R^Ur sSnlast Njgfc The Board of City Aldermen at g . ; -their regular monthly mooting laat night ?t the City Hall, upon a petk J^tlon signed by one hundred qualified voters, called an election to be held en Tuesday, March 10th, tor the purpose ot deciding whether the city i shall Issue bonds to the amount of The hoard met promptly wlUi The following buslnm wu tnMJ. ^A. Tucker, manager of Hotel Louise, appeared before the board and asked that owing to the vol-" ' ume of ater u?cJNin the hotel tha? the boa:J ma!:- him * special rate on same The matter was referred 4d the ^vater and light committer to report at next meeting. Oh motion the usual appropriation's to the Washington Light Tn fantry and Naval Reserves wan made for the year. H. H. Satterthwalte appeared be-fore the board making a complaint against the merry-go-round. now located next to hia property on Rea- j paas street The board passed the , . following ordinance with reference "The Board of Aldermen of the I -a war rnre mother-* sacriI ICR"?Bro?d?o Wa* Drama Ik Two Reals. J I - "JVttr A SHABBY r>f>U."?Thaa. p f'.,J I, v?|K. I?WII i (imiMMrpni. i".auXm?"f"r *""" Property for Public Docky March 10th. Board met la J city be' bed, end for the" purpose of registering voters the followtnt registrars en appointed tor the re, j rtoue wards of the dty and the to!- ? lowiHE plaoea are named as the polling places In each of mid ? wards: c .First WardRegistrar, w. K. I Jacobson; polling place .Waahtngton ' Motor Car Co., Oarage. Second Ward:*?Registrar, W. R. 1 Bright; polling place. City Hall. a Thlrjl Ward ?Registrar, w. W Leggett; polling place. Harper'i 0 Market. 1 Fourth Ward:?Registrar. Wir c Tripp: polling place, Tripp's Store * It 1b farther ordered that the a Registration books shall bo opened d for the regletratton of voter* pn "1 Monday, February 19j,4> *' shall remain open for a period of 0 twenty days. a Complaint being made that the P ditch running parallel with Harrey f street la now Oiled up eauslng the water to back up on the Blount property, the board placed the mat- c ter In the hands of the city attorney * for Investigation jss to the cit?r * liability and *l?o changing the * course (If the ditch ' Mayor Kugler and Chief of Po- r lice Geo. ?*. "Howard wera given an- 1 thority to appoint a policeman from ** time to time In the place of W. R. Pedrtck. resigned. ^ The Fire committee was requested to .examine the old wooden building to the rear of the Glty Hall and It In their judgment It should he advisable to bnve it razed they were authdrixed so to do. : , ItOBCB OP KLBCrnON j -re m. iiwmfttrc?nrwir-' * ingtoo: : ? - ' Parsuant to a resolution adopted 1 by the Board of A,ldermen at the I regular meeting of said board on | Monday night. January 6th, 1914, , notice Is hereby given to the voters o/ the City of Washington, that ap election will be held in said ctt> < on Tuesday, March 10th, 1914, for I the purpose of voting an issue ot ; bonds in the sum of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars for the purpose of buying wharf property located in ' said city? known as the Myers wharf I property, and bounded as follows: On the Bouth ly Pamlico river; . on the West by l?oi?ne* street, and , on the North by \. cter street; and on the Bast by the property now occupied by the M*s Planing Mill. Bald land fronts 11S feet on Water : | street and runs back to the river. It Is the purposo of the Board of Aid' j men. If this tond Issue carries. ! to purchase a flve-s'.xths undivided Int.nat In said pioperty. j A new registration of the voters I has boen ordered, and the regiatra tlon books wlll .be opened op?Mon. day. February 9th. 1914. and will remain open for a period' Of twent> days. i&': The following p?isons,have been *an/1 *l?f Ue^S ttlOU ?D ..P? I following places selected as poll tug places: , First Ward-^Registrar, fa