Loard, general pncn|?r agent, and J. M. She., superintendent ?t the Norfolk Southern Rallwmy. met the otmference held In the Chvnber of Commerce. roome laet night at S o'clock and the reeutt ot the conference area gratifying and aaUefvrtorr to the bualnces men of the eltT. The omclela of the Norfolk Southern - the bualnese men of Waahlngton feel, ore endearorlng In'erery wai possible, to render them good aorrlee, certainly ro It the schedule ea erranged at the conterence le an one of enthnalaam end the outlook for both ehtpper and railroad la sure17 one not lacking In lntereet. The achadule aa agreed npon will give - a decided advantage to' the whole ale dealero In hart tig thalr freight bandied wKh (more dlepatch and tha paaaengera trarelUng orer the Norfolk Southern from now on will hare no ctnae to "hick." A. large number of the buslnesj men and ebtppera met the official* ct gbetrnad and the conterence re - aolred Itaelf Into e regualr famllr talk. There wee nothing formal everyone baring a grlorance oapresi ad himself rally as did tee omciaii and in conseooence results war* as compllshed that mean much to Uu elty*s aqstfane. Tile mtsUng we., presided orer by Iff. c. F. Bland The main object of the conferees. jiiily Hi CHURCHES mil TV different church choirs I the city are now acursly engaged rehearlang their Easter muelc. T1 prospect a are that the Easter chur Boers will be prlslleged to hear t ?bhet mode on that find day in yea The day bids fair to be one son, and praise for the risen Loi The First Methodist Church era will rdnder the cantata "The C< anerlnt King." on Easter Sunt nisht. The choir of the Bt. F or'a Episcopal ohorch hare a 1 program tor Easter .morning. 1 other ohorch choirs wtl '.render si able mnslc. The entire city, ei dally the music lorers are look fnmM ?A COHiJag of Eftts? "XI wOii lEIf Adjutant General Tonsi ofl North Corollas National Guard, headquarters at Raleigh. N. Cl yesterday laeuad a eommlsalo Commander Charles L Mortt this morning the prouel of ot Battalion of the North Carolln Tal Mill tie. Conynandor M . was recently elected to this tion hy the offlolale of the rH at a meetln? bald here, to si C. J. McSorley, who resigned. OAPT. JAMF.R ?. CLARK I WHOHARBKKNnX The numerous friends of James S. Clark will bo Hen learn that he la now conra from^ his ^recent illness of j arrangement tpr the handling of freight and passenger. on the New Bern and Raleigh division. Prior to the conference -it was aaoortalned that the Norfolk Southern had already made a chihge in their echedule which went Into effect yesterday' The achedule as decided upon in about aa follows: Freight will be receded at the station here for the Raleigh division up to five o'clock each day; the train leaving Wellington about seven o'clock tho next morning. y Local freight for the New Bern and Norfolk division will be rgjjW#4j ' at tie station up tp the haul or tea o'clock dally for the troUt leaving Washington about eleven e'cloth Berries on the paaaengor trains was agreed upon aa follow* t*. Should the mornlnK Raleigh train be mora than thirty minutes late Belbaren pwenpi train aill take all paaaenners from the New Bern train and brtas them on to Wanhlnnton. It haa also been arranged that ! ahould the nlsht train (rem Ralelnh be more than thlrtr mlnutea ' late arrlrtac at the Chnoowlnltr . junction tho train from 'etc iiarn [ njaiK M Lovers of good masU, especU'iy in singing, should not fall to attend I tio the fJew Theater tonight for Smitfi I uh and Marino In "When Basso Meets' bo Tenor" Is surely a delightful sing I rB; ing and talking act of the higheafl of merit?in a word?par excellence rd. This comes direct to this fifty Iron I 31, New .York and h one of Keith's hes' II LjLy laat night were charmed. Whe| I et- U*e curtain went dears the audienc I uc endeavored to oacure their reappea he aoco. Mr. Smith, the basso, is I lit- former concert and light op?Ta sin I pe- or. Mr. Marino plays an Italia ing comedy part and possesses a ve I Bne tenor voice. There is not doll moment and their opening p< formauoe last night was a aonip uooa success. The "morles' we Interesting and inetruoUve. The attending the "New Theater tonlp will witness a program jleaali Instructive and too, entertaining. 