JM > L' f- . . ^ ' *"- * tfcj ' ,>-^-""t"' RT niNNCD n I nimiiiii i *' T ? 4,1 ""HMUIf a . v ;- I? tfooot <*.?. Friend Mr. Will I >--??*#**, Wfco t? To Wad Mia* | QnthiMof SaUfbury on March ' "' ' ' ! J Oa laat awaatni llr. D. U. Cut* Jr.. wu boat at a most delightful ( Is a'alaak dlaaer la haaar of his , frlaad Mr. Will Aran wbaaa mar- t rlaca ta Mlaa Maa Cpthrall at Bala- I ? burr, N. e_, Will tabs flaaa aa 1 roan vaa Tallow aad Tie lot aadtbe , .T labia with Its Bateokur* marpt tip. , ar Tallow aatla mods a'*t*Mr fU< i . e,v tar. la ?a nalla* a?ht fnn naar , waasa taaan. fa fact, tha room , ? ^nn a .MifaVfa n a aa a n a# nnalnn "M? avWwi wl bpi i?a I baca baakat of >oat?Uls aaspaadad ! ' fran faa abaadatlar am a laraa , . baal ad tAa aana ?aaara aa Un n- j . Ma bate*. ' , TMIal. haaid wan I m*~A al.? WMUM C4U bnuUg u aor , PMa MM tnoK MtlW kin . MlM M M ?M ill. Mr. Car .n* >lll<l' I'WI'I I 1 Otl ?Mk . " writ* aa ' prompt* good with for . gko*rMo a>4 groom to bo. Itt telle*l?e M * tab- Will: *1 *Mt 1* yon Mk k?(. long f;; JNllMiMnPII . pnln u? otrlto; ? ? ,r> talMHtt wk mgn nt tkla -J-- ?nu Molir WIIHii uomplo on _'T- got .-?> fttiiUni W* lor tbofoUowlng *' ST; tSTuj. *.., '" ^jgaa wMhft * Cnrtor. Jr.; .Kit jna TUMI. an..Will Clark. Mr. ?. m. Conor, Mr. d. m. Cortor. f; r. OtflHlfES ?? - fBjf - .,.? * * j 1 ,1- Tha "Marrtaaa Wast Trio" opanod I _ U tha Nn Thaatar laat night (or W- Ua laat halt of tbr Datk. imwtlni iAMNM iMrad daactag Mt 7 of amahhl quality. J ' "H wry uttiatiMa to th? aipaaom??t wlii. and only a osail aadlaaaa n oat, tkat howerar, had aothlag to da with tho aieaUaat I ?aam? MM trto. f, W Tho ahioro Boattonod arttaU of U ' fcr Mw a** foataroa la tha -war i of Oaadot and u ao araraga. IV U Ifc ' ona of thd hadt thik hara playad hara Tha Ballon glataraa aa nana), ara fallr aa to tha ataadnrd and a high aalaatlaa that iraaOf ??aa1a to tha i awaaaaaaat OHtar Bfrtlal mi. 5 Ma aid ho (Ham tomorrow fro. Witt aroraU 11 la I a a. for which a nodal priori will prarall,' It and 10c / ' ] * aunti.i mm ^itufT . mum mwalace, Cal., Mar ??Tha WWM fas will alar aa anhlbltlo* gaaaa with tha daa Praaclaea tram at tha Paatto Caaat Lnagaa hara to dag. and aaathar la aahadated for aataa, Maw. Mar. 4.?Man air r ppwp^iuj... . y jl ? :'" 7'x?}r -'*3 ' ' BUM 'TnME ormarly Preceding Elder of The Wuhiugton DUtricf- Now R? tide* at FayettevUl, n! C Miahap Regretted. . ? ' >;! J; A Item from raretttrUle, N etatae that bht. b b. John. preddla* elder of the FejettenUe dU xict of tb* M, M. Church, while M, emptlng to pace nnmbor of waaon* A tho rood woo Injured whoa hto mo or car went lata a dttab on Uaw.eeeca edpe of that town WedeeeOer ifmrwooa. tfj John waa throwa maJMAUe wheal and (a eoamquanc. to raoatred aavaral hraiaaa about the dba aad breaat. The doetora fo not rat kaow the extant or hie lnjuriee >at thar are not at praaent regardrd la vary eerloue. Mr. John U wall aad farorablj laawa la able eltr where tot four raare he waa praetdlar alder of the ffaahlaetoa dletrlct. The aewa of Ua accident will be earned wtth rairet br hie frlende hare. lAILHOAD PRCS. GIVES STATEMENT AS TO PACTS v IP RE IP OWNERSHIP o i n la regard to tho pabllahed atatoheata that tho Department ot J noire waa lavoattgaUag tho ralatloaa MtWoan tho aPnaaylrnnla Railroad ad tho Norfolk and Woetarn. Bam al Da, Prootdont of tho Paaaayl ran to Railroad, oatborlaoo tho titowing eta toman t: Laat rear tho Attorney General la llaatil hlo otdw that the owaerahtp if Norfolk aad Wedtern Railway took bp the Penneylranla Railroad tod a? 11atod eodapaalao waa lackL IP area to:ddaailia Tbia waa relarded Mr tho board ot dlraeMka if the Peanaylvanla RaUroad a lm poolng apOn them tho daty of moot gordfaUp geconalderlng It he qnee-> tloa of tho local right of tho ana pear to hold thooo aha rot, aa tho lompeny would graaUr regret aa paging la aap ooatroTorap with tho Popanmoat at lamina. Not oaly tho eomaaar'a owe eoaa In. bat a too Independent oonaaol pore requeeted to rarlowr tho whala taae aad to (Ire thalr opinion oa to tho locality at tha oompany'a pool doc. > tr.