, . I ^ 1 'or i|m re,t" ?"r 1 ? wfi I'ind pleasui I nv Mm 1 per cent inK ? ~'JB paid on savings. Deposits can I I '009901 10c, 25c. 50c or: I | Bank of W . ? MANY FROCKS AND J GEBARD1NE AI AMONC lfc ths rSCSBt Parisian openings, many of tho tailored ntts and dreoseo were . made of gelMrdloe or serge; dark blue mmw aa always, to. bo tho faaorod color.* "t These materials. hpwe*er, are M. seldom 1f ever uaed -slope: they are combined with satin. Roman -striped or plaid taffeta. Tho suit abOwa ln nearly every Instance, a est of plaid or flawed aUki' tiro draped Japanese collar la noted on both dromes and suits. Tho sash of platd or figured silk also pUnfis important part. illustrated hero are two costumes, ^B suitable for if reel' s nd afternoon, functlona; Na 111! la developed In a dark blue serge with vast. draped collar and narrow cuffs of taffetas In a dark, rich groan. The skirt, which la a two-piece rTo^MStt either pattern llluetrated'nn f ont this eoupoo and kpdooe 1ft cents in I stamps or oeln. Be sore to state nuaiber I ef pattern and else. measuring orer the I (unset part of the bust. Address Pattern b'CtfO of this paper. . Jfe* AM r 1 * > . ' . NOTICE OF BALE North Carolina, Beaufort County? In tb* Superior Court. ;fcat*ett Manufacturing Company and Other.. " " ?. 8. Fulford Hardwire Compuir. Undor and by virtue of authority Vested lit'mo by a decree of the Superior Court of Beaufort County, I Or 111, as recelTer^ for N A. Puiford Hardware Co., offer f?*r o?lr. to the highest bidder for eash at the courthouse door In Beaufort county on Frtiar, the icth d.T of April. I8H, nt It o'clock, M., the following real and personal property, to-wit: 1. That certain tract or parcel of land ritual* In Currituck township, Hyde ?Canty, 8tate of North Caroellna, and described as follows: Beginning at tha head of Bajk landing gut, runnnlng north 50 West I v . to qtHn't croon; nonce aown ana with Mid crook to Pungo. river; thence down and with said river to Backlanding gat. and to the bel_ ' ginning, containing thirty acres tmoro or loss. Being the same tract of land described- and oonveyed Id a deed to H. R. Russell by William Hooker and wife, dated April Ilth, 1909,'and recorded In tha Register of Dead* ofl|ce .ln Hyde etfUftty, fa Book 30. page 1J4. Bald .tract of land "beta* afterwards purchased by S. 8. Mann under mortgage sale made by 30 R. Mlxon Receiver, on October 9, 1911, and afterwards qon v veyed by 8. 8. Mann and wife to E. R. Mlxon by deed dated March 13, 1911, and recorded^ Book 39, page ^ 194, Hyde codnty retards. 1 ft 1. One Burroughs Adding Ma chine. 8. About Eighteen Thousand Dollars worth of bosk accounts of N. 8 Fulford Hardware company. ' 4. Five Hundred Dollars worth, par value; of the ste^k of the Mutqa\ MlrfjlUI Co., Washington! N. C., said atock having been lsaued by Mutual Maehlhe Co., to N. 8. Fulford Hardware Co. , It being'tbs purpose and Intent hereof to offer at thia sale all of the remaining assets of etery kind, character and description now in ths hands of the .undersigned receiver of the N. 6 Fulford Hardware Co., swwsvs? sari^ An Inspection of tha personal prop rtr bnrnln described can bo had at i anp tlma at tha oBoa of E. R. Mixes A Co.. Washington, N. C. Thla ??h dar of March. 1?H. E. R. MIXON. Kacalrer, >e made in sm:U amounts as - ' ^ ^ 8^^177 ^ j' mi SUITS OF . . ? MD SERGE NOTED i THE NEW MODELS. '? model, shown an Unusual rnd Attrac- CI five panel effect. . m Thla dress may be made hi -else M, b; with 4 yards of double width serge and G 1V6 yards of S? Inch taffetais. Thla c< mannish serve may be purchased from a TKoeata a yard and up. Ol No. Si75 shows ohe of the modish, e, bolero-like coats with an unusual vest n extendi n* Into fathered ends below the e girdle; the skirt Is In three tier effect. This suit, Il76-tl77. may be copied In stse M. with 114 yards of 41 Inch material for the coat, snd 4% yard* of 41 Inch material for the skirt. No. lilt?sixes 14 to 44. No. 1177?a^xes 21 to IS. ^ No. tlTS?sizes 11 to 41. . Each pattern II cents. No. 1...... Stse | 11 W*"* I * Address J 11 :::::::::: -4 ? u * A ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICK i The undersigned nsvrag this day A duly qualified before the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Beaufort county as Administrator of the estate Of David W. G ask 111, deceased, late of (he county of Beanfort, notice la ?