? i " R.H.M f -mm __ * TOTUiomT ^ otyroi-CDKD Th? Dally News today coo- J ' eludes the evidence as introduced In the preliminary hearing *' - Of State Tta.II. Kilos for the | shooting of H M. Holbrook la the falace Barber Shop oa the 1 asornlng of January 1. The testimony before the recorder was partly published In yesterday's Issue. Q. You did not shoot up? JL Only until the fast shot. I raised the f pistol He "was within two feet of me and he threw ap his left hand. Q. He <was shot in his right breast? A. I don't know. Q. What was he dotng an of that time? . He wen advancing on me. Q. How far was he from yen when you fired the Inst tlfeeT . I guess about two feet. Q. Every time yon fired he wde facing you? A. He was coming right at mp. Q. How many turn did ran .hoot? VA. I think four, I fired three shots like tbnt and Mr. Holbrook would not stop. Q. Were-yon trying to avoid Shooting him? A. I wan trying to keep him off mo. a Were yon try In* to frighten him? A. 1 thought It would atop him for me to ohoot like that. Q. Were yon trying to hit htm? A. I didn't wnnt to kit Kr. Holbrook. I wonted to atop . him. I didn't wnnt him to oome on when the lest shot wss fired? A. Right In (rant of mr stead. Q. If he was to two foot of ran he mast here been between his chair sad lfaln street? A. No sir. be was Like ha started. He wss oomlns on me from where T *u standing. Q. Tow ay he wee about where he started? A. Where the rucus start street. Q. He had gotten between his chair and yours when y<?u fired the last' shot? A. He was right np on me. Q. When did he drop the rasor? A. When I fired the last shot. Q. How did he drop the rasor? A. He dropped the rasor like that and threw his hand up to his chest. Q. What fitd hh do. A. I think he went ont the aide door. Q. Is there any donbt about Ivhat happened to Mr. Hoi brook you'facing him. You say you think ne went out the' side door. Is there any doubt about that? A. Mr. Holbrook turned off and went that way and I wps scared and In the uproar ^ I laid tne gun down and started to the front door. Q. Who got out first yon or he? A. I couldn't tell. Q. Ton have no recollection of what occurred? A. No sir, I was scared to death. Q. Were yon any more, frightened after yon Shot than you were when yon say he waa advancing on yon with the casor? A. I waa stared all of that time. Q. After he struck you you made no effort to get any further than that cabinet? A. I couldn't tell, it was all done so quick. I knew bo was a bigger man than I was. -Q. Yon mean that as soon as he struck you you lumped tor the pistol? A No slrlrtsBpsd hack and Mr. Hoi him to atop coming oil no. Q. Did you Jump tor the platol a* won aa he etniek year A. No etr. I Barer thought about the platol then. Q. You eald a moment ago that It Waa eo quick that yon couldn't tell what happened? A. No ill. that U the beet I can tell It. 9. Ton didn't try to hit him except the Jaat timer , A. No ?ir. Q. Ton any yon and he had no trouble pretlonaly? A. No air. ' ; J By Mr. Weed: Q. Wad ha a taller or loear man than yon? A. Be waa lower. Q. 1 anppoae that etrep bnalneea Intimated tffat ha waa whetttag hla ra- | ' aor? A. No air, he waa not. Q. I Waa anybody at all there bealdea i Toe and Mr. Holhrook? A. No air. i the boy had gone to breaktaat. i By Mr, Windier: Q. Bow many tlmea did ypn Are your pletol before he dropped the i rumor? A. The fourth ahot ' I W. R. Roheraoe Wee Sworn: By Mr. Wardi 1 Q. Do yoe know where thla ahop i la? A. Tea ?lr. q. On the drat I morning of the year did yon hear . any ahootlng orer there? A. Yea 1 air. Q. Where ware yon? A. At 1 the corner of the Seringa and Truat i Co. Q. Probably Kt feet away? ' . : " zs Bailed rder Wit uesday A. x woold euppoee 50 or 60 feet.) Q. Toll ma what you heard, if anything, Just before the pistol fired? A, I heard a ioaale sod then I heard the pistol and 1 thought It was a |i fire cracker. It did not alarm me' and It didn't alarm me when Mr.1 Holbrook ran out hollering. Q. What did you hear before the firing oi me moil jl. i neara a tVHM before the tiring of the shot. Q. A boot how many' seconds or glue the coart the best Idea yon can of bow Ions It was? A. I judge I had taken about sight or ten steps. Q. What happened? A. Mr. Holbrook broke out of the door. Q. Do yon know anything else about It? A. Mb sir, I went to the drug store and came back to the shop. Q.?What