I f FARMERS and Should Re The main thing in I be sure of the quality of v Ask Your E PAMLICO FE and you can be surS~that ter goods than you are. PAMLICO CHI J. F. COWI WHOLESA Washing Classified Advertisements.1 FOR SALE A wECOND HAND Smith Premier Typewriter. Apply to Dally News office. 3-3-2wc. , 6 WAXT TO Bl'Y?A SMALL FARM | within two miles of Washington. ^Want it quick. 1 Washington Beau- 1 fort Land Co., Market street. ' 3-17-2tc. I HORSE AND SURREY FOR SALE: t First clasB family horse. W. H. Williams. 3-3-fewc. ' FOR SALE?J TWO HORSE WAGon, 1 one horse wagon, one heavy single harness. 2 cotton plows, 1 fine tooth cultivator. S. J. Merriman, Jr. 3-17-2tp. *X)R SALE AT A SACRIFICE?1WO line lots on Bonner street. Washington Beaufort Land Co. 3-17-2lc. It's the tough Pa I'Hub-Mark Warrio M&kes Them W I "Hub-Mark Warrior" rubber bo I durable. Remember, you d< nary Rubber Boot wben you get I You get a rubber boot reinforci [a tiit up on [ A famous fra HHtflSnN I RUB] M*4e oi the Beit I Extra Strong Dc the bed tli uxl jou can drp BOS WASHINGTQ ?">CtS3 , r' v /m. ?. T -w? (Incorpc Off ce Market St., H. E. H s. j. merrima: Washington, N We pay highest cash you land. Farm Property long time, with a small c; reveral houses and lots, sc any size Farms you wan f See or write us y> rope rt: I |; i i THE HUI E MERCHANTS tad This _ buying Fertilizers is to /hat you get. lealer Fop UTILIZERS nobody is getting bet. EMICAL CO. XL, Pres. LE ON1V Ion, N, C. iVERYTHING THAT A HANli 81 Complete Shaving Outfit 81 lO Articles lO To advertise our Universal Hhavlnj Uutflt and I'nivcrsal Products w a*ill for a limited time only,.Dent this well worth |3.\)0-Shaving Out It for 91.0O. We sell our product to the consumer direct and therefor you save all agents' profits whloh a you know aer very large. 1 Hollow Ground Raznr. 1 g-incli leather Rrursh. . . 1 ltazor Strop, Canvass Rack. 1 Nickel Easel Rack MLrorr. 1 &Mnrh Barber Towel. 1 Rar Shaving Soap. 1 Rox Talcum Powder. 1 Decorated China Mug. 1 Aluminum Rarber Comb. 1 Bristle Hair Rrusli. Not more, than one outlt to ca.cl consumer. Agents neel not writ* Each outfit packed iu a neat bo $1 00. i kks.iii rminins n\ Dnytcn Ohio. raRubber of Xow J ir' boots That??? ear so Long ots ore tough, strong, sure QjjtiHPJD oti't get just a plain, ordi- *3*' "Hub-Mark Warrior." rd at every point. "Hub-Mark Warrior" Brand Rubber Booli duct ^-Boston Rubber Shoe Go StSthMW; 3ER BOOTS Crade oi Fine Para Unbber?blade al ?ch?Reinforced at Every FoioL Mint unr "IlutrMuk Winloi" Robber BooM ml on lb mi to urn lie licit of crcnibinj TON RUBBER SHOE CO. MALDEN, MASS. ii nrAiirnnT IHtAUrUn! >"c:o. rated) larding & Son's old office N JR. Manager orth Carolina i prices for lane 01 s.il r and City Properly on nh'payment. Wc hive >me good Tobtcco L' nd. t if you have any. \) to see lie? ?f/n r i -/fcfl j*. " ' " ^ I'lLL N I 3. Ladies o) ...i 5: ' ;i " ' * ^ Ford Auto Company's Big Record This Is a letter Mr. Bell ot Um Washingtorf Motor Car Company hai Just received from the Fcrd Motoi Co. He says the Washington Motoi Car Company has only contracte< for 60 Ford pars this year and hai already sold 14-on the contract Better get your order in at once an< avoid delay. More than 1,000 completed anto mobiles a day fof twenty-four con secutivo working days was the nev record hung up dut^ng February b: the Ford Motor Comapny. Febru ary shattered all previous productioi [records of the company. During this single, short month twenty-fou thousand, six hundred twenty-om c model T'a were built and shipped fc This excelled the month of January L itself a record Bmasher, during whicl 0 twenty-three' thousand, nine hun dred thirty-six Model T's were bull! 1 and shipped to branches