j I - fit' K v* ^^Hl , . .. v ^^B I \ HL I9D II k. EilM Hit nlirtfrJIMi i I L. I ssSBSS J W r* ? -c *" Worms.rnwii*ai>\ti ?Tj ^Klu. ? 23.- FreshfMtf ,. I? K-1* *?> My 1 r * "* ** HP b> the feder-. * *** p' ^ - " ' ' hofcinj; a gradual deermee !*e t'- number of medical fcbe?Ji? Slatrj'i_bu?j<^iaTreaJJ^ rcf. in th>> efficiency of aefcoota tfcu; As a it.alter of fact, there * - fourteen fewer schools. USi/e J '.t student?, &n33 woni'*n amonsr 17.23S cfc: d.-uts Only tevenly vrereea ere J* at - year, as c:r.. pared wills * f2 S& 1912. Reduction in the number uf rr.yiTfrst :<-hooi* i.i part cf a. rr.Tiy-tnent inaupurnf.-d eorca y-arr n-"? for the Improvemmt ?f fastifcrl'ntraafp r ^lulreiaer-ta a~ *l ov;~ u.' >vj ly nave bttt ru:fv riu'ly ra soil. HMBUSBKn i , 3SEK >?i* MSBM ! JfeMI I 1 jj WE HAV X Ever shown Silverware t Ladies* Gen i !| 1 |l ! IS JurWE^^^B I - ^^^1 M ft. Will UV Q^MIkb m J(.M Use J* Far Oter Thirty Years iASTORIft ?? 1IW IJilMli ..J TW Perftecal Cabinet. < G<**np? L to wirl to hare been re4pa^A? RugUitd. British states en iUd soc spcfS""German. So the ii?ntfxtiT? who -perved thls?-flra? of flsr fTsnumba ssverelgna'or Groat" ftrfsan osed to meet In the king's _ QdiJIt room or cabinet?derjred from ? rUe Fnewrtt cstolne or little room? urte He was absent. Afterward tliey r urormrd torn ot the result of their dU.- rr.rt^ a art!: be ctjRBBe.M~ ! % z PUIS jerything in JEWELRY | All Kinds of Gifts- for J dren. Engraved 11 Charge :: 1 I wL Came Early. *i/j. - ' i1-* r-~ r--T^r"-fr t if?r n' i *1 Mil ?a byaondw. nin.jrlng bin from 11 bead to foot. I It U not ererj ono wbo enjoy, a Joke I at bla oini ejpeuao. Xbe Judge who pointed wltb Ida cane and etelalnnA. "Tbere la a. grr.it rogue at tba and of my cud?," was internal j enraged whan the man looked hard at him aud asked *At which end, your honor*" A friend or Odmb'i was bragging of bla attachment to the Jury system nui said: >-? v" -With trial by Jury I hare Bred, and by the bleas^ug of God with trial by J??y I win die." "Oh." said Curran in much amazement, "then-you're made tip your mind to be ha used, Dick Y?London Tit-Bits. , ,t Carved.*by-Nature. A curious effect or tuo wear and tear to which the earth'* crust la continually being subjected la abown In the Devil's elide In Utah and other peculiar formation* alt over the weet There exist on tbe South river, in the Wasatch mountains (a part of the Rockies), singularly capped pinnacles or slender plMam rising from 40 to 400 test high and most of tbem crowned or capped by huge stones. These pillars are not the work of.mnn, but are memorial monuments of huge htyts from which they are cut out by the action of tbe air and water and the lone remains of many equate tulles of solid roska which have been washed away to a depth of seme 400 feet The greater hardness of tbe surface has caused It to resist corrosion more tbao the underlying rock, thus leaving huge caps of stone perched high In the air on points of tbelr columns. 11 ere and there can be found* a double col- i nmo capped by single stone, thus forming a natural bridge both unique ? and picturesque? Health. m Ono Man Applauded. y Camllle Sain t-Sn ens wds present 9: when Verdi's "Hymn of All Nations" was rendered for tho first time At the ^ opening ceremonies of tho jvorid's fair * In I.ondon. and be gave this reason for c, the "failure" of the composition? "The t? hymn was arranged to Introduce the unwvuui iiuuirm ui we Tflnvos coun- y tries, nnd. not knowing that tho Hftr- fcj selliaisc' was at that time In bad re- e< pate. It was used as represents tire of * France. Tho Emperor Napoleon when b he beard the stratus tamed pole, and the knowing ones In the nudiebce were tt so greatly embarrassed that no one la u tho great throng (lured npplaod. Yes. n one mnn did applaud, and that was I. Napoleon arose In his box and directed. a his o|H?ru glass toward me. and I ft looked at him through my glass. After g1 a ftnv moments the emperor hurriedly n! departed." p ORDER Crystal Ic FOR XM AS I IT IS A DELICIOUS F00 DESERT. IT WILL AI ANY DISCOMFORT [FOL XMAS DINNER. Remember Crystal 1? CRYSTAL ICI Phone 83. 