Hrlfr " HIjIILi V /Brings Maitet to HUOffice. Rc turni Home Alone, and Re$ tome For Him In The *1 Afternoon K - f Mr. H. 8. Ward a munbn of t&a law Irm of Ward and Orimsa Is the ownar of a * err raluablo horse ^ . Whether he aeu big mlellltence PM. from the tk?t that he fops at the home of our dlstlntulshed townsman or whether ha codes by hla I aeaae naturally this paper doe? hot undertake to stats, raflce It to ear. hpwerar. he la a aenalMe animal and la prised larr hlahly and Jnstly( no. hr Mr. Ward. Yesterday morning a News man Hi happeaed to be loltartaa at the earner of Market and second streets I at the- time Mr. "Ward esabliy rides .la town to hla.oflee. When Mr. ward a* the back of hla maeh prised animal reached the corner IH ha was no Hoed to alight from the I horee^tnrn him aroaad, slap him on home." Wlth'prompt obedience the bora* bw? to walk leleurelr down ; Market etreet to. hie ham*. "Wll be no elrelght bub to fcrfi bom*," wee the laaulrp made of Mr. "Certelnir he wtU." WW the reply. -Thin afternoon. .boat Ore--o'clock. U ro? happen to ko around thhee . art* Ton will to# him .come lor mo and Whoa bo roacfcw the plane where 4 _ I oeuallr moot him he will eland OnP Ws j?E?ro - -' V -TW air. wo horoo." frfldnd bp an aid BoonCort oonntp water am. la the hoot It bo bad. I (lira a freeh ewoet eupply on band all the time at tit per soak, *? flirt par koaWL J I Adama, **? it. -ira ngrW I-1WM. Virginia Enabling Signedb I lljfrmcnd. V*., rob. U?Oorerr Mkart reatardap afternoon alga jflSe enabling act which pormlta a . Wrtraadom of the aute-wtde proI -.gaiiwWoih .aaaatlna to the people. I JSHj . sou a ipooial election dm September I I F 11. 1914, upon petition algaad bp apphulmatelp U.OOJ qnalllled roteeo. j .I Admlta to eloctorau all peruana who rated Jn general election ot HE? Ntrrambor. 1911, and all paraona Ub8 who afe qnallded to rote la Anna tHi . aHeettoha of ltl?. J Balkota are to bf marked "(or f Stale-wide prohibition" fad "agelnet ii' *ay state highway BMtlM of th. defeat of the pro posed amendment to tbe State Con, atltutlon authorising a bond Issue tor- road ' build Ins, Pennsrl.anla ' o??7 hare'to abandon Its State High ; *07 srstem and torn 10.000 milei [ HighwsTB tack upon thi 1100 towrfhlps from which thej jsheo ^ ! , SKfi'- Undor the Sproul Act of 1011. th? vH state of Pennsylvania took posoeo.Xa oton of (000 miles of roads that y term cooaaettoo links between ponnK % oaata and other important comn ' munlOee. In 1?1(, 1?00 miles II srero added. ? log and maintaining the roads W would ha provided hj a hoed lean*. * At the eleotlon of Horember. 1(11. i| however, an amendment to Ue Con T - stltntlon providing tor en letne. nf Iff' ffi -110.000.000 bonds was voted down, | .tuUon ,another such amendment I cannot bo jolad on for at least (re KM Y -A. J^-Pku,jM W. j ? WiR Erect a Modern CI In Spring. DeaJWtui on Market Street !v * it1"*, UoU Red Wi7 P-T? An Important real eattate dt wan consummated yesterday and t announcement no dou?t will be rot with genuine pleasure by the e Urn city In that it means cno th bandsoms and cemmodlous chun building for Washington. As was Intimated exolaalrs tbrougb the columns of tbla pap several days ago that the Baptli ere contemplating erecting a at church, this paper today la la a l Itlon to coaflna this rumor ai additionally that the site for tl new church has been purchased ai that work on the atructure will t gin sometime in the early Spring The trustees of the First Baptl church yaotreday purchased C property of Mr W B. Morton, t reeldenee site, at the oorner of Ma and Harvey streets. The option i -the property has been signed ahd < I thg perchaeo ytoa now tn the hands of the trustees - the church and wlU ha paid orcr Mr. Morton Monday nest. T1 property hen a tronjas. on Ma treat ot II* foot wi|h a depth 11* feet mania* parallel with Hi ear sires*.. ?