'or all rcmimltl on? of the a&ort ay eater and rise of pe highly born of tli? eighteenth century. Commissions tbfu ) . > paid for by the aristocracy. and companies were often comjkj m'jmdcd by children Tbu -wrote i my Dorothy Neville on one iwirtlcuiur instance of the custom: "Lord Arma-^ " dale, T>ne of the 8cotti?h judges, bad a son, who,'* at tbo age of seven qr twelve, rose to the rank of major. One momlng Ms mother bearing a noise In the nursery rang to know the can ho ; of It 'It is only tbe major greeting (crying) for his porridge/ explained the uu~-" . j Explosive Foro# of Wator. ' I Wjite^ looked upon as the tamest of liquids, Is as (rsat an explosive as dynamite under certain conditions. In .one day water breaks up more eayth uud rock than all the gunpowder, guncotton and dynamite in tbc world do In a year. These explosives can be con trolled by human energy. but( water doe^not hold itself- accountable to UMte. It runs luto the ground, freezes, expands and splits the soil Into little pieces. Finding a crack in a huge rock, it repeats the same process, forcing it asunder. If frozen lo tW pores of a ; ~ . tret It often explodes wltfi a report like I , ; a gunshot and thatforce of a dynamite bomb. 1 ! A Lsofl * *. * \ "DM jroa sail jour wlfs tsko Ions trio on soar bouoraooar i - \ 'it Mined long to me. Her father ' i had promised to petUo a *uug sum of i money on oa a? scion as we got back:" ?Chicago Becord-Herald. x ' ==: Cr>lng Baby of Home Ufa. A baby "crying in the, night and with no language toll a cry" found that language in a New Jeraey town quite, sufficient for the Immediate family, as It yaa inibrraatlon to the effect that the house was on Are, thereby, at the early ago of one year saying twenty Urea. This ought , somewhat to justify that generally acknowledged nuisance, the crying baby. % ' ? - Always at Work en Cathedral.' About 60 workmen are permanently employed In keeping St. Paul's cathe< diet. London. England, in repair. ' s '! irrtifu i'i.g -i 11 % "Rostvii For ' Many a man and woma found that Postum is a ture health. A doctor writes: ) "I have Wen using Poatum for . . and think It has bad a good deal I than SS yann ot age. 1 "I recommend It to all my path *, using It has c only, praises for Its their nervous systems; like m( coffee altogether."- ^ ' Postum is a pure food-c small proportion of molsssesed. ft is absolutely from froir and tannin?common causes < ney and nerve disturbance. Some people marvel at tl coffee and using Postum, but about it-only common sense Postum now comes in tw Regular Postum?must Instant Postum?a Solu ing. A spoopful stirred in a ci liciousbeveiEge instantly. : The cost per cup of botl "Tlmere's a 1 % SOCIAL UNREJIT. , The condition of the industrial classes Is distinctly better today I than erer before. In Greet Britain os a rcwult of recent socULl legislation enacted to meet and to allay this unrest, there are 14,000,000 of workers who aro Insured by tbo government* against unemployment and disability caused by accident orsickness. There are hundred* of thousand# of aged men and wo men drawing pensions from the state, while BpO.OOO people seery week receive medical relief for which the government pays the blli, and during the past year ?50.000 mothers not only received free medical care In giving birth to their children, hut In addition were granted a considerable cash bonas. Yet in tbe face of i tbfcse facta the demands of tbo j proletariat grow apace and employers are kept In constant dread of labor troubles.?Rer. - | I J. A. McCalloin. Philadelphia. -Mor? W?Py. "It used to be my ambition," soli tlio business man, "fo accumulate fortune and then retire.'