rrl* th nl Ton ltfB voters favorable to the measure werd85^tera and in the Zenith ' ud^the folBond*??3 ; *fsocond wardT For Bonda-55; againat bonds?1. Third ward: For Bonds?18 ; against bends?5. , Fourth ward: For Bonds?18; against bonds?IT. 1 Total for bond*?144. Against bonds?80k ! Forty-three more rotes will car- f ry the election andihe indications are that these will be secured with, out any trouble. MDS. PDANCES SWtNBKLI, nn> wvnc miivrv men ON MARCH ?, If 14.1 lire. fruNi Bwlndel, relic or the' I late Cornell u? Swindell peeped away J at bv home el LakfEnding. March Pth, llll'i la the ICth Teac.of-hw ace. She wee a con*later.t member j of the Methodlat cburch end pmaaod away ao a Christian alone can die? with the tan eoaedoaauae of datr , wed performed. Two aone, Wlllam and iHrrr 8wlodell\nl tiro deathten. Mm. Rermtn Cradle and Mlaa , Bra Swindell aarrlTg her. Her re1 flu ware tenderly laid away In the family burying ground end we. wit , neaaad by a "larsa number of eor( rowing trtendt. * Peer, to her agbaa. H1I MKETfNG wpx BK .. HHJ) CHRISTIAN CHURCH > ON THE FOURTH SUNDAY , ' At a meeting of dhe egeentlee com 1 mlttee of tbe Bergee-Pblletltee Ctll _i TJnlon, Sunday leal. It was d i.trit, 1 i to bold the next meeting of the anion la tbe Chrlatlan Chnjch on' the fourth Sunday afternoon of thla tnoatb at three o'clock. A delight tul tad entertaining program will < bo arranged. ' YOUNG MAN. IMPROVING. Mr. and Mra. John K. Hoyt, who hat Mr. and Mra. Jtftn R. tloyt, ybo has baea qnlto tick tor the pact tea dey? with meaalea mod LaOrlppo, la now I . Improving. He hope* to be out within the next few day*. Thia will be welcome newt to hla many friends. UmKAlTmEW HOMES WttL BE ERJ50B*D El NICHfltSONVItEB Humor hu It that within* the next ' Jew months there will be aerenl new residence* erected :o Nlcholsontrtlle. Thte pert of ^he city Is fast growing ^ - -dad with the additional residences contemplated the appearance of this section will be greatly enhanced. MR, K. JOHN IS OUT. Mr. Kf John who has geen con% flnel to 'file home on Fifth street tor the past several days to the gartidcatlon of hts friends has recovfi^.ed sufficiently to be able to' attend to .hi*.business duties. VISITOR TODAY Among the weloome visitors' to the city todsy la Mr. L. P. Harris of Ptnetown. Mr4 Harrlu was at one time a member of the County Board of Commissioners and proved to bs one of its most popufnf -members. Hla many friends were glad - to a fain shake his band. Fsr totter Conditions. A.Btnte commission "% jf JL ittm&(2 ir, J\H? tit ii nn iiftvinn III IliillHltllM i&i&j iiiiiiyyiiu , "-> rhey Only Took Ch?r?e of Attain. Tex, March 10.-T.xe. r.ngere did act eroaa the Mexican herder, net participate In Ule ernedittoe bp which Clemente Vecara'i Sody eu ecrotlp exhumed from en Hidalgo, Max., cemetery, and deposited by peraoae es yet unldeatlded on the Texas aido of the Dlo Grande before daylight Sunday morning. This waa the official version of the Vegara incident from sstate capital sources today. , This version was borne out by dispatches from Laredo, Tex., the nearest pont to Rldalgo. where invectlgatlon could be xnhde and transmitted by wire. $ The statement that rangers recovsred the body ww*-bas?d on the-?aK [owing teleggam from Dagger Captain J. J. danders: 'V'l proceeded to Hidalgo, Mex., obtalaed body of Veggra# Have It here." The telegram was dated Laredo hot the word "here" was explained yesterday, referred to thb point above Laredo, where Vegara made bla ho^ae. , I Trus Economy. ! A certain old houscwir* l^llevrd in "baring clothe* appropriate to oecn dona." and alio iMuiytcjj. tlini she could more wear oar. of n ilre**" than toy one else. When n garment was past its first, second and third stages Bf usefulness for ptrtiilr wear It was relegated to eertalh Mwfw or di^nes tie stress, from which H |?nsscd even lunllj to the. ruglutg. One gown long dear ta her heart hud rem tied .this lust stage, nml alio ftckno.vlodp-d II ?no day to the village seniifstre** "Ih?n"t seviu ss If I'd li:nl twlf the good I expected to out of II." she snid wistfully. "Tl-n't bin eight years iter* I bad It indde up. Two years I wore It Sunday*. the next two tewing circle afternoons. Oelt