rh? had ordered hla .hip ahead at MO peed to avoid the on-ruehlng bow at tha Merchant, and Miner.' etaamar. " Baltimore, Feb. Preeldeot loaeph a Whitney, ot the Merchant, had Miner. Staamehle Company, leaned a etatement ta which ha eald that every precaution en .geared by ; ppoper aeamanahlp had merchant i marine practice, ae wall a. thoee raaalrad by law, wag observed in the taeaaln. and equipment ot the NanI MM" f ARB BRIGHT f ?mrnm ^Praapeeu are blight tor a public library building la Waahlngton It one lo to Judge by Iho eutbaalaeUc . and highly encouraging meeting held I at the puhiie library rooms on Frl Kym day night |gm whoa lh? Uganda! nr^K aommltue dimnted ways and maane I | ol Ua praaaat flnaaclal condition ot the library gad what it hag acoomM_w_v..a rymmt ihrM vaari Thoee preeept were, Mrs W. f. ikm, Jpks O. Bragaw, 'Jr., . Ward, Mr., T. H. Rollins. EUXOh. Mm. A. BeUa, C. r. a, Mr*, dtaphen c. Bragaw. Mr. Iiltu and Mr* H. W. Carter: e workings of the public libra' ace tta organisation ni gratlto tbe committee. In worth raahlaftba was wrestled with erery new point. That it hu valuable adjunct -to tbe pub:hool puplla ae a source of ref wu beard with pleaeure. tact aloae baa made the libraconspicuous success. A bulld?r tbe library I* the hope of the lit tea and U tbe cttlsou wlU rally to Its support such a bulldls only a question of a tew ha. These of our clUaena who to contribute to a cause moat 17 could do nothing better then tosrurds thle betiding fund. .1 ill# aerernl of tbe cltlseno here In the ceuee more ehoutd folTbe Public Library la now doFi tag work, the outeohee of which for good ol tar-reachlng. J BOARD OF EDUCATION 1 U MEETING TODAY LA At TH BOOCJtTHOCSE , jflfc " The County Beerd of Education Is today footing tn regular monthly eeealon la the county superintendent J* ?f school's otbee at the Courthouee. , TM The boeVd will formally eloct Mr. ) -jB PrlTotto M superintendent of roan Ln^L ty schools Mr. PrWotte won .electMK o<5 by the board ot their specie! meet [ loioi Botordey, Jonuory 14th Hfl ?. A. IWLUPK A BRO. moving thkib offices I fl I The mammoth two-etory brlel moo the 00 Beet Water street tor 0 P* A. Phillips A fro .-to ootr practical FH^ ly completed end the oOeeo of tb W*.H . BteUra mmS 1? ? cr^41t oo / / VV LgJ B. r'fL Officers I For Disaster let Libe) Suit Agamet MerrtutioH Company Atk'mg jor Declares Negligence and antucket'e Oftkere. mm Th. greatoot 'of all wdether 1 ohedow todar la dotal hla aaaual ahadow today to dolog hia annual atuat of paaalog oa Ufa weather w? art to bare (or the enaulng a la weeke, aedaa the people arouad thia tectfoa hare great roopoct (or hla Hla theory of Jha matter la, that If exactly at high noon the ens la ?bluing?that la to. aay. thai If, whan ha emargea from hla hole, he eeee hta abedofc," the weather for the next forty dare will be Terr dlaeAMabU. On the other hand If the ehlee are orercaat when he etarte on hla parade he aeae through hie prophetic eye a period of all weeha of good weather gad bidding a eort of wtrelcee allea'to hta eubterasean jpoe. he without looking back, moron en to the enjoyment of thinge terreaytal until the return of cold weather next winter. Hla hogahlp baa gean kaown to allp a cog la hla weather propheaiee bnt he la generally refer led aa hrawey ahead of anyone alee In hla Saataaae - - * PWOMBWa M?W hiurrs. Aa the Market Demand Ineraaaea New Venetian Will Be Oeveleped. Aa the huelueee aapecte of fruit growing racetre mare definite recogniUoo reriittee pill be planted more end more to meet particular condltloaa end tor epedal rather than for geoaral pnrpoaaa. gtataa the agriculture departleant yeah, beak la dlacumiaa aama promlalug new frulta lor laatanca. under preeeut coodlUone one of the meat Important,requirement! df a wlutar apple In many aartfoua la that It hare good cold aturaga quelltlm. Bom near applaa were for a long parted a minor commercial coueldaimtton. but for tha peat ten or llfleeu yearn aa Important demand for them haa derelop ad In tha aaatarn uarkrta. which haa greatly atlmulcted the planting of ear where formerly tbup were little Tel ML As the faathet. demand for newer fralto