METi Paid Its Regular Dividend d Growth Has Been Market I jjs, Tke teaaaa annual meeting or the BtockboWer. of the SkTllo and Tnrat Cn?u; of this city ? hold. In the Senkinc House ot thn Company, on thn Cornor or Main noon at tear thirty o'clock and was won attended, a largo majority of > son and by proxy. The Inanoe commlUee made thalr report to ths atockholdera, and atated that the? had thoroughly examined and audit -with an u4 food judgment. The the stockholders, which showed that the beak had recently peeeed through the meet sue cestui rear be 1U klitorj, and the - business h"1 largely increased or?r that of !a?t rear, and wee In t healthy aad growing elate. Shortly before the anneal meeting the bank paid tta' regular dlrldead dt.g per cent, on the Capital etaek and panned to ' Ha permaaent earplea lead making (lj.000.00 now la tkat (aad. The following resolntlon wna latrodnood In tho mooting and nnanlmonalr adopted. "Whereas, etnas the lest meeting of the stockholder! ol this compeer, tba steady gain which this : gfes bank kae made in pnblle approral. I demonstrate! the wisdom aad eB- j mi Hfl affetrr aaO*mantfeet? th. mMmm of tbo public la those baring tho actios auifivnl of ltd THBRBPORS BE IT RE80LVBD (hat tho stockholders. la. rOgotar mooting assembeld do herobr uprooo to tho offlsors'ahd directors of Ike bank, rmrtiirT of aypredstloe for the faithful, efUclent, and cap ooWuroy atrlpa on & founaction of vol)'*. Kara th? color la 4u? KTfti combined with plain Mack nmtln Thlx rnaturrt cfimv, a dov.I .win and an attract!** Ulcus# with draped collar. In all* ft tfcla fraaa may b? cnyM w1th4y,rda,f ll.achmata^^ | rf pot??rn and d?.imIalurt!lr*oI?mS ! '* Hi i i| tm 1 th^ii?^r MgWHI-fV /" :/ ~ f)?" ^ 1 ST COMPANY if Eight Per Cent. Present e Organization in 1903 the to them. and farther that the ttookand dtrectora upon the aacellent ratal Vowtny dlroctora*ware elected by the atockholdara. Zhhk B. a. Mom. Stephen c.. Broamw. r. J. Barry. jr. W. Oden. i. T. Bookman. E. T. Stow art, r. H. Bryan, and John II. Sparrow. Immediately aftor tho atodkboldera meetlni tho aowlr ilntal board (A directory mot, and oloctad tho following oBoan. Praaldent B. O. Moae. Vice Preeldent J. r. Bookman. CaaMar John B. Sparrow Tltlo and Traat oBeor radio 8. 6. Braiaw. Tailor, C. L. Payne, and Colleeter John a. Mayo. Than attar appointing rarlona committees and traaaaattag re[Ular business the board adjourned, i The Baring* and Traat Company vaa organized in Mar 1003 aad during that time the aame oOoara hare been at it* head. The bank drat began baalneee with a capital etock 0f which -waa laeroaaad to 111,000. then to Hl.000 oad Anally to 000.000. the laat Increase being made whan the bank, enured It* preeent ItauCootne home at corner of Main and Market street*. The Bret year after lu organization the dopoetu were a boot. 110.000. The depoeltz on January 1010 were 181.t01.10-. January 1111. ? aad oa January' 11. 1110 tha fine ehowtag ot 1110.J 4H.11 waa made with the number ml-open ecconnta being 1007. At the laat meettag the eurplgm aad undlrlded profile amounted to 010.4 14t.ll.' The Barings aad Trust Co. zincs tie organ tea filon has paid dividends to Jta ztmcktzolderz eaehi roar. This hanking institution ben had marked growth and la one ot the strongest la this aeetea ot the tsto. ' ' * .?vv - . ?4 ?