JUDGE S. GBR* HIS W( At the coneluelon at the regular term at Beaufort "County Superior J Court, on Saturday afternoon latt, J the members of the bar met and. m through * the committee of tha bar N- drafted the following resolutions The Beaufort County Bar Asso*^ '1 elation lu appreciation of the roc- i SW ord of aw feUpw member, Bon. , Stephen C, Bragaw, upon Ma retire- , ment from the tench as lodge of 1 the *lrat Judicial District of North 1 Carpllae adopU the following reto- i - -< That our state Judiciary had loaf , one of It* Judaea, one who baa worn i Kf the ermine of the bench with eminent fltaean and distinction. t That our county, while apareclat- , ins the great loaa to the Judiciary , ' . " of our d^a, aUW weleomea thd re- | 5 . tun of her son to private life, and ] takae Jolt pride In the recognition , f': i. - by the bar and press of oar mate , of hie short but brilliant Judicial ta- ^ W. C. ROtokAN, V i. yc *. x dabum. . , NORWOOD L,. SIMMONS. ] - r - Committee. , Egjit-;/; _ r . ] BRINOS KOREAN SPECIMENS. %-T. San Francisco, Dee. 1*.?-Pr0f.|' t. " riuibnc* omn, uip uoiismii/ wij Chicago Anthropologist, la due here , today op the steamer Hongkong and 1 h{$ Psranfaa Captain and lira. Joy Ride of-Hotel Considerable excitement was OO-L casloned at the corner of Main and; Market streets this afternoon when| e seeming runaway nutoipohile dashed around the corner. In conse-' - - * quenco of the rapid spread of the '"4. ! machine, Mrs. Swain and daughter, \ \both of Grimes land, N. C., were hit. .They were tKlten to the Fowl? Me-^ morial Hospital, where they recelvel J both medical and surgical attentions * from J>r?. P. A. and Jock .Nicholson. I Mrs. Swain was hurt on h?r limbs and Hiss 8waln on her face?both of .which are not thought to be serlou6.j %'" ' The automobile was owned by Mr.! V J- A- Tucker, manager of the Hotel Louise. Without permission from hgr. Tucker. David King, one of the boys of the hotel, hopped in tho machine and started on a joy ride aad tlia above accident was the oonThere ate 702 bighorns or mountain sheep In ?e natlonsl forests of In 1#' ftates there are state for ? cooperate with prlrmtej S tJ|H ownere in MlrHi toreet T|^ .gPljprT" *'** r, Tfce\?tircnu < f entowielerr anil the ? W - ... . ' tin AAA v- tncr? Ml J 0,0 00 T'lhfttlqnil aborctn 1r . - 1 iGAW | NDED FOR ' )RK ON BENCH (???? ? Secretary of Agriculture bane* Orders Regulating |v 7 / Foreign.Potatoes J ?:? d. c.. dm. ??.?ttu , s%croUrr at AeHeatture M4?y-i?- c :ned two order* relating to the ad- % nlAaion of foreign potatoes Into the t United States. , g?S? | One of these orders provides to? * ho ' admission of dleease-rree pota- t o?b from Uninfected foreign" districts t under, proper" regulation and in spec- * don. j The other order, t* protect Amer- t can potatoes from the powdery scab c tnd other dfteases, temporarily ex- j ends the quarantine effeeMv? aince t September *0. J* J1 .ajgainst tho lm- ? Bortatlon of potatoes from New'onndladd; the Islands "of St. Pierre ? ind-Hiqnelon; Oreat Britain, including England, Scotland, Wales and Lrttfand; Oermany; and Austria-Han- f firy to inelude also the rest of oon- t Itoental Europe and the Dominion fcf Canada. This quarantine will be- i :ome effective on December 24, 1913, I accept that shipments covered by t onsular Invoices Isdued on or prior 1 0 December 14. 1913, will be adult ted np to January 15, 1914. i AM. soon as any country or district 1 can be shewn to be free from potato diseases, the quarantine will he 6 lifted, and potatoes will be admit- I ted under proper regulation and In- c jpection, as provided in the other 1 >rder. It 1b possible tfbat, in the case L if certain provinces in Canada, and 1 certain countries and districts In Europe, the absolute quarantine can be lifted Uptime to allow the later movement of the presefit yelVs crop J under regulation-and Inspection. . The First Church of East op. Pa., f tolebrattag Its 200th anniversary, will have principal address delivered by W?. p% Chaffin, pastor of North * P RKCORIIH FOR >11 > | V JfBAFOIiM. Minneapolis. Minn.. Dtc. it.?The 201* convention In 1918 for Minneapolis is the meeting of the American Economic Association here today, tomorrow and Sunday. It la what may be termed a "high brow" convention as It Is attended only, by . the deans of the economic depart About two hundred delegates are in attendance. . SCOTLAND FW GOOD ROADS. Projscted Construction of Expsrimental Road Ssctions In 8cotlsnd* In December, 1012, according to an article in n recent Issue of tho Journal ofnthe Institution of Municipal and County Engineers (Great BrltalnlT the , 8cottlsh District of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers appointed a committee to "collect and * tabu la to dato as to Improved methods of rood construction and particularly information as to the .effect of difmatto conditions token In conjunction wltb traffic upon Ixportmentnl road lengths to be told down In districts In Scotlund which ^have distinctive climatic coudl- j tlons " After having the matter under advisement the committee decided to put down experimental rotfd lengths In a number of districts In Scotland. Arrangements hove been made for the location of these sections In ports of that country where the climatic condl tlons are suitable for the experiments and where tl?? local surveyors will cooperate wltb the committee. Provisional arrangements with county surveyors have been mads. It Is stated that the rood board is eooperating with the Institution In this work and .that It to expected that, the experiments will be of exceptional to tercet oiraccoont of the close consideration if to oroDoeed to atira to the effect of climate... It 1> also expected that the treat variations in climatic ctrnmwm m Scotland WW facilitate { the Isolation of tbffactor of weather 1 Meet la detraction ef read tar- , mm- -" , r- * " " h ^ 1 'V -v *' w. v VASUINI msm OillEI Mi' mm Christmas In Washington we> pent Quietly, due no doubt to tke o nctement weather?Qiowerer Young Imertca epeut tke day With gueto p ad" pleasure. TWPdeportmen't o? tke tl lty was excellent, tit course there * rend aome under tke isnwn of o CO much boose?this was to be tl utpected., Washington compares (a- t< orably With any tnw? la sack timer ti ae the principal speaker at the fourteenth annual meeting of I the Philadelphia national legal fraternity which began hern today at the Hotel LaSalle. With Senator Root there will be as speakers Justice O. N. Carter of the Xlltnos Supreme Court, Justce Olrer Wendell Holmes of the United States Supreme Court, and Mitchell D. Follansbee, of Chicago. YOUNG SON nx. Johnnie, the 4-year-old son of Mrnd Mrs. Oscar Emm, who reside about tea miles from this city, in nulte ill with typhoid ferer, Mr. Ruse Id V brother of Messrs. Rang and has the sympathy at his many rriuo la Wuklnftoa. ? ? ? * M|wd that hla Kn will Mi b? coaralaacant. / OhuM KeDantf. M tfe. Kta*oa rn*a?M. JTM ? ChTlitaM TMtot r-urd". ;^V>- . ~ '?r?\ v ** 4$ l/;i , =i= *Ui?T riomlT loulsht u4 Thurtd?y 3TON, N. C , FKll'A Y AFTERNOON ins sin : SUFFERS II3 - jm CbrUtmM *ra nlfht there wu eoelderable eiettonnt on Main tree, caused by Younk America ex-1 lading a match la the fireworks at \ se store of N. B. Saleeby. The con-1 xiWce was that the.fire. Instead r igniting, the waoB-fce display on A le street reverted and the spark In- A mdel for the street stent forthwith 1 ? the box- and thdjt was an ex- G loeion, Mr. Baleeby'lost between 50 and -975 worth of fireworks. JEW THEATER ; rises To Be Otveai. Away Tonight h flMOP.iL J Conditions of weather had no ef- b act on the .New Theatre audience 1 ist evening, the Jiopse - was well p llled and load appreciation came rom the many pati^ns of'the high c lass performances faow being pre- * ented at this playhouse for the E reek by the'MackHastings MuIcal Comedy Co.' f Tonight's attendance will no doubt y e a record breatydr owing to the 1 ict |fc&t the three'prizes that hare; ? een offered for some time will come' 11 5 a close and the drawing/will take lace at 9:00 o'cl&k. There are 31 Iree prises offered r^-first, second, v ad thirl, that are now on display a I the Bell Jewelry Store. J Today's pny^r&m will be an entire tymge, presenting tpnlght "The [ad Inventress,"' dffo of those putting comedies with fanny 'cornelians and startlli^g situations. Last r Ight these well f^iown artists pre- p ented "A Night.on the Bingham, lie servant, who played the comely j j loot Qarden" with Mr. R. C. Jarvis,' ^ nd and", wo might add that he was no of the main pillars to the plot. lr. Mack waa as.usual excellent, ^ nd lias that personality of gaining ucjT frfendsElp wl^J his audience; ^ .lias Hastings' singing, was another caturo of the play, whlo the entire j hprus was well trained. Owing to the fact that today's | ^ irogram offefs a new program and .he prizes will be offered no doubt he New Theatre will play to a ca>ac!ty audience. Weather: Cloudy tonight and pro . ably snow Saturday*. 