? ? * -m Vol. I ^ n 11 nnpiv y 1(1 \P HI || . aW-elta* .. " '? ^^ ifoifoto Hear Him, Ut. tleorga b. Bargees. a uiln ot Itbcth Carolina, but now a Mb! * dial of Al'aska, U to ipoak in WSshlactoa tomorrow afternoon and night. Tomorrow afternoon at the City Hall Mr. Burgess la to eddraes the Woman's Auxiliary ot St. Pet11 * ar't Episcopal Pkrlah and oa tomorrow nttht at Matt d'clOck h. will laotora at qf. Pyuf Eplaeopal Church. This loctara win ba~fllnat_ tratod by laptorn altdes from photographs mada especially for tha , parpoao and will undoubtedly prora ot mach Interest to all who attend. All are lnrltod and nrtod to take adraataco of thla excellent oppor* tnntty. Kr..Bar(aaa le not unknown hare aa ho waa tor eoyaral rostra a studoat at Trinity School, Chooowlntty, an dor Rot. N. C. Hughes and has many schoolmates and friends la Waahlagtoa sad Boaofort coanty. Bo baa bona la Alaska for the past 11 TO rears aa lay missionary under the Board ot fUaaloata ot the Epls -/ . ( copal church aad to wall aaauaod o . " to apeak oa condttkms la tkat country aad the neede Of. 1U people. The , tooauro will bo froe end all (he dt T8UOR8 YK8TKRDAY* Stsaage, V. M. Butt and r. 0. Butt of Boaaerton. N. C., wora taaaiw baalaaai rial lore to the Attp * II >T. "n>ar arrlred Ola. tSife**- - 1 - , ffUUm) TO A NKW coat op rim Tha handing oeeupted bjr Greek Odta la tad balag treated to a new aaat prpejat whieh when completed iWMWrdltah^o the attraeUraoeaa For A sheville F _ jgotbar Ur baa been added to tbajrniatu Ooaraatloa which maeU ?? 4#P?nW WMtwto morning, ?th. r ? Baatdaa tha drlaa orer tha foraat plaatatloae of tha BBtaora aaUta oa Wednaeday altaraooh, and the trip Into the pdn* (orwu ot Mt. tfltchall ?MB TinrwiBr two mnat In tereatiag trip# hare b*?n arranged lor Friday, April 1*. TW management of the Champion _ Fibre Company, the largest paper palp mill In tha aoath. hag Invited the delegates to go orar their fae' tory st Canton, II mllea bjr rail from AahOTlllo. Tha trip will be ' made In the morning eo that tha party may be bach la AeMerllle for uiin : in mi IMS I 4' ' The Lyric Theater It delighting lta patron thla weak If those who attanod this wall known playhouse last night are lodges. No bettar " nor more entertaining vaudeville not hae bean seen In Wasttlnaton thla aaasoa. Lang and Lloyd, tho tango daocora, are there- with tho gooda and plsasa aid delight from start to flntah. Not only was the rmndarllla act soma olsaa but the mating -ttetoree were far atxrre the i average. The entire performance I last night area creditable and tha p ' ' program for tonight promlm. to VASA new mum MS CUT LAST NICHI Leroy and Cahlll In Their Bon Ton Singing At This Playhouse Reputed to Be One. of the Beat of Season.. "LeRoy and Cahlll" in Bon Ton singing and entertaining at, the New Theater last night opened the first three hight's engagement with the best act that has been here so far this sc-asoti. When the curtain rose on this act it Showed a street scene In Chlng town of New York city. With the street and buildings all aglow with electric fltamlnatlon. There j was a chlndso restaurant soene. also a Chlneso smoking den. the rise of the curtain the artists weHi seated lh the restaurant dining.' ^nldst the clinking of glasses they rendered a very good rang, then they came out intd the street and palled off tome of t&e best Jokes that have i been heard hs**. The.. song that LeRoy sang Chinese opium den In regard to feeling rich wk? great. Tho Photoplays were excellent. "The Waif of the^Desert." a two reel feature, was one of the best that they ! have had. For the last half of thJa weak this house has an act called "The Luna Ue and the Prima Donna " This Is sometiHng different from any act ..that has ever bean here. MM. BALDtOFF 18 OfniKO ALONG NICELY AT WASHINGTON HQ8P1AL lfrt. Bafikoff, wife of "Harry the Tailor'* who a faw dayo ago underwent. an operation at the WwhUfton Mospfcal Is reported today as dfclng nicely. This will be gratifying news to her many friends. VIBiTlIfU ftSRE. M4s. Herbert Griffin of Swan Quar ter, N. C-. la the guest of her sister Mrs. H. M. Mips* ?t her home on Bast Second street. ' * 'rips Arranged 'orestry Convent"n * | dinner. As sn alternative trip to this Mr. I ixrals Carr has Invited the Convention to visit the operations of the Carr Lumber Company at