^fl?NffgK I >> ^ ' ' &?3j?C( Wl J m\ LLAR AND AN JSSJAN BLOUSE. In tltt-tltt we hnvn another fovea neoa colter which la Ustfr nttalollve. The btouee Itacll to kimono In altact. haa n chemiaette of Oct and a email ln-c?t raat. A band at the htutom of the p?p)um nlvei a new nod fX~tkm To oopr thla ferrinn In alia t? it require! tie yard! of ft loch materiel foi the blouee (?l?? and X% ynrdo of M Inch melrjlol fur the .Wrt <WM>. No. Illh?aheea M ta 44. No lift?aleaa It to it. >" No UO-aleoa U la If. Kara pattern il cat. lOIVS FEDIT Steering Gtor Breaks Causing A Her to Strike a Log- Will be Raiaed Today. Tbn pa boat Cora belonging to I tbn Pamlico Cooperage while coming down Tar rleer yesterday 4 and whan near Boyd's Parry In aomo 1 war broka bar ataering gear In 4 eanaannaora of thla the boat began to H ran towards tba sbora before (at; 4 tea nndar. control. When near tba 4 abore aba streak a log canning her q to list Oiling wttb water and sank, r Efforts are being today to rales bar by a craw saat frdm here to rtha a ODrooee. Tba Cora la one af tba s fastest gas boats on the riser. _ Why Import Men for Office 1 Wkt Home Men Competent p b Inquiry Mr. H. E. Hodges ' Editor Daily Now*: I rood with latoreet the article la fho Newe of February 10th. beaded-Treasurer Mixon Rlpht Man In Ripbc Plaoa," eepeclullj the loot art or tha article Thla la eomethlas that er^ry aatlra born clU?en of Baaafort county ahaald ponder oror. What encoarncemeat u It for tha Ma of Beaufort county to tax thoMalreo to educate their bora whoa men of othwr oonnUeo, atatee nad natlona an (Iran preference over Beaufort county's loyal and honorable none, who I thlah an t ao worthy, honorable and competent 1 an can he found aaywbaro. r Aa to Treaanror Mix on than la ofBdH^lnd '"Ldo'T (TO^bebOTo'^the * voters of Beaufort county will set t him mMi and Import a man from a aomo othe roounty to flU- hie place f aa tha Board of Education did the tha worthy gentleman who holds ) who warn candidates for the office t of superintendent. , I do not moan any reflection upon ] the worthy gentlemen who holds this Important position, but I do j think that such actions are a reflec- \ tloa upon the intelligent young ) manhood of Beaufort county. Beaufort county's sons first and foreign- j era second. . . ' * r '3 H. Be HODGES. POPULAR PASTIME OF BACHELORS EVENINGS 18 PLAYING CHECKERS Lut evening one of the city's young men wending hU way home discovered ? very snspieious looking light In the room of one of bis bachelor friends and on investigating* found hie friend and a companion enthusiastically engrossed in an exciting game of checkers. The game proved so interesting and exciting that the clock tolled three before he realised how time was passing. It is needless to state the visitor and the contestants were marked behind time this morning upon reporting for duty at their respective employments. ^ PLANS POR DANIEL WARREN BUILDING BEEN. DRAWN BY ARCHITECT - Plans have been drawn and as 1 toon aa the cdflract is let work to expected to begin on the 1-story aSm in>4 otnro KnilHIn* fft tUuun Duhl ud Warren on Mnrket street. Tin Orel floor will contain two stages nod the second floor seven dtlCM The building will be prortdad with all the lateet eppltaneea, such aa lights. water and bant. The front of the building will be preen brick and (late das*. PRAY EH MESTINti Tbore will be Prayer Meeting eerTtcea la all the different churches of the dtp thie erialng at the nsnhl hours to which the general public hae a cordial Invitation to he praeeat. , 1 E. O. Moore of Kttelon. N. C? Is here today. ?i?1? ?1? ?r~ . mmrr orape op tobacco Cloth regular 3 cent Tales will be closed out at I l-l cent, per yard*. Don't forgot to ace our Spring and flammer Ooode. on eels now. Ostler * John. Corner Mali end Mnrkel etreele. N. C . WEDNESDAY. AFTKRNC y ufii I U Raleigh on Nhgt Friday tl Hear Melba, Ktrttelik, Burk A Rich Treat i Jen Kttb.Hk has T(ew? on almos eery subject one ceet mention, en I not ttvorso to ex preening thei rhao be ends a congenial com Ittton to chat with,' Quito asid nd apart from being one of th teate.l YloUnleta In the wort many think the greatest) the Uttl lohemlan Is * man,Of affairs, wo ad la literature ted art, aad tudent ot politics, besides bavin general knowledge Wed on ob ervatlon. The following summary arrange y > well known writer who recent r Interviewed him casts an Inter itiag 'aide-light on the violinist' hiloaophy, ta wall'as his musics lewpoint ? / ^ \ / \ "Every artist ahJpild bo married & cannot dL bia.