v TO MARF IN OAKDfd?^ CEMETERY AND | THE COUNTY Work To Be Don* By Th? Daughter* of The Confeder cy of ThU City. i- Am already known Pamlico Chap tar, DeusMera' of tka Confederacy, ara planing to mark tka mraa ol | all' confederate aoldlerela tka city L 1 and county DOW unmarked, with a anka^la haadatona. Thar are now - ecttrely encased In eecerinf fundi Mr thla worthy purport and tha proa - pacta at* more than propltoua for an nana. In nil probability the atanaa will be. plated at the foot at anah arete. Below la siren a Hat of CoBtigerate aoldlara now burled la Oakdnlo cemetery. If any namaa hare bean omitted by mletake, the fact abould be made known either to tttm Lena Windier, the preatdant of the chapter or to Mre %. W. oarter. One of the chapter^ actlra membera. Before thg (rarai can be M?rhe<. howerer. the chapI ?-ter Iteataan pat laalon tram the rel. ij - . atlran of the de< aaed to do ao. Tha lUt followa: - . iJDudrou b mouuuient, Lieut. Hon J * ' ardjO^ TstrtcH. Mo). Augustu. 1MH{fm TIJOO. Sparrow. Dr. ^tfTHeBoiutM. <OksL Maoon BonL . ?mr. Dr. C. K hm D. H. Batter' gvalu. Capt. B. U Maw, Sua t" Jonas, Capt. B. D. Jonas, J. o Bow. crams la Mr, Warrsa Mayo'. H. let, Robt. Shaw, o. D. Daprae. Capt latwrence. H, . Cowell, o. Barters 'TT^gmwU Howard. W. U Dadlar. Joe 'iTOlT- ' As ^_Q|Brtaa. Mr. Hawkins dp (Da/tay let), Dec. Brown, R. S | Mra1|Mb W- C. Malllaon, Tom Phelpi Bt BrrncS, Oliver Jarrls. Rlob I arc Havens, Com Flowers. Mr. Oranl Capt. a K. Osllacher, N. 8. Qod V ilard, Daa Blmmaos, Mr. Cosrens Rk tiH1 D. N. Bocart, Col. W. B Rod ' man. Jokn PUley. Mr Miller. Capt i ju Myers. Capt. A. Warner, Wm f Jordan. W. Htaeock. Jim Hancock My. Berry, Dr. /no. Gallagher tail AUigoeC, Jno. Bne. Tom AUl ^aad. Dr. WML A. Blonnt, Chaa Moore. Chpt. Johi * X. -Bert. Darllac wall. B1U Carty ' W.'AnhheU. Jake Woolard. U A f ''' Aa#A, Austin Jotta, Tho.v H I Bloant.'JdlceAel 'Mayo. Henry Btew ert, Wm. McDevett. Mr. Laughing hooae, Mr. Clark. Mr. Rosarson Bare Beddttt, Moned of Georgia sol I T. OtM, Mr. Barry. Unknown freer MP. Fetter. Mr. Keel. Mr. Everett Mr. Hopkins. . Mr. Oflaaby. Mr EArchUU, J O. Rankin. Mr. Tata? Sam Daniel?, Dr. J a*. A. Arthur. MOTOR FROM HTDKMr. and Mrs. James Watson c } Fairfield N. C., motored to this dt yesterday la their machine. Un Watson while here did her sprln shopping. NUMBER OF VISITORS IK WASHINGTON TODAY 3>FROM DIFFERENT SECTION Quite a number of rtsltors ai here today. Among the number ai Mr. Hugh Cradle ?f Lake Landlni who is the oast of his brottyef, M Walter Cradle; Jordan Wilkinson < Belhasep; T. J. Harris of Pungo; I Parker of Ptaetown. Oats on the F1av< Tested 1 (M , ' ' Waahlsgtcw, D. C.. March lg.. The Department of Agriculture r Gently reported the reeslt ol expe imeata to teet the efeeet of onU < the flaVor of milk. ' TTheee expel meiU showed that oats do not ha the beneficial elect on the flavor milk which many dairymen bellei Bat en corn end bran wnstltnh the ration tested against oat., U publlo*fcae gained the Impresalon roneonsly that the Department rt ommends thn feeding of com ni bran to Improve the flavor of mil Of 10 opinions expressed regard! ' the flavor of the samples JB pi ferrsd the milk from cows fed co ^ASri] r. 1 t -* ?? : l graves! SUITABLE HEADSTONES WILL, BKCT HANDSOME ROW AT EARLY DAY IN MCHOLSONVILLB City Attorney H. c. Carter. Jr.. te now hatens plans drawn (or ap attracUra roaldonca to bo eroctad In Nicholson rills. Hla purpose is to _ build naxt to the homo of Dr. Lonla i Mann. Work la expected to be com. maaood at an early day PnAYKItMKKTINO IN ALL THE DIFFERENT CHCRCHE8 TONIGHT There will be prayermeetlng ser- 0 vlcee in ell the different churches n > of the dt7 this eYening at the usual hour, eight o'clock, to which the * general public has a cordial tartta- ? tlon ta be present. jj mm I LAST ill r -s friavpn 1111(11) I till Another good performance 'was * polled off at the New Theater last c night "The Three Whalene" weA ^ cleverness Itaelf and received hearty 1( applause. The. motion pictures were pronounced among the best the man age men t of the theater has presented in quite awhile. The entire performance was much enjoyed by an attentive and appreciative audience. The Joshua Simpkins Company are on the boards for this evening. MRS. C. O. CRATCH ILL The friends of- Mrs. C. C. Cratch will regret to learn of her Indisposition. For the. past several days she has been suffering from an attack of tonsilltls. 