' WHY WASHING1 HAVE THE PI DISCUSSEPB ~ ? * - v* . njih CsUs Upon Voters to Get and Be Somewhere-^-Not The maaigtpai ooncnht* o< aoo* Igg Ihellltlea r*r the derelopmenl 01 VM? <SMf Hn truffle i> u mwlli: to the building up of n commun ' Rr nil ISthe paring ot inula, and M i mntter ot equity, la to far u Washington Is concerned, 11 Is morr to bo urged than tbo acquiring o IMM any other publtFutlUlr. Too other utilities pro luxuries, to to tpoak, things which ootid bo don, without?but einoe our water trot go has become to large that th< atrplut dockage wilt not aecommod ate It?U that beooanee an Import tire 'mecesetty that tho community shall as take cage ot the proposition that the harden' shall tall upon all gang arty alike. Keens must be prosided to aceemmondate this truffle oo that th# natural Inclination of all ' nhlppere will ba Take it to PWnhlugten. as ifcay ahow by providing trail docks that thay want the bunionmy "Ta? or gftoea nan ego whan the j river packets eamo In onto a waak < ladao' with ftrodaoc which thay sold to ana or two eoaoerna. and from which thay hooght all their waras, thara was no send lor any other docking ladlltlea than the one or . . two cononra, o,r?od. .The price of thp prod moo ?M ?*ed by these few ^?qpoerne, and there wesn? oompeticrease im the number of buyers of prodass here. this traffic hsa increased #a4 iastesd of that picket load log only from the store of the conpern at whose dock It lies. Its freight . la drawn from- probably a doxen. V The matter resolves Itself Into this "proposition; that ^the water front mershamt In addition to providing' docking facilities for his own cuV temers mast also provide docking faelllUSs tor his competitor whs has noon km .to paying taica on the otltfr follows utility and the other follow pnto that tan In hu pockat. rrae, asanldphl ownsd docks would ' equalise the harden ot taxation and piano alt- tho aorohanta on an oron ' footing ' It to no men eoaltablo or raaiodablo to ton tho watar {root property owner anelnatraly to provide a public nttttty In tho ohnpa of docks than It Would ho to ton tho Main street pfopdrty owncra. axcluklvaly. to provide a public utility In tho way of ..-vs. Ik. Atha. npfinnrtv Oleciric ngain, - owusra, exelus)rely, to provide water works. i It would bo bottsr, perhaps (if It were not lmposeibie) not to encumber the future to -provide these neceesttles, rsthsr waiting till ths ^ community shall have saved enough to buy and pay cash;, but things are not built that way. And this dock is a permanent benefit which will f grow in ralue ana ought to be paid for by futurft beneficiaries. Every pnee in awhile a pica is put to Con< gross to deepen and widen the channels of our rivers and by the en{ gineere Is sought the information as to the tonnage bore on those waters, and If the.present need and future isn't there the report is againsTThe approJrSt!o?^5^5S powerful c-gument any community can k^ray In favor of these appro' prist! ens la their evidence of faith through the local effort to foster and build up the trade urflng water courses to their market. Those live, progressive cities to th( North and South of us hare long \ I % since realised .the aeoesaity of pub lie docks. They have realised alw the use is*# of keeping alive th< water borne traffic as a measure o competition' with the railroads. an< they have spent millions for publi< docks and while we are not jnst now apparently, ready tor tho water com petition to the railroads?It ma: come soon. There Is ono other tbtni to which our immediate attentioi may be drawn and give us pan* f> for j^obor thought?Washington 1 not a; man factoring town strict): #peeking, but it is essentially ai ? < agricQntraT' center and large par | > of .this produce is water borne and too. it needs to be rneoursgod i continue to eome our way. . Al [ trade needs to be encouraged. Shoul I 4 f. B . " . /ASrfl r * i1 '1 - .. . rONSHOULD I IBLIC DOCK IS If WM.BRAGAW Out of Cross Roads Class J Be Simply a Spot on the qt t? some other near-by town ostabllsh tho precedent of free, edequate docks , the trade of Washington would suffer by It and suffer seriously. ^ Every obstacle yon place In the m( way of yohr customers getting what Q they want and when they want It nvitee competition which does not j now *(llt' nffari tBiti^ATnonfo tn. them to trade elsewhere; encourage* gn 1 he building up of communities which ,n have do each obstacles, 'r ,, The "Dock Tax" will not be near ret so great as the "No dock Tax,"- Just jf as the "Good Roads Tax" Is apt A. near so heavy as the "Mud Roads roi Ta*" ' r Ton must also face this feature wc of the case: Isn't It the better bust- thl neee poller to acquire the property now, bond the debt and .pay taxes ;? oi\ It on present cost than to wait wa >tlll you are more fiercely driven to ed, provide the factitive and then have he; to buy at a higher price (for that 'no Is a habit Washington Real Estate qq, has, you know?of always rising in ed valurft) You will pay more In the tj, end for your dock than the present wl coat, pins the taxes for all the time, ne and still have to pay ultimately the w\ tax on that higher future cost, if ge you do not buy now. It la cheaper and better business a to buy no* and pay the taxes on this present price, than to buy later at a much higher price and then pay taxes on that higher price. \p Get oat of the Cross Roads Class! M Don't be a spot out be map. 10 Be 80MEWHERE!. y0 mri r t i u on intar v^l uulA m UAAvan | . : all SORTING OUT JOB SEEKERS. . * ' at Senator Works Suggssts Federal Com- bo mitsion'to Do ths Work. hi Washington.-Federal appointmeats m wore tbo subject of a speech Iu Ihr ttE senate by Senator Works of California 9U on bis WU fa. | wo lids for a coin nil* ^ ion appointed by lbs president to re Jn eelee sod puss upon all application* and recommendation* for appointment to federal odnm. The measure wvnld M forbid imnnlwr* of magrase to reeom th mend applicant* or ntd in obtaining f0 poaitlous. Senator Works explained that his bill ^ was liiteoderi Id rvllore the president and members of rougrees from th? re fll H < .. . BKVATOB WORKS. B burden of racounnendltfe nnd appoint . lag thousand* of oMcotm tbrounbout tlie country, to bring about tbe np polutwcut of mora competent man and women on?l to relive tbe pnbllc err let from the odium of the preaent parol- 1 clou* s.VKteiu of patronage." In 1010. 4he ueuntor said. the govern t uteut employees. exclusive ot tbosc , under civil service nud the army and navy, numbered H8.714. of whom 10.830 nrp appointed by tbe p reel dent * These n|?p?lntin?ntM. I*e said. bad ? steadily riven since, tbe number ot i poatmnntere to be appointed by tbr t president 'having been Increaaed by 453. President Wilson, lie aald. had felt t tbo necessity of xomc ?ncb help aa this bill would afford but hla effort to trans for the making of appointments to bh heads of departments bird proved a failure. ?r-~- 1 A Genuau innt'benioUclan Usurer ] that a man sixty years old hat spent , t Brae, years buttoning hla collar Tbls . cannot ha trot, for nt this rat# his U ttifo will baro spent twice as niany j rears m she I? old putting on bar ba{. X. *' !STGT , i FRIDAY ms. m m HOSTESS IB BOOH CLUB lanumgly Entertained the O. Henry Club at Her Home Yesterday Afternoon. Yeaterdhy afternoon Mrr. John C ount delightfully entertained the imbers of the O'Henry Rpok Club, spite of the bitter cold weather thout all waa warm and cheery thin and abloom with spring wfers. The meeting Waa very aclonaly presided over by the rice asldent, Mrs. H. W. Carter. In tponse to the roll call by the secary, Mis* LaugMnghouse, Items interest were read and dlsouased. most Interesting paper, prepared r the afternoon program was read Mrs. Louis Mann on the life and >rks of Ralph Waldo Emerson; [5 ioiioweu dy a selection.