' Occasion For Participants **ri ? : A Large N umber of Visit- J mgLadie^and Gentlemen* Present. Large Number , 'of Stags. Function En- | * hyatle. . | flTie Halcyon Culb gave another deHkht'eJ and eojpyable .dance ait the Elks Home laat night whtol 1 ?" waa ana at the flaaaanteat yet gWea . by thla popular aoctal dab. The . dynce waa charmingly lad by Mr. . JCdmnnd Harding and Mlaa Katie Bragaw. The male waa fnrnlahed by tba rogbaa orchestra , Thoaa dancing ware: Ki.Hary, Clyde .HaaaeU with Mr. Eaplatgh; Mix Mary CoveU with |r%| Callala; Mlaa Winnie Nlchol. eon with Mr. Enoch 81mmone; Mlaa Xllaabcth Carrow with Mr. Colllna; j Mlaa Loulae NnU Myera with Mr ' Charlna U Mortaa: Mlaa Been Ooao- , . ">r wiwi mr. juuu nonaor; M1H will" Braow with Mr. E<lmund Hard lap; piu Dorothy MaUett with Mr. j Henry Moore; Mine Mery Hill with ' Mr. William Blount; Mine Annie f. v . on* with Mr. Wasn. Raleigh: Mm. Richard Brmw with Mr. Samuel ' Orlet; Mine Talllnthaa. rayeuenile. ft ' with Mr. W fc. r Patrick; Mine DeWItt with Mr. J. M. Hodjea; Mile " Bklnner. OreenrlUe. with Mr. Chan. >- ' Moore; Mlu Fa?aa, Deorer, Cot. with Mr. O.M. Carter; Mr. and Mra. i * Cnldh Ball; Mr. and Mra. N. L Simi noDi. Mr. &a4 Mn. Jeewe JDlMeonr Mr. nwliMrnH. C. Bragaw; Mr. and 5f';' Mry- John Bragaw, Jr.; Mr. and Mra. - iVi' Hapry Bri&tmaa. > ,. . ,f) suae?# 8. Worthy, R. S. Real, W. B, Rod mlu. Jf? V fir Warren. William Watte. Plymouth. J. P. tfarloe. Chaperonee?Mra. H. H. Carrow. '* Mra. J. K. Hatton, Mra. T H. B. Myera. Mra. B. S. Stmmone. Mra. . ' _ . j_ KM A P. BRIIKIMIN RETURNS Mra. Menry * Brldnnan baa taturuad from no cxtenalae atolt to bar Parnate In Dtnrar, Col; Mra. Brldsmaa wan accompanied home by bar alatar. Mlra Katherlne Pagnj. who wni be bar iueat for aoma waakn T. J Oarta of areeneboro, la. a hnafnpa rhtot here tolay. v ., CORK BBKAD MADE PROM PCRE S?S ; - white Beaufort County corn. H&Ta- around by ao' old Beaufort county I water' nrill. ts the beat to be hnd. I bare a ftosh sweet ruppl- on V habd'ell Xhethne at Me bef*?s*'. ?r.*0??r bushel J T. JC.1 .ma. Mom ?r. I *-**-*** ~ ^ Beat Seed Year lr\ For Long Leaf P ; ' ?-jfw . Forest, offlcora wbo"bare Inat.re. tamed from _the aouthern states J. aajr that. lpls waa tke beet aced . W;.lor low Ice' BID... for a lone .?f *?<* ?"l iMl Uuoasboqt Ito few* lbe tree, produced a . fall crop of aced , Thla la raid to be . pprtieululy noteworthy becauao tbo apeelea ma'.orea rtcd ao oftener thanfrom all to 01(11 yeara, end often at looser Intervale. In Wan/ sections the need lent rear was ao nbnndant v that It collected In Uttle hcape lb retr and-other deppcaetonei Not onlp a an tbo aaeal crop obaor? daot, bat weather conditions were 4 . unnauallr favorable, and by early a Decernber Boat of tha aeed bad germlnatrd and U?la atadjtose I or I . Inched filth are now trowing .to JL . great nUBbpr'a. In aonwi-dnte.. how B . o(er, dWe pes.lntjlfflcleat mplatpr* daring tbo toll end the need lying over tie wdgtcp wilt Berrnlnete early ' thin spring. : .- ... r4'? ! Thropghont l.onimnon, MMfrtpr , - pi end eaetenu Taane many .tbonaond of acre a of longleaf ptoa fo rata are pow carpeted with the* seedlings. Counta made in Srepmbtr b7 tha atata conaerratlcn commleiltm of ,}> Louisiana showed groups of eeed .. ? 'vy. -.H "i' =_=_ > ?'n^ - ' *Gives it Elks' Home B-A : ?tfl. OORAELIi'S JACKSON . O.VK OP CITY'S OLDEST Tin lotny triond. or Ha Coruelu Jnekson Who reside. on But lerenth eU-eelnnd ono of tho city'. >Me?t nnd hfchly enteemed cltlnen. reported to IM TOry U| Ot her tome. Mr. J nekton hu bun coo. Inod to her bod alaee April lut. for room, oho with her hnobiad. 