(.! ,1 . The praaant church piopaily |i Market street, wham haa atood t present house of worship fors or h halt aeatatj. win hp sold hj t troetees and the *rebnsa pri placed towards the er*etft>a *1 I new chart* on the Morton prop, OAK WOOD roil *4Le! a LSss. -a? ' 1 VM1TOB TODAY. Mr. Clarence C. Majo of Boo Creak, X. C.. was a passenssr the Washington tmla this aomis*. Ha return to hie home this sftinNW#a^ ' Act la y Governor Stum ?i , If majority if tolas are sasl I I Sute-wlO) prohibition J pfohlbltl e?u raw iim Noramber Ull.. - > - Permits manufacture and'sale wine and- Mar only bj person companies now ensued la-their m Ulecture, proelded that producUa shipped out of -the, state and In eret terrltorr- ' ' . . Prohibits manufacture of bran an a br-produot of wins, and i other wine by-proucta which cc - tain a larger percentage of alcot than wine Itself, Exempts from operation of pi , bltire hw domeetlo manufactu and dfle of apple elder. one or the other of these altert titan the Pennsylvania Goods Roa Association, which la the Panne tenia Dtttslon of the National Hit waye -?eaoclat!o:|| hrt,i undertah an acUxe campaign to roues pub sentiment In order that the me ' bare or the Incoming Legislate may be prepared to eolre the pre lem intelligently nnd elf entirely. In the absence of e satis facto subatltnte the repeal of the 8pre Ant would he generally regarded a distinct step backward. It woe destroy the Bute Highway syet< end throw the harden of caring I -(bene roads?or the heerier be dan of not earing for thea->M on the cHlseas of the- townships, could be Justified only an e last i sort If no State money le nrallal for Keeping up tbn roads.. XjfJtbs BUta Highway system is bo retained It will bo ncceraery I at roods This le estimated at 1 tween U.OOO.OOO end 11.000, ?? improvement; It means' merely I [1NG1 * Wkati : 3M|fl 1 \ . ... i ? Church ?j s Purchase B. Morton Sit< i lurch Building. Work to Begi Made Yesterday. Property ? Win Be Sold. Impor t . r Estate Deal. be It 1?1 very valuable plat id ground end no doubt will be aaips n_ ly nought for. "We Intend to fcttlld e church coet not leee than twenty thoueen dollars, possibly more," stated a influential member of the Baptii ly church to a representative of th er paper this morning. "We ha* 4* been working towards a more mot iw ern and commodious building. 1 o- whlob to worship for some time an ad now It look* as if oar hopes are 1 be be realised," said i*. ad The plans now, as given out, ai *>- to move the Morton1 residence t the rear of the lot remodel It an 1st utilise It as a parsonage for th be pastor and theh ersst the churc ils building with the ^frontage on Mai In street. The auditorium will aea an It Is expected, between seven an le eight hundred _t>eoDl?_ and _with th Is Sunday school annex connectin of with the auditorium by sliding dooi to aocounaodatlons can be had for sei is era! hundred more. i J In The Morton property -|s surel of an Ideal site for a church and th ir- Baptists are certainly fortunate 1 securing .It /. i -] an Architects will be 090*01 ted > he onoe to submit plans and the proi er pects are that before another yea he the Baptlats of Washington wll ce will worship In s building that I be not only a credit to Umax but tb sr- city m well. --V ; ' * SENATOR OORE ** "boaAai wit irom > j ... KXfHnwmc! United Stitn Senator Tiomi Gort of Oklahoma, wh$ vas tat pn for lui|u to tho amount of 150 2 o?o la tk. Dutrict com of tki ** ttate bj Kn. Ulaalt B, Bond wi atxoaaratod by tho Jury Wadnoada Tka Jury vat out onlr about it ~ mlaatot. Tbo lalt trtv out of ? aUtyad Htm mkdt *y Bonntc Oor't upon kn Band at a bottl I Waihlaftan otty and tko trial a treated ortr bo tout t try. = * GRAND =.l^^H '<t* - %'htiiwm 4 .. KPrl^fl 111- I H H M iid Jm !m t; ? Yfitt Present "Faua It Now comet the .unoeaeemei a- that the dlreraltad attraction!