-le. aaalfwllw aeaoUaaail tha matter, tlx director. of the PmujIiul> Railroad found themselves ta this position: il > baslnoaa proposition, they were conrtnoed that a aala of tbaaa llllll amid be detrimental ta tka Lataraata of tba company'* etockholdsca As a matter of experience and general poller, they ware oonalaeed that Cka relatione between tba ePnnaylraala and tba Norfolk and Waiters Syatama vara aa aaaantlal and ban edeinl to tba pnkllc they aerred at thay ware to tba companies them aires. Aa a matter of law, they ware ad Ttaed br counsel that these holdingi were proper. Aa traatoaa, therefore, for tba tt.bdfc ahareholdere of the Penney ranla. Railroad Company, tba Dl rectors fait that In the absence ol an aatitarttatiTe determination bj the oaaite, thay would not ba lab tided In crataltoaaly reeolring ad Tersely to the Interests of the sabre holders the doubt Intimated br th< Attorney General aa to the legallti 01 tbo ownership. The d tree tore thereupon took no tloo accordingly. which waa prompt ly commeatoatod to the- Attorns: Oenearll, with assurances that If thi Department of Justice should dual ly determine that It waa proper)] rpoulred to Inatltato legal preeeed lags. tbte company waald cooper ate with tka department In. el] Xthe. department might daaa 'prists to bitmap. n'prompt da termination br tba Supreme Camel the United States of tba law got analog thta alluntlon. Witt BHU1VB* TRT-OCT - Willi 0BMONOTR4TOH ARftrwA ro? ptwrosi The member of tba Voluataa PWJI'IW. U.J'1111 . 'jjal INGT WASHING! UtS SCHOOL lire . opm "? -? TT Till i ii ?> - - r\ ?# r txiwara Drignam dbs$o-i roiuiido and Dramatic Reader Will Entertain For Benefit oi The Wahlaco. The nUfectlon at the Public School baUdlan thla t'Ulit will he Mr. Edwntd Bclgham. the noted beeao froraade aad dramatic reader. The entertainment will he tires lor the benefit of the "Wahlaco" tha ht|h ,ol mete tine aM tt la honed that a large number win araU thamaetrea of thla rare spportmnltr aad be areaeat Mr. Brtshem la i iphMd to be a high claaa entertainer end termto Waablnttoa with QUl|n.hmhn repniatiea aa teeh. Hie pfohmma are artigtie aad adaeatlre aad ht the eaahMpinh. rerr rented end eaterteloiac air wen. Hie performance, ere'leadated wholly without eeeletenee end from memory. They include cleealeele, operatic, romantic, folk tones end bnllndn; eleo tragic pathetic end humorous redtetlone. The prtcee win be: Oenernl edmleelon ISc; reeerrld eeete Its, secured at the school building. Goat# out amd help a worthy cause and la addltkm enjoy a high class fcnfgftaift^pgnk only onroamrhi BEFOM MAYOR KUGLER TODAY FOB TRIAL TW Mayor's court waa quieter toddy than usual as His Worship had only one offender before him for trial. Rsufck Edwards, colored, was arrested lest Might by policeman Hays at 'the Norfolk Southern station for EolUUins bw*aa?. HltJlW w, had thla mornlaf with the raault that he was fouhd guilty. Ha was ro Us wad ot any fine bat waa attached with the coat. UBS. F. r. WHW>?? QUITE SICK A* HER ion ON WK8T MAO! STREET TIM Meadi at Mrs. T. P. Whitney will raaret to learn of bar 18naaa. For the past weak aba has been ccnhnad to bar boaiTon Beat I Main street. ICIaa Fanala Whitney, ta also Indisposed and anabta to attend to her hnslnsaa duties. Both friends ot Mrs. Whitney and her daughter, wish tbaa an aarly con | nlNcm | QUITE A NUMBER OF visitors or Washington TODAY ON BUSINESS - Quite a number of eltlssns from , different sections of Beaafort coant' ty ere Washington visitors today on t bnslness. Among them being. 