Any bQAiness man In this city har- ?' that time will please write Captain b K. Henry Beaky no, cara. general , rwtU be taken aboard and broaght r! to this city. This win be the first si ?~ * - - -- ? ? trip or me steamer U m. Shaw. The N rates on freight from Norfolk hare B will bo from five to ton cent* In State Democratic C WW Only & Raleigh, N. 0.. Mar. 10 ?When ? tba state Democratic Convention o: meets hare neat June It *111 have ,s to nominate only one State plhcer bl a candidate for Corporation Ct&mlsaloner. and eonflrin the nomination ? about the nomination of-*. I/. Trav. la an Corporation Cotmnleaoner lie 0i la the preaent chairman qt the corn- ai mlaalon, and *111 have no oppoll- B tton for the nomination to aneeaed b. khMf. p, So far aa la known, aU tba Super- r< lor Court jndaea whoae term* ex- it Btra with thlo election will aland for t< renomlnatlon. and aa yet no announoementa are made In any of the dlatrlcta or candidates In oppo- 1 altlon. The candidates for ludge I are aalaetad In the several Judicial H district conventions, and these nomh- " nations are confirmed by the H V convention and Included In the rat ujar. state ticket. The dlatrlcta In which there are to he nominations _ for the coming election follow: * . First District?Judge W. 1. Bond Fifth District?-Jtfdg? W. a WbM bee. T Sixth Dtottlet?Judge O. H. A1 I Tenth District?Judge W. A. Der- ^ | ""-Thirteenth District?Judge W. J. Adups. pi fourteenth District?Judge W. > . Herding. "' 1 y !3 Sixteenth District?Judge J. L Webb. Blghteeuth District?Judge M. H. 8 O Justice. 1 Twentieth Dtstrlot?Judge O. B I Ferguson. E ITs Healthful In Washington I'erk b "iM ! t| cnjjcv i i iic J . . i . i. JR.JSI fork For ?I I me. r It la stated that while at present are Will be only one boat placed con.aU.Ion la the bualnee* Juetl'if'the a lea on freight can be aer."?rra-?r'.r;; ehooves them to rally to Ub sap* art. After the eteeugrtn. tf.'BfihSr ahyea "here neat week with freight le will load for Baltimore and orfolk and then proceed to New dm where her cargo will be tyi ' Convention' I : 1 : - i_ i . ame One Officer 1 r Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Wtoo deeply 'Hipathtre with them la their troule. "V WLY OWB CABB I FOB TRIAL TODAY Mayor Frank C. Kngler had only HO caee before him thla morning i the City Hall for trial. Andrew reakeri. colored, waa indicted for sing a vagrant. The mayor snsanded Judgment provided the demdant left town by tomorrow forn ig at eight o'clock. This he agreed > do. . '.. . lRS.Ji.ll HOSTESS TO cnncTV uuulul I Jitertalned Th? Silver Chain First Methodist Church Yesterday Afternoon From 3.80 to t. Function Enjoyed. Yesterday afternoon from X.30 to o'clock, Mm James L. Maro cbartn agly entertained at her home?m last Second street In honor otrtlwHirer Chain of the First MethMiah rhumb and the oceaaton proved to is one of the most pleasant and enoyable of ths msny social fnhctions o occur In this city In unite awhile, 'he Hoetcea was gracloueness Itself! nd those present spent an afternoon arrylng with It nothing but oheer ind good will. The Blar of memory rill long linger over the ansplelous leeaelon. The hostess during the ittsmoen served delicious end emptlng refreshments. Those looted to eSUoy the hospitality of drs Mayo were: Mesdames O. A. tpsacar, Claude Waters, W. K Jalobsoa. J. W. Dallsy. L. E. Kldd. t. S. WeBs, W. H. Baker. W.'S. Iwtrdell, 8. C Pagram, Ororer Mayo. '. O. Morris. A. H. Phillips. O. A. Phillips, J. L. Phillips. F. T. Phillips, Jeorte I. Dan, Chorles Wahab, nenlamtn Taylor. James McClner. Jr., J sorgo Paul, Mrs Martin, Claud ill and. Ottis Win Bold. John A Ar:hur. Jesse Ross. I,. A Squires, gat Rom, Clyde Miller, Frasler WoolaT?. jORQ MCCJUHr. >.? t Misses Stella PhUtips, Olivia Jordam Haul, Oossens, Mabel Rlelts. 1111. WrUht, Ma'tle Stewmrt. ? n ; : >: Swat The Fly and 1 Theret A. Trajedv That Is Daily Beip munlty Where the Fly Spreads' its Deac ? ? ? " * ? ?