; . ~" ; 'j, ^ ^ \ y * ' ___ D v 1 jgi | IIIIImHV vi ' Pawed away Yesterday at her t Home on Pierce Street In torment ?aa in Oaketlale Cemetery .. ?* - , ^ attar an Illness ot aeversl days an a result ot pneumonia Mrs. Sallle U BUI. wife of H. O. D. BUt passel 'away at her home "on Pearce street yesterday mornln* att.M o'clock. Mrs. HIU had been confined to her bed shoe Friday last and while or erything was done to relieve ner surfer in f ti proved of no avail so she answered the "roll call" after a well spent life of sixty-nine years. Mrs. BUI before her marriage was Miss Bailie L. Lee and while born In Washington spent the major portion of life at Chocowinity. In 1174 she wm happily married to Mr. Hill e wlio survives her. As a result of this salon four children-came into their home, all of whom are still llviag, being lferi. Bessie Clark ot Chocowinity; Mr. J. F. Hill Of this j city; Mrs. Lena Strickland of this * city sad Mr. J. A. Hill of Wilmington, N. C. Besides a heartbroken husband and fsor children the deceased also leaves nine grandchll^ drea to mourn their loss. "* For poors the deceased has been a'redslafent member Of the Methodist eh arch and was noted Tor her clrcsmspectness of walk and life. She was a devoted wife and loving i, ,' moUur. Tho luml took glut on (una itnot tt S o'clock, torn duolia by Rot. E.M. Snipe., paitor of the First Methodist church. The in term en^ was In Oakdaje cemetery. - HAWKINS NOTES We are having some very cold weather\now- and we are wondering what thfe ground hog will predict. Rev. jc. E. Lee held divine service Hawkins school house last Tueray night. His discourse was much enjoyed by all present. ? Hisses Alice Woo lard and Cora Baynor spent Friday of last week In Washington shopping. Hr. and Mrs. H. T. Hawkins spent Saturday In Washington. We are glad to note that Mr. C. F. Wallace, who has been qalte sick Is mach Improved. Mrs. Julia Wallace continues to be on the sick list. We trust she will MOB b* well acola. Mr. Bad Mrs. James Turner ot Slsteeione, werp visitors at Mr. Joha Hawkins' Bandar. Mlsa Mettle Woolard and Ireaa Hawkins wan |awts ot Mrs. Janes Braddr at Jeeai.ms Saturday afternoon. > Mr*. O .L. Sparrow and ehUdren .were visitors at Hall Swsmp Satnrjdsor night and Bandar. ' We war# gild to welooma Bar. 0. E. Dnrhsm of Bath, again Bandar afternoon. He baa a regular mpgotntnant here Ob the eeeond Sob ? VT. r> ;v , .. days tt ? o'eloek. . ^ ? ; M*. ?. B. Plnkham and family lir? moved from here to the farm of Mr. James Braddy near Jmua. MIm Paail Lee tpene SuuUy afJsraeon Vlth MIm Jennie Woolard. Mr. J. B. Plnkham of River Road. K J *- Vat ta ?W midst Sunday. Mine Maggie Woolard was a Slatestone visitor Sunday. vfr. and Mrs. B. W. A. Woolard and eon Lorenso, were guests of , v friends at Slatestone Sunday. Mue. O. L. Sparrow and little daughters spent Wednesday of list week with MIm Alice Woolard anfe. mother. ' Mr. D. R. Woolard has recently ' .-fy purchased'a new horse and hupgy. ReV. C. E. Durham was the guest of Mrs. Moses Woolard awhile Bonday afternoon. tiT-V"; * 1 ' . * i ' KJtTI BALEH OK COTTON OINNKD IN BKAl'FORT COUNTY Up to January 9th, 1911, tbara had bMS Binned In Beaufort county P 1,171 bales of oottoa. Laal year for tha aaiaa period there had hoan at fined 11,917 hales, showlnt ( differencs of 4,748 bates. OKK TADI.E OK EMBROIDERY AT 1 11c yard Hoyfa >fler Inranj tory ?sie. t North Carolin Cultivating and Gro ;f| 1^'?? Stands Head In Production Of Potatoes . The State abo lead* m the QuarutyoflPeaniit* grown Thy n Report aV given Out by Commissioner W. L A ' d*B>~4orthmn>n " "* * ' ' j OexamlBBicmeT W. A, Graham of tk? Stat? Department of Agrfealtere, Raleigh, N. C-. announces that the State of North Carolina toads tba entire United Stamps, for the fourth consecutive year in the anosat of cotton raised per aero?the average being 239 pounds. The State of South Carolina is seooad with 234 pounds. The^ government report closes la May and ia 1918 the State of North Csrtrtnia reported SIB pounds per acre. These figures are from the Agricultural Outlook, published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington,] D. C. _ 1 This same publication'reports the tobacco