VrJyV'i-v ' ' * " " Se advertisement for J. W. Pondor 01 to loan at & per cent. Since the ad-j vtirtltiomont war run wo were in formed that the proposition whs not 4o.t what* It appeared to ho. Wo Immediately eUrted an In rooti gallon aad Wiu give oo rrcadtrs he henellt ia a special agent for the "Standard Horn.- ro.. or Birmingham. EL Ala." The wording of the contract of tho Standard Homo Company Is " ---'I such as to dacelva gtaml on, except ho bra alwyer. Thoy require monthly payments ot M OO to bo paid In and a tee of t J6.00 le the price of contract, alter ?tx monthe duee hare been paid la then the contract Dacomaa eligible tor a loan. Titer do not guarantee to a lean on the.&n1-] tract and toe probabilities are that you would never eucoeed In securing a loan bat would be I raptured to ooaltnue making the monthly payments. They ot couroe t>. do make a (ow loans in order to evade the law. In Ita laane of March 3?th, 1914. The Soaehllght. a paper published at Birmingham, Ala., haa the followv tag to say of Me coqpeay: "Standard Homo Company to be aired In court ' F. B. Whltehurat. preoldont, L. A. Whitehead, vlea president, and u. K. Harrle. eocretary-troaaurer. Indicted by Federal Grand Jury tor nalng the malls to W defraud and running a lottery, r The Federal Grand Jury haa returned Indictments against P. K. Whitehead, president; U A. Wh,:ehead. vice preeldent. andL,. F. HarBT ^rla. secretary and treasurer of The (SS Standard Home Co., charging them with using the United States mails . *i to daCrmnd and running a lottery. The giant Sim-gam and most elagorate skin gatne system of the whole country la barolo lnrolved We In. ' vite yon 'to read the following. Huor lagenlons frauds cannot survive the light of exposure any moro than a tubercular germ can stand the sun's rays. Soch systems thrive only under cover?light nutans page raiysla. rulip annihilation. Tl* Standard Home Company la one SCS among me largcit corporanou. in 5 Alabama. springing Into prominence almoet in n night. Assets of the company ere claimed to be shore the mtOtoo and a half mark. >; The company baa spacious and elegantly appointed oBcee in the American Trnst BullHng and done an extensive business throughout a number of elates, having steadUly sued rapidly increased each yea, since It* lndplency. A namber of concerns of like nature 1utvo sprung -r Into existence In recent' years, rome 9 \ with disastrous results. In Georgia and other parts of the country these alleged hopie Inveetment eonoerns In their effort le carry on e quanWottery aohcme the anthorttlen have succeeded In breaking them up. Uncle Bam is custodian of soma of the most hoperul aspirants to fortune through euch a Ite plan and schema end system and purpose are |fl rati cel. Every contract executed to a brother to The object le to get an Innocent party to sign a contract nnd pay Into the company's coffers ?#.?'? per month ma lone as the company can keep him fooled and collect the money. > The salesmen represents to the mv run hnrdl/ Bn<l n^orjU the Word "EligW to D< r, Offering Money to Loa Later Proposition Was ~Nc Made Investigation. ellgllbtt to a loan. Those contracts ar*r sold throug misrepresentation, through fraui through lying and nor-through 1? gltfaate solicitation. Ab the chU contributors to the flim-flam, olepha Uno swindle, fake extraction, <: coin proceaa are working people, n< schooled lu the art of Cake-craf akin-game lor^ and 4'sale so logy-, theji fall to the offer. All tho promises, guarantees, ai eu ranees of 6 per oent money on th part of the representative of th company aro Indefinitely ildetracke *7 the Ingenious word "eligible" t lng in the contract. Tb? will < wlap, the pot at the end of the rait bow la discovered, the riddle ei pounded, the myth exploded. "Eligible" is a wonderful wor< is elastic, ii poly-sided, ia bindln and looaeenlng, guaranteed an dpcsnty .psT^ing |nany vps and avoiding many legal complication! Without these