The Program Was /Delightful and Charming Held ?t the Home of Mrs. J.W Daily on last Second Street Lot Night. Large Nnmbei Present. Refreshment served The U1M Aid Soclelr of the rWt Motbodlet church had ly annul maetlng at the boipluble home Bp?ar. and Mr a. J. W. Dalle, on *aat Second atroot laat arealng and tram eight td eleven title chamlng hone wee g meoca tor not onlr the eneenbere ot tMe working auxiliary bit th. In riled gneeta aa well. * Mo aoclal (unction ot tho eeeeon carried with It man pleuait ud enjoyment ud the popular hosts pro??d their graciousnesi Id more ? Mia* o?? to entertain thoee preeentt The committee of arrangement! bad arranged * Terr attractlre and Interesting program which wae oarrled oat la a war to rleaee and ad ltr. One of the featured of the gathering waa the'annual report of the eaeteet treasurer of the aodety< Mile Sarah Tripp, who hae oeeupled tola poaltloa for reara and for here faith fain eea and worth la thli Pf ofllce he* been one of the melnetors of the eocletj. The report dtpeloped decided growth la the work along all Itaee. What aha hod to ear with referanpa to the work of Pcmxzss^ * Call fallowed with a few remark! firing a hlatorr of the JLadtaa hid ftootetr la Washington It prored to be one of lnteraat to all preaent. The report waa oarefallr prepared. Aaead the musical feataree were the aoloa of Mtaa Ada Rhodes. who aaag "Perfect Dor" and Mlaa Elite Backmaa who readered "A Door ud the Both aoloa were fAfemlag god delightful. Miff Be, Ola Backmaa waa the efflalent aceompanlest. Mlaa Margaret Weill, In aa Inatramental aelo hr Mlaaei Maud 'Iwladall ud Brelra Hon la their v Inatramental duet, delighted the IhkBg compear. The exercleea of tho erealag were opened with prmrer hr Rot. K. M. Snipes pastor of the Flrat Methodist charch. jutnr im uu? ? Ugbtfnl program ni concluded ? beer at rnut ktue, mum Margaret Welle. Virgin 1? Olbbc, Head Swindell. Erelyn ROM, Norma Jonee anl Note O'Brien aorred Ico cream ad cake. Bee Idee the member* at the eoclety there were eererel larlted goe*U. The entire occaelon will erer be oae of pleaaant memory and ewy member, of {be eoeletjr la today ^Indebted to lire. Dal ley. the H hoe teen" tor the hoepltallty of her lorely home. is Br" OF RSI IE] ? Hit Worship. Htpor P. C- tfd* ler had only one cut before him fbnterday for adjudication. B. lndweep, col., wee Indicted for/tfce l^rceni^jfe^ thfl property of AndrewTtax$or)i. The pollc/fourijl . the net eecretedfb^hgjop^paak 61 jkadetvoa's boat at tMa shipyard. After hearing the evidence In the caae Mayor Kngler bound the defendant over to the Recorder who will . hear the cause sometttao today LqST?BLACK M POTTED* PIG from my rmildoBro'todey Find er return to Dtelel aimmonaand r^"rd'd' , / . XS/ -N- ' VASti] == E. CHURCH fflUAL MEETING ii com pniii I Ail that wm mortal of the late Major Franklin Congfleton. whose untimely end was chronicled In the columns of this {paper yesterday. 1 was laid' away yesterday afternoon hi the family burying ground near the Charitable Brotherhood. Bun; ^hlirN. C., fallowed by a Urge hum* ber of sorrowing friends. The funeral ceremonies were conducted 2 from" the" residence'of the deceasod < by Rot. Robert V. Hope, pastor of * the Christian church, this city, and ^ at the grave the Charitable Broth- , erhood bad charge of the exercises. ' Members of the Brotherhood Acted as pallbearers. The floral tributes j were profuse, showing the high eeteem In which Mr. Congleton was held In his community. The de ceaaed u ni pnbllebod r Ml or da 7. *" on Wednaaday eight about throe u o'clock committed mlcldc by plmc- to toe the nuaala ot a ahot gun to bla * hoed end then pulling the trigger 11 and death followed almost Inatant- fl' Ir Mr. Coogleton wee between to n and tt ran re of age. and learee a 11 widow and one daughter to mourn * thelr^m J1 TEXAS STATE AND THE " FKDBBAL FOOD QEFMJ1AIAI ? OIVORMtll WITH DEPT. ? Waehlngton, D. C? Feb. o: An a rwunlt eg the recast o^nterenee In Waahlngton, D. C.. between etate cl food officials and repreeentatlrea