y\ *-'*' 1 Falls And V ' ' . ' / . f - . ?4 t ? Modem Eve Coompany ft Pal Head, Back and Limbs. In I Last night after the production of I "A Moflren Bra/* had been present- j ed at the New Theater and while 1 the members ef the company were \ engaged In removing their property 1 KfiSfe ?rom *** theaur to the railroad eta- c Hon, ou ot the member*, Edward J. t Kauaen, master or properties reeelv- r ed serious bruises caused bp the ca- t K 01? .01 cno e levator Dreaiuo^iweo u 1 r from the weight. Bereral Urge t true he were on the elevator at the \ time, besides .Mr. Huron. When I the cable slipped It caused the ele- c . rotor to. tilt and la consequence the c ' . trunks fell over on him. FortunetoIX gt the time of the accident the j curator wu near the lowef leading. , If tke elevator had been tear the \ top floor when the cable laft Its fast- t "ttfuf* ^e .doubt hot.what Haasen t would have beea killed Instantly. t Bflttf uear th^ lower.floor the oi?- c aUr only dropped a few feet i Immediately aftar the accident the H X f r?5 ' Moving picture Fih Showd Memphis, Teun.. Jan. to?Sbtro-J > lag the MlroUalppl flood devests 1 - tteu, Its magnttade aad tho means ' eg" WW llBlag the stream and pre- ' renting floods, one of the moat remarMtble moving Picture Blm? sror t exhibited In.Memphis wss shown to t . a private, aadlenco at. one or the r Majeetlc Theaters yesterday mom- t log, , The flldl 1g goo feet long and was , ??? roSUtS: worst nedf Ifelens. Ark . |he Beu- t, lsh crevasse, and the manner In J ' ' whkh it was closed despite e high t 'stage of water. c ThU film win be exhibited'.before tr.Am>tAr? of the House and Senate t fm Washington next week. John A- < Fox, Sevctar/-mantg?er of lh? Mis- ( sisslppl River Levee Association, will i use It as .an argument in favor of < the Hansdcll-llumphrey* bill, the ws.1.111 mis ii (UK Bill |C MreH. W. "carter returned tut night from Che pel BIU. N. C? where he went ta attend the coasell.?t the gtate Federation or Woman'e ? ' Clnbe which convened there Thornday and Friday of tut week. There } were twenfy-eUtit delegates preeent cot <t a membership of lhylty;Bve. Mng the largest "number aver pre?teat at a similar meeting. The coenI ?... cfl met In U)e Peabody bunding (or Its hostnees seaeloni. On Thursday re : st ana Mrs J. H. Pratt entertained the delegate* et Vjunch900 The eolor scheme ns.yUtw. the deco at"'' jatlone being yellow candles and the Fin* breath of Spring. TSu place || cards were unique and hJUeftlye # being handmade On Thareday es. entng tie council wet addressed hj the elate president, Mies Adela Frelss of Winston-Salem and Mrs I Unglo of Dnvldson and Mre Hool H v. of Charlotte, rrraay Wt noou km _- Archibald Henderson gave a Ion ^ cheon In honor of the delegates Ptne Iwaa the decoration. Friday - ? .5- night Dr. Hunt of the Congressiona J. ,.\V L0hrary, Washington, D. C.. address [|- 'ed the eonnctl on the early hlstorj j| of the United States Dr. Hendei (S eon and Mr. Connor* also made uhoi If ^ talks. Following the address *0 the faculty of the University ga\ C . a reception In the library. R< J. J tteshments were served. Mrs. Cai I tef; enjoyed her trjp immensely. 1, AUTO SHOW I*OR BALTIMOItF F:' Baltimore..- Ma.. Jan. JO.?T1 ^ eighth annual ahoyr ot (he Balthn* I. Auto Dealsra' AaaodaMon. opeu 111 In,Fifth Roglmest Armory toda | Naw nlf-ntartlag deric?. and ? * A ^ * ? 0 j A|* . 1 * > ?