f Since March 1877 ( to the Federal Requirements la the Report. Tor Flr?t Time In Thirty Seven Y ear* Washington Haa Been Without a Military Organisation?Some of State'a ' Mated Ken At It'a Head. 1 Vn the tm tin* la tfctrtr-eeren j K' ran Weahlngton (Oder le vithout , a mUttarr company. Adjutant Oe? , k ml'L. W. Young of the North Car- 1 ollna National Uuerd. bw ordered I W that aompeny "0." a member of 1 HP* .the Booced Regiment bo dtebended. I* 'l? h told that too cmuee of the Ad' latent Oaaoial from dlSoraat town* , company failed to lira up to the . federal proTlatona. Sereral appltoaOoae hare bene made to the AdI " latent aOaeral from different tovna I aaxfoaa to *U the racaacr hot ae I pet there bee been ao eelectloa Be It bee been Intimated for aome ' I little time that tha Adlmtant (Jen| \ oral via likely to, take thle eouree , || With regard to the company here [* and vhUe It vae enudpated the ' neve of the feet vlll be known vltb I regret by the entire dir. M . Oannar "Q" hu al?tn occu Ipted a high place la the State Ooard Mm lta organisation on March 10, 4V7T, and some ot North Carolina's most distinguished cltisens hare keen lta commander, among them J being Hon. Jaa. a. Shepherd, exChleg Julloiltlll North-Caroline I Supreme Court..; Ceptalo Charleo r. tto WuUiim Mr; MmuI W. Bf II if 11. genfrml vollcltor of the Korfolk leathern Wlw; Col. X>. H. Bosun, ui othern. TM ft " Snira of tho compear when or,,, bind were Iim B. Shepherd, oeotaln; O. N. Bogart, trot lieutenant; fc>irln F. Warren, second lieutenant end D. 8. Lldden, orderlj MrNoent. All of CM store officer, are dead excepting Sergeant Lldden. TM folio via, have boon at the head Of tfco compear atmeo March 1177: Jan. B. Shepherd, D. N. Bogart, Cfcao F. Warren. Chao. W. Tarloe, J. F. Tkomaa. W. B. Rodman. Samuel Sloan t. Fred Mallloon. Ooo. H. H1U, E R. Handr. Norwood X, Blmmoao, yr. C. Rodman. Ooo. J. Btaddort. O. B. Wraae, R. B. Covoll and B. a Boon. Tfco going oat of commlaalon of; the companr to o keen loea to ?rS; TOCKG SON OF MBS. 1 UM THOMAS OFSRATBB ON AS FOWL* HOSPITAL If '7 ' Uv? alx rear old m o( Hi*, Lawn Thomaa m operated on { m th* Yowl* Memorial Hoepital yea I {order ?I St. H. ? Carter for adeI ieaida mad tooatl*. Tho operation It waa **eeeaaf*l ul the little follow I] it totUst oloot nicely. 1 missionary soonrrr or . * RMI MBTHODIST CBtWCI P WILL MHR FRIDAY i? V:\ . , ' The WeSaa'e KMotur Sodety 01 Of th* lint Method lot Chore* will F. *00* *t th* rooldtae* of Mro. P. I A, Klaheleon. earner of Market aid L roorth otreof. Friday afternoon at J| four o'clock. All th* member* Or* I'lwnu WlohM to nanoono* that aa Thar* M 4*r. Friday and Saturday nlthta. # . Aim p. t. and 4th they will Ink* H * treat aleaomta la latrododn( to Ita r W* foal free and aaoy in oarlog that (ha alntlnt and dan do* aet L thai than* two yoant American bean L ttao will (Ira. I* th* heat are* ?*B Mhltad U thl# olty any where, at bBH any Urn* or pi nay FMIOH WO *aQadally goarantea thl* net. a* It Ct'. yomea to our elty highly recommend tl from far and near. We raapaetK H a Don't tall t* ao* thaw, My one ' look ht th* ladiaa alone U wall ntlCR* i?a AID ISt. T ^ASril anded 't General Young iSBT' MEETING AT BET1U.C. The IMstrlot Convention of the >rder of Odd FoUot^i la meeting n the town of Bethel today and (Alt* * delegation /from Phalanx bd'ge left this morning via the At-, antic Coast Line to attend the meet ox There are to be two sessions laid today one at ten-thirty o'clock tad one this afternoon. The local ddg? at Bethel served a luncheon A honor of the visitors between the nornlUg and afternoon sessions* Mr. George Newman of Bladeerllle, N. C., Is the president. Those ittondlng from Washington were: KT. 8. Prlasle. J.