-of arsons, charmingly road by Mrs. rter. After the literary program a completed a social hoar follow, when Mrs. Blount assisted by r attractive little daughter, Leora, served a sweet appetising salad arse. /Each member was presentwlth a little Valentine souvenir. ie meeting held with Mrs. Blount s very much enjoyed by all. The xt meeting of the club will be th Mrs. J. B. Moore on West cond street. GOOD OONTRO VEtIS A LIKT CAN DEFEND ANYTHING There Is "h raying that nobody res a fat man, and up to the prent it was believed that nobody red a wasp; but an interesting >ung writer has come forward with book in defense of this aggresre' agency. The writer claims at a wasp is among the most'in istrious of workers, that fe is a illder of ability and a provider for s family. The wasp also is famar with the science of anatomy, id when it is preparing to store a ipply of food for Its maturing ubs It selects a particular nerva a spider, which it stings, and hlch produces paralysis Un the inct without producing death. In is way the wasp stores up lire od as a fresh meat supply for I young. Which all goes to show at a good controTersallst can deed most anything. EACH CONFERENCE MAY MAKE TROUBLE. NEW YORK, Feb. IS.-?European fference* will militato against the >sslbilltles of another convention . The Hague'; it is feared, and de gates to the former convention 111 hold a meeting here today t< lacnss ways and means of effoctinf aother. Many of the delegate* link the irritation engendered bj te Balkan wars and Alsatian lncld its wonld canoe the nations con >rned to look^ on a peace confer ace at the present time as mori keiy to cause friction than to al iviate it. Among those at thi meeting will be Admiral Mahan am ndrew E>. White, delegates to th> rst conference at The Hague, ii 899; Charles Henry Butler, dele ate to the second conference 11 ???- ? I flu* nf n?le are, antf Oscar S. Straus, of th ormanent court. A national cltl ens' committee haa been chosen. ATTKDAY LAST DAY * TO PAY VOUR LItiHT AND WATER BILL Superintendent H. B, Charles ai ounces that tomorrow is the la J lay In which patrons of both light nd water will have to settle the! I ccounte for past month. ThoJ rho fail to comply with this rJ inest will be cut-oB Monday. Til rork of disconnecting - those co I umers in arrears will begin promp I y at etgbt A. M. IPKC1AL MEETING I CHAMBER OF COMMKRCI: TO NIGHT AT 8 CCI/OC T^sre.. will be a special meetla of the .Chamber of Commerce i their rooms in the Baugham bulb log this evening at eight o'cloc called by the president for the pu pose of discussing the proposed Dos Issue for a Public Dock. All tt members and all others Interest* are urged to be present. . iEATHEK?R?i? or .now to*i|!K. AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY }?, l?i?. ' T '*t" ~ E-I ' - ; \M 41 |H 1 The Stirring Climax Act 3 New Theater Thurso NEW WAVY tiADIO STATION. 11 Plant Near Ban Disgo to Communiost* With Hawaii. Washington.?A groat nnvy rodlo station capable of carrying on communication with Panama, Ilnwnll and the Atlantic coast will be built by the nary department near San DlegO. CnL The erectlou of tbo station was authorised by congress in 1912. In Sep- 1 tember Inat n special board of naval I officers Investigated sites on the rneiflc ] coast, clilefly u round Los Augc'ca gjgl t -San Dteo>. Finally d Rjto ohi-n Choi , las heights, about four miles oust of 1 San Dicg4 and eleven miles front the 1 coast. wftAaelected. It em braces sev- r enty-tbree Vnd-oue-hnlf acres and has au clcvatlouVof about 4."i0 feet. , The property will cost the government about SK^OOO^ The selection has * been .approved tT5"^tbo navy depart- ' mont-Siml the purchase will be tundc ( forthwith., ] OLD HOUND. RETURNS j TO KENNEL SHOW 1 ' h Derelict on City's Streets Sits to Be Judged Again. "Green