-/%? V? 11 "ayloe reached the Injured man rithin a ver? (ew minutes soon folowed by *>r. D: T. T*yto? He was arrlod et once to the hospital where nodical and surgical attention was endered. A phone message 'from he hospital this morning states hat Hanfcen sustained serious brolss on his back, head and Htnb*. Vhlle ho Is gettln* along as well m could be expected the physicians tfnnot now ascertain what the outome of his injuries will develop. Tha elevator at the theater . Is louted on the back of ths building ind Is used exclusively for the purpose 6f transmitting property to and rom Abe theater. It appears to be llinsily constructed considering the r eight it Is required to Carry. One >f the weights attached to the elector, (theoen which broke looee) teems not .to hate been incased. ns will Mississippi Flood iM.0^0.000 flood measure now beoro CougrMB, I This picture wUl be especiall^stisble to the levee cause as It ^bws ondltlons Impossible to describe. One -of the pictures^ shows 400" eet of earth gradually'slipping into he Mlsaislappi river opposite Heiea. Art.; soother shows the water eating the levees, from the tops of reea as It rushed through the crevesee at Beqlah. Miss.; another give* big teres of men at work s to^provent* further* caving. The nanner la which the hlg net works j ,ro sunk near the levees and on the | tanks of the river are shown most learly. . j Mr. Fox. in a few days, will have, i "film made' sbpwlng actual levee < instruction work. This will srhve j o illustrate to tBe Congressmen from the north, east and west the effectiveness' of levees as a flood preventive. . * v ?J:. .. rXbKTTJUKD HEATHER BUREAU FORBCAHT FOR THE COMING WEEK Somewhat unsettled weather will prevail the first of the week over tnuch of the eh on try, but the last of 'the week will be cenerally fair, the wither bureau has anaounoed. "There are indications," the official said, "that rains and snows west of the. Rocky Mountains will be terminated after Monday. U the plains Mates and the northwest snows or' rains with continued higl temperatures, are probable by Tuee day or Wednesday, followed by fat and colder weather. 'Kut of the Missouri rim th wither will 1m fWUri, wit snow, or raUe daring mack of th wuk, pgcopt that It >111 bo genera IT talr Tuesday In the great coatn valley*, and OB Tuesday Bad Wat neoday In tho lake regtoa and th Atlantic states. . . ,iv ? "In tho noatk tho weather will t unaotted Tuesday, with load rain followed by laterally fair weathi the remainder b( the week "It will ho warmer over tho del ffml portion of th, eoaatry' and., Tuesday In tho out and south. I r uDitaaally wold weather la India I ed at praaeot for any portion |the country." . I usited mink wonmu gathi u ladUaapolls, Ind., Jan. 10.?T 7 International convention of t I United Mine Workers opened ht t- today. An unusually important ? 7 aion is because the roct tronble betweJh the anions and e t ployers of this city will be disc a 8 ed. A proposal will also be me ? to change the -headquarters fr< Indianapolis to some other ci c- Perolri, 111:, Is anxious for the hon The feeling against capital Is r> strong here, as was shown $t i first of the year When tho unii i? withdrew between four apd flref re lion dollars frosv.local banks, decl ?d Ing that the money* was being u y. by merchants and manufaotui a- for tho purpose of opposing labc nt RlVCfl RIAD STATION BR1F11 . . _ 2 * 1 ' j i jj| t ' rungo xitizens J Treasurer E. To I He is the Mm far the Place The) Castiag their Votes for Hkn The following petition over the nignatuea of a large nnmber of clt lxons'of Pungo, N. and addresned to the County Treasurer R. Mlxon of this city, explains itself: Pungo. N. G... V" ~ January 1*. 1|14. To Ur. E. R. Mix on, Covaly Treasurer. Beaufort County. N. C. ! : Bear Sir:?Wfe, the undersigned JN$B!3L^d.Jj?-nayera of P-^xo- M, abiltty in the offlce of Chuntr -ciufo county, and know lng the unusually fair and |u?t. way in which you have handled thfe of- j flee/take this metlipi of aekin* r??? to hpr'rte a candld'tf ff?r ryx ~ tion again. %.? vivil I W? nm ;* u??u> ; rc-a*-* yourself a<< bnuf> ? >* " sort of pledge which you n>ado the the people four yearn nqo, fhWi I would prevent your running" again. f MB 0 Mi ; - ?