and agent I throughout the world. L Prior to January, 1914/ the comj I pany'o big month came In Juno, 191 f when twenty-two, thousand, forty M nine model T[s passed. out tliroug 1" the factory's doors. *.. B* But not only did the company ii Be February break all records of pre Is vioua months but It alBO set a ne^ I h.'gh-water mark for a day's produc L tion of automobiles, when on th '27th of the month it turned out six teen hundred and thirty-six complet I Fords. The previous dally produc tion record for automobiles, also Ford record was made one day las spring when the big factory at High I land Park, Michigan, built more tha: I thirteen hundred cars. t , Despite this big production an Hi the big outputs of the Ford factoric ,?v ?' vi vnuuiu iiixi pinncnBSiei x England tt?o company probably wil not be able to supply the.wdrld-wld demand for this low priced car. Don't forget the reliable REO " We have some mighty good baigain in sroond hand cars to sell or trade for real estate or good paper. See or write us today. Cars fo sale, for hire at any time. WASHINGTON* MOTOR CAR CO. Constipation Poisons Von. If you are constipated, your entir ijstem is poisoned by the waste mat or kept In the body?serious r??*h ^(tcQ follow. Use Dr. King's ..... ' ?fe Pills and you will soon get rit ' constipation, headache and otbe ; rubles. !!5c at Druggists or by mail .. E Utirkf-u A Co . PUIIn.. ft St ( owl# Depressed Spirits to no Happy ( A cel.I.rated French physician ha said that "n man's liver is the ba remoter of his disposition." " Every man and every woma knows that the cheerful smile I a big factor in cne's success. Everyone should know that tb disordered liver Is cause of nlnet 2 per rent of human ills. Lazy ovei worked livers are the prime C3us? I of headache?, indigestion, constlpt tion and dozens of other ills. But the Inactive liver alwaj warns by coated tongue, sour ston act, dull eye r.nd even lazlnesi Heed your warning and insure haj n!nee? in vnurself anil reflect it lino yo.tr associates. Calomel used t do. Modern day science has fo'un a better way In CARSWELL'S M,V EII-AIO which Is a pure vegetabl remedy on sale under'a guar&nte or money refunded nt 50 cents fo lnrce bottle. Arti the Hardy Eu*u Co.. about It. NEWTTOATOt "Keith's Vaudeville" A Great Act. TSae Three || ^ ii/halens I A Sinjiitg Comedy am Piano Act, MOTION PICTURES Three r.ecls jof the I lest Selcctet AH?oclnte<l Fllnist 10 ant! 20 can's I : ' . . ' _ . 4 ' \ < IN E CON Til f this city are < iff/] if RaV in av OkV w >?% { P^i^iljl ? i I'tftKi * J^yjW^By^W m&MI l i<1 mnf i Freckle-Face V , Nu.w Ih the Time to Get Rid of TIWM Ugly Spots. 1 Do you know how easy It is to 2 remove those ugly spots so that no one will call you freckle-face? t. Simply get an ounce of othine, ^ double strength from your druggist, 3 and & few applications should show . you how easy It is to rid youseelf of freckles and gfet a beautiful com r I inckiuu. i n? sun ana Winds Of _a February and March liave a strong ..j 1 tendency to bring out freckles, and 0f as a result more othine is sold in l i those months. Be sure to ask for 60 the doubie strength, othine, as this mi Is sold under guarantee of money hfl f back If it fails to remove the freck 1??- ou ? tn ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE *> * 1 Hiving this day qualified as Ad1 mlnlstrator, C. T. Ai. ol the estate j. 1 of Major Franklin Congleton, deceased, this is to notify oil persons ' having claims against said estate to, preent them, duly vertiflod, to^tSe jZ undersigned Administrator wkhin j.