two went errnud* to the tillage, noil these Inst two round thd house rinnmoQ. Uut now"?nod alio regarded the bundl* sorrowfully before stufMtig It luto tbe yawning bag-"now 'Han't ert-u tit to bnng out wnihlng lo oo Hobdays!" -Exchange. jjg r> \\ The Hatter and the Earl. The late Eurl of Cork was V very pious pcnwu ?ntl extremely solicitous (in to the future*Miration of tiU fellow meu. One day. flndlug hhuseTf lu n crowded railway carriage, he dellr ered n homily at earnest na tt waa un desired, exhort lug every one linmedl jafefjr to sot~al>dtit In-mrlng his bnpp! lU'j&ta ?j*uturo life. Presently uttf'OT Ibe pnMetfgers. who bad been listening fery attentively to all tRTftl'tTork wild, nrrlred ?t bis atntlou," says -T-ord Wffield In his memoirs. "When he had got out on tbe plutforn? bo turned round and. leaning through the carriage dctor, snhl: "* " Thank you: sir! One good turn doserves another. You're put ran up to a wrinkle In your profession: now let me give you one lo return. I'm a butter. Tut n piece of blotting* paper In Ids the lining of your hat and It will Inst twlre as long. Good day!' "?I.ondon Globe. Pretty Hcmely. London used to bare no C|ty club On his admittance to the Ugly club a 'short descriptive sketch of the new member was entered In' tho minute book. We find tlH> irfcture of a claim ant to the title of the Ugliest man paper will exce prove of interest to the many friends *r? j of Rev. E. Luclen Malooe, son of wya Rev. C D. Malooe of this city: ? > or i The vestry of St. Paul's Eplscp- ^ pal church, Loulsbnrg, accepted with seve deepest regret on last Sunday,, K. b- N'ort ruary 15th, th^ resignation of their that rector, Rev. E. Luclen Malone. Mr.- the Malone has pilnltsered In this par- inlia lsh most acceptably to his congrega- den. tlon and also at Klttrell for, a little and more thaii* two years past, and at ther tfie .fame time established missions the at Ingleside and ^ranklinton. His isim Bcrvices at bozh Ingleside and Prank leav Upton missions were well attended Mar by tbe people of all denqpilnationB Kitt and he was gladly received. The Join congregation of St. Paol's church ha? Pau Increased from twenty-flvo to thir- Car< ty per cent under his ministrations youi hi.uk :i WILL SKI I fllJPIf Governor Craig has promised to 12 i : be present and make an adHretia at thr : the ino? *dng wl the North rar^nua^ Fcrfptry Association in AshovUle E -April Mh and Sth, The governor u of , , president of the Appalachian Var* Mil . Atrociatlon. which meets ths year Ash Jointly wltn the roresirr Asmclntlon hnv Rod lilR tor F-om.tlmo bw# Inl.r To. tn'+i liLtho mo*?nont to Mcurc for liy lour frfr t rcnurreR tb? protMllon thei ? . k.--? )N b lr Totllglitt Slowly KistBf Tern, TUESDAY AFTERNOON S Wloc ; . . . ;OTT5" | Ifl ^8 -r nee At | ___ mi ew Theatre ? - ct a good bit of comedy that you HI not looking for. li* ? geatlcmak la the audience ale evening wm very tnuch surprla- du 0 know that. Prescote answered luestion by aaylnk "that he "E ght he ^rould clean up"?-lor ha evening. Wht^ner this mean 3 J luestion by saying "that he til ling can only be told by search- wt his clothes that remain In the en Irobe until 12 noon, "every bo . ^ pr * Prcscotts will offer today othitercating features of their act, in| thoso desiring questloiv art- El id can bo nccomniodaUd this to log. Their act is a credit to theater, and a welcome one to ^ n mister To 1 1 Another State f his people part with him with eding sorrow, but feel that they not Justified in standing In the of his entry into a larger and r promising Held in tli* dtoceso ' llabnma. During his stay In M burg Mr. Malone has declined nil calls to other churches In b Carolina and Georgia, feeling hla duty was. here; but when flourishing little city of la,000 bitants in North Alabama, Gadamado hlm4a very flattering otTer an Invitation to visit the church e, be felt constrained to accept ?* larger wokr in a far more prom- M C. and greater .'