at Be)haven >. > - - ? ?* ! * -Mi# " TVs bodies at Leon Green and 4 " Augustite Authunr.'who were drown- * a^ttPVanURj Creek Sander after- < noon dt Belheren. were fOnnd this ' morning a ad carried to their roepoo- s * ??t? homes. J t saday afternoon, loon Ureen, I 11. aged akoat ??. AngWia Anthony, a aged IT dhd Corner Lupten. eon of ? . Copt. Oliver Lcpton, entered a small' 1 canoe at Balharsn lor the -purpose of rowlax ap Pantego Aaek to ?le- 1 It one of the dredges noW under cob- I a tract Ion for nee tn draining klatta- t mask eat Lake. In go lag towards a the dredge one of the oars 'slipped a ? and la attempting to place It heck 1 la Its pool Hon, the boat which was S 'f Terr small, capslaed. throwing all t three of the ronng men liufte wa- f tor. Young Lupton could s*lm t and he at once made for the shore. MB ICC ' ISiniD : ge BMiteanstl ft * i&m ???. u - '1 . Mr. Forrest ExbibitiogThe Skill- I ed Work of Dr. D. T. Tayloc. | W* Fine Piece of Surgery. 1 ' Mr Porreet of Vaaeeboro, WM la 1 * th. city reeterdar, About one jeer 1 wo whttrhe 'U engaged lo Um- ' boring. ?. tree which ho cut eccl dentally fell ocroee hi* leg with the "*i roealt that ho euSered tor mouthe wqn o .iaino?M%Wii too? - protrndin*. In coneequcneO Of bin accident he. woo compelled to hoop pie bid oeeble to walk or mo , for Upoajhe 04rice of hie ' Johne'?opUae*heeatul0 Mtore 1 to epttoaH HerfclHH and hocap hie - tmmr *in tw? ettr. open lag here, honeeeo. hp eoaaalted Dr. 1 -V D. T. Tiptoe, who told hfm he could perform oa operation oa him but I fee toe. thought U beet for him to net, kowerer. decided to romeia here, and weat to the Waahlagtea Hoopltal where Dr. Tarloe i?w?4 OS the boaee and wired then together. Be war oa top epereUei table for Pep houri.s After helag la the feoepttal for atao weeka ha wee able to return to hie homo. Mr. Porreet, while here foot order wee ibowlsf the neult of thle ekllled operation to hie frtende. and a ropreeentatlro of thla paper-Chanced to eee hie leg. It to jeurely a ?ne pteee or marginal work ae Mr. Porreet eaa ??a fela (nfiirad lag almrwit u wall u em. Thte goes to ehow that Waahlngton ntieeu gro Jott u good gg the boot This operation Is Barely ? credit to Dr. Tayloe'a "kill gg^w^onjrhl^lg^gUtejildeN^ 35,000 Miles of S Nqw Constructs Wg.hU.gton, D. C., Feb. IT,? | There erg gt preoent*about SS.OOO mllea of agnd ctiey roeda In the Unit; ed State, mainly In tbe Southern atatea, aocorblng to tbe office of Pub Ue Boede. D. I. Department of Ag' rtcultore. The tlmg to ' work the * I ? road. la in tbe eprfng when the eoll la damp. . If the working of the ?oada la deferred until late In eumr mer when they are dry, they are not > only much more Xffieult to. hot In proper chape bnt the coat of ropalr .la Xgater- than if they W?ro worked early In the aprtng. Prevlona to \??i comparatlyoly little, U any, of thaae road; <; tied. The poputafrtty or thla tycr of road la joe to the fact that 1. oh ap comparatively firm and datable, t tay to conatroct and repair, ond that the material, out of which It la built are plentiful In many aectlobl of the 'm wumtfy.1 \r,'W'. The land-clay road la made Vl , mixing the aaad and clay In each war that the grata, of eand touch ^ each other, the epaoag betw en ^hj agnd to be need, and^^aeotbcr ventre M ' Vk VLggggfl 'uet before reechlng tho ehore hie ?mradM tailed him aed 1014 dim s ,r: as-.r ,;s .no ewam back to the eld of hie ompaalont Reachtna the boat he trabbed the aldo of aeme and wee ubaedawtly rerad by reecwere. The rompanfcoa, Qreeo end Anthony. { rent to