r, f\ fx 1 . I it J t.'Vy' *' j* iii - j? ,'tj - f. < ' *. i ' , T? sft ivp and work all ntgl T * Sund&v* K an classes c M t N11 ass of tka town.' [7 ted. Evtremely hard and unfair VI I: to the employed. 1 ' *rd. Not promotive but hurtful I to publlo morals. IB \* 4th. Not promotive but hurtful to 1 . publlo health, X *>.. .-dth: Decidedly out of bee pins I HATlt TOD RRFN THAT RHl BAlC ?, sain lot of Isce and embroiderer we're gtvtns away at lo a yardf erne and take advantage of the ' " ' W* reductions In every depart went dnrlnr this After Inventory Mb at t. it Royt'a . '*' ' ' V ) '*/ V T''??' - < l> &'l ir/\/^ A T^P o "V, ' ^ .1 ?*- pr?^: 'i ' ijt means to sleep all day f business close same hoiir ity. 'wlhch U recocnlalng bo mueh more then Is day. kcone, the right. of the laboring manses to .barter k^(?, lac hour. end. more time dm reoreetlon, reading, soelel oomaenlen. 1 Improvement of health and general Rronetheftlac Of the borne life. When HU-cmW Va, eeKblMiU In w aldington of keeplac the store, open Saturday nlchts until the ?" "w?, uicrt wu nara- j \j any other limitation than that of . dark on the labor day of the world.' Even go Tern meat laborers piled their tasks from son to son. As late id 1886, the signal to tools sounded (n the Portsmouth nary yard an hoar esrilfcr than It .did this morning and the call-off whistle blew a whole hour later than today. ThlB is simply the story of the progress of every city this side of Constantinople, and experience shows Urn- ! proved results of business and of libor. Unfortunately Jlor the busineaa world, that is, the employers of labor, as distinguished from the army of laborers and employes, this progress Is claimed to be the victory of the labor unions and acclaimed as tbeir great contribution to our predent civilisation. It ought pbt to have been so If it was. A man ought not to be forceed. 1 only say it you are going to. right of his fellow man. That vision onght to be natural and that right sought and (searched for. Ij am no devotee of labor organisa-j tions; am npt seeking their applause' and hope not to see n necessity for1 their increased activity in this state; but they aye right when they say tint every men la eatitiled to some hours of recreation, for reading, for social Intercourse. for attention to home communion with MpyttlmUy, and for preparation for the day of public worship and rest. V Not alone for the Interest of the empk^red Is the argument made, j but la a larger measure for the advantage generally to the social and home life of the community certain to - accrue from the closing up of the #hole town as early aa seven or eight o'clock, as ~tx? ether tdwms of Its sise. |. There can be no Sunday school in Washington except in the afternoon, and there never was a successful one In the afternoon as wonld have if the community life. had per-, mltted it In. the morning. The natural hour for Sunday school la 9.'80 a. m. I am no Sunday school scribe ' nor Pharisee and offering no axample of my own to be followed by others. I suppose there would i be Sunday schools even If I objected. I only say, tf yon are going have them, have them at right time. In the morning when the mind and body are rested and fresh, buoyant and alert, not after a big dinner when the sluggish sleepy hours come on. Folks need Sunday afternoon for the oat-doors, the sunshine and fresh air. I challenge contra dlctlofc that the beet 8unday schools are nearly ell la the morfelng. Sooner or later,. Toluntarily or larolun-f tartly, the change I advocate will come along. It la beet that it be bp' ' voluntary co-operation of the bus!-1 1 nesa owners. Too mnch municipal! 