^ twolve months frdm this date, or B0 this notice will be pleaded In bar of ^ their recovery. J All persons indebted to said es- . tate will please make immediate set- 9f s tlement. *, E. R. MIXON. Administrator C. T. A. Major Franklin Congleton, deceased. % n 2-14-6 wc. - Tr s ? . "Non-Puncture" Auto ~ ' Tires V -1 ? Guaranteed 7,500 Miles of I- to Service * ? da 8 These tires hears the greatest 0'< known mileage guarantee yet 'are Bi 5- sold at a price even less than tires cl1 >_ or ordinary guarantee. This guarn nnt<v- cover* punctures, blow-outs (ju ? and general wear. Guarantee covers ed ^ 7,500 miles service against- every- c*' thing except abuse. These tires are lD| 0 intended for most severe set vice. j0i, ? A _ n dnont?, I "D c. oroc 124U in 1 nuuuu IUHT OIT | fer we will allow the following prices cai g .for the next, ten days. P* _ TIRES?TUBES. Ge Tire Tube de: * 28x3 % 9.20 S 2.00 19 > 30x3 10.25 2.30 a ' 80x3 1-2 13.60 2.80 .32x3 1-2 14.05 3.00 3-4 .34x3 1-2 16.25 8.20 31x4 17.00 .8.26 32x4 18.00 8.30 . 33x4 19.50 8.40 rri 34x4 20.40 8.60 Kli 35x4 21.00 8.80 hei t 36x4 22.00- 8.90 35x4 1-2 26.00 6.00 j? 36x4 1-2 27.00 6.10 in 37x4 1-2 27.60 6.15 ^ th< j 37x5 32.60 5.40 ?? All other sixes. Non- skids. 20 per cent extra. 6 per cent'dlscount if pay ment in full accompanies order and ho if twb are so ordered, shaping coi charge* will be paid by us. C'. 0. D. 1,61 on 16 per cent of amount of order. Our output is limited, so we suggest/ 1 early ordering. We sell direct only, '.ula giving purchaser the advantage of 1 all middlemen's profit#. C" NON.PVSOmW TIRE FACTORY JJJ Dayton. Ohio. rT"C VUES TOMQ :ordia11y invited mm f JJw\\ it fj KSRjfc "Jfo Bag, H#lf P?U I "JTo Mr/a/. I5T P "BVIR-iASTI P.^Lorillard Co.?I raSHED SHE ' COULD DIE id Be Free Froas Her TreeUet, bet Finds Better Way. t .1 f Columbia. Tenn.?1"Many ft time," t ys Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of this place. t wished I would die and be relieve* i my suffering, from womanly troubles. ? could not get up, without pulling at melhing to heip me, and stayed in bed i ast clihe time. 1 could not do ray t The leasMbnount of work fired mt ] it My headx?uld swim, and I would J imb'.e for an hobr or more. Finally. 1 ok Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I i not bothered with pains any more, , d I don't have to go to bed. In fact, un sound and well of all my troubles." { Cafdur^o*a-to all the weak soots and tfwto make them strong. It acts with ^ jlure?not against her. It is for the ed, nervous,'irritable women, who feel if everything were wrong, and need mething to quiet their nerves and g xnglhen the worn-out system. If you are a woman, suffering from any the numerous symptoms of womanly >ub!e, take Cardui. It will help you. ; all druggists. WriU tm: ChatUnooca Oo. laOmt 1 sasatgftgs, NOTICE TAX PURCHASE. 3rth Carolina?Beauiort County. ( > H. W. Cayton: ' _ t You are hereby notified that a sale , r taxes by Oeorge E. Hicks, Sher- , of Beaufort county, held on Mon- . y. 6tn day of May. 1S1I, at IS * jlock at the Courthouse door of saufort county, L. D. Midyette purased at said sale the property rich was sold for delinquent State d County taxes for the year ISIS e on aatd property, which was listIn the name of H. W. Cayton. in idlng the cost of said sale amountff to $8.66 Said property is described as folks: 6 Acres Old Home. You are further notified that you a redeem said property by the pay>nt of the taxes and costs allowed law to the undersigned, or to o. E. Ricks, sheriff, and if said remptlon is not made by May 5th, 14, the undersigned will demand rax Deed for said property. This 15th day of Jan. 1914. L. D. MIDYETTE. l-8tc. MORTGAGE HALE. By ylrtue of a power of sale conned in. a mortgage deed from Au>a Odd Fellows Home Company to (zabeth W. Blount, dated Noremr 30th, 1906, and recorded In the Ice of the Register of Deed* for