*' 1 i 1 OtChdFd Heating to Freezing 4Bud p 'w~" 1 Washington, D. C., Mar. 20.?In cu many parts of this country the lato no spring frosts make it absolutely nec- of essary for fruit growers to adopt p? the practice of orchard heating In order to obtain annual crops of ly fruit- when the fruit buds pass F*\ through the /winker tafsly. This 111 is particularly true with all . tree -J fruits except apples and pears In bo the EXetevn antf^Southern States, and with all tree^frults ln^ffce Gen- th tral and Western states. Enough OI has been done in orchard heating t? throughout the'entire country to 6i prove Its efficiency and practicable Qf lty, but Utile bas^jeen done on the ty Etady of air currents^ heat radiation, Influence of slopes. hJtts, and sur- di rounding country generaUy on or- ^ chards where heaters have been t used. Following are directions for tr orchard heating prepared by a*spe- m eialist of the Department of Agrlcul- p, ture. ? ol There are many types of oil burn- ja ing orchard heaters of a!l sizes and ai shapes at prices ranging from tweir- B1 ty to-.seventy-flve cdnts each, ^he early ones were mostly email and ai aof the "lard pail" type while more p< .recent ones afe larger And roctang- d \il*r in shape. Bach manufacturer e CokW u IM 1 st Enemy ^ 1 {on \ f ' i >y Savejthe Child Roams at ^tll and lly Poison.f - * II Mil 11| f'*- - **** ' Save the ding Frith.TVfees ring catalogs o( the many types w on the market. Advertisements these appear uTHhe horticultural irlodicals. "The iard pall" type la extremeelmpie and serviceable, is easily ored because It nests and requires tie spaced It mby ae made by the ca? tinsmith If desired. A useful le is seven inches across at the ttom. nine lnchee at the top, and reive inches high. This will hold iree gallons of oil and burn,about ie quart per hour thus burning reive hours at one filling. Smallheaters have the disadvantage requiring to be filled often. This pe Is"* fitted with covers. The rectangular type is usually ided into a storage compartment th. being provided with covers, lie else of the flame can be eonoUed so as throw out little or uch heat depending upon the temirature of the air and the danger ft vnlnir Invar Th U t*n* la rge. rather coetfy, U eery aarrlooile and desirable, bat require# eon derablc storage spgee. It empty metal paint hags are ratlafttr tboy will the paries admirably aid will (Ire eplen4 reeplte. TSaj moat be prorldI with corere, rooflng elate dees iry well for thle porpoee, bnt It tuet be helj) In place by a weight ! some kind. m> city where tonight they will >mpete with the high eehool debat's of that town.. The same qo*oa will bo discussed In Elisabeth Ity as the one here. All who attend flxe exercises here n? evening no doubt witf be amply ?paid. The debaters here arb irell repared and hope to win out from ear Bern. It behoove* all thh cit?qs to turn out aad help the home pys by their presence and anclnlly. OUB8TS OF E. R. MIXON Mr. nnd Mrs. I T). Shorn of BayIde, N. C? were the goeeta laat ernlng of Mr. and Mra. E. R. Mlxon t their home on Went Second street tre. Eborn wae here for the purpose f v(siting her mother, Mrs. Martha llion of Ptnerlla, who has been ulte sink for the past sereral ' 1o1e>[ Mr. and Mrs- J. L Randall of Connecticut Made Interest Ins and Buourasing Addressee to the Body. After Uis regular basinoss reports end program at the meeting of the Woman'e Christian Temperance Pa- t< Ion held yesterday afternoon at (he e home of lire. Olivia Carman on e, Beipeee street, the occasion van . made doubly Interesting >T the la- h trodnotlon of two rial tore, Mr. and p Mrs. J. L. Randall, of Oroton, Con- u nectlcut. who era spending a lew t! darn as the guests o< Mr. nnd Mrs. p 8. W. Ayers enroute to tholr homo c, from Florida whore they here been spending the winter. Both these t< pood people era active workers In i. the great cause of Mmpormnoe, Mr. , 0 Rnndall being e member of both netloosl and atate prohibition oommltteon nnd also treasurer of the Connecticut prohibition fond. In a short talk to the ladles ha v said, "ha moat have bean horn a p prohibitionist as ho eoald not re- 1 member ever be log anything elae. a Re spoke of the greet change in pnb- d lie MDtlmdnt durinr the lut half century?how a Lata after state to coming over to Join the army ot it Ood which fights for tempearnce and 0 clean tiring until there can be no /tl doubt an to the