the prisoners were employed up . to that time. Mr. Cosson drew up the - road bill and Is of the opinion It will r do much to drive the contract system h out of the state. Considerate. C Clublelgb (at mldolgliti?My wife Is g Tery ill, ood the doctor says she must have no suddeu shock. Clinton?Then what are you doing here at tbe club at this hour? Clublelgb?I'm afraid to c CP-Jjomo before the usuul time lest 1 r give her a shock.?Boston Transcript. g Thoughtful Husband. J She?Are you, wearing those pretty suspenders I gave you for your birth- c day, George'/ Ho?No, dear; I was 1 afraid the unit I'm using as n button 1 would rust "em.?Yonkers Statesman. j NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. | To the Stockholders, Creditors, J 1 Dealers, and Othefh Interested in M I - the Affairs*of the Southern Lime j & Fertilizer Works, Incorporated:' j Notice la hereby n>lve?.-< lint n Mull. action has been commenced In tills | court against-the Southern Lime audi Fertilizer Workup Inc., returnable toj ] December term, 19r3. and complaint; ; In same duly filed. Copy of sum-' mon3 as required by law Is hereto' * i annexed. . J t -You are directed to appear before ? the. Judge holding the Superior Court ? of iJcaufort County at tho court, house in WashJhCton_on tho rccond Monday before the "first Monday In'* March, It being tho lGtli day of! n February, 1914. and answer the said ^ complaint, when and where a mo- lion will bo made for tho appointment of a receiver and for general said corporation may be wound up. relief, to tho end that tho-affaire of Ita assets converted into cash, and] its debts .and liabilities liquidated. This December 20. 1912. GEO. A. PAUL, cieric super or Court. | S.trcl EIIthS3picuror3rc!i)',lqudadS j G IF >ur Libras TABL \ , or Oak. of Rocke nd Mahoj RE TO THEM. 4. v ij - "t " i SocietT ? t * PERSON AJufi. X?nn Roland Bnrr and Jan j ay lord, of Bath. N. C, vara tW >rs to the city yesterday. J. M. Turnafe, of Greenville J 3., wan on our atreeta tlila win ' * w s s s ? J.' E. Mann, of Lnka leading. I 3., la a welcome vial tor today. 9 9 9 9 M. Makely, Jr, of Batfcavaa. * 3.. was a passenger on the Norfbi lout hern train yesterday. ? C. W> Turner, of Rocky Mount, 1 i Washington visitor today. * ' J. D. Eborn, manager of the Boas ike Railroad and Lumber Compani it Bayaide, was here yesterday ml ernoon. w Messrs. E. D. Lewis and B. E tlx on, of South Creek, N. CL, m lved in the city this morning a: mstnesa. 9 9 9 9 L. M. Keech, of fone Town, h !., was a passenger on the Norfol Southern train this morning. In the absence of leglslatloa t over the situation. District Attoi ley Whitman of New York is havin ;reat difficulty in his fight to ru lown the alleged grafters in Ne> fork's stato , highway probe. Th torporation laws which make It ! egal to solicit or accept a contr mtton from a corporation, and th reneral conspiracy laws which mak t illegal for public or private off :lals to conspire together to loot c lefraud the state, are so differci hat In their purpose to clear th lituation they add to its compile; ions. Sensational developments nr jramisea during me trial or ei dafor James McGuIro, of Syracnsi ind other big New York stato pol iclana In the alleged highway gral icnndal. It i3 said that tho .jne 'higher up" have yet to bo reach" ind will probably bo exposed durin *ry trials -which -connneTTrc- - tbi reek. ?t CASTOR IA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kiel You Have Always Doujh! jlurj ... VTS| a-v r y ui ,ES The * r s in gany. / . * 1 II 4 IBUMm F W-=5 i um mi jhv y uian. **" ??,- ?