.' <*" "Welt," answered the friend, "haven.' you realised^?" *>fa. Tre irof tho f^rrnoy hnf i .lorV dare retire. I've got to atay awuk. night and day to keep somebody fron taking It away from me." Light's Influence on Fto-aers. It la known that light Influences Very largely the aroma of fl overs. A garden la more fragrant when It li abided than when the sun ia allowed to ahlne In full blaro ur^n it. Tblt at^aty rate, la Uiq conclusion of a French man who hts rc^c.Uy mado I vast number of experiment*. Thai which affects tiio fragrance of flowers J# not the oxygen of the atrodaphero oa has been commonly supposed, bul the light ? ? Sacrifice Health for Mcney. People who are njjserly about money ought to have eaneo enough not to ho prodigal >iih their health rdacfvo, but they ecem to havo over developed foresight only in qr.e direction. m7 . m Mine" a with coffee troubles has and pleasant way back to tbc Ust apvca or eight years, 0 do with my look^i^yocnger ?na, and thoae who have heen uutejnd. Ita good efftcia on 1 they have given up tea and Irink made of wheat and a -roasted and skilfully blendi the coffee drugs, caifeinc }f heart, stomach, liver, kidle benefits Trom leaving off there ts nothing marvelous . j/ v. 0 forms: be boiled. 15c and 25c jikgs ble powder, requires no boil up of hot water makes u <*e !0< and 50c tins 1 kinds is about the same. Reason" TUM Old by Croc rs everywhere . 11 * PERSONAM. ? I ? - ~ I ty of North Carolina, m hero lut " deal ul Couo'lTs"'hooI?! W.'a'lMT. ; otto, lie li if early this rooming tor Cay lords. N. C.. where he Is hilled to make ah educational address. Richard D. Gay of Portsmouth, Va., is registered ut Hotel Louise. Mrs. 8allie Duguid'of Vancehoroi N. C.. is the guest of friends. ~ C. M. Mooring of Aurora, N C.J was a passenger on the Washington and Vandemere train yesterday. Capt. J. Monroe Wallace of New York, formerly of this city, left today for hi- home after spending several weeks with friends and relatives in this my. T. E. Cook of Lynchburg, Va., is a Washington visitor G. A. Connor of xselhaven, N. C., accompanied by his head salesman, Mr. Morgan, wercWaahingtdn visitors yesterday. They were enroute to High Point for the purpose of pur chasing furniture. T. A. Brooks and wife of Bath, N. C? passed through the city today enroute to New York, where Mr. BrookB will purchase his spring and sumemr stock of gools.' Mrs. Herbert Griffin of Swan Quarter, N. C., who has bedb the guest! 1 of her^ sister, Mrs. H. M. Stilley, has i1 returned to her home. J. W. Chesson of Belhaven, N. C., I* was here yc3terday enroute to Greenville N. C. J James Watson and wife of Fairly field. N. C., who have been the guests of friends here, lett^for their home yesterday via automobile. Appetites. , Sir John 'Lade and the duke of Queens berrz ("Old Q.~) once laid a , wager for ?1,000 on'who should proI 'luce a man to eat tho most at one fitting. The duke could not attend tho [ contest, but his representative wrote: t "I have no time to stele particulars, t but merely to acquaint your grace , that your man beat ht* antagonist by a pig and an apble pit>." What must | they have eaten!?Lo>?don Chronicle. Inherited Oharacter/ | _It t.as boon e*?lalned th?,t character "hud behavior. of oH orgdtric raattor,' p'anls as well as animals and humSh t'sings, is determined bz what are i ioY-n as oharaoter units. Thus In a hypothetical e*ce of the ihrewd, cruel father and the shiftless, hind mother, wo ha^e four distinct diameter units, whichHhrough Inheritance reappear variously grouped in the offspring. Ubiquitous Scot. Lord Strathcona often declared thgt a Scotsman, though he spent his life abroad, often remains a Scotsman, and tho ubiquity or the race was a favorJte conventional theme wltl^hlm. To