aufort county, win Book 1<4, at <e 90, default having been made the payment of the debt secured ?reby, the undersigned will, on nday, the 20 day of April, 1914, the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, otfor sale at public auction to the chest bidder for each, at the Court ' use door in Beaufort county, that taimtra^t or lot of land lying and ng In Beaufort county, and State North Carolina adjoihlng the ids of B. H. Thompson, Charles con and others, and more partlc.rly described aa follows: situated in the town of Aurora, N. beginning at the Northwest cor of the lot owned by Dr. H. II. aner in the center of Main street, I running in a Westerly direction )PE? RROW AT to inspect thii tohgcco that Is jr nguished from al? s fragrance. ia first time you gets i, you'll go buy some, the plpe.in thetln, lnd( t. Its natural lasting f t/ln you st once end ft mvonlent Packages: Th< ent Tin, the Full-Sire fO-Cent Tin, nd Tin Humidors and the Pound G Ml nd C^aritto. NG-tY GOOD-J '-itabUiho* IT6Q etth the center or raid etreet a dl. lanco of 41 feet and .Ore laches to Ihn Qnll IkwSe) aA*ns* nf Phaele. Dixon's lot; thenco In a Northerly direction with amid Dixon's line, e distance of SI feet and 6 Inches; thence In an Easterly direction per illdl with the first line herein given, i distance of 41 feet and 6 Inches o the Bonner line; thence.with' ftfd Sooner line in a Southerly direction , distance of 81 feet and 8 lathes o the beginning; It being the dentlcal lot described In and conreyed by the aforesaid mortgage, and elng the Mine lot oonveyed by ?Vr. Hudnell end wife to Aurora Odd fellows Home Company by deed dat>d November 30th, 1806, and record ?d in the office of the Register of >eeds for Beaufort county in Book 144. at paga 41. This March 1?. 1S14. MARY P. BLQENT, Executrix of Elisabeth W. Blount, and Trustee. Imall, MacLean. Bragaw & Rodman, Attys. l-17-4we. NOTICE. lute of North Carolina, County of Beanfort?la tha Superior Court Before the Clerk, Stewart Waters, at ale. ft. loanoke and Railroad Lumber Co., et als. to Mayo L Waters, take sotks: You are hereby notified that aspslal proceeding hat beta instituted a this ooura in the above action for he vurpoae of selling for a division hat tract of land known aa tha Ak >ha Waters land sltuata in Long Ure township. Beaufort county, N. in which you own an undirtded For Carr-Skaden Farm o of and two mil eg of V acres, all fi acres woodland and t in gobd state of ctdtii drainage. One half bathing, sand beach ot mile road front, Spl view on Pamlico River Bui.'dings and cultival Bargain for qtric, long time terms. Washingto Lane * S. J. Merrin Office Market Stree V Son's old office. sTINM \ line. others K ~ j i whiff of S8i"4S don, out- 1^% ragrance > raver. I / | i Handy Half- ' ^ ( tho Pound and ** y| I ilasa Humidor. H ---,' .:,*?ajiMMy:... . - j?| I KH Lk/^B Iba ^Kw! IJaB IH CTM I Vl' i mm Mtt, lakarHad trow your ft'hna Tho*. I JVatara. And Va? nr. fnrthar notified that nalaaa yes appwr bafor. th? dark f ot thla aoart on Anrtl lath. lata. II . it 1* a.. U tkft ooarthoaftft 1ft Wuh- j lftftoa. N. C.. or onftWftr or dftftaur -*"i I to votltlOB b?r*7n ft Ml tho rollof ' tbftrftta prarftd for rrUl bft fan tod. II WlUMftft my hand this March t. 1 1*14. OM?' * I Smoked Bee! | J ^Tongues If ifl Pickled Beef * Quiliiy Grocer jfl " ioM f.-r . *?W Sale! n River Road in Sight /ashington, N. C. 200 meed. ISO 10 acres tobacco lend<?" ? atiop. All high, good mile fine fishing and ' n river front. One half 'endid elevations Beat .Building cost $3.OOO. ed land on river .front. t ids far five day on $ n-Bedufort I Co. . -KM , ,an- Mm.t at H. E, Harding J V*' ' J ... '

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