the' bottom . . ,* * The cetaatrophe occurred Joet op ? walte the Interstate Cooperate Coralanr plant. Since their antlinel]r leath ererr effort pee been Bade to care their bodies but the searchers sere not meeeeefni until this mornai Both roun? met who met ieeth a* aeddenlr were highly 0^ oemod In tho commaulty. The ?telr hee cast a gloom orer the own. The fane ml gt the yooeg ben will occur tome thee todar. ^ J = IBITH VAVDKtTIXE TCT . I-LfcAMS THK NEW .THUATEK Al'IHENt F The word Keith added e tone to he New Theater program In raolertile last' erealng wbtsn "8pero *d Lorlae" opened *or a three day ' ngagement. The artl** wero all hat could bo asked for 1a Ml high 1R88 smging^na muting na re- > lred well deserved applause, aawerlng Mfatni custeln calls. The above mentioned artists will appear on- the evening bill at Hhe g ??w Theater agate today In their t irigtnal act. and no doubt from the . ommsnt that has be?t .glean them , hey wlU pjjty to s kigi audience* New act. All the l#ard. beginning rharsday offering a double act. that ( rill appeal to the many anrusement { peeitare. . rwo VAGMKTe wm y ] - BKFORB K4YOR KUOLSn TJODAT ro?T?Ul , .There war* only two cum Uefore Muyor Kugler ?t the City Hall this , momlna tor trial. William Johnson colored. waa bo- { tea the court charged with rugruncy, , H? waa tound guilty aad sentenced ( to the roade tor a term, of thirty . lays. John Hardy colored. waa alao. Indicted for the ntH oBsnaa. Judgment waa eoeyeadad Hardy gave i rtdence of bio hiring I net aaaaiad . * >;>' . . ^ HALCVON cum WILL OTVB ANOTHER DANCE WKDKKMDAY EVENING The HaleJoo^Glnb will (lea uaother daaea at tha Elks Horn# onffbmorrow orenlng. Tha rorbaa oreheetar will turniah tha music. See erai 1*41*1 toa geauomfn irom mr are expected to be present CAM O* BULLNX. Mr. Henry 8tewart. manager ot |he farm of Mr. George A. Phillips, just outside of the city, la confined to hie home differing from smallpox.' Ilia friends wish Mm a speedy recovery. . '!' 1 . , ?and Clay Roads' i In United States sand until it reaches tie point ot overflowing. 'The volume of water removed from the second vessel repissents approximately the proportion of clay needed. s The proper proportion^ sand and cloy can best be dotertdlned. however, aa U&e work progresses, as some eley will oaontain more sand than others. In fact, clays are very froquently found which already contain about the rt*H proportion of sand. * If the.road to be treated la sandy the surface Is first leveled off and crowned with a road machine, the crown being about one-half inch to1 the foot from the center to the sides. The day is then (lumped on the surface and carefully spread. *o that It Will bo from I to 8 Makes In depth at the canter, and gradually dei creating'In depth towards the sides. ; I *, br ?* ? Ot ptow? uJ dUk 01 -1 this reason, it Isdeeirabls that thi vf I I WE.^TH] ABH1NOTON, N. C., TUESDAY A'l Icene From"Bcuc rm Attraction* a ?u ira 1UUUU uuuci u Iterature than shipping clerk Orrln Jhear of Geo. Broad hurt fa "Bought ted Paid. For." N>n the subject of "boobg"Webiter l? silent: "Aiere is to bdfround A t^s depths of his ponderous phIllogical volume no definition of this Widely known brand of lndtydual. dany have sought to define the word rat, after, all, and. by announcing bat a "boob" H Just a "boob." Orrln 8hear gives the best definition of a "boob" by portraying one tofalad tha.Tootllghtg .for two hours md a half. It is an eloquent definition. No one is in doubt as to skat constitutes s "bosh" when the snrtsin falls. The colossal egotist