' \ on'A. Opening Performance Nap JamM Adams. Experien* of$2S.OOO. Theatre 1 of 830. Hue I For 23 1 >" i- flm lio* ?' ?1t?d ob ??ter will b? afforded the cttliena ot Washing to a next Monday evening. The 'Playhouse" which lhae been under construction at the W. M. Chaun s| cey marine raUways since September last Is now practically completed and Is the first enterprise of the kind ever built on M^e Atlantic coast. The "Playhouse" or rather floating theater, as some choose to call It* la the scheme and plan of the owner Mr. James Adams who for many years has been In the show business. He fare the ,first carnival show here la 1901, when the Hatch Adams attratcUon spent a week In the city. r-f Mr. Adam* iuIh that hU ant iMbnuact on hla boat will In fresAted at Fowle'e whnrf and Iho opening bill will ba, "Under the Wow tern Bkiae," a four net melodrama with specialities by the members of the compear between acta. For this performance reeerred seat tlcketa Will ba oh sale at tbe boat from two to hre o'clock Friday and Saturday. A Dally Sows representative paid a visit to the "Playhouse" this morning and was amased and agreeably surprised at tbe nnlqttenees of the craft. Its appointments and conveniences. Not only is the craft a modern and up-to-date theater bat is a Model home as well. No eapesso or pains has been sparad and the owner Mr. Adams, surely has adoptad a scheme sartalnly noval and catchy. For months the heat has been steadily advancing towarda completion and while the ctuacna of the elty have donblleea watched the work In process' few hsve no eohaepUon of what thn boat really lo nntll they pay a visit aad Inspect for themselves. The "Pl?yhouee" It wen worth an lntptetion. Mat only Is tho floating theater a credit to Mr. Adams hat also to etc builder, Mr. Chasnccy. At an oatlay of the "FUyhouse" Is now practically finished and will next week beam to have op-1 to-date attractions aboard- nightly. " tmld aUthn I ^ - JO. AOIMprevwww ... water towps in Eastsr^Carollna. Virginia, Maryland, going aa far north aa the Buaqnehana river above Baltimore. The boat ta 118 feat long; 84 feet beam and drawa cnly 1* Inches of waUTT The houae dimensions are as follows: 188 feet long; 81 foot wide, with a depth of 80 feet. To the rear of the atago la altu^ a ted eight comfortable and convenlent 11 ring rooms for the performers; underneath the stage la located M a spacloua and sunny dining room. b| ? also the cook room, which la sanitary and airy. In this section of I the boat la'to be found the electric plant for the entire boat Mr. Adama has also on board bis own waI - tsr plant t ths front snd of the "Play-11 houae" ia aeen two offices, one be- I lng a ticket office and the other the I private office of the owner. Between these two rooms la the main entrance to the theater proper which la eight feet wide. Above tho main entrance Mr. and Mrs. Adams have their living quarters, which are convenient and attractive; being Bungalow in style sad finish. .There are three largev rooms, besides olosets, bathroom, etc. These quarters arc finished In Baaver hoard. The boat 'v, * provided wltfc a telephone system running all over the boat. Tlje main attraction to the visitor, of oonrse, is the main auditorium. This room is 80x80 fset, with a balcony rpnulng nil the way round the room. The first floor Is provided with steel feldtng self-righting opera chairs and baa a seating capacity for 800\people. To the 'right and lrtt or lb* aUg. 1, io.un?d two hoxaa. h?YlM occoamotfttlon, for fIRST FLOATIM TACTICALLY A Kind instructed g| itlantic Coast t Monday. Built By Mr. ' ? ? zed Showman at a Coat da* Seating Capacity ,rving Room* People. v ~? on* of taste. being while, trimmed In blue end gold. ' In the center of the auditorium has been placed an electric chandelier and also on the walls chandeliers of a smaller design. When all these lights ara turned on a person will be enabled to pick up a pin oh the floor. The stage has an opening of 19 feet and Is equipped' with scenery mnnnfnrt nr?fl hv Inhn WwWtil-t'h J& Co., of Cincinnati. An orchestra pit la located Just In front of the stage. The "Playhbuse" will carry a company consisting of SB people. The ehow will consist of first class vaudeville and* drama. Mr. Adams has pro Tided a ten-piece concert band and a six-piece orchestra. He ^sb selected with care and pains his company and all are reputed to be artists In Cheir class. As stated above the people of Washington will have an opportunity of seeing them next Monday night. Knowing the business as ho does this paper feels confident those witnessing his performance will be amply repaid. All over tbe boat hot and cold waler Is provided, making the "Playhouse" not only the latest word In theaters but also as living