of S1 the D. S. Department ol Agrlcutlure " to promote co-ope ration in food * and drug work, an Important celnnre c< ot damaged foode bac recently been b -made la Fort Worth. Teraa, through b the Joint activity ot Dr. J. a. Ah. ? bolt. Food Commlaaloser ot Tatar, al p. 8. Attorney Wllcon. gad the Fed- a oral food tacpeetore la Texas. w It appearn that In the latter part ai ot December a large quantity ot tl eyrnp. Tie agar, raMne. candy. Hoar ol and otbar product# from a are la 4 Oklahoma were chipped to Fort Worth for eale. Dr. Abbott obtain- k Ied Information of the shipment an f. at about tho same tlrrjo the Now Orleans, La., food laboratory waa 1 notllod by long distance 'phono of r' this shipment, consisting of soma 15 cars. Dr. Abbott* and tho state 1' chemists -of Port Worth took sam- " plea at oaoa and other samples were N taken by ifcS Federal Inspector. I Upon Information received from Dr. Abbott the U. 8. Attorney filed a libel nnder which the following goods were seised subject to deter-' 1 mixtatlon by the courts m to wheth- y er the eelsure waa warranted: f Two carloads of unlabeled syrups g which were offered for sale as rib- f ton eaner syrup when In fact they c were not ribbon oane syrup. s 100 bottles of Tlnegsr. unlabeled, T alleged to be compounds of distill- ed and sugar vinegar and offered l for sale as vinegar. , Forty pounds of raisins. I Forty pennds of ehoc<4ate. , Forty palls of candy J Two ,hundred sacks of flour, .si- t loged to be Mthy and decomposed, o a1 IUCHARD MORGAN" - * BOUJTD OVER TO TRM 1 RECORDER'S COURT b This Afternoon Mayor Kugler ?m f tried Richard Morgan, colored, charged with the lsrreny of shldycle chain and supplies from Mr. t< P. P. Maxwell The defendant was n bound over to Recorder WJndley's t; court fori final disposition of 'his - I case. A . f '^'A ' THRKK^ HTVDENTS^ ENTERED ^ ^ * CSfGT riii Vi . * WEATHKR lUla . ^ . TSKNOON. ~A v v<^H k> . 7?SflK HNLGIUWRE IN HO CRBff ROCRI -'" i \ The Old Jacksonville, VaL, Feb. C^^he 4th annual; reunion of the UfUtefes lonfederate ^Veterans' Association ' nd Sons of Confederate Veterans dll be held, la this city three days tpril 30Ha4May 1, and plane >r entertaining thfem are now being erfeeted by the official* oft^e acksonville Reunion association dnd ilrty committees apoolnted by resident Poor of the association. Jacksonville has an ambition to ntertaln the' survtrorm of the Contderate armies, and their friends. oner IK ""pumiDie, Ulna moy DBTO , rer bwB entertained before. An Itereetlng progrem will be arwngI for the reception end entei telnleot of lb? Till to re end no matter ' or large the attendance mar be, II will be eatlafactorlly entertained. i ererjtblng that goee to make ' io handling of large crowds an' ^ uy tank. Jaokeonrtlle te wall anplled. It hap the transportation faiitiee. the boteU and Ifiwote.' an ' eceeeary to the eneeaeefnl handling ' ' anion crowdi. The JaekaonTfUe program rrlU tango in at Intat two Important ' trtlenlara the cnatomarr reunion ' letbode. It la the pnrpoeo of the locution to put many of^ the old ' ildtera who har> at other rtnntone een cared for at camp. ijL hotaln, j oardlng boneee and priTnfObomcg here ther Will hare more comforthie quartern and bettdr entertalnicnt* Jaekeonrllle belleres that It HI ha UK re pleaaant tor the rater- ' 1! to be cafhd tor In that manner tan In* camp, aad many If not all ' t them wljl ha aa aelgned to anch uartera Knottier change In program will a eeen In the parade of old eoldlere intend of walking, th'nr will rid# i canfagee and aatomohUaa. It It Mil moll hero that e big majority I tha Tolerant who followed the forinoe pf the Btayo and Bore, ere now "* in mmnntrr tirrk i *FROM HATTKRAB FOR OPERATION AT HOSPITAL Dr. *. W. Jones brought"to the Vadblngton Hospital) (today JrcfeL latteras, N. C., Mr*. Jennette Stow? or an oporatlon. This paper la lad to^fearn a? well as her many rlenda that the operation waa tuceesful and unless something unforeen happens she will soon be conaleacent. KB . SYLVESTER FLEMING IS QUITE ILL