P Badly Cut ^ I L. W.' Jobaion who U spehdlnf the winter here with the Adnmt Carol Yal "Company, came near meeting with a aerlotu accident last night af Chaoneer Marine Itattweri Laal night about twelte o'clock he-had |? to Ikarfc hie Berth oh (he theatcfboet Eetelle, and In walking on tt< lege arould (he "hotae being erect ed on tha boot, in tome way ho foil from tho ataglng. In coaoeqnence of Iho foil ho had two largo gaehea tut in tho hack or hla head. Dr. D> IT. Tayloo wnjf haatlly aummoned and rondered the neeeeeary aurgical kid) Mr. Johaaod in falling came la aefctatct with tome timber and rub~Wah. Ho had a narrow eecane from aerloua Injury. IK U (DESK HUM i i? * The CoIquo Club of Aurora. N. .C., (are a dance at the HiWimiune Hotel loot evening and ptovod to ho one loan to ho remembered by tho largo number present and tipping .th light fantanlic. To the tnaplgB .lag. attaint .of "the aweateat of muale ,..... tho couple* enjoyed the evening un "? ??? "i? bw? UUIMo. Li?yuuu ?ua Mrs. C. 8. Wblchard of Vandemere. -,N. C., eotertalnsd the following . from Washington at the Hotol, who were Minor gweets of the occasion: Miss Kerr Clyde Heesell. Miss Mary ' . Carter, Miss EllraWh Csrrosr. Wtaa Kllsapeth sijnmons. Mr Schoppla, Captain Whitney and Mr. Collins. After the' dance the club entertained moat swnptaonsly at a late lunch ton. r. . IttJiLIS Serrlces at 11 a. nr. sad 7.30 p ' m. Preaching J>y Res^ p. McC, ..Shields, Mr. A. C Burr will lead Aha singing. This will be the list May of this meeting as Mr. Rhlolds has to go to another Held noxt ' weeli. ' These services have been wrll attended and greatly"enjoyed, and wa believe they have, been a great blets, ing to the community. Do not miss this opportunity to hear again these men of God. Ton are most eordtai ly invited to all of these services^ The large congregation present last'night heard another Una sermon ,Tha duet tg Mf-Unrr pod Mrs. Ouy Hardy way lurpaaslngly sweet . Services tonight at S o'clock. -J ? . FroMji'wtoDma os V> . . THOBMiAY HVDN'l.NU ' ?V* WASA FU'ltl'RMR Mr. -6. D. fHnimeoch, niHin of the Clifton Dairy anil. Mrs. Franklin were happily united in marriage by Key, R. V. Hope, pastor of the 'Christian chruch on 'afasradV- evening last In the presence of a font fnenda end acquaintance!) of the contracting partlee. They ?*- ?ow spending their honeynicon ?t the attractive bungalow on the farm of Dr. U. T. Taylor The bride is among the moat popular womed of nity. . . RESCUE \SS3?.'.t l\\, ' Passengers Du Or Ate Qui The Monroe Careened Wht Nantucket. Foety Nm Five were Rescued. - > Norfolk, *nx. 31.?with k b??rr ??m awning covering a gaping c&sstsss&sss; board the steamer Nantucfcoi,'bearing the refcued paaccngeTB and crew of tie Ill-fated Monroe docked here yeetorday afternoon. Several thousand people were on the water front to watch the steam vr pass into ner sup, oj uir rescued stood upon the dick 0f the Wantucket wrapped 1b blankets as 1 their only garment. There were tiro dead. These were Mrs. Thomas Harrington, daughter of J. Kelly, No. 61, 8tevens streot. Norwalk, Conn., and First Lieut. Legranji-'B. Curtis of tha 8econd Coast Artillery. Watervllet Arsenal, .1. Y. Mrar-Carrington'a body, placed In I a temporary coffifi, was borne from 'tha Nantucke: with the husband rej fusing to leave It until the body had geen brought ashore, r The body of Lieut. Curtis was I Identified by a handkerchief found | by Coroner Klght In the pocket of his pajamas marked "Curtis." This was the . only identification to be found. |fr?