-^tat work pntl e has the lose of 1L wife and th esponsiblltUee of nftamily." "The piano la the} most unmustci aecnamcar CDuipam to the sioiii he strings of Vbloh touch th rtist's Angers and Interpret hi eellnga." "My favorite composers ar foxart, Bach. Beet ho veil. Aftc hem comes a big silence, befor re reach TacMaikoweky am irahma." "I bellcse that ^>ne of the haj lest thifts ever written for' tl iolin was Mendelssohn's eoncerti ly favorite t?k the 'Chacun'." "Pagannini was the create! ruplita wttlr t Ha ?lAlln vhn EDMUND BURKS "I believe In heredity, and a certain tb?t my playing '1b belt then my father's because I have hi better opportunities; but I was bo a violinist. tutd I expect my twi: te beeossi musicians after me." KUbellk will appear In Raleigh i February 13th In a joint reclt with Madame Melba and Bdnut Rurkd. Seats- are?Lower floor,IS, 12:5 Ureas Circle |l:6o 12. and 11:1 Balcony 21:60 and II. YOUNG TOWNSMAN GOES TO I'UUHKKKPHIB TO TAKE BUSINESS OOURS Mr. Edmund Buekman son of 11 and Mrs. dames K. Buekman. I< yesterday (or Pughjteepale. Ni York where be propoaea to take business course In tiha well-knov Institution. He haa tho beat wish o( his aiany trtenda. .'-p.*'/ Maaars D. A. Blanche, E. J. Oar ner and A. Durrus o? Ayden N. i were paaaentsra cs the Atlanl Coast Una last evening. - ? w. A. Bars or the Interstate C operage Company. Belhaven, N. I ts bore todu ot . < Mijr. OoMer ON FEBRUARY 11. .It 14. 'Hsn M IBiE 10 I on ME o Wgs Operated Upon at Fowle Fo e Memorial Hospital 3 Weeks t Ago For Appendicitis. 1 It Tha many friends of Mies AcaUie d Warren, dauahter of Rer. J. H. Fli n Warren, snperlntendent of the Bine 811 i- Ridge Atlantic Conference, who fro e about three weks ago wu operated enc e upon at the Fowle Memorial Hoapl- wil d tal for appendicitis, will, be nleased iqf1 e to learn that she baa recovered suf- ref H flciently to return t6 her home In *h< * Washington Park where ahe la fast or g recovering. Miss Warren since her fer K residence here has formed the friend sen ship of a l?rge number ail of whom Soc d are delighted to know of her con- oor > ralescence. COll SHI ? m nionn ua ^ wsmn. i MOB i tj ? a?i The following clipping Is from ^ ( the Standard News of Lynchburg, leg Va., referring tothe Maude Norwood ^ Stock Company scheduled to appear is . at the New Theater, Thursday, FrlII day and Saturday nights of this . ?*. I "Tho Power of ConBclenco," a 8w four act melodrama, waa present *d I?cl n4? at the AcadWir ~ot FV. e Music by the Maude Norwood Stock Is Company as the first of a series of 8 y three productions of popular stock (.be * plgye. The story touches upon it per e theme which runs through many pra 1 plays that attempt to deal with polltloal graft and dishonesty, and the J" plot reveals quit? a few Interesting bui 16 scenes that are calculated to thrill a* an audience and creato tenso inter-! est throughout the play. The light ^ st of a young district attorney agsints ' jn ir crooked politicians and the assist- tha ance "he receives through his sweetheart In winning an election over his deceitful opponent make an appeal that is effective when properly I interpreted, and the company last ? night handled the piece In a cap- pU< able manner. Miss Norwood has surrounded herself with a company of uniform M strengths and at the prices prevail-' lng the performance merited a son larger audience than' was present ma last night to witness the first of- an3 ferlng' of the engagement at- the Academy. Miss Norwood, as Mar- hel garet Knowlton. the Judge's daugh- all ter, gave a strong characterization 1 of the role she portrayed, and her work wa* easily the best. JJJJ > .? . INDISPOSED AT PARK The friends of Mr. Robert Small, M sen of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Small, fe 31 will regret to learn of his indlsposl-, Br tlon at Washington Park, J*is early