tQoetrato, he told of a Scotsman In Shanghai who wagered with an in crtoiuloua southerner that he would' dSivrer' a brother Scot In e/efcy ship In *ad harbor. G'oln^ to each ship In tuffr and shouting, "Aro you there Mr*?" Into the engine raetn, he got "Aye, ayo," as answer every time. fileeo WhIU -nn th? Mawh _ I $Uep can peral6t with the exercise: of ctrtain muscles. Couriers on long Jd>rueys nap on hor*esbac.'c. Among tt j lo.prcsfiivo incidents of Mir Joht disastrous retreat Ho Co nana, it Sv^ltr, not tlvt least striking Is the n"Mo;dcd fact that many of his soldi sru paraded their marclv-*wnllo fast aeleup. Bnrdach. however, affirms t*nt this Is not uicommon among solt . *" ' ^ t --?? Zola's Dreaded Namber. To Emtio Zola 17 waa always A number of evil omen, so much so 'hat for years he could scarcely be In Iticcd to hstve his hous-;, and nevei undertook any Important work, on that day of the month. Ho pernicious ly did It <tog his footsteps that the narrowest escape he erer bad frofa ? tragic death was due U> a cab which boro the rrumber he dreaded. Dyspepsia Routed by Laughter. You may beat your dyspepsia by Joking ait It. 1 sat down at the clut lunch opposite an artlrt suffering from" indigestion, myself being a fellow suf ferer. 1 prescribed. Let's fake the absolutely worst things! We ordered roast pork, roly-poly pudding and Scotch ala, laughed all the time at tht tolcmi^ men who were giving other ad vice, and?when we mot again con tossed thiyt our dyspepsia had disap pearcd in laughter!?London Chron Icle. / To Keep Above Sordid Grind. The thlpg ono loves U> do la never tireiome, and If you can teach yourself to enjoy the common routing thero will never ho any depressing fatigue. Per haps one can nevor grow to love the drudgery part of any work, but !t tho mind is kept abovo It, by working toward a more cfflciant way of performing the task, or if not that, by training tho mind to do the homely thlngn with the thoughts on something else, you will obviate much of the usual, weariness. especially In the housework rou _ SIMPLE D Take the lid of a sho. box lid, cut a piece c the Bd and place it i place the left stockir the right flange of th heel against the en the foot on the paper; in the diagram. 1 the operation for the foot Cut out the coup mail it'and the papc with the price of the G&. c. A.' Selz THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL MOST EXQUISITE ART PORTRAY- 4 AL6 KVKR SHOWN. 12 Beantlfol Hand Colored Art ? rlctam. ? * This latest edition of our celebrated Art Panels far excels any we hare over nuhllahAd and or ban .lnao^iKn them as rare and fascinating art ti beauty studies we are expressing It e mildly. These Art Posea are by fa-g n . mous French and other and other artists. >> To Lovers of Art we say these portrayals must be aeen to be appreciated. Finished by the celebrat- / ed phototone process on heavy art g paper beautifully hand colored and life like. Size 7xio lnchos. FREE. Send in your order at 8 once, nnd we wll send you absolutely free one large picture, size 17x18 colored and" ready for rraming. .This beautiful indescribable picture retails in Art studios at from -2.00 to c 13.QO. Just the thing for your den e , Order now. Today. a We will send the entire set. all r different, postpaid, for only 31.26. I coin or money order, and remember 6 our standing guarantee of "money v back .it not satisfied" holds good. t< Order now. TODAY. h DAYTON ART PORTRAYAL OO. ? Dayton, Ohio. t n NOTICE OP SALE By virtue'of the power of sale ? contained In a certain Mortgage feed dated the 29th day of Octo- r ber, 1906, by Rhoden Holland to d W. D. Grimes, which said Mortgage Deed Is duly recorded in the office _ of the Register of Deeds