- F. Thomas, T. W. { Phillips. C. O. Morris. WUford Whit A. ay, W. 3. Pippin. CHOIR PRACTICE, ^ All the members of the First 1 kfethodlst Church are requested to sneet at the church thie ?renin g tor the purpose of rehearsing the Easter music. Full attendance la 1 est red IK CITY TODAY. Among the Washington risltors today are Mr. 8. H. Oay of Jessaeds, N. d, Henry D. Sttlley, Blounts Creek. N. C.; Mr. Jarrls H. Boyd, of Plnetown. Congressman Smal Citizens r. John H. Bern hard of New i Orleans to Address Chamber of Commerce and Cltl- ' sens FMday Night en Watar Terminals and Barge Transportation. 4 The Dally News Is Is receipt o! the followlnf letter from Conrreesmen John B. Small which la acl(Barahard of New Orlaeaa, will adexp^eafktory: . , Ta the Editor:?llr. John B. drase the CSuunhar ot Commerce and cltlsens of Washington on Friday evening of this week. April 8rd. on the subject of water terminals and barge transportation. Mr. Frank C. Kugler, mayor and Mr. Charles A. Flynn. Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, will announce the place of meeting. Mr. Bornhard is regarded as prob ably the most practical expert in Che United States on the subject of municipal water terminals and economical barge transportation. He Is a native of Holland and familiar with treminals "and barge transportation as it axists today In Holland, Germany, and other countries of Continental Europe, where they hare developed barge transportation to tha point of highest efficiency. Mr. Bern hard has been instrumental in the establishment of a successful line of barges between New Orleans and Tuscaloosa, Ala., on the Warrior river, which connects with the fmmous coal mines' .of Alabams. He has also established a plant for the construction of self-propelled bargee, which are rogared as the highest type of barge for Inland waters, both from the point of carrying capacity, speed safety and cheapness of operationOur cltisene ' have* exhibited a most commendable civic spirit In providing for the purchase of an adequate water front -for a municipal terminal. Mr. Bernhard will Inform as how to construct and utilise this terminal with a view of reaping the largest benefit and, profit to onr community. s I may say as a matter of information that 1 have taken the liberty of inviting dreenvllle, Belbaren, TaTboro and Hew Bern . to send delegations to onr town for the purpose of hearing Mr. Bernnard. y'V Tours **ry truly.^ ^ ^ * - . Ifife -V, V \ ,n< . r WKATHK WASHINGTON. N Walking C - JjH HI >hoe-Boat Inventc Stroll Dc We ell remember the fete of thei auriet who paid $6 to be teken to uv Bpoi wneru turui waiKoa upon he water and was' then told that L would cost him $10 to get back, f Prof. J. A. Hrtchcock of Lynn, lata, had been the unsuspecting dividual who was a victim of this riok. ho would have shown the faLira a thing or two. He probably rould hare opened his knapsack and log up the shoe boat which he has uat Invented and informed them he rould meet them on ytonder shore, t is a contrivance which makes J Urges To Hear Address SISTER 11 FOR TOM AT LIE For the last fcslf of the week at the Lyric Theater the "Sister Team" will be the vaudevillo attraction In their singing and dancing act They are reputed to be flrat class artijfc and come to this city highly recommended. No doubt they will be heard tonight by a large crowd. The Lyric is now presenting vaudeville acts and also moving pictures that are more than praiseworthy. The program (or tonight is catchy and will be entertaining. ifTii) ONE EASE AT CITY HALL j Tber? was only one ease before I His Worship Mayor Frank C. Kugler at the City Hall this morning for trial. JameB Reitty was before the eourt charged with assaulting John Hardy. After hearing all the evidence in the case the mayor only attached the offender with the cost. MRS. CHARLES WAHAB IS CONVALESCENT FROM RECENT INDISPOSITION The many friends of Mrs. Chas Wahab will be pleased to learn thai she is no?convalescent from bei recent lllnesa. ' She Is among Washington's most popular cltlsens. MR. X. JOHN PATIENT FOWLS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL UNDERGONG TREATMENT Tha many friends of Mr. K. Johi .will regret to learn that he 1s now confined in the Fowle Memorial Hoapltal where he la