1 ( Total Debt Funds . For Each From h*. yrm b* Ebt! *.jm.r* .?' q j I Waahlnaton. D. C. March 4? ' Fralldaianty More. Ire. tha torthcomlnt MIMIa pertaining" to aa- I I . ttoul Ml Mate MlbMM and 1 Mhda and taroatmenu teak been (It I Director W. 1. Harrta, ot carries laronnatloa tar th. United Btataa and tor aach state la tka Unit.a state*. Tka data wan oom- I pi lad under the auparriaton or lfe John Lee Coulter, Etpcrt Special Meat la charge ot Wealth. Debt, aad Taxation. ' ' Tha Valletta which aoon will contain atatlMlea -Mr each tear' from lit* to !?1*. lnclntlre, aad wlU alaa contain detail, for tha rear , eat nearly corresponding to IBIO. JTorer thirty year. The baUetla will ahaw tha total ?abt of each, atate at wall ha many totalis, aach aa the rarioonelaaaee of onUtandlng , baada and special debt obligating I to pa kilo treat fnnda. It will also V , ahew the doatlna debt aad. It. ooa1 popent porta. Under run 31 an! lnTMtptanu will be ahowa separately j , all the different fond., and In each caae eaah and aeettrlttaa will he ahaariL The xwwmtioa ,al each (1m. atnkUk .? ' For States; mg June 30, 1913 '. .v i sued to Contain Statistic* 1890 to 1913 Inchtof Interest ? \ will be then. According la the report of tea Wl ago the indebtedneea (leaa linking fend uneta) for the 41 itatee amounted to 3134,333,0*0 ee compared wltbOOlZ,351,000 ebown n the report now being prepared, rhil in an Inereaee in ten real* of 1107,341,000 or nearly 40 per coat n eoatraat with an inereaee of alight 7 mora than >0 per cent In the popliatldn of the country Tea yearn jefore then, in 1400, the indebtedtear (lean linking fond aaeeta) for lha etate and territoriee of the Unttid Statae amounted to 9311.310.004;' while In 1(30 it unowned to 33T4,144,000. Than between 11(0 end 1*03 the pee capita ladebtddneee (lean, mating fund annate) (or the It ?tatee combined gradually deereaaed. while during the lent ten ream there hae been, a eery notiookble inereaee. In 1110 the p^ jhpeaaeta) amounted to 34.43; in in to the lacmH la population and lecreaoe In debt; In 1MI It amounted to 11.11, do* to t3ie rapid Increase tn population and rorr slight Ineraaas in dnbt; In t?tt the per capita debt had again taereaaad to |S i>, the increase Peine due to a rerr rapid tn urease in debt In. contrast with a mnch dower. Increase In population * a?>r usi i ?d In Mhtoe. all eaasy one h'l?t, the srmpbenr concerts an eleWed la the light of sacrad - ceremonials, in this connection the Wosy is told, of two BiisafMs eta certain fsmllp who re tDrnad (ma th# music hall * a state oome member of the household. "Wee the concert Sner* "The concert was all rtghl." responded Banner. "The tnmWs wee wKhUarj. She dWgrsced hrratK." "Diegrsced hseasVr "Tea. she aaatasd In the mlddhs at lbs symphony."?Philadelphia LadderLouie of the Or stars. Lands dea hattras (Louis at the orators) was the nickname siren in Louis XTItl. at mace because be Head la kick atyte ?ad especially ?jeyed ?r?tera. In Preach thin nickname In n fairly good m nn bin oBrini uw imn Ixioln dUfbalt It be etghteenttf, which nonndn eery much like lu bnttfw.?Milwaukee InntlMl. Trinidad. Thn Inland it Tritiklad la Iftr ln mllta lone and forty roUee wMa and ban an area "of apl^nlpiately 1300 aquara miles. A cialu of mountains aztendn througlio|ft Ita length, the big beat point of which la abeut UN feat aboea the ana larel. Tha populattou of tha Inland to eatlmatad at SM.000. Mad a Pnwqr. "I want noma cloth td make my dolly a drana," aald a llttla girl of aaraa an aba entaead a atora tha otbar daj. "How much to ItT' aba naked whan tha merchant handed her tha package. "Joat ana klae," wan the reply. "All right." aba aald. "Grandma atrid aba would pay you when aha came la tomorrow."