for Beau- , fort county. In book 143, at page 36. the undersigned will, on the 23rd day Of March, 1914> at 12 o'doek M., offer for sale at the Court House door l In the town of Wahsington, North ,3 Carolina, for cash to the highest bidder the following described land: That tract of land lying and being in Washington township and beglnainr-at the Junction of R. W. Wharton and the Mill road running west ? to Tranter's Creek road; thence v&Rh vue Barn i ranters creex roaa Bouth ? .0 Tranter's Creek; thence down fte \ ja!d creek running an eastwarly dl- 8 recUon to R. W. Wharton's line; c with R. W. Wharton's line running t North to the begining, containing ten ii j 10) acres, more or less. d The sa^ld land adjoins the lands P, of Riley Sheppard, John Sheppard, i Warren 8heppard and Peter Bmaw. a It being the same land conveyed to * thoden Holland by Cornelia J. Be- 1 bee, by deed bearing date December 12nd. 1905; and reference Is here- 1 >7 made to the said deed for further 8 Inscription. Default having- been j nado in the payment of the bond re- j :lted in the aforesaid Mortgage Deed 3 rom Rhoden Holland to WD.. Jrlmes.this sale is made to sallefy md pay the said bond. This 18th day of Feb. 1114. * W. D. GRIMES, > Mortgagee. 1 'rank fi. Bryan," Owner of the Debt, t 'rank H. Bryao, Attf. J 1-19-4we. L.V-.1 v J N'OTICE OF SIMMONS. c State eff North. Carolina County of w Beaufort In the Suporior Court, Before the Clerk. Blanche Winstead, a minor, by her * next friend and father. W. C. ' Waters 1 vs a Otis W-instead. 11 To the Defendant, Otis Winstead: ? 8 You are hereby notiQ^^that I Blanch Winstead a minor by her i est friend and father W. 0. Waters i has instituted an action In the 8u- j perlor Court of Beaufort county, N. C., to declare her marriage to* you, the said defendant, OUs WShstead, null and void, by reason of the nonage of said plaintiff, at the time of i said marriage. You are therefore- further com- ^ manded to appear at |^e next term i of the Superior Court of Beaufort county, N. C., to which this summons 5gth XrlTthr" flmMoni^WiU'M" ?h it being April 6th, 1914, and answer ^ days of eaUt^tcrm. and.answer^or \ 8 box?or any similar J >f paper the sire of yflU aside of the lid? ig foot against / AJ\\ ie lid and the /aYV/ l?L Trace /aYY is shown / A Y / Reverse 1 f / right /. N vy I TURNAGE.S Royal Blue Store - - ' " ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned n&vtng this day uly qualified before the Clerk of be Suporlor Court of Beaufort couny as Administrator of the estate of >avld W. Gaaklll, deceased, Tate of he county of Beaufort, notice Is tereby given that all* callms against aid estate, duly verified, must be lied with the undersigned within welve months from tfcis date, or j his notice will be pleaded in bar of heir recovery. All persona lndebt d to the estate^ are requested to I lake immediate payment. This 11th day of March, 1914. j R. M. GA8KILL, idmr. David W. Gaaklll, deceased. I mall, MacLean, Bragaw ft Rodman! Attys. -ll-8wp. NOTICE. OP SALB By Tlrtue of the power of sale ontalned in a mortgage deed to me j xecuted by-Thomas Crawford and | rife dated Nov. 27, 1902. and duly :| ecorded in the Register's office of! leaufort county in I\ook 116,r page 58, which is hereby referred to, I f rill sell at public auction, for cash, o the highest bidder at the Courtouse door in Beaufort county, on londay, April 6th, 1914, at noon./ be property deVcribed in the said p mortgage as follows: In Richland township, Beaufort ounty. Beginning at James Snath's orner and running with his line to gum in Brown's run, thence to !rawford's ditch, thence with sold itch down to the old road;'thapce rlth the old road to the beginning ontalning eleven and three-quarter 11 3-4) acres. . This 4th day of March- 1914. W. H. WHITLEY. 