m m ' v "V* *1' '"* -, fc" * kl - / _ Has Been. For I Takes PJace Court fiouse Tuesday Next >. h* i" r Mssrs W.L. Vaugham and > ?ohn C. Bragaw- Jr. the Speakers, Occasion will be Fittingly Observed^' ! As^already announced through the columns of tfflo paper the Pamlico Chapter, Daughters of the Confed' erafcy are to celebrate the birthday of General Robert E. Lee at tAe Court House, this city, on next Tuesday ettnlng. On account of an' other attraction In t^e city on Monday evening the Daughters decided to postpone the exercises In com memoratlon of the natal day of the ' Southern chieftain until Tuesday evening. The committee of arrangement* have 'certainly arranged a ] very attractive and entertaining pro- | gram for the oocasion and all who, expect to attend can reet aeanred they will be amply repaid. 1 Mr. W. L. Van than, eapartnten- J dent of the county schools, la to t deliver a short address on Robert' B. Lag. and Mr. John O. Bragaw. U Jr., will 'make a abort address, i on the Confederacy. i All three of the speakers are well knows In Waehlagton and what they will have to eay will prove, of In-' tercet to each sad every hearer. ' The Children of the Confederacy will take part la the 'exercises. In addition to the above a very attractive musical program is promised, hit feature of the evening is he f j :ows: Miss' Bessie Conoley o b? Presented Here. Fr6m Per Of one of the Greatest Nfov eliMc* 'tjeveny or urausiars u*b uwu secured try Wanager Bparrow for the New ttreater Thurmftky, January 2?nd. The play am srffelj b* liecommended to the public Inasmuch aa It -conies from the pen ot one of our grhatedt novelists, George Barr MdCutcheon, and has been dramatised by the equally famous, Rob ert M. Baker. The players also come well -recommended, and aa the company carrtee all scenery and equipments, -there is no doubt bur that the attraction will meet with success In this city. Beats go oa sale Tueedny morning at Worthy M EtheAdge Drug Store. Mian "Dorothy DeEcker, loading lady with VBererly at Grau stark" li Bald to "be one of the beat on the road this season and aa she la supported by some o'f the boat known people of road attractions there 1* little doubt'but that a^l who attend the performance will come awnj well pleased. George Barr McCuicheon la the author of the morel and Robert Ml Baker, the dramatist. It Is said the scenery and costumes t* this company are far shaver th* average. ' " . " * f ? WHIE SKKGE (X)AT SUITS 11KT Cleaned at Wright's. TO THE PUBUIO My attention has been called tc & report nnleaa corrected might leave the Impression on some who have heard It, that Mr. E. L. Arehbei: was not treated fair fn the dissolution of the co-partnership of E. L Archbell and Hngh Paul, trading under the firm name of tho Central Pure Pood Market. The facts are these i Mr. Arch bell and I could not agree on sever al matters Involved In the dlraolu tion of the co-partnership. It wat finally agreed that a -board of ar bltratora composed of three bu-ines.' men be chosen to settle the matter Mr. Arcfabell chose one and I one the two selecting the third. Wi both agseed to accept the adjust mrat made by this board. The mot who were on this board are smonj the most prominent business mei of (he town and neither of then were interested in the matter. Tbi board heard Mr. Archbell and mysel in our contentious?B? Aii>WKU TO PREACH AT CHRISTIAN 4 CHURCH ON TOMORROW Those who have heard him will >; i?e .pleased to know that Rev. Dr. ?