8he is wished an early and speedy recovery to health. IWOlflBftS mHOUSES . BE ENLARGED The Tobacco Warehouse Company, composed of some of Washington's ' (nHnat rlnii Knalnau .. men la making plana to enlarge the , tobacco warehouses, the work to be j i. completed and- ready for the opening , of tobacco aeaaon. It la tbn Intention of the company to almost double the capacity of the warehouses , and in addition t<Tthlf gratifying In t formation there will be live large y storage warehouses erected. Work i. la expected to be comenced at an g early, day. The Washington warehouse will again be managed by Mr. Gravely, while Capt. Lovelace will. be in charge of the Beaufort warehouse. 8 HAVE RETURNED. e Mrs. Richard Bragaw land (two r, children of Lexington, N. c., who r, have been visiting at the home of >f Capt. J. 6. Bragaw, East Main street 3. left for her home thla morning via the Norfolk Southern. or of Milk 3y The Department ? tags over the other. There can be e- no great superiority In the bran and r- >rn when one-half of the opinions >n were either indifferent or were In 1- favor of the other milk. In view re of these experiments the Department of >ea not recommend the feeding of e. bran and corn to Improve the flavor ad of milk. Oats, corn, alfalfa hay, be cotton seed meal, linseed meal, ?r- bran, gluten and tther good feeds ?- for dairy cows when properly fed ad In reasonable amounts produce a ik. floe-flavored milk, "but there Is no ng substantial evidence that any one of re- then Is superior to any of the othrn ere !u tela respect. Ilk " The taMOto prices of the differed ent feeds *U1 determine In most i? nm whloh *r. to ?wt?rr?d 4a a- m.king op * r.tioo tor durr COWS. ? [NGT WASHINGTON. N. 1DF01 ill It wan wo CtMl Were Disposed of Testerday {Afternoon By Mayor Kusler. or Kufler disposed of two sses li^Ua court yesterday afterOOQ lo the city hall. J. S. Brown and W. B Jackson -ere before Hia Worship upon the barge of being drank and disorderly They were found guilty and ned $2 and one-half of the cost aeh. .The above parties were also intcted ff( injuring property st the atham House. - The coart suspends A lodgment upon their paying the oat of the damage which amounted ? *11.00. HE DEMOCRATIC CHAMPIONS. When the Wilson administration eedB a champion and a spokesman a the House, it calls on Oscar T'nerwood; when it needs a champion nd a spokesman in the Senate it all* upon Sengt'tr Simmons of North arolins. Yet these men, who do hings and who have carried the sgislatlve bnrdens of the admlnlsratlon, were called a little-/more ban a year ago "reactionaries and nemies of political progress." They irefe. aaalled by men who speak rlth amaslng facility, but who can j io nothing but speak. Mr. Underwood was called a re-1 ctlonary when he was a cadidste or president. The flection of Senator Simmons to the chairmanship * the Committee on Plnance of the lenate was oppOB^d "on the grounds hat be Was a "reactionary." Forunately the eDmocrats of the Senate had eeose enough not to be mised and so they escaped the embarassment of baring placed In a responsible position such men as Gore ?f Oklahoma, or Martins, of New rersey. a It was the Democrats had true nen and strong men in the two )lg places of the Congress when it seeded them. In the House. Undersold engineered the passage of the Wilson measures; jln fthe Senate, Simmons directed their passage. The noisy ones only followed and ahimed in. Now the Democrats hare put up Simmons to answer the windy Works of California, and he did the |ob excellently. He put the achieve menta of the Wilson administration so forcefully before the people of tiuv tuuuir; iu?i moy uiu*i acknowledge them. Of Woodrow Wilson he said: The greatest achievement of Woodrow Wilson lies in the fact that he has restored repreeentatlve government in this country; that he has taken the government out of the hands of those special Interests and l*ld it once more in the hands of the people; and that the people rule net onlA at the ballot box but in the United States Senate. Artd this was Senator Simmons, too much of a "reactionary" to be allowed to head the Finance Committee, according to the views of some people. FROM R. F. D. NO^> We are glad to have some mors daya of sunshine after eo many dayi of''snow and bad weather . Quite a number of the teachers o: this