statement did Miles make? . He said, for him to eome and jump jm me wfth my sides all cot to pieces, I had to protect myself. By Judge Bragaw: Q. That was the only statement you heard him make? A. He went on to say that he was a law abiding cttlsen and should surrender. Q. That was all he bad to say regarding what happened? A. Tee sir. Ualeb Sterling Was Sworn: By Mk. Ward: Q. Did yon go in that shop after this unfortunate affair? Ay Tee sir. Q. What-was the occasion of your going in? A. The Junior barber Mr. Cox was just putting a key in the door and he said, come in* and I said what are you going to do, open np. and he said yes. Mr. Bpeneer said we might ss well start to work and I walked to the chair Mr. Holbrook used and sat down In the chair, and wh|la I was in there talking with the people, the one thot wears glasses came In and got there were signs w*.ere feet had slipped and I said, that seems like there was s tussle, I saw the mams mat ioo*ea lue mej were made by the slipping of feet. Q. Where were those sears on the floor with reference to where they pointed the rasor to be? A-. The rasor and towel were in the middle of the bnnch of sears. There was a long scar about two feet from where' they said the rasor was and the oth-. or scars were scattered up. The ra-1 tor was lying In them from what' they aald. Q. Hare you an opinion about his tendency to violence? A. I very foolishly made a remark some days ago that somebody heard. I don't like to get mixed up in things of this kind. Q. I want you to refer to any occasion you can? A. I could say he was a dangerous man oa one occasion from what 1 saw. By Judge Bragaw. Q. Ton know which was Mr. Holbrook's chair? A. Yes sir. Q. And these signs on the floor to which you refer and the place where, the rasor was pointed but on which side of the chat* was that? A. Here is the cash register and here is the chair. They told me the rasor and towel were there sad the marks were there. . , JQ. Wae'thTfloor oiled? A. Yea sir. I made the statement that in Justice to Mr. Miles somebody ought to know something about that. Sheriff Lucas Was Sworn: By Mr. War*: Q. Did you an to the barber shop sfter (he ehootlnK? A. Yes air. Q. How ton? after? A. A rentleman same to the Jail door aid nM there *M ah jrinj In the ahofc a nd they needed an "opeer. Q.^hetf Von went down there what did yon And? A. Mr. Milan atandtnc near that half and he raid I anrrender tnyeetf. Q. Did yon eee a Bat? A. He eald will' yon be food enoufh to plek up my hat and I walked around the chair where the rator ana and picked up the hat. It waa maahed lat and ap on the ahelf lay the *un and I put the nun In my pocked. The hat waa maahed aa Hat ae It could he maahed. Q. What did you do ibout the meorT A. I etepped orer It. Q. Tou left it theret A. Tee Ir. a What statement did Mr. If Ilea make? A. He did not make any- to me. Adams laid what alls rou fellows and Mr. Kllee said he aouMn't stand to be run'orer by a bully 'when he was lust ont of the hospital and he couldn't stand to be set np by a bully. W. W. Dot Was Sworn: 'V ' > * " ?v .. ' : ~ i XGT i " wamunohS^ by xdfey ij iftemoon By Mr. Ward: q. You art on of the gen tie met that workad la tha ahop? A. Y? air. Q. Do you know the draw Mr Miles haa described? A. Yea 'air Q. Bid you arar see a pistol la there? A. Once. Q. You had observed the pistol one time? A. Yet air. Q. Do yon know whether Mr. Holbrook saw it? A. He opened, the draw and showed It to me and aald Mr. Cox who"does this belong to and I said I don't know, and he made the remark " that it was probably meant for me or him Q. He knew it tras In there? A. Yea sir. On the second day I went and looked for that gun again and I did not see It. Q, Had Mr. Miles ever made a iremark that he was in any way out Of humor with. Mr. Holhrook t A On one" morning, Mr. Holbrook w%a sick. Q. How Ions wu this before? A. About ten days previous to the shooting! Mr. Holbrook sick and I bad the bines and Mr. Miles waa in the shop, and I said that after Christmas I would go home and remain there, and Mr. Miles was standing np and ha sat down, and he said, what is the matter, and 1 said nothing. I have just got the blues and .Mr- Mites said that some one went to the stockholders, the corporation of the palace Barber shop and said he wasageiftg to open up a new shop, and he said if I And out that man I am going to