1 regulation chafes. If it was a Ro- [ man Catholic community. aoBdly.; the Priest in oharge would simply^ write over to Rome and get the J*1 Pope's sanction to en eooleelaatlce] bull fixing die hour when "all the folks (n Washington should go to ' bed Saturday night and rite Sunday , m*mng;/ but democratic protgstUU with brains la their head, and 1 iron In their blood, don't role that 1 way. TJe beet way t* to reanon It ont with 'them along linen of ]natica and modern program, and then If they don't nee it, let the Board I of CommlenUSera inrlte them to see It by an eight o'clock cloalng ordinance. The rndtaanoe will be raiid. y v '?rt. ' * H. %^yARD. Baraea-Philathi Baptist Church Classes Sunday morning Prof. Wilson will the address. An l?t?rMtl?? mrrm Is pl?nns4 to, take Plane u U?~ Wret' Baptist church next Suaday ntomlat at 11 o'clock, at which hour the Baracp Pbllathea classes at thle church wlU hare the officer, or the res pec Mrs clause, publicly Installed. This Interesting sertlce will take the place of the regular morning serrlce. The; feature of the occasion will be an nddreaa by Prof. C. W. Wilson of the East Carolina Training School faculty, OreenrineT N. C. Special mu , sic has been arranged anS all who attend will he amply repaid. The' officer*, to be Installed are: Bnraca1 ( class prealdaut, J E. Vanhook; | first rice president. Charles It.' Plsmlng; second .loc president, T. , T. Paul; secretary, J. W. Paul; ; treasurer, C. C. Coppldge. j Philathea class president. Miss l.n , cy V. Rows: rlos president. Miss Ve- , ta Leonard; socrstary. Miss Odena ( Pearce; treasurer. Miss Clinton , Marsh- I AH the members of tks Sunday school and especially the members , of the respective classes, are Urged , to be present. , MS. K. CLARK CO. ORMAT ! , PtPTlCBN DAT'SALE , OPBWKD OR YKSTKRDAT ( The opeidnn day of the great pub- , lie sale or me J?me? o. jjhuti v? piny, was* mgitycedyty the' most sensntioBarbuyfag ever tofor* ..witnessed fn this'section of North Carolina. Hundreds came to the city nnd thp enormous crowds flocked to the store. where qj^eard of bargains filled the arms of eager 'buyers. before their departure. Never before in the history of Beaufort county, has there been witnessed a irabro thrilling- acene than the opening of the doors of this mammoth establishment on Thursday morning at 9 a. m.f when their wonderful fifteen-day sale was inaugurated. It is estimated that, at least 8,000 people crowded their large store daring the day, and one J grand feature is the fact that the ( crowd was handled with the most pefect ease that it baa ever been ( the writer's fcood fortune to see. Every one seemed^latlsfled, and it : would be a good thing if more ' events of this kind were to be held here, as there is no doubt a,t all, but what .this sale will benefit ev- j ery man woman and child that takes advantage of it, as well' as every, business house in this city. This sale Is to last for over two weekrf longer, and Mr. Forst, the manager in charge, assures us thdt he will i not only make additional reductions 1 on most lines of merchandise con- | tatned in. their store, bnt he hopes to out the present sale price beyond a semblance of its former figure be lore Wl ???? n?e WUOU. - -?" E. Clark Co.. are siring away a tela of cotton at thla aale which. Welgha In the neighborhood of ISO poanda, and in thla lea tare also they show their progiaaalteueaa. We congratolate the Arm on the wonderful sneesa of their aale. and ( wa take great plaaaure In annoaacIng that they hare been kind enough to Hatter ua with the knowledge that ft was largely through their , adrertiee'ntpota In oar oolumne and the adrertlelng matter tamed oat by thla office that thla aale has. bean inch a wonderful and nnpAoedented aacoeee. The tele of cotton ia to he giren away on Saturday, January Jtth at 1.10 ha the afternoon, and as the person holding the duplicate nuaaher af the pns drawn mart te prsaent at the time of the drawing, we take thla meana of urging