quarters Mr, Adams proposes to ea&tblt in this city all next week, giving nightly performances and on Saturday afternoon 4^ matinee. The week following the "Playhouse" will go to Greenville for a week. Re turning to Washington Mr. Adamt will exhibit one night a*d then pro oeed to Bath, Aurora, and Belhaven for exhibitions. Schedule of attractions for next week here are: Unndtv nl*ht. "Under the Wes I torn Bhlee." Four act ntelodrama wlJi specialities. Tuecday night, 'The Girl Ranch man" and Vau devil! > Weneeday night, "Bnnaet Trait" Four act drama. * _ Thursday,"^^iiifedevnie, and a four act comedy, "Tfle Boy Detective." Friday, "Tempest and Sunshine." Southern play. Saturday, matlneo; vaudeville. At night. "DaTil'a Partner-' ahd vaudevillo/ Mr. Adams naa adopted the following prices for his shows: General admiKion 10c; 100 choice reserved seats 25c oltra; 100 reserved seats 15c extia. Tho "Playhouco" is surely a wonder as everyone Who visits her will testify. mm i II AH mum There were two alarms of Are this morning, tho first proVhd to be the colored Graded School tycated on Hejpess street. It was ' extinguished before the deparUnent reached tha'.acene. The blase originated In the -stove flue. The second alarm proved to be the kitchen at llie residence of Mr. W. B. Morton on East Main slrtjbt. No damage was done. C' TAXES MTHT BK PAI1>. THIS WEEK. Th^ office of the City Tax Collector will be open at night until February 18th for the convenience Of the tax payer, of the city. After tbe a ho*, dot. roata *111 be added W. C. AYERB. ' ; City Clerk. j l?ee'e Build in Washington Purk. [NGT ' : 7-'";" :v, 'h ii J * Nii'iuW, *i. v'.? V iTHEATRE LL COMPLETED "top soil/; hem is successful Washington, D. C#, Feb. 25. It ii a treat mistake to put off working roads until August or September, according to road?experts oMhe U. 8. Department of Agriculture. The roads should be worked when the soil is damp so as to make "the soil bake when it drlea out. If the roads are^ worked when they are dry, It takes'' more power to draw the machine and besides dry earth and dust retain moisture and quickly rot after rains The use of clods, sods, weeds or vegetable matter in building earth roads should be Slfihjpd. because [they also retain moisture. \ If the woiklng of the road1, is deferred until the natter part cfc the summer when the surface is baked dry and hard, they are not bnly difficult to work, but the vrork la, unsatisfactory when 'done. Earth whieh le loose and dry will remain aunty as long as ine ary v/earner lasts, and then turn to mud as the begin. By using the road machine In the spring while the soli is sof\. and damp, the surface is more easl ly shaped and soon packs down Into a dry hard crust which Is lesa liable to become dusty and muddy In winter. Repairs to roads should he made when needed and not once a year after corp3 are laid by. Becanse o its simplicity, efficiency, and tffaap now, the split-log drag or some similar device Is destined to come li to more and more general use/ With the drag properly built and Its use well understood, the maintenance O: earth andr gravel roads become a iimple and inexpensive matter. Care should be taken to make the log sc light that ouo man can Vft it wltl esse, as a lfght drag can be drawn b? two medlnm sired horses and re sponds mors readily to virion methods of bitching end the cAiftlng position of the operator than s heavier one. The test material for .he drag la a dry .cedar leg. though vim, walnut, box elder or soft mapl xro excellent, Oak, hickory or asl vre too heavy. The log should hi from seven to ten feet -long, am' iron eitffct to ten Inches In diameter It should be split carefully as nes mbUi> as co-slble and the heav lost and tke bait slab for the front When the toll ! moiat, but not sticky '.ho drag docs tho boat work. As th soil in the*field will bake if plowed wet. If the roadway Is full of holes or badly, rutted the drag should be used once when the road la soft and ^slushy. The earth road can best oe crown | ed and ditched with a road machln< and not with picks and shovels, scoops and plows. One road machine [ with a suitable power and operate: j wil| do the work of many men with picks and shovels, and In additior will do it better. If the road Is composed of fine clay or solf it will eometlmea pay to resurface it wtth top soil from adjacent field, whldb has eand or gravel mixed with It. This method, called the "top soli method", is now In successful use in Clark County, 'Georgia. It's Restful In Washington Pork. POLITICS AND POLITICIAN'S ^Pittsburg la considering theestabment of "manleea" saloons for women. It is predicted that within the {text four .months 66,000 cX-Qreclan warriors will j^rrive in the United 8tates J. Benjamin. Dimmlck, formei