4 A. Wilkinson. Behave*; L. U. Scott , a prominent attorney of Blounts . Creeks Cap. 1. TuthlU. South Creek; MAJOKO BIG PREPARATIONS FIR APPROACHING DMT. CON. AT SWAN QUARTER The next meeting of the. Washl ington District Conference of the . Washington District. If. E. Church, t will convene at Swan Quarter In . May next. The cttiaena of that town f l nfact the satire county, aremsk, tag ectivs preparations for the ooh-1 forence. Swan Quarter will enter-1 , tain the visitors lavishly as alwsys. A nnual Con fereru Labor, New Orh P Oortnor Oral, hu appointed J. 5 W Baiter. B.Irish; Joaeph B. Cheahlr?. Rateigfc: R.rlot Clarkaoa, Ch?r ( lotta; David Stara, Oraan.boro; Robart Btraafa. W1 lmtn.toa; Rav. 1 ft. T. Vaaa. H.).l?h, a. datecataa to tb* taath aaaaal confaranca of tha National Child Labor Commit1*0 to bo had Nav Orteaal March at tha tarnation of the Loulriaaa Child Labor Commlttoa. * "Child LaMbr and La* Ealorodmaat" will ha *a topto of tbe poalerebe. r and vnrlaaa phnaaa will ba praaaat? Od br Jaao Adama, Oraham R Tarr lor of tha Bnrrar. Sanator Robart " L. Owaa and rinte aferiala who bar. ' had praotteal azparteaoa la aafarc? Idi child labor lawn. , a Kflcteat aaforaamant of aritatep 1 law. la artaour naadad In rianr I ria'oa according to Owvn R. LovaJ . . _ 1? ~ * DID DflHC m lit Mm. Cornelias jackioa Pasted Away TMaMoraine in Nicholaonvffle. Funeral Tomoiro v Afternoon at 2 tyifock. Attar balnt HmlUed to tiro to a rtpo old at* Mrs. Cornelius Jack 00. wtta or Mr. Cornelius Jack too. posed away at ker kalaa la Nlcholsonstllk oarly Utie moralng. Tha daeaaaad waa between aaraoty and eighty years or afa. Since April Mat aba had baa neatest to Iper bad aat while everything kaown to madleal aklll aad too. bar men da, death At Mat teat oared. Mn Mekaaa waa a woinaa at high eharector aad whereaar bar Mat waa east aaaatbd bar frleada by the score. For years wife her hueband, aba conducted the affairs at the County Home aad tare universal satisfaction not only to the lain at oe bat tha county officials and trleada of the Institution aa wall. Tha sympathy ot the entire city toes out to fcer hueba&d who toddy sits ender the Shadow. The fmntral wtU take piece from the reeidence la Nlchoteonrtlle tomorrow afternoon at two o'eleek, belog condacted by lUr. Robert V. Rope, -feetor of the Obrfetisa ohurch. Thus one by one the landmarks are constantly falling by the wayside. MR. I. HOTT MOOBB ? KRECTI NO A HANDSOME HOME ON MAIN STREET Mr. E Hoyt Moore, manager of the Caroline Dletribntlng Company. Is now erecting whet promisee to he one of Washington's handeomeet residences sUnctnr^ U ^apw Main street fronting.the residence of Mr. George Hackney, Jr. It win , fifcd much to the already attraottre residences now to be eeen In the j city. Mr. Moore In one of the dty'e Industrious and energetic young busi neee men. a NUT nuns is . ROW HAPPY bout two months ego Pollcsmsn Milton Williams white bringing a negro from the Norfolk Southern depot to the station bouse met with the misfortune to loee his revolver white engaged in giving chase to the negro who broke (Tom the officer and made htowips. Not only did the offlcef'lose his gun but the dress suit ease of the prisoner and the prisoner also. Several days ago Sheriff Rlcke ascertained the information that a negro by the name of Jamee Collins had the pistol. On yesterday Chief Roberto went after his mas and sure enough Collins had the gun. He stated Chat the gun waa given to him by another. Policeman