each and ovary holder of e coupon to te present at the tlmd of the draw tag Hake the Dolly Newa office poor, reetlng piece while In town. We shall be glad te tee you gn. " Bt.ACK KID GLOVKS OLKANf at Wlight's. J 1-a-tfe . fc'- * H I 8^^MmaTON. W. 0., FIIDAT , !:' _ ' v\. jf M^mattea, Jan. 9.?Secretary of AMMMla Houston today approved the dnfcoaal of on6 billion feet ol WMtern yillow pine timber from the KaJfcab national forest in northern Arizona- in order to get this timber put \t wWl be necessary to build approximately 200 miles of railroad. Such a railroad will connect ?'*?- -* famois Grand Canyon of the Colorado. jthlch hitherto has been accessible only fro* the south. For several years the construction of such a railroad has been considered by serious capitalists, hut lt^has been stated that the lack it assured Immediate traffic was an sffectual barrier, li is pointed out However, that a contract for a billion feet of timber will overcome this difficulty by providing a co^pnodtty for transportation which^toIether with tourist, and local traf3c. will plaoe the project on a payflf basts practically from the outChief Forester Henry 8. Qraves, bade a pW sunal examination on the (round, e^d this examination supplemented by the reports of his forest engineers, induced him to -ecommend the sale of such a4ar?*~ Dody of timber Inorder thlt the sountry aright be developed through the supplying of this resource. Mr. Braves, says, however, that Kalbab forest Is fene of the moot beautiful in Ameafoa. and gives assurance that the msAetlur or the mature Crop af timber will not be allowed to mar the jtecehhrTmavty of the rein mmordanco with the timber sale policy of the government the uiuipa^e win oe aisposea or 10 ine highest bidder. In order to attract k sufficient Investment to assure the building of the. railroad and of the Necessary lumber mills at least a billion feet of timber had to be offered. The investment necessary to make this Umber accessible1 wlir amount -to more than $3,000,000. By placing this quantity of timber before the lumbermen of the country the officials of the forest service believe that the development of-extensive areas In southern Utah may be looked foe. because the necessary railway will render accessible resources which have heretofore been undeveloped. The whole region Is rich In agricultural land, in cattle and sheap range, and In coal and copper deposits, as well as hi Umber. iS ; S3 H M Captain William Pan-in is still Halo and Vigor ou*. Now com'mands SHi b. Capt. 'William Ferrim,- who la low in command of the ?taamor Ihtloh, running from Washington to mrboro, tU Oreenrille. ha* boon -nnntng on Tar riser for fifty-two roan. Thi* paper doabt* If tb.re a a water man in North Carolina .ho can ko?>t Of n longer record, Oaawin < DCn 11 Bin 1 Aft With ST >17 Jatty.-arcry stomp on tha rty>r and can safaty ran hU boat np bis narrow and orookad stream the larksst of nights Although bo:waan aaranty and atghty ha Instill lata and haarty and today can par'orm work far battar than many of Ufa Jaatora. . j * '/ *-"5 3 Mf nn oi/OTn OLXAXBD AT k FTERNOON, JANUARY t. Itl4 hhm ber M B.LEE ~ xlMl My m Will talc j,plact. at Court House Tuesday evening; January 20 Three AdAesses. The committee of arrmacements of Pamlico Chapter, Daugh| ten of the Confederacy, have about perfected plane- for the celebration of General Robt. E. L9e'a birthday. The committee has decided on account of another attraction being in Waehington on Monday evening, January 14th, to postpone the celebration of the Southern chieftan'e hlrthdar to TiiMdiv evmilnr Ian. uary 10th. The exercb?a are to take place in ths Court House. Mr. W. L Vaugh&n will deliver a short address on the life and services of "8tonewall" Jackson; WJlllam B. Rodman, Jr., la to speak on the life and service of General Robert