place attended the teachers meei lng in Washington Saturday. Mrs. Carl Nelson was a guest o Mrs. Nathan Lewla one night las week. Miss Annie Congleton has beei visiting her -brother Mr. William H Congleton in yonr city. Mlse Bertha Martin spent Frlda; night with- Misses Bessie Warren am Lula Wallace. Mr. Carl Nelson spent Frlda: night., with friends near Chooowtn ity. Mlse Estelle Hodgee is vtsltln relatives In Martin county for sei eral days. Miss Bertha Everett spent 8atui day night and Sunday with Mis Laura Bright. MIm Laura Bright spent awhil Monday afternoon with Misses 8te la and Annie Congleton. Mrs. Fannie Cotten was a visitc In your city Saturday. Mlej Bertha Martin is planing I have an enterUlnment In the net ONI C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNCX nr 10 SUSL Ml E1E. Wuhlngton and New Bern Will Contend For The Mastery. All Invited. ?" V The first triangular debits for the season among the high schools | of Elizabeth City, Washington. New Bern and Kinston takes place neat Friday night. In the high school building here New Bern representatires will try conclusions with the Washington debaters. The query will be: "Resolved, That the Constitution of North Carolina should be ed amended as to allow the lnft* tlatlro and referendum mall." Washtngtoh will hare the affirmative side and the debaters will ho Jesse Woolard and Elbert Weston. New Bern will take care of the negative side. On the same evening in Elisabeth City the same query will he debat ed and Washington's representatives will have the negative side. The debater* for Washington are Charles Proctor and Hubert Ellis. The debate Is free and every one has a cordial Invitation to be present. The occasion promisee to be one of Interest. Let's Build In Washington Park. mm NEW THEATRE OH Joshua Slmpklns Company W1U Be The Attraction Seats Coins With a Rush. The "Joshua 81mp]kins" Companj carrying their own special scenery, will produce the great pastoral com ody drama of that name at the New Theater this evening. The ptec< deals with country life and people three sets of the play being laid it one of the many aualnt villages o! Vermont: The second act (In thr* scenes) portrays Uncle Josh's llrsi visit to Washington City. In thi third act a sensational sawmill jef foct la rfliown. being nothing mori or less than c'complete sawmill li full operation, cutting up genulni timber. The saw Is a genuine buz: or circular saw and cuts up real tlm ber at lightning speed. During th< performance several high class spe claltles are Introduced. Seats on sale at Worthy ft Ether ldge drug store. OLD FASHION WATER MIDI Corn Meal. New Florida Cabbage Ham Pork, Sweet Potatoes, Tut nips and Rutabagas at J. E. Ad ams. Phone 97. S-18-8te. future. It is for the benefit of th > school. We wish her success, i We were glad to see so many ov to Sunday school 8unday. We at ( planning to celebrate Chlldren'/i Da t sometime soon. Everybody is lx vletd to come and help us. f Mr. and Mrs. Ben Alligood viol t ed their sister Mrs. John Jackso of Plnetown Saturday and Sunda i of last week. Miss Jennie Hofges spent awhil Saturday afternoon with Mrs All< r Lewis. 1 Miss Caddie Roberson spent 8a urday night with Miss Annte Rol r arson. Miss Millie Plnkhara was a gus of Misses Bailie and Eva Alllgot K Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Carl Nelson we: the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. Lew Sullivan Sunday. Mrs Bessie Alligood and two 1 tie children Leon and Beatrice v! e lted Mrs. William A. Congleton si 1- daughter, Miss Stella Saturday i ternoon. >r Miss Stella Congleton spent S< day night of last week with I lo sister Mrs. J. T. Congleton at Ji tr asms. )AILV J ] ni l rater V*mlr. ' I V. ' ? >N MARCH 18, 1914. Hi ?0L CLUB WILL SERJG LUNCH Saturday Afternoon and Eve- ' nlng In The Cozren'e Music , Store Main Street. _____ ' The Cornelian Club of the Washington High Schol will serve a lun- I cheon Saturday afternoon and evening at the F. F. Covens music house ' t Main street next to the Postal Telegraph office. The luncheon is to be given_for the benefit of the olub to assiit them In their library work. The price for, the luncheon will be 25 cents and the young ladles composing the club promise all , who patronise them their money's worth. This club deserves the patronage of all and it Is to be hoped that all will respond generously. ' ' i MARCH 18 IN HISTORY I 1766?Stamp Act repealed by Brit- ] lsh government, reserving ( however the right to make laws binding on the colonies J In all cases whatsoever. 