Williams is very proud over the fact that bla long lost revolver -has returned home. ze on Child sans March 14-18 Joy, gen'l secretary of tha uilon?1 Ch Id Labor Commit!.., ul . romp. ;i .on of prul.t method, of admla'et?rla( child l?bor Uwa. of Whldh tha commlMion la WbeOaale ul tho itate depertinent sudor a dad. hud la Now ftraay or* typical, will ho.. footaro of tho eanf.r dbod. BsMdee a oemparleaa of moth ode, tho eonf.reace will olao dlMuao work poraiK* aad tho relation of tho cooru to enforocmoat. Tha ar alac will ha hM aatda for tha dteceaeloa of tho r?d?r?l child lahor bUl. Thia hill which was drafted hy the Natlcaal Child Labor Committee aad which ku already reMired the aadoraemeot of the Vlrllala Child Labor Committee, was latrodaoad laat month la to tho hotue by Mr, Palmer aad lata tha Sonata as February lid hy taaatar j Robert L. t>w*a )AILfr X>N MARCH 4, 1914. CII8 OF HOGS * HI FREIGHT TO NORFOLK Shipped by P. P. Latham and I*. H. Johnson of Belhaven. Shows What This Section Can Accomplish. / BslhsTeo. N. C.. M*r. S.?(Speclal)? rather unusual shipment of freight, it being a oar of about one hundred fat hots, was made by F. y. Latham and P. H. Johnson from this section to Norfolk* Vs . last week. This Is probably the first car of finished hogs ever shipped by Individual growers from this section. Hbsse gentleman do not make hog raising thair specialty, but conduct It as a aide line In their general system of progressive farming. Bach of them bavin* previously cured sufficient bacon to furnish their farms for the present year. These bogs were raised largely upon clover and gleaningB of catch crops of cow peas and bo J a beans grown with the corn. Mr. Latham ' and Mr. Jc&nson are In the forefront o?any more that spells progressive agi iculture and their success un! questionably will open the way to j the growing and shipping of many cars of hogs from this section of the county In the rntare. The fact that such diversification can be carried on to a profitable conclusion here, Is evidence that this locality offers advantages to "homeseekers that are equalled oy few and surpassed by no other aectloni of the etaUi MARCH ? IX HISTORY. 1U1 ?PhlMg Ji.\gfcukUn waahorn. VkSk?Masssrre of the Alamo. IMS?Battle of Pea Rlgge, Ark. XJnlon victory. 1S7??Hln Richard H. Dana, Jr.. of Mass., was nomlnsted for U. 8. Minister to Ecgalnfi, In place of Oen. R. C. 8chenck, resigned. 1909?Ex-President Castro was for bidden to re enter Vendue la. 1910?The Socialists, held a large open air demonstration in . Berlin, outwitting the police lATNIUJI4ilfiUtATK UtbAIK. New York, Mar. i.?Ths annual debate# of the Intercolleigate Trtan gular Donating League, composed of Columbia. Pennsylvania and Cornell will be held simultaneously in New York, Phtadelphla and Ithaca thlc teams on the platform, the negative team In each Instance debating at home, The questfon Is, "Resolve^. That it Is desirable for all the states to adopt, by act of Legists tare, minimum rates of wages foi women and children workers in Industrial and mercantile partita." 8. R FOWLE A SON ; TENDJIR USE OP WHARF FOR TORPEDO BOAT Tbe firm of 8. R. Fowe & Son j hare tendered the use of the whart at the foot of Respess street grath to the commander of the United I States torpedo boat Foote free of charge. As soon as the necessara) piling can be driven the Foote will be moored there. The city ha* agreed to furnish water and lights to tb* Foote without cost. Harley (Jost arrived)?Gee, but the air In this flat is dopey, Clara! Mrs. Harley?Maybe It's due to the team hitting the pipe.?Puck. Tie fell In lore with her figure." No wonder, for she waa a peach. Re shook at tho thought of proposing? 