' A Story of Pre?t- : doit Lincoln - Mr.r. A. MITCHEL President Iiacota vu sitting la his ream at the White Bona dispatch In* tk* ainwM hall tea laeolred la the grml atracila that ha was directing. vUla his atsRMB was crowded with thaaa waiting Chair tarn tor-all they iWli expect?a tear warts with bia. Ths tsar hatwaaa hJmaad tb?sa par* asas stood ajar, through which cams tha cry of a ha by. Tba president cesa 4 frem hk Ubasa sad hsteast. Ths tgj was repeated. The work af ad* ministering s gaveraaaaat with l.OOfc600 aaldlars la ths ftsld. struggling far Hi existence. was brought- ts a standard hy tha cry af aa lofaut Ml Uacata called aa attendant, charged with tha Introduction of visited sad asked hlsa what It meant "A woman la waiting without who has been here two or three different day*. She comas from a long distance sad has to bring her child beTo c SHALT. HAVE fOUn HT8BAN D," lit SAID. cause she knows no one In Washingtou aud has no place where site can j ? leave It" "Bring her In." the president dl reeled. A you us woman poorly dressed carrying a child in lier arms wns ushered Into the presence of. the head of the n&llou? not the "august, presence" by ??????????KKKIIWI I The Greate Modern Oi Mme. M( on her recent tour of Ameri great Pure Food Center, in h? for children she makes the fo cago Daily Journal of Dec. "Coffee and tea be placed with childish hand.' Besides being an educator, pician, anjl bases this advice o an ordinary cup of coffee*cont feine?a poisonous drug, (al In these days of liberal cd parent is becoming informed of tea and coffee drinking, n those further along in life. How much better to place 1 ones too) a wholesome, nutrit POS .Made only of prime whole * pure molaasea, Postum^contai of the grain?good for young < ? caffeine or other harmful subs' Poattnn comes in two form REGULAR POSTUM?m rich -flavour and food value. TX8TANT POHTl M?H * fetiired in a cup of hot wnt< tanker U delightful beverage in The cktU per cup of both k "There a Reasoi I I Jj " Jucoln directed* the* asked: "What cnn 1 do for you. my good The vlslt^told ber atory. not In the words it la givemJtere. for she would not have boon able to give It as elaborately, and tbo government clock could not have bevu stopped long enough for ber thus to tell It but ber words, spoken In a tremulous voice. Interrupted occasionally by the fretting of her child, wi re doubtless *fsr more effective than lbs following recsion: lu the spring of' 1801. when the war drum was calling from Ihj Atlantic to t*o Pacific for volunteers to (Jgbt for I 1 . the Union cause, a regiment was drawn ap In the state of Pennsylvania In colunyrTormntlon ready to march to the railway station to entrain for Washington. 'Just before the order -Forward!" was given a girt 6f twenty, carrying a small bundle, came running up te one of the companies looking eagerIt for some one. Private Jack Williams waved bis hand to her. and. ap- : p roach lug him. she handed him ?he bundle containing tbs last bit of food aha could bops to propnra for him In many a month to come. There was Jjut time for* an embrace when the uft>rd -MarchP rang out tbe band struck up no Inspiriting air, and tbe regiment moved away. "fa that your sweetheartY* asked Williams* file closer of him as they marched to the tuoi of "The Girl 1 Left Behind Me." "Sweetheart and wife." was the laconic reply. Jock Williams, though be bad been married but n few mouths, heard the call of President Lincoln for the' "fJ.000 volunteer* that constituted the first detachment of the great army for the Union and enl!st<*d nt'tlie nearest recruiting station. One night In Virginia be was on picket duty, standing peer . lng Into the darkness for an enemy. Suddenly he felt his arms grasped from behind and a hand clanned over - his mouth. His musket toll over In the " : long prnw .without sound. Hje was pushed forward until tho picket line of < which ho hurt formed n pnrt was loft behind. Then h gruff rolce >iald: ' -Move on. Yank. If you don't wont 1 nny lend >ln jronr noddle." A very neat Job of jricket cnptnro" i bad been nchleved by n single Coufoth i eratu soldier. j The next morning, when"the pickets 1 were relieved, the olhtcr-of the retiring 11 picket post where the enpture had been * made asked: "Whero's Williams?" 