'ore the one tod lone or the County Home. 'It le "to ho hoped that ehe In eoon' bo conrnloecont. MM? SMI II ra B Wi ' This morning upon the assembling ot the Superior Court, Mr. Edvard L, Stewart, one of the members of the bur. preeeated to the oourt the Uoease of Mr. WlUIum B. Campbell with the request that the oourt swear him % as a practicing attorney. This was done with pleasure by Judge Ferguson and. Mr.'Campbell Is a full-Hedged prectictioner at the bar. Mr. Campbell at the Pebruary examination for applicants to pcuotloe law. the Supreme Court grouted him lice J ?e to practice. As ret he has not decided where he will locate for the practice of hie profession. Overtures, however, are htloc made to hint to wut hla lot IB Washington. He has th? boat every snoooaa tn his chosen pretension. HARDING AND SON ARE TODAY MOVING THEIR . RENTAL OFFICES The firm o( II. B. Harding * Boa rental agents, are today moving tholr oOcoa Irom the Brown bntiding on Market street to tho building they recently purchased from the Veinbur g heirs. Their new Mime has been fitted of a umctlvely. GUEST OF MISS NICHOLSON Mine Ethel Skinner of Qreenville, N. C.. U the gnast of Hlse Wtnnltred Nicholson at her home on West Main street. " Dr. C. D. Marsh of the federal bureau of paint Industry Is delivering a series of Illustrated lectures to stockmen la tho went on the subject of plants poisonous to stock. The Blltmoro forest school, established In 189* and therefore the oldest forest school In America, has bean discontinued. Dr. _ C. A. Schenck, Its director, has returned .his home In Germany. [ The South ine Says For estert from the cone, so thst It wlnd^ pre nil at the Ume the seeds ere re loosed they may be carried for eon nldorable distances The raosoa forest officers ore call ln( attention to the aboodoat seed ling ffroirth le that tber may brtn home to the oirnnrs ct lougleaf pin woodland* the peculiar need at tbl time for protecting these woodland from lire. They "point out that I would cost from fire to ten dollar cn aero to restock by artificial mean what nature ban done gratltlousl this last .fall, and emphasises th Tact that the own ire of longtaaf pin lands, whore natural reproductlo baa taken placo Jo thin way,ahaul not fall to.flffjtt.flipa rigorously th! saacon.' and as' ?? ? seasons these after aa possible. It la a eommbn bWlot |n man parts af tha south that longtaaf pin will not raprodhcs Itealf. This b th rough a combln4lo0 Of rolatlrel raid sasd per tod a nod the annuel r . currooco of fire which rnn oror tl ground * and dtptrny both the nes and C?en mtet trees aa may sts The thlek bark of tba matare iom lasf plae makes It romparatlr. Orc-rerUtant.^bul under yonoff tre ***** ~ INGT W1A1 /A8H1NQTON, N. C-. THUR8DAY AF IK KM EMUS PIKE Was At Home Last Night on ' West Main Street Eroch 8:30 to 12. Function Enjoj-ed. * | One of the most pleasant and en- ' Joyable eocial functions of the new . year took place last evening at the hospitable heme of Dr. Joshua TayI loe, when bis sister, Miss BU& Thy- i jloe charmingly entertained at Auction Bridge in honor of Miss Louise I Knltffct of Baltimore; Mrs fi. Spruks of Scranton, Pa.; Miss Sallle Pender of Tarboro and Mis# Sallle Ruttn of Virginia. Miss Tayloe entertained her guest# from 8.30 to IS. Seven tables were used. The home, within Jtaelf attractive, war tastily dooorated In long leaf pine* and the eolOr scheme was green