make trouble for him. and directly after thai I spoke up and said, look here little boy* I am not Implicated In tixe matterr and 1 want to Inform you that I am excusing myself out of it and that was all that was raid to me. D. M. Carter*. Jr., Was Sworn: By Mr. Ward: Q. Ypu ware the first man to gat ihsssyirT'W <rr H?W ions after? A." 8 or 4 minntes. Q. You were the first man to get there} A. No sir. There wero four or five in front of the shop. Q. When yon went in where waa Mr. >Ulee. A. He came to the door and called me. Q. And said what? A. Come' in and I wlllshow ?ou how It waa Dave. a hat the Q What was jflrthe hat? A. Cr"?Hr* 8ee a "?or? A. No sjKs^Kfce did not point that out ttryou? A. No sir. He showed me the pistol and showed me how Holbrook kno*?tr*A ?>? ?? ?? o . y? -? He didn't say anything about the rasorT A. No sir. Q. What did he say Holbrook did to htm? A. He told him something about he wanted mone> and the rent was not dne until sometime after that and said he knocked my hat off when he run by or something like that. I dismember now. Q. Is thai all of It? A. About that time the sheriff came in and he s^id I surrender gentlemen and went to pick hia bat up and I said you had better let the hat stay where It Is. JoslMu Tayloe Was Sworn: By Mr. W?rd: Q. Did yon ever operate on Mr. Milea In the Washington Hospital? A. Tea sir. Q. How Jong ago? A. I should Judge In the neighborhood of a year. Q. He stated on his examination that when he was jarred by running he hurt at the bottom of his belly. What In your experience as a physician about the possibility of such a condition this loni after the operation?. A. Tea air, it could result from Intestinal adhesions and when he was operated on hia right muscle was torn in two WU wrn result from either, one or both. Q. Whet do you say about the probable effect on his health In staying so small a ell as described In- his evidence until Hay. A. Mr. Miles Is not physically a strong man. I have treated him a good many times. I know that the hygenic conditions would be bad and depre-j elate his health. By Judge Bragsw: Q. You would not recommend it as a health resort T A. No sir. Q. That jsdnditlon would be Apt to apply to almost any man who was not a strong min? A. No sir. I think It would predispose him to more permanent injury. Q. Tou don't mean that Miles In an emergency eonld not quicken his speed and ran a little bit? A. No sir. He asked-me if it would give him pain. Q. A man that stands all day long hour after hour would, be able to IMllittiiaMNiHI 'tm t fc C.. THURSDAY . JAJ ,. "" * i jl K l <'.: "*^ 'H 'I B| HHi NEW THE iSis in IIJE 111 WILL Bl-yUNDKR' DIRECTION OP f T. B. PARKKUT OF STATE DEPARMENT AGIUCUI/T1IHK. Thirty-seven coftntleB throughout the eutwn sectfed of North Carolina are to haT#-ODO^or more farmers' institutes "dur^jg the months of January anj[ February. The deU1U4 MUf?g Mpftrato ' institute fXfuoa has fust heel an, nouneed by Director T. B. Parker of the Institute division of the .Stato Department of Agriculture. In connection with the tnstitutes for wives and daughters of fnrmers j there are to be valuable award i od at each ofthe Institutes* a?d there i ie very great interest- date? i for the idst'tntes to be in Beaui fort and Hvde court*** Bath, January, 19th r A??-n?a. January 20: Washing*** T--?'i?.rv 21: Pantepo. .Tan"a?"v jM ???? Onarter, January 22: ftlade? **?-? .Tami*3. 'k. *. [ WHITE KIT) GLOVEA CLEANED at Wright's. l^S-tfs run a few yards if he had toT A. 1 He eo.uld run but the standing would | not bring about the same efTect. Q. You don't- mean to say he couldn't run if he had to? ~A. No sir. By Mr. Ward: Q. What do you say as to his tendency toward tubercular troubles? A. I have treated him for bronchial troubles. Q. What do you say about confinement on his physical condition? A. I know that in. order to overcome predisposition more ventilation and exercise is the only way to arrest it/ Q. 8un shine : it better than all. A. Yes air. Q. 1 You don't mean to say you have 1 found any tubercular troubles in ' his system? A. No sir. To be per-. rectly fair I have treated him a ' number of tlmee for bronchial trou1 bles. He has a weak condition of ' the lungs. Q. Nothing else appearing, would you say that confine1 meat , in the county Jail through 1 January, February, March and i 1 April fould be seriously calculated; to superinduoe