??? Calls Farmer* Attention Observation A* to Ft and Plan t? til* firm?r? at Beaufort Coun?1 total very crMt ui la parts.t subject ud ? agitating at ? tbn- time the rated a ot alt farmers; en tea. ft to "a aubiect that u rerj much ml.understood. It IS my purI Joss' now, \e call' the tanners' at teatlon to some of tha things that I have been enabled by eipettonce aa wall aa ebeervetloo. to dig out relative to fertilisers, soil tulfute a We die manures, fertilisers, crops for green manuring, or whatever la a eoLsesafully used aa bleat food tor the meg ef Increasing the growth rsrisrrl?.",'." ytoorto icl<] ud pirttfh cxmUtn*4 in It. It must be kept elaarly tn mind that pleats need all threa of theae . ileal feodat on one at them can do the work ol the other two, nor any . ttaadhe-wert er the otBer oae. However rich a coll may- be la apy oae of them, ar la any teo, u ) one to totally lacking no pleat can STOW If OAS of these tilslssiw a fopMU at A erop.wlU b?gf*wn. *T, - on if the other two nbmiM bo . intiO Ji a* *A IB I e?-b?*b*i picid ?r oh frr WlfWu B* follow.: f a* Huadi H r'"-iMMt-iiii-| rrri . y..; ? *.? - J5y J .... B^-lVesenied i] . '* . . wSofljetirae I V.? - To term V tuk iti w Tort WM ?H? CompanT to prsssnt" -3Lffj??3 at the New Theater last night .Imply .charmgd and delighted; to thoa. met go opprocUttT. the production I | -woo aot -no "lnrltlnfc. The concen no at op.mon of thoae present woo 000 ootopetgot magical crltlen, and Waohlngton Mo unite a nnmber. tka I i production woe nralp a mo.leal trt mnaph. Deeto tho Ian tan reason and tka uafaroraMe waothar condition. ? |ha ?.r>ll wao small. bowarar, . those who aftrnnod* enjoydd a rare i lanat wklok waa danlad t&oaa absent . "V' vTMuta la admirably rendered lacking tbe aoio roleaa mora thun made np for tbla deficiency Ftom . 4b. >?>| of tba curtain ..honing Taunt an an old man atttla* la hi. , akodr weary and dlaappolaUd to .laal curtain drop whore Margarita I Mae enaanad la pi.roa condemned to death for the mnrdcr of her child, 'tbdPe dap hot". doll moment to thcar who lore rla.alc male, for they aal i ' i .nth..tad and charmed reluctant t< iMM rarer Imparrenated by Cher ahrdtaoa Wordaao. tenor; Maphla I topbele. by RLohard E Patka. baaaa; - > irgv?a^by Mauaerlte Hubert so daring tb^th .he la aha retired Bp do Hi. Mxperitnot* and rtilizfr, Soil Culture t 0rgmtk * of potdllf'. The approximate amount of commercial fertiliser required to Ptaeo Uto Plant food removed *? a iO-boehel yield of com would be about aa follows: nitrogen 37 to 41 pounds; phosphoric add 11 to I* pounds and potaob Id to 44 pounda. Now to make plain the Idaa that I wish to convey, wt will taka aa acre of wolf drained upland loam soil well peeper so and properly cultivated that would yield lb bushels of corn without fertilizer. To make this same aero yield to bushels of oorn wo would have to apply commercial fertilizer about as follows: >7 pounds of nitrogen; 31 pounds of phosphoric acid and If pounds of potash. Now If we use cottonseed meal to got the nlqrogon, add phosphate to gat the phosphoric add and kalnlt to gat the potash wa would, make our formula as follows: IPO lounds, ssron aad one-half par ccat cotton seed meal which would give the M pounds of altrogau required: too pOunds slTtssa par cent add phosphate, which would giro the U to 11 pounda of phosphoric add required and 100 pounds of halnlt twelve par cant potash which would give the 31 pounds of potash raoulrad. maklnr a tntml nf on* thnn. fou. this formula will not apply to all the tam land la Beaufort county, only the type here referred to. Iex-j poct to talk aboat cotton nest week and dkaw the eptiJoci of (obtttt lattfa J- J*0. r. LATHAM. Farm Damonatrater of Baaulart armed .' Rendition of Faust rtorm, ao tsoei ao that tha tolpotioa waa aaccrad aararal tlmaa. "Fauat" la -boa mnilcally