convalescence la hoped for by his fc frlegds. m ? & HERE FROM OCRACOKK >n i' tli Dr. and Mm. W. P.fcmVlJ of Ocra- JJ coke, N. C.. are spending a few dan y, at Washington Park. Captain W. p? J" D. GaakiU also Qf Wat-place la a rli * visitor. b* _ . re HKRK TCDAV " sv ; Mr. J. W. Mayo or South Creek. ? N. C., was among the wslcomo vtsi- | (? tors to the city today' ift V . v aft R^% Church of Norfolk, Va.. was * on our streets this morning. r* Z w MRS. EDWARDS OPERATED ON wi VK8TBRDAY AT WASHINGTON 9* ^ tlOSnTAL pot APPENDICITIS * Mrs. Samuel Edwards of Clioco- JJ wlntty onderweaut an operation at ^ the Washington Hospital yesterday M for appepdieRla. .the operation was oi succersful and the many friends of fo the patient will be pleased to learn JJ that ah. la (loins nlcalr 5fcr. A-.. jiia" - - " _ . V, . V NE\ ILVER lEA F TO BE EIYEN TPSjm r Benefit of Ladies Aid Sock y Baptist Church at Home of tin. S. P. Willis. The Ladles Aid Society of the -at* Baptist Church vftll have a rer Tea on Thursday evening m 8 to 11, o'clock at the residue of Mrs. 8. P. Willis. There 11 he music, recitations and other allectual entertainments. Dainty reshments will also he served, are will he no charge for entrance refreshments but a voluntary oflng will he made by those pre t for the benefit of the Aid uety. The public generally are dlalljr Invited.?! Sitting Croea L?B0?4 Itftf 80 per cent of the bob and me* who travel l* the trains nl Nt cor* alt crow legged. ul Chi* lit Is responsible for many in* ee? ding to a prominent London phy? a. The prime objeccoa against thi* lit, he saya, la that the ream fioe blood from tbo leg la atopped w i knee, the result being Lhst tb? ns In the leg swell up. 411 tb? Lgbt la thrown on one aide of the ly, and tbo under leg goes to sleet lng to the pressure put on the ad c nerve. The body should be equal balanced. Then there la another , iger. Too much crossing of the legs rare to bring lopsldedness. Let the a rest limply. In that way the mua > become eased, while the flow into I the return of blood from the legs naturally done and the body la lally balanced. e Mullingers end the Hapaburg* be Mullingers are one of those old las families concerning whom my ind Dr. Cuyti, distinguished Swiss ional historian and director of the inkfurtfer" Zeltung, recently told ma following amusing Incident, writes orreepondent. ears ago n Mullinger was one of staff of _tbe Swiss legation at. VIa. On being presented to the Emor Francis Joseph he bluntly exsaed his pleasure at making the acilntance of his majesty, whlct aaure, be ndded, was nil the greatalnce "In times gone by the Hape -ga were mere retainers of the Mnl fera." In that case," the emperor Is said have replied. "I think you will ad I that my family has got on bettei the world (hat es welter gebracbti n your*."?London Chronicle. Try |t on the Dog. 'he farmer looked at the stranger 1 shook his head. What d'ye call yourself?" he asked fffcf Orpheus of the barnyard," re sd the caller. Wbat'n Tophet Is that?* demandco i agriculturist. 'he stranger smiled. A college professor has declared it hens will uot lay at certain sea is unless they are amused. I'm the in who sits oi> a barnyard fence and iuses them. See.'here Is my mouth tan. and here is my tambourine. iy and sing and crack Jokes until the us roll over in sheer delight?and for 00 cents an hour." rbe farmer eyed him moodily. 'I wonder," he sold, "bow your tal ts would impress the dog? Here >ver!"?CleTelund Ptain Dealer. May Weddings. In ancient Borne there was held lj ay s festival called tbo Lemur la, oi Ast of the Lemures, which was > iremony in honor of the spirits' ot jparted soul*. It bec-amo with the omons what we should coll "bad Tin" to have matrimonial feasts at ie season of a solemn ritual, being n< >ubt thought to oe an Insult to Uu Mid fn mnrrr nt iurh a f lino Frntr tie a somber of otorles grew of tbt venge made by -bo outraged ghosts ?n thoee who in rod to disregard am, and If anything unfortunate hap mod to a couple who bad been mar ed In Moy It wi .tKl, of course, ban fen pot down to retribution. 