eight letters E-L-l-Q] B-L-K arranged thusly the Slant ard Home CO. could nob octet. -H nerves as a wall between It and th ' ~ To the purchaser of a Standar Home contract the word el'gibl doesn't mean anything In partict lar, but to the company it mean everything, is a "getting otot clause from Unci*' Bam'a clutch* and food for much elucidation, ovj eion, expostu.UUofc, explanation b Thirty-si* dollars Us. learn tH meaning of one word. The Whole system of fraud" covered np by this-one woM olig blc. Not one person In. a *hQuaan who signs up olie of those contrac and pays tn six monthly Installment really khows the meaning' of tl word eligible or think? It of impo ta nee?the saloman's explanatic has been satisfactory, so bo pa: in the |3G. Now he flnda it tin td look into the Dictionary tr to at sdmeone what eligible means. ? thought It meant that he would & a loan of a thousand dollars. I had a dream that dlxible meai that ha vu entitled to a loan, th 'It guaranteed something. that eom thing was assured. Poor deiud foolt It meant that he paid *: to learn the meaning of a # wo which he could have found In 25-oent dictionary. Rather cape Ive orthography! The average man duped Into tt fraudulent net eeldom waken up e en at 136 exponee. He knowe th it he stops off short paying In *1 114 or ISO that ho wilt lose It, b thinks If he pen hi the ISO that WU1 get It hack or a 11,060 lot hut falls actually to get either! Paymeate are therefore kept I In the hopee that the lucky numl will be drawn next time and OB a on until all patience la exhaceti all hopea vanished and rather th pay out aoy taort money tn each retlcat. hlood-eucklng lecherous c corn bo will loee whet bee alrea been paid. He now decldee to a render the contract, llcre is whi Infamy la oompouaded. Shylc dwarfed, hlgbWay-manry mado h< ormhle by comparison I *omp*liy 001 '? to Boy back i;<|c|,ramatuiyd eoi tracts, aaantnlng an adelnory benli tly and fi ling interest I" dtsgrcc ed. cheated, disheartened, nielancl ly wrathy customer, who Is edvls not to sacrifice so valuable e contri When soothing eyrap methoda I end a kick Is botng registered I strongly against the perfldoue rna Ity of the system the party is to understand that If ans ntten Is made to give trouble that On aemn agent, are ready a^r , Lap trouble yields to the tna Taylor ? Haakln, work kind In hind 9 Win, th. standard Horn#, m a ttrtwl- A St. dafy ol tbo unluua akin game. 4., Taylor & Haiklna buy the eon" tracta at almoat nothing on tba dol- i n lar Ite in lp the money loan-1 ing h&Mnesa and chu utllixo 6 per >t cent monoy to good advantage. An outsider comes to them and wants to borrow money, wants to: get hold of Standard contract As 5 per cent money is In dejaaj^ hyy tery contract Taylor & Hasklns have J h of the Standard Homo can be sold 1, for a premium to thorn of from 1126 6- to |150 profit. The feoofrs are not if disarranged, but the aeries la filled n out ana kept straight bo that tho : >f government inspector will not detect >t that anything Irregular had transit pircd. By this connection with Tay" lor * Hasklns both aides of the street are worked and whoever It ? may be that falls into the clutches of e the Standard Home crowd Is erle dcntlv destined to be fleeced. We d brand the system as Illegal, fraudu- ' * lent, tho embodiment o* hishonesty. 3* deception and trickery, and if It has _ ?- successfully evaded the federal law > on the subject of lottefT It should _ fall under the clause ot using the 1, malls to derraud. for ftnrely it can g be established that fraud 1s Its dat- \ d ly routine. It# life. its soul. m j ' The State of Ohio has barred It . La a from operating within its borders. | I- If we a*e lacking la laws to, safe- 1 1- guard the people from being looted I Et sad plundered end rohbed JH such e i? tolerable, insolent chests we should t make hast? to en*ct them. Too c d many corporations and Individuals t ie are perpetrating swindles on the t l- public and biding In mosquito net n lb technicalities. Law should be a combination of 1 jj? common sense and Justice and it a I a- two-ounce lotion of. such admixture I ,y were applied in this M&e. the Stand- 1 wd Home Co.'ai Wg ae it le would ie totter and (alt like a straw man before a sluioon. is Of course tome loans are made in i- accordance with th^>?Jalma of the d company to get a few boosters in ts various sections of tho country, but ts a large part of the business is carlc rled on 4^/kbove described. 