nvmmo ilNfj PYPPNIIITIIIIP^ - i wvivHunu >?*?> 1 >.' ; DoBcit u shown W H. Hookor. In No?. nuto- i ^ roccrrdor SrvT. t.<0 ,J*j T""1 ' " " "oo S, ' Oeo- " iuckj*'"* j. A*"""">:3bb Urt) ...vr;. m.w wfU? mm?io. tor ?. * ' -- ? ? " ? - " . - 1 *.* ' ^ < ?? - ??n^rw. * Btmpo? Bell, on ..if! v & 'V: rvsir :;f| --aBs O. Rumlsy, feee. 841.60 A~leftclt of .....: 81.511.0( O. Rutoley, mar. TB Aocout wl> Bridge End. f" ' nage iicenee . . 19.00 Baladee on tut as thown ! *. a. WMton, In Noy. stateraant. T. ..?1?.7'80.41 & C.R.C.. court Claims audited and ello-w coot ...... . 48.U od Dec. 2d (OM llot) . . 7.848.11 W. A. Tankard, Balance cub on hud... 8IJ, 886.11 CL.WU Al'DlTMH AXfl Al.liiWED DEC. B, 1013. No. To Whom. For What. -? i. Amount, "j No. . ? To Whom. For Whet .'V Amount. 866. Waoh. Natal Resereo, appropriation f 50.01 . 967. W. Swindell, chairmen county commissioners. . .... 18.6' *88. W. 8. D. Shorn, county"commissioner e st *88. C. P. Ayeock, county commissioner 7.81 870. H. C. Bragaw. county commissioner , _ 6.II 871. H. C. Bragaw, 81 days antra seretco In connection with brldia 48.01 *78. W. H. Whitley. county commissioner toll *1*. E. O. Bright, superintendent county .home V" 2 62.0. - *74. K. Q. Bright, snporlnlendejlt county home upproprlutlon Chrletmee dinner n.oi 76. K. O. Bright, burial espouse of pauper 3.01 HhNP'878. Mrs. M. . Bright, eewlug for county home. .V 6.01 *1 [ 917. Carolina Tut * TeJ. Co. phoae, rent, co. house, i months 6.01 *78. McKeel-Klchardaon Hardware Co . material for county - ~ home 4.00 07*. H. o. D. HU1, keeping Wgih. bridge 36.01 *80. Buekln * Barry, merchandtee tor county homo 58.31 V8II. J. W. Crawley, keeping Bath 41 Back Creak bridges 18.01 888. V. W. Deris, keeping Puhgo Creek bridge 85.oi K, ?*? J. B. Jteeoh. keeping Bilheven brtdgh ' -. 7 /. 26.01 *16. Ia. E-Tolor. keeping Stout's Creek bridge. 15.01 886. J. W. Brantley, keeping Aurora bridge 80.01 g ? 0 D. Hill, oil lor Ferry ............. .7? .. ^8.^ 980. D. Hill. Jr.. hire for gaa boat tor ferry 168.01 891. R. S. Neal, on Washington bridge contract -4,000.0' 898. W, A. Blount, draw m Bath bridge lg.71 991. W. A. Blount. Bath draw account 134.6: 4. W. A. Blount, Both draw account 19.14 t 996. W. A. Blount, balanoe on Batfc Amw account 92.61 ifi. N. N. Wlnlleld. running ferry at Locchvtlle ... . 161.01 17. Tankard * Tyer, Belhavea bridge account 1,000.0 ??5, Tankard d Trnr. Belbaven bridge account 1.S00.0I 190. C. B. Paul, Smith Crack bridge account 100^01 1.000, C. a Paul. Smith Crack bridge account 65.0 l.o6l. W. A. Blount. Blounta Creak brldga account. 111.0' 1.001. D. T. Rod. repairing deck tor Baoorder Windier 1.11 1.001. Tho Boat boyer. advertiatng bond calo 10.11 1,004. T. A. Brooke, collln tor A lax Maro 1.0' > '3 1.001. R. E. Hodges. wood tor oourt bouse and lall 13.1 1 I l.OOd. a J. Nye. conveying priconar to lull 1.5 ) 1,007. C. H. Robarson. conveying prisoner to Jail 1.6 ? J 1,001. W. J. Scare, conveying John Purser to Jail l.S' \J .1,601. Gverett WaddOy Co.. tablets for register's office 4.6 1.010. Johnston's printing house, stationery for recorder.J.7I 1.011. Washington Progress, hntlcns for commissioners... iv V ' ^.0 1.011. Washington Dally News, notices tor oonnty eomm'rs... _s 1.0< 1*11. Johnston's Printing Bouse, poor order book ',, i.Jri. , 1.01 1,014. Oeo. A. Paul. salary for Norssnber . T'iflt|.d' .1,011. Oeo. A. PanJ (eee of county) recording Jurors, etc.. .,. 