undergoing i ooorae of treatment His man] frjende wi* him a speedy recovery J ' ' ON E t-F?lr Taafettt a*4 9H trnf. C?M . C. ^THURSDAY AFTKRNOO! )n Water - ''n lk'. ,i' t,\M 7j>. mm mm r Taking nvn Charles River walking on the watar possible. Tka professor Is herewith shown taking a stroll on the Charles rlrsr, Boston, Mass. With the aid o{ * noddle he can attain a onaad of four miles an hour. Instead of ealng a tender to get aboard bit yacht the professor simply goes down to the rlTor and walks oat to Where bis boat lied at anchor. If he encounters a calm he walks ashore. We suppose we will next hoar of the professor's Invention bains used by lovers who take dally atrolls on the neighboring sylvan brooks. IMW Efpil DO. CARTER mum" AT IRE Papers Were Read by Drs. D. T. Tayloe and Jno. G Rodman. Report of Caae by Dr. P. A. Nicholson. Dra. Louis Mann and J. T. Nicholson to be the Next Host of Society. Tlx* Beaufort County Medical Society met In thie city lest eight et the reeidence of Dr. H. W. Carter on Harvey street and proved to be one of the moot profitable and eftJoyable occasions of the many polled off in Washington In some time. .After thd business meeting in.which several interesting and valuable papers were read and discussed thi host served a buffet luncheon, covers being laid for eighteen. Thli feature of the evening sparkled with good cheer an merriment and proved once again that Dr. Carter and his charming wife are par excellency as entertainer*. The business meeting was preetd ed over by the president Dr. Carter Dr. David T. Tayloe read a very In tereetlng' and profitable paper be fore the society entitled, "A De ferred Surgical Diagnosis?Hen* Surgery a Last Resort." Dr. Johl C. Rodman interested his colleague wittt a very entertaining paper an< Iso exhibited a clinical case o . heart mifatr. Dr. P. A* Nlcholeot I reported a very Interesting case o Intubation, which was Interesting!: > discussed by the president. Dr. H W. Carter. Dr. Carter also mad some remarks on phartxxgltle h children. The thought* of Dr. Oai ter irere ably elaborated upon b: Dr. A. K. Tayloe. After the boat noes session the doctors were charm i lngly entertained at luncheon am r merriment and good will reigned tu 1 preme. i ri The netkt meeting of the soclet r will be |ield & *** on the fin . Wednesday evening In l(ay and wil An interesting service U looked for *t St. iter's Episcopal Church this aim. for the preacher will ba Rev. Ma H. Griffith, rector of 8L Kerr's Pariah Klnston. H. C. Mr. Griffith to no stranger to Washington poop la as ha is wall and favorably known here and hie coming ta preach [this evening will ba pleasing news to the entire city and no doubt he will ba grasped by e large congregation. The collection ?U this aarrlca will ba for Dlooaaaa Mieloaa. AH ara cordially invited to ba present. dm. m.~wtcakrm gobs to bstBel to operate on five patients Dr. H. W. Cartar left thla morning Via tba Atlantic Coast Line for Bethel, If. C.,* where he goes to perform operations on flva patients in that town. Dr. Carter's reputation Sa as eyay ear, nose and throat specialist la fast expanding throughout North fCJexottna. Not onfy 10 hav? a popular and highly esteemed cltisen bat fc prnctlcioner of anrlabla MW* \ < Uncle #*"1 "Sizes Up" Employes. The UAitad States navy yard per liana haal tK* mn*t rnmnlnlff mat Am for the qualification of applicants. It Unit Indoles In a physical examination. Thia comes a mental test, with the reaatftant questions as to fitness in any pellicular trad*. Sometimes Untie 8am goes wrong, but his lapses are comparatively few. He usually slses up yfais man at tke outset. The; Washington J Receipts Z El IHEAIBE 1111 For tonight and the last half of the week the New Theater hare behind lt? fool lights one of the great est acts that is now touring the Keith circuit. That Is James J. Morrison & Go's American's greatest pro-team actors. This act is a norelty and altogether different from the general run of raudeTllle acts. They hare made a great hit in erery city that they hare played. 