Flagah i Forest. This company. It will be recalled, is the one which list year bought two hundred and fifty mil! Hon "feet of timber from Mr. Vanderbtlt with the understanding that It would be cut under strict forestry rules. Mr. O .W. Price, of [Washing ion, u. u., tne forester, under whose supervision the timber te being cut, will be. of the pnrty and will explain the-methods Which are there being employed. This trip, llkfe.the one to Mt. ! Mitchell will take most of the day, | the train returning from there arriving at AshevUle at alx o'clock. lit [Mil Clli ' r- . fH Ithaca Conaervatorr Entertalnment Trio waa thj attraction at the llih eohool auditorium laat cvaolni and notwlthataadtnc the audtaaca was email, theae praaant enjoyed each and every number. The eatlra.aompany ware artteta In thalr nam The entire areolar legged net In labereet a single moment The entartatament waa given under (he aaepleea add far the Mnedt of the 'Hlak' Pcho I Athletic Aaeocln^tlon. "'.r 11VT# ^ I \l|k i irNVjr L v/IN J w?*H|B?IW( i*d W*d*??d*y^ 1^V*y WASHINGTON. N. C. Tgs^|AFTERNOON ' I I I H K M ^K>i, I I One Fly Foot Mold, On, Million Germ,, itile &p You Die. Choo~. Why Not Kit) Them hi *in- ^ < ; ' ' ' ' " r- W...,. ? ??o*o iuu/i 9 yrww unemy. ? . Ul_l *" v Sfwat Hhn! , . ** % . Daily News Near Poet > * ' Now In The Lime Light . . UK"; v-?? * . '?T?: r Tho Daily Sews takes pleasure in introducing its "Near Poet" to its readers and challenges the Oharlotto Observer the Wilmington Star and other North Carolina journals to heat us. Notwithstanding this is the first effort of our Would-he bard we feel confident that other contemporaries most at once look to their laurels, fprdtf-fhey come back it is tho-istention of our man to go thfcp one better. As a sample of what he can do we give just a gentle hint below. For the present we withhold his name?hbWever, if demanded by anyone feeling personally aggrieved ft will be gladly furnished. \ ' V . " AS Y'OC LIKE IT. How much did Philadelphia, Pa ? .Whose grass did K. C. Mo ? How many eggs could Now Orleans La ? How much does Cleveland OI What was it made Chicago 111 ? Was it Washington, N1 CI She would Tacoma, Wash, in spite Of Baltimore, Md. . J t When Hartford and New,ijaveu, Conn, What Reuben do tbey soak I. Could Noah build a Little Rock, Ark 1 ? If he had no Guthrio, Ok? * Wo call Minneapolis, Minn, Why not Annapolis, Ann? If you can't tell the reason why, I'll bet Topeka, Kan. But now we speak of ladies, What a Butte, Montana, it 1 i If I could borrow Memphis, Tenn. I treat that Jackson, Miss. Would Denver, Colo, Cop Because Ottumwa, la, adore 1 And though my Portland, Me., doth love, '! I threw ray Portland, Ore 1 flCCPNnCDQ "wrt Clirk, drunk. Fined $1 UriDnUGUO Co, drunk, n..d ? ISC VCD COD 'Tom Belt, colored, drunk. Fined flilalf uH run r?.;, d*,^,, IIIAI ITIfll conduct. Fined ii and com. II III I n IIIU William Jackeon. colored, retailvlULHIli ra ia I1UU1IIIVII Frank Teat, dleond.rly oonduet. ' Fined ?6 and cost. Meror Kagffr'i court for Monday mrrrRXKp FROM THK1K . wan mora than llvalr toa tharo ware . _ . . *. . . ??. before'blm tor ?... g .. *?*,"?* Drunks aaemad to ba more oon.ptc- NIGHT TO FIXlRIDA uou. than n.oal a. tour o*aad.r. Mr Mr^ w c. rKm. wear charged with .hi. crime. The M vnnl4( tnm brll., following cantee were dlapoaed of: tour to snutharn cltlaa. Tber ware Qeofgo HIM. retailing. OMltF. married on Wedneadar avaalng last Xound ovar to the Superior Court, at the bomb of the bride la 8411aOllver Cradle, drunb. Fluad It burr. N. C.- Mr. and Mrs. Amu tad eoet. are boarding at tho home of Mr. W. John R. Perry, drunk Fined |l Clerk on Bridge etraet. S x _ , ' )AIli ? r" MARCH U MM. . . n* 1914 mm 1 tpa Hob w C redfltm. Secretary of Commerce h President Wilsons r?Mnet W!? e : U'ver Addre s June ft ^*: t* : . Z . . (By H lt. vFliil.ni ChsjMil Hll , March 21.?The 1911 cdiximenccmont program of the Uni .cr?Uy of North Caroline h&a heen STifiDCC>. "with reaufct to the stcurix.g of the chief speaker* for the Qcttti-ioa. ; Lon'.;-\v t . it a - id. -United Stated Secretary of ' Commerce, will make the cMef addres^ . i.JW^nostlay June 3. The bacca Mtureate kefmon will bo de rve-ed > Sunday. May 31. the o. u. it conuneaceaan: Dr Kdga. P :ii ilttP1 dt.CUicd|;0: divine, wiij uo.ivc <3U? aeemon.? The Y. M. C.'A. sermon, ko be