4.1 1,011. Oeo. A. Paul. c. SV-C. expanse account .v....',..".".... 5.0 1.017. Oeo. . Ricks, sheriff (nee of ro I court cost 29.9' 1,011. Geo. B. Kicks, sheriff, salary for November v.. 831.1: 1,611. Oeo. E. Ricks, aberiffr general oonnty axpOase 70.1: V 1.010. Oeo. E. Ricks, sheriff, chain gang aceoant 1.0 .1 1 Atl flKfl B Dldke ehnrlff seed anal C??'- ' J .1.011. Geo. a. Hie*.. ehertff, m?nl oo. expenic for 0?tob?rlis ?.?? Geo. E. Rick>, Jail feee ?V S7.ll 1 .Mi. Geo. . Kcke. cW, (mac eccount, o*pen? ceptnrlny J . - ?rtoo??r . - H.S1 1.01S. Q. Roml.y, eetary for November 100.0. 1.0**. O. Rumley, belinee on ton booki *76.0 . 1.0*7. o. IMsr. oxp.n.0 eecon.t 7.11 . 1,018. O. Rumler (woof comity) clerk to boa*...viv,. .vc ,S - l.ot*. The raconer co . peM for resteer-, office 1.71 A 1,010. L,. C. Worron, nttoruer for boerd, eel*rr for Novemlior.. ll.* .*Q@TV ''"l- R ? ""ton. C. R. C.. Mlery for November . 16.01 1.0*1. * W. B. Wlndloy, eelnry for November ? * _1.?*?. B. Wcotoo. 0. R. C.. ;ce wlH bo 3ry Interesting. The . address will be made" by J. Q. Bragnw. jr. MqHc by the Buddar school choir, organ let Mies Bessie Cololey. I r 'offering will be for the benefit of I Thompson Orphanage. Everybody I I welcome. - ; v. K gvj >? ..3 ' BUtOl MOJSEk UU/ik As will bo seen elsewhere la this issue the Baua of Washington has L h Ready Aloncy CluhVp^Bh to the cltUeua of Washington 11 J they only patronize Qte&ni much In 1 the why 01 savings, etc. The Bank y of Washington is an honored InatlR tutlon of finance in this city and is 4 sound and safe. It" Will pay every subscriber of this paper to read 1 what the bank officials have to say. SOCIALIST AID TO STRIKE CH1Li DRKN. p Chicago, Dec. %1.?Ths Socialist I headquarters In this city has sent , out an appeal to Socialist organisations throughout the country to hold special meetings tomorrow at which , funds will be Bollcitel to aid in car, I log-for ehHdren in the?strike tils nent fund .to be maintained after the first of the year by the Socialist headquarters here. It is Intended that the food shall be "non-polltlcal. non-union and non-clase." - amy. WATERWAY COMlffssiOX MEETS. Buffalo. N. Y.. Dec. 17.?The International Waterway Commission IT Eolaom, was married here today to during the year. Routine business occupies most or the plans of the members. , TO DECIDE STRIKE QUESTION, j Philadelphia. Dee. *7?the I meeting of the Central Labor bu-! reau here tomorrow the decisions reached by the various locals throughout thecity on the question of a general Btrlke will be reported to the executive committee. The talk is for a general strike of all union labor in this city, 160,000 workers, in"sympathy with the striking garment workers who have been*oul for twenty-five weeks. NEW THEATER New VnnlerftU Condition. Begin ? Mondnj. T-r,/;" I Today matinee and night closesI I the. engagement of the Musical Com0 ely Company that has boon playing 1 at the New Theater during the week, I presenting tonight "The Mad In5 ventre**," a good comedy bill. . The management of the Now Tbea~ 5 tre announces that beginning Monday I they have" secured'New