8o that r- the company and ft* .snbaMary? in Taylor A Haskins?get all that * rs comes In and let as little out as poele slble. ik It is discouraging to learn Chat so ie much business or the land thrives, st fatten* and flourishes upon rascalie ity. doeeptlon and fraud, but neverat tbelese it Is true. In thli modern at gst-rleh-quick age the result Is all } e- that is required, the means are not ^ id to bo considered. The directors of } 18 the Standard .Home Company are rd prominent because they represent a money, not from a moral, mental or n- ethical worth. } If we chose to expose the personis nel of the Standard Home Co. wade v- through disgraceful divorce proceed at Inge, suicide of the young lady ate8. nographer In Atlanta, tell of a bruut sen demimonde now in Its employ. ho another interesting chapter can be , Br added. Ohio and Kentucky have already op barred thl company from operaUng fcr within their borders and, North ad Carolina should do likewise. .. id. ^.Tbo ?Nwa would be gldd jean cetve letters or other Information pi- from people who have been taken on in on one of the Standard Home's & .fake cohtarcU^' ... ??-.r ,f v/ Jy? . ir- The News would bo jAad to rere second advertisement s?ne as tho ck one run recently, with .% - check in ?n- payment but intead of running the ad wo are returning It with the check ' mt to Mr. J. W. Ponder %ith the statei ment that we wtll not knowingly perpetrate a fifcnd upon the people. trull Fit Bit Apr! l 8th tu been announced tho data for too maw meting of autte l>omocrat? 10 t>a hold In Raleigh. According to a call u.t iwood br tho "Chairman Clarence Fob. I -f q m j I j ^mrn in iitliSHi mm IVomen To T^lc? n.trnmenu at tJlater Hall, felfaat rhlch 11 being and u tba h?<tdquar j ri of tho antl Hoaa Rulan. W l sent political experts say tuns Ulitar Is playing a big gluff. agd If hey are .^you've potter gft? 'em xedlt" for they are playing raaliaIcally clever. The men hare vftlun eered and are learning the mdiaenu of military tactics, whl& foe liaWsJl in it f pill J. c. D.' Local Chapter to Send .Representatives to District Meeting to Be Held In New Bern. April 24th. The District Convention of the Jolted Daughters of tne Confederacy vlll be held In the town of New 3ern. -N. on April 29th and the prospects are that there will be a treat meeting. Pamlico Chapter, >f this city, at it* recent meeting lamed the following ladles as dictates: Mrs. 8. It. Fowle. Men W. \. B. Branch and Mrs. H. W. oCtlr. /Alternates. Misa L. T. Rodman. Miaa lane Myers. Miss Penelope Myern and Mra. W. H. Call. ^ The Daughters of Pamlico Chapter have Just placed an order for one UHOUIDU BUU L*OUl/-U> O BUIO.11 U1UU" umehts to be placed at the graves of the Confederate soldiers in Oak* dale cemetery and also throughout the county. The daughters fiope to have All the stones placed by May 10th. Preparations are already going for the tenth of May oelobratlon and as usual Washington and Beaufort county can be counted oh to properly honor those who wore the grey. iliEi WILL BE IB Vi i ' United States Judge WaddlU at Norfolk, Va . hue directed tbo eale of the Merchants and Miners ateamer Nantucket held In limited llahll Itr prooaedtnge following her libel for n.000.000 by the Old Dominion steampahtp Company, aftar the Nantucket had rammed the Monroe at eon January I Oth. In addition to the original claim of tt.OOO.OOO other claims cam be filed until May aoth. Th. Nantucket la to be .old -ebie Stowen. ' i ' ' , UADr-u in toia MARCH 30 1914. BGjRAPH """TSj' V =,= : . -.? an?r~; ; -.