K. \ JacObson; polling placo, Washington Motor Car, Co.,. Oarage. Second Ward":?Registrar, W. R. Bright; polling placo. City Hall. Third Ward:?Registrar, Walte Leggett polling place. Harper'f market. Fourth Ward:?Registrar. Wll? TtlPJ); polling place. Tripp's Store. All the voters In said city, who shall bo In favor of Issuing bonde for' the purchase of said property shall vote a ballot on which shall be j written or printed the swords: "For Public Wharves." and" those opposing the Issue of said bonds shall voto ballots on whicli_shall be written or printed the words: "Against Pub I lie Wharves." This 6th day of Jan. W C> AYER8. City Clerk l-?,to3-10-l4. ?> I Mrs. W. P. filverman Peed. ? On December 8let. at her homo i in Ransomvllle, there passed away one of that section's highly esteemed citizens In the parson of Mrs. WP. Lrlverman. The deceased was In I her fortieth year. She leaves a I husband and four children t<# mourn their loss, also two sitters and OM; brother funeral wrlcw o-mrl Mle remains were mndurtad br Ret.1 Mr Durham pmrtor of the Metho 1 .11.1 chureh n.th. und the intfrI men. wa, In, the foully .otrylaa ground. * JL ^ a . . -1- & }y ins ii 1m ohu Davis colord one of store Theives nabbed by the 'police Wearing pair of shoes stolen. O" Ot ttu) supposedly store break, rs has bean nabbed br ?ho police ndja now serving a sentence of six lonths oa (ho pabllc roads of the ojinty. About a week ago John >arla. colored, wa? arrested by PoIceman Roberta on the Greenville oad af the edge of tha city. At the Ime of his arrest he was wearing pair of shoes sold only by A. J. ;U?.6 Qo. JKot being able' to ac ount for them he was tried by fayor Kugier Saturday last and >onnd "over by the mayor to the tecorder's court. Davis was given , hearing before the recorder yeater lay afternoon and' upon conviction ras given the above sentence. Afar Davis* arrest a thorough search If Jits house was made and considerable stuff was found, however, the Iriaoner waa enabled to account for or all -he had in his possession. r Thomas Mldyette Colored. waf ilea tried before the recorder, harged with an assault upon his rife. About a week ago Mldyettr rag up before the mayor' for vacancy ante a hand in tho natter after ar official report is made ta the gov ' rrnment. ,? .. = . 'A ?. - - l\; Wonder whn\ Mr4 whispered to j Wilson at that conference on tb | briny deep. Tlrfn now the qwm I tlon or tho hour Jn national, at fairs. - V ORE / .A* , Tonight sod WcdMadu. ^LhtJr } W" w Last days of Pompeii (bft attraction atthe New Theat* $H"'day and Saturday 4''b a fMattaeeT ~~ljt Tti? nolar hnmble ot 1 Mf *usy workaday world lssall forgotten when one views the manifotjbbeautlea of Oeorge Klelne's pbot&lrama production of the "Last IHys of Pompeii," the spectator mm again to live in the happy dayj'pf that pity on the ahoeee of tho,'"..beautiful Bay of Naples. , One'-* self a part and parcel of cfing throng of pleapurgt'Jfcekera scoffing ot. the nov bo earnest and severe In thjiV mien, to revel In the gossip of 1 13 h*pny maiden? over the handsor? Creek vouth Oloucus and his beautiful Athenian sweetheart Tone. '/One can almost feel the presence of the blind flower girl Nvdift, her ho?om torn by her hopeless pavilion . for her master whose lore for .fone retrdera him ?far more blind Jhan the unhappy slave herself. That ?ame spirit of aversion and wonlfer>?omP8 over tfs when the wjae Vfayptian priest .Arbaces passes. . r. profundity- and contempt of hfa fcurroundlnge. And p-hen Olaucds take tholr trips In ^helr gayly decorated barge upon the day, you can almost Imagine #Jou hear the ripple of the wateralas they splaah against the oarsft pud so through every minute ofjifrts awe-j hisplrtng drama of life, iftu follow the thread with an almo# personal note until the dormant 1 Vesuvius -ouses from Its slumber fed rents its potent rage^in