Increases and their culture be oomoo of motor commercial lmpor tance, BOOT mod better varteOaa or t* rtotloo hotter adapted to eommsrda needs will probably be developed. la the cose of such fruits es the erocadc end the mango, the commercial en I tun of which Is compere tlrelp new. then ere es pet but few rarletlee In cult] ration In this country. V The Bsstmen apple, now being col tinted In the upper If Isstmppt valley was planted and deretoped foe the pe collar needs of this rsgloe. which 1 cbarnctsrtsed bp Ion*, dtp, cold win term. It has prored to be a reuarka blp earlp, regular ipd .proline bearer. Wonderful Exempts of Intensive Pete ' SO Cultivation Reported by Former. A few years aso an Incenlou gat doner near ona of ear eastern title woe Inspired to test the poeelbtut at (rotting potatoes In e barrel. Th barrel had formerly contained Um< hot net much of this remained. The experimenter placed In the txr torn of the barrel, from which th . heed had bean taken out, Ere or el Inches of rich sou end embedded I thle e single whole potsto. As th Tinea grew fresh earth waa adda from Urn* to ttnw and tlx plant* wei watered whenever the aotl appeare drr. . No lasecta or bU*ht troeblod then , and early In the fall, when the vlut aoetnod to be dry. the content* of ? barrel war* turned out and 13S lan line tuber* ware found, all attacba to the dead alee*. beeldea a kalf pec of email potato** not of martwtabl ! ^ ^ ^ 1 ^wTwmto'wirejInto i dTtofrwth r ed for the production of the nert year 1 flar tbla ran little aaed compar tltaly would be reunited, rery lltt - labor In preparing the bed. no we* ' atonal' addition*1 of l"ZI &?. m INGT WEATHBR-JFtir 1 ' WASHINGTON. N KUK SERVICE W 1?ES On Wednesday evening at ..the Mrst Perebytertan otttrch tbe Minister's Union of this city will glee a weloome service to Rev K. It. Snipes, the now pastor of the Pint Method 1st cburcb. Rev. H B. Searliht, paator of the first Presbyterian church will preside and the respectlre pastors of the cltr win make abort addressae ?of welcome. The. sermon will be delivered by Mr. Snipes. A most Interesting progrem la being arranged and til are cordially Invited to bepreeenL MB. PACL APPRECIATIVE Dear Mr. Editor: Please allow nve space la roar paper to . express thanks to Honorablss H. & Ward, Norwood L.Simmons and W. K Jacobeon for their ynucb and highly appreciated kindness In making their kind remarks before the Board of EdncaUon ^ln behalf of J. D. Paul who eras s candidate for County Superintendent to succeed Mr. W. U Vanghan, also keek.1 ass nr Whllul Prnf PflllRt and Mr. C. K. Burgess for tbetr Uetimopisla. I also take this means | bf thanking friends throughout the county who wielded their lnflscnee I in his favor either In person or by petition or were desirous of bis sucJnst a word about him. He has always been interacted In edeoetion Oven when a child I never bad to tell him to get his books or study He woald sit np late at night long after an. had retired and study.- He never attended school that he did not win honors and prises. Studying seemed to be his chief delight. I have always taught him to n^t meddle wfth whiskey, cigarettes aor polttes, which teaching he ,has aftrajw heeded. His taaehlng career proves his interest in education. I desire to say-here that we all regret more that we can tell the lose of onr energetic end efficient superintendent $T. L- Vaughan. The progress of the schools'of the county duirog the four anl a half years that he has been in the office has been wonderful and far boynod expectation. Local tax districts have been established. New school hodhss built, libraries) Instiled. etc. etc. These Improvements have been made only by hard peiplstent efforts. His work will bo a romombarnco of him In years to oomo. While ho leayes as as a pablle officer Wo with him ovory success pooslblo In hla new work. gain thanking all of J. D. Paul's friends for their suport. 1 am. Tours truly, r ur WATTf. RR. Ex-Confederate Soldier. | TOMATO PULP IB , CONDEMNED B YTHK > v DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D. C.f Feb. i?Near Ijr 800 oases of canned goods were destroyed recently at Augusta, and * Savannah, Ga., the oourts having de , clarad the products unfit for human i. consumption. At Savannah, Qa., r 100 cases of tomato pulp, shipped by D. E. Foots A Co., Baltimore, Md., on October 11. 