?New Turk Globe. . decapod a VUfuaal. "Mary, why didn't yen anawer tha doorbell 7" ' "1 wan 'Iraki. Da fortune teller cay dnt If I go to door today I ana my future hnabnnd." "What nonsense! Why. hara'a the man's rard! (loudness, It waa onr minister r" . t; ; "VaBj I'm glad l.doWh go. Bo ain't my style"?Claealaad Plain Dealer. Nat (lead at Biddies. A lawyer waa qaaatloning a now client, a widow, the other day about her history, "hly blatory," aho rapttad, I "la almpilclty Itself. My ant waa tha happlneee of my life, my second waa goodnaaa Itself, my thlrd""Bxcuae me, madam," Interrupted the attorney. "bu\ really we aren't beta to gncaa charades." nil?UlklmmMi ft iv wireless wnispcrSe , / ~ WFITHPR nnnil WBATBEII?iwwqr WASHINGTON. K. C n show i qigmuu A backed Hou?e Witnessed tbe } Performance of The Girl Ranchman on The Plsyhotsae. Show Again Tonight. I "The Olrl Baathmaa" was presented to * F*?k?l hour on the c Pierhoaee" lent nllht end an p pleeetnt. recelrlnt hearty appleoee. Tonlfht there *111 he another per- t to nuance, the compear preaeetlat i the thrllUaa weetern dreme "tanset J Trdlt" There *111 he attractive raa i aarlUe arte between the acta ot the ? regular performance. The coattat a I theater la enrely .attracting larft t I numbeie. Another larie a'ndleuce 1 lie rntl'-iTated a re In thle erenrar. , MANY VISITORS HERE TODAY FROM SECTIONS , OF BEAUFORT COUNTY < Quite a number of visitor* are It j Washington today from different actions of the county. Among those ] noted by a Dully News representative are: W. A. Neal. Bath; War. ran Godley, Yeatesvllle; Mrs. N. B. Bunch. DayMda; Dr. Jack Nlchol- i son. Bath; D* A- K. Tayloa, Auro- , ra; Mrs. Frank Bears and child* Pec- j tola*; J. H. Odea, Hunter's Bridge; , I>i Lesofsky, Belhgvaa, and others. , * FROM -VOBTHKRC CRIBS j Mr. J. r Biokmin. accompanied , b? Ma daughters, Mises. Bmle and , Louisa, tuft this morn tax for northurn clUss While sMBht they sxpect to ?l?lt Poachbggpsla. N. T.. wbere tbo SOB Of Mr. fcekmsn. Bdorudd. te taking a huMaass conrss. , Thar shpaet to ho awgM lor the a*xt , 'ton days or mors. * , ifli unm in imnTnnnin Til* memberi of tho Volunteer Bom Compear an today all amllee for Mi new motor hoae track baa arrived and aa eooa aa the tepreeentatlve of the manufacturere arrtre lite machine, which la the latent word la' are fighting apparatus, will ha given a thorough teat. The track la now en ugly ensconced In a closed car at the Atlantic Coast Line yard hat those who have boon peeping through the creeks of the car state that the track la a thing of beauty. The i truck cost M.OCO, has a 10), horse motor with electric Blaster and llghis. The trunk la II feet long and Is fialelMrtfca very attractive style. The tMMam mor? than anxlous to see Ma "track ran. It will prove a valuable addition, they ear, to the fire fighting apparatus of the dtp. r casus tries Uspcctsd. During one of Cannon's Utter political fights lit his district to Illinois the opposition resorted to desperate tactics Among other thlngs^friondr of Uncle lot wan summarily dismissed from ; positions tbey held lo the public service 80me of bis friends became alermed at this, end one of them called on the speaker at bis residence and said, somewhat excitedly: "Jap, Smith end Jones have J oat loot their positions In the potto files. What are we going tc do about It 7" Uncle Joe took another puff at bin cigar and then answered, with a benevolent smile: "Nothing If yon go Into battle, yon bare got to expect to hat* some dead and. wounded." I "hhl ?Im2ag bent* rest I The ec ery thine wee ptee'ir ' ? a_rw? ?I?? V Tonlgkt *)M t hur?d?7. light Vl |n m AllMT In nlllllnl S Tft OHniPTV County Medical Society ^ His Home This Evening at Seven'-tfcirty O'clock. f .