ISUftJl XXI UyhDMiw. Uul ~~~~ V 1 Cttwt, Ky-l* U llmaim letter < from this place, Mr*. Settle BuDock - write* t* toUov*: "I tuflered lor lour (trie tirae, 1 cotdd oaly a* up toe aBtfle wfeUa, aad could not walk aoywttee* a m. A1 ttoMe, I would have eerere paint < la my left Ode. I The docks wat called fat, aad hla treat- I ment relieved Bate a while. Mlwaa ' eoea coaBaedto my bed apton. After t that, nothing teemed to do me any good. < WHEN YC Your Bacon and Beef s calf to see Powell ?? The Best Quality Grocers. FARMERS and Should R< t The main thing in be sure of the quality of > Ask Your I PAMLICO ?1 and you can be sure that ter goods than you are. PAMLICO CHI J. F. COWI ' WHOLES A Washing Classified Advertisements.1 * ??? i _ DON'T FORGET WE ARE HEAD* quarters for Victor, Edison and Colhmbla Records. Talking Ma- * clnes sold on easy paymunte. Russ BroB. Variety Store. 3-16-4tc. n SEE THOSE NEW WAISTS THAT arrived today in white crepe and and Jap silk They are splendid 1 values. J? K. Hoyt. SA NEW LOT OF BICYCLES JUST received. Easy payments If de S4Mte. ' I BOYS NEW SUITS. WE HAVE what the boys* wiU like in spring suits. The well- known Widow. Jonids Clothing Sar boys. (See window.) J. K. Hoyt. I JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OP Heinz Pickles. Phone or call to see us. Powell ft Ellsyorth. 3-2?-3tc. i FOR RENT?SECOND FLOOR COR ner of Main and Gladden Sts. over Credle ft Wright store. Modern j conveniences, suitable for offices, or light housekeeping. For terms apply to Miss li. T. Rodman. S-25-3tc.. I . NEW THEATRE - "Keith's Vaudeville" , Strictly High Class Vaudeville. Thur. Fri. and Sat. M cCRATH ' and YOEMAN , la "The Lunatic and The Prima Donna. An original unique comedy skit MOTION PICTURES Tim RMh of tin Hoot Selected Tin, i., . ( v - >+ ^1*?!?*,'cw>* "* *hs4' nanced taking II. From the very Brat lose, I could tell It wee helping me. I .an- new walk two mOea without Ha Iring eie. and am doing all my wot*." II yon an aB ran down bom womanly touhfce, don't ghro up la despair. Try 2ardui, the woman's tonic. It ta helped nore than a million women, la ha 90 cars of continaoa* success, nhcwiKI uraly help yon, too. Your druggist baa old Cardul lor years. Ha knowa what I wB do. Aak him. Ha win recom. iced It Begin taking Canhd today. >U WANT iced to order phone or Ellsworth Phoneb 123, 124 MERCHANTS sad This buying Fertilizers is to vhat you get. )ealer For UTILIZERS nobody is -gettirfg bet- t EMICAL CO. XL, Pres. LE ONIV ton, 1M, C. V ANTEO?ENERGETIC MAN JO act as salesman and collector. Aply at Singer Sewing Machine Co., Main St, Washington, N. C. 3-26-3tc. )RDER A TAILORED SUIT TODAY and be dressed up to the minute on Easter Sunday. Our tape lino is ready for you. Russ Bros. Variety Store. 3-25?4tc. X>K SALE AT A BARGAIN4>NE one one horse wagon. 8. J. Merrlman Jr. Washington-Beaufort Land Co., or 243-E. Main St. 3-26-tfc. X)W HEEL RUBBER SOLE OXfords In tan, black and " white. They are here-now in all slses. J. K. Hoyt. NDEPENDEKT FISH AND OYSter Dealer. W.* H. Tripp, City Market. 3-25-lwc. ILL THATS BTVT 1SH AND GOOD in new spring footwear for all the family. J* K. Hoyt IODAK8, FILMS AND PLATES AT Ru9s Bros. Variety Store. 3-16-4tc. 'OR RENT, APRIL 1.?0$E NINE room house with improvements. Gladden street. Apply at News office. 