80 If yon do not wieh to mlae the hMt *rt rrt the season ma to the Ne* Tbeatsr tonight As usual they will have tbas rnU of tha Wot associated fllmo. ACM NEWS. Spring has oomo and farmers ar? buay getting ready for farming. 1 MY. and Mrs. Henry Latham a pent Saturday night and Sunday with rel* atlres near Free Union. Mr. C. C. Harrjs waa a gneet of 1 Mr. Nulaam Harris Sunday. # ' Masters Howard and John Herrif " and slater. Ruth, spent Saturdaj -night and Bnnday at fialtestone 1 They report a fine time. Wo are sorry to note that Mr ' Clarence Boyd has the measles. Mrs. C. C. Harris spent swhili Friday aftsrnoon with Mrs. 0. M Watars. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keech and ohll 1 dren passed through onr midst Tues 1 day. ' Mr. J. W. Paul. Jr.. spent Wed J nesay with his unci# Mr. J. 8. Har rta. % Masters Alton and Edgar Harrl f ware visitors at Mr. Richard Boyd'i f Sunday afternoon. We think Wilkinson as well a 9 Acre should come out of their win a tor quatroro and lot us hoar fron them again. f Mrs. Vmlly Boyd and Mrs. Mils ' abeth Waters spent Saturday even ' 4ng with Mrs. Boyd'g daughter Mn 1 R. g. Boyd. , ho entertained by t>r. Louis Mann a ' this olty and Dr. J. T. Nleholson o 1 Bath at the horns of Dr. Mann oi 1 North Markot street. s jfl6iMiMMlntti?rini ii i r & -,v_ . Wash. Collegiate. t Has Jc ELKS rat REEM TO \ iHJIGHT i T?? On acoount of the address to be delivered by Mr. John H. Bern herd of New Or 1 eon8, on Weter Terminals and Barge Transportation at the Elks Kail' tomorrow night, the Installation of the Elks officers for the ensuing year has been postponed until next Monday evening. This step was taken In order to afTord all the members of the order to hear the address which Is considered to be of vital Importance to the city and section. MRS. E. A- LOWTHER STILL INDISPOSED AT ?ER HOME IN WASHINGTON PARK The friends of Mrs. E. A. Lowther and th?T urn laelnn will rorret u ceedlngly to learn of her continued indisposition at her home in Washington Park. Only recently Mrs. Lowther uaderwent a course of treatment at the Fowle Memorial Hospital and although able to return to her home she la still Indisposed. Since her residence in W*9h lngton she has greatly endeared herself to a large number and with her husband enjoys the esteem of tha entire community. Her early recovery Is hoped for. Lev* Washing!? ParkPost Office ihow An Increase Report Tor Year Give# Ai lacraaae of S2.M1.96 Ovei That of the Preceding Year Money Order Business Haj Thrlbledln Past Five Years Showing Creditable. The first quarter of the Washing | ton Postolfice ended on March 31 and the receipts should be a sou re of pleasure to the bualness men o tho city. The receipts of the of flee for the flrat quarter tnls yea shows an Increase of $395.10 ove 'he corresponlng quarter of las year. Notwithstanding that the pa eel post department has been adde and tho banking department, whtc glvea the employee much addition! work there has been no Increaa made In tha working force of th office, wnlch goes to show how we Poftmaeter Paul and hla able aula ante have performed their dutlei The banking depatrment waa adde two years ago and the parcel poi eighteen months ago. The mont order department has practical! thrlbled during the paat five fear The stamp salee for the last fot years has Increased about $8,000 < ' $8,000 per year yet the fact is n torioua?JhaL the office has the san force it'did four years ago. comparison of the reclpts < 1 the office for the years 1812 si r 1918 follow: For the quarter ending June 8 1918. the reclpts were $4,086.71 quarter ending September 80, $1 697.00; quarter ending Decemb $1, $4,976.86; quarter quarter en ing March 81. 1918, -4.697.4 This totals the receipts for the ye ending March 81. 1918, $17,406.0 For the quarter ending June 8 1918, the receipts were $4,016.7 quarter ending September 80, $< 669.89; quarter ending Decemb 81, $6,816.87; for the quarter en ing March 81. 