* a lie readj offered will he topped off t t a real trend opera perfermano to preeented next Thgradar nltht i 'or the New Theater br the New Tot he Grand Opera Company who wril o lea far that fantaetlc and picturesqc re- opera "Faaet- ' Alwara eateemt a tithe beet entertainment ol lu'clai ice erar coaaaUmd. <j of Gonnod'a Immortal maaterplet ho waa flrat produced la 1668. and e m er alnco, aa'lt will he for a(ea I he come, "ranat" hat been, and wl icy be anjofad above all cither operat >m coraltlee; metrically, dramatlca.1l and from tha point of view of b |ne within tha noderaUndlhc of ' ?* \y $ PfOTOlf, X. C., FJUDAY A FTERNO n UA1 UUI LliJ nil WM1 Be Shipped From Factor Neil Monday1 i*test '' WordlnFiroPtfht* ing A.ipancm 0 _ d Rrv a The new motor truck; for the Vol * untcor Hon Company will be ship 18 pod from the factory on Monda) * next and It la expedil' tb arrin x here aritblu ten daye aftdr the ship d /meat. ' f ? CapU Charles M. 6ro#n, Jr.. 01 the Volunteers' le Just la receipt 01 i* a letter from the American LaFrancc r rire Engine Company, from wbon the track was purchased tfcat thej ? hare been notified by the factor: that shipment of the trsicli will tx 1 made on he above date. The trucl ' Is the latest word In flrejAparatuj and means an outlay Wftx thou e sand Hoofers. The Uuc? x is th< * first one turned out factor: equipped with a self-starter and electric light system, Tlid motoi id of 100-horse power. Hie mem 7 berg of the Volunteers are tooklni ? forward to tha arrlral r\4 - n chine with cre^ expectation. Wher Installed her* It wOl glreifsahinr tan much mors adTantaaeltowardi x r~ I; TRBP a BOUND I i l The-Etta ' JUfcpc Club oJ thi Washington High Stboot-wlll ,a?on D citizens an,opportunlty Monday Mbr entn? to tabs * trip around W M world! The COUntriee ^represented d are Holland, Egypt. Prance J a par r and America. The hours are Iron u eight tp^leren and the admlealot i? will be onlr lie, Refreshment! 7. will be served In each country h Usbare Till copuct the rlaltori n through the recpectlre eouatrial >r It la be hoped that a large numbei n Till attend and aid the club. ?: 1- NEW .. IAt'a Build In Washington PeM^a i OPERA CC nmwwT?L-? r At The New Theatre Jh it .more exalted than ragtime. 1-1 0?e cannot imagine-a disappoint >7 mcnt with inch splendid artiste t< e. Interpret 'Tanet" as Giordano tl?i tellor. for whom CmH ex k preeres ndmlrntlon end respect I- Richard E. Parke fete of the Sev >e age English Orend Opera Compan "1 and ooneldered the beet MopbteU e |n America, Wargerrtto Hobert, for merlr engaged with the Boetoi ? Orend Opera Company, Roman ?- Melplca and Meiam Josephine Ron K> dero, also oenaptcnoue with __ th. ill same Boston orgaaleatlon, and las 10 but net leeet the Amorlcen Meiec r. late with I'.he American Oram *- Opera Company . ' V - i '" Sfeifc' - > ' ' ^?ri-v >AILl i"^wi??1 Jit, FKBRUABT 90, 111*. ^ | Basso and Dr< Reader Is Here M ??r? Edward Bingham of blew School Auditorium Ui The r Waahico" T) Rare Opportunity f v. ^Mr. 0dward Drigham of New Rork City, the w^U known basso prof undo and dramatic reader, will be the attraction at the High School audltortam March dtb. This la inI deed a-rare opportunity for Washington people to hear a basso r?o(undo of real merr?w. The press commenta on Mr. Brlgham have i been moat flattering, but Mr. Brig-, . ham's fame as a singer and entertainer does not rest on hearsay. Qifted with a voice of natural sweetness and real histrionic talent he has won hi* reputation through beer ability. Whlla coming to Washington under the auspices of the "Wahisco," MISS PALMER AT THE LYRIC contes highly endorsed. i-ao'2tc. CREW OP SCHOONER IS RESCUER BY SEMINOLE Now B6rn, Feb. 10.?