~ * U J>.C. Win ho&Monthlv Meet . ing in PubKe library Rooomi r Tomorrow afternoon at 3;30 6 t> Pamlico Chapter, Daughters of th a Confederacy will hold their regula I- monthly meeting in the rooms of tb il Public Library on tomorrow aftei I- noon at three-thirty o'olock. Th ie feature of the meeting will be a - address by Mrs. Stephen C. Bragas * Her subject' wll be one of interei s, to all members. AJ1 the members t ir the chapter are urged to be pre ent as the meeting la a very tmpo a- tant one. * ?' m - ? . lo RTOCKMBN COMPLIN OF RIG1 ,t- DAWS. Denver, Col., Jen. i.?**-Tlto flJ outeenth annuel convention of tl IK American^ Natlonel Live Stock Am elation opened In this elty todi be with a large number of the lendi he -tockmen of the weet In attendant re One of the matters to be consider as- will be the rigltf enforcement of t mt regulations of the Bureau of Ai m- mal Industry on the manage qu< ?s- tlon, which the stockmen claim ide causing them unnecessary expet >m and hardship" ty. S or r is DCT AGAIN, ery Tho friends of Mr. John T. PrlcH will be pelaaed to learn that 3ns is able to resume his business I OH- ties. For the past two weeks lar^ has been confined to his home aed Bridge street suffering from aa era tack of la grippe. *'B jr. VTRIOIIT DBV CXBANS AXYTHI ^ but tb? Pooaio Doe T ooikt od W?twln. C?kH?. ' . B8DAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY II ' MS**# ?*PM BBVEJj - ri - ^ Desire. R. Mixon tecome Candidate . '% r my and want the Privilege of i"'Hg. 1 If It be trae that you made a pledgs to tha people, then tha. people can release yeu frlm this pledge. Vou are the man for tlie place. It is * lie high' type of business man of |, laimpeaebable character that the h party** ne'eda- In * thia j t 3b*unty to handle Its fin antes. We,'J therefore, as good Democrats, do-' 1 ,mand that we have the privilege of rj> jlrATOc'vc,aru^ vis, W. W. Chesson. R. B. Coopor. r I,. B. Paul, O. P. Davis, Jlmtnlo At* I ten. H. W. Allen, N. W. Paul. D. R. < rUwiK p' -Allen, L A. Harris, ft. ! ,-i it rr n? ..( n r Dnv'n * fj. EjIIIB, n. ?. W, , At. T>avis, T. E. Allen, H. *0. Carter. R. Llverman, W. E. .Allen, J. H. 'lavnor, E. Q Allen, Jamea Linton: . T E. Panl. L. J. Allen, B. M. olton, D. Panl, John H. Carter. J. " ooper. IT tUlESTEl i- TEHI! * Is the Latest "word in life fighti ing apparatus. Wat ?Oi.structed be North Car. Concern. a The West End Hom Company has r Just received a very handsome com? blnaUon serried and racing wagon, constracted by tbe Cotton S.atcs * Wagon Company, of Monroe, N. C. n It la tg)d to be the very latest horse r- drawn wagon in the country. It la * fitted With Timpkeng roller bcar>f. tags, robber tires and ngutppod with 5_ all the very latest Innovations in fire wagons. The -wagon was pur chased by the City Aldretten some time ago and has only received 1 ? daring th? past few days. N The wag on Is now ensconced %t the statloi of the West- End Tlsso eompau v" whereat is being'much: admired b: the clUxens. ?" The West End Hose Compnn ** I since Its organUatlo? haB alway! ? glyen good account Of Itself at fire * and the city fathers ha*o sliowj ad their "appreciation by donating t he them an up-to-date wagon in appr<' ll" elation of their past record. All tj. members of the compahy are ver ls proud of their new-fire-fighting appi latus and in the future t :e otbt! hose teams In the city inust loo:c j L . jMr IjMig.. ; J-j Bd" PlATK riliAAH FRONT P? A plate glass front Is now Loir placed in the building on' Mar . ho Street occupied tyr the Wright P . .< Pn fng Works, Idea!" Barber shop fti Rt~ B. 15. Harding & 8on, rental agon When conmpleted it will bo .Qui ? an improyement. WRIGHT CLEANS RIGHT. " - S BM --?- . , -A ' ~ ?"**f?