3-24-StC. VANTED?SOMEONE TO TEACH me English; I will teaol) thom German in return. Ernest Kun*. with Willis Bakery. 3-24-lwe. XAHH LIGHTS, HATTER IKS AND Bulbs at Ktoss Bros. Variety Store. 3-26-4tc. iUTO FOR SALE CHEAP. ROAD, star. Good Condition. Bargain to quick buyer. Dr. P. A. Nicholson. 3-24-StC. AVE 25 TO '?<> PER CENT ON LAdies and Children's Ready Trim- I med Hsu. A Is^ge Tgrletf o( esmple HSU lo .elect ffou. Ru? Store, . encouraging. For thO pa*t weak or Uioro hl8 condition baa been aueb be haa been unable to teave bis bOd-1 ! s-sassasr Tbs r.t piling tor the bridge um Tar river at Boyd's Forty was driven yestsrdey by the contractor M. M. Jones of this city. U Ihoi veatber conditions are favorable tbo bridge will be completed by Ahgust I 1. The bridge will be 2?S feet long I and sixteen teet wide with e drew spen ot 111 teet. Tbo draw will'Ssl . of ateel pivot design, being construct ed after the latest pattern.' < y and C. 8. 8elhy, X, individually. {{J; To C. S. Selby, Greeting: In pursuance of the following order of publication signed by His " Honor, H. G. Connor Judge for the Kbo Eastern District of North Carolina on /March 26, . 1914: "For the gJJ reasons set forth in the fbregolng affldavlt, it is ordered that set^lce PulJ of the subpoena herein be made upon respondent C. 8. Selby by publlcation In the "Dally News," a news- * paper published In the city of Washington, N. C., for six successive wQeke, as provided by flection 18 JJJJ] Bankruptcy Acts, as amended, and Har Section 67 Judicial Code." g?* And for certain causes offered beTore the District Court of the Unit- Har ed States of America, within and for the Eastern District of North Caro- " Una. as a Court of Bankrupt/7. *e Wa command "ind strictly enjoin you, jaP1 laying all matters aside and notwlthssndlng any excuse thaf you It personally appear before our said M. District Court to be bolden at Wll son, N. C., within said District, the 19 da7 of May, 1914, to answer to. a petition Oled by H. C. God man Co. ? ( *outb ern Dry Goods and Notion Company, Ktchlnson Hat Co., Geo. f A. Zlrekle A Co- The Royal Tailors, * and The Baltimore liacgln House, Ity our said Court, prying that you R may gp adjudged a bankrupt and to do further and receive that which TJJ car said District Conrt shall con- * * ^id e r in thl^^ Tl^ Ij " JHD ffllllllllPPyWf If i| AI iillllll 1 m D i " II Ifjflir R f*\ jffl ill I 11111111111111 B y U { y^lillli III {ar jp^ .. mill 1Mi lo & pfi? if T ,a' y? 11 |^^illlli i" -i _ llfl it s a c lull ^ J i> EYery Pacings . TM. nmro.ti,> have no equal : - your worth i? mild, because w pi Rt~ ci^rottt. iW a lcng time ago -J*? ' M??ofc Tlaia aging, to; ~ our 39 yea i '/*' -for the exceltell WM rolled only in gt 2L R. J. REYNOLDS TOBAO . ' V 1 .j ' r^i' * ' ... ^ . . ounty Commissioners' Statement (Continued from page one) 57 E. K. MUOD. tat, 51.000 F. N. Bank note. . '. . 50.00 58 Wllford WhiUe*. Court stenographer. * weeks Feb term 70.00 IS R. s: Meal, Labor, material Waao. bridge, . . . 52.71 H. T. Edwards, Material Edwards bridge. . .. liO.tO 4 H. T. Edwards, Edwards bridge contract 16.00 6 H. T. Edwards. Higbt of wag through mill Mrs. A. M. Edwards v 8.00 if Mrs. A. M. Edwards. Rlg^l of wag through mill 60.01 17 Carolina T. * T. Co., phone rent Co. Home 8.00 . POO* ALLOWANCES I I ackjon. Sophia I 1-50 Whom. 4m't. jf*01"0** M?y J * ?? . 