IdHpty Supt. j mvm? * rjT - Mmmnu - -1 To Citizens. ?1 ri 4 ' * ' ? (By dept. W. o. Prlr?u?) bit to aouuatnt the people ^ot'the couti with mr Mm about school apeak to them throoah the columns ft the dally and reckly pwp.r. If anr maa doe* not pyroc with my polls* I mil be ?l.d to hive him ?-??. _ - at.ta Wa rnnnnnih halMleg up a* adeqaete KM ayaUrn. > ayatam that moele the neadi "Md aehool houeo" of former derm Uat W waMta the county to malntikMkf oaeh mambar of klo family and at Moat-one for eyP*? - avr MM kooee la tka eommunlty. Back a ayotem, If malntala. would ba undeelroble. If oar saotlTOa arara purely commercial, era coald not afford pack a ayatam, for oaa well-equipped graded aehool will aabaaoe the value of arery plape of property la^a community more tkdn If tkera ware a IMIle one-teacher acbeal OB each at Mm four corner* at every farm. Tka moat vital Creation la not ba* near la tha aehool loootid to oar ovrn doora, hat how eCcleat la the aehool. Faople have leap alnee reailsod that ao loag aa We Ilea lo a eoclety aad enloy tha Stasia of it. we moat cenalder tka ganeral good aa vat] ao oar own. 1 do not believe that we un re* right to ?0 coot the bcnnge of school district that H win bo Impossible tor somo chlldren to attend ochoo! wlthoat makIn* MUM arrangements for transpor~ tattoo kit I <d bolloo* that wa *wM work tor the (raotaot good Pta tba greatest mnbar. the ugh la aa doing tome oaa may bo pat to goats dlaagraataga The following Igares collected tram teadhars' raports may bo of Interact to Uooo, vko nag this artlete Than ara schools in tho county t* follows: moron baring mot mors thas 1 to It pnplls la dalyl atI , tardaaoc; twalra with not mora thah It to 111 thirteen with onlj 1' to *0; and also with tram 10 to 1'. Tho eoot par month for taadhlag a Pkyn In a school of onlr Board Intercepts \of Cottdi . -N/ ^Washington D. C.. "Wyth 1?P= Tha Tadarnl Hortlcnltnarl Boar* hat f latarcaptad a shipment of cotton ant from Egypt which wan fcaad tc ha heasily lafaated hy tho eo-callet ptak boll worm Thla la a result oi tho Quarantine against cotton eee<! which was promulgated by tha Boar! sometime ago. Tha seed which wai Inteded tor pUnttof~in Arizona ar fired In Boaton, where the customi Tha n'ak boll worm la the mos t serloo. cotton peg| In Egypt., li VAtrABLB^raOTEOTT^ \bout The Work THE DIFFERENCES ?For test Good Greatest "Number ' ' "" . Ve Do Not Want; the high* i Cannot Keep?Discuss ImId Be Carefully Read By All VT ' N \ f. MM twelve In dally attendance ta 12.86, In a school of 15 the cost la 62.08, and in a school whose dally attendance Is twenty-Aye the cost per pupil la 61.26. You will notice that aa the number In dally attendance increases the cost per pupil decreases. These facts answer lu & convincing way the argument of those who oppose consolidation on the ground that It la a scheme to raise school taxes. On the other h*^ ft la not a plan to get along With less hchool funds, bnt to nae more efficiently the fonda that are available. The ehancea are that every consolidated district will eventually become a special tax dtstrlct for as schools Increase In efficiency, which Is eays enough. The one-teacher tlon, Just so does the demand fbr better schools Increase and the people become mote able to aupport them. No man doubts that n good school la the best' Investment, and wlth'tfce church la the greatest asset any community can have. v ^Qulte often I an* approached with this question from a man who ' is diametrically opposed to consolidation and special tax. Why la It that our school has to take every year, a young. Inexperienced teacher while the one we have trained leaves us for some other school? The answer Is easy enough. The one-4eavher school seldom secures the services of the same teacher {or the second term. Because, if Incompetent, she usually gets disgusted with the whole business and quits altogether after tho first year, or if she haa In her the making of a good teacher she feels that after one year her apprenticeship has been served a^ she Is competent to take charge of.a larger school. ' \ wnen we consider tne situation In the ono-teaeher school, of low salary, promotion to larger schools ap soon as the teacher becomes