> heroby given that all calinis against E said estate, duly verified, must be t filed with the undersigned within c twelve months from this date, or c this notice will be pleaded in bar of d their recovery. All persons in debt- ( ed to the estate are requested to * mako 1 immediate payment. ' This 11th day of March, 1914. ' R. M. OAflKILL, ? Admr. David W. QasklU. deceased. Small. MacLean, Bragaw & Rodman Attys. State of North Carolina?Department of State. &KJCSH*ICATE OF,DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents Mai ; (^me?Greeting: I r Whereas, It appears to my eat | I sf act Ion, by duly authenticated rec ^ ord of thq proceedings for the vol imtary1 dissolution" thereof by th? unanimous consent of all stockhold ers, eposlted in my office, that the < Carolina Cooperage Company, a cor poratlon of this state, whose prin oipal office la situated. In the city ol Washington, county of -Beaufort state of North Carolina (Henry N Blount, being the agent therein and in Charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 11. Ttevteal of 1905 entitled "Corporations," preliminary to ' the lasuing of this certificate of dissolution: ' Now, therefore, 1, J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of 8tate of the State of Notch Carolln\. do hereby certify that the said rnrpoiatlon did, on the iitu day of February, 1914. file In tuy office a duly executed and pttestnsent In wrltfng to the dissolution. of said corporation, executed by a)t?the stockholders thereof, which said eonsent and the record of the proceedings aforestfld are now on file in toy said office as prorlded by taw* _ In teetlmony whereof, I halt hereto set my band and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this the 14th dsy of February, A. D., 1914. J. BRYAN ORIMB8. ggw. Bu,v ... . Children Cry The Kind Ton Have Always In ut lor over 30 years, , /) and h AUow AU Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trifle with Infants and Children?Exp What Is C Cutorlft is a harmless sobi porlc, Props and Soothing eontclns neither Opium, ft substance. Its age Is its an and allays Fcyeiishness. 1 has been In constant use f< Flatulency, Wind Colic, ? Diarrhoea. It regulates assimilates the Food, girini The Children's Panacea?XI GENUINE CAS1 y^Bears the In Use For fl Tho Kind You H? THB OdHtAUW OOM \, NOTICE TAX PURCHASE, ortfr Carolina?Beaufort County. o C. C. Caytoa: Tou are hereby noticed that a sale >r taxes by George. E. Ricks. Sher r or ueanrort county, bold on Monty, the 6th day of May, 1913, at 12 clock at the Courthouse door of eaufprt county, L. D Midyette purlased at said sale the property hlch was sold for delinquent State id County taxes for the year 1912 us on said property, which was 11st1 In- the name of C. C. Cayton and ascribed as follows: 25 Acres snd Hill. The purchaser paid therefor the ate and county taxes, together with te costs of advertising, amounting i all to 37.10. You are further notified that you in redeem said property by the paylent of. the taxes and costs alloyed y law to the undersigned, or to eo. E. Ricks, sheriff of Beaufort aunty, on or before May 3th, 1914, ud If you fail to redeem, the same n or before said date, the undersign d will demand that the said sheriff take a tax deed for the said proprty. This 12th day of Jan. 1914. L. D. MIDYETTE. -4-!tc. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION f Julius Harrison, deceased, this !b 9 notify all persona baring claims gainst said estate to file same with tie undersigned within twelve (12) lonths from this date, or this noIce will ba pleaded In bar of paylent. All persons Indebted to said esste will please make immediate Bttlement with the undersigned. This Feb, 6. 