Bay, NVls. ? Cop. n big deerbouud that bad been about the streets of this town for years and who despite' his bedraggled and old appearance was at one time a prlzo winner "at kennel shows throughout the country, came i Into bis own ngnlu. He bad tliut "day" i which all dogs arc said to be entitled l to when, ownerless and nunc rubbed, be "entered" the show of the North western Wisconsin Poultry and Pel >' Stock association and refused ou any When the champion* In the various classes were being judged Cap. Rnas Ing In the cold outside of Turuer hull pattered up to the swinging iimlu door | and nudged It with his nose Inside wna a' famlltnr Bight. There | were row* and rows of benches on which were squatted dogs bo would have scorned to notice in bis old days. Hardly bad Ids nose been noticed when It disappeared and reappeared ns be threw bis weight against the door.nnd dashed Into the building. Anxious owner? tried to shoo hint and attend ants flicked him with whips us he walked along the benches and looked over each contestant. Once In awhile ho turned quickly, bat ho did not susrl. nud when be reached n vacant bench be bopped nimbly on to It There he lout his temper nod. with teeth showing, refused to lie < IHHWVa. Bpcetntors bwnme Jntfivntpd and I finally I'liletetr hint formally, and lie 1 Mt nil day wTyh n regnl ?lr. entlnR Rood food nttd iiiakltijc tin* best show jtos Ible for it yvfy tired o'.d hound. FREAK POSSUM TO WILSON ] If Taxans Sand Praaident Whita Animal ;e With Pink Eyea. j. Washington. ? An albluo possum e white wltlrpliftt eyes, waa received by President Wilson, the elvers belli? Scudder Wilson ntid Keunnrd Mar l" shall of Kockdale. Tex. "There bnin't no auch nnlinnl." d<* clared 'n Virginia Democrat. who bnp pencd to lie In the executive officer when the ptftauui nrrived by ex pre-;* but although he wuk not from MI* K | aoorl he was shown, g Prcxldent Wilson h* rather pnrtlnl t > it "poaanm nn' tnters." but wns dlslnellncd to fnk'e any chances on th? . Texan itHihio. so ho luul the IltlK' animal sent to the national x?o. r" 8eTernl Bi nit hern admirer* pf 'th: id, president have loutribntod u mperox re Ide possums to the White House com inlaaary department and the aohpa*l< never reached the *00. r W-r-i (AIL 1 > - - t i ("jSought and Paid For." lay. February 19th. tosbvterian Snripfv tn r J Observe Week ^ of Prryer A week of prayer from February IB to 11 Is to be observed by the adieu Micaionary society of the JTirst Pfaefcfertan Church as ordejed.by ite^uenoral Assembly. There will Jo services every afternoon at 0:30 j'clock at the homes of different nembors of the 5>ciety In the folowlns: order: Monday at home ol Urs. 8. R. FottIc; Tuesday at home >f Mrs. Isaac Buck; Wednesday at iome of Mrr. J. B. Sparrow;* Thurslay at .heme of Mrs. E. T. Stewart; "ridny at homo of* Mrs. H. E. Searight; Saturday at home of Mrs. G 3. Buckman, All the ladles of ttli rhurch are earnestly requested tc it tend; members of other churelte* Interested in mlslong or the comlnj jf Chrlsts' Kingdom In all the earth are cordially Invited to m?et with them and unite lu prayer for thit greatest ,of all enterprises. BULLDOG BALKS BURGLARS. Although Subdued, Struggle With Animal Routes Nc-niiLars. Mononguholn. Pa.?Fighting desper ately for his mistress. ? pet bplklui prevented two masked burglars frou plundering the home of Charles Slung at Etrainn. near here. Both of thi men were bndly bitten about the leff ami the dog sustained wvuiv Injur?i In hi* desperate defense of Mr*. Srums whom the burglars bail buuu 1 nu< gagged. \ Although the marauders Anally over came the nulmnl. the noise mad. In the conflict reached the cure o neighbors, a ad the burglars were fore ed' to flee before they were nhle t pack up the articles they lutri gat! ered. When rescued Mrs. Stnng was ut conscious, but Inter revived. WIFE SHARES_SI3NATURG. Chock Signed by Woman With Hui band's N?ma la Not Forgery. Deuver.