competent to do well tho work In the smaller scbol, the desire of the teacher (or companionship with her e^laborern In larger, schools. It becomes plainly evident that we have jio grounds upon which to expect teaching in these small one-teacher school: to ever become more than a makeshift occupation. The Incompetent teacher you do not wa^: the high y efficient teacher yog cannot keep Other phases of consolidation wtli appear In these columns from tlnu to ttig*. ' . ^ t-'y . Shipment % Sent From Egypt ^ - ^TthaCcountry ltd oet at much dam i age as~~tbe boll wevil In this eoun i try. Thevb^slbtllty of reducing th< i damage It causes has been consider I ed by governmental commissions an< r conference/ for several years. Lik I the boll Aeeevll, it works, for th I greater part of its existence wtthli i the bolls! "Frequently it makes It - trey Inside tljo seeds, where It cai Uve for an Indefinite time." In fac i In experiments performed In th ( Ministry of Agricotlure In Egypt 1 was found that tbw worms here Hi t ed for m long as seven months 1 > seed In storage chased one lot facing on Harvey 8 and another facing on Harvey etreo Th. trustee, at th. church, will ui I s i niTti nv nni/ 1 frVYV ' 1 I La Lf If I III I I I III 111 II 111 I II v L UV Iv n I li I r n \ I \ , |J | y | ? LI 11U ft nrkiPiunT II K r |i r 1111 I r __ - , . " Was Married to Mlaa May Stewart CuthrlU ot Sallabury Wadneaday Evening Last. Now on Tour. * Mr. William C. Aran, WMhlnf^ ton'a efficient city clerk, end MU? May Stewart Cothrell, ware married kt the residence ot ttte bride in Salisbury n. C.. on Jaat Wadnee- fl day. evening. Tha Salisbury Poat of Maroh 19th contains the tollowing amount of the wedflln* wMeb no ^ doubt will be read with Inter eat by their numerous frienda here. The Post says: Announcemenjta reading as follows, have been issued: Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cuthrell Announce the marriage of ' their daughter d Mary Stewart i to c Mr. William C. Ayera 11 Wednesday, March 18. 1914 * Salisbury, North Carolina At Home * After April let,. 11 Washington, NTJrth Carolina. The wedding, which was solemn- * uea last evening at o cjock, at the home of the brfile'a ^parents on '8outh Fulton street, was characterized by simple beauty and impresalveaeaqf * / The home waa beautifully deoorat ed for the event, masees of daffodils being used In the hall and living room, while the farjvr. where thtf .hfcrediouy wab performed was lovely with Innumerable wax candles and evergreens. The vows were assumed before an effective group of palm3 and ferns. The bride #ho neved looked !ovHer than on this'occasion, wore a stylish tailored suit of King blue cloth with bouquet of Ulliee of the valley. Her maid of honor -and only attendant waa Miss Mae McCorkle w ho waa handsomely gowned lh plok crepe cbarmeuse, trimmed with brows chiffon. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Fred Ayers of Washington, Tt. C., as best man. . Dr. Dyjon Clark Impressively peftormed the ceremony using the beautiful ring service of the Presbyterian church. Only 'relatives and close friends ot ths bride and groom Were present. Mr. and Mrs, Ayers were driven to "the station where they took a southbound train for a honeymoon trip to Bt. Augustine and other point in Florida. The bride of last evening cornea of a distinguished lino of ancestry and to her heritage of beauty ' ndd mental endowments she adds a vivacious manner, a winsome personality and ^nature of rare sweetness. 8he Is a beauty of the blond type and her unusual combination of golden hair with large brown eyes called forth ttte admiration of all who know her. ' Mr. dyers [b tho son of Mr. B. W. Ayers and Is ono of Washington's - most popular and prominent young business men. He holds the position of city clerk and la a young man. of fine business ability and admirable [ traits <5f character. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers wlU be at home to their friends In Washington N. C.. after April 1st. ;?EOr i nans BSMO a . i On aconnt of yoiterdey being "Oo I. to Church Sunday" In Washington t. tho contemplated week end cruise ? by tha Suth Dlylsion North Carolina y Naval MHIt'a on the V.IM States lr TUrpedo Boat Foot# to Oeraoohe was postponed. Instead of taking the crloee the officers decided to' give ie like memberi en opportunity to at!