9 mm i i .1 HI 'a or ? ot iTiti.' i Na- I'll* P?r.'jrau? ?t the eh'w ' I orton tonight trlU be tor the bei I pool- of ae Athletic Association of I atlltle Washington High School' OlS icceod the best photoplays to be tel. this season. "The Octoroon" la t I reels vlll be a feature besides vaudeville. A generous petro should be given at this Play!) ,1'KNT for thereby you are aiding the at boys In their efforts to have ; ^ AB -Wm 0 Woman s Screams In Arous . A woman's scrums bar* boon i used lor in any purposes. Tbo lat- i oat application la aa a bra alarm. When College Hall, one of the old- 1 eat and laraeat of the Welkosley Collego holdings got afire, the first ^ ouatl.'.j ^ th^"nr^Ko?*? and. wtthlnj 0 0 Depart This is Season of*Ytar Wkt Particular Attention to Seed Would Greatly Country Millions of Dol l Washington. D. C.. March 21.? I . This U the season of taw year when a the farmer should fiay particular att teation to seed potatoes, cautions Q the Dcparment of Agriculture, and n t*a ?HA of high Krade seed would Bacrease the returns from the potaj o crop of the country by many mil Ions of dollars. A conservative es Imate of the increase that mig'a 10 expected from the use of big trade seed 's certainly not less tba 0 per cent. Such an lncreae tased on the average porductlon \ ho past five years would amour o over 34,000,600 bushels, tavtr ,n approximate value of 131,000,0( >t the many causes which opera o produce a low average pota yield in this country pu.'e seed an important one. The Americj potato grower pays too little atte I tJ? U to his'seed potaocs. I I w The European growers, espeel ly those -of Great Britain and Oj many, pay very strict attention II the quality and quantity of sf II thoy use. This hap led to the ( JJf forontiatlon rot the potato Indus Into seed and crop specialties. T . seed specialist maries a business The- producing high quality seed, wl aeflt the crop specfhUet-produoes a h the grade table potato. No such > of ferentlatlon at least to the same ased- tont occurs in this country. W hroe it is truo that in certain soctf tho there Is a well developed seed nage tato growing industry but comp ouse tlvely few growers In these sect hool are paying sofflclent attention tc bet- elimination of diseased and un ductiyo strains, or to keeping variety grown Cree from mix with other variety. By far the simplest and 1 >r of promising means of deyteta >J. C.. high grado seed potatoes Is th B. > 1 K mHT? ... =-sffJhiM p i f j|^L|L ^ I SuF 41' - * I HB^hK' v'*_' inq Th? Students ???? * >y rom oocnp?4aK>( other dormlto tcs, the girls [L?M to the burnng building hjij mfMeded In mtng many valoapStoolta from the 11jrary on t?< ftSGgMr before the Ilsmes rjaenhd ,'Thu hall contain Mh-^Sna valudBfe' paintings and ??r?a o? art. -aHMs lidded greater to the loss ellJn r. ?" ??* ' fafU.UUU. AI (r\tZ~_ \JOOCL . merit Agriculture n The Farmers Should Pay This Product. High Crad Increase' The Crop of th Ilars. , . e*ch direction from reed to i>t? end of the tubei. The 4 pieces each tuber are dropped consecutiv ly in the row at a distance of fro j 10 to 13 Inches apart In the furro All tubers showing discoloration . the.flesh or other evidence of d - ease should be rejected, t By allowing an addJtlonajUrSpi1 b between each set of fours, the fc a plants from each tuber are defint e ly Isolated from adjoining ones, t '' the grower can readily observe i lt variation In vigor and uniform * the units planted. T j? method alio enables bjm to de 1,1? any mixtures that may occur in to variety. 18 ; At digging time the product each unit Is separately harves h- and a further selection made f the marked units of all those, w *1- most nearly approach the site, si k* rand smoothness desired. The to lected tubers should be numb od -.\ith both fleld apd unit num lf- and separately placed In small a ,*7 From each of th? units retained h? of the best tubers should be sell of for the next season's planting ill? is desirable to maintain the lBh tit each selection of the tuber titf- basis the following season be< ?