Ypfk book0 ings. giving the public three acts a 1 week instead of two. This new ven)' tore makes -it possible to have new 5 acts in the house every two days and giving the public-an entire change > dtflly. ) Moolay opens the engagement, of 1 a very clever team who have re> calved excellent reports and taking t into consideration that the public I will bo given three changes a week I n doubt b*t what It wtW meet the I approval of the amusement seekers. The admission price* beginning MonJ day will be -10c and l?c. *- AU ^ , Dp to Dmobtr It, int. tftm hu )w tinned In dmtwt county. 7,477 baton ot eottoa. For Ik* *? porlod tant r?nr th?r, tu lt,i4 4 '* " *| ' Editor Dplly Now: ., *1 ton In the rooms of tko CbSJpa ( ? bnr of Commerce next Monlny * I orootw. Doc. U. b ? p. M. ??i* rl conitder the Important )| ' H i water terminal AU_ public spirt to clttsens. * 'I who wish an opportunity to" I oerro .their community wrw cor- (J dlally Invited to attend. iv ' c. KUOL.ER, ? I I Jtnyor. ? I Mil i Gus Alexander Held by H For Murder of Irank Brooks e Examination Yesterday. . E . r~. 4*' "" . VERDICT. J That Frank Brooks, colored, p tans to hla death caused by 1 gunshot wounds afltcted on Qua * 1 Alexander. r . " c Coroner Dr. Joshua Tayloe and the following Jury summoned by him ^ had a preliminary hearing of Qua f| Alexander, now In Jail, for the murder of Frank Brooks, Saturday ^ night last. Tho Jury was composed of I the-following citizens: H. E. Hodgee, M. M Jones. M. P. McKmI 8. P. | Willis. Walter Windier and J. E J Mat hewn. f , ? fH I The hearing was had at the City Hall yeaterda/ afternoon at 2 o'clock p j and the following witnesses were ^ examined: Dr. John G. Blount. W. B, Windier. Edward Evans, Virginia Brooks, William Clemmona, Ray- * submitted to the coroner and jury one of .tho very best charges ever F made to a Jury upon a .similar, oc- f Vision was delivered. Coroner Tay-11 loo is being congratulated today upon his able and Impartial charge delivered to the jury after all the evidence had been preBonted. In giving the cafle over to the Jury the coroner Baid: "Gentlemen, you have heard the evidence_in this important case. Get together and let us have a verdict" The verdict of the jury is above stated. ii sb Mr. C. C. O'Brien, wife and chll- 8 dren, and Mr. Leon O'Brien, of Dab- t ney, N. C.. are in the city visiting J( relatives. ." / a Regular Services at First , Baptist Church Sunday fl Regularservices at the First Bap- dfl tlst church, tomorrow morning and ' I evening at the usual hours tQ which c I all strangers remaining over Sunday a I have a cordial Invitation to be pres- a I ent. Tho pastor. Rev. R. L. Oay, will use- as hia subject for the morning hour: "Not an hoof shall be left behind" or No. Compromise. At 7:30 tl o'clock the pastor will speak from tl the subject: "Lost Opportunities'." jl Sunday school will meet at 9:30 I o'clock. Good music and all seats I tree. I HDITOR'S SON 1XJ1TREI>. j1 I ' ' l Multf Licr Mayo. the bright end I Intonating no of Editor J. L M.yo, 11 of this paper, while engaged Is en- I Joying the holiday, thin morning et ' hie home on Beet Second eJypet.WM ,1 painfully It noteerlomly Injured In I one ot hie tree. Be ettempted with tl hie pttymetes end trlende to fire e I creoker