| The Beaufort County Medical hj; let/ of which Dr. H. W. Carter Is ho president and Dr. John tj. Sodnan. secretary. la to moot fa thla ?r tonight. Dr. John 0. Bloant nil bo'tin boat and wilt eatarutn it hla beautiful borne on Mat Sccmd a treat In honor of too eoclejr. Inner wUl bo eeryad promptly at oren-thirtr o'clock attof which ike oclaty will moat In baetaeat aaaton. Two varr lnte^eatln* pa#ere ra to be road before the bodr. one it Dr. J. u Nicholson of title city ind the other by Dr. A. K. Taj lee of turora Thla aoolaty meets on the I rat Wednesday nlsht la each and ivarj month and the meatier# are ilwaye profitable and lntereatiaa to ha membeta. All Ua phyal elans In leanfort county era membera. The wcaaioa tonight la anticipated with llaaaura by the membera tor. Dr. jiuuuv, MMiaiwu uj nit. mil , mi-< irajr? %ntertAlns UrlflMy a&4 rrmMM. MM. DVKH or - mxb ib nmovnf* 1 WltONOMR HOMT1T AI Mr. De? Duke, d.ugbtef of W. L Neal of tbat town, whotea boon wider treatment at the WeehlMten Hoepttal, U tow retorted to be Intreeing. mech to the eretlteeUeMof i.r friend, throegkoni tbe cjenty. Her tether. itfW'i: mnHf nr. Mr. N B. Bantu uf MeWtk. rem here tooer to rtett her he*-' Me. ON BUSINESS TRIP. Mr. Cert Bichnraion. member of be Brm of Me Meet. Itlnh.rdinn Herdw.ro ?n lik thle moraine Tie the AlHette Oteel I lee for e.ahort beileeee trip. iiiliis Sill DEI JUEIII The North Caroline Department ol Agriculture bee ]u.t leaned e bujie *>u uu u*|?wiuvu|-?ivrnu-n*nt Caroline. " which bu bM proper ed la reepoaee Is a greet dement for Information concerning thaw crop* and ahomld prove of Interna to Ola formers. Thoae farmera In tareated. and all ahonld be, can an care a copy of thin bulletin by com munlcatlng with the department a Roletgh. The department -of A art ealtara. will take plaaauar In mall ln< a ropy to ovary farmer In Kortl Carolina d eel ring one. " ! CimtNH IMVITKD TO PRAY KK SERVICE AT DIFFERENT CHURCH*. .+ * There riU be ineieimestfrg'jii Tloee In all .the different c^nrche 0- the city this evening at the aaui Lrur. eight o'clock, to which th 1-eneral public hat a cordial InrlU tloa to attend. , FROM SOUTHERN CITIES. Mr. Thomae Lewie of the Irm o Lewie * Calaie hoe returned trot northern cltlee. An Unueuel Cm. ' -Ferdinand It eoxsgod." \ .. "Oood match r "Mutter. Hie eanto ere ell perfec ly reconciled, end even hie motbi doeent eeero to think he le meklr much of a ruisteke."?Pittsburgh Foe II'. J_j p^.1^^ nl r < invipEi wnipitioni ' The art ppotngvapber bed -netted tl farm. ?I went te make en eilmnetl study of Nile' particular bit of laa scene," her oakl. -nod would like here jeer btrcd men ri-telu ble or mt petition cn the fence thete. O he ell etlllT' "For deye at e time," I piud tire fermcr.-Clement Pit IW - - IJIKH Mr. Leroy Proctor and Miss Marguerite Gear Married Monday at Phoebus, Va. Reception Here Last Night " ____ Monday night at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Oear, their daughter, Miss Manierite was happily married to Mr. Leroy Proctor, eon of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Proctor of this city. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Proctor Wired in this city rla the Atlantic Coast Una Ynd on last srenlng were tendered a reoeptlon at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor on West THl' -l a tree t Hem eight to twelre Quite a large namber called to pay their respects and eztsnd best wlsbss /> the bride and groom. DeUcl^u-v and tempting refreshments were aerred by a bery of attractive and charming young misses. The bride Is one of Vlrglnla'e charming young ladles and In ber home town enjoys a6 wide circle of friend# and acquaintances who wish nor every joy uus wona Desiows. Mr. Proctor M ft sOn of Mr. and Mr*. John R. Proctor **4 baa always been one of Washington's popular and energetic young men. For the past several years he has been residing in Virginia and Is joow engineer at the Chamberlain Hotel at Old Point, Va.. the well' known summer resort. He is anothkr Washington boy that has matte good when casting his lot elsewhere. The ^ome of Mr. and Mrs. Proctor last night was attractively decorated and merriment nd good will reigned supreme all | Jmrimm tof Sf In*. Thft. .JQftily Ncsra loins the many friends of the I young couple in extending congratulations. This evening st the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leggett, West Third'* street, Che bride and greom Will be tendered a linen shower and lIL upoetiac to tt pnmt ontldpata as areolar of enjoyment end IIimmi, ICr. ftAd Hn. Proctor afr . Hi to Phoobns. v^ . their Imtoro homo, Saturday next.' tm , CHARGED WITH 1 THE CRI1 J. Washington, D. C., March 4.? . (Special to the Dally News.)?The I service and regulation announco, menta of Bureau of Animal Industry t United States eDpartment of Agrl. culture, which was Issued last month . contains interesting statements with / regard to convictions for violations t of law. k . Many persons were charged with _ the violation of the meat- inspection x act in Shipping Interstate trade meat of meat food products which were Judged to be unfit for food purposes. The defendants all pleaded guilty and were fined for the 3 crime. Also a number were indicted and convicted for violations of v the live-stock quarantine law. VJbt lator of the 28-bonr law have been . reported to the bureau.. These cone victlons were for violations of the ? law which prohibits the confinement of live stock in cars for more than ft hours or when a special request is sigdtd br the shipptT- hoar" if without unlosding Uf- feed^watei s and rest Let's Build la Washington Pork. MRS. A. M. DUMAY ABLE TO Bh OUT TODAY t- FOR SEVERAL WfcEKf There is no more popular cltisei 1 la WWhlnxtcm laaa Mm. A. M Da may and bar numoron friend, an .daiicbteS to m bor out today .ft. Mveral w?tl lndl.po.ltlon daa I' '* a fall .be reoolTod at tbo ro.ld.nc of lira. Cox while attondlai a k t0 rial function. Mm Dum.y I "" . in obi tbo city, attractive aad po| '* ular .ntort.loom H.r at home. at '+ alway, loohed forward to wltb ploai urn by thoae ftrrtuaata bt iwoetrln . IMK . V . Do Something to f Our Publh The Pay They Receive is Ii Peede of Aurora. Mi Boys and Girls c I (By J. F. Peede.). The mvereie eltlsen In Beenfort county does not adequately realise and awraeUte the worth at a food teacher In a community. The good teachera often deeenre the credit for the improvements that are made on school ground* and bulldlnga. I know the teachers we have had at Preecott for the past five years deserve most of the credit for repairing the building, fencing the grounds and making a nice flower yard at I Preecott school house. Now the object of thlsi article is to show that our teachers are not adequately paid. In prdbf of this u:-tement I call attention to the fact bat many of our best teacheis are taking business courses and seeking other employment. It takes a great deal of money to thoroughly