- Harrington and Lfeut. Curtis both died after being rescued from the water. Thomas Harrington, of Bridgeport, Conn., husband of -the dead woman, told a thrilling story of the experiences of himself and wlfo. j Harrington and wife were long In the water and the nr.an was swimroigj Vtth taii wlfe'e Jlelr between hli teeth when (he two were pinked up Mr,. Harrington died from exhauetlon niter belng^henleJ aboard of the Nantucket. K. J. J. Newby, U .8. N? chief petty officer, who erne on ten daya' leave. Intending to apend It In New York, wag among tho anrTtrore end wni eeen aa ikon aa the Nantucket docked by a rnprnaentntlTn of the Maar-Dtaptiofc. Mr. New by **to1 an Interesting description of the ae-| ctdedt, which at Mmea was quite graphic. I "Judging from nly watcfr which stopped after l^rent into the water, the accident happened at 1.48. My watch stopped at 1.58 and I Jufcge that it wae hot mora/fllalrten minutea from the time (pe boats struck until *1 was In the water. "I was in bed when the crash ceme I am Immediately grhbsed< my trousers. ooat und cap and what little I m$>ney I had. Almoct immediately tho vesel listed strongly and in go- j I ing up on deck I-bad to crawl like i I | Nothing JHM Qeorgw W..b1ngton'? permitl ?*poos. iccounu during tlia R.volution Amounted to ,7,000 and hi. tel.nr. wa? within 80 cent, of rtght- That 1. the only thing .bout the Immortal Father of BJ. Country thot look. )lko 30 WRATH EH?rmtr TtmJ 1 WASHINGTON, N. C., 8J Scene I " | j jPaJB t''' <? * " ;d OF D rm Berths ckly Drowned m .She was Raksd by the e were Lost white Eighty . monkey. "The officers of UMstouoI utM 1 ewMsaau t** { an dncredibly short -time all of the ftfflcera were at their posts and the v members .of the crew net caught tn M their bunks were In their proper places. "There was no panic in the orflf?" { nary sense of the word, as used in" ] describing accidents at aea. Thrre , was excitement" of course, but Vhe passengers and crew all inducted ] themselves as far as I could see 4a a propor manner. Efforts were made to launch boats and rafts, but with ] very little success. There was hard ly time for anything. "The engine room was evidently . flooded almost immediately as In a ] few minutes the lights were out). and undoubtedly this caused a great ' er loss of life among the passengers than would otherwise have occurred. Many, unfamiliar with the ship, evidently lost tfelr way in their efforts to get on deck dnd were swept down in the whirlpool. "Many of the passoagers and crew , who lost their lives, were evidently j killed in their bunks or pinioned there so that they oould not esoape. The vessel was struck on the starboard side Just forward of amidships and so quickly did she go to pieces, that as 1 was leaving I noticed the paint on the bulkheads was crumbling and scaling off." Capt. E. E. Johnson, commanding the Monroe "was among those saved, he having be*n picked up from the water by one of the Nantucket's crew. * .?*' By some of the seacued persons leaning over the leckrail of the Nantucket as the steamer docked It was told to the newspaper men on the wharf that the Nantucket rakfed and rammed the Monroe in a dense fog it 2 l m., Friday and that the Monroe careened and turned turtle within 10 or 12 minutes after the Impact. . * As the Monroe turned on ber side the passengers and crew crawled over ou the upside of the vessel and ?