m HERE TO GET JM The United States Lighthouse ten dsr Jessamine, Cspt. R, A. Brooki )n command, amveu tu port /whB day for the purpose of coaling an getting supplies. The Jessamine Is now in these wa tori repairing beacons, etc.. ip tii rtrors and sounds v of Eastern Car* lino. The work of constructing iron platform with concrete foco t the Cape Lookout light has Just bee completed and the Jessamine leavi jtoday "for Ocracoke where a coucrej oil tank is being built. The Jessi mine's duties in these waters la t construct lighthouses, beacons/ etc and supply the different stations. PUJTI SHERIFF LUCAS WHILE SUFFERING ABLE TO BE OUT TODA The gfriends or Oeptity Sher1 John F. Lucas will be pleased learn that he Is able to be oat tods Yesterday morning he "met with painful accident in the courtroom 1 falling across a chair In endeavorli to puah~up a window. At the tin it was thought his Injury was ? rlbus. Although suffering coneldt able pain today be can get aroui a little. bnBfl MAY*IK HURBANK Wlhfj KB WITH SIR. J. K. ' HOYT THIS 8EA8< Miss Mayme Burbank, one ' Washington's popular young lad* who has been connected wltl^ t James E. Clark Company, as mill or tor the paat several y?aw. has I copied a position in the mUltm ; department of the J. K. Hon ati tor the coming season. Miss B bank 1* an artist in her line and I Hoyt ,1s to be congratulated ui cecuring bar setTlese. ? BAC* FROM tHWlOrtE. ? Mr. H. O. SpnWow, ?an*f?r at - N.w TH?l?r returned noma lut -jantng from a buatnaai trip to CI ON I ER?Fair mml Warttor Tou %bt and J TERNOON, m ART IT, m? , ij- ===== M And Paid For" cheduied. tsiew e Thursday Night Jwbo l???lw?r? UTtaK to ahlft ItU J shortcomings on some one else's II shoulders, whose nerre is cnperhu-* man and "whose capabilities are "minus" Is not a person of the (beater. He belongs to real Ufa. Shear proves that he la a true artist by taking bis man from real life, with all bis fallings that affront you ln-Battery street, and mlk lng him affoisyou true entertainment when you hear blm .declaiming from tho theater stage.^hesr does not Introduce a falsonot in his delinea tlon. The criticism cft his work that he most treasures was given by Auc oustus Tho mar: "I admire your characterisation tremendously," said ^Thomas, "not so much'for what, you i do, bat for what 'you don't do.'* \m mm CELEBRATES 1 mm 2 Mies Theodora O. Rodman was a i, home to her friends on yesterday v the occasion being the eleventh btrti d day of the young lady. The real deuoa, was tastefully decorated, th rnlnr urtiomn hointf nink Thfi fo] e lowing were the Invited guests: K MUmi Elisabeth Mlxon, Eth< B, Mlxon, Louise Fulford, Charlott it Rodman, Majorle "Hoyt, Mar >n Anodes, Itulh Satterthwaite, Chrii )s Hue Baugham, Ulzle Rodman, Eliz to -till Grimes, Charlotte Grimes, Viv i- E. Edwads, Mary i?. Little. Margart Btagawf Martha Bragaw, Elsie Ha> ris, Barbara Q. Myers. Mastei riaugbjton Randolph, (jroom Roc man, Bryan Grimes, John Rodmai taieb Bell. Y DR. JOHN G. BLOUNT WILL ENTERTAIN THE NEAT MEETING MED. SOCIET to y The next meeting of the Beaufo a County Medicrfl Bociety will be he: by In this city on the evening of Mart ig eth. After the business meeting tl ae members of >.ae society And mvm ?