AT THE !; WASHINGTON HOSPITAL The many friends of Mr. Sylves r Fleming will regret to learn t tola Illness. He Is now co&flned t the Washington Hospital whero very attention 1s being given him. t is to be hoped the; he will soon e reported as convalescent. ? VISITORS TO CITY. Among the visitors to the clup. oday "is Mr. W. H. Whitley tot Brfqertob. N. C., a member of the Conn Ir Board of CommL^sloners. DR. JOHHB HERE' Dr. K.HW. Jones of Hatterae. m * ., Is among the visitors fo the cit/ Dday. bringing & patient' to the | Washington Hospital for treatment. XTRA PINE HAIR BRAIDS TO match any shade of hair. We 1 offer these 'splendid .values In braids that are large and wavy at 11.16, ftJf J. K. Ho'!- . r 'ON 1 . Tonl?hf-?J S.?mU*. W.n??. ! ""'J . (i FEBRUARY #, illt WASHING' t New Theater N1. I u ~ i H6ISH fncooMtw-pRivw mm . ; f Entertain t Soldiers Fjttingh past 70 years of age. kany of thei are physically unable to marqh tw tNjrs la'the eon. hotwlthstandln thefcact they light it 0?t with the old tWe courage and determlnatloi This fact has been ^parent t ronnger observers _at} recent rent ions, If not t&eold mee themselve The tlme^ Is- rapidly!* approach In when the survive oAthe civil wai north and sooth mhil quit march ing In parades as a spectacle for at miring eyes. It has Mhieen almos flfty-ono mil alno* &? battles o Settysburg and Ofcilckamauga? Since the consuming flames ot wa tfn those historic field, tried Amerl ean valor and courage and fount them true. The arera^o. age of thi contestants In those tetanic strug lies was twenty ysanjf hence ttu |yefafce age of the survivors mua t>e~a^vfentyJone. In fa?t very fet men ?nr living who Cf^ght In thi civil war are under > ! > Whei * younger man Is found, he enter sd the service as a mere boy. I Confederate parade brings thesi Facts sharply to the attention o members of tho younger generation The bent forms and white hglr o She veterans are reminders to theii descendants that but a few year more and all must pass to their las rewards. llecognlslng the declining year 9f. the Confederate veteran. Jactaoi kille will set the precedent (or' i change In the Confederate parade as Indicated, confident of its abilit; to carry It out. The propose* changes weVe submitted to Gen. Ben left H. Young on a recent visit t Jacksonville, and he enthuslastlcal ly approved them. Gen. Young dt elated that Jacksonville was settln a precedent that would certainly b appreciated by the veterans an. paid a "high compliment to the clt lsess who made the proposltios. WILL RETURN TO HIS HOME AFTER THREE WEEKS AT HOSPITAL Mr. Jack Collins, a popular dt sen of Nashvllls, N. C., who ha ?M.?mont at tho Waflt MM luiuei ? ??>??? ? ? ? ? - Ington Hospital for the past thrc Greeks baa recovered sufficiently t leave for his home today. This wl be welcome news to his man friends. PASSENGERS SAVB1>. Vancouver B. G., Feb. 6.?It I reported foere" that the steam e Vadso today eank in the Portlan canal and that^all of the 150 pu sengers she carried were' saved. The Vadso Is given In J-loyd' register" as a Norwegian steamer c 898 tons, 90 feet long, built In 1881 There is no record here of th Norwegian Vadso's present when about*. Portland eanal in th< southernmost boundary of Alaski "King Kelly.' of Raleigh, N. -C %o several years ago was mansge of the Washington Baseball taps was a welcome visitor to the clt yesterday. F. N. Pinner of New Bern. Is her today shaking hands with his man rriend*. 1. P. Thomas of Leulsburg, N C., is a guest at the'lxrulee. D. U. Martin of ftojral. N. C-. Isjl the city. ' Mrs. George Old of Delhaven. N C., was here yesterdgy. - ^ " *' | DAIN+V MIBLIS VNDIROA8 montf tho w?y ro? ?