&' (end the re.nacttva Sundar school. _f ? pew. v. u uuutea/ *? and church serrlces In the city. Ill The cruise will be pulled off at a V r'..i - I K If"" ~ 'j JLa HHfl v ^^7'.-; kr-to-Church Sunday Wu Well Patronized Notwithstanding the Elements Were Against It J iNOTHER MI SUffitSIED in The Paators of the City Delivered SerincOa Suitable To The Day. Sunday School Enrollment Large.;-V The weather Btsa It oneavored yesterday to fire us all hat was coming our way and in onesqoenoe "Go to Church Sunday" 1 Washington lacked the sttendsnce t the respective -churches planned nd hoped for. However, the atsudanoa notwithstanding the ale aente worked against it, was lar;er than usual and man/ strakgs ad new (aces were seen in the ilacee of worship. If the da/ had been favorable no loubt but "Go to Chui** Sunday" rould hare been a record breaker, rhe pastors of the oity were expect, ng and looking for great thlng?. ad the regular church gopse wale ubilaat over th* outlook tof a greet hurch attendance. The respective pastors of the city >ad prepared suitable sermons for he day, and while. they were all lelivered, they were heard by much mailer congregations than if the lay had been more propitious. Already the suggestion has been made hat Washington have another "Go o Church Sunday." The idea is ertainly not a bad one and it Is; toped tht an announcement will eon be forthcoming. At the First Methodist Church pastor Snipes delivered a thoughtful lisoourse from the topic: .'Man's Individual Resposibliityt." At the Episcopal Church, due to the bad ireather, the rector, Rev. N. Harding ?ulA not fill his pulpit, so the service was conducted by lay reader rohn QJ Bragaw, Jr. Mr. Bragaw read a very interesting sermon on 'Indifference." Pastor Searlglit of tuo * ir?i rrwoTionifl Lourcn, spose with force and though^ from" the subject. "Compelling Them to Come [&;" at the Christian Church the congregation heard with pleasure iS entertaining and thoughtful dleoouree on "Constancy" by the pastor, Rev. R. V. Rope; those present ah the First Baptist churob were dellhted and charmed with the sermon deltvered by the pastor, Rer. R. L. Gay, from the topic: "Going to Church with Gladness." There was a good attendance at all the Sunday school*. While the elements worked the other ?aj there was an Increased attendance worshipping in the respective cburefc ea "Go to Church Sunday" in the <*? Jt-. .' . * muif i VAUDEVILLE I flUOAli l The opfenlng attraction at U< New Theater tonight for three day Is another of those high class act of the well known Keith's. "Vl< tor LeRoy and Mae Cahill" will res dor the lateat sonys and Joke# Jui ont. This act and the next one are among the best that there Is o this circuit. One good feature abou this class of vaudeville Is that yo are certain of not seeing or hearin anything rulgnr or euggeetlve eltht la tanging, or drm. The net. ai stmply what the public should d * WarCH 23 1914 nr 5l?H Professor M. C. S. Noble or State University Will Speak Thursday. School Entertainment Friday Night There it to be en educational rally held et the OeylordjKitiool bouse in Beth township next Thursday and Friday and the ^prospects ere tau.t a large number will attend. The feature Qt the rally will be an educational a4drees on Thurtdey at' leren o'clock by Prof. M C. 8. No-! Me of the University of Nrrth Carolina. Mr. Noble it dec^ of the | school of eduoatloa'at the Unlver lty and la doing a great work In; hit line throughout the state. On Frl I day the members of this thriving and .flourishing school will give sn en- | terrtalnment. All the dttsens In the oounty, especially those interested in the great cause of education, are cordially Invited to be present. HDD VirTMTC flub flblUUO SLIM Although "the debaters from the New Bern High School won with hands down In tnelr Joint debate with the Washington boys %t the .school auditorium last Friday night It will be good news to the patrons of the school to learn tl|at the Wash lngton representatives who went to Elisabeth City where they discussed the same question there were victornous. At Elisabeth