- guests will be entertained by D >r- 'jouo G. Blount. At this meetti id two papers by Dr. J. L. Nlcholsc uu vr. sk. K. Tayloe will be read. HATE EXCHANGED Last evening at the home of M )N and Mrs. C. C. Coppedge, throu; Uiicftaae, someone exchanged , hi Of wjth me and loft one with the B 8S. ttala H. W. ?, Owner will pies he call atttao home of Rev. R. L. Gi In- ]S6 East Main street, and ^ot san fce- L W7 &? VIU1TOK8 HERE. pre Mr. D. B. Packerd of Dunnelw ^ Florida. Is In the city, the guect *r- Mr. and Mra. W. B. Morton at th W>? hbsae on East Main stroet. Ilo poets to return tbmororw.' ' REPrtMRSTATIVK HKIIK. too Mr. Oto. R. Sblpmon. m?o?for Ih. StOdd.rd' LutUTM. I. ?ow ?nr > ' m. muf&t of thU . I k&Own work. )AlLl s * \ 1ISS ITERS m HOSTESS jM Entertained Her riendf anc Playmates, the Occasion Bc^if -Celebration -of Seventh Kitu Day. On Saturday uttnfnoon laat a crowd of little folks enjoyed a Valentino party *lven by Barbara Gray Myers, tbo attractive young daugh t of Mr. and Mrs. T, Uarvoy Myera I their home on East Main street i honor of her seventh birthday. , Hearts end clipids were nve^f >h?re. "From each of the four cor . >rs of the living room red crop< i?af ribbons were festooned anom them hung a fringe of heart! nd cuplds reaching to tho re< aded chandelier. After ^amc id] been played and the little peo; ie.'photographed, keeping time t .j music, they were ushered inti the dining room. Two large tabl t full of sultabel and delicious refresh ments were waiting to receive then; The Valentine fdea was beautiful! carried out with festoons of red crop' paper, hearts, cuplds and qu^ntltle of flowers, cut and in Jars decorate with red paper. The birthday cakl with Valentine decorations and se> en red candles, surrounded by, wreath of red roses maed all thos little folks wish they might bo Valentine-also, afid hope^that alhc n--? >- -U-? ?nnlJ Kn nha^nira by this good old Mint. As tbey left the dining room Mil Blount handed each a Valentin and Mies Leonora Blount presents each with a heart-shaped box < mints. The happy Utile party dL percfd as night began to rail, :J talk over and dream about heart and cuplds and Valentine parties. HJwItE today. Mr. O. H. Waters of Pantego, 1 C., Is among tho welcome visitors t Washington today. ^ Homage Paid To Men of The Battleship Main I "Washington, Feb. 17.?Home j to the men of the battleship Ma! I who lost their lives in thtf epo making catastrophe in Havana hi bor, 16 year$ agb. .was paid tod * by the navy and high officers of t nation at Arlington National cen h tery. Snow-covered moundB o\ i- the" sleeping warriors wero decor: e ed with tributes and a staunch lit I- vessel ploughed through the ice fi< of the Potomac to strew overgres il on the water. Over the graves e detachment of bluoj&skets fired thi y .olleys and a national salute, anc i- bugler sounded "taps." ^ a ^Impressive exercises were held a doors at gjort Myer, the bUzzard mi ing ii imponq/io iu wn; > N (all program arranged for tbe oc t jion at the cemetery. Hundn f- had braved the freezing blast*, h< >. ever, to participate In the cerei aftte at the graves. President Wilson, confined by ?byslclan/s orderf, to the Wh House, cent a beautiful floral, trlb V President Menocal of Cuba, cal an expression of the reverence (d .his government for the dead of >b .lalne. * Ills mcsrage expressed d ' regret that he could not(partlclp 3 the 4services. andxadded: " ^ my mind-will be with you all, fc ' have to mourn with you f.