final outcome. S k "When 1 think Of- thle army," said he, "I recall the story of two m brothers, soldiers In the Civil war. Z One en listed for .flvepsara, the oth- m wr^*tratll the ra^ttowr.' That to the way for us all to enlist In the world w'lde battle between right and wrong." . Mr?, Banded la president of the W. cTt. U. in her home city, and also In the county. She made a very Interesting talk about methods of work, how to keep on In spite of discourgements?tot "If Ood be on our side who can be against us?" rising vote of thanks was given the. speakers, the audience appreciating fully what a material help is contact with the earnest enthusiasm of 4hose who bear the brunt of the day. inrnF OR BOARDS Lf Hill: * i . One of th* beat vaudeville kU io be put on tho board* bar* tbl* | aaaaoo wea lb* OLa that waa on at | the New The*tar laat nlaht. "Hal- , lab * Hunter" a man and woman a comedy duo. Tbla act baa bean piay 1 In* all or Koltb'a bid bouaea. Wise i Hunter, tb* vtoUntat, waa certainly , a* artlat of bar llu*. The placoa that abe rendered on th* violin were well i worth the price of admlaalon. Miy , Hallan, th* comadlan, kept the bawd* i In a roar yvnry mlnuta that h* waa . bafor* th* footlights. Hie lobs* ware now and out ol the ordinary. Both tfb# artlat raoalrad (mat applauee from tb* rta* of th* curtain to tb* drop ol th* aama. It la lndaad a plaaaura to wltnaa* each clean high claaa acta that tb* NeeT Theater are now otTarinc th* public , Tbie act will b* bar* tonlfbt, Saturday matinee and night. They eboald bar* a full houae at erery performance I One could notice laat night that th*r* haa baan a great Improvement on th* claaa of picture* thla houe* la running. For th* on** laat night ware aplandd. Let's BwUd be Washington 1Mb OLD FASHION WATHR WI.I. , Cor* Haul. Haw Florida Cabbage, Ham Pork. 8wa*t Potato**. Turnip* and Rutabaga* at i. B. Adam*. Pbona ?7. ' NE\ Soost Community And Go 1 "-"i. Says 1 ? . .IK If LAST KIT HID Thpse attending the Lyric Thea?r last night wero simply delighted tth the high class pictures present4. All- the reela were up to date ltd nothing but the highest praise i heard today on all sides tor the arformance. The management Is taring no atone unturned to please telr patrons and judging by the rogram of last night they are suc?edlng admirably. In addition to the moving pictures might the Lyric announces Lang * loyd In vaudeville, said to be one f the beat now on the boards. TUB DOCTOR'S CLAIM a. Through the kindness of one ot Washington's leading and popular hyslcl^ns and burgeons. Dr. Joshua ajCoa. we are enabeld to give below mnat ATMtUnt artlrlA which (hn totor recently gleaned from a perineal. We quote: H? le generally modest In making . and- slow to (Mesa It. He Is selom a mer.-o ta** man. The pro sssion that sets for its followers a igh ideal of sur ilea do* not attract those who are primarily |M4 by greed for gala. Wltli the dvance in the cost of llflflfc- gfrysllans' tee* have not kept pais. The family doctor's" charges for visits ad for offlos calls are about what hey were twenty years ago. Indeed ie often renders more service for lea money: a patient, instead of otag to him In his offloe hours, will sk for advice- by telephone, and iany a good natured physician can ot bring himself to render bills for nch telephone conversation. When we and our families are rell, Nre do not think much about he doctor. We are g?ad to meet ilm on the street, for he la usually i cheery soul: w? are. If anything, he more oordlal for having no need :! him. * But when the need does ?ata}l. Is there any one else in the vorld whose coming we swalt with nch eagerness, whose gravity of len^csnor can so make our hearts top beating, whose cheerful smile an so uplift us? When we are inxlous or frightened, we summon ilm, and we d* not think, or care iow lneonvenlent It may be for him o answer our call at once; we are toneclous only of our own great ieea. *yb goi aim up uuv ui una, i ve take him away from his meals, so hare him come to us through] rind and rain and snow. And yet. how often, when the palent has recovered, and the doctor's >111 has been presented, do people lefer payment until some