clouds *>f smoke and Are. pouring ehowertljAit molten stone and lava?forever batting out 'lie records of pgos of n^m's attain cefully upon the-bosom of the sea? ! the spectator^ flies . out into the world again dared by the maddeqIng sounds and feels as though he has awakened from a dream in which he lived and moved more than seventeen centuries ago. "Last Days of Pompeii" will be the attraction at the New Theater next. Friday and Saturday. January 9th and 10th, with Saturday matinee 3" p. m. * _ Hoyt >ifter Inventory 8a'e starts Thursiiay Morning January 8th One of the features of the New Year to the bargain hunters of Washington and county la the announcement of the regular annual After Inventory Sale of Mr. J. K. Hoyt, who for years has adopted tho policy of giving his customers .and others an opportunity of pur'Chasing goods at his store at greatly reduced, prices. This year Mr Hoyt has again decided to adopt this rule and as usual, will sell goods at greatly reduced prices, and In addition, has added the feature ol extra specials dally during the life of the sale. Those specials will not be advertised In his page announce ment on fourth page today, never j theless they will be bargains to th( would-be -purchaser. To beep this After Inventory Sale live and frrsl these extra specials will be- on th< counters..every day. Mr. Hoyt hai ! -always endeavored and has succeed erf In Hving up. to what he save 1i advertising?this la why he.hss th< confidence and ^ood Vrflt ,of - hla large nat^nnagp. Nothing Is ndver tlsod by him that is not carried out This season he announces bargain 1 nnd hose calling at Ma store durini bis After Inventory Sale irOl dis : hover that ho.hse ngftln told in nrln ter'" in> nxartjv what he-hs* st* ? offer*. Nothing: is elaborated 1 notMo" hut nl*?n frnfh i* told The eMn a^ w*|J b? renrt on #oo*-? 1 page todnv start* TKnrsdsV. .Tspn arr ?t?i and continue* t<*r ion' flaw , epd'nr Saturday .T?*\nn**v 17th - NptWoa |n-rH^irpnre*epted at *b novt After Inventory Sale Gal 9 . R and see. ; Hammer Is still wishing snd lorn ing New Trfsr'a gift frpi ot ! * ,. : & / Hatow*:. i. ' HUE HI JHISMT Mr*. W. H. Williams was hostess to the O. Henry Book .Ciubj meeting > delightfub One. On Thursday afternoon, January 1st, Mrt. W. H. Williams was the charming hostess to the O'Henry Book Club at Jjer hospitable home on Main street. Mrs. H. W. Carter presided In the absence of Miss Lida T. Rodman. Mtsa Mattie Laughlnghouse read the mlnlites of the last a meeting. \s Hie roll was called, very interesting items of. news were told by r.ch member. Br motion. New Year srcctlns* were 'phoned the "Addleco J3ook Club." which was meeting In *he adlolnlng home. The study for the afiernhon wag O. Henry and an exceedingly interesting and instrnrtive paper waa read on hia life by Mrs. J.* B. Moore. Mrs. Norwood Simmon* read one of his ahort stories, "8choola and Schools," , which was~Uiorouwhly enjoyed by all. Delightful refreshments were serv ?d and each member given an' appropriate New . Year souvdlnr. The drat meeting fe** 1914 of the ;-1nb proved, moat delightful In every Instance and Mrs.' William* proved herself an equally delight fnl hostess. ?- - . Last Days Pompeii NEW THEATRE FRIDAY a id SATURDAY RETURNS TO COLLEGE Miss Mabel Dailoy, who has been i spe iding the holidayfc with her -parents, Mr. and MrB. J. W. Dalley, left thla morning for Greenaboro, N. c. -to reenter the Greensboro College for women. THINK NEW YORK NEK1>S NEW CHARTER New York, Jan. 6.