> tL | * after :iiii?y_ H'l i JoWinakniM xacr: m '?adk aaharti^aMtTd&il (ra "" J ] * ? Choice Caffl Fiamzrv L _ __ . " Th k For rf CfcecBBw* | ? 4ll(! kotfv bncmmi Ckrwa* ', *' ? ? lkEmraeiJHr <6w aoeswutii at .13 rn m>?- oq'i li , D naMMnlo tfc* km B ' > fit-eriu {total *?IL/r-*Es fcj . iat S . g styles. X EXLIS W For wJairmifMrr K?"?rT. I |C norcrnH. Wyo????fc> . H ' I- and IJHwa t? zrrm. nor m Ha* Hi"1 *? j_ early (or bttt ravitv Im* ?wc< H | fi <Jivrne*T?m.S&ratr. He^fcru a' v * ibtdc irctt ub livtKow (vcr..< 0 Mail, rrirjiWw *?i> trbtrr.r-- .1 j|:, c 11,8 1 ordcra frr?a*y*+> caa ja?t t?>., B"| - li -I j. l. mm *n I o| RAMJGS, S. C. |(nT1, 1 f HI IIIW1 WWIIIII11 li\\ III I Fui - a| C tc*r?-vStA* t Straus Gift* Be wist K?t 7?*- 4: ,! 1 cnts I bat ire bmeiirtii a j P J well as on-.raier.'ai. %ic<: 1 If * tiling toese-crtr ?j ? enjoyed." j | ot'JULayV?(*3?v > Aim I a i (7 ,r'r j /V. 'iir./"- -r" . Ycu Will Fsrd ? Nothing Beiicr. to fcoi vr>ar *jei' .- was c? ; bath room than A Cm Kami r. 3" ccilM"!' per hour it iflil *-81 ^ ^ WashiBfton legist Waler Compaivy j15.~ IA FEW XM/ SURGES Marocur I Sewing 4 I mff "WKM | IB mm, M* .KB OLD! GOLM jl ' A ' 7 it ', ._ ~?9 >*fl^H \ F'?3 We have on hamd supply of $2JSO.J$S ' .3 nd ftO net I CiMH :T^sH iecee and will be lad to furnieh amy '. newhhmg gold man *.4B V for Xmas jin- ;g>9 vu. nk of WashBi^jj iVASHINGTON, N.cJ KOHM"' jH a &nainl meeting of tktJlfl ra or the First Nsttaa^lH >o held at their buklacl^l o'clock nooo. Tuesday. itt. 1514. A.M. DUMAY. Cm**l*2m t. 6th, 1513. it r i?J lMSRBl'PT 8A1JB. e IKntrict Court of ThelM|H 4ut,<n For Ttio lekllaa fliQ irr;inla. i Matter of O. B. MmmH tsr Cuuipaajr liswfMIWwBI Ilankaigfc . I\ RAMII 'ijBMBB And' Matter of C. ft, iMnkroft at:art to art order entail !i.uve oonsolidated causes cot i November. 1913. ibeva>^^H rtw?! Tru3loo3 cf raid v'!l cvposn for folo cm day ?>f iX'coTT.bcr, 1913. at . a*. public auction at the faaQt>fj<9JH lo: I'ourtLiouBO In 1'caaSaft Wi-.vhf:iffton. In the . :Ue vlitta, wherein tto iTaf- ' .t -. fr. * and tIcar-dT *11" br;?--K-v3, lllC luiLoepi f U.rvl I.no'.vn as "Pcnu? j.iaM i?v.t?r.> in Hcaufort and ** 7-l| In t!?<* State ot N'arQi ?:;: ? tfrioaraxul more or lets, t artlenLu. u iV.'nl lri-.rj O. SL * ';... to <.'. 11. Jc.bL.anc, "...... : J S. J?"-U aljr c>? of lb-.' "Uutiiktcr ; v.-.-.-.fort Cmjr.'*\ -Xodb i ::v..to partku'.ar'r dc- . i ' i '.ut oi' p'.au maco fry ilaH 1 A up-.;st. If* til. v. < ' v.!-.ica is attached to oyui r tiled in life C*len*.*3 ] of -." ! t'ourt at Norfolk. Tir- I r- ' rtf.co t > v. li5cSa is i-'.roUy t:r.TS t?: sale si.all fro rosJ* ? Jsl r.e v. Ill bo made ratiject . nprovul of said Court and tho "TjH-VT IvTTl r^iuTreTTorj' csfii r>. -.o deposit with him fry sedi | r o: t!to#suru of Fixe I-Iuridml I IJ.1L'> Dollars in rash, or *J?? led clic.ck of n responsible bonk* | to use for like amount, aa evl of sood faith to entitle snrrtt [ r to bid at such sale; the do- | so received otber than that j ie sucessful bidder to be to- | iS Hv tl>n nnHo?l>rn?l t? *tive depositors, and the do- i of the Ruccessful bidder to 4*5 -.-3 ed by tho undersigned on *ol or the purchaso price of aaid i rtj. ?>' HUGH W. DAVK. :ee in Hankraptcy of tke files of C. It. Johnson, Rantrwpt. i C. It. Johnson Lumber t'ranay. Incorporated, liankmpt l-l 1-1* 20 22 23 24 25 26 1711 n'; HONS ivory Novelties. ; ii Scte I. \ & mnxLAMD WHITMAN'S & I

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