convenient teaccn! How seldqm do they con>ult the doctor's possible convenence! They know that he will probably not make him set: disagree ible and press /for payment, as some tradespeople with whom they have leal Inge may do; their sense of gratitude and obligation, which may have been enough in thelp hour of seed, Is already dulled; their normal selfishness Is in the ascendant. On the other hand, certain persons ?fewer in number?make a point of paying the doctor's bill ss soon so It Is rendered. They feel that only by such promptness can they show In a practical way their gratitude for service that Is for them literally without price. FORMER CITIZEN DIES . IN SANATORIUM Of STATE OP MARYLAND News bae boon received lu this city enouncing the death of Mr. R. E. Little who passed away Monday in a sanatorium la Maryland Monday last. For years Mr. Little traveled la thia section for the firm of William H. Crawford A Company and while a resident in Washington made a large circle of friende who regret exceedingly to hear of hit paea arcE WP \ . s? I) ^astor R. V. Hope 1 Gives Reasons Why All Should Attend Serviees Camp lgp Being Waged For Next Sunday Bids Fair to be a Decided Success in Wosblngton. Large Attendance Premised. ;, j (Br Her. R. V. Hope.) "Om ot tee beet tbtes> roe eSe do to booat your community li tofo t2j to Church Sundgy," has boon well aid by an enthusiastic goer. WaSBBmf^ lngton wishes to be alasslfled with the progressive towns of this MO* ' tton. Commercially we say, "get together." Educationally, we urge, progress and unity. Why not reeiCtOUSlyT Suppose you 'get yourself right on tug subject ot "Oo to church Sunday," then assist youf neighbor on Oo to church "Sunday." By the by, suppose we use another thought on "Oo to Church Sunday." Suppose every owner or grocery wagons and delivery wagon* and track* would carry a red banner j "Go to Church Sunday." Suppose every one planning a week end or some* trip or other or one entertainment of expected visitors would put first this abrupt, commanding, imperative, "Go to Church Sunday." ?Supoose every one who fears the church roof would cave in or. some J dire Calamity befall If he went to church?supose every such a sermon hardened, church-poor, calloused with Indifference sort of a souA would pause and hearken to this ringing call from the long ago, "Go to Church Suhday?" Supposing all this is done, and Washington shows a get together spirit on this proposition Just for this once and makes it unnanimousT It would be a happy day in' Washing ton. Let's do it?I mean, "Go to Church 8unday." And by the by, when you go, you, who are not "steady regulars" as oOes church going, try to sit In relatively same place you used tb sit long , * ago. Por instance I. would want to go aboQt half way up the right hand alsCe. Having gotten your place . * glanced around to see if things are as they used to be?the organ, the pulpit, the stained glase * windows. 1 venture you.will think along certain lines.. > >, The place will be?Holy place? ana you wiii be rem in a ?a or tne storied walls and painted windows of your own aspiring 'heart when Aglow with youth. And looking ' the' dearest and beat fgjpn^y of life will come trooping up ffWffthe long ago. And meditating, it will come afresh to you as you think of the church an your home, and the church apd your community, the church and your life, that the church is truly !i? heart pulsing strength to tha best in all life. And strange you had been through many, many busy years crowding oat by en undervaluation that which ~ Is as it once was a spiritual necessity; this you learn when you'"Go to ' ? Church -Sunday."' Make it unanimous on March 21, 19X4 I mean "Go to Church Sunday." MR. IRA FAUX WHO HAS BEEN QUITE ILL IS NOW IMPROVING The many rriends of lfr. Ira Faux will be pleased to learn that be is now on the road towards recovery. For the past tea days he has bees suffering from an attack of pneumonia. Lyric Theatre Tonight m On Monday, Tueaday and Wedaee- % day. March 11. 14 and II wiU present - \ ,:.V . $9 LANG * IX) YD This actt la direct from the large northern circuits and should please every lover of good vaudeville. ' ' ' ^ ^