1914. NORWOOD L. 8IMMONS, administrator of Julius Harrison deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator f Jesse Tuten, deceased, late of leaufort county. North Carolina, bis la to notify *11 persona having laimg against the estate of-said deeased to exhibit them to the unerslgned on or before the 4th day f March, 1916, or this notice will e pleaded in bar of their recovery ill persons indebted to .said estate .ill please make Immediate payaent. This 3rd day of aMrch, 1914. H. m. COX, Yard A Grimes, Attys. l-S-6wc. notice. Having qualified as admlnistratoi f Henry Bonner, deceased: All >ersons Indebted to said estate arc equested to make immediate pay nent to the undersigned, and a! >ersons baring claims against ttu state are notified to present th< iame to the undersigned wlthlt waive months from this date, oi his notice wlli be pleaded In' bar ; heir reeovery. -g*. ' This 20th 4ay of Jan. 1914. j. y. BONNER. Administrator flodmhn A Bonner. Att'ys. l-lii-dwc CHOICE Cut Flowers. For all occasions, Roses Carnations, Vlo'ets and vsllles the leaders. Our art in wedding arrangements t re of the latest loach. Noth tag finer In floral offering* to he had. Blooming Pot plants, atsllas. Hyacinths, Palms, Fmi, Norfolk pines and many other nice pot hhk C aL * 3 Rose Bushes, Evergreens Shrub berles, hedge ptants and shade trees. Mall, telephone sod telegraph qgders promptly executed by, ' I. I, ODlflNN J CO. RALEIGH, N. C. Phones: Stose42. Greenhouse 149 ==: Bought, and ?hld has Won has borne the signature of as been made under bis per* aperrlslon slnco Its Infancy, no one to deceive you In this, end "?Just-as-good " ere but l and endanger the health of erienoe against Ksperlinent. ASTORIA itltuto tor Castor <111, Pare* Syrups. It U pleasant. It lorphlne nor other Narcotic israntee. It destroys Worms "or more than thirty years it the relief ot Constipation, ill Teething Troubles pnd the Stomach and Bowels, r healthy and natural sleep, he mother's Friend. _ rORIA ALWAYS Iver 30 lears ve Always Bought r . Our Townsman. 7 Thera Is a man In oar town? Our goat ho's sur?ly got Ho dumpo oil onrTo of rubbish e* ITls nnsnf eornsr lot ?Allcntown Democrat There Is a man In our town \ Who help* mosquito? breed. He owns a host of corner lots ^ And never cuts a weed. ?Houston Post There is a man lit our town Who's even worse than that; He's teaching tan so dancing on The floor above our flat. * - ?Chicago Record-Herald. There is a man in our town Who lives in every Nock You'll know htm. for he never, cleans The snow from off his walk. ?Spokane Spokesman-Review. Rje Writers. " Francesco Blcchl, Italian poet, has celebrated bis ono hundred and second birthday. N. V. Tllak, an Indian poet whose fame In the western portion of India Is said to*be greater than that of Bablndraiiatb Tagore, the Nobel prise winner, Is a Christian minister of Ahmad men r. Rudyard Kipling recently celebrated his forty-eighth birthday. Born In Bombay, he has been connected wltb tjie realm of letters for over thirtytwo years, for he was the assistant editor in India of the Civil and Mlli tary Gazette and Floneer as long ago as 1882. . Town Topics. i Old Mr. Rain la still the beat street cleaning commissioner New York evei had.?New York World. Sitka, Alaska, has a mean annual temperature about equal to that ot Washington, which Is mean enough to a certainty.?Chicago News. V/UllMgU viniiua iuu iuu&ebv iuixi ioi ride Id tbe world for a nickel, but Doe ton retains the palm for quality ol service and sceuery.?Beaton Herald. Tbe first sign that tbe cost of llvlnf Is to be less comes froiu Cleveland, O. . where tb*y have reduced tbe price o: marriage licenses from $1 to 80 cents ?Philadelphia Ledger. Pert Personals. But what would John D. have lef 1 If bo paid all bis fines and all bli I taxes??Detroit Free Press. Mr. Carnegie has moved up anothe $2,000,000 toward dying poor; bul Withal, he doesn't appear to bo mnkini much headway.?Indianapolis News. Nelson O'Shaughnesay. our efflcjen representative In the City of-Mexico has not exactly declared war; but. a be carries two revolvers, be may b said to be upon ft war footing. In : country where most people are sho itr the back oil that bo nseds now 1 caution. Ho has conrage, evidently.New York World. Fashion Frills. Bustles ore coming back. Tbat1 where tb'ey belong.