8ho seemed so far out of reach. ? "Re fell In loVS with her figure." She wee constantly In his thoughts. No wonder be loved her so madly? Her figure waa one end tlx naughts I ?Portland Oregon lan. "Pa, what is s comfortable incomer' | "One tba^ sits easy on the conscience. I suppose."?Detroit Free Press. Oh, words are trifles light ae etrt And yet It's very plain That If they're not restrained with ears They'll start a hurricane. ?Washington g tar. "We went to present a One dog to our psstor. Whet breed would you select?" "Why not-gtrtrbhn * shepherd dog?" ?Baltimore American. If she wanie you there's no doubt Jhit that yeur name she'll win. At tret she draws a feWfew out, . And then she puts him in. ?Ctneinsit! Em direr. '' NE1 CAPHAL OF HYDE SI1LL 61111AI New Methodist Church Near Completion at Swan Quartet Ready For District Confereno In May Next. "Xm. Swaa Quarter Is comlni right to the front so far as improve ments are concerned and if the nez few years show the progress tha has been made during the past flv< we shall soon be able to boast o one of the best little towns in East ern Carolina." Thus spoke Mr. W T. Berry, one of the prominent bus! ness men of that town to a Dallj Kews representative yesterday. Mr Berry Is now in the city on buslnesi and was met In the hotel lobby o the Louise where he was engaged li conversation with several of hi friends. "We are now completing a hand some new Methodist church whlcl will coBt between five and six thou saud dollars. The building Is o brick and when finished will b modern and up-to-date. Notwltb standing the fact that the bulldlni was nearly wrecked by the Septem ber atprm of September 3rd, last we have taken on new courage an propose to have the building read for the meting of the Washlngto: district conference which 1b bllle to meet In May, this year. Not on ly are we building a model churc but there are other buildings In th courap of construction at Swa Quarter" said Mr. Berry. "Mr. W Swindell, the noted hotel man, i now erecting a new hotel on th Spencer property which will be i jredlt to 8wan Quarter. Dr. Wind .Icy has Just completed one of th handsomest residences in the coun ty and other enthusipstlc and en ergetlc citizens are preparing to-bull The storm did the county great dam age, more so than at first though' >ut nevertheless we are still on th map and looking for great thing to be outs this year." Mr Berr returned to his home today. R. R. WANTS TO RAISE RATEt Houston, Tex., Mar. d,?Specla Examiner Edgar Watklns, of th nterstate commerce commission wil iold hearings here today and tc morrow, when the railroads will as o Increase the freight rate on coi ton seed and cotton seed hulls be ween Beaumont and New Orleani The fate on ootton seed hull nniklv hdcVpH rarlntiri lots be twee Houston and New Orleans that ot tains at present was Inaugurate several months ago, when the Frit con announced a special rate reduc lion, making the rate 11.70, ii ?tead of approximately $2.50. Th roads now desire to re-establish th former rate, while shippers are ma Ing an effort to perpetuate tho rat set by Frisco. WILL THE GOVERNOR INTEF VENE. San Quentln, CaL, Mar. 6.?Ral /arias, train robber and confesse murderer of H. F.Montague, wl >e hanged here today unless the go1 ernor grants a reprieve the last mi ate. JameB Farlsa, the bandit .'ather, haa made a written appei o the governor for clemency, an 'ias epent his last cent in an effoi o save the boy. Fariss, who la 2 rears, held up the Sunset Expret aear Pomona, early in Decembe: and killed H. F. Montague, a men >er of the train crew, who attcmp .1 to disarm him. FROM SOUTH CREEK. Messrs. J. H. Powers, George > Johnson and T. D. Jones of Soul J reek, are in tho city