tuberculosis? A. Ii would not answer tljat positively. [ 1. L Nicholson Was Sworn: By Mr. Ward: Q. Do you know anything about' the physical condition of Mr. Miles? i A. I hare been his family ph-ysi-j elan since his marriage and I know he Is a delicate man. Q. What wpuld you say as to the probable^ effect "on his health of confinement In a small osll In the county Jell until May? A. I would think It would Impair his health. Q. He suys when he runs or Jars be has pains from an operation testified by another witness to have been two years ago? A. Yes sir.v It could exist by adhesion of ths Intestines and t understood he had rnptnre of the nu> cles. 4 Defendant Rests. \ i If liiii mill 4UAHT I. 1914. , st days pomp I f ATRE, FRIDAY AND S Imaimv r.amnin. ?' * M. 1 AJLX i COUNTY SUI Electicn Takes Place January 24th, 11a. mJ _ J 1 As stated'in Tuesday's Daily News the Board of Education at their meeting Monday and Tuesday de1"" cided to postpone the election of a County Superintendent to succeed Mr. W. L. Vaughan, who has tendered his resignation until January 24th. Mr. Vaughan'n resignation j VeHd by the chairman of the! board at the meeting Tuesday and upon motion of Mr. T. R. Hodges, a number of the board, was accepted. The following have made application for the position up to this time: W. C. Trivette. KlnBton. N. C.; H. B. Smith, Tarboro, N. C.; C. B. Gbtrett, Belhaven. N. C;J Joe Gurganus, . P'vmouth, N. C.; J. L. Harris, Rocky Mount, N. C.; C. H .Harding. Wash- : ington, N. C.; J. D. Paul. Pungo, N.! 1C.: Henderson Mizelle, Roberson The board met In regular session J Monday, and Tuesday with all the ( members present .and the following j business was transacted: J. H. Taylor and a number of citizens of District No. 10, Chocowlnlty, white, aeked for a division of "that district. The matter was referred to the county superintendent and the chairman of the board for Investigation. The board ordered, a two' room school house building in the new Wharton speolal tax district and appropriated 9400 toward the building and also authorized the application or a loan of 9600 by the committee from the state loan fund. A committee for that district was appointed as follows: M. D. Leggett, G. C. Latham and J. R. Beddard. The board authorised the payment of 920 to L, T. Thompson for the , funeral expenses of Helen Wilkes who died while teaching school In District No. 1, Richland township, colored, last year, there being to her credit 931: the board to hold the balance for hey estate. O. W. Lee was appointed to All the unexpired term of the late B. [ D. Rowe of District No. 8, white Richland township. The board directed the county su' perlntendent to dispose of a school lot which wax purchased from W. M. Williams in Wharton district before the special tax election. It being no longer needed, and to five Mr. Williams the refusal of It at the sum of $40, the purchase price. The County Treasurer was authorised to pay 9M5? to the state.loan fun^^ia being Installment due In ^Kruary for loans on school houses and to charge each district with the amount it is due. Book cases were ordered purchased for the following districts: Bath, No. 4, white; Lpng Acre, No. 4, white; Bath, No. 9. white. J. 8. Respese, O.' A. Phillips, A. Mayo and O. Rumley, appointed by i the beard ^t their December meeting for the. purpose of selecting a site for the school house at Wharton made their report. They agreed s ' . ? y"V V ' " 531" ' J hn F BF r c ^K gap ( w i ATURDAY . e \TES FOR S >ERINTENDENT I w that an acre of land to be given by fi M. D. Leggett In the extreme north- ?i east corner of his property, which tj acre is approximately *00 yards east A from and on the south side of the main public road leading from Lath- T am's Cross Roads to Washington, lsj the most centrally located for said i building. At the suggestion of the county { superintendent the board directed " the'chairman and the superintendent to insure every school building in the county that is worth it. The board made the regular annual apportionment upon the following schedule: .First grade teach u er $8 5 per month; second grade j; teachers, $30 per month, white. j, Colored, $2 5' per month. Two u teacher school, white, principal $40 per month; colored $30 per mohth. 