-?At the luncheon ot the Merchants' Association here today the chief subjeot for discussion will -be: "Why New York Needs a New Charter." Presidenl George McAneny of the Board o: Aldermen has made a study or the question and prepared argument' showing how a psodel charter woult promote economy and eScicncy ir the* government of (he city. K AISER MAY ATTEND WBDDINt Berlin. Jnn. 6.?Much curiosity ii manifested regarding the atlendann of members of the royal family, en peelally the Kaiser, at th* Weddlni _ of Praulein Maria Anne von Frtaid lOHUSi-r H1H( UQI umivv t? Rif-Bir 1 ^ h?ir?8R to the Hon. John Mitford fourth son of Lord Redesdalo -today ! The Friedlander-Fulds nominal1? bq h long to court society and have frc i fluently entertained royalty, but f Js reported that the Kaiser is no pleased with'the match. >N|*,brJ?t the daughter -61 G*Ttnab?'a "-Coj -4 King." Herr Frledlander-Fhld.'TN j her husband ;Wttl be taken Int J partnership with his f*thar-in-1?\ ?ormans are wonderihg If thw eoi n jSM*W will some day] transfer Bo m "'In'" grontent r>rlT?t? fortnno ; . v, sg^.ih r NE"V " 1 * |HonQred Citiz ^N|| NO BUDOTKm OF The (Tounty Board of Bduca tlon at their meeting; yesterday " and today did not name a sno ceasor to Superintendent W. L. ' Vauffhan, of the Beaufort Coun ty Schools, who only recently tendered his resignation to take effect on January 1. The board after deliberation decided to postpone action In the matter until January 14th, when the board will meet In fecial ses a ton tn Ms mutfanmnr ? At thia special meeting an op portanity will be given all ap plicants for the position to pre eent their claims. Superlntep dent Vaughan was requested to hold over until January 24th. when the snectal meeting will * be had. This 'wn?? consented f.to by Superintendent Vanghan. ' 9 9~ 9 9 9 9 f Meg Whiohpf-H at ^orno r Tn Vnirrlofiipeo f ncf~fHtrf?? to bpr nrnnprnug fr?Pr*f?r Mrs. C. R. Which a rd of Vnnd* mere. N. C.. -charmingly entertained at her homo in that town last evening from eight to eloven at bridge Quite a number were present to. enJoy the hospitality of the popular and genial hostess. No occasion in Vandemere In some time hns been more enjoyed. The hostess pgrved a three course luncheon. Mrs. Whlchdrd is graclousness Itself and her at homes are - ever anticipated with pleasure. Last evening was no exception. * RUSSIAN CHRISTMAS MERRY. 8t. Petersburg. Jan. H.?Russians ore celebrating their Chrletm&s to-" day. in spite of bad conditions. The roynl family attended special ser 'vices and deepite ttoe frequent reports of injuries to the Crown Prinze he seemed in good health and splr-. ita. The young Czarevitch la always heavily guarded. however. The Czarina attended service in the private chapel. a? she Is not in good health. Washington, Jan. 6.?Members of the Russian embassy here celebrated tb? Russian Christmas day. Several elaborate entertainments have been planned during the season by Ambaesador M. Bakmeteiff and members of the staff. THE SHOE MACHINE SUIT Boston. Maes., Jan. 6.?The dissolution of the government against the 1 United Shoo Machinery Company 1b scheduled to be resumed today, having been interrupted by the Christmas recess. K is alleged that the corporation is an uulawful monopoly conducting business in rostraiat of trade. MINERS ACCUSED OF JKERIW Calumer, Mich.. Jan. .?Sixty-six striking copper minors who were arrested by the militia at the Allouez mine early In December, must appear before Judge O'Brien In the Circuit court today. They are charg| ed with violation of the injunction prohibiting picketing. Jeering at . workmen is the specific charge ) against the miners. ' JAXJTOHK THItFATRX TO STRIKE ( Chicago, Jan. C ?Chicago union janitors have derided to walk out of all lmUdtojgft whose owners have j not agreV>fr*Yo their defnand for nn ' Increase In pay today. This action > was decided upon at a recent meet ? Uf >v vote of 90 nor cent of the Imembershin pf ?2.400. The nV-w I rrnlo the' Janitor* desire to put in to effect range* from $8.58 for i I two-apartment building to $108.R< I for a thirty fat anartmont. It Is ui I deratood that many landlords hav re fused to aipn the scale. Wh?n Washingtop gets that put L lie dock