today on bus iess. CIVIL SERVICE ASSOCIATIO GROWING. Washington, March 6.?The n tfonal conference of the Natloni Association of Civil Service Employ* opened today for a two-days aesslo; Delegates from all branches of t) association are present and repo a great growth in their local o Htm. IS WELCOME VISITOR Th. OUT Mr. 0?] mis Bronton, for run . popnl iUmb. in |U to iM tala In U ?ll? had ts tptln vhak. hi* hM - so. ia I i TVS I i - ^ i WEST AND 1 SUNSHINE IS I ' B1LJJ0NIGIT I s Another Good Show on The "? - Playhouse. Entire Company e Was at Their Best. A Good 1 Crowd Preseat. , 5 Another good performance was | r given on the "Playhouse" last night | il and notwithstanding the Inclement | lB weather ther? was a goodly number | 'f present. "Tha Uoy Scout" was one [ of the best atirtouons yet given bjr | I Mr. Adums and Ms company, the | I specialties by different members of -M | y of the company adding much to the f show. The orchestra again last | B night came in for a large share of | f the praise from the audlencea To- | a night promises to be the crowning | jB attraction of Ihe week when "Tern- J I pest and Sunshine" will be on the | ! boards. This is one of the best | 3 and most thrilling productions now | I. on the American stago and no doubt ( a large number will be present. Sat- ?// o urday afternoon there will be a mat lnee. the admission being 10c to g all parts of the house. Saturday i- night closes tho engagement of the L, "Playhouse" here. Next week Mr. d Adams will be in Greenville for a y' week and on Monday night week n the "Playhouse" will return here d and give one performance on Mon- > 9 i- day. presenting "Burled at Sea." . h Mr. Adams flrst announced that e "Ten Nights in a Barroom would be n i>lay*d. but hr va* decided to change r. the bllL Frc&u Washington the is floating theater will visit Bath, Aue rora and Belhaven. a - 1- RETURNS TO CITY. I- Miss Nan Spurgeon of Baltimore, i- who was bead milliner for E. W. d Ayers & Son last crason, returned i- yesterday and will be in charge t, again this seasonr Misss Spurgeon s was accompanied by MIb? Edmunds s of Baltimore, who will be her asy slstant. Eiiiiir i ' IN HflNftD DP " 111 1IUUUU U1 ! Milk DAT 1 i d Yesterday afternoon from three to 1 Ave at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mtb. Jaa. Elllion on aMrket 1 street, street little Mise Lillian Burch c Ellison was at home to her many ? playmates and friends in honor of her second natal day. Twenty-four 6 .little tots graced the occasion with their presence. Numerous games indulged in and the winsome and charming little hoBtess proved to be gracloueness itself During the afternoon cream and ? cake was sevred, the cake being sliced from a large birthday cake ^ upon which had been deftly placed - two waxen tapers lighted, represent I ing the age of the hostess. As each ^ guest departed for their respective ^ homes Miss Lillian presented eadh rt with a decorated easter egg as a 3 souvenir of the occasion. No social (8 fuhction among the Juvenile set r was more enjoyed and all are great. ' t ly indebted to the hostess for an t afternoon not soon to be forgotten. STILL INDISPOSED. I The friends of Mr. K. John will ^ ret ret to learn of his continued ln' disposition at his home on Fifth street. He is among Washington's popular merchants and It is to be hoped that he will soon be conva- -rfl lescent. ' Lyric Theatre ? Tonight le PRE8ESTS rt STODDARD * DAVIS T~ HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE . 4 } PICTURES 1 THE EQUAL CHANCE_8?I1?. THE CAPTURE OP DAVID DUNE? j *' Rlograpb. " THE FOOTPIUXT CLUB?Kalcni. " , Drama. ? | rrftw roe s iSc. V -J

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