mayor of Scran ton, announces himself a& candidate for the Republican nomination to succeed United States Senator Boles Penrose of Pennayl vnnia. Murdoch clubs are springing ui all over Kansas and Representatlvt Murdoch has already set the politl oal pot to boiling^ Ilia friends saj it will be^a hard fight, but they be licve he can land the Senatorial to The Csar of Russia has roccntl] declared himself against drink Drunkenness has increased to at alarming extent In Russia within re eent years and Nicholas II. warhi than for its men to be habitua The Kaiser'* pet hotby is the eel 11 ' - i Hi .XI ?Haow Tonight and Probably t ArTERNOON. FEBRUARY f ' T Noted Tenor AtiAie N jrhun m M. "* Chavallr Salvatoro l^ordano, the 1 brilliant and handaofcne tenor, ( koown ' to the malic World as Caruso's distinguished protege, first attracted publlcTattentlan In this country while he was making a concert 1 tour with Nordlca add wlta whom < he shared all the ho^ors.^ however, < this splendid singer, who appears as < "Faust" in Gounod's magter-plece, 4 which will be offered by .the New 1 York Grand Opera Company at the 1 >New Theater next Thursday night, hgd previously sung the-framing ten- 1 or roles with the Constantello Grand 1 Opera Company in Ne# Orleans. ? with this organization ho was likewise Identified during a^iong Hasan* engagement. Only recently Giordago, gare a concert at Aoolian. Hall, *New York - Ity, which was attended by uigh musical society and the Metropolis tan_j>ress with one accord, proclaimr d his voice fully the eqm-'t In -vaagw and quality, to that of his famous master, besides crediting Giordano with a very decided adrantajfc over Caruco in personal appearance and nggnetlsm. Indeed, one of the leading Newforks dailies averts that Giordano ^resents the IdehT .picture of the sort? of loVer that every girl Is bound to fall in love with. Many persons hare been curious o know by wfrat right Giordano provides the title of Chevalier to IN NHL : DOLL TH IT DO 111 LIFT An unusual act ls-tbat offered at the New Th eater for Friday's engagement when the management hooked the "Ward D'.sters" or the doll girl of vaudeville. Previous advance matter that has -teen given this act speaks for Itjolf. The New York Journal hoe regarding one of their engagements .a the Marcus Loews house that it A-aaon'e of the most sensational acts at J;he Mozart, and gives tie foliowcg heading, "Ward sister*, French Girls, Create Much Interest and Genuine 8enaatlon when They Pgss rhelr MyEterious Human Doll Through the Audience?Folks Don't Know What to Make of It?Whole Show la Great." The Ward, sisters will be the offering at the New Theater for Friday and Saturday following the New ' Yoi? Grand Opera Company Today's engagement closes the engagement of the preeent artists who .have played the first half of the ' .week. Those who have not seen 1 the New Theate/ bill during the pres1 snt'one'a eheKgement should see ; them tonight, as it If a bill unequal to the? majority of acts. 1 ARE ANTJtSPATJNQ. r The sksters of the city are anticipating some sport on the Ice If this present cold weathor continues. From tl\o present outf look It looks as if their anticipation * will become a realization^ j '.ectlon Of ties. He is said to have r nor. than $0,000 ?or?J ?? ?u [ U??ued. ranslng from cotton ones tloit'^pcclnicnc of ombroldfted or? Brand*?. Warm*. " Appears zw Theatre i tday In Faust ill nam* and in answer to tha< ho tenor proudly shows a decoraIon conferred upon him by the ttng of Italy, for bravery In the talt&n army._ Giordano however >estowe more tender affection upon rders granted hlea^by the Sultan if Turkey, the Cxar of Russia, and ither potentates, due to the enchantng powers of rnis golden voice, for to Is completely absorbed in his deotion to music. To "his mr.ny other accomplishnents, Giordano adds a fine repu ation as an expert with sword, foils ir ranlnr f "Faust" that he l?Wf(orded ample jpportunity to exhibit his skill in a luel with Valeutlen, Margnrita'r jrother, who meets "Saust" in dead, ly combat, and who is always undei L distressing strain for fear that the ^enor might bocomo tco earnest ir Ms thructs, and is relieved wher tho scene recover nnd hp? falle-m vie ttm to Mephisto'o cunning Instead. Salvatore Giordano comes to u: with an established record as 11 t-.cor of great dramatic ability, awell as the possessor of a wonderful iy cxprecslve voice of absolute purity and evenness. In the role o' 'Faust" he Is said to be admirable Dtpedei}j la the gardqj- scene where the love duet between "Faust' and Margarita brings out the ten or's noblest ecorts of Interpretatior of Gounod's most delightful work IS11R JBIj bell us m The three-masted schooner Jcnnit O Bell arrived In port this morning