- -g<?, , ^ It?; y I I t'U s.. Sfe:' ) Active . lister's Resvlution women have taken to the leu displaying. bat lesa Indispensable part learning to treat tbe wounded etc. Herewith la akown a departure from the customary in tbat women are befog taugrt eotoethlng aloe bestdee naralng, that ot communicating with a force miles away. This pa*t of war lias heretofore been left entirely to man. and thla picture may therefore be taken as a boost by the 'rotee-for-women' sympathlin HELD [ODD JEEIIIC Met at The Christian Church Yesterday Afternoon. Addressed By Hon. H. S. Ward. To Circulate a Petition. The meeting of the Bsr>c*-PhUathee City Union at the Christian Church yesterday afternoon at three o'clock was a very enthusiastic one and tho outlook for the work the union has In band certainly has a propitious futi^re. Quit? a large number were present from the respective churches and they had the pleasure of listening to an admirable address on "The Early Closing of Stores." by Hon. H. 8. Ward. It Is needles* to 9*7 that the speaker proved equal to the occasion and handled his subject la a war to convince those who oppose the scheme that the early closing of the stores Is right and Just. After the address a resolution was presented from the First Methodist Church Baracas advocating the closing of the stores at ten o'clock Saturday nights and asked that a petition be circulated among the merchants. The Baraca-Phllathea Union heartily endorsed the resolution and passed It unanimously. The president of the union will, some thne this week appoint a committee to circulate a petition among the merchants with this end in view. The musical feature of the meeting waa much enjoyed, particularly the selections rendered by the Baraca orchdstra (Composed of Mrs. WilUam Singleton and Messrs C. F. Bland. R.' A. G. Barnes, Z. N. Leggett and R. 8. Wright. It's Restful la Washington Park. WE HAVE EMPLOYED MR. CRNest Kuns of Portamonth, Vs.. a pracitcal and up-to-date baker. We are now prepared to serve the pnbllc with the sry host of ! 19# i l-24-lwc. mi ^ WILL CLOSE MUT8IH Tho Washington Public Schools sommencement in all probability will take place oa May 3th. While It has not yet been definitely decided this will no doubt be the date. As yet the commencement speaker has Sot been selected nor the preacher . co deliver > the bacca;aureate serttton '1 u. uculoi class th.a year ih coiupoacdKot the largest, numbei lU tho luetory or the school. bein6 kuirty-two. *ihe prospects ar? that the commencement this year will be in keeping: with those of former pears?a grand success. MANY VISITORS ARRIVE IN THE CITY AND ARE % 8PBNDNG THE DAY Quite a number of visitors from different sections of the county ar? in the city today on business, among them being W. H. Whitley, Hounertonf L. G. Cayton, Edward; L. M., Scott; Blounts Creek; R. T. Bonner, Aurora; E. D. Lew'fe, C. F. Lewis,: O. E. Lewis. South Creek, ond Claude Roberson. Aurora. FOR NORTHERN MARKETS Mr. P. Irloa of the Bazaar, left this morning for northern markets where he expects to purchase his spring and summer stock. iciir - TAKE PARI STATE MEET WUl Leave Wednesday For Chapel Hlil to Compete for Champions lp. Boys San-, gulne Success. The High School track team of the Washington Public schools, expect to leare Wednesday for Chap^ el Hill. N. C.. where they expect to engage In a contest with other team's of the state for the state championship. Although the members of the team have not as yet been definitely decided upon they are practically so. The boys have been working hard., and the outlook is that they will give a good account of themhcIvpr a.t thn state meet at the Unl versity. CONTINUED INDISPOSITION. The Unany friends of Mrs. Lewis, .mother of Mr. Thomas Lewis of the firm of L&wls & Calais, will regret to learn of her continued Indisposition. mW NEW