-Thnt a wife does m>t con inlt forgery by signing her husband iinme to n check on money In bank. though the money is i:i the nil: bnnd'* nnnu?. was the decision of Imlc George W. Allen in the fiction of Mr Ada Wri^lit for illvoriv ?pi'n<l I Carlson Wright In ilie district ionrt. Warrant* ?wum out for the nrrwt < Mr*. Wright were Mrs. Wright niwrtftl thai she nil the children were In need itml th.it si signed her husband'* tinme to tu checks for en Ml. Mr. Wright ru|n dinted his wife's authority to sign b name. Keith's Vaudevill Secured by Starting on Monday the manag inent of the New Theater announc* that they haro rccurcd tho "Keitl clicull" to furnish Wadevllle ft this popular play house. Realizit that Washington patrons apprec'a and are ontltled to 'tko very be that can be secured In the way enlcrtcl.rmout, t':e management this hours has gone to the hea expense of securing this well knov high class yaudevllie for their pi rone. But in putting on this els ; t f NEV SKI IE) \ I MS Given (or Ladies Aid Society of * Baptist Church at. Home oi' Mrj. S. P. Willis. The "Silver Tea" given for the Ladi/s Aid Society of the Flret Baptist Church last evening at the home of Mrs. S. P. Willie proved to be a coclal event of unusual interest. The spacious parlors were artistically decorated with forns and blooming flowers, while the genial warmth * made delightful contrast with the e chill of the winter night. There t was a veritable feast of music. At frequent Intervals there were vocal duets, piano duets and selections t from tho orchestra of the First Bap- c tits Church. It was hard to decide \ whether the audience was more 8 charmed by 'the sweetness of the musio or the beaming faces of the fair young performers. There were 1 alBo delightful recitations by Mrs. 11 S.F. Alligood and Mr. W. C. Miller. 1 nnllHlllia PAfrnohmonto - ? ' evening of unalloyed enjoyment and t the guests departed breathing blessings upon their charming entertain- ^ ers. There was no "punch bowl" * but another bowl which by a volun- P tary offering, was well filled with "1 silver coin, for the benefit of the 8 Ladies Aid Society of the First Bap- t tlst Church. S_ f MBS. JCBASK. H BHWT J WINS READING LAMP 5 GIVEN AWAY BY CITY 3 t Mrs. Frank H. Short held tbq C lucky number yesterday in the monthly drawing contest at the City \ Hall. The prizes was an adjustable reading lamp and was the sixth prize which Superintendent H. B. Charles of the electric and water plant has offered. Those only pay1 lng their water and light bills by ' the tenth of each and every month o 1 are entitled to enter. Superlnten> dent Charles announces that . an1 othor handsome prize will be award' ed next month. , HIS RIBS FATALLY BRITTLE. Broke Even In Hospital Handling. Cqurt Rulas In Beavar Inquest. Worcester, Mass.?That the -ribs of Charles E. Beaver of Cambridge, who died in the Wort-ester State hospital 1 on Dec. 81 from interunl Injuries onus1 ed by eleven broken ribs, were so brlt- , tie that they were' fractured in the . p necessary bundling or the patient, was K the decision bunded down by Judge * Utlcy in tbe district court on an In quest be bold on Senver'n dentb. l* Senror died under such condition* that members of his family cnlled for * on inquiry. Tbe finding of the court i' wns: "There wns no evidence of laif proper tNRtnirnt. nud I find that no ' unlawful net of any person contribute.! 0 to bis death." , A GOOD COW IS SOPHIE. She Has Produced More Milk Thar Any One Living or Deed. Boston.?Tbe greatest dairy cow living or dead Is Sophie XIX.. tbe pride '* of a farm near Lowell, according to ber owner. Ever since this cow pro * duced ber flrat calf Ave years ag'? she * lias bnd n yearly nuthentlented test. n | With ber last and fifth calf she has * made 17.B37 pounds id onuceir of milk *' (more tlinn S.10U quartsi and 1.17f* pounds 7 ounces of butter. In he: 1 ' r-IiaIa inlllflni* lira a! flv.i fail rs? ihu ltd f! nwde (U.2IS3 pounds 2 iftincM of rollV I ond 4.42S pounds 2 ounces of butter, rt |(l aremjre of nearly two pound* of but in ip >"" u-1 A y out 14 New Yorker tell* of .