1914. $6,098.60. T tal receipts for the year endi: March 81. 1914, were $19,468.0 The increase of the year's recelj for the years 1918 and 1914 eh< an increase of $8,061.91. The above report Is a most cr< (table one and Postmaster Paul a his assistants should feel good ov the result. o , , f Wsrld's Largest Plant \ The laraest plant in the world f Mid to be a species of sub-tropic ? see weed wbtob grows sbmetlmea I feet la length. f liinl r n'iiffMrnin A ' ===s== No. 29 " Institute tint Entertainment i f Second Affair Of Present Session -v Society o( the GtrJ^y ; Debet. Ins Club Ok iterestlnj ( Program?The "W. C I" Song Composed by Mlaa Helen Kear Heard For The ; First Time. At the Washington Collegiate In* ' stltuto last night there waa held a 'joint entarialnuient and debate by i . j Laniei ^Literary Society of the 0..iu and ue Debating Club of the boys. This la the seoond affair of thia kind that has been held at the Institute, and it wag enjoyed eren moer than the flrat. The first number on the program was a song entitled "W. C. L Song" and rendered by a double quintette composed of Miss Martha E. Smith, toacher of music, and the following students: Miss Robena Carter, Miss Elisabeth Carter, Miss Mary GaSklll, Mr. Fred Powell, Mi. Lqlon Mann, Mr. Kllby Guthrie, Mr. Ulus Warren and Mr. Edward 8mlth This Is an entirely new song comnosed bv Mlsa Helen Kear and sun* on. this occasion for the first time, to the tune of "Old Black Joe." The words follow: Gone will be the days we'v spent at W. C. I.J Gone will be tbe tasks on which our hearts have sighed; Bright are our hopeB for the days of bye and bye; Yet we will no'er ~ fprget these 4ays , at W. C- I. CHORV8 We'll remember, we'll remember t Thes^ happy days gone by. Our hearts will ever fondly turn r to w. c. i, It Gone wm be the hours we've pug led over math., I Chorus, exams, debates are strewn along our path; Happy to know we've passed these *r trouble! bjr, < ii Yet we 111 ne'er forget these days at W. C. I. Gone will be the nights when you Blip out after bells, 9 Odors of fudge the duty teacher f smells; !- She comes and tape,?we pay then r for our lark. Just hear that gentle voice recall,? r A Blc Red Mark! I t Following the song Miss Clara Paul delivered a most amusing paper on the subject of "The Memh bo;* of the Literary Society Ten Years Hence." tJowever accurate 16 her prophelcee may turn out to be, e there is no doubt that they were II all hugely enjoyed Judging from the amount of merriment and applause they evoked. How much of this ap>d ? I ?- - K?f vlrv. " tlms of her little pleasantries mar ,y be left to conjecture. ly Mlsa Elisabeth Congleton's play1 Ing of a piano solo entitled the ir "Melody of Love," was aleo up* 5r plauded to the echo, although It la 9* probable that aomo of the applause 10 was Intended M much for the performer as for the performance. ot The question for the debate was ,d "Resolved, that foreign Immigrants admitted Into the United States under the present laws are a benefit." The afflmatlve aide was represented ' * by James Montgomery and Edward r Smith, and the negative by Floyd 6' Smith and Andrew Rtggs. The Judges chosen to dsclde the issue of *r the controversy were Mr. Pollard & Langly, Mr. Robert 8. Wright, and ? Miss Helen Kear. 9:< After a hotly contested argument '?* in which each aide resorted & *r Scriptural quotations to bolster up d* their side of the ease, the Judges retired to another room to weigh Q* and decide upon the merits of the '0* points presented, and the auldence was treated meanwhile to a trio "8weet and Low" by Mlggea Carter, Panl end Smith. Upon the concluslon of this selection the Judges rend turned to the room and announeed ?r -their decision In favor of the affirmative. i " I -Railroad Ties Used In New Yertc. Z Out of the ltf.oeo.oeo railroad tHd wed each year la the United ttaOea. New York suppMes sheet six per cent, and oonsumee about 10.0ft.00t.

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