80 th< pugnnnce to May weddings arose id Its Influence has lasted eter since en to our Urns. -Exchange. VUta as Food, lata tons a favorite dlah tn China m open, dried, pressed and powder with W finely around white bar*, ay took somewhat like haddocks aa ay Want tn km* strings ever botch r scans. Dr. Arthur Bundling once oared that "rata would be net only aalaaena hot vary alee. If properly pawl not common aewer rata, bul alaalata bar* fad animals (soared a hop garden The fieoh. though rfectly white, wan dry and tasteless it than the* Warn eatp skinned, aannd and submitted to the fire with it say of the et ceteras which maka her mints savory. Admiral Beat* rt and other arcttt explorers spnal gbly of vain so a whosesome addl?> tbafr supply of food in theea fe* v " ' ' { \ s 1 nr DISK OF I (3 . OFFENDERS j Vagrant Sentenced to Road* for >? Thirty Days. Defendant For Assault Bound Over. I .His worship Mayor F. C. Kugler, H had an unusually busy court this I morning at the City HalL Many ; I offenders of the law in consequence I have enriched the city treasury sevI eral dollars. The following casee I were disposed of: Claud Clark, colored, was chargI ed with an assault. He was fined I $5 and cost. John Phillips, colored, was before I the court for disorderly conducty M judgment wm suspended upon payment of cost. Henry Harvey, colored. was charged with vagrancy anjl in consequence he is to work- the roads for the next SO days. John. Williams had too much - < aB boose aboard yesterday. He was :3jM fined $5 and cost. John Williams, colored,. ? was charged with an assault on William Crawford. He was bound over to the Recorder's court. Express Rates Will be Reduced The Southern Express Company of which Mr. W. P. Clark is manager her, has put lnttf operation q the rates recently prescribed by the interstate Commerce Commission, which will result in a very material reduction -in many cases being as much as fifty per cent. The rates are- divided into three classes.- first^ ^ . -yJj second and third. First class rates apply to merchandise; second clasa rates apply on all article of food or drink. This rate Is seventy-five per cent of the first , class rate; the third class rate applies on books calendars, etc. The basis of the new rates is the Zone and Block System. The country is flret ^divided info five zones: Zone 1, taking in the Eastern 8tates; Zone 2 the Southern States, Zone 3. the Middle Western States; Zone 4, the Rocky Mountain States; and Zone 5. the Pacipc Coast States. These zones are then reduced to Blocks, each Block being fifty miles square. In this manner, all inconsistencies that may have existed In the ? v past In rate constructions, have been wiped out, and the rates not only simplified and made understandable even to the novice, but every section or hamlet In the land is put on an . | equal footing. In other words, there are no Inequalities In the new rates. t Another matter of Interest and importance to the shipper. Is - the fact that the new rates apply to and ? 'rom all points Jn the United States J legardlefiH of what particular Express Company handles the shipment. So far as the publio is con- -|j cerned, all lines of demarkation as between the various Express Companies have been wholly oblltergted they are now one homogenous whole. % A IN CITY TODAY Mr. Fred Latham one of the prominent citizens of Belhaven, N. C., la here today greeting his many friends. v._, T 1/? T -nrtin, * <3 Is a Washington visitor today. ? R. T. Bonner of Aurora, N. C? was among thoee registered at j Hotel Louise yesterday. THE LYRIC | HIGH CLAM VAUDEVILLE INTRODUCING CAPLANS AND WELLS I Extra Clever Dancing and Juggling X,J Entire Change I of Program

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