crop in Nlrth Carolina as worth 339,998,0##, exceeding Kentucky, which is second, by more than 31.000.000. In sweet potatoes the State of North Caralln* <> flf-fr ?i .000,0? bushels; the State of Oaor-< *1 a is second with 7.221.000. There is an Increase in the quantity of wheat of one and three quarter mil. lions beshels over 1912; In oats of 7,000.000 bushelsf in earn of 4.000.000 bushels betas a large increase orer the previous year. Furthermore Commissioner Graham states that the State of North Carolina leads the whole country in | the quantity of peanuts grown. IN IX)VINO MEMORY A tribute of love and respect from the societies of the First Presbyterian church, Washington. N. C., to the memory of Mrs. James L. Fowle who died December 16th, in the "87th year of her age. ' There is no death, the stars go doFn *. To rise upon some fairer shore And bright in Heaven's Jeweled ?rowa Theyehine forever more. Feso|ved 1st. That -the societies feeling deeply their loss In this lore ly Christian character whoae willing hand and generous heart was always ready to' respond to every call. That bar place cannot ba vmied, but Jn bar unselfish love and devotion to her Master's cause, our hearts may be lnspiral to a greater seal. 2nd. That our societlea extend their sympathy to her famllr. 3rd. That a copy of tfcaoTTiadv lotions be sent to her family, also ;to the Preabytarlan Standard, and the Daily Naws for publication. MRS. C. M. BROWN. 8R.. MRS. V. O. BRRRT. MRS. o. B:*ETJCKMAN, MRS. J. F. McCLUKR. dr. carter operates Am two children at WASHINGTON HOBPTTM, Dr. H. W. Carter aeaioted by Dr B. M. Brown operated this morning at the Washington Hospital for adenoids and tonsils upon two children Of Rev. Mr. MeKensle* The operation . was successful and at this writing the patients are doing alee,y' _ ' r FORMER RESIDENT TO BECOME CASHIER R V. rocky mount feb. t. Mr. Frank F. Fagan, a fprmor ret jdent of Weehlngton, but for tho. -prtt .oarers! raara raaldlnt jt Wf Bloom on. M. L'.. a bora V I boon gaahlor of Jhe Farmoro A MerI ohanto Bank of that town, haa reI signed hla position. for the purpose of becoming oaoklor of tho bankeof Rocky Mount. Mr. Fagon will aosuma bta now dotloo on February j BIO BLANK BT RAROADIE hoyts j After iirontoryVola. .. ^S&S ' * a " i-i ?. -'g" i I ; ; ;'A- i_V pil [NGT ? ' iamNOToN, n. a, thukbdat a ; ' " ',' . - . ia First? 9 Cotton whig Tobacco COUNTRY , Beihaven Citizen, Treasurer E. Become Mt** " * The Dally News is in receipt of the following communication from Beihaven for publication, which explains itself: Beihaven, N. C., Jan.8. 1914. Mr. B. R. Mixon, County .Treasurer, Washington, N. C. Dear Sir:?We, the undersigned Democratic, voters and tax payers of Beihaven, N. C., realizing your eminent fitness and qualification to continue to mi me omco of County Treasurer of Beaufort county, and being aware of the fairness. Justice and wisdom with which you have heretofore administered the office, do hereby request that you permit yourself to become a candidate fo> re-election for Ahe coming term. We know of no 2-term policy. We believe that when a man shows such fitness for. office as you have displayed, that be should be continued in office. You are the type of public official the Democratic Weinburg Proper Is Piirchasi The Welnburg property on Market street has boon purchased by ttoosra. Daniel and Warren, attorn#s and B. E. Harding, rental agent The present wooden buildings on the site are to be raied at oeee and a modern two-story brlA building I erected, nkni far which era being drawn by an architect. Work Is expected to begin on or about February 1. The property baa a frontage of Eg feet with a depth of IpE feet. Meaara. Daniel and Warren own a frontage of SO feet and Mr. Harding a frontage of S* feet. Messrs. Daniel and Warren " hare to erect a 'two-story building on TWO DEATHS OCCURRED (' AT P1NETOWN TUESDAY , . * AND YESTERDAY William P. Jefferson a highly respected eltlcen of Pinetown and a Confederate soldier paaaed pway at hla home early Tuesday morning. The'deceased was about 19 years of age. He leaves a wife and several children. The funeral took plaee yesterday and the burial was at the faintly burying gTound. . Yesterday . morning Mrs. Taylor Waters, aged sixty. died gfter an Illness of only a few days. She leaves a husband and three chllrden The funeral took place this meaning at 11 o'clock from the home. ONE TABLE OF LACES AT I e YD. 1 Hoyt'a After Inventor 8?Ie. ;'-v ' ' * - ' ' * on r * FTEKNOOfr, JANAKY II. 1*14. . WASHINGTON COTTON MARKET FOR TODAY j 9 i M Cotton 4 enat*. * Unt Cotton. J1 7-1 Mia. Cotton 3o*4. IM.M p*r ton. * ? ? SCENE-"A MOO 1? : s Desire R. Mixon To } Candidate Again -, pfcrty~needs and vtito. .W?40 |^ belter* that you are committed to any pledge 'which would prevent your being a candidate for re-election, and we not only request, but, as friends and Democrats who have not only your Individual Interest, hut the welfare of the Democratic party at heart. nOHttlvelr inftlnt nn.1 d.. mand that you allow yourself to be a candidate for re-election as County Treasurer. (Signed.) J. D. Dawson, A. L. Bell, Jeweler jtfd Optician, S. L. Snell, L. ryCrnaey, J. W. Bell. T. P. Dirrtar-^. 8. Paul. W. J. Bullock. R. L. Smith. W T. 8prulll. J. J. Davis, ,W. H. Bowen, J. P. Blahop. H. T. Noble, W. O. Jarrla, W. 8. Rlddlck, J O. Cary, O. W. Roberta, W. H. Radcliff, W. K. Sawyer. John Tooley. J. R. Sadler, ^John N. Paul. Geo. V. Latham, J. P., W. A. Hodges. O. 8. Paul, J. C. Biihop, Stephen Williams, L?. T. Houston,' W. W, Ricks, J. W. Smith, O. R. Williams. ty Market st. ed From the Heirs tb?lr part, the first floor of which will contain two atoroa ul tha second flooro tilted op for offices. a nulla of which wUI bo oeeoplad bj ' tho firm u law offices. As yet Mr. j Harding ha* not decided definite ly of what nse he wUI make of hli part of the purchase hnt It la salt In baying that an cp-to-data buildlag will be erected at an early day. The site Is a moat rateable one, and wham the new building, which will oontaln a front of press brlcb and plate glass Is' fl'nlahed. It wUI add greatly to the appearance of thli part of the oily. VONFEKENOB WITH THE SECRETARY SATISFACTORY HTATE8 CHAS. A. FLYNN Rev. Dr. E. A.. Lowther, president of the Washington Collegiate Instt tute, and Mr. Chas. A.' Fly no, secretary of the Chamber of Commlfft and also a member ot the ~Harrfi Hardware Company, hare returned from Washington Gity, where they went to confer with the secretary ot the board of edncatlon of tlie M. E. ' Church.' Mr, Flynn states that the conference was rery satisfactory and that both he and Dr. Lowther enjoyed every moment of their stay. L ' v ? " *fKV'R SUITS, BOYS' SUITS, CHILdren's Salts Greatly rednoed ai Hoyt-'e After Inventory Sale. >AIL V Wf - V-' 11 V i1 p~1 a. Farmers Institt In Beaufort During m , ,'t< CRN EVE" ^ I I * I * H Ui H . au Ag I n Be to 1 CO TO. H tor tei I m( H ^1- at tei 111 I et( I tlr Eg!L 11 r f UliUU m\M\T | It is always d^Ightful to discov- 20 ' er when one has sought an even- far ing's entertainment at the theater, ioa that one's choice has fallen upon ab< , a play of clean morals and piquant roii daintiness1. Such Will be the cose the for those who visit the New Thea- bet ter January 22nd, to witness a per- tlo formance of'Beverly of Graustark," tlo one of the prettie st pieces of' liter- cue ature that the famous George Barr eoi McCutcheon has as yet given1 the atii public as dramatised by Robert M.' the Baker. It pleases the eye and de- ( the lights the mind and the company pm presenting It has left nothing undono in the way of local scenery. 311 costuming and careful selection of prominent actors.. Beverly Calhoun is especially hap plly interpreted by Miss Dorothy Do. 1 Ecker. Sn Be M? MRS. J. N. HILL ILL. G. Mr. Jesse N. Hill of Chocowinity, Mi N. ve prlzeB to a family. A preum will be given to tiie girl ffom 1 farm baking and exhibiting thi it pone of corn bread. A ques n box will be opened and the que; da answered In a round-table di.s ision in the afternoon. All per is who expect to attend these in tutes are urged to bring will >m note book and pencil, als< ilr lunch so that they cau be pre red to ppend the day. W. SMALL AND (.IESTS AMOAHNADOK'H RECEPTION' AT THE WHITE HOUSI Congressman John H. Small, Mrs tall and daughters. Misses Ma: lie and Katherlne Small an< tsdames John K. Hoyt and Johi Blount, who are