1818, and 800 eases of tomato stock shipped October 8. 1818. by Greenabaam Bros > Co., Ins., Seaford, Del., were de stroyed on the ground that the pro* ducts were filthy, decomposed, and ? unfit for food. Si* cases of butter shipped abont December, 3,1818, bj ^ V. Lopes A Co. .New York, were al e eo deetroyed at the same time, af x Savannah, on the charge that th< u product contained extensive qua* titles of water, ? At Augusta, Oa., a short time prioi J to the destruction of the above a|i doles. 480 cases of canned peas, ship 3j pad by 8, H. Levin's* Sons, Philadel is phta. Pa., were destroyed, after eon is damnation on the ground that the: J were filthy and decomposed. ' nm FOURTH OIUIA1 NORTH CAROIJNA FAIR * OCTOBER IB TO MTU r Tha flftr-fonrth araal North Car ' otlna Stata Fair will ba hold at Raj lotah N. c.. Oetobar uu to nth j, 1914. Tka attraction tW yea a. promlaaa to anrpaaa all former oner a- Bl( crowdr aro atpocted to attaai Of from all aootlooa of tka atata. or aamaT'ltoefftaa.. aota^jalktaotaoloB ^ OOME AN1> NEB TROftF. ST1 I,It! . BOW Sprint NKlrta ? hava jut roeeVtred and .markad at the apt ctal prtaaa 14.9* to 99.Y9. J. H V . qnj: C., MONDAY AFTEBI*>ON, FEBRl IXi.-"*?* v.v v*\^B5Nvr' " V/ V "WITHIN 1 One of the genuine treats of thlocal theatrical nuoa Is foreshadotrod in the announcement that "With In the Law" Bayard VfUler's ab soring new play of modpftt American life which ia the dramatSi sensation. Of ?jo pear tn NWW fled CMca go. ia to be presented/by the'American Play Company at tho New Theater on Wednesday* February 4th. This deservedly successful drama which has been critically commended aa possessing the most, ongosalng t human Interest atory glvon the stage I In a decade, has for Its central character, a pretty and qoick-wltted young woman who Is falsely accused and wrongful]y convicted of steal Ing from her employer. She serves] there years in prison, comes out determined to "go straight;" Is betrayed time and time again-by the police. and finally Is forced to abandon the effort to honestl v^earn a livelihood Hm hr wit a. Trail AlfSM The entire county will regret to learn of the critical Illness of Mr ' R. R. Warren at his home near thli | city. Mr. Warren was taken with an acute attack of indigestion severi al days ago and the reports from hit gedslde today are anything but en | couraging. For years he has occupied an en ' viable place among his neighbor! and friends. During the war be 1 tween the states he was among th< | bravest of the brave and since tht surrender has been an "Unrecom -TjU.I ? Nnt Afilv h< r BIX ucmu o*n757r-?.vj*1. _ proud of wearing the grey but ha bren a loyal and true cltisen of hli county. Several years ago he wai chairman of the County Board o Commissioner*. In every tmfc cbmmltted unto him be has alwayi been faithful and true. The newl of hlo illness carles with It genuine regret and ell wish him a speedy re eorery. OOUWTV COMMI9BIONBM KBETING IN RMDUR mbmion at ootmraorsi ' The Board at Coontjr Commission ere ere meaUiXlA recoltr month!: eeeloo et the cottrthouee tod*. Among the bunineeJ coming gefor the board will ha the election of 1 hooper of the Waehlngton hrljge t ' eucceed keeper H. o. D. Hill, wh !* bea tendered hie ggftgaatlon. Thee T are eeraral appitcaaU for the pom tloa: - "" )AIL\ ' . r * t . . \ ". '. ' ^ . . JABY J. IH4. I IY GRAY [ nnt rHE LAW" ' ~ She prospers by the use of many ingenious devices, outswlndlep swindler^, conducts a blackmailing operation on perfectly legal lines fortified hereof against pollco Interference by effoctlvQ lawful defence, and la^ ekert, prop* Upon society at will as a l&w-breakur but remains herself always "within tho law." At .last she revenges herself upon the man who sent her unjustly to prison vy luring vis sod into marriage. And Jhen, of course tse falls In lore with him. "Wlhtln the Law" employs the services of one of tho most carefully celected and evenly balanced agt^ Ing organisations gathered In