1 1776?British General Gage seized < 13,426 musket cartridges ] and 3,006 pounds of ball, all j of private property, stored 1 on Boston neck. t 1776?The British - troops having i evacuated Boston, 81r Archi- ] bald Campbell unaware of his movements, on entering the ibarbor with 1,700 men was made prisoner by Wash- j Ington. 18Napoleon Bonaparto assumed | ' ' the tl'tlo of King of Hair. .18$l-?dpitt8burg incorporated aB a 1863?"Win. Suiter, former govori nor of New York Etyate, was born. 1964?Sues Canal contemplated. 1866?The Confederate Congress at Richmond adjourned Bine die. r 1903?Gen. 8chuyler Hamilton, grandson of Alexander Hamilton and veteran of the Mexcan civil wars, died In New York city.- He was bom in 1820. T- 1912?A locomotive exploeion on , the Southern Pacific Railway killed 32 strikebreakers \ - and injured 64 other per- j k <>:-. sons. . 1913?King George of Greece was I assassinated at Salontca. His f son Constantino succeeded t Kim an Irlnar t 1913?The French Cabinet reslgns ed. ) THE CHILD LABOR CONFERENCE I CLOSES 3 Jacksonville, Fla., Mar. 18.?The ? 10th annual conference of the Na tlonal Child Labor Committee will a cleae lta meeting here today. Dcring - the 4 days In which the conference has been held in. this city, "Child - Labor and Law Enforcement" hat* been thoroughly discussed. mm . WILLIiSTOH : TO PU I- % - ~\ ' t- Another Interesting service is n promised at St. Peter's Episcopal iy Church, this city, tomorrow evening when Rev. Morrison Bethea. of Wllle Uamston, N.- C., will be the preacher. :e Last Thursday evening Rev. Mr. Huske of New Bern, N. C., was the t- first preacher for the Thursday cvb enlng servloes durtng the lenten season. st On account of the evening service >d the regular afternon service will be omitted. The services begin prompt re ly at eight o'clock and the rector, 'is s Nathaniel Harding, desires a large attendance of his congregation it- and too the general public. The la- collection will be for the cause ol ad general missions. R*ev. Mr. Bethea it- Is reputed to be a speaker of mag netiam and force and no doubt man] st- will take advantage of the opportu icr nlty to hear him. Good music bo- All setts free. Polite and attentt* | ushers. r NEV ^r: PROSPECT r.or the erection sune WOMAN'S 0. T. V. IS CALLED TO MKET ON THURSDAY AFKHNOON , The Woman'* Christian Temper-? Union is called to meet *t the borne ofQpfrs. Olivia Carmalt on Respe** street tomorrow afternoon it 3.30 o'clock. All the members j^ ire urged to be present as business Df Importance is to be transacted and ilscussed. * ( iir WILL 6E fll | 0HN1I1T qi While architects are now engaged in drawing plans for the proposed pI su new First Baptist church building ftC :o be erected on the property recent- or ly purchased from Mr. W. B. Morton, be the members of that congregation bl :ave practically decided upon a plan pr xnd the mchltucts have been instruct se 3d to follow these lines 03 near as iQ possible. A picture of the building u Is very attractive and If tho Baptists j,, follow it their new house of wor- jn ship In. design will compare with rc any similar building in North Caro- tv Una. It surely will bo an ornament l0 to Washington. ai SWflTiOlS I - CiPffl in APRIL i ? I? Will Be Conducted By Th F City Board of Health. Some- ? time Next Month. | tl e a Mr. L. J. Morel Is now In the city s In behalf of a new discovery for the n killing of flies. Mr. Morel on yes- t terday gave a demonstration for the ii benefit of Dr. John O. Blount the n County Superintendent of Health. : j which was in every way successful; and satisfactory. Its Inventor. Tr. Joseph C. 8heppard of Wilmington, i . N. C., has the approval of the Unit-' ed States government on this prnpa-i c ration and also the endorsement of i the State Board of Health. j c In April it is the intention of Dr. f Morel to conduct a demonstration 1 before the Ladles Civic Club nnd al- j so the- public in this city. He will! demonstrate the fly drier and ln3ect! exterminator. To this -demonstra- | tlon the public has a cordial Invlta- j c tion to be present and it behooves n overy good citizen to give their* aid j t and cupport to the destruction of ' flies. * | < Incomplete Blood I Cause 1 