%KAlJSTARK ARRESTED IN in * CRlilE HERE * >\'iley Stokes Wanted for assault with Deadly Weapon Brought bock to this City. Bl?3!.tir Oeorge E. KlcU, in reipDnidto i ltlioim received from tlnston Friday last went to that own Friday afternoon and returned iatnrday, having In custody one Wiey Stokes, colored, who wad arrestid in that town and wanted in this I preliminary hearing and placed inder n bond which ho gave. Subse ineatjy to this ho left for parts unknown and ,was not fieard from rinca that time until last Friday "hen the sfcerin_w.an nonaco mai he hail been or.ca'cl In Kinston. E'cce S'okec ha* . '.n Kinston he iS9 Veen employed a3 a drayman for n bardwaro concern.' Stokes after hie* nrrest In Kinston gave the authorities tho following account of his cilnio. Ho cays that two years ego cn a dark night he was driving on a country road near Whartcn. N. C-, when two young white men In another vehicle blocked the ioa?l. Stokes Alleges that ho requeued passageway but this was refnfct ]. Ho saya that the white men curred him in tho presence wf bit mother, .who was tiding with him .Ho alighted from his buggj^&nd th< white men leaped out of their bug gy and assaulted him. whereupoi he pulled his gun. and fired at then slightly wounding both. Stokes 1 now confined in jai here. m o ? 1 je "a WASHINGTON OOWvN MARKET FOR TODAY !*' Seed Cotton 4 cents. , Lint Cotton, *11 7-S cents. Cotton SMd, $16.00 per ton. I . 0 u rtj : : LEADERS OF LUMBER INDUSTR i GATHER. Tnd nnnrolls, Ind., Jan. 20.? ' number of men prominent In tl t, American lumber trade have arriv* -|hrre to sneak at the-convention 1 the Retail Lumber Dealers' Aeso f | at'.op which opened here today. O f pt* the important features of t: [mo- ting will " be the dUcssalon y | plane whlch< will bring boat cloc 6 Interest between the 'Umber m * { and their-cons, *o that the boys * ^icnqtlnuo In the business their fal ? J crn have established. ? TODACOO EXPERTS HOLD CC VK.VTIOV Tampa, Fla., Jan. 20.?An Imp "-** tan^ conTentiob that began bar? 11? day 1a tbat of the government's part tobacco examiners, who h nsr-inblod from the various big bacco import points of tho cous ** to exchange v'.ows and go throi :t actual processes of examining tol '* \o Ittrportntibn. Plans will also "d diecut9ed during the meeting L'- more generally stand arizing t! ** work. ? WRITE GLOVES CLEANED 831 White at Wright's. \ ' : m Ml ?" HEW if n Choruses Attractive ?and the Plot a good one. Soloist week Edward Hume whole show. "A Modern Eve" wee the attraction at the New Theater last evening and was witnessed by a packed house with a number standing in ine amies unaDio 10 secure seats. While the show taken as a whole was laughable It lacked in many esIrtimnftoHr-Wrn* ?* ?urnn , many shows net up to the standard of -this Berlin operetta and too the | theater goers have enjoyed others Its superior. The music, especially the choruses, were attractive. The whqje show le Edward Hume, for he is In a tin's a entirely alone. As a comedian his stunts have not been equaled here In qnfte a while. He kept the audience In an uproar of laughter continually. He proved to be a At companion for the modern suffragette.- A* stated above while tho choruses and stage settings, tableaux, etc., were catchy and attractive the principals in the operetta did not measure up to the expectations of those present. The sole voices were weak. But for the con 1 tlnual appearance before the foot 1 light* of Mr. Hnme interest in th ' production doubtless would hav - lagged and the spectators sozqewhs bored. l , < 1 BARACA.PH ILATHEA8 8 ELECT THEIR OFFICERS FOR THE CITY UNIO * At the union meeting of the Bi * raca-Philathea classes of the respe * live Sunday schools of the city at tl * First Methodist church last Sundi * afternoon the following office * were named for the City Uah * which has recently been organise! ? President. W. U Vaughan; fli vice president, Mrs. C.. A. Powel ,Y second vice president J. T. Blan third vice president, 8. J. Kirb secretary. J. Elmer