from Laurel, Delaware, having ol hoard eighteen' thousand bushels 01 coin and Is now discharging her car go at Cbe Havens Grain Mill on Wa ter street. This la one of the larg est consignments cf corn ovo brought to Washington. The Hav ens Grain Mill Is now doing an cnor\ mous business In this section and their product Is shipped to all part? of tho state. PR A YERMEET! N G There will bo prayermeoting services In all the different churches of tfre eity this evening at the usual hour, eight o'clock, to which the general public has a cordial Invitation to be prer.ent# i **" CLASS IN STENOGRAPHY. Miss Ivey Harmon, stenographer for the low firm of Small, MacLeap Bragaw and Rodman, will begin a clars in stenography at her home on Harvey street next Tuesday evening. Mlos Harmon ir well fitted up for the work and ranks high in her prtrfesaiop. No doubt quite a num"ber will avail themselves of this cx^ ccllent opportunity^ MISS VIRGINIA BONNER now convalescent from recent illness The friends of Miss Virginia Bon| ner head of the Kindergarten department of the Washington Public Schools, will he plaassd to learn' of hpr convalescence. She has beer 1.111 at t.-.e home of Judge and Mrs. |C. h. Brown on Van Norden street. "NE\ ' " , r;A." ' ? 1 1 MUM " TBI Capt. C. B. Whlchard, the popular :onductor on the Washington and ' audemero Railroad. came near ueetlng with a serious accident on i:e yard of the Atlantic Coast'Ltae' .tB mo.u.ng. Ho was engaged in ?pcr?c,lcnd:ug tfie switching of some freight cars and in some way he switch became clogged so a colored man with an .axe was ordered :o knock It back in place. While irying to clear the switch the axe lew" off and Captain Whlchard was itruck on the face and piouth. One >f his teeth- -wa* knooked out and teveral painful bruises Inflicted on rtie face. He was carried at once o the, Washington Hospital whore le recelTod surgical attention. The iew8 of the accident to Captain Whlchard wlU be known with regret >y his friends here and throughout he county and this paper Joins his many friends in wishing him a speedy recovery^ UOOD Bra TO WINTER MII.L.INory. $1.98 now buys any hat cr.? In *Ji~ mJMow anrl for '""V ? ? I mor prices were up to $10.00 J. K. Hoyt. ] Southern Railway Inaugurate Washington, D. C., Fob. 24.? Fairfax Harrison, president of the Southern Railway Company, said tolay: "Southern Railway Company, becvlng in the continued prosperity tnd growth of-ttae territory it serves, nd recogn'.ting^t're^fflcccslty of enarging Its facilities to keep pace .'1th that growth, has, pending the mprovement of the market for long arm securities, sold ten million dolars of live per cent three year totes secured by pledge of developnent and general mortgage four oar cent bonds of the company, which for some time past have been ieM, In the treasury of the company iraiiable for cale. "This new capital is to be applied by the Southern Railway Company !n carrying through to completion olans for Improvements and betterment to and upon the property of e Southern Railway Company which were Included in the general plan for the futufe of th? railroad iade at the time the development aid general mortgage was created Will Ask General tn "Pmtort At a recent meeting of the North Carolina Conference for Social Service it was unanimously voted that a movement should be started to have the next legislature make state.vlda the present Gullfo'fd county .aw "for tfio protection of public morals." The law is briefly explained by Mr. McAllister as follows: "1. Tho enforcement of this law, as in the Stadlcm case, makes it impossible for a property owner to rent his property for immoial purposes. A recent newspaper article states that in such ckses, where the renting for immoral purposes is persisted in, tho property is forfeited to the city; but this is an inaccuracy, ft is not forfjlted to the city, but the owner, besides being subject to the '>"?avy penalties imposed by law, has to give bond that the house will not be used for sucty. purposes within twelve months, and unless he can give acceptable bond, the house lj placarded snd must remain vacant for a period of twelve months. The enforcement of this law subjects anj j man who'knowingly .rents his prop| crty for Immoral purposes to what | amounts to almost confllscai tion, and therefore renders It impossible for him to dd it. "2. It makes H unlawful for an) keoprr of a hou o of prostitution to (foimit any unmarried female un dcr tho age of 18 years to remain in such house. "3. It providoc a minute codd rej ulating the dealing In cocaine, opl | urn and a}l similar^ drr\fcs bf whole IJei: "ft retailers, doctors and* others 1 "4. The statute Uhca- provide that the county attorney shall se ' cure from the internal revenue col "v