*? ' ' . ^ ^ DAILY 1 roN, n. c., Friday af tanday February 9t1 r 1 flj n r~ 1 ^VOU ^AITOR-Y YfHULK YOU ARK CO4H0 SKNOR.VOL PAUL GILMORE -CAP1 Romantic Comedy f New Theatei Bpth admire tbe beautiful coun- t n try of the "Arsea*111* Republlo so 0 ? much that Theodore Roosevelt is * a i lr going to write a book about It and 1 OUmore is going to play a e o play about it But Paul Gllmore B f" has "beat Roosevelt to It," as the * 18 saying goes. On Monday he btlngs h 8 to the New Theater "Captain Alva- c r> 'ret" M. 8. Sheldon's great new C -romantic comedy drama, In which t i" Mr. Ollmore has Already^Stored a a * remarkable success. The^fcneme of " f the plat is buHt*-axeu?irthe life of li juuur Aoicncmo 01 any years ago, i r who take* an actlvo part In the | 8 WILL BRING 1 i ldil HEREJONDAY Commander Chas. L. Morton, Lt. W? B. Rodman, Jr., Ensign Robert V Small, Lt. J. P. Harris and Naviga- 1 1 tqr Edward Bell, expect to leave b tomorrow for Ellaabeth City with a * crew from the Sixth Division North L Carolina Naval Mllltla for the purpose of bringing back to this port ? the United States Torpedo Boat f< Foote recently ordered here for the P use of the division by Capt. C. D. tl Bradham of New Bern. a Commander Morton with the tl Foote expects , to reach Washington tl some time Sunday night or early e Monday. The Foote will be used 1 for week-end crwtseamand general practice of the reserves here. n tl - TO BE EHEAI ERS IN NEW CHINA p Tacoma, Wash. Feb. 6.?The fl'rat 1 Chinese class In medicine ever grad- o , uated 'from 'an American medical school in China will be turned out t this coming autumn from the Har- y ,9 vard Medical School at Shanghai, i. six of -whose professors afe Ameri- j e con. Dr. H. Thue, the eminent ] 0 Norwegian physician* who is also ] 11 a member of the Shanghai college f y professorial body,' passing through t Tacoma on his way to Europe,speaks _ with enthusiasm of the Chinese as , medical students. , c "The Chinese student," says Dr. t Is Thue, "is industrious and exeeedr ingly patient and absorbs knowledge I d with a certainty rare in the Occi- '< i- dental. The school at 8hanghal is ? allied with Harvard University and ? B th^ graduating class numbero twee- * ty., The course. is a flve-year one , I. instead of tfie four years customary , e in this country; but it Is likely that j h the period will be reduced owing to , s the aptitude and duick assimilation 't t evidenced by the students." w { , Before entering the Harvard Medical School at Shanghai, the Chinese y medical student htl/t to' graduate ! from some other college in general y ftudles and havo a liberal knowl edge of English. Dr. Thue la setg isfied that the new generation of f] y Chlneso doctors will be of tast as- ^ slstance in developing the ever-ln- tl |/ creasing wondore of medical and sur- jj glcal science. jj ?< F. M. Hodges, one of the clever -jr clerks of the city postlfllce.Ms in Delhaten today on business. . n Y . TA*K A LOOK AT THE NSiW tl t Spring Suits. If you want tho a f r mart est st/.K?* they aro .her* u * ?t the price you wept to pay. J. _ 1 IT llAvt. n I * Moytt . F1 ppr "r. ' . v "i NEV ^ -xasess&sssmsBBsacmsm HIM B||/ Se ou hypocpitc** WILL NCCD NO WCAPONS!? \ ^ W< 'AIN ALVAREZ. "> clt I . he Drama ' Monday, Feb. 9 M druggie of an oppressed people tb ig&lnst President Rosas, then dlo- an ator of the Argentine Republic. ** Ehe historical situations afe >bso- 1)0 litely correct, and especially Inter- Bh Jting just now, on account of the ou Imilarlty of present conditions In thl lexlco. "Captain Alvarex" la a pl1 trong visile work, pulsing with Rrl motion and sweet sentiment. Paul Gr -llmore carries an expensive produc plt on and plays in your city under an guarantee. He expects to tako up Captain Alvarez" Into New York x the fall. 8eals now on sale at be< he Worthy & Etherldge Drug pB: tor*. ' '? . w? '? foi flRGINIA TO S IE SEPT. 22II PilBITI * Richmond, Va., Feb. 6.?The liginia Senate, by a vote of 29 to 1 yesterday afternoon passed the 111 /tailed the enabling act, whioh aa supported by the Anti-saloon < -eague. t0I This act Is designed to enable *ni e voters upon the petition of one Thi jurth of the 90,618 who partlcl- Th ated In the last gubernatorial elecLpn, to vote for or against recom- rui tending to the general assembly he passage of .a measure making ?pt be entire State "dry" the special wrlection-to be held September 22, pr< ?" th, The bill as amended permits ^ lanafacturers of Intoxicants to conInue their business If . their entire roduct Is shipped outside the state. lB 'he bill does not restrict the salo 1 Virginia-made cider. ^ wa The amended bill goes back to he House which had already pasaed ftBC t, for conference. 