end when It All not Ignite I he proceeded to breek it tn two end ,1 then etlcklng e match to tt expectel It to do tin eoonetomed work. Thin 4 It did' net naf Muter Leer, potting > hie raeo too done wn palgfnay hnrn- J ed. Whllo eh rwt hie ore in not do* . etroyed grerr ream nre wtmeeJ for 1 Wife here the sympathy c* . tfcctr J Monde fn i \ l . e&t * .uWSOS ewT -Saw QQMj - _ . * ?. B Btherldge sad wife returned 1 *r\v--.lis. .1---. J " / j * *9 JJM 'onstantly Nimer Here' From France and Guest pf Cousin Geo. Gantous. ConsUintly Nlmer of Marseiles, 'rauce, arrived here on Christinas to >cate in Hydo" county with his roilicr. Mike Nimer, who Is in the lercantile business at that point, lliaer is at present visiting his ohsin, Uaorgo Ganlous* in this H? 1? onlr able .f mwmil 10 peak a few words of English, but opes to master the language ere >ng. ,i i ART IDOLIZING TOIL. Pittsburgh, Dec. 27.?Thero ophnd here today in Carnegie Galleries ne of the most remarkable art exlbltlons ever shown in this country. ted fn only five cities other than ^ittsbargh. This collection holds a eculiar Interest for Pttsburgh for tie subjects of Mounter's work are sken largely from the life of the liner, the forge and factory worker, ollectlon contains about 150 pieces f work. Including sculptures, paintlgs, and drawings. The sculptured gures are not at all large, In fact ome of tbem are not more than 18 ichea high, but the? are replete 1th rigor, strength and atory. Meunler was born In- 1831, of easant parents living in Etterback. elglum. A few years of training in :ulpture In the Royal Academy were >llowed by study of palutlng in arts. In 1880 he camo under the ifluehce of a group of "realists," jllowern of Millet, who were 'workig Jd and around Belgium. From its Ume on Meunler turned to ihor tor his Inspiration. mmW iflW Mra.%I*,, P. Martin, one of Washington'spopular ladies, .who has ecu at the Woshington hospital for ome weeks suffering from typhoid ever. Is now thought to be conva-1 ;scont much to the gratification and I nd pleasure of her many friends. Samuel Grist, of Chocowinity, who I let with the misfortune several I ays ago of sticking a nail in his I oot and who is confined' .in the I Washington hospital, is thought to- I ay to be Improving. Anti-toxine I as admlnlotered. Mr. Grist is one I f the county's popular young men I nl his recovery is hoped for from I large circle of friends. Getting Around It. The members at a party around a able in an exclusive club tn a downown skyscraper were much nmmed he other evening by a controversy etween their waller and another em loyce of the club. ~ One of tbe party had ordered almjv Vbat tbe simp was for ha* nothing to o with this story. Going to the ouib waiter, the servitor shouted in is best ordering voice: "Slrupr **! don't getcbo," tame tbe reeponse own the shaft. "Blrupir this time with two sxcls nation points and rising Inflection, "poms again." was tbe Imperturbable "airup r It went up tbe shaft hks be blast of an explosion. "Aw, spell It" said tbe ecba "8-ur"?tbe waiter tad his feet lasted ?nnly?"e-n-t"?he tad tightned bis. vest and taken a deep breatb Veo-t. Say. bring some one to tbe tart that can demtesd m* will nfcr And be wetted wtth eome dignity the emlng of a person with sharper tare BU r. Rodman, of Norfolk, Va.. > kara tha fM of kla aaotoa. Br. Win C. Rodman and Onlaail W. C. lONncrmxa raw Him JkjM 'r-y'- t.? '-'J : ' - HALCYON CLU1 ANNUAL J ELKS HOI Proved Jo be the Crowning son. Mar>Y Visitors i ' :ember iuu r-tw ' The Halcyon Clul give its annual Cliii:4mas dnuce at !! ? Elks 11 vine '1 4. mgnt and not ou v was It one ji l.