City the de- ' baters from here had the negative clde of the question and from all reports acquitted themselves nicely? anyway the Judges gave a unanimous decision in their favor. Washington's representatives at Elisabeth City were Measrs. Charles Proctor and Hubert Ellis. The query was, . "Resolved, That the Constitution of I North Carolina be so amended as to allow ths Initiative and referendum, in state legislation/' Congratulations are being showered on the debaters of thla city who have returned from Elisabeth City bearing with them the paime of victory. WILIi REHEARSE THE I CANTATA TONIGHT AT MBS. ?. M. CARTER'S. All the members ot the First Methodist Church choir ere requested to meet at the home of Mrs. D. Csrthr this evening at 8 o'clock for | the purpose of rehearsing the Easter music. ; Demand Made Fc Bred C( j I Washington, D. C.. Mar. S3.?One of the most Important effects of the eradication of the Texas fever cattle tick In the South and the consequent release of large areas from quarantine has been the development of a demand among farmeri In the released area por pure bred cattle to Improve their native etock especially beef cattle. Many re | quests have reached the Dejpartmem >ot Agriculture for assistance in ob tain in g such animals. Farmers It this territory often do not knov where or how to buy and do not fee I confident in their own Jpudgmen * aa to what to buy. To meet th< * situation the Bartfeau ot Anlma Industry recently snggeeted a co l* operative arrangement bet^eei II breeders' associations and the Far " infers Cooporatlvte eDmonstratloi n Work of the Department of Agrlcul 11 tore, whereby sales conld be hel u at which purchasers could be aseui ? ed of fair dealing. ,r The Pleat suggested that the ai B" sales in southern territory as aa at ? aoelaUon. that It would guaranty >- all animals offered and wuld aesua I all responsibility for tbem and a ' I expeaaes connoeted with the sale ?| The Department In turn would fu | ntsh Information concerning the n 7 A i v = Boat Line Managet Wish Co-ope Cit mil ~ SCHOOL sure pi.* wm Be Presented For Benefit of The Washington High School Athletic Association. ( Larfee * rowd Expected. u in R The Ithaca Conservatory Enter- ti talnment Trio will be the attraction at the JPutftlo School Auditorium Jn (hie evening and the occasion prom- 01 lses to be one of lntereet and en- m tertainment. This well knows __ at-' traction comes to Washington, under Be the auspices and lor the benefit of al the WMhCngton High Bchool Athletic Association and it is hoped that the entertainment will be generous- Dl ly patronized thereby helping: and y< aiding the athletic association in their efforts to hare a first class base ball team this peaaon. Tickets are; now on sale at Worthy ft Ethertdge t0 drug store. The trio is reputed to be one of the best of its kind now t0 touring the south. The prices are. w 15c. 35c and 60c. hBSP*= nu snnnnuT di Ufl AIM E E ? i" On account of the Inclement weath er ycaterday the meeting of the Ba- y( raca-Philathea City Unloh advertise- u ed to hare been held at the Chrle- N tlan Church yesterday afternoon at y three o'clock, had to be postponed until ncxt Sunday. The speaker of w the occasion will be Hon. H. U. Ward, C{ whose subject will be: "The Early ^ Closing of Stores." Universal re- p( gret was expressed yesterday that the'weather Interfered, however, all the members of tl e union are lrok- ^ lng forward to the coming of next ? Sunday with gusto for a rich treat g i awaits them through the address j of Mr. Ward who is one of the city's c attractive speakers. Not only will t ' the address be one of the features Q hut a delightful and entertaining program will be carried out WELCOME VISITOR Among the welcome visitors to Washington today Is Mr. W. O. Meeklns of Jessama, N. C. VN ' t >r Pure zttle Now in South I i through1 agents and demonstrators i of the Farmers' Cooperative Demonstration Work stationed' in the 8outh. * > This plan was approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, and the \ first asociation with wl^lch it was 1 put into effect was the Amercian , Aberdeen-Angus Association. The first sale by the asociation under the t cooperative plan was held