1 There was uj)..replyio the question;?" 'Where's Williams?" I he officer re- ' panted, nnd. still receiving no answer, 1 asked where he had beeu posted. 1 "Third uiau to the east hf the pike." replied the sergeant, "between nice ' and Kimball." "Old either of .you meu hear anything of Williams during the night?1' ' risked the officer of ihenien mentioned. . Both men replied that they hud not. . "How far apart were the men post- ! ed?" asked the officer of the sergeant. "On the west side of th&plke 1 put J them a hundred feet npnr^R>? the east side I fell short of men nnd inart*? It * about two hundred. The ground was 1 bad- for n picket line: scrubby trees uod ' busiie.s scattered Irregularly." ' * OttCCUBSBTMl??C f l-l.wt - 'm ^ st ; Educator i f Children? J >ntessori |! ca included Battle Creek, the 2 ;r itinerary. Speaking of diet llowing statement (in the Chi- ti 31', 1913:) ' - -.1 d l Should never j Lin reach of a Madame Montesaori is a pliy- w n her scientific knowledge that fllna AliAiit 0 1.0 t so found in tea.) ^ ucation the average American concerning the baneful effects 1,1 lot only on the youth, but cri it w ot t>efore the children (and older dons, pure- food-drink such as ed TUM j !?o wheat aud a sihall per cent of . , n3 only the rich native value ind old.. Postuin is free from to tance. Jr' nc is: *' tr* [ be nst he hoi led far/ bring gut its. . coi 15c and 25c packages. I m hb oluble powder. A tcasDoohful 1 r?with crcmD and 4mgafesr ' istuntlv. 30c mid 50c t in*. of iodrt in about the name. c?. [TfarPOSTUM ? Wo Nf.l.l l.v Grocers evervwhefb. bai ?n? I MBMMpiy I HBj | ?4 H jMRMR. J I H&3jJ {? tCjjj'J ^^^aaaigBWBM ES}, aLouo'Kim^mvI -I l ( I h?* twssent some' months there, when, the prison becoming crowded, ? ictachment of prisoners was sent' to n stockade prison situated in South. Carolina. Williams, with others In the | ?me ear with him?a freight car? laid n plan to escape. One of them had concealed n enseknife ,on his person rail during the long hours of prison life liad occupied his mind Inventing ways to make n saw of it by nicking the jdgc. He hau made poor headway until n fellow piisouer lent ^ him a file. \fter that the matter wns*easy. Williams and his friends in the freight car by means of the improvised :ool managed to saw through o board n the floor of the car. When the train itopped during the night they removed he board and let tbemselteS down lirougb tho aperture. Of three men vho made tho attempt two succeeded n getting away; the third was shot by he guard. Williams was one of the uen who got away, but he and the ither ran in different directions and lid not come together again. An accouut of the wanderings of Prlrate Williams .would be much the ame as other escaped prisoners of ivar from '01 to '65. He traveled it night and was hidden by the ne uu>iuk uio uaj. nu compass i vns the uortb star. He suffered teni>ly-from exposure and lived on ber-1 Ics. green corn and such other vegeta-1 tie food as. be could And except when ome kind negro gave him a little corn ' tone., Williams In order to escape detection J ook often to swamp lands. There be ontracted fever, and when Anally be ragged himself Into the Union lines e was placed In a bospltaL It was about this time that the Unit* j d States government was beginning > pay bounties to those who would nllst This afforded an opportunity or criminals to secure the bounty and e8crt. Enough of this warf" done to ttrnct the attention of the generals, ud they sought th put a stop to It by Ting the bounty Jumpers for deseron and shooting them In presence of lelr comrades. It was reported to the colonel of Dim Williams' regiment that a soldier "as In hospital who had given that sme oh being received there. He beune delirious, but wan no''"r better, bo poloncl directed .the* surgeon in large of tbo hospital to send WUims to him under guard as soon as a was discharged. IVk.i I ? ..... m.t ua3 Seen toia nere having been lefly stnted^o the president, the -wean handed him a soiled letter to read. hnd been dictated by her husband, bo was lylDg 111 at the time, to ona ' those self sacrlBcIng women?both ' the north and the sooth?who gave [ much comfort to the Sick hnd woundI of the war. It reconnted his capire. his escape, his wandering and ivntlons. ending with a pititful relest for her to come to him. hi was helped to go to him by lends," she added, "and when I % und him he told me that as soon aa i was well enough be wonld be shot j r desertion.'* I The poor woman had been told what us true. ITer husband conld at that! ne got no proof of the story he had | tell, rils witnesses were all cut-oft irtn him bjr n bristling line of bayota. And even If be could bare been to go to them be would not bare cn able to find the only witness who uld clear him, the man who bad cap- | red blm.. His wife had appealed to i colonel for *mercy, but he bad Set i teeth, resolved to stop desertion if ' bad to shoot every man th the army. Such was the situation that was Might before Mr. Lincoln by the cry a bnbo. And It would have bden im more pathetic bad tba kind kenrtpresident known when be heard it it the cry was an unconscious plead: for Its father** life. Mr. Lincoln d no proof tbnt the woman's story s true; he required no proof. He v a woman pleading for Mr bus- nd-s life with bis child In Mr arms. I ire hnd no d?ntro, no ttno, to loroo mmmmmmrnmaa Sa^-t^ndOh^; Fhe Kind You Have Always Bought Signature /Au * t\ J(v JH Use Jr For Over i Thirty Years mv i unin *w? MWTAUW corn****. rnrm wm cmr tigntc. "You shnll hnvc your hu*hntul." p said. 'ntul ho * Jin 11 Imvc hi* jny, wltl lenve of nbxohre unci transportation f. lit* hlrtnc." The ecul of-the scene was toUl In tln?*e words'by the luesm-nscr who had Introduced ilie woman to the president nod tvuV present during thin Interview of life nnd -Vptli: "A* he turned t-. hlx desk t?? write the order the woman nl>so!utoij lost consciousness of h?w surround I tunIn her Jo.v unci gratitude. atoml tij. the president's side. holding the baby on one arui. while with her disengaged one she gently stroked the president'* ' ruffled linlr. saying. God blest you; j God bless you.'" . ^ j ? ;? ' ^ For Civio Ctntor Plan. J ' A Riiectnl flection \rna held In 3au Fraueteco cm the ?oco (' from . wane) 'TOllt?Tim Dram (Kageae KteW) Tha Dad (from.Lore Bonn of Cbl Or. MM P.twa IT1H8? I. TD. Cock-Coo Clock Tlwfs^r^'a^Jchantlcieer DitUee) (Ayoke Terfmne) . .. t748P?On the Hooey moo. Evprrsx Victor Military VUnO. f? Honeymoon Expr^u"?And John. Hie Junk Men Re*?One^#ep or T ^BO^Stomp^^^Tm-key Trot 17498?Alice Where Art Thou to" be sold, to-wit: -C-A >j That In ?* ? land. lying and being In the County of Beanfort, Statu of Nortfc Carolina, Richland township, begininng "at O. W. Leo's corner In the Holtdla line, and running' with said Lee'r line South 87 1-2 East fifty feet; thenco South f 1-2 West twenty-Hoe feet; thence North 87 1-2 West fifty feet to alt it Jt N Contour by B. ?. ?aSy. For n 1 Irt aocnrntb Otoorlitlon or nolo T land yatwonn t. b.roby ?! ? \ Urn I.H.wi 0O? ot Btaate* onnm'ty U Book 1T?. w II. tMNM \1 l-OTnao* J] ' /" TOBO TAX PlTtCHASS. ^1 your child by remortag the danferous and "disagreeable offset ef worms aad parasites from the syatern. K icks poo Warm Killer as a : J9 health producer should be la erery , Household. Perfectly safe. Buy a box today. Prise. 26e. All Dru* Trv a want ad. NEW THEATRE VAUDEVILLE! AND . MOTION PICTURES f t ' ? THE TWO KTTBVOOS. tlj-Jl-ULL Dilllf Art t-l "? jomeoy noman nn ncr. MOTION PICTURES aa _ mn. 'MUM OP VP VORTH"?Lull bt ' THE HCHOOLMAMI'fc BHOOWO MATCH"?Tw? itfU* . ' ' * r I?vr|A(U Uvwry Two Wry* "4 2