-.e largest in attendance but, too, JLtift hoiougluy .enjo/t..i than uvw t >.?u by tills popular social organization. For years the club lias given l**n Yuletlde dance an J 11 Is among -a- p. owing social trs.U of the season^ _a large number of visitors from afar graced the occasion anl to the inspiring strains of music furnished by Forbes Orchestra the light fantastic was merrily tipped until the wee sma hours, after which all repaired to their homes and places of' abode, carrying with them memories that will long nestle In the archives of memory*. The ElkB Home tToa attract 1 .*niy; "decorated-and- festooned in fie I Christmas colors and the scene. e,n-( hanced by the beauty of the women and the gallantry of the men made indeed an ideal picture for the look j crson. Prior to the regular gerrunn the club gave a children's dance Which was lieatrily indulged in by tho younger set from 8:30 to 11 3(-. after which the regular gertneu was announced. The dance was gracefully itu by Edmund H. Harding, t.?o club's leader, ably aei'.cUt1 by Miss Katie Brogaw. The cin> y ill giro n New Year's eve gten.at on the o>enlng of December 31. The following couples were present l.v-t evening and dancing. Miss Katie Bragaw with Edmund H. Hardine: Mlaa Mary Cowoll with J. D. CallAis: Mis? Elizabeth Taylor | with Horace Cowell: Miss Elizabeth. Warren with Luke Lamb. Wllliam?lnn: Miss Winnie Nicholson with. Tohn MacLean; Miss Carlotta Nicholson with Mr. Horton: Miss Mn^v r I'LL HENCli FOR >KW HAVEN. I New Haven. Com., Dec. 27.?For. the first time in tho history of the full bench of the State, the members are gathered on aSturda; -to-bear1 the arguments on the petition of Morgan G. Bulkeley, former governor of Connecticut and others, against the New Haven Railroad and the Public Service Commission in which they ask for a review of fie finding of the c.oiqnfission In author1*1 ng tho insurance of $S7.R"2,r?00 In convertible debenture bonds by the railroad company. MISS FOIjSOM Xfr.DS. T.enox, Mass.; Dc<- 2<. ,,'i n France* Constance Folsom. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Wfnthrop Folsom. was married here tiday. to George Cleveland Bipelow, of Borton, both the bride and bridegroom being very prominent In New York and Boston society. OBSERVE MESSINA ANNIVERSARY. Rome. Dtc 27.?Tomorrow ?vll be the sixth anniversary of thgreat earthquake by which the city of Messina was practically destroyed and It will be observed throughout Italy with special masses and religious services in the churches. The King and Queen always make large gifts to charity in memory of the event. - SPEXDNG CHRISTMAS. Mrs. Doano Herring and children. Of_Wilson, N. C., are spending the holidays wfth Mrs. 8?th Brtdgman, on East Main street. ' ClUf Blakeley, of Richmond, Va., is the guest of Enoch 8. Simmons. TO CONSIDER A UNIFORM SCHEDULE. J Lawreiuc. Mass., Dee. 17.?A state-wide uniform wage scale