> ?? - .kl. natll flittll* Bkah cfl off as the steamer turned down aide up and then went to the bot; tom I But for the fact that some had | time to adjust life preservers many mor? live? woul| have been lost. As It was those rescued remained In the water from half to threeounrters of an bottr .before they were Rotten out. THE NEW SPRING STYLES ARB in evidence throughout tfie store, with our early showing of New Tailoroed Suits', New Silks, {lew citton Fagrlcs li^ Crepe weaves aad Ratines. New Musitn Underwear. Middy Blouse* and Wash Dresses, New Daces and Embroideries at our usual moderate prioee. J. K. Hoyt. nam EQUiprmt rurt in jca? (fat and ffea Jar Macfa Colder. CnjRDAT. ijtmMRT SI. l*lt. Ffom ^WIU?ln The HfciT WW KlllE MrjL Jai^Uk. McClner entertained it *%ook" home oh Best 8ec'rom *5ght VrSSfHEmt?; In honor of libs ttmis Thompson of Pentego, N. C. rhe occasion wm one of the most mjoyable functions of the many ftveh this season and all praaent rerecharmed with the giaclousneea >f the hoetesa a? an entertainer. Oellcloua and tempting refreshments were served and all left for their capccttre homes carrying with them nemorlee of an occaatorrTuIl of ? lease re and merriment. Thoee ?raying wore: Mrs. George Paul Krs. L. E. Kldd, Mre. Fannie tiardter, Mrs. W. K. Jacobaon. Mrs. >rgo Spencer, Mls? Annie Thomptflse Mary Elisabeth Thomas, Mrs. Llule Hardy, Mrs. Ed. Travis, Mre. r. F. McClucr, Mrs. James McCluer. BIG ATTRACTION Lovers of good plays and line acting mre certain to welcome the announcement that "Wibtln the Law" Bay ltd |Veir|yr> abedrglns Melodrama of modern American life, which Is the current dramatic seasat ion in New York and Chicago, is to be given Its Initial local presentation on February 4th at the New Theater under the managerial sponsorship of the American Play Company. Forsaking, the conventional paths pursue^ by playwrights Mr. Yelller has, in "Within the Law" devised a virile and exciting drama of a certain phase of contemporaneous life in the larger cities that appeals with equal force to every das* of theater-goor. The story Is that of a young girl who is unjustly convicted and sent to prlsdn for theft, who tries to live honeetly when released. I but Sa hounded by the police until she loses her position end who then 'urns on them and raatehes her wits igalnst their brutality, keeping1 ''Within the law "and employing the kn-trmcies and folae Standards anl technicalities of the law to shield ,hcr from arrest. She develops Ingenuity, daring, and makes the man who sent her to prison pay tor hei four-years of drudgery tor him and her three years.In a felon's cell, al'most' break In g his heart through hit son and heir. For "Within the Law" the American Play company have engaged as adequate cofct of individual and coli lectiye excellence while the extensive ecenlc Investiture required to ate mounting or the play ia on i scale of larishness not usealty at tempted In the line of dramaUe pfo ductlons. 4 Seat# on fals Monday morning a 10.lt a. m.. Worthy A Btherldg Drug Store. . 1 ?1 - < )AIL^ -? ? . Law R IN NC List oft the JR< Lost h ' * \Two |Dead After Havm 'Nantucket. Prommer sing. PASSENGERS. Adolph Hamburger, Carl Nyland, A- F.-AlcNnir. H. 0. TIU.lt, >owpl> R. Man a. J. N. Montgotaery, R. 3. VanWlnkle, Thomaa Welgand, Henry Bossett, J. J. Newby, A. O. Brown, C. Rollins, Mrs. Rene Rollins, Louise Cott, Hilda Thackeray, William James Moore. Mrs. T. J. Wood, Leona Die, John Williamson, Thomaa Harrington, Mrs. Tbos. Harrington (dead,) Solly McCombs, C. H. Davids, O. Williamson, Harry Ebbef, Adam McCoy, C. 8. Smith, Jamee O'Connell, R. Planaean. CREW (DECK DEPT.) E. E. Johnson* capU O. E. Horsiey, first officer, J. C. NasktaUon, L. E. Ruseell Ernett Wasd, C. Nellson, R. L. Etherldge, M. R. Anderosn, . Mayleand, H. Essen, Olaff Olson, S. Chrtstenson, Cosmo Praukllch. CREW (ENGINEER'S DEpT.) John Perkins, chief engineer, Win. Sprnell, O. Perkins, C. Sutton, C. Dowe, R. Scarborough, W. Cordrey, C. Prltchett, A. Wooden, W. Mills, O. Robinson, E. Clark, E. Martin, P. Nichols, B. Davis, W. Carter, L. King C. Fenterss, W. Selby, Wm. Carter, T. Storgts. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SERVICE SCHEDULED FOR TOMORROW Sunday school will meet at 9.4 5 o'clock. Preaching ;serrlce at 11 a. m., and 7.SO p. m., by the pastor, Roy. R. L. Gay. Morning subject: "My Neighbor and My Duty to Him.' Night topic: *JBe Ye Reconciled to Ood." " All strangers In the city havo a cordial Invitation to be present. SHeat - d Superstitious. Humbl# a* i^oycble Wit" gives em i ployment to Several hundred men, wo j uieu uud children on I be coast of Lag ,' ess hi re, England, aud seems to haw . bred lu theni silence and superstition | Several vlllfcgea depend upon the cock* o an Industrial mainstay. Tnecockiori ' in bnmble folk nud among at ranger i exceedingly shy and udturn. na wel becomes their,lonely vocation The; I Inhabit atone cottages near the rm tllng mar ra Agra ss nud bents. The: anbsist on tile coarsest fare. and. wbfl at all times their llrlng lb precartow they suffer periodical hardships tbicug! 1 destructive high tides, shifting char ' nels and the* break up or altered pok - tlon of the skeers. ^ese tollers ar . often seen In twoe and threes far apar r not a word escaping the llpa of tbOi . who worlj together. They are sop* tlUous enough to believe that dh pntea ijmong themselves over th ' fkeera would be overheard la1 i?i ed by the Imbedded cockles, in whlc t case those sensitive ibellflah wool ? perforce quit by the next Ode.?Argi naot 3 ALTERATION AMD RKPAHW A' I , liiPW- ::-;MJ1 r ne\ . * " "v -v . - j mFOLK tscued and l the Collision ?? ! : i -i g Been Rescued by the it People Anong the Mis' K* ..CREW (STEWARDS DEPT.).. W. Sullivan, steward, C. Falaon, E. A. Richardson, Wm. Wade, A. P. HiMf B. Charles, Theodore Samuels, T. lC WUHams, W. H. Brook. Paul Smith, A. C. Cooper, E. Hart, John Power, 81 Young, Goo .Hendrickson, Geo. Kane WYlck, Geo. Williams Enoch Evans, Henry lies, Samuel A. Berry. LIST OF THOSE MISSING. Mrs. W. L. Bolton, Newark, N. J., W. C. Claussen, Milwaukee, Wis., Lieut. L. B Curtds, U B. Army, F. C. Davis. Broklyn, J. Edward ,U. 8. Navy, Ed.- Gorman, Phialdelphla, Mrs. D. Gibson, New York, J. Haas kcll, Cortlandt, N. Y., Miss Havlland Marcaria Theatrical Company, W. H. Ingram, Sumter. 8. C., Mr. Joleft, Marcaria Theatrical Company. Mr. Lewis, Marcarla heatrlcal Company, Mr. Marlow, Marcarla Thetrlcal Com pany. J. Okakamato, Japanese, C. W. pool? and wife, Now York. Miss Seville, Marcarla Theatrical Company, Miss Snyder, New York, Mr. Vernon, Marcrla Theatrical Company, O. Wagnor, U. S. Mrlne Corps, Q. Wllllmeon, New York. 1ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTICE FOR SUNDAY NO NIGHT SERVICE Regular services tomorrow morn-1 Jng at 11.a. m. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. H. B. Searlght. Sunday school 3.00 p. m., C. M. Brown, Jr., . Superintendent. No service at night owing to the meeting at the Payne Memorial church: T = 'n New Line of Art. The redheaded and dluatlafled boarder was a large mnn with a large appetite. After dinner be went out into \ the narrow yard, shook both his flats 4 ft the silvery moon, hurled several * Imprecations toward the congress ol )? the atnra and burst forth into a pie4 turesqueand rolnminons flood of abase b ^ Which was do voted entirely to the ? landlady. One of the other boarden who bad been at the bouse a lon? I time, thereby accumulating a pallid 1 look and a palate with coma on It f drew neer timidly and ventured to aik h what the ipedal kick wu. f -What's the matter?" echoed tbi ? large man. "That old dime's the Oral i, woman I ever knew who could literal b ly paint food 90 a plate."