VanHook; i A sistant secretary. Mrs. W. T. Hu lie nell; treasurer, Jesse B. Boss; i ad porter, Miss Ivey Harmon, of 11 M ci- GOVERNMENT HELPED HIM Ol ne f OF JAIL, he ; ? of Hartford, Conn., Jan. 20.?Jo ter E. O'Donnell, whom the Board ~ en Pardons recently decided to relej 111 from prison today secured his th- lease through government aid. Donnell la the same man whom T1 ,dore Roosevelt once pardoned/ IV- whs sentenced to four years in p on last September for burglary or* Rtdgefleld. Attorney General to- 'Reynolds and Pbstmaater Gen* ex- Burleson sent earnest letters ash ave his release on the ground that h to- Invaluable to the learnt Ser (try squad in* prosecuting post office i agh herlep. ^ - , * . ' _ iac- r - . be OtT OF (TTV for < Sheriff George E. Ricks left heir terday for a short business trip Is expected homo today. OW TAN GLOVES DYED BLACK Wright'* 1. ' " . ? ' NS n tfflFLEIEl ran Takes place at Court . House I* j night at eight o'clock. All | CordiallyJInVited. The celebration of Grn. Robert ^ e. L.ee'8 birtnday. takes place at the "*~?a Court House this evening at eight -ji o'clock and every citizen in Washington has a cordial invitation to be j present and witness the exercises. j The Daughters of the Confederacy have'arranged a very attractive and / 1 ; interesting Urogram and all who at tend this evening no doubt will b< amply ;repald. Tl^a following i? '? the program: Prayer by Rev. E. M. Snipes. Chorus?"Jackson and Lee," Chil- 4 . dren of Che Confederacy. x Address?"The Confedereay," by ^Mr. John G, Bragaw, Jr. \}uartet?"Tepting Tonight*" by kfessrs. , Potts, Stewart, Shajyfend Harding? Address-?"Robt. 'E .l^ee," Rev. R. L. Oay. * - I Hymn?"For A1P Thy Saints," Choir. 1 Benediction by Rev. Nathanltf Harding. t.. v Rev. W. H. Call will be master, of ceremonies. ST unci up ana "courage" and also "negro mammy" and" fun". All these ingredients are mixed up into the pretty pay of "Beverly of Grauutark" nnd make tor an evening of pleasure for those who attend.tho per- ' fonnance at the New Theater Thursday, January 22nd. All that scenery and 'coeiumes as well as good acting can contribute to tho success of this production is given to the 1 public by this compotent company. 1 They come well recommended and Manager Sparrow feels he has don* well to secure this attraction. The 1 .fact that the play has been drama" tired from the famous novel by Geo. > B. McCutclieon only adds to the " feeling of security. 8 LEAVES FOR 8 TO ATTEND WOMAN'S 1 MISSION AHYpixFERENCB Mrs. E. M. ^Snipes, wife of the pastor of the First Methodist church, ' expects to leave tomorrow, morning N for Durham, N. C., where she goea to attend the conference of the l" Woman's Foreign Missionary Sociec" ty oi the North Carollnd Conference 18 of thAMethodlBt .church. The meetLy ing wgUSlaBt through Sunday and will be hefeftin the Memorial Meth,B odlst church* in that city. 1: - . '* * HAMBURG UNERS TO STOP AT QUEEN Sit) W N yl Queenstown,-. Jan. 20.?The Hamia" burg American liner Rhaetia, thej, ld" first of the'German liners to call **" at Queenstown. will receive a warmy wecome when she lands today. The^ v officers and crew will be tendered' ^ a civil reception The calling "*<>2 the Thaela at this port one day before the opening of the rate ferepoe In Paris, seems to indicate ? that the transatlantic steamers are ^ on the verge of a serious rate est. ?'" * RB^VLAR COMMUNICATOR neo .7 . He Th- re wiU be a regular communl. cation of Orr Lfflflgo No. 104 A. F. and A. 34. at tholr hall, oornar of c" Third and Bonner streets this evensra ing ak 8 oklqck to which all mev1 bers aVe Urged (Jo be present. VIsft * King brethren cordially invited^By order of S. C. Carty. W. M.. O. M. rob" Winfleld, secretary. 1 Lyric Theatre HB Ijjntire Change of AT Program 7'oday;

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