has been urged by the Iuternstlonsl Union of Stationary Englnsers of Masafeehusatta. special emphasis having beau placed upon the matter at KW ~T1_ - I ' | ' F m w 3 ^ T J Mm. H -1 5 GAVE [MAS DANCE ME LAST NIGHT i . ** Ji Social Function of the Sea?ron? Afar Were P. esaht. - 3 31. ' Belle Small with Char lea CowhUr Miss Katharine Small with Ckrt? ' Moore. Miss Isabella Carter with X? William A7ora;,Mlaa Janet Wetmoea with Ralph Hodges; Miss hllzalAlb Simmons with William Knight; MT Bailie Carrow with-William Bwftb' . am; Misa Louise Nutt Myers with J. S. Bonner; Miss Bessie C'oaoWy i^ZX with John Bonnets Misa Rebecea Simmons with Will Coley, Raleigh^ Miss Uobena Carter with Small; Miss Augusta, Charles Russell Clark; Mlna Mary Hill wiU? Mr. Blount; Miss Elizabeth HUT witlf S. F. Burbank. Jr.; Misa fiLfea.'ftfl Branch with Walter Bams; Maud Wlndley with J. W. Clark, | Jr.; Miss Mayme Burbank with JiltjeT via Sugg; Miss Fannie Lamb 11a.glF*" "JjBB I toi^'wlth W. B. Rodman. Jr.; Mia# iyj/v! Minnie Leary, Elizabeth City, with Henry Moore; Miss Mary Louie#* Manning. Durham, with Allen Moora;- m Miss Mildred Anderson. Norfolk/with John Carter; Miss Harney, 1'IrAk ..UBBfl mouth. wK.li II. C. Bonner; MiB3 Aj^* nle Roonoy Robertson, FayetterfTIa^ ** ' with Willie Watts; Miss Annie Wil-. llams. FayettevUle. with E. 8. Sim-la mons; MIrs Margaret Newell, witli ' ?vi B L. C. Warren; Miss Harrell, New ,% ^ Bern, with D. T. Tnyloe: Miss? Hoi- *.r jii \ lister, Netv Bern, with Samuel Crist; I Miss T.auru Branch with Bruce Hodges; Miss I sab wile J^nriser, Pirwtown, with John Ttaeknry, Wilson. Stags: John Brut on, Mr. Anderson, Archie Clark. Wilson I.amb. Cliff Blakelry, j0y Hodges. Nat Rodman, F. S. Worthy, H. S, Hussey, Jiarry ./"JT5j Biggs, J. R. Everett. Cliapproneit Mcsdatueu Jol'.n (J. Blount. .7. B. Moore. John H. Small. J. K. llayt, David T. Tayloc. L. L. Knight. E. B, Simmon?. REV. Bit. IBS 1 r i. umI The first quarterly meeting for tho conference year wiil lie h^ld at the First Methodist church Sunday mora.ing and evening ut which time Rev, J. T. Cibbs, presiding eldfcr o'" the Washinpton?I. triot.?w> I?tVH the pulpit to the delight and pteaiuro of that congregation. Dr. Oit.bs ia a speaker of rare ability and no doubt he will be heard both morning and evening by large congregations. S.uiI day school, E. R. Mbcou, suporintoudj em, will meet promptly at I o'clock. All arc- cordially invite! to ( WTTJ auu ... services. j The Sunday School will hare It* i regular Christmas party at the *ii mory of Company "G" mrt Friday evening. Every pupil of the school i-i 1m .king forward to the occaoioo a Ihigh glee and pleasure. -*4| OHIO HOTEL MEN TO MEET. tj? Toledo, Dec. 27.?Hotel cleric# from all parts of the state are gathering here today for the annas) meeting of tho State Association which begins tomorrow. The qmlotion of "efficiency in the maiaagO" ^"^2 ment and care of guests will reodrv prominent attention, and a lot of entertainment has Been planned to vary the business monotony. / .'^Sh : H-JHBI CHRISTMAS TREE. On next Tuesday evening at (hr armory of the Washington Light In-- ^ fantry the Sunday school of do First Baptist church will km * " i&M Christmas tree. The occasion graftsisss to be one of pleasure and sm# ^ vfeMpAk-. <