and dramatically amon* tba maa't popular ot iraod oporaa and It ,waa (Iran ban lam, nlcM In a maaaor wholly worth whllo. HE LYRIC III AIL WHO ATTEND ?? : The patrons of the I-yrlc Theater for the laat halt ot the week are belay afforded a rich traat In tha way of ruuderUU. Laat nlffbt thoae attending were delighted with the Monte Carlo dno and tha ringing ot If las Anna Palmer'who la fllllng a return engagement. The rauderule laat night wan pronounced one ot the eary heat erer presented at thla popualr playhouse and In addition to the regular bill Mlaa Palmei ' at the solicitation ot a large number, consented to remain orar ant ' again appaar before tha tooUlgbta With thla high class Tauderllla ad , and tha worthy mortog plctursa th< Lyric ahould hare a packed houa< tonight. Nothing la presented tc i offend. Thla theater- aoder thi management at Messrs. Burbanl . and Rumlay'ls gaining more com uiondntlon. rrom th. cltlaena dell: . and lustly so, tor they handle on I: , Ma rary ben in ihe picture am WEATHER Fbr the Purpotc of Filling The Position of Postmaster at Jammine, N. C- on March 28th ^ The United Stele* cull Berrien Commleelon ennonncee thet on Saturday. Kerch tlth. en examination will he held In Walhlnston. N. C, ee e reenlt ol which It 1* expected ho melee certification to all;, a contemplated vacancy In the poeltlon r. of fourth cleee poetmeeter at Jeeeema, N. C., end other vaoaaelee that may occur at that office, anient It 1 ahall he decided In the Intenata of < the eerrtoe to fill the vacancy by f relaetntemeat. The compeaemtlon of the poetmeeter at thte office wee Sit* for the lent fiaeal year All *; applicants moat be twenty-one year, * Of ace at the daU of the examine- ' lion and all applloanu meet raetde ' within the territory eapplled by the 11 poetofflce for which the maluUoD 1 Is announced. Th? examination if 1 open to all efdaena who can com- 8 pir with the requirement*. jtppU- ? cation forma and Mil Information can bo aecured from the poetmaeter i at Jesaama-or Mr. f. M. Hod pee the a local aecretary of the commlaalon i at the Wash la (ton poatofflc?. ' a > i AT WA8HNGTON PARK ! Rumor bus It that within the nut taw mouth! aururul new and attractive raaldeneaa wtU ba In the coarse of erection at Washington Park, amonc the number beiai that of J Mr. W. B. Morton whose intention I ington Park Is feat becoming am 1 lAeai location for-reaidaneee. ' i Which Shalt It 1 And Low Frei No Wharf Freight (Buero Waiblngtdn hai lone entered We i ad ran tag! of the low ratee which j cornea to all eitloa eo eituated tan j to h%re water eompatlUon In trana- i portatlon, and It must not loee this adrantate br sax neglect or uneon The National Government haa lost alnoe adopted the policy ot aateeting each eta tee, cttlee, towm er connaunltlee ae ehow aome deelre and inclination to help themeelvea. In order that Waehlngton mar remain a Tatar competitive point Improvemonte moot ho made, to Pamlico river; lta chaahel moat' ho deepened to a depth which will permit boate ot (renter capacity to nanante lu watera. Greater approprlj atlone are being- eecnred tor theae lmprovementa on rtvora and harbere where the cttlee attnatad thereon are maklac aome edort to protect and take care of the water trade. Continued low freight ratea can be had at Waehlngton only by lta providing adequate docking tacllltlee. Washington la ao altuatod that It oan and wilt be made an Important dlatrlbntlng point tor the Interior I to woe and el tier. Only recently | there waa unloaded here a car load of antomobtlee which ware eoaalgaod to a Inn In Greenville. Why . would a dealer In Greenville order a car load ot maehlnae chipped to ! Weahlngton when their would have ta be unloaded here and driven it t mUea through the country to reach . their Inal declination? The anawer , la becaute ha could get a