many sermons land the elaborate scenic production provided by the American Play Company, producers of the play. "Within the Law" Is a world wide success, as the play Is at present equally popular in England. Germany and Australia. BUMS liS HIS i AUDIENCES ( Large congregations heard .with . pleasure as well as profit the sermon* i of the Rev. Fred J. Jones, State i Evangellts at the Christian church . Sunday morning and evening. Thli \ Id the first visit of this gifted speak - er to Washington since he was elect ed .to his position. Bearing with - him a reputation as apulpiteer h< i was heard attentively at both sor . rioes yesterday. All present wort j charmed and delighted. Mr. Jonei hag only recently come from thi 1 State of Illinois, where he was Stafc " Evangelist of that state for the pas i eighteen years. A cordial welcomi i awaits Mr. Jones In Washington a j any time. The music was one of Jh< , features. [ v . _ VISITOR TODAY I 8. H. Gay of Bath, N. C., was her* i today on business. Mr. Gay li , among the most popular and high!: ? esteemed citizens of the county. ALDERMEN WILL ELECT NEW CHIEF OF POLICE AT MEETING TONIGH1 5 At the regular monthly meetln . of the Board or City Aldermen a f the .city hall Ihle evening thermos Important business t<j be transacts ? he of electing achtef of polio i to succeed Chief Howard, who "ha 0 tendered bis resignation for the put pose of accepting a posUion wit e the Norfolk Southern. Chief How ? ard's headquarters will be la Ralelg having work between the eapltal clt <T r NE'V TIE (MIL IHLEIIIUS BffiMEg The Capitol ^^len MlllB Company ha# moved of buatneea from the building street fornmy occupied by vixens 1 market to the Rodman buiraHMfe t Bast Main street' next to thewaaiS 1 Plumbing stand where the Hear 1 Real Estate Agency formerly was. < They have a most attractive sttnft 'I and will be pleased to see thttr numerous friends and customers at ' their new home.. _ > This concern la doing a mammoth ! buclneaa in their line. . I CHIEF OF POLICE NYE J OF BEIHAVEN BRINGS ' PRISONERS HEBE . Chief of Police O. J. Nye of Bel- i haven, N. C., la a Washington rial- ,, tor again today. He brought one ? Henry Parker, colored, who waa sentenced to the county roads by Recorder Leigh for a term of twelve , months. Parker waa convicted in ] two caseB; one for larceny and one for carrying a concealed weapon. In each case he waa sentenced to the roals for six months, total ( twelve mpntbs. Saturday Chief Nye brought to the eonnty Jail Joe Oillam who was tried 1 in Belhaven before a Justice for the 1 larceny of 1170, the property of W. D. Morrison. Failing to give ball ' ho waa committed to the coutny Jail 1 to await hla trial at the next criminal term of court. CUTLER AND JOHN NEW . FIRM RECENTLY FORMED IN WASHINGTON Messrs. Cijtler and John- la the style of a new merchntle firm formed here. They will handle* dry | goods, notions, doming, gnoua, ??., besides a full line of house furnishings. They are located at the South west corner of Main and Market streets. Mr. Cutler was formerly * "partner with Hudson and Cutler on 'Water street. Mr. K. John has been In the mercantile business for years here. Both of these gentlemen are popular and possess fine Uuslnees ability. This paper wishes them abundant success. PERSON ALA Miss Margaret Clark is visiting her father Mr. H. B. Clark on Bonner street. L. M. Lewis and wife of Norfolk, Vs., are guests at Hotel Louise. Miss Arlene Joyner of Greenville, I N. Cm who Is teaching music at Auro' Ta. was among the visitors to the fclty Saturday. ( Deputy 8herl!f Claude Roberson of Aurora, was here Sunday on business Miss Corlnne Bright who Is at1 tending the East .Carolina Training i School, Greenville, Is home for a few i days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bright on West Second street. H. A. Ellison and wife of Wllllamston N. C., were among the Washlng1 ton visitors yesterday, i C. A. Bowen of Gcreenville, Is in - the city today. ? 