1.1, . U-f- a.OO *acK?on. r*oaH .777777. 2.00 r: 1SS J-ff? ' 300 er^Mre. Martha*.'.'.'.' *. \ lie Q"bcrt * f * *.T 164 Y~"oZr?m?;;;;1:12 "-???- ? nton Margaret . . 2.00 Mldgette, Samoa! a.00 . . Haehay. Harry 3.00 rk. 811*10 , 2.00 Mldgette, Baonlater . . 1.60 wford. Ctaaa 1.60 Home, Peggy Ann . . ,. . . 1.60 ey, Geo. . *M Maeon. A. 8 .. .. 2.00 ??<*??? A " " " 300 1? STSa.*:..:: US ??. no, A. ... . k. Heater 1.60 Price. Malinda ....... . . 2.00 try. Mareella - 1.60 Pate. Sf?. 3.00 tla. Mr*. v.. .. 1.60 T - ^ * I'M2-25 *'?** p,Uenc' - i-w S: rISt. . 1:22 *?***? ?? im in. Julia A ,. 2.00 Rodman, Mary 1.60 m. Mary " 2.-00 Roberson.'woaltby 1.60 MaBMarlaia' .' ?ob*r~n'^p*?" ' " - [ Rhode., Rhode 160 rn. Larrlnla - .. 1.00 Snlllvan. Winnie . 1.66 rn. Jana .. .. .. .. .. 1.00 Sioaw. Peter 2.00 rett, Mra. J. i a 00 Hihaw. Ban 2 00 ratt. Mre. J. W. .. .. .. 6.00 Satterthwalte. r. B 3.00 ter, Soaan 2.00 Sulllran, MehaU ., .. 1.00 tort, R. P .. 3.00 Taylor, Marian <00 ord, Orphla 3.00 Topping. Jennie 3.00 arte, Geo. H. . 3.00 Tolen, Wileon 3.00 Tyre,'.o . 2-.00 gory. Slmok 6.00 *? ? SU??r V... v >. 160 M. Alonto 3.00 Water., Allrod 2.60 Hi. Jana .. .. .. 1.00 white. Araiiloa .. ... I.oo gett, Ed . 1.60 Wooiard, Nancy 3.00 gee, Wileon 2 00 Wooiard, Georgiaaaa .. ,. 1.60 dy, Carellna .. ,.'.. . . l.Bo Wooiard, J. B. .; S.OO Tla Prntla 1.60 William., Joe 4.00 rte. Hearlatta.. - I.oo Whitney, Be?J . 4 00 raar, Sophia l.fO . 6173.36 * 1"* : ^LOWERS yatem la polaoned by tae waata mat. fr all occasions, Ox x UtoPBWend roe art "aooa gatrtd om Steinrtietz &SS&FS, m." ^ t To all fcnowmg nffervr* ot Theonistlem, w|V yx * T\Trniri W btlg ?iIIWIWnr. Th.i*^ f/m A *f' / 'x*zr in a domestic nickel cigarette. They are |^ajS| e spocialh r. r, wed th< iacco for Reynos ||Gs|| ajjd it hasiecn allowed to ripen thortughljr. Ail w jl jether with skillful blendinc, secured by " III if ; tv>rt?nrn m tkn tAkne/w 1 I Now On Display at : I ? HARRY V SUNDERLAND |W; The Tailor*. ' ? ' ' We have'just received a new litJe of up-to-date samples. Place your orders early and* avoid the rush. EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS FREE WITH EVERY SUIT, FOR 10 DAYS ONLY. ? .. * : . HARRY & ^SUNDERLAND ?? ????HIH?? f. ], Harnsber- L V 1 nickew rnm- lo?lo? wimw&tm_ . cecs* OP capt. a. a. hahSs- lo^ I. HEnOKR OF HARHlSOXnrRG WooL ??rrr . lOOllc Too-We* to W?r Coat Couldn't Eg jv ;M#}^ Speak Above Whlaper?IHWa Green -]t wde8 ?c Kmulikm Cured Him- r>?, mI| hia., jw John D. Bur, Kill ton, Y?. Doer akta, atlt ltt :ar Sir?8 years ago 1 was a krost ?e? *? ? jjjn? "J" auffanr f/ota weaknye, 'UK tongs ' ' and pleurisy and coughed Bight and I_HU,UBU day autf raised ud ujntorattd a VUL1/9 Ob LSunirrK quart lull hours I,had aa many aa 5 or O doaea OfltalM^' J (our or 6 night Bwentn in one ?ght. | any of Chili. & Fever. Cold. toy pulse ^would^run aa high a H? tfjbfGb-ippg it port on the liver to the dialog room. I had no appetite "* 01 ' ncc and every thing I uv naaaeated me. I louldot viand the weight of my ! rCr/ttTn^ni coat on ruy shoulders and eould notjl . bnOlVO ill -"iMi ,x apeak above^n WMaper at^tlmea. t Jl ?j ^ p| I logglve up 'when ?yrriend naked niell Porall occasions. Rosea Ckrta-M to try Bear'. Emulsion. I did so and jl lolea a*d vdBea the leaf- f had