| Caldwell, president of the Atlantic 11 Christian College, Wilehn ,N. C.. will 11 preach at tho Christian church Sunj day s dtorning and evening. It is . Indeed a'pleasure to hear Dr. Cald1 well and it is hoped that a pre at audience will groct him tomorrow. ' Bible school meets promptly at 10 o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex, tended to all. , I KID SUPPERS DRY CLEANED AT ' Wright's. " I " ^ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR i SUNDAY 11 A. M. AND 7.SO S i Rev. R. L. Gay will fill his pul1 pit at the First Baptist ehorph Son9 day morning and evening at the tusual hoars to which all strangers "! in the city have a cordial invitation to bo. present. The sablect for the - morning discourse will be, "Walk ing With God." At 7 30 the subI Ject of the sennoir will "be. "Is the 1 Young Man Safe." Sunder school 8 j will meet at *,-4t oVjlock. Good ma-I-'p, prats free. 8 ? * ? - WHITE Km ?T/)VVfi MADE SNOW White at Wrlghfa. f , , I 2L,._ BANKS CLOSE MONDAY 81 All the bank* In the city will no! l" be open on Monday. January 10th, 8 The day. Gen. Robert R. Loo's%Jrth; a day is a lepal holiday. 1 ^ FORD PJ,4NT DRAWq PHOWD T!i 1 detroitr show. b f ? Dotroit Mirb.. Jan. 17.?An en p. * r.nsiiv la'Vo crowd attended the oob r-,??rr 0f nrnual moto?- car show t of t>?? TMnrlf A^l^mobtjs Dealers' " /esoeleMon today nt tbr i^w show r heMd'rer of the Ford MVor Orirn ry. The r-ornt ynnorineom^t that the Ford roTT-r-arv 'n'endfl to dlvfd" ' 110 POO.$00 ?p..nrnPtt amony lt? employ** ha?i bronebt. hnndreds ol ? ??*tra visitors here m-'reiv to rV > ?V,- hir plant of the Ford Moto: Company. * pnpPR OF THF nKTTFR *11*1* 8 for the whole family n After Trf* ventory Sale prloet. Ttj J. K Hoyt First. HHM * 1 ' ' ON I "'=== BR-Mr ? Colfcr ? M *' 1 ^NDi:CTvn FRIDAY AFTERNOON The funeral of Leona Parvln. th? 1'ttle 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and I Mrs. Robert Parrfn was conducted I yesterday afternoon at three o'clock 1; by Rev. H. B. Searlght, pastor of the 1 First Prcabyerlaa church. The scr vices were held at the bomo several 1, miles from town and the interment was in tho family burying ground. 1 DENVER .MAN FOR GOLF PIUOHI1 DFJilT f Chicago, I (lit. Jan. 17.?Frank L. Woodward of . the Denver Country C!a?>, will be elected ,-president of . .ho Waatern Qolf Association at it* meeting here tojiay. Mr. Woodward has no opposition on tho ticket *Te haa served two years as vice pros *; ident and four years cn the directo1 jrate of the governing body of the "! association. ** I It Is cxpecU I '' J *'.d ni; i.oVB lilt "'^7 - O.V IfEAD WITH VAN'WMl.H!: vrtp|** ? / Dennis Joncc. rofeigp. whllo en gaged in work r.t tie Roberts l Uro., oyster canning factory at Van denierc yts'.crduy was tsruck on J* head by u U-vor attached to a larj: bucket cago which U u-eJ in I;?.' lng the oysters afi-.-r IV;- have l.(? canned. As a reenU of the Ll->w large gash was cut iu'lils Lcsiu- an he remained uncoupclou3 until ?.td night lest night. Dr. McCotter r Eayboro, N. C.. was rutnruoaed an rendered medical aid. His con J tion today Is still precarious. SATIN SLIPPERS RIIY ( I.KANK nt Wright'?. NEW SHIP FOU WHITE FLEET -New York. Jan. 17 ?Tfc? n> steamship "Calamare:." of the Uni ed Fruit Company, design*.! e*p< daily as combination fruit. car| and passenger carrier for the We Indian and Central Am *rtcan trad railed today for the West Indie This lateft^ addition to the "Grei Whito Fleet," of the United Fru Cbmpany is equipped-with the mm powerful wireless set ever Installs on a ship of her size. TAMPA KNTKHT.ll.N> COMM1! SION MfClU'HA NTS Tampa. Fla.. Jan. 17.?Det??at( to the National Association of f'on mission Merchants' Convent !oi which has Just closed at Jark.