.eld, and so will pi e for his new work soon after V'o Ch let. The people of I.ouisburg it rell, Frankllnton and Ingleslde nl with the congregation of St. of l's In regretting the loss to North a* ilina of this popular and able pi ag clergyman, -jv ? " v/ islons on this subject ylU no m bt carry great we ght. b t the ^dpular mind lumbermen w often classed with forest fires and ai r destructive agencies, and as In irally antagonistic to forest conation. Vet at the presen time ei iy of our most Bucesssful lumberi are the strongest advocates of T. rclcted and conservative logging of effective fire protection. Mr. B. Townscnd, ot TownBend, Tenn. has been operating for the p^at ar 16 years In the hardwoods of b Southern Appalachians Ju'st 01 iss our own state line. Is one of B ?. n ie legates to tha annual jnecflng o he North Carolina Forestry Asation, whTch, is to be hold in *1 aville Aprll'the 8th and 9th, wlli a the pleasure of .bearing Mr. for the mounl.lo^forMI. ?n,l AILV * == Xrature. Frost. [ARCH 1* 1914. PKS F eras : 1ILL101S . M W 111 bp the Attraction at the New theatre. Performance Promises to One of Interest to Washing'on. Theater goer* and'book readers io have-.read thefamoos "Brewer's Millions ' story by Qeorge Barr -Cutcheou,-will be delighted with a announcement that the dramatic -x'-uu u xai' book will be presented the New theater Saturday. Match t'b. : Louis Nllecn and practically the no ca t that assisted in winning vb me add success for the play during at i long ruua ;* New York and Chi- 0l go will be eeetf here in Its'entire- th gr The (ompulsory ?lim3pajIon of e million dollars in cue year by Dl >ntgomery Brewster has made the j,{ lole fountry latinh, jl_.. Tj The claim it Justly made t'b at the rl| lp scene with the storm at eea In VQ e third act coafTetely overahadowe ftI) y stage picture .ever presented, ederlc Thompson who was the inavor anil nrnnrlnfn. rvf IKn at- ! tctlon, has amply demonstrated It s (act in his productions of a <11 ocletp Circus" ->and "A Yankee 1 " reus on Mars" at the New York | ppodromo, that be is the greatest Ing master of startling stage llltfins that this coufctry has yet proced. In the* great thltd act scene .of! trewster's Millions" Mr% Thompson a By the' manlpulfrfdaa, of computed mechanical devices and elcccity proceed the effect of angry ires mountain high and the audi- f. ce can easily Imagine Itself on ship th ard, so perfectly is the Illusion Ml esented an dcarrled out. to 8eats og on sale Wednesday morn- tei g at 10 o'clock at the Worthy C th herldge Drug 8tore. Prices 11?0O th 35c. .th fiflpMi 5 CHURCH HAS f BEEN Ml yt ? * of r Howard Wlnileld Has Bought The First Baptist Church Building and Siie th on Market Street, ! ** I ta The First Baptist Church property hc i Market street has been sold to' be r. Howard Wlnfleld who owng_tlie ?c operty adjoining. While tffe" dilT'">i r the property was made last week ci was not confirmed^ until Sunlay ra glit at a meeting of the trustees u< ' the chcrch. As stated some days ie co the trustees of this church have pi irchased the W. B.'Morton property 'a irner of Main an?l> Harwey streets, ith thon as the plans are accepted it is in rpected that the work will beglfi. pi 7 31 HE HARVESTERS WILLi \ MEET THIS EVENING \ WITH MRS. SEARTGHT The Harvesters of tho First Prcsyterian^churck, will meet this ev- p, aing at eight o 'clock with Mrs H. v . Bearlght at the Presbyterian ( lanse, corner of Hen pern and 8eo- R nd streets .A fuH attendance is de- i [red .as this is the last meeting of 1c ecclesiastical year. RETURNS PROM FLORIDA Mies Uda T. Rodman returned h tjMerday from an extensive trip " ' , ' L. - ' ' . ]V J I ^ M AVOR Vhe Gocd Roads In Chapel Hill 1 mSTt mmm lis Sg" i ra?. UoiteM Last fLyht to J'!ie Oar ;C:-P*'!! lUifJi of FirJ Jba&Lli f a. nlng. One njo eiit j m . . ? fie Baraca-Philathea classes of e Hm Baptist church were most *- "'a arrningly entertained last evening . the Jiomc of MIm Ivey Harman tor i Harvey street. Not only was It j e regular monthly meeting but the 1 acinus hostess made the occasion Poi erry *nd ?njoyable In a social way, cap unng mo evening dainty and de- nig ibtful refreshments were served. Bu l? evenng proved to be one of mer- i ment and Mil? Harman had the Acl ite of the enUro membership for h'ai i evening long to be remembered. 