? Popotai i- Magazine. I- ???? Tee Much For th^Scot. tt A 8cottlab farmer paid a visit to 1 south of England cattle show am! r? while walking around got talking wltt ? a native farmer. Neither could wall ie understand what the other said. Tbi t- Scotchman get a little nettled at thh h and/put^ It down to the Englishman'! y- "*an," he said at last "yer cowi noeW right and yer cocks craw gain P*sln? hat I'm hanged If 1 can leak r I BWUHW BAXITARY 8TEAV I PK?tot U IT. fl , ~ v vs an?=? ?mrnmmS* ' t ' is Wo. 17 REV.1.H.JQHES THE PREACHER HERE SUNDAY Has Been State Evangelism Illinois for the past Eighteen Hears. Is speaer of Ability. Larga number Will hear him. Rer. J. Fred Jones, State Evangelist of the Chriatian church, wllr arrive here this evening from Wilson, N. C-, and be the preacher at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening at the usual hburs. Mr. Jones has only recently come to North Carolina from the State of Illinois, whetQ he was State Evangelist for eighteen years. Mr. Jones is the dean of the State Evangelists of his church. - He cornea here highly spoken of as a preacher and no doubt will be heard by large and appreciative congregations. Sunday school meets promptly at ten o'clock. % All cordially invited to be present. ISBIOF Mil MS THAW . V Everyone in Washington remembers-with pleasure Miss Ella Pugh Keith, the neice of Mr. E. W. Ayers, who went to Boston 'Conservatory of Music several years ago where she graduated with honor and distinction Prior to her entrance to the Boston Conservatory of Music she took first honors ot the Southern Conservatory of Music at Durban?, N. C. Last year Miss Keith wis happily marlred to Mr. John Addison Halen, a prominent and promising attorney of the Hub City. Mr. Halen is mak "5 bwuii i u uib iuuku yrui?uioa and especially in his line of work studying Insanity. Some few weeks ago Mr. Haien delivered a very Interesting lecture on "The Possible Solution of the Problem of the Insane of Massachusetts." What he had to say attracted the attention of none other than Harry Tbaw who upon reading what this gifted young and promising attorney had to say upon the subject sent a wire to him to visit him In New Hampshlro In consequenece of this wire Mr. Haien went to see Thaw and remained with him for two days, being entertained most royally by the man who today stands out In the limelight far above, all others. Mr. Haien says that Thaw is a perfectly sane mau. He has no doubt but what this noted prisoner will gain his freedom. He has been engaged as one of the counsel for the noted prisoner. Mr. Haien has never visited Washington since he was fortunate enough to gain the hekrl an dhand of a young lady whose friends are legion here. Notwithstanding that he Is a stranger to our people the latch string ever will hang on the outside. MT -L. W. Mann of Elisabeth City, has accented a Dosltlon with the I B. L. Brooks 8hoo 8tore. I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO MEN I and Boys in our Clothing department, are now offered on good I Suits and Good Stipes, Good I Shirts and Good Underwear. J. K. Hoyt. Lyric Theatre Patronise the Show that Made a Ten Cent Vaudeville Possible. THURSDAY'S OFFERING. Mille. OsMTtere Groese, Soprano Prlmadona. MJlle. Grosee offers very pleasing Beleetionp in classical staging. This should^appeal to every music lover In Washington. An opportu- t pfty which is seldom afforded anl | -we assure yon a rich treat await* i you. PICTURES. TRIUMPH OP STRENGTH?In Two ; iniTTAL WOKLt NO. U Saturday Evening Matinee, 3.09 to I. I Mot) ChOdra* 5C. *

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