*- it permits a more accurate con bile son of tbe behavior of each, tons _Tho hill selection method co; po- in marking the most pron ?ra" plants during the growing ? ions At harvesting time save only ' ^6 which -give gTefUst promise, pro-' the progeny of each hill sep iho Land take the same data as < ture eu for the tuber unit. Plant i tubrs* unit basis the foltowln son. For sake of uniformity, Inlte number of tuber*? S of 'i of .?should be p tun ted from ?? etlon .election P"roni "this point ' methods (tlren In the tub 'ore ?ork .bonld be followed, num- The onlr requirement. I Xl m- Bueceaeful praetlco of the twt eight- ode of aeed selection ? ure quar ?blo degree of pmlneuklnc ol tearlr the pert of the grower, eo i done Inch garden labels, a null * ln (Continued on. page to " ' ,* MARCH 31 1914. H up j P.W.Taylor as "Pooh Bah" Has a Part That Gives Full Scope to His Natural Ability as a Comedian of the First Bank. Id the role of "Pooh Bah"- the chief and principal grafter In kingdom of Japan. Mr. Ben Taylor has a part that glvea rfull scope to bi? natural ability aa a comedian of the first rank. . "-'*? :*** It can be ezpoctad that there will be eereral timely topics discussed and taken off by Pooh Bah and Mr. Taylor's appearance In this role will be swelled with interest. The Mlkado comic opera Is one of the wittiest and fetching of the Gilbert and Sullivan creations, with music of the brightest and moat tlmeful. The different speclatlles by the ; ? The opening vaudeville bill Karnplane and Bell, harmony duo, at ? the Lyric Theater last night, like the other attractions presented there since the present management assumed control, wan first class. Not Only Is the singing one of merit 31 both possessing voices of compasi Df and sweetness, but the Jokes ar< e- new and catchy. The entire stun m by these artists la pleasing and en w talnlng and the audience last even ^ Ing were fully repaid for their pree ence. The pictures were as usua * " up to the standard. The same vai devtlle artists will appear again tc ice night with an entire cbango of pr< mr gram. High class plcturos will t te- shown. >aa ?iii^? my III SHAD ? RECEIVED BY FISH I bers tcki I. 10 . Sevon thousand eight hand ?cte-l thad were received by the U It dealers this moraine via 1 itudy from the fishing grounds in i'a-unlt co sound. This Is the largest' =*ose slgnment of shad bo far this ipari- aou. Swindoll and Fnlford rt,; ed 8,000; J. M. Swindell ft Mists 1800; 8. P. Willis. 8.000 anf *W*g H. Sterling. 1,000. **?n The dealers have been busily those gaged since e*rly this mornlni Keep proseing them to the different arate, of the country. mtlia- . : in the OONTIXDED ILLNESS I Mr. E. B. Moore, one of Was * def- ton's honored ettlxens, still c< " ?ore Uee quite ill at his residence on eh bill second street much to the i on the 0f Ufa many friends. er-unlt , , HAS MOVED HIS OFfcK or the NEXT TO THE CITY meth- Attorney George J. Btudder reaeon- moved hie law office from the lort on iDg next to tho law office oi me 11- mone and Vaughnn to the bt P*1* of formerly occupied by Justice nr.) Peace A. Mayo on Market ft! ===================== ; . m Training School W Memorial Serv of Late Supi i'irst Conceived The Idea of era Training School. W a Moat Progressive and P< Carolina. on tMi IHI WIS iniii Mayor Frank C. Kugler held another Interesting court at Ih'o City Hall this morning at 10 o'clock. Eight cases were tried and disposed of by His Worship. Thbso tried were Lewis Graham, colored, as cbarg ed with tho crime of being drank. H<f was found guilty >nd attached with the cost. A. Murphy, colored,, had too much |booze" aboard Yesterday, so he ^ enriched tho city treasury with |3* and the cost. Charles Cole, colored, was indict-' ed lor haltis drank. Ho WM^flnnnUllilW,1 Ulniad, ??V boforo on Moc^5 WfcnnlUm- -ouool in b wuras Within the corporate limit*. Judgment suspended upon future I good behavior. mm MEETS HERE : WEB. Nil i t The Beaufort County Medical 80 - clety composed of all the reslden i- physicians and dentists of the count I. will meet In this city tomorrow 1- night at tho home of the president b Dr. H. W. Carter on Harvey street b Papers will be read at the buBinei >e meeting by Drs. D. T. Tayloe an J. C. Hodman and report of cast ? will be made by Drs. J. O. Bloui P. A. Nicholson and H. H. Hunte After the business session Dr. Ca ter will entertain, the doctors at luncheon. n viiiieiii j weji m (red Mr. Frank A. Moss la now bu HLCal engaged In erecting a four st )0at forty-four room apartment hoi mil- 'The structure when completed l:on- be an ornament. The plans HLea- speciflcatlona