>r brave officers and -sailors of Mains." Orations wertr delivered at I Myer by (Jommander-tn-Chlef Wi . lngton Gardner, of the Grand ' my of the Republic; Represent * Logan of Pennsylvania; the I k Eugene A. Hannan, representing Rev. Mr. Chad wick, who was cl tain or the Maine; and by'John Alroy, of the Army And Nary un ^" Becgrtary Osnlels t?f thd Navy partment, and the official head a number Of patriotic organlaat wero present. John, McElroy ? gested that the memorial was' tyi of "all men who-on land or as* given the fall mbaeuer of daw .o the country's laws by d|ring dor lut Cag." Rear Admiral Slgshce. in < . nanri of the Maine wJWan the v vtnt to the bottom of Havana ro" oor. sent from New York a leti r?r,t th.t Hc??M not bo tb? t NEV WILL REAR f HIS PLEA OA ' MIESf [ Joe Gilliam In?V . ,- ^or Em- A appear Before I |^PRpFert;usoii Under Habau Corpus Joseph Gilliam, colored, who h%s been in Jail here under the charge eD of the ^embezzlement of money en^ trusted to his hands some weeks ago fa in B&haven and bound over to the th _ ^WIJfW^Con^Nsas sent to Edenton pr N. C., Friday last^a. appear before bt Judge Btnrd under a habeas corpus ct , coceed ngs. Judge Bond ordered tfa I that Qilliam be returned to this city hi , and the habeas corpus proceedings te I be heard before His Honor Judge ai b Ferguson tomorrow. Gilliam arrlT- kn . ed here last night via the Norfolk w 3 Bout hern trhln in the custody of of0 fleer J. P. Robertson and delivered 1 into the hands of Sheriff Ricks. His < . cause will be heard some time to- 1 l. morrow. y e Let's Build In Washington Park. s 1 It d ENTERTAIN BRIDGE. ^ c< r- Mrs. John C. Rodman will enter- ei a tain the Bridge Club at her home ei e this afternoon on West Main -street ei a ? f? >f MISS ROSE STOCK TO RETURN, a a w? ? e MtM Rose Stock, who wu the ie milliner for several, seasons with J. e K.Hoyt will return the. coming: sea- li d eon. This will^kweleome news to b her many friendi. \ e * - ' j- " ? DANIEL AGAINST CAPT. . ll WESLEY PEEBLES NOW - b , BEING TIUED IN COURT * *. * ' *f td The case of E. A. Daniel against ^ Captain, Wesley Peebles for malicloos prosecution is now-being tried * in the Superior Court. - v - I ATTENDING COURT. I i ' I Attoreny L. M. Scott of Edward, 1 _ N. C., is In the city atttendlng the I ? present session of the Superior i Court * ^ i j.? 1 800 !(0RTH CAROLINA' CORPORA. ' ch TION8 ARE KINED. IP- . ' ' ay ' Raleigh, N* C.. Feb. 17.'?The corhe poratlon commission made an order ie- yesterday itbpoalng a penalty of $50 'er each on about 500 North Carolina at- 'corporations for failure to make retle ports to tlie commission as required >es by the revenue and machinery act ins ,for asesssment of capital stock for a 'taxation, rind ordered. that notice rce be mallear to the address of each 1 a of the corporations of teb penalty Imposed and that action will be inin stltuted by the attorney general of ak- of the state as provided by the law the for the recovery of the penalty, to ca- pother with the 6641S, witnin me ids next thirty days. ,W" * no it's Restful In Washington Park, his i Q" Fish Refuse Is Va ? For Agri the 77 MP 1 Washington, D. C., Peb. 17 ?In u helping the manufacturers of soil fer-1 'r tlllzers to Increase their output, the ? U. 8. Department of Agriculture believes that the interests of the firmer are enhanced: The use of fertlllzers to supply nitrogen to the Ar~ soil is of continually Increasing lm. I ports nee to our agricultural poputev lation. Pish refuse Qias proved an tjie lmpotrant eource of organic nltro gen for fertlllalng purposes, and -the necessity of preparing it in commer. * cial form has led to the develop^ ment of the Ash-scrap Industry In of AQr AU,BUc tates. The Departing* bias, therefore, been conducting Investigations, reifcal #u!U of h , Ushed In a pamphlet entitled: "TbI " Fish-rcrap ;F*tiPpsr {Industry of the Atlantic Coast," with a to amlsttng the development of this St 58Ke are at^reeent about < fee ^ rf 00 ^tb* eo*"t' TZ . 