Washington, D. C., March 18:? i ' "Grasp the chicken when killing, by the bony part of the skull. Do not let the Angers touch the neck. ( Make a small cut with a small, sharp pointed knife on the right side of the roof of the chicken's mouth, just whero the bones of the skull end. Brain for dry picking by thrusting the knife through the groove which runs along the middle lino df the roof of the mouth until it touches the skull midway between the eyes. Use a knife which is not more than 2 inches long, one-fourth inch wide, I with a thin flat handle, a sharp point and & straight cutting edge." The above instruction^ on the l proper methods of killing poultry i were issued by the Department of Agriculture. At least 30 pes^#ent ! of all the poultry coming into New i "York market la incompletely bled. - Much of it la so badly bled that it f .csults in a loss of from 2 to 5 cents - a pound, as compared with the oor responding poultry which la 4re9 i bled and in good order, continues the Department. Aside from the ' imatniiiiiii MI vs J No 12 S GOOD >AY SCHOOL BUILDING OR METHODIST CHURCH HERE AT EARLY DAY lready Large Sum Has Been Subscribed?Plans Have Been Brawn. Will Cost $10,000. As stated fit the columns of the ally News several days ago plans *e now being perfected looking toards the erection of a Sunday 'hool building by the First Methoiat church congregation. At a cetlng of the official body of the lurch held on Monday night last lite a large sum was subscribed r this purpose by the members -esent and since that time other ibscrlptlons have been added. An :tlre campaign Is to be waged at ice and it looks as if the work will sgln at an early day. The proposed illdlng will cost |10,060. Plans have, been drawn for the -opscd building and those who have en them are delighted. The build g will contain an auditorium with seating capacity for at least Ave indred. There will be a basement which will be located a social torn with a seating capacity for ro hundred; a kitchen, ladies parr; toilet rooms; gents club room id other late Improvements for ich structures. It is the Intenon of the church to have the bulldig ready by the time .... North CarUna Conference convenes here In ecember. The building will be built on the scant lot ^_locatcJ between the liurch building aild the hornVBT* r~ [r. C. G. Morris and will be conected with the main auditorium by porch. From the present prosects It loofcp as if Washington with1 the next few months will witness large-expenditure of money, by ie respective religious bodies. The lrst Baptist church Is to construct $20,000 church at the corner of lain and Harvey streets; the ChrisIan ohurch people aro planning to rect a $20,000 or $25,000 edifice t the corner of Second and Respess treets and the Episcopal chcrch Is asking an earnest effort looking owards the construction of a parsh house. There seems to be an wakening along this line jn the city ust now. REPAIRING RESIDENCE. The residence on West Main street iccupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. A. G. >arnes is beinfc treated to a new oat of paint. 'IKK HORSES SOLD TO A PARTY LIVING AT? FARMV1LLE N. C. The city has disposed of the fire * ngine horses to a party in Farmrillc, Pitt county. Th? two were (old for tbe sum of $75.00 a piece. They have been familiar animals >n the streets for a number of years. Removal Unsightly Poultry bad appearance of incompletely bled chickens, their keeping properties are very inferior. The flesh loses Its firmness sooner; its flavor is not bo good-, the odor of stale flesh and Anally of putrefaction comes sooner; and in every way the product is more perishable. A very large proportion of the unsightly poultry in our markets, aside from tho rubbing and tear- ^ lng of the skins, is caused by an incomplete removal of the blood. This Is evidenced by red dots which frequently occur where the feathers have been removed, especially over tho thighs and wings, or by the small veins which mar the appearance of the neck. Generally it is the neck which showa most plainly the presence of blood in the fowl, or that.e wrong method has been uied in cutting the blood vessels in an attempt to empty theriL The neck Is the first pert to dlsoolox, becoming first red, then bluish red or purple and finally green ee aging pro glasses. t ' If, HeaHhfal la VAIido, Park. ' H

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