and and good cheer reigned supreme end ' Miss Tayloe was more than gracious as a hostess. The first prise was won by Mrs. D. T. Tayloe who presented it to Miss Bailie Pender of Tarboro, one of the honor guests. The guest ol honor prise was awarded to Miss Louise Knight of Baltimore; Mist. Knight also had the honor of win nlng the booby,. The l^petees served a salad course and Ices, all of which was tempting and delicious. Those preeat were: Mrs, D( T. Tayloe, Miss SaUU Pender, Tarboro; Mrs. J. D. Grimes. Mrs. Jno. C. Rodman, Mrs. John. G Blount, Miss 8allle Ruffln, Virginia, Hiss. OUte. .Gallagher,. Mia* Louist Knight, Baltimore; Mies Burbanh Miss Satehwell, Mrs. J. B. Moore, Mrs. Jno. Isanogle, Mrs Waltei Wolfe. Mies Marda Myers', Mrs.' W L. Vaxgbaa. Mrs. A. C. Hathaway. Mrs. N. L .81minons, Mrs. Gus Bow ers, Mm, P. H, Short, Mrs! John Charles. Miss Mary Blount, Mlac Josephine Whitney, Mise Pan Whitney, Mrs. G. T. Leach, Mrs. 8 8. Bpruks, Scranton, Pa.; Mtes Kel ly; Mrs. Ed. MaUlson. Mrs. J. H Hodges. Mrs. R. T. Gallagher. Stoddard Lectures I am glad to recommend Stoddard's Lectures to every home. On a journey in the Par East they were my constant travelling companions and proved themselves of Incalculable value in picturing the places ot Interest, tfeecrltfpg Ahem In Btoddard's inimitable style. 1 have plaoed these hooka In ersry university with which I have been connected. and also recommended them tc numerous Individuals. They are valuable to teachers as well as pupile. A man eannot put a bettrfl set of books In his library for'bit child rep. to browse in. (Signed.) ' Dr. Edwin A. Alderman. ( To all Interested people: Tim Is to say that I bought "Stoldard'i. Lectures" ten years ago. and hope to enjoy them *11 my life. It la the only set~>>f hooka in my library that all mi. children have read, and the) did It eagerly and with profit. The money invested ia^"8toddoard's Lectures" has returned dividend, of educational v/ilue that 1 cannot, es* timate, , * Kratenually folM, _ Hev. D. H. Tuttlc, ? Pastor-M. E.Church. South. Henderson. Nov. 11. 1#U 9 Mr. O. R. Shlpman. Henderson, N. C. 7 Dour Sir: During the past foui * or five years I have been using with * great pleasure my set of Stoddord's Q Lectures. They furnished afi un d ending eonrce of Information. 1 * cannot travel aronnd the world si " I would like to do In pereou but these lectures spread out before rat 17 In beautiful panoramic views the fai e away, countries, their people, and *" their costumes tu tech way as u 7' make them amatlngty vivid and In7 etructive. My chlldron And wholesome recreation In them and, galr information from reading them and ? studying the llfeUko pictures. rt The ladles find these volumes oi *' great value In preparing their pe ly per* In studies and subjects for theli * club work. 7 I consider them a valuable ret o * books. WU'.'AI " * T. Alderman. gupt. of Graded School. Orders for this valuable est o . > i\ JL rHKH?Rain Tonlchl.' Oolde r- Frt TERNOON, FEBRUARY II. IIII, urn . mm JO ROADS When Arrested Had a Gallon J Of Booze In His PossessionOther Cases Tried Tie major's court was again lively yesterday and as usual the city i treasury has been enriched there- ' by. The following cases were dls- < [>osed of by the court? John Sitnma. colore^ was indict- < ed for the larceny of a ba* of coal. Ha was found not guifly. 