^oi villa, arrived here today or.1 w!l! 1 entertained by the local boardyi 'trade. After inspecting this cle^t* visit orn will be taken throue:. th Manatee ^cction. A IIIG SPRLLlNti MATCH Kdwardgville, III, Jan.' 17 ?Sh teon thcoaand school children ? Madison county will take part i a spelling match here today. ^rran? ed by J. 11. tfaroll. .Madison count snperlntendcnt of schools, Thr? hundred words will be given to h written and the six Spellers wl receive prises and diplomas. r.RHT .TOc MRX 8 I>HKSS HHHtT* ^ also 50c Underwear at 39c. Hoyt After Inventory Sale. ' . r ? MS ' I \ _ ,.9 =muC4 SQUARE ? Por Kxperunont.il ami Object 1 Lesson Purposes During fiscal Year of 1912 ; 1 ;"S I Washington, D. C., Jon. 17.?Ov er icur nunareu and eighty thousand uquare yards of different types i oi ;oads for experimental and object 1 letnos purposes brerr conjBtructed . i during the fiscal year 1912-13 ujr j tier the Hupervislon of Uie office * a o^'Public Hoiids. U, 8. Department .J jr ' tel Agriculture, According to Bulle* r tin i?3 of the Department. making a total of over four mililon square yard/i of road constructed under the - supervision of this office since 1905. ~ The typen of roads built v^ere ) brick, concrete, oil-cement concrete, | bituminous concrete, hltuminousj surfaced concrete. bltun>in?us ina; c&dani. surface treatnn im. r-sncadam ! asphalt ring. oil nsbphult gravel, nil J I Bar vol, oll-coralllnc, cmv. >l-mucadI am. gravel, sing, sand-clay, canit- *, f Bumbo. burnt-clay, shell and earth, object lesson and o* perl menta) . orh during the pact vear was j doce at a cost^jo the im-al enmmunt- j J ties of 3139.K41.89. Tbl* does * i.' include, the salaried and ex rentes d| the Department engineer*. r .A jj' The road ?vork durina- (he year , ' v.as done in Arknnra.-r, Florida, ( O^crgla, Kentucky, Maryland, Mis" j si?-? ippl. Nebraska. Nort'i Carolina, ; South Dakota. Tonnes?*", Tpxas, ? Virginia, Wisconsin, and t!:o .District .'of Columbia. H j ^ * j' 1.E1* WRIGHT ILlki: VoiJR StTlT 1 Lil * new. ,?.IOsKl'A MILLS WILL ! HAVK I*RKL1MIXARY .. J II HIKING MONDAY 3' * preliminary heurlaK of State t. \'J. Jovbun Mills for the killing jSt Bc:\\-.nilu Oriuond in- Hi- Kimnnds I Bart - r chop several week* ago, will - j place sit th" Court Hbuso Mon. morning at 11 o'clock. The a will be before to at ice of 9>l,cai/5^.r':",,r'"T M. Drown, tho A jder.Vfre yeptordiy wa-i i t; a k 'on the . ...<3 tfillio /. Mnvo ye ?"-d ;v i:io< :tYn?.. "" U rt i T !? . ^ . y-vr t inkd At 51 v : . 1 . v ? *' .-i-v<;-1. v:.- 1'i.vir - Vf?ry cold _ ^ w j ,e.r.r-- end are glad n' * ? " * f ' "] Oil* i ? ! <:? ! tnv? ?vcreated rj . -* .:. : ! f? r ? * le ? f>w dajs, : |. i .! \e attendance continues *Xo ,r; inc^a.-*, our t t w'l! soon Ibe \ o it:; rapacity.. "-! *iT- V/. W. t iifl?ftn and fam'l& ') ? have moved f-o*n t.lio Coots | cr u-'fi to the farm of Mr. W. % ; Lat'Vr-PV . ( "j Lucy HaT'a. and Pcna j FmltWifck wev the guerts of Mm. 3 I R. Yi. A lien ar?d Miss Christine White | Sunda} afternoon. w. The Farmers Union of this place t_ has ?*p tw > < Mldron. a mother, two broth- I p ?:rr. tktee sisters and k host of I : friends and relatives to whom pre i/SB I J extend oar . deepest sympathy. J Mr. Jos. n Herris and family of ? fJB Rop^r. N. C., attended the hurls) of I Mrs. C?. T. Allen Saturday. if ???? . I LvHc Thenfre . j ' E.uu'e Chnmre of 1 ? . Program Tr'dav j| ! ONE T\BLE OF LACES AT le A ! yard?ono table Embroidery vfH | pj 1 l-2a & yard. Hoyt'a After fab* I | ventoiy Sale.