cheaper , freight rate and thereby aave an , amount auBclant to laatlfy the drive , through the country the ratlroada In thetr reoent Ight , agatnat a redaction In freight ratea y relied the point that Weahlngton , haa eeeaed to be a water competitive point .and therefore not entitled la the low ratea w. now ency. We. a. ? n progrcaalve oemmunity oaa not et m- - ^iW * v ^~v ^ \ 'i 1B-"" . . .. -H ; j I f l %. JL. w-' JLmI L L 111 ji\\ J! (I V I L p.r.1111r<,\.i . DnI it 11 ii h n * ml * . ^ || WijlCnl ^ II Hill I IHillnitl r j* j ecturea at Ctyy Hall at 8JO. Field Socretlry (M Southern Medical Affectation Dr. H. L. Wright ot Mobile, ala., lold oocrotary of UM Bof thorn Mogul AmooclatlM. will tjgdrooi th? mbllo ot tho dtr boll loatght at l ip. I'clock." HU oobfoet fill ho "Tho toodlooo Walto of Momma Uto." Dr. Wright oomoo to this oltr boor. X with him m high mod eanmblO opotatlon . public opookor mug ectoror and mo. a roprooontatlTo at ha Southorn |dedtcai doaodatM* engogod la tka high oottIco ot f diio life. \T; A rtri treat swgHb ell who womli ??k knowledge along these lines, Ad It behoove* all Interred to be ireeeat for Dr. Wright U well vera* id la hla.subject -mi firom advance totlcea has the presenting lis subject In .* Wafglpt only ?t* ract bat interest ai nlU t 19 US nvtted, both ladles a&d |Ntl?iuuQ. STILL IITOISPOSBD. The namerooe frtende 1 Capt raeaes E. CUffcwlIT rvfrai to leara ie Public Wharf r. Wharnbv It can demonstrate In a substantial way to Us natloaa] government that we Till pro rids tor and protect oar water bono commerce. - i The providing of.a public wharf property will suable oar senators to go before Congress with confl donee and oak for appropriations sufficient to mats all Isworemeata to the riser which may bo aeeessary tor future transportation. The city can not make a mistake la the purchase of tfhla property becauhe should It bo found In later years that It le not a profitable lnreatment the property could he disposed of without any eacrlftee and thereby retire the bonds without cost to the cttixens. Oo forward, not bachward should always be our slogan. This bond Issue can sot Increase the rate of taxation to any considerable extent and It will be made for a tangible asset. It Is the duty of erery clttxen to give the matter that consideration to which it Is entitled and not treal It with Indifference. I Rctoember Saturday la the last day la whloh to register sad on thu registration hangs the (ate Of the | proposed bond lseoe. Mr. John X. Hoyt has returnee west to parebaeo bis spring sad I summer stock of elothlag, dry goodi I iS' HI | ||LI L .v5f*Sj nnivp pnn pavghlere of Confederacy Decide to Adopt ThU Rule For 'Member* of Senior Gnss of ?*)rPub?c i Ike DuihMn of the Confederacy a cola* to offer ft prise" for the * MMjr rrtttin by any member the eeotor cl*M of the Washington High School oft the sublect "Local History Daring the Confederacy." The Daughters at the Confederacy ftlfto Intend to plnee oyer the traye of eTOrr Confederate yetenn > slmpU clone, Inetead of the temporary m?her which han to be renewed ea h year, and therefore reuueets tin t Mice Lena Wlniely, preeldent of Pe 1H00 Chapter. U. D. c?* North Ki ket street, be aotlled of say em t era Tee AWRACTIYE RASTER MUSIC CAN BE LOOKED \ POR IN WABHINUTON f. The Indications point to excellent ifMhc on Eaeter Sunday la Washington this year. Already the cholre 'pi the Episcopal and Methodist ud: within the next lew days the other ctiolre of the city will begin regeomele. Weahlngton'e musical talent compares favorably with the beet gedWMeea something unforeeen heppens thle year there will he no ex '.