1NXIYERSAKV OF BATTLE OF TRENTON. " Trenton, N. J., Dec. 26.?Sons and Daughters lan in the history of these gathirlngs. Methods of maintainenoe and oil improvement, animal husbandry lairytng and hortlonhtore will be rfveo a prominent place on the proNC" :?: MRS. BURLESON'S TANGO TAX, Washington, Deo. ??.?Mrs. Bursoon, wife" of the Postmaster Genre! whose young daughters. Misses. Axey nod ?4aey, are tango s giving a tano tea this afternoon, rtteh in expected to he ens of the host brilliant of Uo hoUday sea ?An^ ' and ptobafcly rain. . ' r, DECEMBER 29, 1813. [us W IRK AT MM Mr. Edward Lafayette Clark Miss Marie Lancaster Married Wednesday, December Twenty-fourtl Nineteen, hundred and thirteen Vanceboro, N. C. it Home r< ifter January fifteonth. 1914, 010 Fourth Street, ireenviUe, North Carolina. CLARK?LANCASTER. On 'Wednesday morning, Decern er 24th, a quiet but- pretty mar lage was solemnized at the count: ooe of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lancas er, near Vanceboro, N. C., whe: lias Marie Lancaster became thi ride of Mr. Edward L. Clark. Onl: he bride's immediate family b'eini resent. . Miss Lancaster is one of Cravei ounty's most popular daughter? taring won a host of friends ii Eastern North Carolina. Mr. Clark Is originally a natlvi f Pitt county, but for the last fou ears he has mado his home in Nei rork city, having held there a re ponsibio position with the Amer can Tobacco Company. " Immediately after the ceermon Ir. an ' J *- " '. - : -; w -f.,, .1i nt ii EM'S HE I THIS EIEIIIG The Halcyon Club of this city i will give lta regular Christmas ger- tec man and children's dance this even- ^ t, ing at the Elks Home. The german will be led by Mr. Edmund H. Hard- lc* ing. The children's dance will pre- Mr cede t?at of the regular Christmas 8tr german. Quite a number of visiting Pr< ladles and gentlemen are expected on3 from other towns. The occasion this d<* evening promisesto be one of merri- 8P< ment and enjoyment. el? _ vol PUNGO NEW8. fin hei f The Rev. Lollace, from Klnston, of . filled his regular appointment at the of 3 Christian chusch Sunday and Sunday e night. CI f On Sunday~night, about 8 o'clock r in the presence of a few'friends and 3 relatives Mrs. Johnle Ange, of this mil a place, was happily married to Mr. on< i John Ange. of Martin county, at the the a home of the bride's father, Mr. B. an; F. Spencer. The marriage ceremony the e was performed by Rev. Lollace, of fui r Kinston. len v Messrs. Rotfcrt Lowe and Jim for - Clark, who have for the last few sot - weeks been freighting oysters to our out * landing, arrived in port Friday are y night with a new supply of fresh ing oysters. ket e The young ladies of this place coi r gave a pi?? party at the upper school clu house Friday night for the benefit 10 of the school. Everything went along du< . nlcelv and made the party a grand En success. The net proceeds being Soi $23.80. rai e Her many friends are glad to l" welcome Miss Matilda Paul from E C. T. T. S. Greenville home to spend pia ^ the holidays. j tlu 1 Miss Mary Johnson, from Roper for N. C., attended the pie party at this eig place Friday night and spent Satur- i.o 0 day and Sunday with our teachers.1 p0: a Misses Tuten and Spruell, re- ne< ' turned back to Ropnr Monday even-| ing. accompanied by Miss Spruell ' np !3x who waa going home to spend the iji< s holidays. ! TV ir 48 MIp.s Margaret Tuteri loft Tuesdayf all for her tome n Edward, where she tei rxpccta t<\ spend Christmas. | h?1 n Mr. and Mrs J. D. Paul, who for se ir, Lite last few months have boon living ^ spend Christmas with his parents r' -ln High Tolnt, arrived Tuesday to pj Mr. and Mrs. J.. W. Paul. | tit !> | ti) *1. LUU(.L\U JiOVilL i U i ; sr St. Louis, Mo.. Dec. 26.?Almost s: l<*; as soon as the Missouri General'Ad- w ** senfbly meets. State Health lnspec-, cn boards boards all over the state full isupervislon over the manner in w, which lodging houses o? the cheap- l< r* est variety are conducted. I gJ 'n On November 4 Dr. Starklof start-' ki ed a crusade against crowded lodging' th houses, but found none of the exist-; cl ing laws gave him sufficient powers j Wl st to compel the sanitary provisions he] , | .ling the purchase of property inv, . northern part of Hudson county? j|^H 1 the- purpose of establishing an i fl diteen-holo course. Y/echawKonLop la the district mentioned as u ssibility. About $l"O,O00 will be cded for the enterprise. They say that Joe ltivora catf ver become a champion becauif ? braid is too alert ami his ita^"____J^^H ination too keen. That explain# it | I. The Giants are the brainieit . yfl^H am In the business ami the Atb* | :lcs cat;'.' sake? of lb. M unsach?-' tis town known 'larhic-tieudL^^^^^^^H | incld-ntally. the Athlvticaf ?iW 3?.^i anninc to look n. Chlc.i^WKH | Louis and the 1'" In thi*