nnd wharf no town in th ,1 state can boast of better water fr m v duties forvboatipen eomthg to th O?city to traffic and that wharf an v. doelc Is coming aura?ic must-**n fc" will for {he eltlgena are behind ttJ r- Scheme that do things especial to when the city's future Is at stale j Sea if we are not good prophets. Passed Away Henry Bonner Dies Yesterday Buried 'l oday Yesterday afternoon near the town of Aurora. N. C., there fell on sleep one of Beaufdrt county's citizens of I the old school?one full of years ahd ? experience In the penon of Mr. Henry Bonner. This afternoon at S.SO o'clock alt that was mortal of 'this popular citizen was committed to earth's bosom In the Gullfrod grave yard about 5 miles from Aurora. He now rests in theV>il be loved' so well and in a soil he loved so well to cultivate. The cause of his death was Blight's disease. Although his suffering was intense he never murmured or complained; like the brave soldier that he was In the sixties he faced the enetajr with his face forward and never gave the sign of retreat. ' For months this popular and highly esteemed citizen .has "^wu?n in ./ailing health and while per- f ha.ti'1 ha Hliew not the end was so "ear he was cheerful nnd sanguine. Vc?harday he surrendered to the "White Horse and His Rider." Mr. Bonner was horn on T>eeemw ?. 1RS9. (n Washington. N. C.. being a son. of the late John Bonnhr. The deceased was married twice; his first wife was Miss Sarah A. Guilford?they being united In 1&68. As a result of this union eight children entered the home to I brighten and Cheer It. three of whom are now living, viz: Mrs. L. T. Thompson. Mrs. T. ,C. Butt and .Mr. Glenn Bonner, all of Aurora. His second wife was. Miss Rebecca F. Guilford, sister of his first wife. Touring their wedded life six children > ? were born UnU? them being, John j Gftidy. Archie, Ella. Fltzhagh and Miss Clarice Bonner., all of Aurora. N. C. > ^ . No braver soldier shouldered a musket under Lee and Jackson and no citizen was more loyal to his country than he after the carnage ? of battle had ceased. In addition to being proud of wearing the . grey he was also a consistent member of the Episcopal chuch. and a loya1 i mason. He wan one of Aurora's prosperoua farmers. He loved his vocation and did what he could to ad vance 'the great cause of agricub I ture. Followed b'y a largo number ; of sorrowing friends and relatives j his body wan planted beneath the ' -1 : fod he loved so well this afternoon j at 3.30 o'clock. Thus another landj mark has fallen by the wayside. < Peace to his ashe*. ' move to city ? . . C. A. Cutler and family have moved to t^is city from Bunyan, N. C.. < and are residing on East Fifth St. ! Mr. Cutler for years was a resident here, being a partner with 11. W I Bergeron in the grocery business on " ' J | Water street. - , K Ns Hat Appendicitis. 1?. Mr. James Baugham son of Mrs. Mary Baugham. was operated upon at the Washington Hospital " this morning for appendicitis. Ifo is one of ' Washington's popular young mpn and. his early convalescence Is ' hoped for by his host of friends. Tbince Last Evening. A delightful"dance was given at the armory of Company "O" last evening and quite n number of couples. danced the light fantastic to he Inspir'ng strain* of music. VIKITOR HKRK Miss Clara L. Davis of Atlanta. Oa., spent Sunday and Monday with her Bleter. Miss Retelle Davis, one of tho teachers in the Washington > Public Spools,> en route to the ^astcdn pfcrnUna Teachers iTratn ing School* Greenville to resume her . studies. \ -v*". RKTI RNK TO DF.NVKB * Mr. Thomas Clark, who haa been * residing in Denver. CqJ., for the * past year and who spent the Christ- ? y: d mnit holidays with hisx family and u ? hfs father. Cept. James E. Clark. 7.left tVs morning for that western e. city, carrying with him the terf , at wishes of. H* friend^' * .v' ?