at Mont gomery, Alabama on February S, > and was a tfectded success. The catr tie were not Immune to Texas fever I and had not been Inoculated, but t wont to farms which are free from ? tick infection. The asociation is so I well satisfied with its Initial expertment that it la planning other sales I to be held at other points under the - same arrangement a The Department believes that this I- arrangement will not only be of d great value to southern farmers in - Improving* their live stock, but that it presents and added field of usefulh ness for breeders' associations "by d broadening in a perfectly legitimate way the market for enlmale owned * by its members. It Is hoped tfcat e arrangements similar to that now II In effect wife the American Abers. id eon-Angus Association may be perr fected with other life stock breeders le associations \ *3 * ' ration of y s Business Men teamer Shaw Will Arrive Here This Week ccreUry Chaa. A. Flynn, of The Chnmbar of Commarce In Receipt of Letter From The Superintendent of Transportation. ''mmmm -""'.fwB Secretary Charles. M Flynn , of 1 ie Chmber of Commerce is Jut i receipt of a letter from Frank S. elly, superintendent pf trans portion of Ike proposed'steamboat line ' jl ?tween Baltimore. Norfolk, Washigton and New Bern, with refer- ^ ice to the establishment 6f thin uch-needed enterprise for this seoon. The letter folly explains ltlf nd should be carefnlly read by ' '. jJ 1 the merchants and business men. New York, Mar. tl, 1914 Dear Sir:?Your teelgram to Capt. eakyne received for which I thank ' } >u. It'll.expected that the steamer 3haw" will be In Norfolk Wedneely ready to load on her frst trip Washington and New Bern. I ust you will use your good innuence induce all of yonr tnasefcaafta It wist in every way possible to make e vontur? * successful on*, and I .J m assure yon wa wll give yon tha 1 sry best service obtainable between lar plaos and HorfMk and Baltlora at a very niach cheaper rata lan you now obtain. I will be in Sortolk on Wedneety and would appreciate , it rety uch if yoc would request your mer iants to write me In care of Vicria Hotel lust what roods they tve there that we can loadon WedMday. If they will give me the imes of the concerna from whom leir goods will come I will advise ich concern Just where the steamer Shaw" will dock in Norfolk. I have not had an opportunity as st to arrange a freight rata achedle between New Bern, Washlnkton . C., Norfolk and Baltimore, but ou can rest assured our charges 'ill Indeed be very reasonable. X ish this undertaking to be a auc?ssful ono and wish to cooperate 1th your people In every respect osslble. Please be on the lookout for back ( relght for the steamer from your lace to Norfolk or Baltimore. The Shaw" should be ready to return tbout the first part of the followng week, and you can advise your nerchanta that she should be ready o load in Baltimore for down trip ibout the latter part of same week. Thanking you for the kindly inter , st you have taken in this matter, Yours most respectfully. FRANK 8. RELLY, Supt. Transportation. Please advise of suitable place or steamer to dock In Washington, A Bitter Tongue* It was at a concert. The eminent Jiunlst was embarked npon an amblions olasatcal program. The single to llvldual present who bad paid for hi? Icket turned toifli right band neigh>or, obviously by his bored and supe< 1or air a person whose business It was ;o attend concert*?a musical critic. "Beg pardon." said the Individual, n>ut isn't tbat something of Chopto*i -that last number7' "It Is," replied the critic roorosely"wben somebody else plays it"?New fort Poet Lyric Theatre W1U present tonight LANG * LOTS \ 'j the famous tango dUMn. Th?r will also Oh in, with good Jokos and itnglng. Thta act haa played la all of Katth'a honaaa and comas hare aot only hlghlr reeommaad*d by the than bat olio hp all of tha large tmin both Bootharm ond northern. Entire change Al of program Met night. Tor tha last half of thla waak the Lnrlc wlahaa to annoonoa ther win praeaat "Wily La OaUaa 1 and Wife." Comedy Hinging Entertainer*. Thla 1s aa antra oelrar aot and la ahaolatalp gaerantead to plaaaa erery oaa.

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