| SINGLETON NKU'H v / MBbAS ? ->y I'WtW swinish *1 . neeo^- _ Clouds ere looktng stormy Ad eonw la feUIng. Beerae ex lb Mr Ground Bog wee oorrectln hie prth diction. Rer. Lonnle Fowdrty of Washington, filled hie apotatment here Sunder end Bonder night to 'a lerge end appreciative audience. Hie earnone were enjoyed Hry much MUs Ueele Herdleen Wee the gueet of hi tee Lode Woolerd Setordey night end Sunday. Wee teeele Herdleon spent Betnrder night end-Bunder with Mlse tale Wlllerd. Weg Amende Herding of Cho?ewlotlty, It ependlng the week with 'her cousin hi lee Zulu WUIerd. Wlllerd, the little tan of Mr. end Bit J- R. Oheeeon le very tick. I Mr. end Mrs. J. r. Rlcke end Mr. | end Mre. Jodie Hodges of Old Ford, wedh the feasts of Mr. end Mre. J. j Weeley Woolerd. Meeere. Joeh end Wede Watere 1 of Walla Watta, war* In our midst Sunday. Mr. Jodla Harding of Chocowlnlty, spent Saturday night with Mr. Walter Che*son. Mrs. Daniel Leggett spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Singleton. Don't forget Sunday school Sunday at 8 o'clock. Mr. Austin Jackson Is confined to his home with measles. Disagreeable. "We're got the most disagrees bis people In the world tiring next to us." "What do they dor' "Eeery time wo glre a party tbej call In a piano' tnner."?Washington l""' An Uncivil Suit. "Too told me 1 would hare to teetlfj In a eiril edit" "Well, this Is a drl jraM" "I don't see bow you maki that out Those horrid lawyers wes4 ae rods aa they could be."?Baltimore American. . Worst Stupidity. There to no harta In being stupid, s< long aa a man doss not think hlmeeli derer; no good In being ctorer If I . man thinks himself as, for that U i abort way to the worst stupidity-Mac ; dnauML Lefty. ?I anderetend thot job have wrtttei book 7" "Tee." replied Professor Hlbrow , "bet tint doee not laapir that 1 hen written a book tbnt Ton understand. > Waabtngton Star. I . , , , 1 _ Pifl Tailed (heap. Anatolian .keep ha.e heavy, ?nt tell 1 described l9 V iJ ' _ ? ...'3 ! At Chape1 h 17, 18 and 19 Highway Department of Economic Survey. ram Arranged. ?t : -> I 7.. Illustrated lecture on explosive*. i Third D*y?March 1Mb. . 1. .Road machinery- vl S. Road surfacing material^ in. North Carolina. 3. Dirt roads. 4. Maintenance ot roads. 5. Organisation of road forces. 6. Road contractor. Among those w?bo will deliver lecItures are: 4 Mr. H. U. Stacy, acting Dean of . I I the Unlrersity; Mr T. F. HickerBon,.professor of Highway Engineer- >1 ing In the University; Mr. Collier Cobb, professor o*f Geology in the Unlverslyt of North Carolina; Mr. -9 Joseph Hyde Pratt, 8tate Geologist; Mr. D. Tucker Brown, Field Otga- 1 nlser and Engineer for the North Carolina Good Roads Association; I Mr. W. 8. Fallls, Road , Engineer; ^ ''| I Mr. R. T. Brown, Road Engineer of I Orange county, and Mr. N. C. * a I Hughes, Jr., Road Engineer of Hallf&x county, and others, There are many probiems in road construction now confronting the oounty road engineer and county I road superintendent that they would lllrw In lilww -in- -? - * " . * "-'4.1 ' NE"V V Good Roads Instil I Will Be Held HWM^arc Undj00&ffices of The The Geological and Interesting Prog Thar* wm be held under the >u 'plow of the Highway Department of * UMierslty of Nyrth Carolina and the Worth Carolina Geological and Eoonomle Survey at the University of North Carolina. Chapel H1U. tl C? on March 17th, 18th. and l*th, a Ooode Roads Institute, conducted especially for road engineers and superintendents. Anyone, however, who Is Interested In road const ruc|tlon Is cordially Invited to attend the lectures. A series of lectures are to he given by men well trained In their lines covering various, subjects re-. 'sting to road construction. Following these lectures there will be en opportunity for an open discussion on the subjects. " First Day?March 17th. 1. Consideration governing the I proper location ot roads. S. Methods ot making road surveys. 8. Use of Adney level In road loaetlon. 