0 The term will be. for five months tj with 12 days coming from .the b staie equalizing fund under the bIx v months school law and 88 days ap- ^ portioned from the county fund. t m UN! I : GEESE HID i .OTHER GAME; it DR. R. T. GALLAGHER AND P. A. " MO88 KILL SI GEESE AND U DLCKS. Dr. R. T. Gallagher and Mr. F. A. Mosa had great sport at Portsmouth, N. C., this week shooting ^ geese and duck. They returned home last night from the sound brlhging with them fifty-one geese and fourteen ducks. They left here Saturday night and returned last night. * It was certainly k sight to behold * such a large number and they have c been receiving the congratulations ^ of their competitive sportsmen all ^ day. So far thav hava nrnvon t/\ -1 be the champion shooters of the'sea- 4 son. Both hunters are very proud. V of their excellent luck and they have I very reason to be. 11 BIG ATTRACTION Three thousand people were used in the arena and eruption scenes In Qeocge Kleine's beautiful photo dram%. production of Bulwer Lytton's celebrated novel "The Last Days of Pompeii" which is announced for the New Theater next Pri- J day and Saturday. . The aklll with. ? which this tremendous amount of I people Is posed before the camera I 'and the wonderfulIyPllfellke effects obtained are unmistakable proof of | the superior qualities of the Italian producers and stage directors over 'all their competitors. J. A P. OOATB THREAD IN ALL NUMBER*. BLACK AND WHITE, G ON SALE BACH AND EVERY. DAY F FOR 18 DAYS AT TWO SPOOL* T FOR 5c AT THE GREAT PUBLIC T SALE OF THE JAMBS E. CLARK 9. PA*Y, WA8HINGTOV, N. 'O. I ... y i 2- : vs~ * . *? m a rHISCOUIVTY CQS-SUK IF m FOB lpportionmcxt made by the static boari> (jivhh beau- , " fort *8.100. ^ I The apportionment of the 00 appropriated by the laat letfe- : ature of 1913 for the schools of be state was made Tuesday by the 3 tat'e Board of Education at their 'j "">"8 ?" nuieign. THIS Tund was reated out of tho state treasury for be purpose of enabling the schools , f the state to nil out thcj^equired j ix-months school ferm 'provided for iy the General Assembly and ob 'uesday the State Board apportiond to the various counties according o tho school population within their 'A orders. The now law provides for j he setting aside of five cents on errv hundred dollars-worth of proprty in the state, that is (axed, and his will be apportioned to the va- ' ioua * counties later in th* year. ' njJ he total school fund then, it is elected exceed $400,000. For the counties of Beaufort and (yde the following apportionment as made: Beaufort county?Toil school population, 9,894. Amount * \ ppoftioned. $3,180.83. Hyde coun r?Total school uouulation. 3,2<)flb jnQunt apportioned) $1,022.04. AN KID GliOVBS CLEANED AT Wright's) i-8-tfs ' 3',vers Lewis Co.npany Fifteen day Cost Sale Started Yesterday The $4 5,000 Seml-Annuul Flfien Day Cost Sjtle of the IJowoib- ^ ewls Co.. started yesterday mornig and will close on Saturday, Junary 24. Ever since the doors of lis large establishment were thrown pen-to the public yesterday a. m.icre has been a steady stream of argain hunters eager to take ad antage of tko reductions of their ew and dependable merchandise 'hich the Arm is offering and adverted exclusively through the column of this paper. There are a trge number of additional clerks mployed and when the paper man ntered the store this morning evrv one was busy and large numbers aiting to be waited on. As will e seen by their advertiselnent the rm is afferlug bargains in every epartment They are selling -it ctual cost. A great chance Is now efore the readers of this paper to ecure the necessaries of' life in coping with their purse. ILACK KID GLOVES CLEAN at Wright's. f 1-8-tfs Dr. R. T. Gallagher and Mr. F. i. Mobs have returned 7rom Portsaouth, Nz-e., where they have been Ince Saturday hunting. ll'NDREDK AND THOUSANDS OF AKD8 OF SIMPSON AND AMERJAN CAMCOKH AND AMOSKEAG kPRON CHECKS ON SALE EACH iND EVERY DAY AT 8c A YARD iT THE GREAT IS DAY SALE OF HE J A MRS E. CLARK COMPANY VA8HINGTON, V, O. Capt. J. H. flowering, of Lowinds, N. C., arrived In the city last jJ renin g. A TIN AND KID SLIPPERS CLEAN ed at Wright's. 1-8-tfs Lyric Theatre . Entire Change of Program 7'oday fHITE AND CX>IX>RKD PURS cleaned at Wright's. , , , 1 rbmkmbkk. *ouu? the * irratk8t op all sales; in i act the only real aim in www starts tomorrow. htjrsday, at o'clock at amlw r-olant co., wash1noon, *. o. .

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