1 No. > "flB " 1 1 BiRS 1 THE HISE ^ |P. OOEN I I so Loses An The Content*. Alarm Given Between Six and Seven O'clock This J Morning. - ? , ' '4 This morning between tlx and sevl o'clock tbe fire alarm was soundi and It proved to be tbe houae ocipled by Pierce Oden. colored, and mlljr on West Fifth etreet. While ie department answered the call / omptly the building was practically irned to the ground beforo a roam of water could be played on ie structure. Oden lost not only s house but practically all the counts. The house was single story id how the fire originated le not lown. Tfce Are department by hard ork^aved the adjacent building. Stoddard Lectures Rocky Mt.. N. C.. Jan. 15, '14. To those who may be Interested, gives mfr> pleascre to say that I insider Stoddard's Lectures among ie most attractive books I have evr read. They are entertaining In rery detaU, and to those foftnnate nn.iBk ( ? tMnal tkav a*, rfallah*. ll preparation, and to everyone, fund of useful Information, renderi In a style thoroughly enjoyable. ( ) nettle C. Whitehead. John L. Stoddard's Lectures are iteresting and Instructive, and will e found a great help to both teach- -J rs and pupils, who wish to extendf belr knowledge beyond the raage\ sr"~'*t| f ordinary teat books. The style i most, pleasing, and anyone who eglns a lecture rarely puts the book * way until It Is finished. (Signed.) Geo. McK. Bain. Prln. High School, Norfolk. Va. .3 'o Whom It May Concern: For a number of years 1 hard used Stoddard's Lectures," both *for prists reading and m the class room. have always found them serviceable and beneficial in the'hipfcest de- t free. I do not know of a set df >ooks that I conisdermore profitable 'or general purposes. Tbe lectures ire complete, accurate, entertalqlng tnd highly Instructive. I have no hesitancy Ip recommending them In ;he highest terms. ' (Sgned.y H. B. Smith. Bupt. Public 8chools. [Greenville, N. C.. May 17. 1107. These valuable books will be sold Ln Washington for a short time only, at special prices and easy terms of payment. * GEO. R. SHIPMAN. ' Manager. FUNERAL OF LATE CAPT. \ J JOHN DUDLEY WAS \ LARGELY ATTENDED^ The last tribute of love and respect was paid to all that was mortal of the late Captain John Dudley this afternoon at two o'clock when the funeral was conducted, at the residence, corner of Second and Bridge streets. A large number of sorrowing friends were present and the vfloral tributes were profuBe. The Interment was in Oakdalo cemetery. > 1 ? luable 'cultural Purposes from Maine to to Flordia. The busineee reached Its high water mark ae long ago u 1884. and the profits since have have nevgr been so great, owing to the reduced price of oil 1 and scrap resulting from tkg competition of other products. This la 4 true notwithstanding the improvements that have keen made In the. methods of Industry. . The annual output la oil gad scra$ baa not varied greatly from ' 7.0,000 tons of scrap and 8S.OOO-barrels of oil during the past 8^ years. There baay been no growth In the recent past wtaloh would warrant a belief in a ,'j growth In the future. However, there aeems every probability of a steady demand, for this fertiliser. k The great eopcese which fish-scrap ha? met with aa a fertiliser is due In part to the fact that besides confining nitrogen It f urn tehee organic mat tar to the soil which Inorganic fertilisers do not do. Ammeatnm So'- pN 1 phate aa lnbrganic subetaace, a hi- . 1 product of coke ovena supplies al vgj m tZtaih* .J'.-, w' v &&'' 'sJj .-s?