1 Hlllard P^jrton, colored, was ' charged with the crlmeof vagrancy. Whan arrcated by thflj pollco Peyton bad in hts possession a gallon of boose. He was given a term of thirty days on-the public roads. Aehley Hardy, colored, was also charged with vagrancy; In his case the mayor suspended Judgment as evidence waa presented to the ef-1 feet that Hardy had lost secured i k job. Lot's Build in Washington Park. i * ? ( BEEF MBRGBAIVhI HAVE BKBMlfGLY RKOONSIPKHKD. The story of ths advance made In beef by the handlers of this r product;,. (exceptlrcj tor. Chas. Dudley % who Stood? pat au<l sold beef at the former price, ? eeema to have caused consieriia- c tloa among tte other sellers In * ? the city. . It would j*gap from the environment* tfoat flie mar- " ? ket men have reconsidered, .'^ pne seller of beef, bo it Is reported, returned to a pur ' chaser this morning 10c, and * when it was returned he stat- ? to the purchaser, "you paid * ^-me this amount too much yes ? tcrday, so I herewith return." * The name of the butcher Is not c ' known, hence no name can be * ? called. The pally News ac ' count of the agreement to ad- * 1 vance the prhee and then giving ? what othor towns charge was a ' bomb shell, Whether the price will remain * ? the same as formerly cannot be 0 stated with accuracy, however, one thing Is sure, the market * men are thinking end thinking *< aerionaly. ' ^ ? THE PRICE HAB DROPPED. ^ books are now being taken in Washington at Special Prices, and on easy terms of Payment. The price of a good cigar a day will place this e^t of books In the'^faome for the benej fit of every member of the family, if order Is given "at once. Address: I ( Geo. R. Shlpman. NEW THE AT IfSfl r ^ pps^ ji '||H I -" I J IH M ' LSuuy.l. Iftl . ulir <11 . (J ' ion. A packed house is an number of seeds sold. A?r by the prcst. 1 v'k m. v. <:4 !^.iLJL> j \ 1?J F*lr ud Much Colder. mal" ~ IISI GIVE | a mo [oe Giliam Tried Before Judge Fergju? Yesterday Under Hab^^Corpu* Proceedings. Jose^MWlllam, colored, was before Hfljplonbr, Judge Garland S. FergutiHapatardny under a habeas corpus fc^edingB. which grew out of his afint and confinement in Jail :haxge<tHrlth. the^ embezzlement of funds eptruated to .ils care. and kee^Jngjln Belhaven several weeks ago. Tfe habeas corpus writ was first matte returnable before Judge Bond InuCdenton last week and tho prinaone* waa carried to Kdenton. Judge Bead ordered that Gilliam be retnrned^ko this city and the cause heard b?$re Judge Ferguson. Thjs was' dona- yesterday with the result that thejffeourt decided to bail the defendant reauirlne of him a iusii fled bond In the sum of two hundred and flftfr -dollarr. At this writing Gilliam had so far failed tcf furnish the amount. railF IS HONORED BY GOVBRNflh {^J: . . ^ His Excellency Governor Locke Craig, has juffc honored one of our townsman in the person of Mr. W. L. Vaugban, late oounjy superintendent of schools, and now a meuibei of the law firm of Simmons & Vnugkan. He has been appointed by the governor a director of the Agriculture and ^Mechanical College for colored people located at Greensboro, N. C. The appointment takes effect on April 1st, and is to: a term of tlx years. Mr. Vaughax la named to-succeed Mr. Q. G. Rose LITTLE MISS TO ENTERTAIN* Sweet little Miss Catherine Dow ers anouncea that she will bs a homo at the residence of Mr. ant Mrs. Johh Ieanogle, on West Seconc street tomorrow afternoon fron three to Ave o'clock. No doubt bu what she wjll prove a charming hos toss. __ HANKS CLOSE MOJfbAV The different banks of the clt will observe Monday next as a- poll day on account of TVashlugton' birthday. Patrons will -Govern ther selves accordingly. rf. tokrrjwr *' ;? jft?m H AI IP I H uj itig of i,v. icipated Judging by tht la I action comes highly endors ' -* ' Mjjr ne\ The Annual I Co "G" 18 ATTENDING THE TRI-STATE MEDICAl* SOCIETY AT WILMINGTON Dr. David Tayloj^of this city, has gone to Wilmington, N. C.. where he Is attending the Trl-Stj^^ Medical Association now there. Prominent physD^^^^TrOm all parts of Virginia and^fhe Carollnas are present. Dr. Tayloe Is chairman of the section on surgery. IPs Kratful In Waahlngton Park. TRIP flROlD THE WIRED . FHllATf On tomorrow night from eight to eleven the Etta Kappa Club of iho Washington High School will ?tvo a trip around the world. The countries that will be represented are Holland, Egypt, France, Japan and America. Delicious refreshments will be served In every country. The small admission price of 26o will be -.harged. Every caller will be met U the door by usherB and conducted hrough the various countries. An iterestlng and entertaining evenng Is anticipated. No doubt a ;oodly number will attend. 'WO PRISONERS RKOUUHT TO THE COUNTY JAIL FROM BELHAVEN, N. C. Chief of PoUce 0_ J. Nye of Belhaven, brought to the couiUy jail ' :hls morning David Peartree and Iralnger White, both' colored, who were tried before a Justice there, I 'harged with breaking In xtord), I . welllngs, etc. They were bound over to the next term of the Crimial court. Chief Nye before leaving eihaven wired Chief of Police RobrtB here to arrest William H. Ba^r, colored, who is reputed to be he leader of the gang. When Chief ye arrived with his other prisoners i 'hief Roberts presented him with aker. He will be carried back to '.eihaven today for trial. TO VISIT RELATIVES 1 ^ Mrs. J. H. Carpenter and Uaugh' er. Miss Delia Dale, left on the At1 antic Coast Line train this after1 oon to visit relatives and friends 1 rt Savannah and other places in Georgia. They will also visit in ;,lorida. They were accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Byrd. f A Great Reunion I . The Veter i.?i..AnbilU E-lo Pah 1&. The State of Florida pays out more money _>er capita for the support of depenJent ex-Confederate soldieis l':.au [ iny Southern state. This fact should ' je refficient to convince ex-Confed' urates everywhere that when they I and their descendants, visit Jackson ? rillc on the occasion of the 2 4tl? aui uual reunion of the United Coufedorate Veterans' Association that the} r wiil be in the hands of their friends * The reunion will be held May t>, 7 }' ^nd B. The handsome total of $6uO,ouO ^er annum Is being paid by the ' , .Late for the support of cx-Confed.ace pensioners. The average ycai f amount paid to each person or [ t?u, pension list, according to th< luteal ropoit oi the ^tute ouaiu o wA.iia, is (121.25.. while the av v ...age paid old soidiers is $122.30 ??iluows of- toui'euoi it.j ooito-L. ] ,.?w an average of pt. at. 1 . flil. -ia.uit: lUc lepo. t i.wu. ..joe uguiea aie taaen was ...au ^ "Uao a a., I ... / ~ -1 ' 'A. * . <* j. Jkt.iig tii? tOuti, . i-iut {laid to !Uoj.ft-ue:a.v ,.t.n one V* ' tjaw'iiau*, .lurea-o^. , 1 u tho roh= o' i s 1'>V'5 of '.""of! ' UlC ' hi .5 K total of 4,810. The fond ^<4- port this pension roll : i . a tax of four mills on .tho assess ' I property of the taxpayer. \gd j Florida Is not only caring lor t living bat the memory of tht d? I Is also kept green. Throughout I atato handsome Confederate mot vs '^1 ft ... ? HO.,! | i ?4nspection Last Evening Company Passed Creditably So It Is Reported . & ;<J Thirty-five Out of an Enlistment of Thirty-nine