delivered Sunday night; will be made . by Dr. O. E. Brown, a teaoher in . VhnderbiU University Thoologlcal School. Judge Van Wyck, a lawyer , of New York ctty; will make the alumni speech on Tuesday, Juns 3. Judge Augustus Vaji Wyck graduated from the University of North Carolina With the class of 1864. Other than being a.srell known lawyer ol Broadway, he has Long been interested in New York Rata politics. He was once a candidate for. governor of New Yeyk, making the race against Theodore Roosevelt. In addition to them feet ares on the pro ilBIU, WW/ ! O IIIMfim yi arattons for reunions at the coming cooamenoagMBt Two classes?1904 and 1909-?are exerting special atclass return on thla homecoming evantv High school debating societies, 1 civic clwba, women's clubs, farmers' t unions and other similar organise- ? tlons of the state will find a store- t house of valuable Information in a j handbook printed by the Bureau of y Extension of the University of North l Carolina. i "Public Discussion and Debate," < Is the title of the 54 page booklet j carrying Information on almost all the lire-/ every-day topics concern- < Lng North Carolina Issues. Among the many subjects that receive brief attention in this useful handbook are: Race segregation, compulsory oducstlon, child labor, convict labor, rural credit and agricultural cooperation, engineering assistance to counties, taxation, commission form of government, woman.suffrage * recall of judges, etc. The booklet 1 expresses as Its chief purpose that of atimulatlag public dlsdbsslon In i the debating societies of the high ; schools. Toward the furtherance of j that end, the sixth and last division ( of the bulletin outlines a model con- , ratutlon for high school lltreary , societies to pattern after i In a series of lectures bsfory the , student body in the college cbapnl th#? nut ?mV lha nantmHtt ut forth tome fact# coucorning Nortu , Carolina'* industries.. There are t in excess of 200 species of trees In t the state, attributable to the IliTcrencc^ ot climate In many portions or the state. North Carolina controls and utilises 75,000 horsepower of it* watorpower, with this amount easily capable of an incerase of five tlmee those figures, provided all the -treams available were harnessed. Specimens of practically all mtnsrals .are found in the state, although the precloifs minerals are rare. North Carolina mine# a larger quantity of mica than any bthet state in the Union. Lyric Theatre LANG A LO YD The Famous Tango Dancers With an entire change of program This house was taxed to its capacity last might with ? highly pleased audience. We bespeak for them tbO greatest reception ever given tn this town at tonight's performance./Ask last night's visitors. 1 For the last half of the week. Thurt| day, Friday and Saturday nights we will present "Andrew* and Thompson" one of the grantee! accesses of the sennon. Picture Program guaranteed to be the best evor exhibited In this town. Prices 10c and 18c. tkmmday *8* Ww Night, flaws Tser Coupons. , - r- nf^ ~ ; pie social mm blu'e ids. eve. ill Be Given Bv The Ladta For The Benefit of the Bap tl' Church Building Fund ill \re Cor ally I vlted. .. n* Junior Aid Rociqty of tht Fi.'at liaptlst cbur<h will givu a Pk >Tr u; ji ho basiment of the Morton tut d 3i 01* Mi'.u street to jner j i. t> t iv Fallcc Harbor Slot nu ThuTbday <\-n?ng from eight tc m <?r. th rty o\k' ->-. T: e pubiU i-a. a .orula! nvltatlon b> attend ~Dd ay tho la<I *e of the church an .1 - f a pic of some kind :? <- ? .r.? "U-irlnf? fratu.e" ' -L-n iccln: !. gfv fs-bengal Mre* 3ti'.:ilni which la to he erected at the come: of the now Baptlit church building :he near future and It behoovwwH the cltlsens to attend, and tnerebv aid a cause that Is more than worthy. uW delayed dy keel The pafaesger train -of itae Norfolk Southern running ftoto Norfolk to Raleigh and due to arrive here beween three aod four o'clock did tot arrive until six o'clock yesterday kfteraoon. The dftlay was caused IV a wrrwlr nf .Vp>(*h? tnla n. tk. pad a few mlles^touth of Plymouth vhen two freight cars were derailed, n consequence <>f the reck the paslonger train had to run via Mack17a and Bishop's Cross in order to -each this station. Three Fourths t f to Rail Road Sc Reports for the winter Are seaton In the southern Applachalna cot srlng the months of January and February Just received by the forest service show that the winter has been dry and that fires have occurred on land which the government s acquiring under the provisions of ;he Weeks law. While these two nonths are normally not so dry as :he fall of the spring fire season, serious fires may occur in an open sinter though they are not usual. During January there were nine Iree, five of wbioh covered more lh>? 