1 D. U. Martin Of Royal, N. C., Is j here today. f County Commissioners W. H. ? Whitley, Bonner ton; H. Churchill t Bragaw, Obocowlnlty; W. S. D. & .Eborn, Bunyan; are here today *tt 'tending the regular monthly meet? ling of the board of commissioners. W. M. Butt of Bonnerton, N. C., Ms in the city attending the regnlar meeting of the County Board of Edd ucatlon. B B. 8. WombleT a prominent attary ney of the Winston-Salem bar is the gueet of Rev. E. M. Snipes and wife at the Methodist parsonage. w w fitubbs. J. A. Leigh. J. A. Wilkinson and Jordan WUkinP son of BO>taaren, N. C., are In the city today on business, g Miss Mamie Worrington of New t Bern, la visiting Mrs Annie Holt brook. % a Mitfs Addle Lecvett of Wllllamston la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ira a Warren. k WW WAISTS?A SPECIAL NEW >- lot Of wMta Waieta, neatly trimh rand and In the latent (trie. 7 priced npeetal at 11.11. J. K Hoyt. AMI PASSES AI mm 1 Ex-mayor Stewart and wife, Mlaa Pearl Campbell and Messrs Edward and R. Lee Stewart went to Greefi rille, N. C.. Saturday afternoon where they attended the funeral of he late Capt. A. J. Grlffln one of that Lokn's beat known citsena passed away at his home - there pasftd away at hla hom there at ?.S0 o'clock Saturday. Capt. Orlfan was 73 years old and one of the lurvivors of the famoua MerrlmacMonitor naval duel In Hampton [toads during the Civil war. He has been a resident of Oreenville for .he past thirty-two years following he trade of jeweller. He was for naay years at the head of the "fire lepartptent In'Greenville and organised the first volunteer company here. He was a consistent member if the Episcopal church and also a Mason. The funeral took place yea- , terday afternoon. The deceased was well and favorably known In tbla . 3 city,, and the news of his going la rogretted. ACCEPTS POSITION j L. W. Smith of New Bern, N. C , has accepted a position* with the Brown Drug Company. He was connected with the drug firm of Wood ft Lane in New Bern and comes to this city highly endorsed. He succeeds Mr. Samuel Reld who.has resigned. mm: IS Olid : mm ./. "v'<? The series of meetings which bav^ been In progress at the Payne Me* * . mortal church for the past week . ** were attended by large and appreciative congregations. Sunday* both morning and evening there was a feast of good things at this church and those present heard sermons .full of gospel truth by Evangelist Mc O. Shields and also listened to delightful music under the direction of Prof. Burr. ? On Sunday evening there was no service at the First > Presbyterian church, that congregation worshipping with the payne Memorial. Considerable interest was manifested and great good accomplished In the community as a result I of the ceries of meetings. The ^ w meeting closed with the service last I night. Mr. Shields nreached snlendld ser roons at both services. Two members were received into the communion of the chnrch at the morning Bervlce, At night the house was packed, eery available space being occupied. Evangelist Shield's text was, "How Long Halt Ye Between Two opinions?" The sermon . ? was an earnest plea (or men to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior, and take their stand on the Loyd's side. He was closely followed by hiB auditors and a deep lmpreselon was made on their minds and hearts. These services have done a great deal of good in our city, and we believe that the good seed sown will soon bring forth frnlt unto life everlasting. Mr. Shields and his singer won a warm place In the hearts of our people and will always be welcome In Washington. They are true and faithful stewards of the Lord, worthy of all honor-. Two Witt and a Street Craren street, Btrand. London, once produced qotto a competition among epigrammatists. James Smith, one of the authors of the "Rejected Addressee," who died there In 18S0, wrote: la .Orasen street. 8tread, tan attorneys And place. And ten dark eoal barges are saosred Its bass fly, Honesty. Ay; ssak seme safer re treat, . For there's craft on the riser and ersft . /j an the street To which Sir George Boao iet? l.tod: " Why ShooM Hooeety Ay twsorne safer re- ^ treat. 'J From attorney* and barges, *od ret "etaFor the lawyers ere just at the tog of the Un.taroa ar, Jort at u. hMtom

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