-Tortland Oregc nlan. Modern styles In female street wea have dealt the deathblow to tbe ol I fashioned chest protector.?Chlcag News. I "Spring Gowns Tight, With Loos Effect" In one bright lexlcou at test I there Is no tacb word as "Impossible. I -New York Post. I Society Is threatened with cubli I and futurist clothes for both sexe I Tbe year has started out lo be of m I exampled horrors.?Baltimore Amer I can. Facts From Franoe. France la to take a census of Its at I tomoblles and motorcycles capable < I being used In war. I' An average clever lucemakcr lit enr I arn France geta do (o 3T. cents a dg; I Those who cannot make the rooro Ii Ml trlcate patterns receive 12 to IP cenl I a day. I M. Ifennioii. recently ai>pointed i* I lice prefect for Paris, has establish* | a school f??r policemen, iu Which r | by the dnematosraph. ' * pfcua&KALL *. I ? ? a I W. O. Lamb, Jr.. of Wlflamston. N. C.. U a busineaa visitor to tbo city today. moot the welcome visitors to Washington - yesterday was D. U. Martin of Royal, N. C.. ' B. J. Blakely of Wilson N C.. Is registered at Hotel Louise. 8. Rosenthal of Baltimore, was on 4iur streets this morning. W. F. Eller of the Raleigh News and Observer is here today in the interest of tis paper. C. F. Foy, a prominent dMsen of New Bern, is among the guests regtcred at Hotel Louise. W.' T. Potter of Aurora, was a passenger on the Washington and Vande mere train yesterday. W. F Harper of Klnstoc N. C., Is a business visitor. J. F. Buckman accompanied bfshla daughters Misses Bessie and Louise Buckman have returned from northern cities. While absent Mr. Buck* man purchasel his stock of spr!** and summer goods. I Mrs. C. L. Skinner and daughter of Smitfcdeld are the guests oi Mrs. Dem^sey Grimes. r wl NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA. BEAUFORT COUNTY. " IN THE 8UPBKXOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK. Fannie McCullough widow of Stanley McCullough vs. | Edward 8. McCullough, Administrator of Stanley McCullough, deceaa ed, Edward 8. McCul.ough, Mary Louise Moore. Qeorgia A Hardy. % Ephrlam Hardy, Walter G. McCulJough, Miranda E. Murray, Robert Murray, Jones McCullough, Heirs at Law of Stanley McCullough, deceased. Thp-defendants, Miranda E. Murray and Robert Murray auove named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort Count? foe th< purpose of having the dower of Fannie McCullough, w.-ow of Stan-, ley MoCuilough, deceased, set apart to her. nd the said defendant.* will further take notice that the? arc required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in Beaufort Count? of Washington N. C., on Thursda?, the 19th day of March at Eleven o'clock, A. M. and answer or demur to the petition in said action, or the plaintiff will appl? to the Court for tue r? lief demanded in said petition. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court This 12th da? of February. 1? 