-ounnltIn, tin n murder fur $2 lu vlur of the I ?ifety of murderer* In New York the j price scent* almost cxoiMiltnut. ]e Circuit Is New Theatre Mgr. e- of vaudeville the public will easily Pg realize that It can not be done ?at the low price of admission that hat been charged heretofore and begtn5r ntng Monday the prices for this 18 high class cervlce, both as to plcte turcs and Vaudeville, will be 10 and t 20 cents. of For Monday night and the llrst of half of the week they have (8pero ft W l.ovlns) Comedy and singing act, rn which will certainly be the beet it- comedy and staging act that has M ever visited Washington. IHNHHMaM * '.4* w MS 1 No. I* J 1ST- SNOW 1 OF SEIIS0I1 I VISITS HERE I riercury Takes a Decided Drop Registering 18 This Morning. Coldest Weather of .Year. WEATHER FORECAST. Snow and n6t ao cold tonight. Saturday fair. Dain or snow In East portion. Not quite so cold. Increasing East winds. Washington for the first time this vlnter is today being visited by a no/ storm. It began to fall be- fl ween midnight and day and the cltzens on going to their respective daces*of buninoss felt the real pangs >f winter. All day yesterday it sas bitter cold here and while now or rain was forecasted for ast night few upon retiring, as often hey do, prophesied that tho weather nan would be fooled again. This aornlng however, thoy realised that be Nureather man knew what he was hiking about. The weather bureau office at Vashington, D. C . yesterday gave rarnlng that a disturbance was pretarlng to sweep northeastward .from torms to the Middle Atlantic terrlorjr. A -; r Cold weather is reported from dlferec* *of tfie country. It ^terday^^^^el^w'at lrahctfcgtady?' i8 below In the Adirondack*; 14 > low In Boston and 22 below in 'onnectlcut. The mercury here this morning vas down to 18. Washington is now i vperleuclng tbo' coldest weather of he year. BLOUNT'S CHEEK ITEMS Tobacco, beds, tobacco barns and i general conversation concerning he cultivation of tobacco seemB to )e the order of the day. Elder Duffy Toler filled his reguar appointment at Macedonia, Craren county last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cox and children spent last Sunday at Bonlerton with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Jray. Tom Mills of Jacksonville, N. C., vas a Blount'g Creeks visitor Saturday and 8unday. Mrs. Ralph Jones visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Pulcber of Edward Saturday night and 8unday. W. R. Cox is erecting a new store. It will be a commodious building and is located near the present one. Mrs. Mary B. Swindell and daughter Eleanor, were the guest of her sister Mrs. Gray of Bonnerton Sttn- ; day. Elder R. F. Daughety preached at Smyrna last first Sunday and Saturday night before. R. J. Fulcher of near Edward waa a Blount's Creek visitor last week. J. N. Lewis, Cephas Lewis, and George-Bennett made a business triD to Bragaw last Thursday. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining uncalled for In this Post-office for the week ending February 7th, 1914. Names. Gentleman?Burry, Andrew; Davis, James H.; Dixon, L. C.; Jones, Wm. Lvi Lee, C. C.; Murrey. Clarence; Morris, Thos.; Osmend, John; Partree, Qeo.; Palmar, Buffacle;' Roth, Crlsantemo; Smith & Banfcfc; Smith, W. N. (2) ; Wlndley. A. T.; Wilson, I Luke: (Names. Ladles?Beat, Mtsa Lava la; Chase, Mrs. Laura; Cooper. Mrs. Lores; Grlcfc, MIbb Ellar; Jar- 3 man, MIbb Marie Ruffln, MIbb Sally; Smith, Mra. Willie; Tumbleson, Mrs. Lucy . J THE LYRIC I Entire Chanqe J of Program Today. :'M I -V.- J& ' N , I

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