the guesta o s. Small at tho national capital re among those who attended th :eptlon given by President am s. Wilson to the Ambassadors a 8 White House on Tuesday even g last. IN CITY TODAY Mr. W. S. Burabge. a prominen srehant of Bath, N. C., arrived I e city this morning otv, bnsinesi I la always a welcome visitor. MBA. CABELL VERY ILL Mr*. L. Cadell. who reside* o est Third street, Is,reported to b ite sick and her condition toda not much better. Her friend sh for her a speedy recovery. IN CITY TODAY Mr. 9 Greely Brlnn, one pt Hyd unty's industrious and popular clt sns, arrived In the city this mora I Qn business via the Norfol! uthern train. ALBANIA hah yew king Berlin, Jan. 15.?Prince Wllllav Weld ascended the throne of A1 nia tolay. As there ?4s no suit le kbmak at Valona. the prlnc s chosen Durasso as his previa residence. * * f * Politicians are beginning to plsci sir claims for ofBoe early and ru -r has it that the fever has strucl aufort county. ? ii i i ? THE BIO BARGAIN REM oant, table Heyt'a After Inventor Bale. VS * ' 'm j CLOSING OF SMI. 1 -?- *-*'? Sunday Schpol . Supcnntcj, dents Pass Resolutions , gardiuj; the matter. Girt Reasons. Whereas, the keeping open of^he Mores and business, bouses of Jhe 'city on 8alurday nights until tuilve o'clock Is a great hindrance to putny, of Iho young men and ladies ftp attending Sunday school and bhjtifeli service on Sunday morning by UPD- ; ing them up until such a late ljbtnr and whereas. It also affords a Reason for many not employed toTTnmnln on the streets until a voryjato :/l hour, which is a form of dissipation. And whereas, we bcliertfjit would be better for the merchants and all concerned to close all butt:* ness not later than 10 o'clock, (Jferd h> giving everyono an opportune ty to get a reasonable amountjgflj rest from their week's labor that they might be able to attend morn' ing worship, and, Whereas, we believe evoryond^canr transact any trade or business by 10 o'clock Saturday night, and ready to retire for rest, that th40 Jj may be prepared to enter upon^thg tulles of Sunday, therefore bo it >3 Resolved, That we encoflrggo whatever effort is being made ^toward closing the stores and ]>u*l~ ness houses at an earlier hour t>n Saturday night. Resolved further, that wo /!? earnestly request that tho ciUQns ; in general aid in this cause, by j>eing prompt in attending to whatever" 'kj j trade or business they may bave^o i no euriy, iuui iuo u*v? ' j able to comply with the above. '"' j 1 Resolved further, that wo request j j the-miB later a of the city to cnginc' age tho movement by urging wyne t ' i to their various congregation*. 5 j Resolved further, that we do not believe it necessary for our City Al- ' 4 1 ilerinen to pass an ordinance rcqfTir' lag earlier closinr. but we believe trat all concerned are willing Yo ' comply with any measure that will J add' to the betterment of our citizens. * ' 1 Resolve^! further, that wc extend 1 our thanks to Mr. H. 8. Ward and our Honorable Mayor for being the , first to bring this matter before fcbe public. Also we thank the Washi' ington Daily News for donating theTi* columns to the publication of thPlr 7} j articles, and request that they pOb- - 3 lieh these resolutions. This January 14, 1914. r W. O. ELLIS. ' " j Supt. ChH?tian S. ^ E. R. MIYON. f Supt. Methodist 8. C. M. BROWN. JR., g Supt. Presbyterian B.,8. j E. K. WILLIS. JR., t Supt. Episcopal 8. S? 8. P. WILLIS, "3 Supt. Baptist 9. 8. DEPUTY SHERIFF DUKE ^ OF PANTEGO MEETS - -j t WITH AN ACCIDBN* n i: Deputy Sheriff J* C. Duke of I^ntego, N. C., Is now confined to ?tif bed at homo in PantegO as a result of an accident which occurred last e leg from Bolhaven to hit'home and Jj y in crossing a bridge between the 1 a two points, his horse and buggy went J through the bridge, the result being ^ 9 that Mr. Dnke was throwh from th* m buggy. His back and side were In- j e ired. Since that time he hasJioh 3 been able to be out. He Is a broth- fl er of Mrs. Geo. E. Ricks of thla ell*. J It It is to be hoped that he will soon '4 recover. An increase of 12,000 in business < I of the local postofflce for the year J u ' 191J over that of the preceding year |. i* no bad showing. It goes t