E. Lee. Mr. John G. Bragaw, Jr., has oooasated to make a short talk on the Confederacy. All three of these gentlemen are well known and , -* who contemplate being present will hear something good. In addition to the three addresses there will be |lx musical numbers on the program. The children of the Con . federacy are expected to take part: in the program. There will be one recitation and two songs by the. obapter. Taken as a .whole ' the program as mapped out by the cortnHmrtin be one to interest and entertain. CAPITOL WOOLKN MILLS ' CO. IS MAKING 8F*T8 - TO FIT FOR *9.00 The Capitol Woolen Mills Com-; pan* whose headquarters la opposite the Court house are guaranteeing a perfect fit and prompt delivery of suits and overcoats made to order for the low price of |9.99>?no more and no less. These suits and overcoats offered are $25 and $35 val-. ues. This company is hew closing out their entire, fall and winter weights and the prospective puchaser has 100 patterns to. select from.' The great reduction sa^e of made to order suits and overcoats last I "from January 2 to January 12. tfEAT N. 8. TRAIN. | 'C ' I Dr. Josh Tayloe, Walter Wind- ) ley, William B. Rodman, Jr., Lester Simmons, Fenner Paul , and Joseph F. Tayloe heat the N. S. passenger train from Choc owinity to this city by and hour or two this morning, and they don't claim to be walkers, elth-* NEWS FROM PTNGO. (By R. W. Paul.) We are very glad to see some more pretty open weather. The rainy weather during the holidays made our roads very muddy and bad. Many of our farmers are killing bogs now. Mb. David Radcliff is no^doerecting 4 new dVeliing on his farm In the Reed Light and expects td move In it soon. Their many friends and pupils were glad to welcome Misses Tuten and SprulU back again In our midst and in the school room. l$jnii Matilda *aiU and Meta Harris Isft Monday for Greenville where they expect to attend school daring the year. M- -D m D...I .I._ ltor to Washington Monday. Mr. Ernest Rose left Wednesday for Elisabeth City to purchase a stock of goods for the farmers' onion store. We are very sorry to note the continued Illness of Mrs. 0. T. Allen. who has been very sick for some time. We wish. her a speedy rogbvery. One of the oMest women In oar co&mjinhy, Mrs. Annie Paul, who is 86 years of age,*V Very low at this writing. The end is expected at any time. WHITE KID QLOVBt* CUBA NED at Wright's. - ^ ^ 1 1-l-tfs "rvN_ - ^2 ; -* ; r . J|??L,VVJUl C . ' ' " * Passenger Set t By Bip I S IBAUI DELATED 4 mis ml l| JI -i IV." Caused by Pullman being derailed 13 mites this side of | Raleigh last night | Last night the regular sueenger I train No- 4 en the Norfolk Southern I Railroad runnln*- ?B.a.w...K I ud Norfolk had one of the Pullman j can' derailed about thirteen mU? | this side of Raleigh. In consequence of th]s the train due to arrive hers from Raleigh this moraine at 10.46 did not arrive here un til 2.30 this afternoon, being delayed about feur hoars. No one wee | hurt. I HOYT AFTER INVENTORY J SALE DRAWS LARGE NTMBKR OP BUYERS Attended by a- record breaking crowd of enthusiastic bargain huntera?those who know how to properly appreciate genuine bkrgalns-? 1 the After Inventory Sale of Mr. J. K. Hoyt started yesterday morning with a rush and all during the day ' clear up to the dosing hour to see the profeasional anl business men, one for the schools, both white' and colored, and one for selling Red , Cross stamps in the postofflce. That everybody worked and worked well, t is attested by the result which must be gratifying to us all. $125.94 was the total amount received from the sale of stamps; the committees being credited as follow*: Professional committee, $25.79; School committee $38.29; Business men. $60.92 Mrs. W. T. Hudnell, chairman.of the postofflce committee, was unable to get girls to take charge of < the sales at the postofflce, so she, with her committee, worked with < CUTTER PAMIJOO HKRK. : \ The United States Revenue Cat- , ter Pamlico arrived In port date ] yesterday afternoon from New Bern The cutter is on a tour of in spec- j ' tion* in the sounds and rivers of ( Eastern Carolina. 