1A -- ? >? ? *v ?vico cavu. id pooruiry here were ten, of which only two ipread over more than ten acres. [RACK TEI IS ASSURER j cm Everything looks good for Washington having a crack team this sea son. Prom all appearances the boyi of the High School have an excelleni chance for taktng first place amonf the high schools of the state. The] are going to give a box supper nexl Priday night for the purpose of so curing funds to defray their expen ses to Chapel Hill on April S. when they are to oonteet in the state meet Elbert Weston is the 100-yard jnai and la pronounced a good one; whll< Fred Moore and Dave Smith ar close seconds. Jack Harris la < good mile runner. All o fthe sbov have made good time In the eventi John Cotton Tayloe, Engeno Harrta Jim Weeton. Elmer Cntlor, Howsr Bow en and Ray Warren are all goo material from which to malm a m ^ 17 I =WASHIIKT8I BOY WEDS j . i? mm i Wiley G. Grid Married to MlaaStackley. WUlbeple**log New* to Numerou* Frelnda in ThU City. i Another ono of Washing :on's toys ? has become a benedict and the now* t1 of hie good fortune will be known p with gusto by hie many friend* In I -o i?i".i home. o i lorence 8. C.. Dally Times ' tu'ut<* tlic following notice which i r ad with Interest no) doubt, 4 I t o patrons of thin paper.' t 'i and Mr*. Wiley O. Qrlet leYs city last night from ? -It and will be at * . . Nap era. 23 West c i-H ettcot. Mtb. Grlnt la iho ' ~'M * la igMrr of Mr. and Mrs. # ! Dr. Orlst, who has r tes.dod In Florenoe, p-e criptlon druggist at Lake's 1 * . iy. Both of tho young peo* pie are popular and number their frlneda in Florence, a host of both young and old., who wish them a long and happyWe. The groom ia \ aon of Mr. Samuel R. Grist of Cnocowlnlty, -and a nephow of Mrs. E. 8. Simmons and Mra. H. H. Carrow of this city. The Daily News joins their many friends . In ponirr*Hil??(nM Children Lore WnhtngtoB Park. i _ GEN'L PA8SBKC2TTI AOT. i H. 8. LKARD OP NORFOLK SOUTHERN IN THE CITY UiN ?f the KofWk Southern lullway and E. C. Potter, travel log pasonger and freight agent of the uoe Bystem, were Washington visitors this morning. They left for New Bern today. CHOIR PRACTICE II the members of St. Peter's I Episcopal church choir are requeeti ed to meet at the church tomorrow evening for the purpose of .ebearslng the Easter music. Fire Were Due luthern Mountains U of these flres occurreddhring the latter part of January arTd the first of Pebruary When the weather was unusually dry. The fact that the flrei were re1 ported from southern Virginia to northern Georgia shows that the danger from fire was widespread. However, they occurred on only four of the twelve areas within which the land is being purchased. At least three-fourths of the flres were due to railroads. Forest officers say that until the southern states adopt and enforce laws re; quiring the use of adequate spark J j arresters on rafirond locomotives. varai iivui iurm UICB can SCarCO| ly be prevented. lection. The boys are working hard and should receive the support of the city. They will have a preliminary meet '3 Friday next for the purpose of picking the team to send to t$e Unlver- ?' "M slty and all have a cordial invitation to watch the meet. f ;? -M BOOS T AKK SLUMP The egg market has taken a decld' ed fall In prloe as the wholewUere today are only paying 15 cents per -' dozen. I | LYRIC THKATER t If yon did not mo the TANQO at [ til* LYRIC lut Bight YOU had batr ter come early tonight la order to t "obtain your eeot. Do sot Ml ta J eeo this extra oatrar act. Oaly oao mora night. I Prloaa II) and 16c. I WE HAVE MnOTEO ML EEK. I oat Koaa of Portamoath, Va., a | prncttcal aad npdo4ato Mkar i Wo an now yeiyoiad to nam tko t! pabllo with tho rory Mai at oakoa pla?. brood or aaythlag la tba i. bakara llna. C. M. WUlla Eatery. i cotaor trd aad tlartat Eta. PMaa I ^

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