Were In Ranks?Soon They Are to Receive New Uniforms. ?Company "G" of the Second Infantry, North Carolina National Guard, was given Its regular annual inspection at the armory of the company on Market street last evening. The inspecting otneera were Colonel Thomas Strlngfleld, Inspector General of the N. C. N. O. and Capt# R. C. Langdon, Inspector-Instructor, U. 9. A. stationed at Raleigh and detailed for duty in this state by the War Department. Col. Wiley C. Rodman and . the members of his staff residing in the city were present. There were thirty-five in rank out of an enlisted strength of 39. Capt. O. B# Wynn was in command of the company, assisted by Lieutenants R. R. Handy and E. R. Lewis, The Company passed a very creditable inspection and no doubt will be given a high mark by the impeding officers in their report. There were quite a number of visitors to witness the inspedlon. Company "G." will go in camp this cc.... k summer at Greenville, .3. C.. located in the Blue Ridge mountains. This is the time for the Second Regiment "to go out of the ptate for encampment and .J Greenville has been rcie.L.ri .,y those In authority. The regiment will be under the command of Col. Rodman The members of Company "O" are looking forward for a great time at the forthcoming outing. New equipment is now arriving ail the time for the company. The state has already mad? provision to furnish new uniforms, in fact entire equipment to the company. It is' the desire of the officers in command to secure as many as fifty-eight members. Those connecting themj selves with the company are exempt * from Jury and road duty. The company and its officers are to be congratulated upon their good showing last night. On the evening of February 24th Col. Thomas Stringfleld will inspect the Sixth Division, North Carolina Naval Militia. The inspection will take place In the commodious new armory of the militia on Water street * . i Is Promised ans at Jacksonville ments have been erected by both public and private means All told there are twenty, or possibly more handsome' Confederate monuments in the slate, and others are yet to be erected. A home for ex-Oonfed<H;atc soldiers is maintained at Jack sonville. Last year the mate appropriated $5,000 to tte Confederate oUliers' home in this city. Two Confederate monuments have been erected here, and a monument will be dedicated to the Women of the Confederacy during the coming reunion. This monument is a companion to the handsome State Memorial unveiled last May on the battlefield of Chlckamauga during ' the Confederate reunion at Chattanooga. It Is located In a beautiful 1 park and will be ready for the un5 veiling ceremonies by' tte date of ' the reunion. This brief exposition of the work that Florida is doing for the cxton federate soldiers, living and iau, as pi oof that the people of - :ht state will extend' a ffarm welv o .e to the old soldiers and their . .tods on the occasion of the Jacksonville reunion. Florida, while " isted far south af the great theaor cf war of 1861<.6&, felt the of the con He'- Jacksonville ? >. :??ioj fonr different times i als, Thji purposes of ^ .. ~'ipaney,-?necordinf Nto official ." rtf cn *1?- In the archives of the 6 dt'oartntent, w<n*s to keep the 1 n river open from its month he of navigation and to bJ n-m the negroes for service in, the sn'on army. The small Confederate * be force in. East Flordia In 186S was ad commanded by Oen. Joseph Flnne ?. v i au

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