8he left this morning. While here she" war t moored at the Havens Oil Mil! wharf on West Main stredt. Allen Mtdyette of Fairfield, N. " 0., is a guest of Dr. aad Mrt.*H. W. Carter at whelr home on Harvey strtet. Wv ' . fATIN AND KID OLBAN f ed at Wright's. p 1-d-tfa V?v ^v. t* .. - in i^rtVri tfh' : ' ' . - r ...'_ I ?k*1 \-'.f M aneLaunched j FIRST V KIND jl IIJK VNll E 1 19IPIEIE SUCCESS I *"" y'. h - flH Moil Pouch Dropped from UA fl Elevation of about 100 feet.il> 1 rectly in front of [he train ct>- fl trance. ^Jacksonville. Fla., Jan. flrii regular dally mall and pan-' 1 sengdr?aervice by aeroplane In the world waa Mooeasfalty Inaugurated Vttrlr*'?'? Beech an-J Atlantic Beach by Art* tor Qflorg* A. (Tray. . The mall pouch was dropped from an elevation of about 100 4*et directly la front of theHain entrance ?1 of the Atlantic Beach Hotel by the aviator, who then circled about land log his passenger at the entrance from the lawn. / The Wright biplane with thenar- j iator. and one passenger left Atlantic Beach at an early hour going direct to the Pablo Beach poetoAce picking up the mail sack and then ' sailing away to Atlantic Beach mak- H lng the trip within half an bonr. This service will he repeated twice M dally carrying mail and small pgr- Jjfl oels together with an/ pasoemflarfl--"'] whoi may. deeU> or mak* the J iriy >ntween 'the beaches * Avfbtor Gray has made aaore than one thousand nucoeesful flights without a serious, accident and is considered one of the safest birdmen operating aeroplanes. President < sldwell Here.- , Rev. Dr. J. a. Caldwell, president of ;the Atlantic Christian College, - (i Wilson, X. C.; arrived in the city last evening, spending tbo night with Bev. .Bobt, V. Hone. pastor of [ the Christian r,hurch. Dr. .Caldwell i la on lil? way tp FruiUand, Maryand. where he has been invited to j dedicates Christian church at that plao^nrxiBnnday. . , Mr. Edward Clark has lust com- ^ pleted a neat iind^>UwUye sixroom residence at his Ki\'er?lw j Farm a tew mile* in the country. The painting was done by Messrs. ; L. A. Durand and J. B. Hooten of . this city. ~ . itint Raised j ross Stamps Here that to tho business men. Stamps were Bold wherever there were Christina* .goods, and also at all \ our drug stores. Work done in the schools was especially noteworthy. The reHt stays here to be used in and the colored graded sobeol-Aveut ^ the job heart and bou! and th*(| i service was moat efficient. One fourth of the amount reeelv- J i ed has been sent to the Tuberculosis Committee of our own state. The rest atys here to be used in any tuberculoid* cases, both whlta and black in connection with our Associated Charities. 518.00 -of the 3 sum left us, has already been used. ' ^9 This national fight against the gTent white plague is ctoo of the biggest j things going in this prorosslve age. ? and the people of Washington rae glad to take part in It. A The committee regrets that all the stamps sent were not sold, hat considering thg|jdze of our town, the result wm really very good in- > deed. Next year, with the same hearty co-operation, we will do ev?n blaaer thlnm tor ?>? ?Ross M j Menu* W. H. Mayo, Clarence 3. Mayo. 1. C. Overton, Wallaee \ Springer, Roam Sawyer, JoSeph Brothers. Hebcr Brothers and Miss Annie Springer, arrived here this norning via the Washington * Vasicine ru passenger train from Sooth Creek. They returned on the afernoon train. . J Lyric Theatre Entire Change of Program Today WHITE AMD COLORED FUM 1 cleaned at Wright's. 1 ' % .*3 a