1 Ro: IISS ME s 101 MESS-5 10 JII1S 5 : j Cw J gin At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. Cozzens on West Second street \vi< Is evening from eight to eleven r. [89 Lucy V. Ilowe, one of Washing- i n's popular young ladles will enrtaln the Junior Aid Society- of fro o First* Baptist church. This Is ]UB c regular monthly meeting of this Wc riving^ society. The social fea- , re of the evening Is anticipated j !th pleasure by every member. ant Pri POLITICS AND POLITICIANS ; ??~ ' Bit President Wilson is said to look tra n yeartf"older after his first year 8. office. - Bl0 The funny column men on the tn iwnaners of the'country are get- hv ig oodles of fun out of Vice-Present Marshall's advice on the dl>rco question, especially that part t. lich recommends the daily kissing wives -by husbands (their own.) A large number of colored men om all parts of Texas nave come no rward with statements showing at General Villa of the Mexican my is a negro. Some of the Texis claim a close personal acqualn- iq1 nee with the rebel lpad^r and sav > is half negro anl half Indian. The Spanish elections which will cj,| i completed next Spnday with the ?|0 lection of sesators for th? national arllamerit, promlso>Jo bring many r tanges. The Socialists are' gaining CU( ipldly In Spain and the Conservaics are yieldlnk to entreaties of r0 adors of the party to jllow the peo- dj, e more privileges to avoid a popu- j2 r uprising. I q. Uncle Sam is willing that consul.^ lould be used as lecturers in for- tjI< En countries. It la believed that i our representatives in the smaller' pf irelgn cities are permitted to exlain more of American custofa anl tblt* to people abroad a better feel >g will be engendered and a more srfect understanding of the United jfj tates diffused among the peoples ?n f the worlda , jj, th< MH8. LOU TH Kit RETURNS. nfoi Mrs. Ba A. Lowther and daughter l arolyn, returned yesterday to fr| Washington Park from New York yJ] Ity, where" they have been the in| uetu of relatives and friends. mi hey enjoyed tfelr trip Immensely. ul M. JOHN IN DISPOSED ' j The many frtend* of Mr. M. John ' / Ul regret to learn of Vis lndlsposton. He Is now confined to his LI onto on Fifth otreet. I ic ire *t'? Dufld 1n Wmrtrtagwm Park. J it L / W L able! ZmI ? * *, stitute Aarch 17, 18, 19 eld-Under Auspices of Engineering /e> y Interesting and Prollt- j ible Pros ran Has Deen Ar-anged by the Committee ' if Arrangements.. ~ 9 1 he !>parttnent of Civil and Hlgh. Engineering of the University 1 thi> North Carolina Geological ',jJ f?c&i| >feasor T. F. Hickerson. CLW-M. The Economics of Road istrnction. S. Fallls, Road Sheer. , 3.30 P. M. Design of Roads; dth, Crown, Depth of Ditches, etc. P. Coble, Road Engineer, discussion. r.30 P. M. Lecture on 'Asphalt m its Source to Pavement" titrated with moving pictures. ;1 dnesday, March 18th, 1014?Bur. fared Roads. 3 1.30 A. M. Sand-clay, Topsoll 1 Gravel Roads, Joseph Hyde itt, State Geologist. Discussion. 10.30 A. M. Waterbound and umlnous Macadam Roads (Ulusted), Mr. C. S. Reeve of the U. Office of Public Roads. Discusn. 30 A. M. Dirt Roads, Joseph' do Pratt. Discussion. Drainage of Road". ^ 8.3O P.M. Drainage of Roads, F. Hickerson. ' J "i 3 30 V. M. County Brilges, Jno. Ambler, Engineer. ; 'ia 5.30 P. M. Culverts, R. T. Brown ad Engineer. Discussion. 4 00 P. M. Good Roadfcfln Forn Lands, Illustrated, Professor tiler Cobb. < VlW urrday, March 10, 1014?Road Machinery and Supplies. | 3.30 A. M. Road Building Mainery, N. C. Hughes, Jr. Discus- ^ . .? n. 0 3 0 A. M. Maintenance of roads > A. Burnett, ftoad Englneor. Dlsision. , " . 'ia 11.00 A. M. Organization of ad Fore?*, Prof. M. Stacy. || icussion. .00 Jd. The Road oCntractor, R# I.arsiter.Contractclr. 2.3-0 P. M. Visitors shown over ' > University Buildings. IPl'I.AR YOUNG LADY . MARRIF.D SUNDAY TO ;4 MR. W. D. WOOURD Sunday afternoon at four o'clock ss Sadie Lilly, daughter of Mr. loch Lilly, yas happily married to \ W. D. Woolard at the home of s bride's father, near Old Ford, e ceromony was impressively per- 0 rmed by Justice of the Peace 8, Wlllard in the presence of a few iendn and acquaintances. They II make their future home In Washgton, N. C. This paper Joins thpjr j any friends In etxendlng eongratatlons. IB INDI?POab> The friends of Mr. Charles M. ttle. one. of Washington's energeu ) and popular business men. will