were worked out Hielv- Mr- Moss unaided and contains |Co., on,y a number of rooms locate* | C. the outside but the plans call f< J spacious reception hall and en. room. When finished Mr. Most I ex- pocta to erect same on a high (mar- at his home corner of VanNo and Second streets for the use lounging of the birds of the M I - variety. It Is to be hoped tha hlng- Martin will appreciate the tho n?tln- fulness of Mr. Moss and ez Iwest Quarters without delay. WE HAVE EMPLOYED MR. est Runs of Portsmouth, \ pracitcal and up-to-date 1 HALL Wo are now prepared to' ser t, has public with the very beet of build- Pies, bread or anything t ; Sim- bakers line. C. M. Willis B itiding corner 3rd and Market Sts! of the 196. reet. 3-14-lwc. ices In Honor J 9 :. W. H. RagsdaJe The East Carolina Teachs One of The Beet Known, tpuiar Educator e in North , Greenville, N. C.. March J1-? d (Special.)?Prof. W. H. Ragadala. * superintendent of. Public Interaction . | la Pitt county, Profeeeor of Bchool Administration In East' (Carolina reacehsr Training School. died At *3 Greenville on Friday, March 17th, 1 tmd wa? burled Sunday. March $ . 3 H? waa buried with Masonic hon- ,-j on. He was alao president of the 'j Northeast Division of Superintendenta of Public Instruction. Beau- H fort eountf laid ttta division.'All" . work {t Beat Carolina Teachera 9 Trhlflltfg School waa suspended on j Saturday and plana are being made *fl for a memorial service at aome day J In the near future,* j Ho was born in' 3rinvllle county in 1855. Moat V his life waa spent rM In Groenvllle an drained IP 91 he haa been Superintendent if P tt county schools. ,dB Mot. Raitsdale wa. ond of tha .1 belt knovn, ihoat progmwlTo and nou iar adocators In North Carolina. .A n? Las bean enr'sgr.J In ork In North'Carolina Tor miny 9 roars and haa Lad much fin W ? ?'? of o'sm " tT P'u ??mtr "* -ji- ftr"^ 1 aa tba 8*.JRSWjW; U5S?r? tool^^j hold of it until the. idea finally grew into brick and mortar and la now fulfilling Prof. Ragsdale's dream of ^ | ?ci?s>t?.8 ??i UMkwe* (ate 9 I the rural schools of North Carolina. When the school was once estabIIshed he did not let his Interest relar. He became a member of the faculty giving to each group of | professional Mudenls before they '9 J received the school's certificate or I diploma, a course in public school '.i^9 admlnstration. By his dally contact with the rural echoola he was a constant source of Inspiration to <hls colleagues and I students of the Training School. i \ From his daily touch with the rural I schools, ho brought them Into close contact with the actual conditions and practical vital problems of the -^9 public scJhoolA This practical knowledge of educational affairs I . coupled with his years of experience. | t his tane judgment, optimistic na- 3 | y 'nr.- and never falling tact, made I v him of inestimable value to the -~3^H school. The school In turn was an ^ Inspiration to him. Quick to asaim- ^9 |g | ilate new ideas of real worth, he d said he was always learning some- <3 1 }s thing from his colleagnes and car- | lt rled it back to the rural schools. | r It will be impossible to fill his r_ place in Pitt county, or In the* town a of Greenville. His death is a great loss to the educational work In 9 North Carolina. The faculty and students of East .9 I Carolina Teaohers Training TTRf^* attended the burial In a body. State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner and Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes, VI were among those from a distance W to attend the funeral. The enor- a I mous crowd and the beautiful flow* ers bore witness to the great popularity of Prof. Ragsdale. hmm i h! is exhibited 1 rest i, . pole Thg News office was shown an egg j rden this miralog the product of one of &Dd the bens owned by Mr. Robert L. 9 irtln Cotten. who resides on Bast Bighth Mr street, aid It is surely some egg. It 4 ight- tour ounce# and measures 9 gage eight inches In clrcumfereaoe.\ It 91 attracted considerablecariosity 9 ' wbereever exhibited. r - * If. Rootfol to frnhl??t<m P?rk. 1 ' tho BVHHBM IMP. j| J cakes ?_ d the Bup.rlnt.nd.ct of tlra Countr j ?k.rr, school., W. a. Prir.lt., m.d. . fl Fhpne D?n trip to hm of tho entry. ] . oofcoolo todoy. II ? :? .-m ' ? -.9

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