qualify one for t?be profession'of teaching. At present salaries most of our teachers would have to live to a great old age to support themselves and P*y hack the money it took to prepare them for teaching 1 the school term being only six . months. In the one teacher school i for instance, where the teacher la paid only 135.00 a month, which England'* Scriptural Placa Name*. , No other country possesses so many scriptural place names ns England, and among these Jericho appears to l>e the moat popular. The name of Jericho figures six times oh the ordnance maps, Tarndlso five times and Ninereh, Mount Zlon, Mount Ararat and Mount Ephraim three times each. In ; Bedfordshire there la a Calvary Wood and in Doraetsblre a Jordan Hill. Hampshire baa a Land of Nod, CamMdpeahire a Noah's Ark and Worcestershire Moab's Wash Pot. Other Bcrlptnral names scattered about the HU>f rns TTtfbroo, Jowpe, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Gideon and Herod.-Londoo Chronicle. ' Contradictory. Tom?Yonr bosa is a contradlftpry ' port of npan. Bob-How so? ."Why, lie sold you were bis right hand man." "go X anfc" "Go on! You're left banded."--Yoih kors Statesman. i Bailor In Afrlsa. ^ Lecturing on bla .African experience, i H. K. Eustice says he once astr a na- 1 tiro sold as a slave for seven goats, which in open market fetched $1.44 piece. As vnlusa go In some parts of Africa the price was high, for within a few hundred miles of the equator wires are transferred for leas,. Marriage. of course, is by barter, and the Indemnity demanded by a father for the loss of a daughter used to be $2.40 from the bridegroom. Today it has ues I* shown by the fact that n native? trill gladly give Ills labor for a week in | return for an empty luedldti* bottle with tnetnl screw stopper. White Pine Grow; Profitable The crowing of white pine, says the department of agriculture In a bulletin recently issued on the subject, Is a profitable^undertaking at 6 pef cent compound Interest. To bring In these returns, the trees may be cat when not more than from 35 to 70 years old. i The original white pino forests are 1 approachng exhaustion, according to i the department, bad with the grow. ing scarcity of large-slxed high-grade i white pine lumber lower-grades now L find a ready market. * Besides this, . the tree grows rapidly, has a heavy ' yield, and la easy to manage. Second-growth white pino. 50 year old, on good soil, may yield as much ae 49,000 feet 6t lumber per acre. On medium soH, stands of the same age 36,000 board feet, and even on poor soil, 34.000 feet. White pine i boxboard lumber, one of the chief prodncts of su$h stands, wells for from 912 to 111'a thousand board - feet. Material tor making matches.' tjuiother product, sells for from |17 r'to fit a thousand. Even larger ? material, suitable for sashee and blinds, some of which may be cut k from a 60-year old stand,, brings ? from ISO to 131 a thousand fest. Second- growth white pine, the kind that le found on thousands of abatf? doned fields and pastures In New g England, and that which has sprnni tttof n?mb*rtng hi mkiry fiUw* No. SO Encourage z School Teachers nsufficient Says Mr. J. P. cms Much To Ths eh 55 years old. will yield 55,000 feet, an Increase of 11,000 feet per acre la 10 years/ And this is not all, for along with the increase | in quantity comes an lncerase in quality. Not only more, but better tipnber is to be had. Counting in this factor of quality, the lumber from an aore of beet white pine. 55 years old, is wortb about $1,000 v> ; t against a value of $750 When the ' jttand U 5' bid. . ? * ; . HgiJSyG