-The schooner Bayard Hopkins, loaded with lujn ber and badly disabled; was towed; Into port at Beaufprt yesterday at noon and memebers of the .crew were taken off. , Teh ressel encountered a sgyero gale last ) rlday night and lo'at cor sail* and apars and was In a helplecs conltlon until rescued by the cutter Seminole Sunday, afterooon^ ry. "=-r 1 ? . One moaQSfr of the crew received a broken arm and he was placed k In the 'hospital at Morehead City | for treatmentv The vessel* was en I route to York from Wiggins, | I s. C. I Ths United.' States purvey boat i Sunshine went achore on Cape Looki out Sbokls Sunday afternoon, but i has been pulled off and is now info Lookout. > NSM PALM KB AT THE LYRIC Monday Digit, f A GREAT SIKOfcR AT TBK LYRIC Monday, *,. / ~~ 1'IO.Itc. . ' . >MPANY . : - ~ ?-??r m, IW B IH~ ^1-* I I *v * iursday, February 26th Company, under the musical dl rectorship of Karl W. Schula/ j Independent! In the matter of ? the ustal . chorus effects. Is one - boast of this eompany. the principals . rendering the chorus numbers so as - to insure perfect harmony. r A complete and adequate scenic > production Is promised and the cos. - tumes are said to be all that cbuld a be desired. Qn the^whole. "Faust" ? as it will be heard In thta city, - should certainly be groeted by a boose fall of people who delight t In hearing alaglng by truly great . voices. . [: ' 1 This company comes to ths New Theater Thursday, February ?Hh. Beats go on sgls Monday morning I ? Ul. Worthy ? MUri*. Dr? . 1 : ; 'NEV > ' - ' ?i ^ amatic Attraction larch The 6th York to Appear at Public tder The Auspices] of ir School Magazine for Washington. - ' ' " ' ** . | tlie school publlcatlor| Mr. Brig! I.woi's recital will be distinctive and high class; much above the average of entertainments of this kind. guarantee was required before Mr. Brigham's services could be-secured thus assuring us before hand that every person will get full value jtor "Ms money. The program will consist of songs, classic and semlclasaic, Impersonations and- dramatic read logs a utrge audience i? Hoped for especially on account of the fact that it ie seldom that an opportunity is offered the people of Washington to hear such a high class entertslnment. Price of tickets and piece of sale will be annuonced later. * NSW THEATER Two Big Keitti Vaudeville Act*. T*o big acU "Keith Vaudeville" head the list in amusement at the NeV Theater today for th remainder of the week, presenting one of the strongest bills of the sesoan and one of the most expensive acts that has ever played here. "A1 Nuttle" the musical eomedlan has no equal for real high class entertaining qualities. "Irene and Walter Henney" In their own original piano act and a pinging and talking number that takes you by storm^ will meet you on the rise, of the curtain. T v It would be impossible to feature this bill too strong st the New Theater1 today. It_ is' without doubt one of the best thet has ever been booked. The motion picture program today offers three reels of th* best selected stock from the association service, and ones that have all pleasing qualities and paying direct dividends far amusement seek en purchasing fun tickets. Special matinee takes place tomorrow from 9.00 to 9,00 p. m. The admission prices to the matinee will be S and lOo. Night prices lOo and 10c. Chief of Police Improving ) V. I. / ?/ O T DAW?> V.UI91 u? , *? ?* ?#!??> M>I ^ncs he wggplaced at the head of the police department of the city by Mayor Frank C. Kugler, has proven a terror to the breakers of the law. The chlet himself Is not only bringing many offenders before His Worship, but'hle assistants as well have taken on hew life with the consequence that almet every day there are several cases before the mayor for adjudication. There were three SINGLETON NEWS We are having some cold weather now, which goes hard after having a few days of eprlng-Uke weather. Mr. Alex .Wlllard, who has been confined to hie bed tor the past aev- I eral weeks, suffering with rheuma- ' tlsm Is so he can he out, to the delight of his many friends. Rise Myrtle Wlllard spent Satu! day nighL-wlth Miss Anute