8o, After reeonslderlng the vote or- ... lerlng the engrossing of the enabIng act, the Senate adopted the tef ravennpr amendment providing or copying the lists of voters by be reasurers. ^ The two seselona of the Senate rerer required yesterday to dispose ^ ?f. the amendments and send the >111 to Its engrossment. I K Ana 000 .WEATHER FORECAST < rj ' BAYS MUCH COLDER ' The weather bureau today sent * out th<f following forecast for ^ North Carolina. Rain and ? warmer tonight. Saturda'y rath * followed by fair and much Aid- * er in afternoon. Moderate eq? * winds, -shifting to northwest. | t ? IB. R. R. WARREN BESTING MORE CX)MFORTABLK of ; TODAY IB REPORTED an th< It will be gratifying to the many ou rlends of Mr. R. R. Warren to learn an hat he Is resting more comfortable Hi 9day. For the past several days, yo e has been vcrydll at his home nehr ila city. % V " JA GUEST OF PRES. LOWTHKIL , ? TH Mrs. Octave Payaant of New q ork City, le spending a week a? j te guest of President and Mrs. E. an . Lowther it the Washington Col- | >glate Initltste, Washington Park, HMaHKii vs I No. tf ..:9 VILEY STOKES I TO SERVE TWO I YEARSJ ROADS I ntenced by Recorder Windly For Aneult With Shotgun T^vo "Years Ago Wiley Stokes, colored, _ who was -ested in. Klnston, N. C., several eks a so by- the police of that < wn and who was brought to this 1 y by Sheriff Rlcka, waa given a arlng before the recorder yestery with the result that Stokes la serve a term of two years on the unty roads. About two years ago Stokes made assault on. two young men by 9 name of Rawls with a shotgun d one of the brothers today la still -rying several of the shot in his Jy. Stokes not satisfied with >otlng the/men endeavored to put t of commission the horse whldh ;y were driving. The affair took *9 ! ce near Whartons. Stokes was ested and tried before Recorder imes for the offense. He waa iced under a bond for hla appearce at court. Since that time and to to the time he was apprehendin KInBton his whereabouts have sn unknown. Stokes now will r the penalty of his crime and do rk for the county on its roadajjs. the next two yc--?. Ho was adV/ '.< lgcd guilty In two lujcs; one for taultlng the.Rawlea brothers end 9 for shooting the horse. ISPECTlir DF tUMES ? mm Dn February 18th the Washingi LlghV Infantry will be given Its mal Inspection at their armory 9 inspecting officers will be Col. omas Strlngfleld and Capt. R. C. ngdon. On the evening of Febiry 24th the Sixth Division, North rollna Naval Reserves will be inicted by these same officers. Both tanlxationa are now In active iparatlon for the inspection gnd i outlook bids fair for a creditle Inspection, J. C. Hofloway of Raleigh. N. C., * M a Washington visitor today. E. R Conger of Edenton, N.^C., s on our streets this morning. E. C. Potter, travelling passenger I freight agent of the Norfolk uthern la here today. He-la reg- :q ered at Hotel Louise. H. 8. Irvln of, Norfolk, is regis- 1 ed at the Louise. R. E. Brown of Hertford, arrived -1 re last night via the Norfolk Sou-* * '| ?rn. CENTS WILL BE PAID FOR one copy of the Dally News-pf Jj May 16th, 1912. Send to News | office. * . LK WAISTS DRY CLEANED AT Wright's. CW SPRING SILKS FOR STREET or craning wear, .best values in town. J. K. Hoyt. . THE LYRIC | We told.yph in yesterday's Issue Miss Palmer's wonderful talent d we aek you now ^to interview ose present last night. To make r statement stronger 'will guar- . ' S tee bar's the BE8T VOICE TOU iVE EVER HEARD in this city, u will lose by suytng away. j v PICTURES CK MEETS HIS WATERLOO? nils Ih a good Western Nambet | \mci Iran. B CONFESSION?Nornwi PhB- * M ilps aln She Dirt's Spy AUingpnft, ? | UNROMANTIC MAIDEN?Hum\ i | I

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