4. The design of roads (Including width, curve, depth of ditch, etc. I 5. Illustrated elcture on asphau from Its source -to the pavement. Second Day?March 18th. 1. Band-clay, top sou and gravel rogds 8- Macadam roads. 8. Bituminous macadam roads. 8. Relative merits and defects ot various surfaced roads, as bllumlpous macadam, macadam, concrete, brick, etc. .6. Drainage of roads. 8.r Bridges and cnlvorts. sir i IE* BE -1101 Today opens the engagement of the Ward Slaters at the New Theater for a two day engagement, featuring the human living doll weighing j 104 pbuhda that no man can lift. The Ward Bisters offer an act out ; of the ordinary, and a sensational one that pussies the audience. Thle set has played all the l?dlng houses , over the Keith line end has received | loud praise from all reports. 1 ine monon pictcre program adds to the evening's entertainment, furnishing three reels of the best selected iVscfciated films. Special matinee will be given tomorrow for the samller children for which the admission prices will be 5c and 10c. Night prices 10c and 20c. CHOIR MEETING All the members of St. Peter's Episcopal church choir are requested to meet at the church promptly this evening at eight o'clock for the! i purpose of rehearsing the Easter music. IS NOW NORTH > Mr. J. T. Lewis, senior member of the well known firm of Lewis and Calais is now In northern markets r ' purchasing the spring and summer 1 stock. | ; I TOMORROW LA8T DAT > VOTERS TO REGISTER FOR CITY ELECTION Tomorrow is the last day for the prospective voters to register if they * wish to cast their vote in the bond election on March 10. The regis 11 trnrs will be at the reeoectlve polling place In the wards *11 day tomorI row and It behooves all who wish U> vote to register. The election is announced for March 10th. 1 TAXES MUST BE PAID THIS , .< week, r' j the offlce of the City Tax Collee will be open at night until February 28th for the convenience of thf tax payers of the city. After the above date costs wj^-be added. U w. C. AYBR8. I. City Clerk. tain advice regarding; and it it for the purpose of assisting and solving these problems that thia lnstl. tute Is being held. All the boards of county commissioners and road commissioners are urged to authorise their road enfcl- j neera *. iperintendents to attend the Institute and to pay their ex^ '/> ? *> i |.VSTILL BUSY JT COORT Had Several Offenders of Law Before Him This Morning at The City Hall For Dii position. Mayor Kugler's Court was again busy this mornlng( The police are now seeing to it that the offenders of the law'are properly dealt with. , ' fS The mayor today had the following cases to dispose of: Captain William Spencer was charged with being drunk. After ^hearing the evidence the court pronounced $3.00 and cost. I Captain William Spencer then had ' to faco the mayor on another charge, i .that of carrying concealed weapons. In this case he was bound over to Recorder Wlndlev for fine! dlanonl. tlon. This will be heard sometime this afternoon. > Arp Spencer was indicted upon the charge of carrying concealed weapons, He Is to face the Recorder also this afternoon when final disposition will be made of his | cause. A. A. Nichols was charged with disorderly conduct. The Judgment of tfhe court was that he pay a fine I of $2 and also the cost. ^ . Albert Dixon, colored, was Indicted for having too much "boose" aboard yesterday. He la poorer now to the amount of $2 and the cost. CAPT. C. 8. WHI CHARD RECENTLY INJURED 18 ORTTIKG ON NICELY Capt, C. 8. Whichartfof the Washington and Vanfiemere passenger train, who was struck on the mouth j by an axe Wednesday accidentally, made hie regular run to the city yesterday. Although his wounds are very sore and painful It Is pleasing to know that he is getting on nicely | and will coon be himself -again. Capt. Whichard la one of the most popular conductors coming to Washj ington.