2-13-4 wc. * State Lines. Weet Virginia's mines employ 80.UOU ?men. Kansas in thirty-five years has doubled its crop productiou. The uveruge 1 annual crop return is now $2H?.P7U.3o3. In 1913 the metal mlno output of Idaho was so much iucreased that the total value exceeded that of the record ( year, 1000, according to estimates of C. N. Gerry of tho United States geolog leal surveys" Magne&lte, a mineral which is over 62 per cent carbon dioxide, tbe gu* which Is used for charging tsudu wa1 tcr, ginger nlo and similar beverages. ' is found in greater quantities in California than in any other section of the I country. P Train and Track. * In all tbe world there are less tbau three times as-many miles of milroad f as there are lu the United States alone. A new type of electric street car has t each wheel mounted Independently to . prevent the Ipss of power due to wheels t carried on the ends of onlliuiry axles i grinding on tho rails at curves. According to figures gathered by the Electric Railway Journal, London has i 123 mileS'Of rapid transit routes In operation and nearly four miles under construction, while New York has 1(13 miles In operation and 211 under way or approved. Berlin has forty-one I miles, of elevated and subway service, i with thirteen miles under way. There's Power? I ?power almost unlimited? in a properly balanced food that yields quickly and readily the elements. Nature demands for daily building of ? body, brain and nervers. i- J_ * j Grape-Nuts ? FOOD ? ?made of choice wheat and barley, and containg all the tissue-building,.strength ele" menls of these great cereals, is such a food. t ~ Grape-Nut* i, probably litr roo?t perfectly batted of cereal foods end is remarkably eaay ot digestion. J" Ready to eat from the pack" age, and delicious to the tast. A 10-day trial often r- works a wondcrous change i> "There's a Reason" / a for Grape-Nuts ?sold by Grocers f_ . i Crystal Ice Cream I 9 Fresh Today Phone 83 "ll Crystal Ice Co. [ "The purest treasure iroi:a! times afford, Is spotless. re| ' fl !fiv. Richard II IM 1 gP?g^~ <;f|p I '^PrFaiVQs Dacor^Mj 1 ?H Fiaixos )i| I ^^EstablisKed 1759Jf|j | Write for Handsome Illustrated Catalogue W and Historical Sketch THK BACON PIANO COMPANY M 113 East 138th Street New York NOTICE OF* SALE rectlou to R. W. Wharton's line; 1 with R. W. Wharton's lino running By virtue of the power or sale North to the begining. containing ten ronl^latii ID a larliijn Murine*.. ' " mor" or ,eM Deed *datcd the 29tli day or O. tu 1,1 lfl,; olna the lands J her. 19o6. by Rliodm Holland to ' Shcppard. John 3ueppard, W. D. Grimes, which .-old Mortgage Sheppard and Peter Smaw. ^a... , . . , , It being the same land conveyed to need Is duly recorded In .h- , and hy ,.onicl? 'j Be. of tho Register or Deed' 'or it :? bee. hy deed bearing date December ' J| i in.bi-gi.ed ??|J 2" -I'll \,y r:adc to the said deed for furtherf *'an h. lk? 11 '2 o'clock M oT- if^riptlon Defuult !:uving been |Mr fo" 'Jl" 1 11 ? J ?wn ' ?>:>" dorr ,, |i p payment of the bond reMitfton Vo'ih ^ n .k, nroro?ald Mortgage Deed j>h to 'he highest from Rhoden Holland to W D. -bidder the following d-rcribcd land: (<rin,0s lhl, *ale is made to Bailsfy That tract of land lying arid being ,r,| .my the said bond, in Washington townphlp and begin- : ?j?hla jgtj, <jay Cf p0j, j9^4 ning at tho Junction of R. W. Whar- j W. D. GRIMES, ton nnd tho Mill toad running west | Mortgagee to Tranter's Creek road: thence with Frank H nryan. Owner of the Debt', the said Tranter's Creek road South prHnk h nryan. Atty to Tranter's Creek: thence down the 2-19 4wc said creek running an enstwarlv di An Au oniobile Without An Engine i? a moles- ihivg An Au'omobiii . <i I -man .11! n e:011s fninV. Asl< tis lor r.ros ml 'I ii i Wrrc. 0- agaw Co. , ~ - Firsi Insurance Agents In VV as/liny ton. N. C. * "" ' "" " * " I HIN XMrlHi? Mrirf7T? V- Var* -*-*?? - LI { i. Li ' )S v\ {)\}\> A IJJ. I t \NKLRS and HKOKKKM. \ V tiockM, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provision*, 78 Plume Street, \ ( Carpenter Building, Norfolk, Ya. / ) Private wires to New \ ork Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of * Trade and other financial renters. C 1 CnrMamnilctiNi nomorl t II? uil Irltjxl 1 u r ml u, enl anil mnnHnil J i tmiunts idvcn Careful Attention. J <&&<& <&<&$&&<&'4rttn&4i I J g Automobiles to Hire ?> I 1 I S ? -mmmimmmmm*mm^?mm I S Harris Hardware Co., < ^ | [5 Agents For Studebaker Car. J | inii#iiiM?iti*ieMimi

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