Dell Clark at the Cross Roads. There will be preaching at Singleton school houee Sunday at U o'clock and 8unday night at eight ' O'clock by lfr. Lonnle Fodrey of Washington. The public la cordially Invited. There will be some special mualc by part of the choir sunday night. Let everyone come ont and sh w wn appreciate one good Misses' Lillte Perry and Minnie Wlnard were the gueata of Mies Murthn Wlllard at the Cross Roads Saturday night and 8unday. Sowing tobacco seed agd building bands are the order of the day now. Mr. J. H. Singleton who waa very paiafully hurt some time ago by bis mule running away with him, to so he can be up and out, we are glad to know Mr. Bvan Woolard spent Saturday night with relatives near Smithwick Creek. Also attended <h?rcli at Maple Grove Sunday. Me reports a m?rt pleasant trip. Miss Lucie Woolard waa the VS 1 i BOUGHT 111 Pi j FOB PLEASES ] AUDIENCE m _ ] One of The Best Attractions of . 3 The Season Was Presented to a Packed /I House. Cast Good > .vW "Bought and Paid For" vaa a conspicuous success alst night and j the sonsensua of opinion toay Is, by those competent to judge, that it la the best attraction hat the management o{ the eNw Theater has presented its patrons since the opening of the New Theater. During the first act of the attraction thoes who were prompt were "bored" by the late comers and the confusion occasioned thereby at the main etf.<>ance. The late comers of coarse kicked" because they could not be seated. - * The show was all that was advertised. It shows the domestic side of life in a way to attract and too, to amuse. The plat is simple, yet ^ It contains much food for thought. Robert Stailord impersonated, by s oreet Zlmmer; Virginia Blaine by Ml8a Madeline 'King, were both well up to the demands of a strong part and they were both equal to the 4 occa' --. James Otlley and Fannie, fcla wife, were superb,. and dUt much to add to the attractiveness and success of "Bought sad Paid TvrSThe company, Including all -the caste. Is surely one of merit and the large audience to witness the performance last night are tdday most complimentary In thel^r criticism. There was not a weak spot? all were at perfect ease and portrayed In a manner true to life of \ what U the everyday common occur. V ^ race. "riougbt and Paid For" Is well worth the pries and la a production that will mest with universal approval whsresver shown by those competent to Judge, 1 1 1 J. Roberts Valuable Officer cases for trial this morning at the City Hall before Hts Worship. W. J. Dunn, white, was charged with having Imbibed too much boose. He enriched the city treasury to the amount of s fine of $2.00 "? and cost. % Robert McKlnfey, aflco white, was up for the same offense. His fine and cost amounted to Several dollars. Jqhn Mills, colored, was charged with being drunk and Ik' addition, dlso|derly. If to .fine was $$.00 and the cost the news. Messrs. Jacobson and Maxwell- of hunting Monday. t FIRST OPINIONS ARE HANDED DOWN BY THE SUPREME COURT The first of the 1914 opinions of * the North Carolina Supreme Court were handed down yesterday, among the number being three cases sent up from Beaufort county on appeal from the lower court. In the case of Dally vs. Fertiliser Company, jthe verdict in thp lower court was jufflrraed. being In favor of the defendant. In Campbell vs. Miller, no error. In the lower court a verdict was rendered for the plaintiff. In Jefferson vs, Roanoke Raflroad and Lumber Company, the verldot of the Jury In the court below was affirmed the verdict being in- favbr of the defendant company. ' j" Lyric Theatre 4 x VAUDEVILLE J PAUL NOLAN The most Igughable Juggler ever seen here and we take pleasure 'in recommending this act m being very clever and unusually shaete. PICTURES THE FRAME-VP?All Mar Acton, (Majratlc.) TAMING THKIR CHILDREN? In TTl

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