1111 ii ? Hand M< TO THE LADIES: I have just re Syria, a shipment of f tare and Cuffs,. Baby a good assortment of here for your inspect The price will be tow class of work. I slu wheter you purchase, j ' K Hoyt Drug Company's Ok eas %5$riS?riStor,1)? v Early Christmas moroint begins to steal into your rpoj set of furs, if you aft a girl.ure a boy,-from Clark's. Beginning. Monday The 15th our store will be open evenings until Christmas. X . JkmeiS. THK DEFtAJ^I I = There Were Others. He uras a rather persevering yountf" an, and bo bad proposed to u beauful girl something like a dozen tlmos'. id on each occasion the onawcr had ?cn a negative one. Still be pereeveT 1. and one night on a moonlight walk itb the soft south wind blowing tresstogly he oii\t more started to >11 her of tils wondrous lore "Delia, dear," be tenderly remarked, ironing away hie cigarette to give la eloquence farther plrnr, "there la >mcthlmr that I mast telT yon before 'e return. Von hare heard it before, or*?^ "Look here, Jimmy," liDiatlouUy Inffnipted the beautiful girt, "how mny more times are you going to ask te to marry you?" "Not many. I goess. Delia, denr." nswered the young innu with great ranknesa. "One of the other throe Irla that I nm proposing to fa beglnIng to show signs of weakening."? hlladclphla Telegraph. NOW e Cream YOUR )INNER / D, LUBRICANT AND D IN PREVENTING , LOWING A HEAVY to Have e Cream \i COMPANY Washington, N. C I ?^ aide Fane saved from Damascus am ancy hand made laces, const Caps. Laces per yard, Han other useful articles. Tk tion and will make excelk er than you have ever he) dl be glad to have you c W IMC, 'fvjfj;,;. - v Yours very respect Uljp Q H ] 1 Stand. . Cor. 3 II UP?- II . v II-' iBs oat "Gr, a! Giver ltin 11 I I istrans^DaT.^ happiness an 11 n; y f f, at soon as the gray tight n. we suggest that you go 'or yourself whether Snnta iscerning a? to give you a yr a suit of clothe;, 44 you ' . Our Holiday Clothing ' ' i-i Sale averaging a reduction of one-third off on all Lathes', Men and Boys' Clothing will continue until January 1st, 1914. ' ; NOTIC E Of SALE tinder and by virtue of (ha eu thortty vented in me to the under- ,;dvt\28SjH gtmect by Uw, and or (he power dr sale contnlocd In that certain mort- ' sac* deed of Joseph J. Doris and wife Salllo O. Davie, to Thoa. W. Latham, dated January Ind, 1911, and recorded tn-Book 1(9, peso *49. Ilea later o( Deede ,OHlee. Deentort County, North Carolina. the debt se cured by aatd mortgage, beint past due and unpaid, the uudeeslgned t? ?anoiy saia cent,""will on Monday, January ltth, 10X4. at 11 XL. at tk? court house door of Beaufort bounty. North Carolina, offer at public sale to the higheet bidder for rash, the following_described property aa ae- < cured -in said mortgage deed above referred to: LoU No. 1? No. I. No: J. No. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7, No. 8. and No. 9, in Block No. 16, and lota No. No. I, No. 1, No. 4. No. 6. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 8. No. 10, No. 11, No. 11, No. 13. No. 14, No. 19, No. 18, Na. 17 am! No: 18 In Block No. 16, In that properly known as Washington. Heights, near the town of Wash- . ington. N. C. Time of aale. Jan. 19th.1914. ir .. | M. * ^ Terms cash. ' ? ?' MARY A. LdtUGHir ClTOUSR, Admx. of Thos. V'. T.ntham. Dec'd. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS. Attorney. . 12 18 'Aw RUB-MY-TISM "Will cam your Hheuxnatiflm Neuralgia, Headr.che> r.popa. Colic, Sprains. BruUci. . and Borns,Oid Sores, Stings of Insect* Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used inreraaliy and externally. Price 25c.. None* OF tfOMMONS. Beanfort Cpunty Superior Court-^ X Before the Clerk. W. H. Cannon vs. Stella McRoy. | Cannon. The defendant, Stella Mcltoy danI non, will take notice that an action has been Instituted in tho Superior Court of Beanfort County, North Carolina, entitled as above, on, behalf of W. H. Cnnnon. Said aetlon is to obtain an absolute divorce from raid defendant. And the eatd defendant v. li further lake notice that she Is requited to appear at ttte-next tern* of the Superior Court of Beaufort County. North Carolina, being the second 3Ione comber . 16tb. ltll. GEO. A. JPAUL, Clerk Superior Court, Beaufort Co. fl $ .