0 Mortgagee .. D Midyette, Owner of Debt. -4-4 wo. NOTICE OP MORTGAGE RALE ; Under and by virtue of the power 1 f sale contained in a certain mortgge deed executed the 4th day of anuary, 1908, by A W. Dixon and orded "> boo* "J; Vecorde, which ho Beaulort covintT r pltticulare " .reby "' ??*? ??d. ! ? ?>. eladlt ha/log cir,a hy tald: oyaont of * d"oacr?tcoed mortg-1 hrtrumdnl. ? n daT to, gut gee will* <>n TVva at 12 o clock ay of April. If* the bigfcaat bid oon oiler r?T J^he courthouse door ??????*? ' crimed tract ?',n?n th, county ot lS5i *n4 "{"a townahtp. and lodhlort. WcWjJOJJ ? tollowe. nown ?>4.,4*"JK, M. Johnaon,* leginninB * , ?. ?r corner and < now J. Bw Via1! main r^ad ^re-twerd unlnf with the ma B. larcer'a) corner, j.j jjost; I B In. TO T?4? Jf lUtl to <>? hence Boiitn, ?I. MBC# with aald ohnaon b comer , ^eglnnlnf* I ? **' line to acres! obtaining one "4 and being U?* I > lend, more or lc?a. gmtthtaa I ?? V4,oorc???n *$&\ lawyer by . recorded In thei ,j deed ??? Beaufort county 1 1ftSSSwi'SStf'S n reterred l? " s?ld lande werat his conreyanca ^ the aald 1 tterwarda conreyad ** u&d 'won by *4"iIK,red in boo* ?o. j Y?4**ot t" Baaulort county ?a?? "" I ecorda. eM*. 1 ?r-drch?.^^oy.Tt.M , 0. pant . Bro.. Owner ot 0? Qrlmee. Attye- , \ ltI,W?W SKIN ?nd| rjayPK^jr^l Jk I /nn niff I I I III llrl " ? \ Sfl VfJ11 vir/lhf ' c r. ' i j |uyri ' L ?* "" ffly^ ' ' \ _/ 1/ IV X / ' / X tl v / / Bncloeed pleeee find / X ?|l? / / pnteel post, prepaid ^ ^i^^^shuwn Inj^ur Style Book for Spring, with the f / vr demandlngthet I can return them if uneatie&ctory ^ A And tr.y rovrny will be prmrptly refunded. * ;U * *. -1 ' ' ' J | I-bmbi HE MAN OK WOMAN who says j|93^?B 4I can't save" generally means they It's the hustling^American, born H or adopted, who gets there by starting e?4^I H a savings account. y)U M Our Savings Department and 4 '^r cent interest compounded quarter*?? ly are for you. Bank of Washington - \ Washington."N. C. > I p ) ? I MB ? ? ? ? ! ? ! WE IISJSEJRE . Automobiles V ..V f AGAINST - FIRE DAMAGES h? -' 1 VWnj. B agaw &. Co. \ Firsi Insurance Agents In ^ Y Wajihington. N. C. ^ *<e* " TTTmmr nil ~ * ? . J! M *' ii 1* Automobiles to Hire;! S * TT j_ XT X ^ - * narns naraware k-O., < > 0 <1 0 WASHINGTON. N. C. < Agents For Studebaker Cars J ] OO#OOOOOO000000O00000Og00< I 1 r licit* WfMJI.' HaalKft - 1w> Yorv ?! ??? ' ir<ii^r. -JAMES Lf I I I IF,ON WOOD & CO. V I y B \Sh tMS sno HRl IKKRN. i 1 . \ ttaock?, liuadM, ? <i?4.n, ?.rain and PiovtMlonm 7H Plum* HtrMl, V . '} f ? arpcotcr BnlldliiK. Norfolk. Vk ' / .. |j ' Private nirM to New York Stock Kichmnje. Chicago Hoard of ' ( Trade and other financial centers. * 1 ! / Correspondence respectfully solicited fnvearoient and marginal \ ^ \Kimnb kItpo Careful Attention J NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. following deecrlbed rani mUU, fowl t: , North Cm olin^uBeau fort County Beginning at a maple aUndlng at In the Superior Court i the Norfleet Northeaet corner run- * -9 Columbus Geylord et al ???? theaca with the norfleet line 1 vs O/ ditch N. 41 1-1 W. 1098 feet to 1 7?r* -4 "" r&!!ri?: m "> """ion. tween kite No. ( ulWo t of the By virtue of an execution direct- Johu Oeylord dlrlslon N. IT E. 1370 od to the underlineeo from tho eu- [eet to u aerreyed ttuo or otieek; pertor court of oBoutort county la theece with euld line or (trunk B I tho nboro entitled action. I will, on ?? 1-3 *. 30i0 font to tho Adeaa I Monday, tho ?th day of April. 1?1?, Una: thaaeo wtth the natd linn S. g at II o'olock M., at the Oonrthonae << W. HIT fiat to the hertnnlnr. M

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