THEATRE FOiUOIHT For the Ant half of this wash the Mew Theater hare in the way of vaudeville, "Smith ? Marino," an wceltent ?lng,ug act. Tnere >u l -minstrel act booked for thta houee for the sret half, hut the bookluc houee wired that tber were vending this splendid singing act Instead This set Is recommended aa one ol the beat ttare Is on tho vnndovllle sUge. Dut tho mere fnct that It It one o( Keith's acts, la aasnranoo thai It WON be all that eould he aaked for. so it you wish to hoar aoma ol tho boot singing that you have or er heard b. euro and attend the New rr^Tr. jor iooiroi lureo BWWV"V ^With Merchants 1 Regarding Freight Rates between Here New Bern end Raleigh. Meeting Tonight Chamber of Commerce Rooms at Eight O'clock. A. wu titod la tha Dollj Nam - 9 of Saturday one of the moat important meetings held In Washington in a decade la to be had a ere this evening and there la not a alngle bualnaaa man of the city who ahoold fall to be present for U means much for the future welfare of Che community. Mr. E. D. Kyle, traffic manager, Mr. Hi 3. I.eard, general passenger >. jf t^e Norfol* Southern Rallarrivo here tbls afternoon ; .jpu ? u( n.eetlng the busl-uj h.yperp of Washing- 'Ji a c nte.bnce will be held - .ire L u amber of Commerce rooms at eight o'colck. The conference la to be had for the purpose of hearing complaints regarding freight rates between ^Washington, New Born and Raleigh. The entire city should be interested*?interested enough that every cltlien should be on hand at the oonferenoe. FENCE REMOVED The unsightly wire fenco which has been around the front lawn of *k. k..<1dU> l.a. "53 VI'U II aa UIU|IUU DUUWI u tttiunn UBO been removed. It makes a decided improvement. WOMAN'S cmc CLUB CALLED TO MEET AT PUBLIC LIBRARY ROOMS The Woman's Clvlo Club of the eltyjs called to ri?et tomorrow afternoon at fonr-tblrty o'clock In the rooms of the public library. All the _ members are earnestly requested to be present as business of importance Is to be discussed. fjIHs hoi m - i 2 is. in Vlaltrd Cities In Florida and Cuba as a Member of The Gattls Touring Party. Was Gone For Two Weeks. Ur. Frank H. Rollins, manager of the Havens Orlst Mill, retunred home Saturday evening from an extensive tour of Southern cities and also Cu- . ba. Mr. Rollins was a member of the Oattls touring party which left Raleigh tomorrow two weeks ago over the Seaboard Air Line. The , party was composed of eighty-five I persons. The entire trip was a con Bp leu ou 8 success in every way. and Mr. Gatti*. says Mr. Rollins, Is surely an expert in his line for there was not a jar. complaint nor misunderstanding of any kind during the entire trip. The first stop was made at Jacksonville, where a day was spent sight-seeing. From Jackson-, ville the party went to Bt. Augustine, the oldest town in the United States. Here several days Vera apent. This famous old historic city proved of great Interest. Palm Beach, the wealthiest resort on the coast, was next visited. From Palm 1 Beach the next stop was made at 1 Key West and from this city steam! er was taken for Havana, Cuba. Four days and nights were spent In Havana and the party visited other points of interest on the island within a radius of two hundred miles. Mr. Rollins says that he found the soil of Cuba to be very fertile but that the people-were laxy and indolent. On the return trip Mr. Rollins and party visllted Miami, whieh he says la the most beautiful place ha ever saw. The etty la only 17! years-old and baa a population of : forty thousand Here wealth Is evident on all sides. At Miami. SeeI rotary of Bute William Jennings Bryan haa a home aad other great ? and noted men of the oountry. From <: this beauiifth city the party again visited Jacksonville and from there made the return trip arriving la Raf lelgh Saturday aaoralag at eleven o'clock Mr. Roiun. ?r> tk?? hi. trip ?m > nntOTr <*?t k. ipnt tod more

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